Zuari Cement, Yerraguntla

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Slide 1

Plant history & Details

❖1985 –M/s M/S TEXMACO LTD Capacity – 1500TPD Cement Plant
❖1993 –Enhanced production capacity from -1500 TPD to 1800TPD
❖1995–Management Change to ZUARI INDUSTRIES LIMITED
❖1998 –Plant capacity has enhanced to 5000 TPD (1.8MTPA- Clinker) .
❖2000 –50:50 Joint venture with Italcementi Group
❖2006 –Become 100 % share holder in ZCL.
❖2009 –Clinker production cap. increased to 1.8 to 2.0MTPA Clinker
❖2010 –Second Clinker Line(2.3 MTPA) Commissioned
❖2016 – Management took over by HEIDELBERG CEMENT
2016 :
2010 : Took over by
Clinker Line CEMENT
2009: (2.3 MTPA)
Enhanced Commissioned
Clinker Product
1.8 to
2.0 MTPA
2000: become
50:50 Joint 100 % share
venture holder in ZCL
1998-99 : with
Enhanced Italcementi
1995: Clinker Prod Group
Management 1.6 to
1993: Took over by 1.8MTPA
Enhanced ZCL
1985: 1500 to 1800TPD

Slide 2
ZCL – Yerraguntla Plant

Installed Capacity (Clinker) - 4.3 mMTPA

Installed Capacity (Cement) - 5.4 mMTPA

Wind Power Installed Capacity - 6 MW

Solar Power Installed Capacity - 550 Kw

Product Range - OPC , PPC , PSC and MC

Slide 3
Energy Saving Projects Implemented during last 3 years
with No Investments
Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual Annual
Annual ment Pay
Sl. Electrical Electrical Thermal Thermal
Title of Project Year Savings Made back
No. Saving Cost Saving Saving Saving (Rs
(Rs (Rs (Mon)
(kWh) (Rs million) (Ton/year) million)
million) million)
1 Reduction of damper loss in line-2 cooler vent fan
158400 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0
2 Optimization of Quarry Water Pumps 175200 1.05 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.00 0
Optimized use of pet coke with red mud & 2014-
3 1500000 9.00 650.00 3.25 12.25 0.00 0
Increased clinker production 15
4 Optimization of Raw Mill grinding media 270000 1.62 0.00 0.00 1.62 0.00 0
5 Optimization of Cement Mill-3 grinding media 288000 1.73 0.00 0.00 1.73 0.00 0
Optimization idle running power by logic 2014-
6 401500 2.41 0.00 0.00 2.41 0.00 0
modification 15
7 Punch plate removal in Raw mill-3 693000 4.2 0 0 4.2 0 0
Avoiding Coal crusher running during imported & 2014-
8 74880 0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0
pet coke unloading 15
Reducing the line-2 water pump speed during kiln 2015-
9 20300 0.1 0.1 0 0
shut down 16
10 Replacement of diesel with pyrolysis oil 436 7.2 7.2 0 0

Slide 4
Energy Saving Projects Implemented during last 3 years
with No Investments
Annual Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual
Thermal Annual ment Pay
Sl. Electrical Electrical Cost Thermal
Title of Project Year Saving Savings Made back
No. Saving Saving (Rs Saving
(Rs (Rs (Rs (Mon)
(kWh) million) (Ton/year)
million) million) million)
11 Reduction of surface in 43 grade cement 2015- 249480 1.6 1.6 0 0
Coal Crusher bypass during fine (imported) coal 2015-
149760 1.0 1.0 0 0
12 unloading. 16
229635 1.5 1.5 0 0
13 Increased OK mill PPC grinding 16
Maximizing unloading fly ash in bin instead of 2015-
59705 0.4 0.4 0 0
14 unloading in silo 16
15 Coal mill CA fan inlet damper removal 14932 0.1 0.1 0 0
16 K String PH fan trimming 396000 2.4 2.4 0 0
17 Arresting leakages in VRM-1 158400 1.0 1.0 0 0
Arresting leakages in Line-1 PH and optimised PC 2016-
18 198000 1.2 1.2 0 0
fan 17
19 OK Mill Reject pipe modification 158400 1.0 1.0 0 0
Installation of Fly ash feeding to mill discharge 2016-
20 36324 0.2 0.2 0 0
arrangement 17

