s2017 Pbs Pixar Notes PDF
s2017 Pbs Pixar Notes PDF
s2017 Pbs Pixar Notes PDF
Pixar’s Foundation Materials, PxrSurface and PxrMarschnerHair, are shipped with regular distributions of
Renderman starting with v21. You can find ample description and examples of their behaviors at our product
pages [Ren16b] and [Ren16a]1 .
The philosophies and main principles behind our setups date back to our work on Physically Based Lighting for
Monsters University and we refer the reader to a previous version of this very course where we described our
full system from that time: [HV13]. We also explained our transition to our modern path tracing architecture,
named RIS, in [VH15].
PxrSurface is the standard surface shader developed in the studio for Finding Dory, and used more recently on
Cars 3 and Coco. PxrMarschnerHair is also our internal illumination model for hair fibers, and has been in use
since The Good Dinosaur. This document summarizes the various features found in these two shaders, then dives
into a few unique choices we made, such as sampling, layering abstractions, energy conservation and specific
and novel algorithms.
1 These shaders also go beyond Renderman, as we share their inner code in various platforms and languages, for instance in our shading
and look development application called Flow, which itself sits on top of Nvidia’s OptiX. Our critical routines are thus written in both C++,
Cuda and ispc, which we have employed since 2012, see [VH12]
In a path tracing rendering environment, surface BXDFs are tightly integrated with the global integrator. We
will be presenting our modern integration and path editing techniques within our production physically based
system in the companion course [HVS17]. Lastly, volume rendering is beyond the scope of this document. We
refer readers to [Fon+17] for further discussions on this topic.
PxrSurface contains ten lobes that cover the entire gamut of surface materials, from metals to water to skin, for
all our films at Pixar since Finding Dory: 1 diffuse, 1 back diffuse, 3 specular, 1 iridescence, 1 fuzz, 1 subsurface,
1 single scatter, and 1 glass lobe. Each of the BSDF lobes is energy conserving. Our basic mode for combining
these lobes is a simple linear blend. However we supplement this somehow fixed uber model, with user facing
parameter layering material descriptions. This allows us the flexibility of a multilayered shading pipeline, while
maintaining efficient and consistent rendering behaviors. Here we call attention to the distinction between a.
compositing BSDF parameters and b. stacks of physical materials such as glass over metal. We will expand on
this difference in later sections.
2.1 Diffuse
We find that a single forward facing diffuse lobe is sufficient in covering all use cases that we encountered. Our
diffuse lobe can be switched from a Lambertian model to an Oren-Nayar model. We introduced a roughness
parameter to seamlessly switch between these two modes. See Fig. 2. An additional diffuse BTDF is added to
provide inexpensive backlighting that has a constant positive value for all outgoing directions on the opposite
side of the surface from the incident ray – a “lampshade” model.
2.2 Specular
PxrSurface contains three separate specular lobes. There is a primary specular lobe designed for simple sur-
faces. We have also provided clearcoat and rough specular lobes. The reason for the three different speculars
will be discussed in section 3. Each specular lobe employs state-of-the-art sampling techniques, such as [HD14],
and can be of type “GGX” or “Beckmann”, and its Fresnel behavior can either be controlled “artistically” (i.e.
with explicit zero degree and 90 degrees incidence colors) or “physically” (through a complex index of refraction
Figure 2: Basic diffuse and specular lobes. Top left to right: diffuse lobes going from Lambertian to Oren-Nayar. The middle row illustrates
dielectric specular behavior. The bottom row illustrates metallic specular.
(a) Array of simple example materials shaded with Bump To (b) Concentric micro-scratch patterns that follow strong
Roughness light-sources
Figure 3: Sub-displacement “microfeatures” in Cars 3, shaded with Bump To Roughness mapping. The spheres represent stripped-down
versions of our shader for illustration purposes. The car paint shader focuses on a traditionally difficult-to-achieve look with other methods.
on the filter size of the pixel with relation to the texel, the value of the displacement is different. The render can
thus take on vastly different looks depending on that relationship. At distance, a great looking and intricately
textured surfaces can be “filtered away” to make that surface look smooth and “plastic-y”.
We refer to the following pieces of work: [OB10], [Dup+13] and [HKL14]. They all independently tackled this
particular issue and arrived at similar ideas and mathematical models, but with different implementations that
suited their end rendering systems and illumination models. The other similar methods are referred to as LEAN
and LEADR mapping. Note these these algorithms were mostly derived for Gaussian-style specular lobes (such
as Beckmann), but we found that they work pretty well with GGX.
