CV Rajesh Gupta June2018

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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad-211004 India

1. Name: Dr. Rajesh Gupta

2. Designation & Department: Professor, Department of Electrical Engg. MNNIT

3. Telephone: +91 532 2271410 (O), +91 9415540587 (M);

4. Email:,

5. Subjects of Interests/Specialization: Power Converters, Control in Power Electronics,

Power Quality, Grid Interface, Solar and Wind Power Conversion, Virtual
6. Educational qualifications:
Degree Subject/discipline/ Percentage of Year Institute/University/Board
specialisation marks/grade
B.E Electrical 74.5 % 1993 M.M.M.E.C., Gorakhpur, India
M.E Electrical 72 % 1995 B.I.T., Mesra, Ranchi, India
(Control System)
Ph.D. Electrical Engg. 10.0 CPI 2007 I.I.T. Kanpur, India
7. Professional Experience Teaching & Research: 22 years
8. Subjects Taught:
UG: Basic Control Systems, Advanced Control System, Advanced Power Electronics,
Power Quality, FACTS, Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation
PG: Advanced Power Electronics, Control Techniques in Power Electronics, Active
Power Conditioning, Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Digital Control

9. Employment Detail:
From & to Organisation Position Held
31/07/1995 to 03/04/1996 I.E.T, Sitapur Road Lucknow Lecturer
04/04/1996 to 01/04/1999 G.B Pant Engg. College, Pauri (Garhawal) Lecturer
03/04/1999 to 04/04/2001 MNREC, Allahabad Lecturer
05/04/2001 to 04/04/2006 MNNIT, Allahabad Sr. Lecturer
05/04/2006 to 04/04/2009 MNNIT, Allahabad Assistant Professor
05/04/2009 to 27/03/2018 MNNIT, Allahabad Associate Professor
28/03/2018 till date MNNIT, Allahabad Professor
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10. List of Awards, Achievements and other Assignments

1. Outstanding Section Volunteer award by IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section for year 2014.

2. Outstanding Branch Counselor award by IEEE in R-10 for year 2013.

3. Best Paper Award in International Conference on Advance Computing &

Communication Systems, Coimbatore, India, Dec. 19-21, 2013.

4. Two Ph.D. student and Two M. Tech. students conferred Best Doctoral and Masters
category in POSOCO Power System Award (2014, 2015 and 2016) in top 25 list.

5. 1st Prize Winner- VI MANTRA CONTEST 2006, Best solution in the field of
Computer Based Measurement and Automation, 5th National Conference on Virtual
Instrumentation in Engineering Education, Bangalore, organized by National
Instruments, (India), Nov. 2006.
The solution titled, “FPGA control of multilevel converters for active power filters
used in electrical power distribution system”.

6. Paper selected for the best-of book of the AMSE conferences held in 2007 at Int. Conf.
on Modelling and Simulation, Kolkata, India, Dec. 3-5, 2007.

7. The following solution appeared in the “TOP-10 Customer Solutions Contest-2005

Booklet” Published by National Instruments, (India), Nov. 2005, titled, “FPGA based
closed loop control of compensators for electrical distribution system”.

8. Cash Award of Rs. 20,000.00 given by DRPG, IIT Kanpur for publishing papers in the
Journal listed by ISI Web of Science, under the scheme Cash Award for Journal
Publication 2006-07.

9. Biography published in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, (2008-2009, 2010-

2011) Edition, Marquis Who's Who, NJ USA.

10. Biography Included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/09, 2010/11 for International
Biographical Centre (IBC) leading scientists of the world 2008, St. Thomas Place, Great
11. Research & Sponsored Projects

(i) Rajesh Gupta, Research Project of Rs. 26.985 Lakh by MNRE, New Delhi, Hybrid DC
Micro Grid System for Future Residential-Rural Electrification, Sanction No.
24/20/2015-SWES (R&D), dated: 24/06/2016, 2016-2018. STATUS: ONGOING
(ii) Rajesh Gupta, Research Project of Rs. 20.46 Lakh by CSIR, New Delhi, Power
Electronics Converter Based Bidirectional Power Flow Controller for Energy Storage

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Applications, Sanction No. 22(0691)/15/EMR-II Dated 18Th June, 2015, Dec. 2015-
(iii)Rajesh Gupta, Research Project of 34.84 Lakh by SERC, DST, New Delhi (No.
SR/S3/EECE/0053/2012), Titled: Solar Photovoltaic Array Power Conversion using
Embedded Cascaded Multilevel Inverter, Sept. 2012- April 2016. STATUS: Completed
(iv) Rajesh Gupta, Research Project of Rs. 1.0 lacs by R & C, MNNIT, Allahabad. Titled:
Design of Intelligent Power Modules for Multilevel Inverters Used as Power
Converter for PV Solar Panel. STATUS: Completed
(v) Officer in-Charge of DST FIST project as O/C Power Electronics Lab. Titled: To augment
post-graduate teaching and research facilities in Power Electronics Laboratory, 2007-
2012, STATUS: Completed