Slide 5
Energy Saving Projects Implemented during last 3
years with Investments
Annual Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual Pay
Therma Annual ment
Sl. Electrica Electrical Cost Thermal back
Title of Project Year l Saving Savings Made
No. l Saving Saving (Rs Saving (Month
(Rs (Rs (Rs
(kWh) million) (Ton/year) s)
million) million) million)
Optimization of Raw mill-3 circuit air flow volume 2014-
21 2079000 12.47 0.00 0.00 12.47 9.00 8.7
after reject BE installation 15
Reduction of Pressure drop across venturi in 2014-
22 726000 4.36 0.00 0.00 4.36 3.00 8.3
VRM-1 15
23 Optimization of coal transport blower in kiln-2 363000 2.18 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.05 0.3
24 Line-2 Pyro section compressors Optimization 1815000 10.89 0.00 0.00 10.89 1.00 1.1
Line-2 Cement Mill section compressors 2014-
25 1485000 8.91 0.00 0.00 8.91 1.00 1.3
Optimization 15
26 Line-1 Pyro section compressors Optimization 360000 2.16 0.00 0.00 2.16 1.20 6.7
27 Optimization of pyro cooling water circuit 363000 2.18 0.00 0.00 2.18 1.00 5.5
Optimization of line-1 Cement cooling water 2014-
28 330000 1.98 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.00 6.1
circuit 15
Reduction of pressure drop between bag house 2014-
29 330000 1.98 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.15 0.9
outlet to Fan inlet in CM-4 15
30 Street lights Optimization 62480 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.49 15.7

Slide 6
Energy Saving Projects implemented during last 3
years with Investments
Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual Annual
Annual ment Pay
Sl. Electrica Electrical Thermal Thermal
Title of Project Year Savings Made back
No. l Saving Cost Saving Saving Saving (Rs
(Rs (Rs (Months)
(kWh) (Rs million) (Ton/year) million)
million) million)
Cement Mill-2 bag house fan replaced with high 2014-
31 72600 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.44 3.00 82.6
efficiency fan 15
Optimization of Line-2 water pump by Installation 2015-
32 486382 3.2 3.2 0.8 3.0
of VFD 16
Damper and LRS losses reduced by installation of 2015-
33 316800 2.1 2.1 1.6 9.3
VFD for CM-2 sepax fan 16
Damper and LRS losses reduced by installation of 2015-
34 356400 2.3 2.3 1.6 8.3
VFD for CM-3 sepax fan 16
Optimised EEL packer Bag filter by Instaltion of 2015-
35 158400 1.0 1.0 0.45 5.3
VFD 16
36 Line-2 PA Fan optimised by Instaltion of VFD 158400 1.0 1.0 0.95 11.1
Direct feeding of cement to EEL packer-2 vibrating 2015-
37 633600 4.1 4.1 0.6 1.8
screen bypassing CB-2 circuit 16
38 OK mill separator Felt seal arrangement 150480 1.0 1.0 0.1 1.2
Line-1 Calciner coal firing blower speed reduced 2015-
39 198000 1.3 1.3 0.05 0.5
by 10% 16
40 CM-2 Grinding media optimisation 522720 3.4 3.4 2.275 8.1

Slide 7
Energy Saving Projects implemented during last 3
years with Investments
Annual Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual Pay
Thermal Annual ment
Sl. Electrica Electrical Cost Thermal back
Title of Project Year Saving Savings Made
No. l Saving Saving (Rs Saving (Month
(Rs (Rs (Rs
(kWh) million) (Ton/year) s)
million) million) million)
Cooler vent fan HT motor replaced with LT Motor 2015-
41 633600 4.1 4.1 1.6 4.7
and installed VFD 16
Installation of VFD for Line-1 Post Clinker Water 2015-
42 157680 1.0 1.0 0.45 5.3
Pupms 16
Replacement of 250w HPSV street lights with 60 2015-
43 48545 0.3 0.3 0.525 20.0
W LED lights 16
Coal firing blower optimised with reducing blower 2015-
44 201818 1.3 1.3 0.05 0.5
speed by changing pully 16
Installation of high efficiency bag house fan in 2015-
45 31680 0.2 0.2 0.8 46.7
cement mill -2 16
Installation of high efficiency bag house fan in 2015-
46 31680 0.2 0.2 0.8 46.7
cement mill -3 16
Installation of Solenoid Valve system In packing 2015-
47 298935 1.9 1.9 0.6 3.7
Plant for optimization of compressed air 16
Rawmix optimisation after installation of crosbelt 2016-
48 477 2.73 2.7 18 79.2
analyser 17
Avoiding pnumatic conveying by Installation of 2016-
49 330523 2.0 2.0 50 302.6
new steel silo for export and slag cement. 17
Replacement of 250w HPSV street lights with 60 2016-
50 138700 0.8 0.8 0.92 13.3
W LED lights 17

Slide 8
Energy Saving Projects implemented during last 3
years with Investments
Annual Total Invest
Annual Annual Annual Pay
Therma Annual ment
Sl. Electrica Electrical Thermal back
Title of Project Year l Saving Savings Made
No. l Saving Cost Saving Saving (Month
(Rs (Rs (Rs
(kWh) (Rs million) (Ton/year) s)
million) million) million)
51 Installation of VFD for Coal Mill FK Pump 184800 1.1 1.1 1.0 10.8
Optimisation of CF silo dedusting bag filter fan by 2016-
52 158400 1.0 1.0 0.3 3.8
Installing VFD 17
Optimisation of post clinker compressor power
53 by installing dedicated small compressor with 615938 3.7 3.7 1 3.2
Replacement of line-1 VCLM CA Fan HT motor 2016-
54 209052 1.3 1.3 1.2 11.5
with high efficiency motor along with VFD 17
55 Calciner Coal firing points connecting to feed box 203 1.16 1.2 0.2 2.1
56 Coal Mill-2 separator rotor replacement 237600 1.4 1.4 0.5 4.2
Increased usage of liquid pharma waste by 2016-
57 2877 16.47 16.5 12 8.7
installing storage system 17

Slide 9
Specific Energy Consumption
Pet coke
67.0 7.6 % 92.0 usage
66.0 Reduced 11.4 % 726
66.5 90.0 Reduced
65.0 91.5 724
64.0 722
63.0 63.6
62.0 84.0 85.5 720
61.0 82.0
61.8 718
82.1 716
61.0 82.1 717
59.0 59.9 714
78.0 81.1 715
76.0 712

56.0 74.0 710

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Target Target Target

Description Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Kiln-1 Utilization ( 4th stage PH ) % 57.5 43.6 27.6 65.8
Pet coke usage % 0 20.0 28.5 72.0
CK Ratio % 82.3 79.3 78.9 80.8

Slide 10
Global norms/Bench mark Data & Competitors
Comparison with Global Benchmark Data

National bench International

Specific energy consumption ZCL Achieved
mark bench mark

Thermal - Kcal/Kg clinker 725 667 660

Electrical-kWh/T of cement 82 67 65

Comparison with nearest competitors

Specific energy ZCL ICL, Bharathi Ultratech

consumption Achieved Chilamkur Cements Cement
Thermal - Kcal/Kg
725 834 722 723
Electrical-kWh/T of
82 102.5 78 84.1

Slide 11
Energy conservation projects planned 2017-2018
Estimated Annual
Sl. No Title of Project Year Electrical Thermal
Savings Savings
(kWh/year) (Ton/year)
1 Kiln-1 K-String top HP cyclones (1A,1B&1C) modification to LP cyclone 2017-18 1650000
2 Kiln-1 Old Pre heater Fan replacing with high efficiency fan. 2017-18 1868545
3 Raw Mill-3 rollers and Mill internals modification 2017-18 848232
4 Kiln-1 cooler modification ( ABC inlet ) 2017-18 1422.4
5 Installation of line-1 fine coal dosing system 2017-18 1832
6 Reduction of Pressure drop in C - line bag house out let to fan inlet duct 2017-18 372240
7 Installation of Pyrojet burner for line-2 2017-18 916
8 Kiln-2 cooler modification ( ABC inlet ) 2017-18 1650
9 Replacement of 70w HPSV area lights with 30 W LED lights 2017-18 29200
10 Replacement of 250w HPSV street lights with 70 W LED lights 2017-18 131400
11 Installation of mill scan for cement mill-2 2017-18 435600
12 Installation of mill scan for cement mill-3 2017-18 435600
13 Installation of WHR system for Line-1 and Line-2 2017-18 83397600