With a micro-facet based specular BSDF, one can turn bump-maps, normal-maps and displacement-maps into
statistically-based slope maps. By using standard filtering kernels of these mip-mapped textures, one can recon-
struct the microfacet distribution as well as anisotropy of the BSDFs analytically. An additional benefit is that
one can shade small sub-displacement-scale features that were previously hard or impossible to achieve. This
class of features include things like car paint metal flakes, tiny multi-directional microscratches on hard surfaces
that form concentric scratch patterns that follow the sun (like in a metal spoon), carbon fibers, brushed metals
with variation in the brushing, as in Figures 3 and 4, as well as high-sheen cloth materials such as silk and satin.
These materials previously relied on ad-hoc, per-asset-type shading methods that filtered poorly and sometimes
relied on aliased patterns to work.
Figure 4: Louise from Cars 3 ©Disney/Pixar 2017. She is an older but very well maintained vehicle. Bump To Roughness mapping is also
used to achieve subtle aging effects on her chrome and painted materials.
3.1 Sampling on Multi-Lobe BSDFs
As described in the previous section, production BSDFs are usually composed of multiple simple BSDFs (that we
call lobes). From the point of view of the integrator though, we need to be able to ask for a sample independently
of the number of lobes inside an uber BSDF, in a transparent manner. If we have a pure diffuse object, then it’s
easy: just call a Lambertian cosine weighted sampling function. If we have a mix of a diffuse and a specular lobe,
we first need to choose which lobe will be responsible for sampling a direction. Therefore the sampling process
is decomposed into two stages:
1. Compute probabilities for each lobe, then select one according to these probabilities.
2. Use the chosen lobe to generate a sampling direction and corresponding BSDF value and pdf.
To perform 1, we need an importance metric for every lobe. For diffuse, we can simply take the albedo. For
a more complex lobe like specular, the raw albedo is a very bad estimate because of the strong Fresnel effect.
That being said, we can’t compute the Fresnel yet, since the outgoing direction l is unknown until 2. Thus in
PxrSurface (and PxrMarschnerHair), for this importance estimation phase, we use an approximation of the
Fresnel, based only on the incoming direction v. Refer to Figure 6c and Figure 6d to appreciate the variance
reduction with this approach.
In order to reduce variance even more, we can use one-sample MIS (see [VG95]) between the lobes:
Figure 5: For this Cornell box render, we zoom in to the cropped locations.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6: We zoom in two areas of interest (and increase contrast) to show the effect of the sampling strategies discussed in section 3.1.
Figures 6a and 6b demonstrate the difference between whether or not we use one-sample MIS after lobe picking. Figures 6c and 6d
demonstrate the difference between whether or not we use Fresnel estimates for lobe picking.
1. Compute probabilities for each lobe, then select one according to these probabilities.
2. Use the chosen lobe to generate a sampling direction and compute the corresponding values and pdfs for
the whole BSDF (all the lobes).
Resulting differences are shown in Figure 6a and Figure 6b. Going back to our specular-diffuse example, we first
compute the pdfs of choosing the lobes, α spec and α diff .
3.2 Parameter Compositing
Historically, we implemented our surface shaders to support an arbitrary number of physically-based BSDFs
and composited the result of the illuminated BSDFs. During Monsters University and The Good Dinosaur, we
also leveraged coshaders in the Reyes rendering architecture for dynamically allocating BSDFs as needed (see
again [HV13]).
In contrast, PxrSurface has a fixed number of BSDFs. The material parameters are precomposited in parameter
space and illumination is run on these fixed BSDFs. In practice, because materials can be layered in abstractions
for end-user artists, our current system is a good compromise between the flexibility of production and the per-
formance and predictability of the fixed number of BSDFs.
The input parameters are layered upstream with a pattern shader that comprises of multiple “material layers”.
In Pixar language, a “material” is an abstraction of a type of substance that can be identified. For example “Skin”
is a material and a “Dirt” material can be layered on top of “Skin”. Materials can be daisy-chained with these
pattern shaders. Each material layer’s input and output are standardized such that they can be composited with
any other material layer. For example the same “Dirt” material layer can be used to cover a “Metal” material
layer or a “Plastic” material layer. The final input parameter results are fed into PxrSurface to be illuminated
in the renderer.
To use a concrete example, Figure 7 is a render of McQueen from Cars 3 and Figure 8 is the composition di-
agram of its metal flake car paint. Car paint is a complex material. It is composed of a metal flakes medium with
a clear polyurethane layer on top so there are one diffuse and two specular lobes in this composite material.
The energy not reflected by the clearcoat layer is transmitted down through to the undercoat metallic layer and
then reflected back out through the clearcoat layer again. Further more, we have sticker layers, dirt-and-grime
layers, mud-layers that composites on top of the car paint layer. This can get fairly complicated.
