Jackson Elementary Lesson Plan 1

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Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kendra Holtcamp Equipment (be specific, consider the whole lesson):
Content/Skill theme: 7 large cones
Lesson: 1 Date/Time: March 26th, 2018 Around the World Continent/Station Cards
Grade: K-5th Grade Class Size: 24 24-48 small cones
12 pinnies
12 Rubber Band Balls
12 Jump Ropes
24 beanbags/soft medium sized balls
24 Plickers with Student Assigned to One
Plickers App and Questions
Smartphone or Tablet
Digital Timer on Phone/Tablet

Safety (be specific, consider the whole lesson):

-Paddles should always be swung with light force/never a full swing,

if teacher is speaking all equipment needs to be on the ground, in RPS
stand with at least 2 feet in between each student, always wait for ball
to be returned if it has rolled into another court, never run infront of
someone who is striking for any reason whatsoever, be aware of
personal space and the space of others, keep head up and eyes forward
at all times and during all tasks, in worm squish, keep head up and
always consistently move eyes from ball and court to area in front and
around you

National Standards & Outcomes State Standards & Outcomes

Standard 1 [E6.4]: Combines traveling 2.b. Select appropriate practice options

with manipulative skill of striking in based on the similarities and differences
teacher- and/or student-designed small- between two skills (DOK 1-3)
sided practice tasks (4).
Standard 1 [E24.5]: Strikes an object 2. E. Analyze and correct errors in locomotor
consecutively, with a partner, using a and nonlocomotor movements (DOK 1-3)
short-handled implement, over a net or
against a wall, in either a competitive or
cooperative game environment (5).

Standard 2 [E3.5]: Applies movement

concepts to strategy in game situations
(5a); Analyzes movement situations and
applies movement concepts in small-
sided practice task/game environments

Student Objectives (ESWBAT) Assessment

ESWBAT: Recognize and value others self space as well as their Self assessment. Behaviors will be observed throughout
own while operating with an implement. the lesson and students will be given informal feedback.
ESWBAT: Answer 4/5 striking/serving questions related to
Cognitive Plickers assessment will be given on television.
Pickle Ball on a Plicker assessment at the end of class.
Teacher observation and video recording. Teacher will
ESWBAT: Consecutively rally with a Pickle Ball paddle and informally take note about which students are able to keep
beanbag or ball with a partner in a small-sided game situation. a rally (more than 2 consecutive hits) and which are not.
Video recording may be used to look back on.

Teacher Objectives Assessment

TWBAT use student names with each student at least once during Video analysis, listening to self and seeing if I was able to get to every
class period. student while also using his or her name.
TWBAT have students at or above 50% MVPA for the entirety of
Data collected by pedometers will be used to assess MVPA.
the lesson.
Reflect on any major issues that needed to be addressed during the
TWBAT manage the entire class without any major behavior/off-
entire length of the lesson and think about how to improve that for
task issue for the full 50 minutes.
next time.

Time Student Activities Performance Cues Organizational Adaptations &

(min) Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of Potential adaptations to
statements; closure teacher actions students; Managerial task statements student activities to meet
the needs of ALL students.
5 min Around the World Rock, Paper, Scissors- Instant No specific cues, give Original Rock, Paper,
Activity feedback to students Scissors may be
based on the exercise played as an alternate
-Students will come in to class and grab the pedometer they choose to do.
with their own personal nametag on it. Students will Students play in pairs,
place their nametag on their shirt. They will then open Safety! each pair will play
the pedometer, reset it, and place the pedometer on the against one person in
band of their pant waist with the pedometer sitting just Good sportsmanship the other pair, winners
above the hip. LEAVE THEM CLOSED. from each game will
advance, non-winners
-Students will come in to a huddle at center court of class will both go back
to begin instruction. together. This allows
for students to change
-Display a timer on screen at 5 minutes. partners and interact
with others.
-Begin music when all instructions are understood and
students are at Zone 1. 5 wait exercises
instead of multiplying
- All start at Zone 1 by zone
1. Place the 7 cones
-Find a partner and play Active RPS
around the perimeter of
the playing area.
-Winner moves on to next zone
Spacing can vary
based on group size,
-Person who didn’t win stays at Zone 1
age/fitness level, and
space available.
-Students that have advance from Zone 1 may choose to
2. Have all students begin
“challenge” or “wait.
at the Zone 1.
-Challenge= Another game of RPS is played by students
in same zone, winner advances (runs to next zone; non-
winner goes back to Zone 1.