Slide 12
Innovative project- 1: Increased usage of Pond Ash
Increased usage of Pond Ash from 30% to 33.5%

✓Pond ash is having higher moisture and high foreign materials ( wood, stone) resulted jamming
of chutes damaging belt conveyors.
✓Also unable to feed fly ash requirement to the Mill resulted lesser fly ash consumption and
frequent stoppages of the mill. ZCL developed vibro feeder as a pilot plant for improving feeding
and separating foreign materials

Utilizing 100% pond ash for PPC production is first in India and In-house
design of vibro feeder for separating foreign materials and improving
feeding is known concept but applied differently and also it is beyond the
scope of OEM and having high Replication Potential in the sector
2282 Kwh / day , 10.2 Tons of coal /Day
380 Lakhs per Annum
Installing vibro feeder 30 Lakhs
1 month
Slide 13
Innovative project- 2 : Inhouse Convertion of LRS system to
LRC system
Inhouse convertion in Atox-20
of LRS system coalinmill
to LRC system Atox-20 coal mill

✓ZCl installed Atox 20 coal mill in 1998. Mill Main drive is designed with LRS system for running
full speed 980 RPM for normal coal grinding. As a sustainable and cost economic initiative ZCL
decided to use pet coke for kiln firing. Main drive full speed is not required for Pet coke grinding
but present LRS system is not possible to control the speed. So ZCL decided to modify LRS system
to LRC system by Installing heat exchanger, installing circulating pump and arranged controlled
electrodes movements from CCR resulted Main drive speed reduced from 980 RPM to 760 RPM

60 Kw
In-house modification of LRS system to LRC 10.8 Lakhs per Annum
system is known concept but applied
1.5 Lakhs
uniquely. This project is high Replication
Potential for the similar companies 2 month

Slide 14
Innovative project- 3 : Optimization of VRM-2

✓ATOX-55 is the first mill in Asia order by Zuari cement ltd with design capacity of 430 TPH. Mill is
taking higher power So ZCL decided to take the risk and modified the mill internals
1. Mill Fan trimming by 120 mm 2.Armour ring removed 3. Mill Internal Reject pipes extended
4.Water spray nozzle modified 5. Mill table area blocked by 50 Installed small receiver tanks for
critical locations

ZCL taken the risk and modified the mill internals . All those modifications are in-house and
beyond the scope of OEM and having high Replication Potential in the sector

Kwh / Ton of mat
Lakhs per Annum

Mill Fan Trimming After removing Armour ring Reject Pipe extension Water Spray
Slide 15
Utilization of Renewable energy ( % of Total Energy)

Replacement of Electrical Energy with Renewable Energy

2014-15 2015-16 % 2016-17 %
Description Capacity % Share
(million kWh) (million kWh) Share (million kWh) Share
Wind Energy 6000 3.08 1.19 14.81 6.68 16.31 6.27
Solar Energy 550 0.7 0.27 0.75 0.34 0.71 0.27
Total 3.79 1.46 15.57 7.02 17.01 6.54

Replacement of Thermal Energy with Renewable Energy

Fuel Savings in Fuel Savings in Fuel Savings in

% % %
Description 2014-15 (million 2015-16 (million 2016-17 (million
Share Share Share
kcal/year) kcal/year) kcal/year)
Biomass 91324 4.80 83067 4.84 17165 2.8