The trick here is to think of each of the visual components seperately. Car Paint itself is composed of a regular
diffuse, a specular BRDF and a clearcoat specular BRDF. A set of combined diffuse and specular BRDFs model the
solid paint (that contains the metal flakes). The clearcoat specular models the clear, shiny polyurethane layer,
which covers the base paint. The next layer is a metallic sticker layer. The metallic sticker is fully opaque and
is a simple material with one specular lobe. When we apply the metallic sticker layer on top of the base paint
layer, it makes sense to composite it over the specular layer, and kill the presence of the clearcoat layer. We want
to composite metallic specular of the sticker over metallic specular and the car paint because of their simularity
in material properties. In this case, sticker does not have a clearcoat component.
However for the dirt layer, we need to composite diffuse, clearcoat and specular BRDF parameter values, even
though we normally don’t associate the dirt layer itself as being very specular. Since the coverage is not 100%
opaque, we would like to modify the roughness values of the specular and clearcoat lobes underneath. For this
we add low intensity but high roughness specular parameters and composite these parameters over the other
layers. For most of the parameters, we can composite with traditional [PD84] “Over” operations. The fact that
the “Dirt” material modified color, specular intensity and roughness of “Metallic Sticker” and “Car Paint” makes
the final illumination look like the dirt is on top. Thus the final BSDF input parameters are just the aggregate
data from the operations that happened upstream of PxrSurface.
Figure 7: McQueen’s shading from Cars 3 ©Disney/Pixar 2017 has many layers of materials. Note that the dirt composites over the chrome
wrap logos and both composite over the base paint layer. At render time the material parameters are composited to run over the same
One additional note is that we draw distinctions between clearcoat, specular and roughspecular BRDFs. Even
though fundamentally they are based on the same Beckmann or GGX models that can be set with a variety of
roughness and Fresnel ranges, we make some conceptual distinction for practical reasons. “Clearcoat” is meant
to be the dielectric interface at the top of a material. It usually has a very low roughness that is lower than 0.1,
unless it is moderated with a dusty material on top. The “specular” BXDF usually describes a rougher material.
Usually it somewhere between 0.1 and 0.4. This can be the top interface of materials such as plastic or simple
metal, or a sub-layer of a compound material such metal flakes in car paint, or the fibrous layer of varnished
wood. Some complex materials can require longer tails in their BXDF profiles. Although GGX provides us with
one way to achieve this, sometimes this rougher specular needs to be art-directed. We provide an additional
roughspecular BRDF for that very purpose. This “roughspecular” BRDF is usually rougher than “specular”, with
roughness in the range that is greater than 0.4. It can be used by itself or in conjunction with the regular “specu-
lar” BRDF to create appealing highlights. This mental model makes the layering of material types more intuitive
to the end users and we achieve better visual results.
Figure 8: Physical car paint layering diagram
(a) Without energy compensation (b) With energy compensation
Figure 9: Fresnel Energy Compensation for the clearcoat layer. We note the differences in the reflection in the highlighted areas of this figure.
The image on the left looks washed out and “dusty” without energy compensation. Where the right image with energy compensation looks
more physically realistic and glossy.
Another example is that PxrSurface ships with “Jensen”, “D’Eon” and “Burley” diffusion profiles (for reference,
the latter is described in [Chr15]) . Additionally, we implemented a novel subsurface approach using path-traced
volumetric scattering which represents a significant advancement. It captures zero and single scattering events
of subsurface scattering implicit to the path-tracing algorithm. The user can also adjust the phase-function of
the scattering events and change the extinction profiles: Figure 10 shows the effect of manipulation the new
bleed parameter in the non-exponential profile. It comes with the standardized color inversion features for in-
tuitive albedo input. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first commercially available rendering system to
model these features and the rendering cost is comparable to classic diffusion subsurface scattering models. The
implementation details of this technique is beyond the scope of this course note. Please refer to [WVH17] for
The parameters of various BSSRDF models internal to the algorithms themselves are often physically based
and hard to understand. All of our subsurface models have albedo inversion to make it easier for end users
(see [Her12] for what this means under the hood). That is, the end user can always specify an albedo color and
a Diffuse Mean Free Path. An additional benefit of this approach is that when the DMFP becomes shorter than
the pixel width, we can safely switch from a BSSRDF to a simple Lambert BRDF to achieve a dynamic LOD of
our rendering methods without any user intervention.
(a) bleed=0.0 (b) bleed=0.1 (c) bleed=0.3 (d) bleed=0.5
Figure 10: Path-traced subsurface with non-exponential profile. We vary the “bleed” prameter. A “bleed” of 0 is equivalent to the exponential
profile. Head data courtesy of Infinite Realities via Creative Commons.
(a) Jensen (b) D’Eon (c) Burley (d) Path-Traced
Figure 11: Visual differences between the provided subsurface illumination models in PxrSurface. Path-traced includes zero and single
scatter and is thus brighter.
Figure 12: Subsurface illumination models provided by PxrSurface. Note the behavior of the scattering in the shadowed areas.
termination is desired, we can use the “Burley” profile (Figure 11c). Refer to Figure 12 for a closer view over
the shadow area. The “path-traced” models (Figure 11d) are fairly new for our productions. The advantage of
these techniques is that we can eliminate much of the visual artifacts present in the diffusion-based approaches,
because they do not make the regular assumptions of the geometry being a locally flat semi-infinite medium.
Figure 13: Historically, blond hair has been harder to achieve than darker hair types in shading. PxrMarschnerHair can achieve the blond
look effectively with path-traced multiple scattering
PxrMarschnerHair implements [Mar+03]’s seminal hair illumination model with importance sampling. We
refer to our tech memo [Pek+15] for full details. PxrMarschnerHair also accounts for the residual energy left
after the R, TT, TRT and Glints lobes through an additional diffuse lobe (which we recommend to set at type
“Zinke” rather than “Kajiya”). This hair shader can reproduce dark and light hair (recent example of blond hair
in Figure 13) and animal fur effectively in a path-traced production context.
(a) input albedo, artist specified fiber col- (b) no inversion, direct illumination, no (c) no inversion, global illumination and
ors shadowing shadowing
(d) with inversion, white light (e) with inversion, interior lighting (f) with inversion, exterior lighting
Unlike surface shading, volumetric scattering and shadowing from fiber to fiber changes the perceived lightness,
hue and saturation of a groom. To illustrate this problem see Figure 14. Figure 14a shows the direct input albedo
for TT, TRT and GLINTS and the Residual Diffuse. The combined BXDF is energy–balanced based on the first
principles described by [Mar+03]. Figure 14b is illuminated by a white furnace environment (i.e. a light source
emitting 1 everywhere) without shadowing. Note that the R term is white, hence the slightly more desaturated
results. Also note that the Fresnel effect is illustrated in Figure 14b, where R is more intense near the “north
pole” of the groom spheres. However, with shadowing and multiple scattering the hair “volume” appears much
darker and more desaturated in Figure 14c and the perceived hue is also altered.
Similar in principle to [Chi+15], an inversion method was empirically derived by rendering hair examples with
various albedo inputs. We back-solve for a curve that would invert the input perceptual albedo with an desired
output fiber albedo. Figures 14d, 14e and 14f demonstrate that this inversion scheme provides predictably illu-
minated results under various lighting conditions.
Related to this, in PxrSurface, we utilized the R term of PxrMarschnerHair and created a fuzz BXDF [Ren16b]
for inexpensive, illumination-based fuzz. Generally used to simulate short fuzzes in shading, we can render these
surfaces without creating additional grooming geometries. This BRDF uses the surface normal instead of the the
curve tangent as it geometric input. A cosine term is multiplied into the result so there is no abrupt terminator
In these course notes, we discussed Pixar’s two primary shaders, PxrSurface and PxrMarschnerHair. We
provided detailed descriptions, the design principles and some usage examples for both shaders. These two
shaders have been a work in progress for many years and contain advancements in many areas, some of which
we highlighted. Although the specific implementation details of each are beyond the time and space that is
available here, many of these are available to readers and are referenced throughout the document.
At the time of this course, Pixar is in the process of finishing Coco. This feature film will be the third to be
rendered entirely with our physically based shading system implemented for the RIS path tracer. The previ-
ous two films were Finding Dory and Cars 3. There were also two companion short films completed with RIS:
Piper and Lou. Going back to 2010, our shading and sampling technology finds its roots in the work we did
for Monsters University, Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur, along with the shorts The Blue Umbrella and Volcano
(all implemented under the REYES architecture). Production-wise, this has made the behavior of lighting and
shading more consistent across assets, shots and different productions. These advancements have provided our
artists new and exciting tools to create ever more sophisticated visuals in our films.
Most importantly, we would like to thank our colleagues in production, tools, research and the ®Renderman
team for their work in making everything possible. Film making is a collaborative effort, and we are so thankful
for the opportunity to work with these amazingly talented people on a day-to-day basis to create great art and
technology together. We would also like to thank the executive team for their support and leadership in making
this entire process possible and for fostering this amazingly creative environment.
Figure 15: One production shading example on Cars 3 ©Disney/Pixar 2017
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