12. Volunteering Positions

1. Reviewer for the Journals
a. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics, Power
Delivery, Energy Conversion, etc.
b. IET Power Electronics, UK
c. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Conferences.
2. Faculty Counselor, IEEE Student Branch, Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology, Allahabad, from 2011-2016.
3. Member executive committee IEEE UP Section since 2008 till 2016.
4. Joint Secretary, IEEE UP Section for the year 2011 and 2012.
5. Convener Student Activities, IEEE UP Section for the year 2013 and 2014
6. Secretary of Joint Chapter of IEEE on Industrial Electronics/Power
Electronics/Control System at MNNIT Allahabad for the year 2010 and 2012.
7. Vice-Chairman of Joint Chapter of IEEE on Industrial Electronics/Power
Electronics/Control System at MNNIT Allahabad for the year 2013.
8. Vice-Chairman, IEEE UP Section for the year 2015.

13. Ph.D. & M. Tech. Students Supervision

M.Tech. Supervised: 42 nos., M.Tech. Supervision under progress: 2

Ph.D. Supervision under progress: 4
Ph.D. Supervised: 9 nos.

S. Title of Ph.D. Thesis Name of student Co-Supervisor[s], Year

if any of
1 Converter Topologies and Mr. Paulson Samuel Prof. Dinesh Chandra 2013
Modulation Methods for Full-
rated Converter based Wind
Energy Conversion System
2 Modeling and Control of Wind Mr. R. S. Bajpai NA 2013
Energy Conversion System

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using Shunt and Series
3 Solar Photovoltaic Power Mr. Rajasekar S. NA 2014
Conversion System using DC-
DC and DC-AC Converters
4 Switching characterization of Ms. Shweta Gautam NA 2014
Current Controlled DC/AC and
AC/DC Converters
5 Load Characterization and Mr. K. K. Mishra NA 2014
Compensation in low Voltage
Distribution System
6 Mr. G. V. E. Satish NA 2015
Sliding Mode Control in
Voltage Source Inverter based
Higher order Circuits and its

7 Performance Enhancement of Mr. V. Karthikeyan NA 2017

Isolated Dual Active Bridge
Bidirectional DC-DC
Converters for Energy Storage
8 Time-Domain Characterization Mr. Mayank Kumar NA 2017
of Digitally Controlled DC-DC
and DC-AC Switched
Converter Circuits
9 Solar PV System using Mr. Alok Kumar NA 2018
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Singh
for Standalone and Grid
Connected Application

14. Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Organized

(i) Coordinator of the short term course on “Modeling and Simulation of Renewable
Energy Systems”, jointly organized by Electrical Engineering Department MNNIT
and NITTTR Chandigarh, May 28-June 01, 2018.
(ii) Convener of NaMPET sponsored Short Term Course on “Advances in Power
Electronics and Renewable Energy Resources (APERER-2017), organized by
Electrical Engineering Department, July 21-23, 2017.
(iii) Convener of the National Workshop on “Photovoltaics: Technology and Business
Overview (PTBO - 2017)”, organized jointly by Department of Physics and
Department of Electrical Engineering, during March 04-06, 2017.
(iv) Coordinator of the short term course on "Power Conversion of Renewable Energy
Resources (PCRER)" organized by Electrical Engineering Department during the
period from Jan. 29-Feb.03, 2015.
(v) Organizing Chairman of “IEEE Sponsored 2014 International Conference on
Power, Control & Embedded Systems (ICPCES 2014)”, Dec. 26-28, 2014,
Allahabad, India.

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(vi) Coordination Committee Chairman (Coordinator), IEEE Sponsored 2014 3rd Students
Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2014), May 28-30, 2014,
Allahabad, India. (IEEE Conference Record # 33522)
(vii) Organizing Chairman (Convener), IEEE Sponsored 2013 2nd Students Conference
on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2013), April 12-14, 2013, Allahabad, India.
(IEEE Conference Record # 30980)
(viii) Organizing Chairman (Convener), IEEE Sponsored 2012 Students Conference on
Engineering and Systems (SCES 2012), March 16-18, 2012, Allahabad, India.
(IEEE Conference Record # 20125)
(ix) Program Co-chair of “IEEE Sponsored 2010 International Conference on Power,
Control & Embedded Systems (ICPCES 2010)”, Nov. 28-Dec.01, 2011, Allahabad,
(x) Coordinator of the short term course on "Electrical Power Control (EPC)" organized
by Electrical Engineering Department during the period from July 18-22, 2013.
(xi) Coordinator of the short term course on "Solar and Wind Power Conversion
(SWPC)" organized by Electrical Engineering Department during the period from July
12-16, 2013.
(xii) Coordinator of the “Workshop on Virtual Instrumentation & Its Applications (WVIA
09)” from March 18 - 20, 2009 organized by Department of Electrical Engineering,
MNNIT, Allahabad and sponsored by TEQIP, MNNIT & National Instruments, India.
(xiii) Coordinator of the “IEEE Sponsored Seminar on Electric Power Conversion” held
on Oct. 17, 2008 organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, MNNIT,

15. Session Chaired in International Conferences

a. Chaired a session in IEEE IECON 2015, Nov. 09-12, 2015, Yokohama Japan.
b. Chaired a session in IEEE TENCON 2014, Oct. 23-25, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
c. Chaired a session in IEEE ISIE 2014, June 1-4, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
d. Chaired two sessions in IEEE ISIE 2012, May 27-31, 2012, Hangzhau, China.
e. Chaired a session in an International Conference “IEEE PEDES 2010 & 2010
Power India Conference”, New Delhi, Dec 20-23, 2010.
f. Chaired a session in an International Conference on Modelling and Simulation,
Kolkata, India, Dec. 3-5, 2007.
g. Chaired a session in an International Conference IEEE INDICON 2008, IIT
16. Important Training Programme/Conferences attended

1. Training programme at Energy and Power Electronics Applied Research Laboratory

(ePEARL), in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada from May 17, 2008 to May 31, 2008,
Visited following department in Canada

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(i) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGrill University, Montreal,
(ii) Department of Electrical Engineering, ÉCOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPÉRIEURE
(ETS), Montreal, Canada
(iii) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto,
(iv) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto,

2. IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe 2010, Chalmers
University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 10-12 Oct. 2010.
3. IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) General meeting 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
USA, 20-24 July 2008.
4. IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) General meeting 2006, Montreal Canada, 18-22
June 2006.

5. 20th IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics 2011 (ISIE 2011), June 27-30, 2011,
Gdansk, Poland.

6. 21st IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics 2012 (ISIE 2012), May 27-31, 2012,
Hongzhau, China.

7. 23rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics 2014 (ISIE 2014), June 01-04, 2014,
Istanbul, Turkey.

8. IEEE TENCON 2014, Oct. 23-25, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

9. IEEE IECON 2015, Nov. 09-12, 2015, Yokohama Japan.

10. IEEE TENCON 2016, Nov. 22-25, 2016, Singapore.

17. Membership of professional bodies:

1. Member IEEE for 13-years, (become Senior Member of IEEE in 2011)
2. Member IEEE Power and Energy Engineering Society, for 10-years
3. Member IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, , for 10-years
4. Member IEEE Power Electronics Society, , for 6-years
5. Life Member Institution of Engineers (IE) India, for 6-years.
6. Life Member Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), for 3-year

18. Present Administrative Responsibilities:

1. President Student Activity Center, MNNIT Allahabad
2. Officer-in-Charge, Electrical Machines Laboratory

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19. Past Administrative Responsibilities:

Sl. No. Designation Period Nature of Responsibility Organisation

1 Convener, July 2007 to July Convener of all the matter MNNIT Allahabad
Departmental Post 2009 related to M. Tech. and Ph.d
Graduate Committee

2 Dy. Dean (Research May, 2013 to May R&C committee meetings, MNNIT Allahabad
& Consultancy) 2015 facilitating Research,
Consultancy and Testing
projects, TEQIP research
projects, revision of R & C
rules etc.
3 Warden Incharge Nov., 2011 to Administrative control of all MNNIT Allahabad
Boys’ Hostel Nov. 2013 8-Boys hostels of MNNIT,
including hostel and mess
management, etc.
4 Warden Incharge M. June 2008 to Dec. Hostel and Mess management MNNIT Allahabad
M. Malviya Hostel 2011 of M. M. Malviya Hostel
5 Officer-in-Charge, Nov. 2007 till Conduct of Lab. Experiments, EED, MNNIT Allahabad
Power Electronics date Hardware B. Tech. Projects,
Laboratory Experimental M. Tech. and
Ph.D. thesis, etc.
6 Convener, July 2007 to June Conduct of DPGC meetings, EED, MNNIT Allahabad
Department Post 2009 record of academic progress
Graduate Committee and all matters related to PG
(DPGC) students of the department
7 Officer-in-Charge July 2000 to June Management of B. Tech. EED, MNNIT Allahabad
Project Laboratory 2003 projects, storage and issue of
equipments and components
for hardware projects
8 Officer-in-Charge July 2000 to June Coordinated departmental EED, MNNIT Allahabad
Departmental 2003 purchase
9 Officer-in-Charge May 1996 to Responsibility of complete GBPEC, Pauri (Garhwal)
Electrical April 1999 electrical maintenance of the
Maintenance college academic and
residential campus
10 Officer-in-Charge May 1996 to Coordinated all the cultural GBPEC, Pauri (Garhwal)
Cultural Activities April 1999 events and functions of the
11 Officer-in-Charge May 1996 to Conduct of Lab. Experiments, Electronics and Electrical
Measurement and April 1999 setting up of new experiments Engg. Deptt. GBPEC,
Control Laboratory Pauri (Garhwal)
12 Faculty Counselor of Feb. 2011 till date Organising meetings and MNNIT Allahabad
IEEE MNNIT Technical activities of the
Student Branch students in IEEE designated
13 Faculty Advisor ISTE May 1997 to Student Chapter activities, GBPEC, Pauri (Garhwal)
Student Chapter April 1999 meetings and organized events