Slide 16
Utilization of Waste as Fuel
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017
Waste Fuel as
Quantity of Heat Value Quantity of Heat Value Quantity of Heat Value
Name of the Fuel % of total
waste Fuel (million waste Fuel (million waste Fuel (million
energy used
used (MT) kcal/year) used (MT) kcal/year) used (MT) kcal/year)
Rice husk 11285 36891 13925 45855 5107 13568 1.75
Ground nut shell 2744 8827 1790 6866 329 975 0.30
Bangal gram 41 121 20 69 1 1 0.00
Sun flower 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Sugar cane 42 107 59 203 0 1 0.01
Coconut 1169 2490 33 104 1019 2287 0.09
RDF 5683 13872 4931 17263 1426 4830 0.65
Ecalyptus 5812 9415 0 1 2 0.17
Areca nut waste 0 0 0 1 0 0.00
Mangokarnel 1582 2977 173 648 0 2 0.07
Carbon waste 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Dolachar 17242 41950 1862 5094 3031 8540 1.01
Shredded tyres 0 0 424 2798 943 5697 0.15
Jawar husk 9076 27019 6408.5 22513 119 326 0.91
Supari Husk 0 0 0 0 0.00
Subabul bark 1078 3475 1951 6809 1 3 0.19
Liquid Alternative Fuel 0 123.5 764 27 73 0.02
Spent carbon 0 630 1859 3655 4799 0.12
Liquid pharma waste 0 2543 6762 13187 16306 0.42
Solid pharma waste 0 2423 5781 14344 17963 0.43
Solid cake 52 246 0.00
Total 55754 147145 37296 123390 43242 75620 6.29
Slide 17
GHG Emission Inventorisation

Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 kg CO2e/ Total Reduction in
Year emissions emissions emissions MTof emission intensity
CO2e (MT) CO2e (MT) CO2e (MT) cement since baseline year
study CO2e (MT)
2013 2005334 223291 304517 838 Baseline Year
(Baseline Year)

2014 2170295 232377 273047 786 142,577

2015 1815948 185529 228503 773 -303,163
2016 2365370 214562 290683 773 337,473
2017 Target 2280667 215328 293333 761

8.4 % Specific CO2 emission reduced compared to baseline year

Slide 18
GreenCo and ISO Cetification
GreenCo Gold , ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified Cement Plant

Slide 19
% Investment for Energy Conservation Projects on turnover

S.No Description Units Investment

1 Total budget MINR 348.3
4 Silo MINR 54.5
6 Bag filter MINR 5
7 Dip tubes MINR 20
8 PLC upgrade MINR 15
9 Nox measure MINR 4
10 Pharma waste syst MINR 25
11 Cooler esp MINR 17.5
12 Lights LED MINR 0.92
13 Total MINR 217.9
14 % in total budget % 63
15 Turnover of the Unit MINR 11660
16 % investment on turnover % 2

Slide 20
Monitoring , Reporting & Implementation Methodologies
✓ Energy management cell formed with cross function team members.
✓ The coordinator for the Energy management cell is Energy Manager.
✓ We launched ‘’CIP Continues improvement program‘’ program as plat form for key
performance improvement
✓ Ideas generation from the all the employees and tracking the work process based on the
✓ The daily review of energy monitoring by each section .
✓ Weekly review by plant head.
✓ Awards for the best idea & Energy savings implemented
✓SMS alert system for stoppages to control the down time.
Power Consumption Report for 21-Aug-15
Kw Kw w Pro Kw Kw Kwh Kw Kw Kwh
Prod Kw Kwh/ h/ Kw Kw Kwh
Kw h/ h/ h/ d Kw h/ h/ / Prod R. Kw h/ h/ /
Description in R.Hr h/ T R.Hr T h/ h/ /
TPH Kwh h/H T T T in TPH Kwh h/H T T T in Hr TPH Kwh h/H T T T
Ton s T ceme s Of T T T
r Of OP P Ton r OP PP cem Tons s r Of OP cem
s Cli nt ma Cli Cli PPC
mat C P s C C ent mat C ent