-Wait= Student performs double the number zone they’re

in (Zone 3 x 2= 6 exercises) of their choice, once they
finish, they will find a new partner to play RPS with. -If
no partners are available, student will run around the
cone as many times as they can before another student
comes to their zone, they’ll say i.e. “I ran around
Australia 21 times!”

-Students have 5 minutes to get “Around the World” if

they finish early, have them try to go around again.

Afterwards, all students will be given 15 seconds to give

their classmates a handshake and say “Thank you for
playing with me”.
Good morning 5th Graders! As you are walking in, please grab the pedometer with your name tag on it and place your name tag on
your shirt. Once you have your pedometer, open them and press and hold the reset button down until the numbers go to zero, it
usually blinks 4 times before it resets. (Allow time for students to put on pedometers) Let’s wrap that up in about 10 seconds, if you
need help ask a friend who already has theirs on! Awesome, thank you all so much for being quick and efficient at the start of the day!
As you can see from the gym floor, we will be having a lot of fun today, but that’s only if we are able to respect ourselves and respect
others, what are we going to do? Respect ourselves and others! That’s right, thank you so much, 5th grade! Today we’re going to
warm up our bodies by playing Around the World Rock, Paper, Scissors. When I say “GO!” please walk to Zone 1. At Zone 1, find a
partner and play 1 game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. If you win, please move to Zone 2 and play again. If you didn’t win, play again
with a new partner. If you lose at Zone 2 or higher is when you have a choice. You can “Wait” or you can choose to “Challenge,” and
immediately play again with a new partner at that zone. Which two options can you choose from? Wait or challenge! If you chose to
“Wait,” then perform 2 times the exercises of that zone of your choice (push-ups, jumping jacks, etc.). For example, if I’m in Zone 4,
and I choose to wait and do jumping jacks, how many jumping jacks will I do? Umm, 6? Not quite, but thank you for answering, what
Script is 4 x 2? 8! Exactly, you would perform 8 jumping jacks, can do? Can do! Once finished, find a new partner at that zone to play
against. If you chose “Challenge” and win, then you are safe and move up a zone. However, if you “Challenge” and lose, then you
must go back to Zone 1! If there are no partners available, run around the cone as many times as you can and once someone is
available, tell them how many times you ran around the continent on the sheet, can someone give me an example? I ran around
Asia 18 timess! Very good, thank you. Now, please respectfully make your way to Zone 1 and find a partner, once the music starts
you may begin! I am setting a timer of 5 minutes, so let’s see how many times you can get Around the World in 5 minutes! (See if any
other students need a partner and then start music) (Give individual student feedback on form of exercises) Everybody should be
moving at all times, I really like how this class is showing me that they can respect others personal space while keeping their bodies
moving the entire time! (Play for 5 minutes then stop when timer goes off) One the count of three, shout out how many times you
made it around the world, 1,2,3! THREEONEAHHFOURONEWOOOOTWOHUNDRED! Great job, now please meet on the half court
line and go toe to toe with a partner. One partner raise their hand. 

Organizational Adaptations &

Student Activities Performance Cues
Time Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
Potential adaptations to
(min) experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of
statements; closure teacher actions student activities to meet
students; Managerial task statements
the needs of ALL students.
10 Aerobic Build and Break- Fitness Pinnies worn
min appropriately and over Knock down cones
Transition- Meet on the half court line and go toe to toe with  body entirely with different body
a partner. One partner raise their hand. Partner that didn’t  parts (knee, elbow,
Underhand tap to push etc)
raise their hand, grab a pinnie and put it on. Students with 
the cones over
pinnies are now the Bulldozers, students without pinnies are  Softly Partner builders
the builders. 
Sportsmanship and Include paddles and
-Cones will previously be set up so when students are positive encouragement balls (balance),
finished with instant activity. basketballs
Keep your body moving (dribbling),
volleyballs (hitting to
­These cones should be light so they are easily knocked over. 
Be safe and be quick self)

­Throughout the playing area explain to the students that  Be aware of other Flexibility exercises to

there will be two groups moving around the general space  students move around the court
during this activity. One group, the Bulldozers, will wear 
Head and eyes up!
pinnies and their job is to go around tipping over as many 
buildings (cones) as they can. 

­The Builders are to rebuild the fallen cones by standing the 
fallen cones back up. All students will have to travel from 
cone to cone using a pre­determined locomotor movement 
(walk, hop, jump, etc.). Have the students switch groups 
midway through the instant activity.  

Walk- 1 minute
Skip- 1 minute
Gallop- 1 minute
ROTATE! Students who have a pinnie give it to the closest
person to you.
Jog- 1 minute
Slide- 1 minute
Run- 1 minute

Transition- Have students pick up all cones and set them

outside of the boundary lines in two stacks. Students will
then go toe to toe with the closest person to them and then go
face to face across from the midpoint of the basketball court
(Perpendicular to half court) One person from each pair of
students will be given a ball and set it down by there feet for
further instruction. Students should take one step back from
the line in use (5 ft away from each other to start)
Partner that didn’t raise their hand, walk to the outside lines, grab a pinnie and put it on. Students with pinnies are now the Bulldozers,
students without pinnies are the builders. We’re going to play an activity that is designed to keep our hearts pumping and bodies
moving. The object of the activity is for the Builders to set all cones right-side-up and for the Bulldozers to flip all cones upside-
down.When the music starts, we are going to all start the game off with a walk. Please remember to keep our heads up at all times
and move around safely. What do we think the bulldozers are going to do? Knock the cones down! And the builders? Pick the
cones back up! Great job, I appreciate that everyone is paying attention to the rules so we can get started with the game! If we think
about it, we’re tapping the cones down underhanded and softly, what kind of game can that transfer to? I don’t know Think of a
paddle and when the pickle ball or tennis ball is coming closely to the ground, we want to give it an underhanded tap to make sure
that it staays up right? Yes So think about that when we move into our striking lesson with the paddles! Now, I’m going to give
everyone 5 seconds to spread themselves out in their own personal space, go! 5,4,3,2,1 Iceberg! I love how everyone spread out so
Script quickly, that means more time for game! When the music starts, please walk and become builders and bulldozers! (Start music and
play for one minute then stop it) Iceberg! Uh oh, lets try that again, I don’t have everyone’s eyes on me, go again (Start music for 3
seconds) Iceberg! Very nice! That was much better this time. Now, let’s change it to a skip! (Start music for one mintute then stop)
Who can show me what a gallop looks like? Student demonstrates Thank you Blaze, notice how he moves his back toe to his front
heel, go! (Start music one minute then stop) If you are wearing a pinnie, please find the closest person next to you who doesn’t and
give your to them, make sure you put them on all the way. Thank you for moving so quickly! Once again, if you have a pinnie on, you
are now a bulldozer and if you don’t you are a builder, WISG let’s jog, go! (Start music one minute then stop) Slide! (Start music one
minute then stop) Iceberg! I really believe that we are doing a great job in respecting others space so for this last one you may
choose whichever movement you would like, please stay on your feet and keep your head up and eyes forward at all times, go! (Start
music one minute then stop) Great job builders and bulldozers, if you are a bulldozer, please walk and place your pinnie on the
bucket by the door, if you are a builder please walk and grab the cones around you and place them neatly in two stacks right beside
the pinnies, go.
Organizational Adaptations &
Student Activities Performance Cues
Time Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
Potential adaptations to
(min) experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of
statements; closure teacher actions student activities to meet
students; Managerial task statements
the needs of ALL students.
30 Striking- Skill Theme Behavior Prompts
min Thank you, Isai, for
showing us what it looks Use a bigger ball
 No Implement- Toss Ball/Beanbag To Partner (Each like to toss the ball
task should be about 45 seconds in length each) gently and respectfully Use a lighter ball
-Back up one step WISG (Give students about 10 throws to your partner!
back and forth to each other before they move back) Use a smaller and
Remember, we are more challenging ball
-Repeat until students are about 15 feet away from each other always keeping our eyes
up and aimed toward Paddles and balls my
-Ask what kinds of throws they were using? our target after we strike be replaced for
rackets and birdies
-Non-dominant hand. Switch. I love how Brenden is
keeping his paddle 2v2
Underhand- Toss to each other underhand, letting the ball below his waist when he
drop once before the catch. hits and is gently Stations with different
following through! hits
-Non-dominant hand. Switch.
I really appreciated Serve up to three
-Toss underhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop. when Amelia needed to times if needed
grab her beanbag, she
Overhand- Toss to each other overhand, letting the ball drop ran around everyone Switch to non-
once before the catch. and was respectful to dominant hand right
her classmates by doing away
-Non-dominant hand. Switch. so!
Alternate hands
-Toss overhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop. Teaching Cues everytime the ball is
hit over
Lob- Lob the ball where it lands right in front of partner. Handshake grip
Poly spots placed
Lob the ball to catch. Watch object all the way where students should
into your paddle stand for different
Non-dominant hand. types of hits/returns
Knees bent
Transition- One partner grabs two paddles, the other partner Hula hoops to aim for
grabs a jump rope. Partners will find a line Solid grip instead of partner
 With Implement- One Partner Catch on with Paddle Fluid swinging motion
(10 Successful Strikes Per Partner for Each Task) Metronome for
-Back up one step WISG (Give students about 10 throws Follow through consistent timing of
back and forth to each other before they move back) hits in rallies
-Repeat until students are about 15 feet away from each other Step with opposite foot Hand striking

