Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Studies
Territory: Grenada
It is a great privilege to honour those who have aided in the completion of this study. I
would like to thank the Lord for giving me the strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding
for being able to complete this research. I would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Mr.
Imran George, Mr. George Cox, Mrs. Carmen Logan Lawrence and Ms. Sylvia Logan who are
teachers of the Hillsborough Secondary School and the community of Mt.Royal, for making the
collection of data possible, and for granting me the opportunity to conduct my investigation at
the school. Thanks to Mr. Walt Williams and Ms.Princess Russell, my Caribbean Studies
lecturers who guided me throughout this research.My family is proud of my hard work—and to
say the least—honoured to have played a major role in assisting me in this venture, both
physically and emotionally. They took this journey with me without complaints and gave me
Table of Content
Introduction ………..................…………………………………………………..………………4
Value of Research…...……………………………….………………………………………....…5
Literature Review...……..…………………………………………………………………..…..6-7
Presentation of Data……………….........………………………..……………….....……...…8-14
Analysis of Data…….…….…….….……………………………………….…………....….......15
Discussion on Findings.………………………………………………………………….…........16
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………17
Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….…………24
From previous times, the people in the community of Mt.Royal and society on a hold,
developed the mentality that men are the rulers of the earth, but as times progresses, this
phenomenon is slowly becoming a thing of the past due to the obvious fact that females are now
occupying the majority of leadership within society, that men once held signalling the end of
Purpose of Research
The influx of male underachievement in our society has been a critical concern. Over the
past years, statistics have shown that females are outperforming males vocationally and
academically. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to find out the factors that causes
female students to outperform the males, and some motivational measures that used as
Statement of Problem
Recent times has shown that the increasing number of uneducated males within today’s
society leading to male marginality. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the social factors that
Value of research
Boys’ underachievement is a heavily discussed and debated topic and poses as a major
challenge to the education system. The inadequate investment of time and focus in personal and
academic goals by males and their families, lack of parental support, lack of male role models
within the society to influence and promote achievement, and poverty are some of the barriers
that affects males from educational achievement. The research will provide valuable insight into
problem so recommendation can be made to policy makers to stem the negative trend.
Social issues – refers to undesirable conditions or situations within a society that people
Underachievement –the act of doing or gaining less than expected, usually related to
Education –is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, usually related to
schooling institutions.
Academic performance – refers to the outcome of education usually the extent to which
Society – The term refers to a set of persons living in a specific geographical area who
share a common identity: share a common pattern of behaviour/ relationship and who
seated differentials in society and cannot be resolved in the arena of the school alone”.
Additionally, in a (2012) article sectioned‘Strategies for closing the gap and winning back our
boys’, Ruel B. Ried stated that “Boys’ underachievement is a result of a ‘complex interplay of
forces’ both at home and school (USAID, 2005). Negative school and home environment are key
expectations are the norm, where achievement is celebrated, and where teaching and learning
commented, “Our society has employed a form of socialization that is tying the heifer and
releasing the bull.” This coincides with Professor Barry Chevannes (2002), a Sociologist,
publication on the topic ‘What you sow is what you reap.’ Chevannes conclusion was because he
observed, in Jamaican culture that at home boys are expected to misbehave, whilst girls are
expected to conform to a rigid code. The professor also added that, if a boy misbehaved, it is
expected and if a girl does so it is a serious matter. These are the norms that have been
developing in life, which contributes to this marginalization. Chevannes later explained that the
cause of male underachievement starts from the family and the surrounding environment.
Figueroa agreed with this saying in his article (2004) that “from this a cycle is created as this
underachievement will in return affect the surrounding environ and families. The article (2004)
also stated that males have special roles in society that plays a major role in how a society is
shaped and certain behaviours by males will affect the society. Professor Figueroa in his 2004
article referred to male underachievement as the “door for most social issues within the
communities.” Figueroa stated that this growing trend is the result of what the societies are
The method of collecting data for this research was quantitative in the form of both primary and
secondary sources. The primary sources use questionnaire which was given to relevant citizens
within the community as well as four teachers from the Hillsborough Secondary School, while
the secondary information came through the use of books, written literatures and articles from
valid and reliable sources that commented on the issue being studied.
These methods of information collection were suitable as the population sample being
researched is a large group. The articles and books were used as secondary sources because well-
known researchers who have over the years carried out accurate and up to date researches wrote
these materials.
Presentation of Data
Pie Chart Showing How Informed the population Sample
is on Male Underachievement.
Very informed about the matter Moderately informed about the matter
Have no knowledge on the issue Have very little knowledge on the issue.
Donut Chart Showing the Persons who Interact with
Male Underachievers and the Type of Interaction
they have.
