Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates: ACT Plan
Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates: ACT Plan
Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates: ACT Plan
User Manual
September 2005
Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates
User Manual
Detailed Contents
I. ISO 14001 EMS Support Package for SMEs...................................................................2
A. What is this package?........................................................................................................ 2
B. Who should read what in this package?.............................................................................3
C. How is this manual structured?.......................................................................................... 3
D. How to use this support package?.....................................................................................4
E. General tips for the Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates...................................................4
F. What is an Environmental Management System...............................................................5
1. International EMS Standards.....................................................................................5
2. Approach to EMS Development and Implementation.................................................6
II. EMS Planning.......................................................................................................... 10
A. Initial Environmental Review............................................................................................ 10
B. Gap Analysis.................................................................................................................... 11
III. EMS Development and Implementation................................................................13
A. Management Commitment............................................................................................... 15
1. Environmental Policy................................................................................................15
2. EMS Manual............................................................................................................. 16
B. Plan.................................................................................................................................. 18
1. Environmental Aspect Identification.........................................................................18
2. Legal and Other Requirements................................................................................24
3. Objectives, Targets and Programme(s)....................................................................26
C. Do.................................................................................................................................... 29
1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority.......................................................29
2. Competence, Training and Awareness....................................................................31
3. Communication........................................................................................................ 34
4. Documentation......................................................................................................... 35
5. Control of Documents............................................................................................... 36
6. Operational Control.................................................................................................. 37
7. Emergency Preparedness and Response................................................................39
D. Check............................................................................................................................... 40
1. Monitoring and Measurement...................................................................................40
2. Evaluation of Compliance.........................................................................................42
3. Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action.........................................43
4. Contorl of Records................................................................................................... 44
5. Internal Audit............................................................................................................ 45
E. Act.................................................................................................................................... 47
1. Management Review................................................................................................ 47
F. Keys to Successful Implementation.................................................................................48
IV. ISO 14001 EMS Certification Process......................................................................50
List of Appendices
Appendix 1. Comparison of ISO 14001:1996 with ISO 14001:2004; and Comparison of
ISO/DIS 14001 (Date: 9 July 2003) with ISO 14001:2004
Appendix 2. Sample Guidance Questions for Gap Analysis
Appendix 3. EMS Implementation Checklist
Appendix 4. List of ISO 14001 Certification Bodies in Hong Kong
List of Figures
Figure 1. “Plan, Do, Check, Act” model............................................................................................. 5
Figure 2. ISO 14001 Overview.......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Approach to EMS Development and Implementation.........................................................7
Figure 4. The Four-level EMS Documentation Structure.................................................................13
Figure 5. Workflow of Environmental Aspect Identification and Evaluation.....................................21
Figure 6. ISO 14001 Certification Process......................................................................................52
List of Tables
Table 1. List of Trades Provided with Practical Examples of ISO 14001 EMS in this Support
Package......................................................................................................................................... 3
Table 2. Comparing the PDCA cycle to the ISO 14001:2004 Standard..........................................6
Table 3. Phased EMS Implementation Flow....................................................................................8
Table 4. List of Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates.....................................................................14
Table 5. Environmental Aspects : Things to Consider...................................................................20
Table 6. Criteria and Scores for Evaluation of Environmental Aspect Significance........................20
Table 7. General steps toward ISO 14001 Certification.................................................................50
ISO 14001 EMS Support
I Package for SMEs
International Organization for Standardization
The Standard can be purchased through the Product Standards Information Bureau of the
Innovative and Technology Commission, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Government (, local certification body agencies, or
online purchasing through ISO (
Table 1. List of Trades Provided with Practical Examples of ISO 14001 EMS in this Support
Trade Document Examples Location
Construction Wan Bao Construction Company Hong Kong
Act Improvement Do
Continual Environmental
Improvement Policy
Review Planning
Checking Implementation
and Operation
Preparation Preparation
Initial EMS Planning * Management
Phase IV Phase I
Act Plan
* Initial EMS Planning is not an ISO 14001 Standard requirement; however, it is useful preparation work to
facilitate the set up and development of the EMS in accordance with the ISO 14001 Standard.
The different tasks for each phase and the relevant Generic ISO 14001 EMS
Templates that you can use are shown in Table 3. In addition, Table 3 illustrates the
estimated time that each phase of EMS development and implementation usually
takes for a typical company. The detailed implementation of each phase is described
throughout the rest of this User Manual.
