Edu 603 Correct Final Proj April
Edu 603 Correct Final Proj April
Edu 603 Correct Final Proj April
Tesha A. Treasure
Post University
Teaching is a very important profession. Educators are the ones who are responsible for molding
students for the future. For our future leaders to function effectively in this dynamic society,
teachers must create a safe, student-centered and nurturing environment so that students can fully
understand concepts. Teachers must provide opportunities for students to learn the different
skills that are needed so that they can maximize their full potential.
The National Center on Universal Design for Learning (2011) defined UDL as “a set of
principles to follow when developing a curriculum so that the curriculum meets the needs of
every student, giving all students equal opportunities to learn.” The main purpose of the
Universal Learning Design is to meet the varied needs of learners in the classroom. The UDL
also places emphasis on the way content is being presented to students. When content is
presented in a variety of ways that cater to different learning styles, then this helps the learners to
see the importance of learning the contents, hence helping them too gasp the concepts better and
apply what they have learned in the future to different situations. The UDL also allows students
to be responsible for their learning. The UDL also speaks to differentiation. Instruction is
adjusted to meet the varied needs of the learners. While instruction is adjusted, the students are
still meeting the objectives and standards. The teachers need to be fully aware of their learners so
that they can be provided with the appropriate activities.
While the Universal Learning Design is very effective, there are some concerns as it relates to
resources. Sometimes resources are not easily accessible because of cost as well as other factors.
In this case, we can try to use resources that are more easily available as well as resources that
are like the one that is needed.
process so that learners can grasp concepts better. They will also be encouraged as well as
allowed to work cooperatively so that they can learn to respect each other’s opinions and work
together to solve problems and or complete tasks.
Kindergarten- Understanding Counting
Eddie White Elementary
Hampton, Ga 30228
help them in constructing meaning for the conceptual idea of counting. They will learn how to
count before they understand cardinality, i.e. that the last count word is the amount of the set.
Students will also play games that require them to add on to a previous count to reach a goal. The
will be given frequent opportunities in counting on and counting back. This will also help them
to know number names and the count sequence. Dot cards, dominoes and number cubes all
create different mental images for relating quantity to number words and numerals. They will be
provided with activities of this nature to enhance the concept.
One way students can learn the left to right orientation of numbers is to use a finger to write
numbers in air (sky writing). Children will see mathematics as something that is alive and that
they are involved. Students will be required to study and write numbers 0 to 20 in this order:
numbers 1 to 9, the number 0, and then numbers 10 to 20. This will help them to know that 0 is
the number items left after all items in a set are taken away.
Students will be provided with a variety of experiences in which they can connect count words or
number words to the numerals that represent the quantities. Students will arrive at an
understanding of a number when they acquire cardinality and can connect a number with the
numerals and the number word for the quantity they all represent.
Technology will also be utilized to enhance learning. Students will also use complete IREADY
lessons on the computer.
Students will also learn in groups, based on interests, the topic, learner’s readiness level, and so
on. Content will be presented in a variety of ways to ensure that everyone’s needs are catered to,
and to ensure that they understand concepts. A variety of assessments will also be utilized.
Wiggins & McTighe (2005) explain that understanding is a concept in which students can
demonstrate an understanding of something through completing certain activities or tasks (p.37).
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
-Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
-Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0
representing a count of no objects).
-Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to
begin at 1).
-Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
a. When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with
one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. (one-to-
one correspondence)
b. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted (cardinality).
The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they
were counted.
c. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
-Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort
the categories by count.
Students will also be able to make number cards with their names and correct amount of objects
to match the numbers.
The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) allows educators to think about how they are going to
teach or pass on content to students. This ensures that all students are given equal opportunity to
learn. So, the teacher designs learning experiences in flexible ways, ensuring that the varied
needs of individual learners are catered to. According to the article,Universal Design for
Learning (UDL). By: Eagleton, Maya, Research Starters: Education (Online Edition), 2013,
"UDL principles guide educators in finding innovative ways to make curricula accessible and
appropriate for individuals with different backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and disabilities
in various learning situations and contexts" (Rose & Meyer, 2002).
Two instructional goals for the unit Understanding Counting in Kindergarten are:
Academic Goals:
Students will be able to count to 100 by ones and tens
Students will be able to write numbers from 0-30
Students will be able to write number names for numbers from 0-30
The IREADY Program will be used to help to improve students' performance in Math,
specifically, understanding counting.
Social Emotional Goals- Students will be given incentive and certificates when they pass
IREADY lessons (every 2 lessons).
Representation: Students will be introduced to lessons through the use of interactive games,
songs, poems, technology, read-alouds. They will also be given different manipulatives such as
counters, ten-frames, and so on.
Action and Expression: Students will utilize technology, games, role-play, stories, etc.
Engagement: Students will be actively engaged. They will complete I-Ready lessons on the
computer, they will work in groups, they will make number cards, draw pictures to show
numbers and number facts, etc.
To ensure that content is presented in a variety of ways so as to cater to every child's needs, I will
ensure that I adhere to the three principles of Universal Design Learning namely: Representation,
Action and Expression, and Engagement. A learner profile will be developed for each learner so
that I can identify strengths and weaknesses, hence providing the appropriate activity for
students. I will also be utilizing a variety of strategies, because "one size does not fit all".