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20. Patent Filed

1. Title: Cascaded Multilevel Isolated Bidirectional DC/DC converter

2. Contributors/Inventors: Rajesh Gupta and V. Karthikeyan
3. Application no: 201611034814
4. Date of Filing: 12/10/2016
5. Date of Publication: 21/10/2016

21. List of Publications

(A) Journal Publications

1. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “FRS-DAB Converter for Elimination of Circulation
Power Flow at Input and Output Ends”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.
65, no. 3, pp. 2135-2144, March 2018.
2. C. S. Nalamati, P. Samuel and Rajesh Gupta, “Distributed Wind Energy Conversion System
Interface to the Grid Using Cascaded Multi-Level Converter”, IETE Journal of Research,
vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 231-240, March-April 2018.
3. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Time-Domain Characterization of Multicarrier based
Digital SPWM of Multilevel VSI”, IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 100-109, Feb.,
4. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “Multiple-Input Configuration of Isolated Bidirectional
DC-DC Converter for Power Flow Control in Combinational Battery Storage”, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 2-11, Jan. 2018.
5. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “Light-load efficiency improvement by extending ZVS
range in DAB-bidirectional DC-DC converter for energy storage applications”, Energy,
ELSEVIER, vol.130, pp.15-21, July2017.
6. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “Varying Phase Angle Control in Isolated Bidirectional
DC-DC Converter for Integrating Battery Storage and Solar PV System in Standalone
Mode”, IET Power Electronics, vol.10, no. 4, pp.217-227, April 2017.
7. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Sampled-Time Domain Analysis of Digitally
Implemented Current Controlled Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 217-227, Jan. 2017.
8. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Uniformly Sampled
DC-DC Converter with Circuit Parasitics”, IEEE Transaction on Circuits. Systs.- I: Reg.
Papers,. vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 2086-2097, Nov. 2016.
9. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Sampled time domain analysis of digital pulse width
modulation for feedback controlled converters”, IET Circuit Devices & Systems, vol. 10, no.
6, pp. 481-491, Nov. 2016.

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10. Raju Kumar Swami, Paulson Samuel & Rajesh Gupta, “Power Control in Grid-Connected
Wind Energy System Using Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverter”, IETE Journal of
Research, vol. 62, no. 4, Taylor & Francis, pp.515-524, Sept 2016.
11. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Sampling Effect Characterization of Digital SPWM of
VSI in Time-Domain”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 4150-4159, July 2016.
12. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “Zero circulating current modulation for isolated
bidirectional dual-active-bridge DC – DC converter”, IET Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 7,
pp. 1553-1561, July, 2016.
13. Satish Kumar Gudey and Rajesh Gupta, “A Recursive Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control
in VSI for a Low Voltage Microgrid System”, IET Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1536-1543, July, 2016.
14. R. Selvamuthukumaran, Y. Shashi Kumar, and Rajesh Gupta, “Global Maximum Power
Point Tracking of Multiple PV Modules under Partially Shaded Condition Using Stepped
Comparison Search”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, vol. 44, no.12,
pp.1384-1395, June 2016.
15. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Time-Domain Analysis of Sampling Effect in DPWM of
DC–DC Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 82, no.11, pp.
8915-8924, Nov. 2015.
16. R. S. Bajpai, Megha Goyal, and Rajesh Gupta, “Modeling and control of variable speed wind
turbine using laboratory simulator”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, AIP
Publishing, vol. 7, no.5, pp.20, Sept. 2015.
17. Satish Kumar Gudey and Rajesh Gupta, “Reduced state feedback sliding-mode current
control for voltage source inverter-based higher-order circuit,” IET Power Electronics, vol.
8, no. 8, pp. 1367-1376, August 2015.
18. R. Selvamuthukumaran, A. Garg, and Rajesh Gupta, “Hybrid multicarrier modulation to
reduce leakage current in a transformerless cascaded multilevel inverter for photovoltaic
systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Letters, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 1779-1783,
April 2015.
19. S. K. Gudey and Rajesh Gupta, “Sliding-mode control in voltage source inverter-based
higher-order circuits”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 102, no.4, pp. 668-689,
20. R. Selvamuthukumaran, and Rajesh Gupta, “Rapid prototyping of power electronics
converters for photovoltaic system application using Xilinx System Generator”, IET Power
Electronics, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 2269-2278, Sept. 2014.
21. Shweta Gautam and Rajesh Gupta, “Switching frequency derivation for the cascaded
multilevel inverter operating in current control mode using multiband hysteresis
modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no.3, pp. 1480-1489,
March 2014.
22. Paulson Samuel, M. Kishor Naik, Rajesh Gupta and Dinesh Chandra, “Wind Energy
Interface to Grid with Load Compensation by Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverters”, Journal

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of Power Electronics , The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 14, no.2, pp. 271-
281, March. 2014.
23. Shweta Gautam and Rajesh Gupta, Unified time-domain formulation of switching frequency
for hysteresis current controlled AC/DC and DC/AC grid connected converters, IET Power
Electronics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 683-692, April 2013.
24. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta”, Modeling and control of multi-functional DVR supported
from wind energy system,”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, De
Gruyter, Germany, vol. 13, no. 4, pp.1-27, Sept. 2012.
25. Rajesh Gupta, “Generalized Frequency Domain Formulation of the Switching Frequency for
Hysteresis Current Controlled VSI Used for Load Compensation”, IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol. 27, no.5, pp. 2526-2535, May 2012.
26. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta, “Design of Simulator for Modeling of Wind Turbine and
Transfer of Maximum Power using Buck-Boost Converter”, International Journal of
Renewable Energy Technology (Inderscience), vol.2, no.4, pp. 373-391, 2011.
27. K. K. Mishra and Rajesh Gupta, “Load Compensation for Single Phase System Using Series
Active Filter”, International journal of engineering, science and technology,
MULTICRAFT LIMITED, vol. 3, no.3, pp 83-93, 2011.
28. Paulson Samuel, Rajesh Gupta and Dinesh Chandra, “Grid Interface of Wind Power With
Large Split-Winding Alternator Using Cascaded Multilevel Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, vol. 26, no.1, pp. 299-309, March. 2011.
29. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Performance comparison of VSC-based
shunt and series compensators used for load voltage control in distribution system”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no.1, pp. 268-278, Jan. 2011.
30. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Multi-band hysteresis modulation and
switching characterization for sliding mode controlled cascaded multilevel Inverter”, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no.7, pp. 2344-2353, July 2010.
31. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Characteristic analysis for multisampled
digital implementation of fixed-switching-frequency closed-loop modulation of voltage-
source inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no.7, pp. 2382-
2392, July 2009.
32. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Switching Characterization of Cascaded
Multilevel Inverter Controlled Systems”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics,
vol.55, no.3, pp. 1047-1058, March 2008.
33. Rajesh Gupta and Arindam Ghosh, “Frequency-domain characterization of sliding mode
control of an inverter used in DSTATCOM application”, IEEE Transaction on Circuits.
Systs.- I: Reg. Papers, vol.53, no.3, pp. 662-676, March 2006.
34. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Control of Cascaded Transformer
Multilevel Inverter based DSTATCOM”, Electric Power System Research (EPSR),
ELSEVIER, vol. 77, no.8, pp. 989-999, June 2007.

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35. Rajesh Gupta and Arindam Ghosh, “Reduced order LQG controller for distribution static
compensator used for load voltage control of distribution system”, Lectures on Modeling
and Simulation, AMSE, Series A, vol.8, no.3, pp. 33-43, 2007.
36. Rajesh Gupta, “New model from balanced method of model reduction”, The Institution of
Engineers (ET) INDIA, vol.80, pp.11-14, Sept.1999.