Crusher #3

KILN -2 &

ID Fan-1

ID Fan-2
BH Fan

C Vent fan
C Fans

Booster fan
OK Mill
BH Fan

Booster fan
OK Mill
All sections

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Slide 21
Monitoring , Reporting & Implementation Methodologies
Energy Management Committee
Idea generation and Tracking Form
Plant Head

Energy Manager

Head Maintenance Head Electrical Quality head

Head Mines
production head & G.M -QC
DGM-process GM- Mech Instrumentation

Team 1: Team 2: Team 3: Team 4: Team 5:

Mines section Kiln & Coal mill Crushers & raw Packing & Cement
head & section head & mill section dispatch section grinding
engineers engineers engineers engineers incharge &

Energy Management Committee includes One Energy Auditor & Two Energy Managers :

➢ Mr. Jignesh Kumar Duva – DGM (Production) - EA

➢ Mr. P. Raghuram – DGM (Electrical & Instrumentation) - EM

➢ Mr. G.SaiSunil Bharathbabu – Dy. Manager (Electrical) - EM

Slide 22
Team work Efforts made in Encon Projects
Idea Progress of
Description of En- Source of En- Extent of man power Methodology adopted to
S.No Originated implementati
Con Project Con Idea involved overcome the constraints
Year on
Avoiding Mr.P.S Murthy D.G.M - Mech
1.New steel silo 2 no's
pnumatic , Mr.Krishna Reddy
Installed 2. Ensuring
conveying by Sr.Manager - Elect Mr.Ravi
Senior Grinding of PSC and
1 Installation of 2016-17 subrahmanyam Implemented
Management Export in steel silos
new steel silo for Asst.Manager - Inst Mr.Satya
3.Planning the dispatch
export and slag Narayana Asst.Manager -
cement. Mech
Mr. P.Raguram D.G.M – E&I ,
Replacement of Mr.Janardhan Reddy Dy.Man
VCLM CA fan HT - Mech , Mr.Madhu babu 1.HT motor replaced with
2 motor with high Engineer 2016-17 Man - Op Mr.Subba Reddy Implemented LT motor 2. VFD installed
efficiency motor Sr.Man -Inst 3. Reducing fan speed
along with VFD Mr.Satyanarayana D.M –

Optimization of Mr.G.Venkateshwarlu S.M-Op 1.Core team formed for

CF silo dedusting , Mr.Ashok Kumar D.M - Inst monitoring the bag filter
3 Workmen 2016-17 Implemented
bag filter fan by Mr.N.Rajesh A.M-Elect Mr. 2.VFD installed 3.
Installing VFD Ravi Varman D.M-Mech Reducing fan speed

Slide 23
Team work Efforts made in Encon Projects
Progress of Methodology
Description of En- Source of En- Idea Originated Extent of man power
S.No implementatio adopted to overcome
Con Project Con Idea Year involved
n the constraints

Mr.Phani Kiran
1.Extended Airslide
Manager-Prod , Mr.
Installation of Fly 2.Arranged chute to
Murali Sr.Man -Mech
ash feeding to mill feed fly ash in BE 3.
4 Supervisor 2016-17 , Mr.Subramanyam Implemented
discharge Continuous
Sr.Officer -Op ,
arrangement monitoring of quality
Mr.Ragava employee
and power
- Prod

Mr.K.Suresh G.M-QC
Raw mix , Mr.Nareshkumar 1.Installed cross belt
optimization after Top A.G.M -Proces analyzer 2.Continuous
5 2016-17 Implemented
installation of Management ,Mr.Madhusudan monitoring of the
crosbelt analyzer Sr.Officer - Op , Mr. quality parameters.
P.Ramesh AGM -Inst

Mr. K.Ravi ,
Manager-Mech, Mr. 1.Core team formed
Installation of VFD
Subhash, Engineer- for study FK pump
6 for Coal Mill FK Engineer 2016-17 Implemented
Process, Mr.Sunil- 2.VFD installed 3.
Man- Elec , Mr. Reducing fan speed
Srinivas DM –Inst

Slide 24
Rcognisation Program for Encon Efforts
Ideas Contribution

Best Suggestion

Slide 25
……..aiming to conserve natural resources
When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves ~ David Orr

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
brought together

Slide 26 26

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