Students will always be aware of what the objectives are, and why they are meeting these
The three principles of the UDL helps in creating a curriculum that is flexible and student-
CAST (2018) states, “The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal
Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people
based on scientific insights into how humans learn” (para.2). We all encounter students who are
different in a variety of ways. They differ in culture, interest, learning styles, academic levels and
so on. It is our duty as educators to effectively cater to the needs of these students by using a
variety of strategies so that they can learn. Before we start implementing these strategies, we
however have to create a learner profile for each student so that we will know where they are at,
their strengths as well as their weaknesses.
If a great amount of students with disabilities or students on Tier 3 are in the class, I think that
the UDL may not be very effective.
Overall, the UDL helps me as an educator to meet the varied needs of my learners.
It provides flexible instruction for educators, that helps to better differentiate in the classroom, so
as to meet the varied needs of learners.
Description of unit This unit builds on the experiences children have with counting numbers.
Teachers help students move from rote counting to knowing that the number word spoken tells
the quantity and that the number on which a person ends when counting represents the entire
count. Students count to 100 by ones and tens. They engage in various hands-on counting
experiences and cooperative group work to develop this understanding.
Content Standard(s)
Make sense of problems and persevere in Students will make sense of problems
solving them. involving rote counting, recognizing counting
patterns, and identifying quantities of items
Look for and make use of structure Students will begin to look for patterns and
structure in the number system by working with
dot cards, number cards and ten frames.
Construct viable arguments and critique the Students will begin to develop the ability to
reasoning of others. reason and analyze situations by considering
questions such as “How do you know you
counted correctly?”
When students are given problems to solve -How do you know that you counted correctly?
or activities to do based on counting, they -How many dots did you see?
have to answer these questions to help them -How do you know?
determine if their answers are correct. -What way did you see the dots grouped
-How many dots away from 5 is your number?
How many dots would you need to make
10?(anchoring 5& 10)
Stage 2
Performance Task
The students will each have on a chef’s hat. They will
be given sheets with cupcakes and ten frames. The cupcakes will have cherries on the top and
addition problems will also be shown. They will be required to color the cherries to show the
sum of the two numbers that are on the cupcake.
S – Situation
The context or challenge The students will each have on a chef’s hat. They will
provided to the student. be given sheets with cupcakes and ten frames. The cupcakes
will have cherries on the top and addition problems will also
be shown. They will be required to color the cherries to show
the sum of the two numbers that are on the cupcake.
P – Product, Performance
What product/performance There will be addition sheets that have cupcakes with cherries
will the on top, and ten frames. They will show the sum of two
student create? numbers. The colored cherries will tell the sum of the
numbers that are on the cupcakes.
There will be continuous assessment throughout Students will reflect on their learning using
the unit. Students will complete different interactive videos from I-Ready, number
activities such as cut and paste, they will use ten- /counting songs, sharing and receiving
frames, counters, dot cards, number cards as well feedback from their peers and teacher,
as other manipulative to show numbers and solve drawing pictures and making number
number problems. They will also be required to sentences and stories in their journals.
complete lessons on I-Ready. They will be given
incentives for every 2 lessons that they pass.
Stage 3
How will you help students to Each group will share their activity with the class. They
exhibit and self-evaluate their will share how they solved their problem or completed
growing skills, knowledge, and their task. The other students will decide if their answers
understanding throughout the are correct or not.
How will you tailor and Students will play number games like BINGO, snakes
otherwise personalize the and ladders, do journal entries, fill out ten-frames, as
learning plan to optimize the well as play computer games, and complete lessons and
engagement and effectiveness of quizzes on the I-READY program.
ALL students, without
7 Count 6 and 7 Children will form groups of 6 and show I-Ready Interactive
different arrangements for 6. They will also I-Ready textbook
form groups of 7 and show different Counters
arrangements for 7.
8 Make 6 and 7 Children will explore different ways to I-Ready Interactive
make 6. The will compose groups of 6 I-Ready textbook
starting from a given number. Counters
9 Count 8 and 9 Children will compare dot cards 1to 8, form I-Ready Interactive
groups of 8 children, and show different I-Ready textbook
arrangements for 8. They will form groups Dot cards
of 9 and show different arrangements. Counters
10 Make 8 and 9 Children will explore ways to make 9 using I-Ready Interactive
groups of children and two colors of I-Ready textbook
connecting cubes. They will also make Cubes
combinations of 9 staring from a given
11 Count 10 Children will explore visual images of 10 by I-Ready Interactive
filling a ten-frame with counters, then I-Ready textbook
arranging the counters in a circle. They will Counters
explore counting 10 objects shown in Different objects
different arrangements.
12 Compare within Children will compare groups of 6 and 7 I-Ready Interactive
10 crayons and discuss how to identify the I-Ready textbook
group that has more. They will compare Counters
groups of counters to see which has more.
Students will sing songs, say rhymes, as well as play number games to enhance learning.
At the end of each lesson, students will do a quiz.
Activities will be tiered to cater to differentiation.
Students will complete problem solving questions at the end of each lesson.
Jacobs, H.H. (2010). Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World. Alexandria, VA:
Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Assoc. for
Wojcik, J. (2016). Understanding by design and universal design: Instructional models for a variety of