8 – 12
ISO 14001 Certification 4
Self-declaration of ISO 14001 EMS adoption
Initial EMS Planning is not an ISO 14001 Standard requirement.
ISO 14001 Certification Process refers to Chapter IV in this manual.
Management System
II (EMS) Planning
The first key task of the EMS Working Team is to The EMS Working Team will be
responsible for EMS planning,
undertake your “Baseline Assessment”, which
performing initial environmental
helps identify your current strengths and review, and developing the
weaknesses in environmental protection. The EMS documentation in Phase
Baseline Assessment involves an Initial II.
Environmental Review (IER) and Gap Analysis
(GA). Both are described with the Generic ISO The EMS Working Team
usually includes a nominated
14001 EMS Templates and Practical Examples of EMS leader (manager /
ISO 14001 EMS in this section. coordinator) and
representatives from different
functions of the company (e.g.
Although the IER and GA are not an ISO 14001 administration, finance,
Standard requirement, the benefits of conducting production, etc.)
a baseline assessment are : The EMS leader should be
to form the basis on which the EMS is built, someone in your company who
to help establish your current level of
has good understanding of
environmental performance.
how your company works
to identify the “gaps” needed to be filled to day-to-day
comply with ISO 14001 requirements, and has basic knowledge of
estimate the cost and manpower that will be environmental issues; and
has sufficient authority to
The various steps in this Phase are detailed below. get the necessary support
from different departments.
B. Gap Analysis
Download (Template – IER-02 Gap Analysis Report)
A Gap Analysis is a way to use the results of your IER to identify the “gaps” between
your existing management practices, and those required by the EMS standard. The
Gap Analysis is a very helpful tool for you to identify ways to improve your
environmental management practices and set priorities where action is needed. To
complete the provided Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates of gap analysis report
(IER-02), you should:
1. List your existing environmental practices and Helpful Tips for using checklist
documents corresponding to each ISO 14001 IER-02
clause in “Remarks”. Some sample guidance
2. Compare the items in Remarks with the ISO questions assisting you to rate
your company is provided in
14001 Standard and rate your company’s
Appendix 2.
position on the right column.
For example if “The
Environmental Policy meets all
ISO requirements” put “
“, if there is no
Environmental Policy put “
EMS Development and
III Implementation
A. Management Commitment
B. Plan
C. Do
D. Check
E. Act
F. Keys to Successful Implementation
Manual (EM)
Environmental Records
The 4-level EMS documentation structure is an international practice in line with the
implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) standards. EMS
training materials delivered by internationally recognized organisations such as
Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) and International
Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) also adopt this 4-level documentation
The full set of Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates provided as part of this package is
listed in Table 4. Each template is provided with a Document Number for reference.
After developing your EMS documents according to the guidelines provided in this
support package, your company will need to apply the system, implement the
procedures and maintain records to demonstrate compliance with the EMS
requirements that you have established. This chapter describes the steps and keys
for successful EMS operation and monitoring to ensure its effectiveness. An
implementation checklist is provided in Appendix 3 as a tool to help you to monitor
your EMS implementation status.
These documents are not required by ISO14001.
A. Management Commitment
“Management Commitment” defines the framework for your EMS through the
“Environmental Policy” and the “EMS Manual”.
1. Environmental Policy
(ISO 14001:2004 4.2 Environmental Policy)
Download (Template – CP-01 Environmental Policy) Download (Sample)
The first requirement of ISO 14001 is the establishment of an Environmental Policy
(CP-01) which is mandated by your top management and verified during a
Management Review.
The Environmental Policy (CP-01) : Helpful Tips :
2. EMS Manual
Download (Template – EM-01 EMS Manual) Download (Sample)
Your EMS manual (EM-01) shall explain how your company’s EMS is organised with
reference to the requirements of the ISO 14001, which :
Describes the core elements of your EMS (and how these elements relate to
each other); and
Provides cross-reference to related documents.
Your manual shall include a statement to address each element in ISO 14001. These
statements explain how your company conforms to the particular element, and
usually paraphrase the requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard. It is important to
accurately describe the unique characteristics of your company and how your EMS
operates. If you have a safety or quality management system, you may wish to
integrate these with your EMS Manual.
The descriptions below follow the contents of the EMS Manual, providing guidance
on how to modify the Generic ISO 14001 EMS Template manual into your company’s
EMS manual. More details of each EMS Manual section are discussed later in this
guide according to the relevant ISO 14001 Standard clauses.
