The Forming Analysis of Two-Stage Extrusion For 1010 Fastener
The Forming Analysis of Two-Stage Extrusion For 1010 Fastener
The Forming Analysis of Two-Stage Extrusion For 1010 Fastener
DOI: 10.5923/j.jmea.20160603.01
Abstract Cold extrusion forming is usually applied in forging for fastener. In this study, two forming modes of two-stage
extrusion forming are studied numerically and experimentally with carbon steel AISI 1010. The forming mode 1 is to extrude
a billet into one-stage rod and to upset a head, and the forming mode 2 is to extrude a billet into two-stage rod. The forming
experiments are conducted on a 20 tonne universal testing machine with a two-stage extrusion forming die. The numerical
analysis of extrusion forming is studied by using FE code of DEFORM-3D. The formability of both forming modes is
investigated. It is revealed experimentally and numerically that, for forming mode 1, the forging load increases rapidly as
upsetting the head compactly, the maximum load is even larger than forming mode 2. Increasing forging load to achieve
complete metal forming into the die filling of head may cause die wear and fracture. However, for the deformation energy, it
is only about one third of forming mode 2. For forming mode 2, the forging load of the second extrusion is about twice larger
than the first extrusion due to the strain hardening effect. The effective strains in extrusion and upsetting regions of workpiece
were higher than the middle region for forming mode 1. For forming mode 2, the effective strains are high in the region of the
first extrusion forming, and higher in the region of the second extrusion forming. These effective strain distributions agree
with the hardness distributions tested in experiment. Therefore, the strength of workpiece for forming mode 2 is larger than
that for forming mode 1.
Keywords Two-stage extrusion forming, Forging load, Deformation energy, Effective strain
it is concluded that third- and fourth-order polynomial dies 2. Two-stage Extrusion Forming
and the cosine die are the best amongst the profiles
considered. Two-stage extrusion forming result involves a head and
Joun et al. (1998) present a computer simulation technique two-step rod, as shown in Fig. 1. There are two forming
for the forging process having a spring-attached die. A modes, as shown in Fig. 2, forming mode 1 is to extrude a
penalty rigid-viscoplastic finite element method is employed billet into one-stage rod and then upsetting a head; and
together with an iterative force-balancing method, in which forming mode 2 is to extrude a billet into two-stage rod. The
convergence is achieved when the forming load and the dimension of initial billet for forming mode 1 is
spring reaction force are in equilibrium within the φ7.72mm×L32.2mm which diameter approaches to the
user-specified allowable accuracy. The significance of metal diameter of the first-stage rod, as shown in Fig. 2(a), and the
flow lines for quality control and the effects of forging stroke, ∆L = 12mm. The dimension of initial billet
spring-attached dies on the metal flow lines as well as the for forming mode 2 is φ9.76mm×L22.7mm which diameter
decrease in forming load are investigated. Wu and Hsu (2002) approaches to the diameter of head, as shown in Fig. 2(b),
use the finite element method to analyze the influence of die and the forging stroke, ∆L = 20mm. Fig. 2(c) shows the
shapes with different draft angles and fillet radii on the geometry and dimension of extrusion die cavity.
extrusion forging deformation. Two sets of dies with Numerical simulation of two-stage extrusion forming is
different shapes are performed, and the results are compared modeled as three dimension finite element analysis using the
with the predictions of the finite element method for the code of DEFORM 3D (Fluhrer, 2003). The workpiece is
same deformation mode. Cho et al. (2003) study the process modeled using tetrahedral elements. Since the tool material
design of a forward and backward extruded axi-symmetric is typically much harder than the workpiece material, its
part with the commercial finite element code, DEFORM. It deformation is neglected and was considered as a rigid object.
was found that the shape of the pre-form with 12.5 mm of The workpiece material is solid commercial carbon steel
lower extrusion was favorable. The optimum process for the AISI 1010 billet and was considered as a rigid-plastic
final product was that final forming has to be carried out with material with Von Misses yield criterion, isotropic hardening.
an annealed pre-form. The constant shear friction is considered between the
Farhoumand and Ebrahimi (2009) present the analysis of workpiece and tools, and friction coefficient was m = 0.12.
forward–backward-radial extrusion process with the finite For extrusion experiment, commercial carbon steel AISI
element code, ABAQUS, to investigate the effect of 1010 was used as initial workpiece material. The cylindrical
geometrical parameters such as die corner radius and gap billets with dimensions φ7.72mm×L32.2mm and
height as well as process condition such as friction on the φ9.76mm×L22.7mm are respectively for forming mode 1
process. The finite element results are compared with and forming mode 2.