(B) Conference Publications

1. C. S. Nalamati and Rajesh Gupta, “Isolated Bidirectional Battery Converter Control for
Standalone Solar PV Applications”, IEEE international conference IEEMA ENGINEER
INFINITE (e-TechNxt-2018), March 13-14, Greater Noida, India.
2. A. Agrawal and Rajesh Gupta, “Hybrid DERs Enabled Residential Microgrid System With
MVDC and LVDC Bus Layout Facilitie”, IEEE international conference IEEMA
ENGINEER INFINITE (e-TechNxt-2018), March 13-14, Greater Noida, India.
3. D. Singh, A. Agrawal and Rajesh Gupta, “Power Management In Solar PV Fed Microgrid
System With Battery Support”, IEEE INDICON 2017, IIT Roorkee, 15-17 Dec. 2017.
4. A. Sharma, Rajesh Gupta and M. Gupta, “Xilinx System Generator-Based FPGA Control of
Power Flow for DC/DC Converter”, International Conference on NextGen Electronic
Technologies: Silicon to Software (ICNET2 2017), VIT University, Chennai, 23-25 March
2017, Published in Book Chapter Intelligent Embedded Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical
Engineering, vol. 492, pp. 25-35, Springer, Singapore, 2018.
5. V. Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Voltage Control and Power Balance in a Standalone Microgrid
Supported from Solar PV System”, IEEE TENCON 2016, Nov. 22-25, 2016, Singapore.
6. R. Sharma and Rajesh Gupta, “Symmetrical DC-link Capacitor Voltage for Cascaded H-
Bridge Inverter Supported from Solar PV Array”, IEEE TENCON 2016, Nov. 22-25, 2016,
7. P. Chinna D. Goud and Rajesh Gupta, “Global MPPT of Grid connected Solar PV Inverter
under Partially Shaded Condition”, IEEE PEDES, 14-17 Nov. 2016, Trivendrum, India.
8. A. Agrawal and Rajesh Gupta, “Strategical Operational Modes for Isolated Solar PV System
in Battery Power Management Scenario”, 2016 IEEE Seventh India International Conference
on Power Electronics (IICPE-2016), 17-19 Nov. 2016, Patiala, India.
9. S, Sharma and Rajesh Gupta, “Power Flow Control with CascadedTransformer Multilevel
Converter Integrated With Energy Storage”, 2016 IEEE Seventh India International
Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2016), 17-19 Nov. 2016, Patiala, India.
10. P. Venkata Krishna, Alok Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Grid Connected Solar PV fed Cascaded
Multilevel Inverter Implementation using XSG Platform”, 41st Annual Conf. of IEEE Ind.
Electronics (IECON 2015), Nov.9-12, 2015, Japan.
11. P. Chinna D. Goud, Alok Kumar Singh, Rajesh Gupta and Paulson Samuel, “GMPPT of
Solar PV Array under Partial Shading Condition using LabVIEW FPGA”, 41st Annual Conf.
of IEEE Ind. Electronics (IECON 2015), Nov.9-12, 2015, Japan.
12. V. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Gupta, “Closed-loop Control of Isolated Dual Active Bridge
Converter using Dual Phase Shift Modulation”, 41st Annual Conf. of IEEE Ind. Electronics
(IECON 2015), Nov.9-12, 2015, Japan.
13. Devesh Jaiswal and Rajesh Gupta, “Photovoltaic Supported Single Phase Series Controller
for Voltage Compensation”, IEEE Spon. International Conference on Power Control and
Embedded Systems(ICPCES 2014), Dec.26-28, 2014, Allahabad, India.
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14. Malay Bhunia, Rajesh Gupta and B. Subudhi, “Cascaded DC-DC Converter for a Reliable
Standalone PV fed DC load”, 6th IEEE India Conference on Power Electronics, “08-10,
Dec., 2014, Krukshetra, India.
15. G. V. E. Satish and Rajesh Gupta, “Second Order Sliding Mode Control for a Single Phase
Voltage Source Inverter”, IEEE TENCON 2014, 22-25, Oct. 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
16. Haritha P., Karthikeyan V. and Rajesh Gupta, “Universal Maximum Power Point Tracking in
Wind- Solar Hybrid System for Battery Storage Application”, IEEE Sponsored International
Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES 2014), Coimbatore, India, July 2-5, 2014.
17. Rajesh P., Rajasekar S., Rajesh Gupta and Paulson Samuel, “Solar Array System Simulation using
FPGA with Hardware Co-Simulation”, in 23rd IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics
(ISIE-2014), Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-4, 2014.
18. Mayank Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Analysis of Voltage and Current for Multicarrier Based
Multilevel Inverter”, in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems
(SCES 2014), Allahabad, India, May 28-30, 2014.
19. G. V. E. Satish and Rajesh Gupta, “Sliding mode control of DVR for mitigation of power
quality issues”, International Conference on Standards for Smart Grid Ecosystem, CPRI
Bangalore, March 6-7 2014.
20. Karthikeyan. V and Rajesh Gupta, “Performance Study of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter”,
International Conference on Advance Computing & Communication Systems, Coimbatore,
India, Dec. 19-21, 2013
21. Akbar Ahmad and Rajesh Gupta, “Digital PWM of Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source
Inverter using FPGA” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems
(SCES 2013), Allahabad, India, April 12-14, 2013.
22. Malay Bhunia and Rajesh Gupta, “Voltage Regulation of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System
using Boost SEPIC Converter with battery storage system” in IEEE Sponsored Students
Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2013), Allahabad, India, April 12-14, 2013.
23. Piyush Agarwal and Rajesh Gupta, “Grid Integration of Solar PV Power Using Shunt
Connected VSC” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems
(SCES 2013), Allahabad, India, April 12-14, 2013.
24. Abhishek Garg, , Rajasekar.S and Rajesh Gupta, “A New Modulation Technique to Eliminate Leakage Current in
Transformerless PV Inverter” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems
(SCES 2013), Allahabad, India, April 12-14, 2013.
25. Megha Goyal and Rajesh Gupta, “DC link voltage controller based power flow control in
distributed microgrid”, 5th IEEE Power India Conference, 2012 , 19-22 Dec. 2012, Murthal,
26. Shweta Gautam, S. Kundu, P. Basu and Rajesh Gupta, “FPGA implementation of
generalized modulation for hybrid multilevel inverter with fixed ratio DC link voltage”,
IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES),
16-19 Dec. 2012, Bengaluru, India.
27. G. V. E. Satish and Rajesh Gupta, “Sliding mode control of dual-buck full-bridge inverter”,
IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE2012), 06-08 Dec.
2012, New Delhi, India.
28. Syamnaresh Garlapati and Rajesh Gupta, “Shunt active power filter as front end converter for
DC loads”, IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE2012), 06-
08 Dec. 2012, New Delhi, India.