2.0 Policy
Include your Environmental Policy here, briefly
describing your company profile, EMS scope,
and signed by top management and dated.
3.0 Organisation
Detailed description refers to Section C1 of
Chapter III.
Appendix A
This table presents Cross References of the Helpful Tips:
ISO 14001 Requirements with your EMS Change the EP Ref.
Manual and Environmental Procedures (EP). No according to your
company’s own numbering
Appendix B
This table presents the list of your documents Helpful Tips:
that are controlled by your EMS. Change the list according to
your company’s document
numbering and titles
B. Plan
“Planning” helps you to establish the objectives and processes that are essential for
delivering results in accordance with your environmental policy.
Office operations
1. Use of
1. Depletion of
toner) natural
2. Solid waste resource
(waste 2. Occupy
paper & landfill space
packaging, (waste paper)
used toner
cartridges) 3. Indoor Air
3. Odour Quality
emissions More…
More …
Legal Requirement ?
Consequence ?
Yes Aspect (SEA)
Use of Materials ?
Corporate Concern ?
Not Significant
Step 3 : Documentation
1) Compile the EAs that you have identified and their significance evaluation in your
Register of Environmental Aspects (EAR-01).
The procedure describes how you plan to Hong Kong for public access.
comply with relevant requirements and
maintain records as requested.
Other relevant business /
Step 2 : Access and communicate contract requirements will also
need to be identified.
The procedure describes how you seek how
you can access those requirements (e.g.
through internet or purchase of relevant
The procedure describes how you
communicate these requirements to
employees, on-site contractors and others, as
Step 3 : Review and update
The procedure describes how you will
regularly review and update any changes of
legal and other requirements.
C. Do
The goal of “Do” is implementing the processes identified during “Plan” phase.
Step 2 : Training Identify training needs and Helpful Tips : keeping records
prepare training plan according to the training Refer to the Generic ISO 14001
procedure (EP-03). EMS Templates and Practical
Examples of ISO 14001 EMS for
Develop your EMS training materials.
the followings :
Train your EMS core team members on EMS Training plan
Training attendance
Conduct EMS awareness training with all staff records
to ensure them to be aware of environmental
policy, objectives, relevant significant
3. Communication
(ISO 14001:2004 4.4.3 Communication)
Effective communication is vital for a company to motivate staff, tell them what
actions they should be taking for the sake of environment, confirm their roles and
procedures, monitor environmental performance, and as a channel for identifying any
potential for improvement. Related documents include:
a) Section 4.4.3 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
b) Environmental Procedure for Enquiry / Complaint / Nonconformity Handling (EP-
Highlights how effective two-way internal and internal and external) and
develop a communication
external communication promotes mechanism(s) with individual
environmental awareness. groups of audiences.
Sets out your handling procedures for any Make use of existing
enquiry or complaints (internal or external) communication channel such
which are related to the environmental as : Internal methods
procedure EP-07 Enquiry / Complaint / (newsletters, intranet, staff
Nonconformity Handling. meetings, daily briefing
sessions, notice boards,
If your company decides to communicate training, etc..), external
externally about yours significant aspects, it methods (website / e-
shall establish a method(s) for this external newsletter, annual reports,
communication. progress meetings, informal
discussions, etc..)
4. Documentation
(ISO 14001:2004 4.4.4 Documentation)
The Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates in this support package are developed
based on the ISO 14001:2004 standard. The four-level EMS documentation structure
consists of :
1) Environmental Manual : includes EMS Manual, Policy, Objectives, Targets and
2) Environmental Procedures : 9 procedures complying with ISO 14001:2004
Standard, including associated Registers for Environmental Aspects and Legal
and Other Requirements.
3) Environmental Instructions : operational procedures or environmental
instructions describing how activities are performed to manage your significant
environmental aspects.
4) Environmental Records : standard forms, checklists and reports for recording
environmental performance to demonstrate compliance with EMS requirements.