experimental data in terms of forming load and material flow The forming test was conducted on a 20 tonne universal
in different regions. Hardness distribution in longitudinal testing machine under a constant ram speed of 2 mm/min at
cross-section of the product is used to verify strain room temperature. The forging strokes are ∆L = 12mm for
distribution obtained from finite element analysis. forming mode 1, and ∆L = 20mm for forming mode 2,
Jafarzadeh et al. (2012) study the lateral extrusion process respectively. Fig. 3 shows the two-stage extrusion die, punch
with the FE code of DEFORM-3D to analyze the effects of and die block. The final lengths of workpieces for both
some important geometrical parameters such as initial billet forming modes were about 32 mm. The cross-section
dimensions, gap height and frictional condition on the reduction ratio are r1 = 34.7% for the first extrusion and r2 =
required forging load, the material flow pattern and effective 32.6% for the second extrusion, respectively. The
plastic strain distribution. A series of experimental tests on deformation energy is
commercial lead billets were carried out to verify the FE ∆L
E = ∫ Fdl (1)
results. The results revealed that the gap height has the 0
greatest effect on the forming load and material flow. where F is forging load and ∆L is total forging stroke.
There are many experimental and numerical studies in
extrusion forming. This study presents the analysis of
two-stage extrusion forming in one die with two distinct
forming modes. The forming mode 1 is to extrude a billet
into one-stage rod and then upsetting a head. The forming
mode 2 is to extrude a billet into two-stage rod. The extrusion
forming experiment is conducted on a 20 tonne universal
testing machine with a two-stage extrusion forming die. The
numerical analysis of extrusion forming is studied by using
FE code of DEFORM-3D. The formability of both forming
modes is investigated.
Figure 1. Two-stage forming fastener
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2016, 6(3): 43-50 45
Figure 2. The schematic illustration of extrusion forming: (a) forming mode 1; (b) forming mode 2; (c) geometry and dimension of die cavity
Figure 4. (a) Numerical simulation of extrusion procedure; (b) forging load vs. punch stroke; (c) experimental extrusion procedure for forming mode 1
(φ7.72mm×L32.2mm, ∆L = 12mm)
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2016, 6(3): 43-50 47
Figure 5. (a) Numerical simulation of extrusion procedure; (b) forging load vs. punch stroke; (c) experimental extrusion procedure for forming mode 2
(φ9.76mm×L22.7mm, ∆L = 20mm)
48 Chih-Cheng Yang et al.: The Forming Analysis of Two-stage Extrusion for 1010 Fastener
Experimental Numerical
Forming mode L(mm) D(mm) L(mm) Fmax (kN) E(kJ) Fmax (kN) E(kJ)
1 32.2 7.72 12 169.9 0.429 289.9 0.358
2 22.7 9.76 20 149.3 1.487 99.2 1.273
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Effective strain distribution for (a) extrusion forming mode 1; (b) extrusion forming mode 2
As illustrated in Fig. 5(b), the experimental and numerical loads were smaller than the experimental loads. This
results for forming mode 2 are close, too. As related to situation is explained as a consequence of modeling
forming procedure, presented in Fig. 5(a) and 5(c) assumption for strain hardening. As seen from Fig. 5(a),
respectively for numerical simulation and experimental test, except the region of free end of workpiece, the stress
the load curves have also two regions, namely, the first and response is evidently in overall workpiece, surely in the
second extrusions. As the punch moving down, the first region of second extrusion forming. The maximum effective
extrusion formation occurs until the front end of billet stress is 678 MPa, the same with forming mode 1.