-Non-dominant hand. Switch. Follow through Lollipop paddles

Underhand- Strike to partner underhand, letting the ball Balloons in place of
drop once before the catch. Steady wrist beanbags/balls

-Non-dominant hand. Switch. Hit below waist level Shorten or widen

court size
-Srike underhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop. Non-striking shoulder
towards target Time how many hits
Overhand- Strike to partner overhand, letting the ball drop each duo can make
once before the catch. Find open spot on back and forth to each
opponent’s court other with students
-Non-dominant hand. Switch. counting and trying to
Overhand- beat their previous
-Strike overhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop. Eyes on object record

Lob- Lob the ball where it lands right in front of partner (one Snap wrist down
Same as above but
Lob the ball to catch without a bounce. above head

Non-dominant hand. Lob-

 With Implement- Both Partners Catch with Paddle Same as overhand

(10 Successful Back and Forth Motions) without snapping wrist
-Back up one step WISG (Give students about 10 throws down
back and forth to each other before they move back)
Over your opponent
-Repeat until students are about 15 feet away from each other
Medium height
-Non-dominant hand. Switch.
Fluid motion following
Underhand- Strike to partner underhand, letting the ball with eyes on target
drop once before the return.
-Non-dominant hand. Switch.
-Srike underhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop.

Overhand- Strike to partner overhand, letting the ball drop

once before the return.

-Non-dominant hand. Switch.

One foot behind serve
-Strike overhand WITHOUT letting the ball drop. line

Lob- Lob the ball where it lands right in front of partner (one Contact below waist
Step in opposition
Non-dominant hand.
Paddle motion going up
 With Implement- Squish the Worms!
-Students will each have a paddle and a ball. Diagonal side of
opponent’s court
-The lines on the basketball court are the “worms”.
Teaching Cues
-Students will try to squish the worms by hitting the ball
downward to the ground, and in control. Back to wall

-Worms may not be hit more than three times in a row, so Correct form
encourage for movement and have students count out loud demonstrating
how many worms they were able to squish!
-Teacher may throw a few poly spots out and students will be
able to hit those random “Bugs”! Feedback to every
 Serve student
Serve cross-court.
One foot behind the baseline. Proximity control
Hit Below waist.
Paddle moving upward.

