Tracer Study BSED - Mathematics Graduates Information Sheet: General Profile

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Tracer Study

BSED – Mathematics Graduates Information Sheet

(Graduate Profile)

Dear Graduate,
The researchers are currently undertaking a study regarding the type of work, further study or other activity
you are/were involved in since you completed your program of study. The information provided will assist the
researchers in planning future educational needs. Results of this study will only be presented in summary form and
individual responses will be kept strictly confidential. The researchers would, therefore, highly appreciate it if you
could complete the following questionnaire and return it, at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your collaboration.

*Please print or type all answers

Part I
General Profile


Family Name First Name Middle Name/Maiden Name (if married)
Home Address: #51 Namnama St. San Jacinto Victoria Tarlac
Telephone Number: __________________________ Mobile Number: 09210532645
Email: Date of Birth: December 09, 1993
Age: 25 Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single

Educational Profile

1. Baccalaureate Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

2. Year Graduated: 2014
3. What is your reason for taking BSED – Mathematics?
□ Good grades in Math subject
□ Good grades in high school
□ Influences of Parents/Relatives
□ Influence of Peer
□ Influence/Inspired by a role model
□ Strong passion for the teaching profession
□ Prospect for immediate employment
□ Status or prestige of the profession
□ Availability of course offering in chosen institution
□ Prospect of career development
□ Affordable for the family
□ Prospect of attractive compensation
□ No choice/no better idea
□ Others: ______________________________________________________________
4. Post Graduate
With Doctorate Degree and Major: __________________________
Year Graduated: ________________________________
Doctoral Units: ______________________________
With Master’s Degree and Major: MAEd Mathematics
Year Graduated: _____________________________
Masteral Units: 30 units
5. What is your reason for taking post studies?
□ For Promotion
□ For Professional Development
□ Others: ______________________________________________________
6. What professional examination did you pass?
□ Civil Service Examination
□ Others: _______________________________________________________
7. How many times did you take the LET before you passed it? Once
8. Awards Received: Cum Laude

Employment Profile
9. Are you presently employed?
□ Yes
□ No
If YES proceed to Question 11 and the subsequent questions. If NO, answer Question 10.
10. Please state the reason(s) why you are not yet employed. You may check more than one answer.
□ No job opportunity
□ Family concerns
□ Health – related reasons
□ Lack of work experience
□ Engaged in further study
□ No connections
□ Lack of professional eligibility requirements
□ Have plans to seek job out of the country
□ Starting pay is too low
□ Others: _________________________________________________________________
11. If employed: Present Occupation: Teacher I
12. Present Employment Status
□ Regular/Permanent
□ Temporary
□ Contractual
□ Substitute
□ Others: __________________________________________________________
13. Name of company, school or institution, including work address
14. Is this your first job after college?
□ Yes
□ No
If Yes, proceed to Question 15. If No, proceed to Question 16.
15. What is/are your reason/s for staying on the job? You may check more than one answer.
□ Salaries and benefits
□ Proximity to residence
□ Family influence
□ Career challenge
□ Peer influence
□ Relation to special skill
□ Relation to course or study
□ Relations with people in the organization
16. Time span stayed in the first job
□ Less than a month
□ 1 – 6 months
□ 7 – 11 months
□ 1 year but less than 2 years
□ 2 years but less than 3 years
□ 3 years and above
17. What is your tool in finding your first job?
□ Through Newspaper and Job Ads
□ As walk – in applicant
□ Through friends
□ Job referral
□ Through Job Ads posted in TSU
□ The company called me
□ Others: ________________________________________________________________
18. Time interval in your fist job after college
□ Less than a month
□ 1 – 6 months
□ 7 – 11 months
□ 1 year but less than 2 years
□ 2 years but less than 3 years
□ 3 years and above
19. Is your first job related to your course?
□ Yes
□ No
If your present occupation is teaching, proceed. If Not, proceed to Question 21.
20. How long have you been teaching?
□ Less than a month
□ 1 – 6 months
□ 7 – 11 months
□ 1 year but less than 2 years
□ 2 year but less than 3 years
□ 3 years but less than 4 years
□ 4 years but less than 5 years
□ 5 years and above
21. How much is your gross annual income?
□ Not over 10, 000
□ 10, 000 but not over 30, 000
□ 30, 000 but not over 70, 000
□ 70, 000 but not over 110, 000
□ 110, 000 but not over 140, 000
□ 140, 000 but not over 250, 000
□ 250, 000 and above
Part II. This portion of the questionnaire is for graduates of BSED – Mathematics who are in the
teaching profession or who have experienced teaching. It is an evaluation on the extent of how the TSU
College of Education, BSED – Mathematics program developed in its graduates the following teaching
and competency skills. Put check in the box and refer to the scale given below.

