Um Tagum College

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Tagum City

A Student Teaching Plan Portfolio

1st Sem. 2010-2011

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Subject GED 426 (Practicum)

Louie Fe C. Delapiña
November 2010

UM Tagum College envisions to be recognized as responsive,
integrative and innovative non-secretarian educational powerhouse
geared towards a culture of excellence proactive to the demands of
the global community.


To provide quality instruction, research and extension services

relevant to the needs of time embracing the holistic development of
human resources imbued with knowledge, skills, habits and values
underpinning the dynamism of educational standards.


Guided by its mission, the UM Tagum College commits itself;

 To offer academic programs that meet international


 To enhance instructional and community development

through research activities and utilization.

 To strengthen extension services that will uplift the quality of

life of the community.

 To establish partnership and linkages congruent to the local,

national and international development goals.

 To empower individuals with transformational competencies

and ethical values adaptive to the needs of the global

 To harness the peculiarity to every member of the learning

community through optimal exposure to relevant activities
that reinforce talent and skills.

 To develop dedicated, service oriented human resources

responsive to the finest pursuit of quality services.

 To integrate into the curriculum diversified activities to foster

new learning experiences that define the uniqueness of the
various academic programs.

Practice teaching refers to the period of time in which a student
gains additional knowledge, experience and may level up and become
a competent teacher. As what they said experience is the greatest

This six unit practicum could be treated as practice teaching

and it happens with a particular group of children in an elementary
school setting. It is considered training on the pre-service teachers to
develop a capable and committed teaching to give a holistic program
and reforms to achieve an improved quality of basic to the children.

Education is the key to economic and political stability. An

educated populace put more weight in the liberation of the people
from extreme poverty rather than delving in too much politicking that
will bring harm than good to our community .

Doing your best is the key to success and your future depends on
you, but all this saying is just useless if you will not lead the students
to the right path by educating them in a holistic manner to boost their
morals and values in life. It simple emphasize that train a child in the
way he should go and when he/she become old he/she will not depart
from it.

This portfolio would not been possible without the assistance

and support of many people. To these people I extend my gratitude:

To the principal of Visayan Village Central Elem. School, Dr.

Vicente A. Apolinares Jr., for giving us the chance to enhance our
knowledge and skills as a pre- service teachers of UM Tagum College.
To all my cooperating teachers for sharing their time and boosting my
self confidence.

To Dr. Monalish O. Chagas the program of BEED which our

mentor, for lending her time by sharing her advices and idea, for her
untiring support through our practicum.

To my grand parents Mrs. Fe Arias, my ever supporting Aunt

Ms. Maribel Arias who is always there for her invaluable support and
assistance throughout all my years of study.

Most of all for our Almighty Father which is always there to

provide me with his blessing, patience, and wisdom for me to become
optimistic at all times.

This Humble work is unreservedly dedicated to my parents who

served as my strength, inspiration and guiding light to finish this


To my grandparents, my siblings love one’s friends and co-

practicumer’s for making them as my inspiration to finish my study.

And above all, I dedicated this to Almighty Father for without

him nothing would be possible.

Letter to the Reader

To the future readers through scanning this portfolio you can get
information what I have experience during my internship. With regard
to this you can appreciate and feel the essence of being a teacher.

Enjoy Reading and hope that through this you will inspire to become a
competent education provider.

Enjoy Reading

Title Page

Program of Education



Letter to the reader

Table of Contents

A. Vision, Mission of School

B. Narrative Report

C. Ratings
Daily Actual Rating
Non Teaching

D. Reflective Journal
Planning and Implementation
of learning program.
Using Instructional Materials
Actual teaching Rating
Test Preparation
Checking, Marking and
Interpreting of Tests
Self Evaluation

E. Daily Time Record

Various School Forms
Application Letter
Curriculum Vitae
F. Compilation
Munting Paaralan Activites

G. Rubrics

School Vision:
The Visayan Village Central Elementary School Division of Tagum City
shall produce quality and competent graduates in a conductive friendly
learning environment throught a strong partnership w/ stakeholder in
the community.

School Mission:

The Visayan Village Central Elementary School exists to offer relevant

and functional curriculum that cater the needs of the learning in the
community provided w/ quality instruction through competent and
committed teachers establish by a strong partnership with
stakeholders equipped with appropriate and adequate functional

Performance 5 3 1

(Good) (Fair) (Poor)

All components are Some of the Many of the
Cover/title page, present components are components are
table of contents, missing missing
references and

Follow the sequence Slighty follow the Does not follow the
prescribed in sequence prescribed sequence prescribed in
Organization organizing the in organizing the organizing the contents
contents of the contents of the of the porfolio
porfolio portfolio

Presentation Presentation Presentation neither

Presentation demonstrate neatness demonstrate neat or creative
and creativity in all neatness and
areas and pages of creativity to some
the portfolio extent

Promptness Submitted on or Submitted two days Submitted five days

before the prescribed after the prescribed after the prescribed
dealine deadline deadline

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Background
Name: Louie Fe C. Delapiña
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Date of Birth: April 14, 1990
Place of Birth: Tagum City
Home Address: Prk. Nangka Briz District, Tagum City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father: Demetrio Delapiña
Mother: Lilibeth Delapiña

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Don Ricardo Briz Central Elem. School

(2002.2003 )

Secondary: Liceo de Davao Briz Distric Taum City


Tertiary: UM Tagum College, Arellano Street Tagum City

III. Affiliations


IV. Seminar Attended

PAFTE Holy Cross College, Davao City October 1,


PESLA UM Tagum College, AVR

Application Letter
October 2010]
Dr. Monalisa O. Chagas
BEED Program Head
UM Tagum College
Arellano Tagum City

Dear Madam,

I am interested in applying for a teaching position on the elementary level on your

School District. As a 2010 graduate of UM Tagum College. I had a student teaching
experience on UM Munting Paaralan Brgy Tipaz Tagum City. At the present time I am
teaching at preschool in Tipaz as a part of voluntarily teaching. I am challenged to be
creative, nurturing and must of all to become patience at all times.

It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be

compassionate, enthusiastic teacher who will make a positive contribution to your school

Should you consider this letter, I am much very willing to be interviewed by you
in you most convenient time. You can contact me at this cell no. 09051460887

Thank you very much

Sincerely Yours,

Louie Fe C. Delapiña

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