 1v1 Jump Rope Pickle Ball

5 min- Using their jump ropes as nets, students may play a

modified small sided game of Pickleball
Script Thank you for being so engaging and respectful to others as we have gone through fitness and other activities. Remember, when we get out heart
beating quickly, we’re working on our cardiovascular endurance, what is it called? Cardiovascular endurance! Great, now, look around the gym,
do we see the paddles and beanbags? YES Great, now point to the closest paddle to you, WISG please walk to that paddle, put the safety strap on,
and find a square to stand on, go! (While students are doing this, teacher will place jump ropes down in a horizontal row so that none of them are
overlapping or are in front or behind one another) WISG, find a partner that you have not worked with today, go. Now you and your partner please
find the nearest jump rope to you and place one foot on top of the rope, I will know that everyone is ready when I see one foot on the rope, paddles
down on the floor, and eyes on me, where am I going with my partner? To the closest jump rope with one foot on it! And where am I putting my
paddle when I get to my jump rope? On the floor Thank you very much, (retry if students aren’t listening or all start to pick up the jump ropes)
Aly and Blake, would you show me the correct way to find a jump rope? Students demonstrate Notice how they walked, set their paddles down,
placed one foot each on the jump rope, then had their eyes on me. Can we all do that? YES Okay, go. 5,4,3,2,1. Iceberg! What I would like you to
do is place your paddles on the handles of the jump rope, once I see that, I will come around with a beanbag. Hold the beanbag until given further
instruction, go. (Give one beanbag to each pair) Thank you for holding the beanbags, take one step back from your jump rope with one partner on
one side of the jump rope and the other partner on the other side, like so (demonstrate with student) WISG, toss and catch your object with each
other, when you are able to get 10 successful throws to each other you may take a step back when you are comfortable. What can we do after 10
successful throws? Take a step back! Exactly, thank you very much to everyone who was listening. Go. (Allow students to explore different kinds
of throws that can be transferred to a paddle when striking) Great job, Ilhan, I like how you are stepping with your opposite foot when you throw!
Iceberg! What kind of throws were we using to get the beanbag to each other? Overhand, underhand, fast, slow I heard a few that I liked!
Overhand and underhand is what we are going to work on today and what you were just doing can transfer very well into striking an object with a
paddle. Let’s try a couple of overhand throws, go! (15 seconds) Now switch to underhand! If you’re comfortable please try whichever throws you
can with your non-dominant hand. AHHH What? We can do it, just focus on the beanbag coming into your hand and keep your opposite shoulder
pointed towards your target when you first start to throw! Where should my opposite shoulder be pointing? At the target! Great, go ahead and try
that. Great job, Jocelyn, you have a nice follow through that starts at the back end of your hip and comes in a fluid motion to the front of your hip!
Iceberg! The partner that does not have a beanbag in their hand, please pick up your paddle. If you do have the beanbag I would like for you to toss
it gently underhanded to your partner. The partner with the paddle will try to catch the beanbag on the top of their paddle, when you catch it let it
sit on your paddle until it stays still and then nicely toss it back to your partner, can do? Can do! Great, and how am I tossing the beanbag? Gently
and underhand Thank you very much, go! Christopher is doing a great job of ABSORBING the beanbag as it hits his paddle, and thank you Ciera
for giving him nice tosses. Iceberg! Now switch, if you have the paddle give it to your partner, if you have the beanbag, trade with the paddle and
start the same thing, 3,2,1 go! (Give more feedback in relation to cues listed above.) Iceberg! Now we will try overhanded, (give an example of a
good overhanded toss) notice how I am barely flicking my wrist, otherwise I lose control, the beanbag goes out, and I lose out on being able to
score any points. So what are some things we need to remember to do when we strike? Step with opposite foot! Follow through! Eye on ball!
Opposite shoulder towards target! Those are all amazing answers and exactly correct! Only this time, we are going to be performing the stroke
overhead instead of below our waist, try that with your partner, go! (Switch until both partners have performed both shots successfully, give
students around 30 seconds for each interval. Do same thing with lob shot but emphasize a stiff wrist instead of snapping, and getting it over an
imaginary person in front of your partner’s head.
Let’s play a quick little game I like to call Squish the Worms, the lines on the court are all big hairy worms and you need to squish them, WISG,
place your beanbag on your jump rope and grab a ball from either bucket beside me. You will hit the ball up and down to your self like this
(demonstrate) and try to hit and many worms on the floor as you can. Remember to keep your head up and be aware of others around you. One
rules is that you may not squish the same worm more than three times for pleas move throughout the gym but stay in the boundary lines! Walk to m
a bucket, grab your equipment, and being, go! Iceberg! I noticed that a lot of people were staying in control, how are we doing this? Hitting the
ball softly, not swinging our wrists, being focused when the ball hits the paddle. Great job, if you find yourself running around chasing your
ball, stand still for a moment and just hit it up and down to your self, watching the ball hit the floor then the paddle. Go! Iceberg! Go back to your
original jump ropes with your partners in 5,4,3,2,1. The partner with the shortest hair, please bring your foam ball back to the bucket and then
return to your partner, go, 5,4,3,2,1. Another element of Pickle Ball is the serve. Just like the underhand hit, we are bringing the paddle up from
below our waist in a fluid motion. Two more rules to that is that we have to stand with at least one foot behind the boundary line so can I have one
foot infront? Hmm, maybe I don’t know Yes I can! I only have to have one behind, the other can be infront. I also have to serve to the opposite
side of the court that I am on, so if I am on the right side of my court, and I am hitting diagonally to my opponent, point to where this foam ball
should land Students point yes, diagonally and opposite of me. Please try this out with one person serving and one person catching. We are
cooperating as a team so serve light enough that your partner can catch it, go! Thank you Leah for serving nicely to your partner! Great job
Genesis, Caleb, and Daniel, I have seen that you’ve been aiming for the diagonal part of the court every time! (Give feedback on cues above) (Now
you may get into small sided gameplay, if students aren’t competent enough, give them the choice to play with a beanbag, or keep working on
striking skills with any object.
Organizational Adaptations &
Student Activities Performance Cues
Time Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
Potential adaptations to
(min) experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of
statements; closure teacher actions student activities to meet
students; Managerial task statements
the needs of ALL students.
Plickers Assessment and Closure