5. Control of Documents
(ISO 14001:2004 4.4.5 Control of Documents)
ISO 14001 requires that you provide a clearly defined source of documents for
employees who should be aware of and understand all relevant environmental
significant procedures and practices. Related documents include:
a) Section 4.4.5 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
b) Environmental Procedure for Control of Documents (EP-04)
6. Operational Control
(ISO 14001:2004 4.4.6 Operational Control)
Operational Controls are one of the means through which your EMS can control your
significant environmental aspects (SEAs). (The other way is by setting O&Ts and
Programmes, as described in Section B3). Related documents include:
a) Section 4.4.6 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
b) Environmental Instructions for various operational control (EI-xx)
Step 3 : draft the instructions and review them Storage & handling of raw
materials and chemicals
with the people who are responsible for their
implementation to ensure these instructions Equipment servicing
are appropriate, realistic and practical. Wastewater treatment
The following Generic ISO 14001 EMS Template
How to Implement your EPs, EIs, O&Ts? Helpful Tips : keeping records
D. Check
“Check” is the series of processes that you use to measure and monitor the
effectiveness of your environmental policy, objectives, targets, legal and other
requirements, and report the results to interested parties.
measurement if needed.
Step 3 : Develop measurement programmes
Ensure your programmes are simple, flexible, Monitoring frequency and
parameters should be defined
consistent, ongoing, produce reliable data and
based on legal requirements,
communicate results. company objectives and
Ensure that calibrated monitoring equipment is procedure requirements,
used and maintained. wherever applicable.
Helpful Tips : keeping records:
Step 4 : Monitoring and Checking
Environmental monitoring
Establish environmental management plan plan
according to procedure EP-06.
Maintain permits and
Carry out monitoring to ensure legal monitoring records, e.g.
compliance, achievement of objectives and
wastewater discharge
effective operational control. permit and test reports,
Implement corrective action and preventive noise monitoring records,
action when nonconformity are identified
during monitoring or operation. (Refer to EP- green office inspection
electricity consumption
Step 5 : Communicating performance records, etc.
Provide relevant monitoring results to staff will CAR (corrective action
raise their awareness on your company’s report)
environmental performance.
2. Evaluation of Compliance
(ISO 14001:2004 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance)
Consistent with the company’s commitment to compliance, it shall periodically
evaluate compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to
which it subscribes.
4. Control of Records
(ISO 14001:2004 4.5.4 Control of Records)
Environmental records are required to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of
your EMS and show that it is functioning properly. Related documents include:
a) Section 4.5.4 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
b) Environmental Procedure for Control of Records (EP-08)
5. Internal Audit
(ISO 14001:2004 4.5.5 Internal Audit)
Internal audit should determine a company’s compliance with the ISO 14001 EMS.
Related documents include:
a) Section 4.5.5 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
b) Environmental Procedure for Internal Audit (EP-09)
Select and train auditors (at least 2 auditors) Review identified problems
Assess how well your
Auditors should be independent of the
system operates
activities being audited.
E. Act
“Act” means taking actions to continually improve the performance of your EMS.
1. Management Review
(ISO 14001:2004 4.6 Management Review)
Your Management review is an essential portion of the continual improvement of
your company’s EMS. Related document include:
a) Section 4.6 of EMS Manual (EM-01)
Requires that meeting minutes record issues The management review may
discussed, decisions made, and action items integrate or make reference to
your existing quality / safety
selected; and should be documented management system if
appropriately. applicable.
Ensures that someone will follow-up the
progress on action items until completion.
Stage 4 : The first stage assessment (FSA) consists of a site tour and
system overview to establish that your EMS relates to your
First Stage
environmental aspects. A detailed plan is provided in
advance of the visit and a full report produced on-site,
together with a plan for the certification assessment. Any
nonconformity identified at this stage will require a corrective
action plan.
Stage 5 : The certification assessment, which normally follows
approximately one month after the FSA, is a review of the
effectiveness of the implemented EMS against ISO 14001
Standard and your organisation’s own requirements. A full
report is prepared at the end of the audit. This is reviewed
with you at a closing meeting, and a recommendation for
registration will be made if there is no major nonconformity
found. Where necessary you will be requested to provide a
corrective action and preventive action plan or follow-up visit
before a recommendation is made.
Stage 6 : If satisfactory, an independent review will be conducted on
the report. Following a satisfactory review, CB will award
certification. Certificates are valid for three years, subject to
satisfactory surveillance visits.
Step 7 : Following certification, routine surveillance is carried out on a
six to twelve month basis. The final visit in the certification
Surveillance Visit
cycle is termed a renewal visit.
Step 8 : A recommendation is made from this review on certificate
renewal, together with any adjustment required to the
ongoing surveillance plan. The renewal package is then
reviewed independently and if satisfactory, certification is
renewed for another three-year period.
Complete Questionnaire
Document Review
Certification Assessment
Corrective Actions Major Nonconformity?
Follow Up No
Certificate Awarded
Surveillance Assessment
(every six months or annually)
Renewal Assessment
(every 3 years)