Effects of Male Underachievement Number of Persons
Negative effects of Male Underachievement 66
Donut Chart Showing the Extent by which
Females Outperform Males.
Social factors causing Male Percentage of
Underachievement within the Responses (%)
Bar Chart Showing the Different Solutions Chosen
that Can Be Implemented on an Inter-personal
Level to Reduce Male Underachievement.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Analysis of Data
From conducting an analysis from the data collected, it is evident that the issue of male
underachievement is prominent in society because most of the population sample saw male
underachievers throughout the community. The general trend of the data analysis shows that
males are heading down a road of extreme marginality. This can be potential problems for
society in the long-run because males would be ineffective in carrying out their expected roles.
Statistics shows that 70 persons said that male underachievement resulted in an increase
of many social issues that already existed in the community such as; school dropouts, single
parent families, gender biases etc. From the same analysis, another 12 persons stated that male
becomesuccessful males. However, 13 persons claimed that male underachievement has given
female counterparts an opportunity to rank above them, while 9 persons said male
The data also shows that 42.30% of the populationbelieves male underachievement is
caused by the inadequate investment, and 38.46% believed that male underachievement is caused
by the lack of communication within the family at home. It is also seen that 11.53% says the
issue is caused by a lack of male role models within the society to influence and promote
achievement. The other7.71% said that the issue is caused by financial discomfort.
Majority of the population sample however said that the underachiever could invest
more time in his work and other personal development activities to reduce the issue; and others
that communication within the family about the problem can increased and this will aid in
Discussion on Findings
On analysing all the data collected, some major findings were determined. It was also
determined that the main social factor that contributed to males’ underachievement in society is
the inadequate time and focus that is invested. This finding was confirmed by Professor Barry
Chevannes (2002), a Sociologist, in his article “What you sow is what you reap.” This data also
showed that the social factors that contribute to Male Underachievement are factors that are
family orientated. Ruel B.Ried who stated that “Boys' underachievement is a result of a 'complex
interplay of forces'
Another major finding determined was that the main effect that male underachievement
has on the society been an increase and has negative effects on the society. This was chosen by
67.3% of the population sample (70 persons). The finding is confirmed as according to Professor
Figueroa in his 2004 article, male underachievement is the doorway for most social issues within
the communities. Figueroa stated that this growing trend is the result of what the societies are
It was determined that to solve the issue within the family, it is going to take the
investment of more time in the male’s work and other personal development activities by himself
and his family..” Ruel B. Ried also confirmed this in an article (2012) when he stated that the
solution requires major changes and investments in instruction as well as infrastructural facilities
in schools. It will also require major investments in time and effort in working with families,
non-school organisations and the wider community in eliminating the deficits that boys currently
are experiencing.
Male underachievement is a very serious issue within the community, and it is evident
that the main factors influencing male underachievement are social factors such as poverty, lack
In conducting this research few challenges were encountered. They include: some
respondents not completing the questionnaires and some not doing it all together.
To combat this issue, educators and the government need to develop strategies that would
make the academic curriculum male friendly or develop new programmes that would help to
Cover letter
conducting a research on ‘Male Underachievement’ with the objective to find out what are the
social factors that contribute to male underachievement within our community and to determine
the different solutions that can be implemented within the society to better male academic
participants. Participant you are kindly asked to return all questionnaires the following week at
Yours truly
S Mc Farlene
Shermaine McFarlene
Instructions: please place a tick in the box [] where necessary or write where
Male [ ] Female [ ]
Yes [ ] no [ ]
The term refers to the issue of males (usually a child) who performs or is
The term refers to males in society who are not making a lot of money. [ ]
The term refers to males in society who are not performing as much as the females
are. [ ]
7. Which sex performs better in the different subject areas at your school?
Male [ ] Female [ ]
8. Why do you think that the female students outperform the male students?
Other [ ]
9. What are the social factors which account for female students outperforming the
achievements [ ]
Females in my society does outperform the males, but not by an extreme margin [ ]
11. How do you think the male students at school can improve theirlevel of
performance academically?
12. What measures can be used to motivate male students at schoolto perform
None at all. [ ]
14. Do you interact with these male underachievers and what type of interactions
do you have?
16. Do you believe that government intervention will help to alleviate this
impending problem?
Chevannes, B (2002). “What You Sow Is What You Reap”, Jamaica: Publisher
Chinapoo, C., James, N., & Lee-Paisley, M. (2014). CAPE Sociology, England: Pearson
Haralambos, & Holborn. M (2000), “Sociology Themes and Perspective”, London: Collins
Hyacinth Evans (2005), Gender and Achievement in Secondary Education in Jamaica Published
by Brain Publisher.
Mustapha, N (2005), “Sociology for Caribbean Students”, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers.