New Welcome Letter 3

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school year

Happy new school year!

Dear students and families,
The new school year is just around the corner and I am looking forward
to having your child in my first-grade class for the next year! This is my
fifth-year teaching first-grade. After high school, I attended Raritan
Valley Community College and received an Associate Degree in P-12
Education. From there, I went on to Centenary University and received
my Bachelors Degree in Elementary education. Get to know
This school year, we will be heavily focusing on literary and math skills.
We will be reinforcing letters, their sounds, and using them to form more
complex words. With this, we will be coming up with sight words and I want to take this opportunity
continuing reading them aloud and creating sentences and scenarios with for you all to get to know me a
them. We will be learning to write out full sentences this year, using our little more personally before
familiar sight words to assist. We will also be going over counting, we get started with our year.
writing, and ordering numbers. We will also be dipping into measuring, My name is Samantha Hess,
using objects such as paperclips, to measure and compare other objects. though in the classroom I am
To reinforce everything we will be learning throughout the year, I will known as Ms. Hess. I was born
need help from the parents/guardians at home. Have your child read and raised in Bridgewater, still
aloud. Pick a short story and let them practice daily. Help them sound out live there! Since I was a child,
unfamiliar words. Have a notebook at home that is just for your child. I have always known I wanted
They can practice writing. Let them write about anything they want, for to be a teacher. Outside of the
this is not graded but simply for practice. Reintroduce math to your kids classroom I live with my two
at home in different ways. Let them help you cook or bake. Let them use guinea pigs, Kylo and Finn,
measuring cups/spoons. Make it fun! We will create a homework folder. who are named after characters
from my favorite movie, Star
Wars. I enjoy having movie
nights with friends and family.
I also like to hike on
weekends. I love to bake,
In the classroom we will be establishing classroom rules together. We mainly because I like to eat
will be working on our listening skills and following directions. Students sweets. Being a teacher takes
will be taking all their social skills from preschool and kindergarten, and up a lot of my time, but I could
utilize them in a more mature way. not think of a better fit for me.
There will be school supplies needed for class. Here’s the list so you can get a head start.

 1 box of #2 pencils
 3 washable glue sticks
 10 washable markers
 12 Colored pencils
 Small box of Crayons
 1 pair of safety scissors
 4 folders
 1 Composition notebook
I am also asking if each family could bring in one box of tissues at the start of the school year. This provides
our classroom with enough for the year. Help us keep our classroom clean and free of germs. Any donations
are greatly appreciated!

Overall, I am looking forward to this school year with your children! Let’s have an exciting year. Enjoy
the rest of your summer. If you have any questions, you can check the school website or feel free to email me at


Ms. Hess

“You’re off to great places, today is your day,

your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
– Dr. Suess

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