reaches to the second extrusion die cavity (A-E for
experiment and a-e for numerical in Fig. 5). In this region, 3.2. The Effective Strain and Hardness
the numerical forging load is relative close to the Figs. 6(a)-(b) show the effective strain distribution for
experimental forging load, as presented in Fig. 5(b). As the forming mode 1 and forming mode 2, respectively, which
punch stroke increasing, the second extrusion formation were obtained from three dimensional simulations. It is
begins and continues until the forging stroke reaches to 20 obvious that the forming mode affects the flowing of
mm (F-H and f-g in Fig. 5), and the forging loads increase materials. For forming mode 1, the effective strains in
with the increasing stroke because of the strain hardening extrusion and upsetting regions of workpiece were higher
effect. The maximum forging load, as listed in Table 1, is than the middle region, as illustrated in Fig. 6(a), because, in
Fmax = 99.2 kN numerically, while Fmax = 149.3 kN the middle region, the diameter of initial billet is very close
experimentally. However, the deformation energy is E = to the diameter of die cavity, as shown in Fig. 2(a), and the
1.273 kJ numerically which is less than the experimental deformation is so very small. For forming mode 2, as
result, E = 1.487 kJ (Table 1) because, as seen from Fig. 5(b), illustrated in Fig. 6(b), the effective strains are high in the
for the second extrusion forming, the numerical forging region of the first extrusion forming. The region with higher
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2016, 6(3): 43-50 49
effective strains increases along the die cavity because of the 4. Conclusions
friction resistance on the contact surfaces between die and
billet, the material flow along the cavity is not uniform. The In this paper, two forming modes of two-stage extrusion
effective strains in the front end region are very small forming are studied numerically and experimentally with
because of free end. carbon steel AISI 1010. Forming mode 1 is to extrude a billet
into one-stage rod and then upsetting a head; and forming
mode 2 is to extrude a billet into two-stage rod. The extrusion
forming mode 1 forming mode 2
forming experiment is conducted on a 20 tonne universal
(1) 245.6 218.4
testing machine with a two-stage extrusion forming die. The
numerical analysis of extrusion forming has been carried out
(2) 212.9 212.9 by using FE code of DEFORM-3D. The formability of both
forming modes is investigated, such as the effect on
(3) 213.7 235.6
progressive forging load, maximum forging load, effective
(4) 205.8 243.6 strain distribution and strength.
The upsetting load in die cavity is much larger than the
(5) 206.5 241.3 extrusion load for forming mode 1. For forming mode 2,
(6) 210.7 240.5
both the extrusion loads are larger than the extrusion load for
forming mode 1, but still smaller than the upsetting load in
(7) 222.8 238.9 die cavity. The maximum forging load for forming mode 1 is
larger than that for forming mode 2 due to upset forming.
(8) 232.3 247.5
Increasing forging load to achieve complete metal forming
(9) 199.2 238.1 into the die filling of head may cause die wear and fracture.
While, the deformation energy for forming mode 1 is less
181.0 184.0 than that for firming mode 2.
initial billet hardness The effective strains in extrusion and upsetting regions of
workpiece were higher than the middle region for forming
Figure 7. Hardness in workpieces (average in HV) mode 1. For forming mode 2, the effective strains are high in
the region of the first extrusion forming, and higher in the
With cold extrusion forming, the hardness, tensile strength
region of the second extrusion forming. These effective
and yield strength of workpiece are increased by plastic flow.
strain distributions agree with the hardness distributions
Fig. 7 illustrates the average hardness in cross-sections of
tested in experiment. The hardness of workpiece for forming
workpieces for both forming modes, which obtained from
mode 1 increases by up to 20%, while increases by up to 28%
Vickers hardness tests. The hardness of initial billets for both
for forming mode 2. Therefore, the strength of workpiece for
forming modes is almost the same (181 HV and 184 HV in
forming mode 2 is larger than that for forming mode 1. This
Fig. 7). For forming mode 1, the hardness in extrusion and
effect can be used to replace high-alloy steels by low-alloy
upsetting regions of workpiece (1-3 and 7-8 in Fig. 7) is
grades if no heat treatment is carried out.
larger than middle region, which agrees with the effective
strain distribution as seen from Fig 6(a). The hardness over
all the workpiece (216.6 HV in average) is larger than the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
initial billet, which increases by up to 20%. The maximum
hardness is 245.6 HV, which is observed in the top section of The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Science and
workpiece due to upset forging. Technology of the Republic of China (Taiwan, R.O.C.) for
For forming mode 2, the hardness of workpiece is large their support of this research under grant MOST
(more than 230 HV) over all the workpiece, except the top 104-2632-E-244-001, also would like to acknowledge the
section (1-2 in Fig. 7), which also agrees with the effective support of HO HONG WORKS CO., LTD. for providing the
strain distribution as seen from Fig 6(b). The hardness over materials to carry out the forming experimental work.
all the workpiece (235.2 HV in average) is larger than the
initial billet, which increases by up to 28%. The maximum
hardness is 247.5 HV, which is observed in the second
extrusion section of workpiece due to large plastic flow. REFERENCES
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