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29. Megha Goyal and Rajesh Gupta, “Operation and Control of a Distributed Microgrid with
Hybrid System”, IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics
(IICPE2012), 06-08 Dec. 2012, New Delhi, India.
30. Shweta Gautam and Rajesh Gupta, “Accurate Derivation of Switching Dynamics for Load
Compensation in Non-Stiff Source Distribution System” in 21th IEEE Symposium on
Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2012), Hangzhou, China, May 28-31, 2012.
31. Shweta Gautam and Rajesh Gupta, “Generalized Hysteresis Current Controller for
Three-level Inverter Topologies” in 21th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-
2012), Hangzhou, China, May 28-31, 2012.
32. Rajasekar S, Rajesh Gupta, Anurag Upadhyay, Puneet Agarwal, Sudhir Kumar, Y. Shasi
Kumar “Modified Hill-top Algorithm Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Solar PV
Module” in 21th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE2012), May 28-31, 2012.
33. Shweta Gautam, Anil Yadav and Rajesh Gupta, “AC/DC/AC Converters based on Parallel
AC/DC and Cascaded DC/AC Converters” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on
Engineering and Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, India, March 16-18, 2012.
34. Megha Goyal and Rajesh Gupta, “Power Flow Control in Distributed Microgrid with Wind
Energy System” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems(SCES
2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, India, March 16-18, 2012.
35. Vijay Kumar Singh and Rajesh Gupta “Active Power Balance in Cascaded Multilevel
Converter Under Bipolar and Unipolar Modulation” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference
on Engineering and Systems(SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, India, March 16-18, 2012.
36. Rajasekar.S, Rajesh Gupta, “Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion Using Modular Multilevel
Inverter,” in IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems(SCES 2012),
M.N National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, March 16-18, 2012 .
37. Y. Shasi Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Maximum power point tracking of multiple photovoltaic
arrays,” IEEE Sponsored Students Conference on Engineering and Systems(SCES 2012),
M.N National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, March 16-18, 2012.
38. Rajasekar.S, Rajesh Gupta ,“ Photovoltaic Array Based Multilevel Inverter for Power
Conditioning,” in IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Power and Energy System
(ICPS-2011), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 22-24, Dec.2011.
39. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta, “Series Compensation to Mitigate Harmonics and Voltage
Sags/Swells in Distributed Generation Based on Symmetrical Components Estimation”, 20th
IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics 2011 (ISIE 2011), June 27-30, 2011, Gdansk,
40. Amit Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Capacitors Voltage Balancing in Half Bridge Inverter for
Low Switching Frequency Applications”, IEEE PEDES 2010 & 2010 Power India
Conference”, Dec 20-23, 2010, India.
41. Rajesh Gupta, Gaurang Gupta, Dharmendra Kastwar, Amir Hussain and Hars Ranjan,
“Modeling and design of MPPT controller for a PV module using PSCAD/EMTDC”,
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (2010 IEEE PES ISGT Europe),,
Oct.11-13, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
42. Amit Kumar and Rajesh Gupta, “Single-phase AC/DC/AC Converter using Cascaded
Multilevel Inverter”, IEEE 2010 International Conference on Power Control and Embedded
Systems(ICPCES 2010), Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2010, India.