Transition- One partner per group will grab both paddles, and Paper and pencil
walk placing them on the outside of the boundaries, the other assessment sheet with
will grab the jump rope and ball/beanbag and place them on same questions
the out side of the boundaries as well. Have students help
collect any other type of equipment that is close to them and Partner testing
place it outside of the boundaries. Students will then meet by Plickers questions displayed
the television and grab the Plickers card laid out on the stands on screen Informal assessment
with their name on it. where students talk
Cards laid out with room in about answer to new
Plickers assessment will be displayed on television for between them on the front set question with each
5 min students to reference, teacher should also read the question of stands in the gym closest to other each time they
out loud and talk about possible answers. Students hold the the television make a lap around
Plicker side up in relation to the answer they think is correct they gym
and teacher records it using the Plickers app on their Students walk/run on the
tablet/phone. Students will run a lap to “confirm their boundary lines, watch out for If time doesn’t allow,
answer”. They may also do a walk and talk depending on equipment outside let students relax,
how the class is acting that day and if they need more energy wind down, and stand
or to calm down. while answering the
Talk about questions and answers, then have all Plicker Cards
placed nicely on the front row stand where they received
them in the first place.
Teacher collects from stands at end of class time.
Iceberg! The partner with the darkest shirt, pick up the paddles and place them on the outside of the boundary lines, the other partner please pick up
the jump rope and your ball or beanbag and place the ball in the buckets and jump rope right next to them, go! Thank you for doing that so quickly.
On the front stand you will see a Plicker card with your name on it, they are placed alphabetically by first name so be aware of that when you are
looking for yours, grab yours and meet me around the television. We all know how to use Plickers correct? YES we do we use them with Mr.
Reliford! Awesome, well just make sure that whatever answer we choose, that is the answer that we have facing up. (Give them a silly practice
question to make sure they understand) There will be 5 questions, please answer to the best of your ability, once you have answered, walk to the
baseline and back to submit your answer. Where are we walking after we answer? The baseline Great, here we go. (Give all 5 questions and help
Script where is needed. Read the questions and answers out loud for students.) (Review questions and answers.) Thank you all for being so cooperative,
please place your Plicker card back where you found it on the stands, 5,4,3,2,1. Now is the time if you would like to look at the amount of steps
you took today, you may open your pedometers and look. We are only looking and our fingers are not going to touch the inside of the pedometers
or buttons right? Right Great, I’ll give you about 10 seconds to do so and when you are done, close your pedometer and look at the back. There
will be a number, place your pedometer in the case with your number matching up to the number in the square, Blaze can you show us how you
would do that? Yes I can! Great, what number do you have? 5 So Blaze already closed his pedometer, and is going to walk and place it in the
number 5 slot, thank you Blaze. After that you may get in line for Ms. Hoxmeier. Thank you all so much for a great class today! Ill see you again
on Tuesday!

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