5 – Very Highly Developed

4 – Highly Developed
3 – Moderately Developed
2 – Fairly Developed
1 – Poorly Developed

Teaching and Competency Skills 5 4 3 2 1

1. Lesson Planning
1.1. Systematic organization of lessons, topic and ideas √
1.2. Ability to structure learning activities and to deliver them in the √
context of real – world experiences
1.3. Use of appropriate assessment methods √
1.4. Use of multiple assessment tools (e.g., online quizzes, √
collaborative projects, rubrics, etc.)
1.5. Ability to have an organized classroom management and √
2. Preparation and Utilization of Instructional Materials
2.1. Ability to prepare traditional instructional materials √
2.2. Ability to incorporate various multimedia and applications in the √
delivery of the course
2.3. Ability to prepare and use appropriate and stimulating visual aids √
2.4. Ability to use instructional materials to help students produce √
their own work and meet the instructional goal of the lesson
2.5. Ability to choose instructional material that contribute √
meaningfully to the content of the topic under study
3. Use of Variety of Methods
3.1. Use of various strategies (group projects, teamwork, exchange of √
posted remarks) to foster interaction and collaboration among the
3.2. Setting conduciveness of learning environment for dynamic and √
interactive learning
3.3. Ability to relate the subject matter to other related topics √
3.4. Ability to explain the lessons with depth √
3.5. Ability to use blended learning approach √
4. Communication Skills
4.1. Capacity to communicate effectively with others orally √
4.2. Capacity to communicate effectively with others in writing √
4.3. Cohesiveness in verbal ideas, body language, and facial √
4.4. Capacity to interact and collaborate with others effectively, √
including in teams, in the workplace, and in culturally or
linguistically diverse contexts
4.5. Ability of being open with coworkers and sharing thoughts on √
important issues
5. Information Technology Skills
5.1. Ability to use computer as a form of instruction and √
communication media
5.2. Creates assignments appropriate to the technology abilities of √
his/her students
5.3. Ability to use digital resources provided by the district, including √
online productivity tools, content management systems, e –
textbooks, online reference sources, video – streaming sites and
learning systems in reading and math
5.4. Ability to design learning activities that use available technology, √
including laptops, tablets, computer labs, and interactive
5.5. Ability to use digital resources to differentiate instruction, √
including using devices for students with special needs,
6. Problem – Solving Skills
6.1. Ability to identify, define and analyze problems √
6.2. Ability to create solutions and evaluate them √
6.3. Capacity to apply disciplinary knowledge to solving real life √
problems in relevant communities
6.4. Analytical skills to examine the consequences of a solution √
6.5. Reasoning skill to weigh one solution against another √
7. Critical Thinking Skills
7.1. Ability to accept nothing at face value, but rather examining the √
truth and validity of arguments
7.2. Ability to evaluate the relative importance of ideas √
7.3. Ability to evaluate and weigh different sides of an argument √
7.4. Ability to apply reason and logic to determine the merits of √
7.5. Ability to draw and evaluate conclusions from logical arguments √
and data analysis
8. Human Relations Skills
8.1. Cooperates with joy and willingness in school of faculty √
8.2. Ability to get along with your co – teacher and other staff √
8.3. Ability to relate well with students and parents √
8.4. Ability to maintain a healthy and adequate public relation for √
your profession and for the school
8.5. Understanding of social and civic responsibilities, human rights √
and sustainability
9. Research Skills
9.1. Identifying and designing an appropriate experimental procedure √
understanding the limitations and scope of an experimental
9.2. Ability to gather data and designing a date gathering tool √
9.3. Ability to identify appropriate method (mathematical or √
otherwise) for interpreting and manipulating data
9.4. Ability to summarize information, explain the motives, results √
and conclusions of the research
9.5. Ability to look for alternatives to common or accepted methods √
or solutions

Signature over printed name
Part III. This portion is an evaluation on the usefulness of the major and professional subjects taken from
the College of Education, Tarlac State University in the over – all performance of your career as a
teacher. Put check in the box refer to the scale given below. You can only put one check in each subject.

5 – Extremely Useful
4 – Very Useful
3 – Useful
2 – Somewhat Useful
1 – Not Useful

1. Major Subjects 5 4 3 2 1
1.1. History of Mathematics √
1.2. Plane Geometry √
1.3. Solid Geometry √
1.4. Elementary Statistics √
1.5. Calculus 2 (Integral Calculus) √
1.6. Instrumentation in Math √
1.7. Advance Statistics √
1.8. Seminar in Problem Solving √
1.9. Mathematical Investigations and Modelling √
1.10. Methods and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics √
1.11. Seminar on Technology in Math √
1.12. Action Research in Math √
2. Professional Subjects
2.1. Child and Adolescent Development √
2.2. The Learner’s Development and Environment √
2.3. Principles of Teaching 1 √
2.4. Facilitating Learning √
2.5. Principles of Teaching 2 √
2.6. Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process √
2.7. The Teaching Profession √
2.8. On Becoming A Teacher √
2.9. Educational Technology 1 √
2.10. Developmental Reading 1 √
2.11. Social Dimensions √
2.12. Assessment of Student Learning 1 √
2.13. Curriculum Development √
2.14. Exploring the Curriculum √
2.15. Assessment of Student Learning 2 √
2.16. Educational Technology 2 √
2.17. Technology in the Learning Environment √
2.18. Learning Assessment Strategies √
2.19. Special Topics √
2.20. Student Teaching √

Suggestions and Recommendations to improve BSED – Mathematics Curriculum


Signature Over Printed Name

ABRIL, Hiezel G.
ALBERTO, Danica Nina D.
CASTRO, Mylene M.
DAVID, Justine Paula C.
DEL ROSARIO, Christ Anne M.
GOLUCINO, Felecisima G.
MALLARI, Johannah Marie Q.

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