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43. Shweta Gautam and Rajesh Gupta, “Three-level Inverter based Shunt Active Power Filter
using Generalized Hysteresis Current Control Method”, IEEE 2010 International Conference
on Power Control and Embedded Systems(ICPCES 2010), Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2010, India.
44. Kamala Kant Mishra and Rajesh Gupta, “Load Characterization and Performance
Characteristic of Active Filters in Domestic Consumer Voltage Distribution System”, IEEE
2010 International Conference on Power Control and Embedded Systems(ICPCES 2010),
Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2010, India.
45. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta, “Sliding Mode Control of Converter in Distributed
Generation using DSTATCOM”, IEEE 2010 International Conference on Power Control
and Embedded Systems(ICPCES 2010), Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2010, India.
46. Paulson Samuel, Chandra Sekhar Nalamati and Rajesh Gupta, “Wind Energy Conversion
based on Seven-level Cascaded H-bridge Inverter using LabVIEW FPGA”, IEEE 2010
International Conference on Power Control and Embedded Systems(ICPCES 2010), Nov.
29-Dec.02, 2010, India.
47. Rajesh Gupta, Gaurang Gupta, Dharmendra Kastwar, Amir Hussain and Hars Ranjan, “Solar
photovoltaic power conversion using environment friendly power electronics converter”, Int.
Conf. & Exib. On Recent Advancement in Environmental Protection (RAEP 2009), Dec 17-
19, 2009, Agra, India.
48. Sinha, D. Kumar, P. Samuel and R. Gupta, “Performance analysis of converter based
variable speed wind energy conversion system”, IEEE International Conference on Power
System (ICPS 09), pp.6, Dec. 27-29, 2009, Kharagpur, India.
49. K. K. Mishra and Rajesh Gupta, “Harmonic reduction and reactive power compensation in
domestic consumer voltage distribution system”, RAEEE09, Dec. 23-24, 2009, NIT
Hamirpur, India.
50. P. Samuel, R. Gupta and D. Chandra, “Grid interface of photovoltaic-micro turbine hybrid
based power for voltage support and control using VSI in rural applications”, IEEE PES
General meeting 2009, 26-30 July 2009.
51. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Generalized Converter Modulation
and Loss Estimation for Grid Interface Applications”, IEEE PES General meeting 2008, 6
pp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 20-24 July 2008.
52. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta “Voltage and Power Flow Control of Grid Connected
Wind Generation System using DSTATCOM”, IEEE PES General meeting 2008, 6 pp.,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 20-24 July 2008.
53. Sinha, D. Kumar, D. Kumar, P. Samuel and R. Gupta, “A Two-Stage Converter based
Controller for a Stand Alone Wind Energy System used for Remote Applications”, In Proc.
INTELEC 2008, 6 pp., San Diego, USA, 14-18, Sept. 2008.
54. Rajesh Gupta and Arindam Ghosh, “Reduced order LQG controller for distribution static
compensator used for load voltage control of distribution system”, Proc. Int. Conf. on
Modelling and Simulation, vol.2, pp. 637-641, Kolkata, India, Dec. 3-5, 2007.
55. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta, “Fuzzy logic based extended dynamic braking of electric
locomotive”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, vol.2, pp. 466-470, Kolkata,
India, Dec. 3-5, 2007.
56. R. S. Bajpai and Rajesh Gupta, “Stability Analysis of Wind Generator Connected to
Infinite Bus System ”, In Proc. IEEE Spons. Int. Conf. on Power System Analysis, Control
and Optimization, Visakhapatnam, India, pp.234-239, March 13-15, 2008.

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57. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Cascaded multilevel control of
DSTATCOM using multiband hysteresis modulation”, IEEE PES General meeting 2006,
7pp., Montreal Canada, 18-22 June 2006.
58. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Control of 3-level shunt active power
filter using harmonic selective controller”, IEEE Power India Conference, 7pp., New Delhi,
10-12 April 2006.
59. Rajesh Gupta and Arindam Ghosh, “Bifurcation in the sliding mode control of an inverter for
DSTATCOM”, Proc. 13th National Power System Conference, Chennai, pp. 755-760, 28-30
Dec. 2004.
60. G. Sridhar Reddy and Rajesh Gupta, “Neural network based unified power flow controller”,
Proc. 13th National Power System Conference, Chennai, pp. 1043-1047, 28-30 Dec. 2004.
61. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “Linear modulation and analysis of shunt
compensated distribution system”, Proc. 2nd National Power Electronics Conference,
Kharagpur, pp. 185-190, 22-24 Dec. 2005.
62. Rajesh Gupta, Arindam Ghosh and Avinash Joshi, “FPGA based closed loop control of
compensators for electrical distribution system”, Worldwide virtual instrumentation
conference, NIDays 2005-06, pp. 7-8, New Delhi 29 Nov. 2005.

(C) Magazine/Report Publications

1. Rajesh Gupta, Alok Kumar Singh, Vivek Kumar, Rahul Sharma and Shweta Sharma, “Solar
PV System Focus on Scenario of Uttar Pradesh“,Electrical India Magazine, Chary
Publication (Mumbai),, Mumbai, India, vol. 56, no.1, pp.174-181, January 2016.
2. R. S. Bajpai, Rajesh Gupta and Paulson Samuel, “Generator and Power Converter Concepts
in Distributed Wind Energy Conversion System”, Electrical India Magazine, Chary
Publication (Mumbai), vol. 51, no.2, pp. 70-79, Feb. 2011.
3. Rajesh Gupta and Kamala Kant Mishra, “Review of CFL and its harmonic impact on
electrical distribution system”, Electrical India Magazine, Chary Publication (Mumbai), vol.
50, no.2, pp. 98-106, Feb. 2010.

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