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User'S Guide: Combined Wind Sensor WMS301 and WMS302

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Combined Wind Sensor

WMS301 and WMS302


Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.):+358 9 8949 1

P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
FIN-00421 Helsinki
Visit our Internet pages at http://www.vaisala.com/

© Vaisala 2002

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its
contents be communicated to a third party without prior written
permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.

Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding
obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally
binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the
applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.

Table of Contents

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................3
About This Manual..................................................3
Contents of This Manual.......................................3
Version Information...............................................4
Safety .......................................................................4
General Safety Considerations.............................4
Product Related Safety Precautions .....................5
ESD Protection .....................................................5
Regulatory Compliances........................................6
Warranty ..................................................................6

PRODUCT OVERVIEW.............................................................7
Introduction to WMS Series Wind Sensors ..........7
Product Nomenclature ...........................................9

INSTALLATION ......................................................................11
Selecting Location ................................................11
Connector ..............................................................12
Installation Procedure ..........................................14
Initial Check ........................................................14
Mounting Sensor to the Wind Sensor Mast ....16
Mounting to a Pole Mast with WMS30KIT ......17
Aligning the Sensor.............................................19

MAINTENANCE ......................................................................21
Periodic Maintenance ...........................................21
Testing Proper Operation ...................................21
Replacing Consumables.....................................21
Parts List for Consumables .................................24

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................ 25
Common Problems .............................................. 25
Technical Support ................................................ 25
Return Instructions .............................................. 26

TECHNICAL DATA................................................................. 27
Specifications ....................................................... 27
Dimensions ........................................................... 29
MTBF ..................................................................... 29
MTTR ..................................................................... 29

List of Figures
Figure 1 WMS Series Combined Wind Sensor....................... 8
Figure 2 Recommended Mast Location in Open Area.......... 11
Figure 3 Recommended Mast Length on the Top of
a Building ............................................................... 12
Figure 4 WMS301 Connector ............................................... 13
Figure 5 WMS302 Connector ............................................... 13
Figure 6 WMS301 Principal Circuit Diagram ........................ 14
Figure 7 WMS302 Principal Circuit Diagram ........................ 15
Figure 8 WMS302 Factory Alignment (Models with the
Alignment Sleeve) .................................................. 15
Figure 9 Mounting of the Combined Wind Sensor................ 16
Figure 10 WMS301/WMS302 Installation with WMS30KIT .... 18
Figure 11 Aligning the Combined Wind Sensor...................... 19
Figure 12 WMS Assembly ...................................................... 23
Figure 13 Dimensions (in mm) of the Combined Wind
Sensor.................................................................... 29

List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions ..................................................... 4
Table 2 WMS Series Wind Sensor Nomenclature................. 9
Table 3 Available Spare Parts............................................. 24
Table 4 Some Common Problems and their Remedies ...... 25
Table 5 Anemometer Specifications.................................... 27
Table 6 Vane Specifications................................................ 28
Table 7 Common Specifications.......................................... 28

2 ______________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 1 ___________________________________________ General Information


This chapter provides general notes for the product.

About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing,
maintaining, and troubleshooting WMS301 and WMS302
Combined Wind Sensor.

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides general notes
for the product.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the WMS301
and WMS302 Combined Wind Sensor features.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information
that is intended to help you install the wind sensor.
- Chapter 4, Maintenance, provides information that is
needed in basic maintenance of the product.
- Chapter 5, Troubleshooting, describes common problems,
their probable causes and remedies, and contact

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

- Chapter 6, Technical Data, provides the technical data of

WMS301 and WMS302 Combined Wind Sensor.

Version Information
Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
M010030en-C WMS301 & WMS302 Combined Wind
Sensors Quick Reference Guide
M210375en-A First version of the WMS301 and
WMS302 Combined Wind Sensor User's
Guide. Replaces the above mentioned
Quick Reference Guide.

Vaisala Customer Documentation Team welcomes your
comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of
this publication. If you find errors or have other suggestions
for improvement, please indicate the chapter, section, and
page number. You can send comments to us by e-mail:


General Safety Considerations

Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are
highlighted as follows:

WARNING Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read

and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is
a risk of injury or even death.

4 ______________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 1 ___________________________________________ General Information

CAUTION Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read

and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product
could be damaged or important data could be lost.

NOTE Note highlights important information on using the product.

Product Related Safety

The device delivered to you has been tested for safety and
approved as shipped from the factory. Note the following

WARNING Ground the product, and verify outdoor installation

grounding periodically to minimize shock hazard.

CAUTION Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage

the product or lead to malfunction.

ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent
damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are
adequately protected against ESD for their intended use.
However, it is possible to damage the product by delivering
electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or
inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly

grounded and protected ESD workbench. When this is
not possible, ground yourself to the equipment chassis
before touching the boards. Ground yourself with a wrist
strap and a resistive connection cord. When neither of the
above is possible, touch a conductive part of the
equipment chassis with your other hand before touching
the boards.
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching
the component contacts.

Regulatory Compliances
The WMS301 and WMS302 sensors comply with the
following performance and environmental test standards:
- Mechanical vibration test per 1EC-68-2-6 Fc
- RF field emission test per EN 55022 Class B
- Conducted immunity tests
- Electrostatic discharge EN61000-4-2
- RF field immunity EN6100-4-3
- Fast transient burst EN61000-4-4

For certain products Vaisala normally gives a limited one-
year warranty. Please observe that any such warranty may
not be valid in case of damage due to normal wear and tear,
exceptional operating conditions, negligent handling or
installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please see the
applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale for details
of the warranty for each product.

6 ______________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 2 ____________________________________________ Product Overview


This chapter introduces the WMS301 and WMS302

Combined Wind Sensor features.

Introduction to WMS Series Wind Sensors

WMS series wind sensors are compact sized instruments
with the wind speed and direction sensors integrated into
one unit. The sensor electronics is located inside a
watertight compartment providing full protection against
water, dust, pollutants, and electromagnetic interference.

The cup wheel shape, dimensions, and material have been

carefully designed to achieve maximum measurement
quality. The conical cups have been tested to give linear
response between wind speed and angular velocity of the
cup wheel. The polyamide plastic reinforced with carbon
fiber guarantees a rigid structure even at the highest wind

The anemometer ball bearing assembly is composed of a

wheel shaft, a pair of low friction ball bearings, and a shaft
fixed magnet. A reed relay with electronics located in the
body of the sensor converts the cup wheel rotation to pulses.
Therefore, when properly supplied the sensor can be read
practically with any data logger, either by counting the
number of pulses within a fixed time period or measuring
the time between successive transients. In the latter method

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

averaging of transient intervals should be used, since two

pulses with non-symmetric positioning are generated during
one revolution.

The balanced wind vane is integrated in the housing,

underneath the cup wheel. The circular tail is located far
enough from the body and the cup wheel to avoid
turbulence due to these structures. The vane assembly is
made of PA reinforced with glass fiber providing durable
and lightweight structure with fast response and low inertia.

The angular position of the vane is detected using an axial

symmetric rotating potentiometer. The potentiometer
features low starting and running torque, linear arc-to-
resistance transfer ratio, and long operation life.


Figure 1 WMS Series Combined Wind Sensor

The following numbers refer to Figure 1 above:

1 = The cup wheel assembly

2 = The vane assembly
3 = The sensor compartment

WMS301 is equipped with a one-wiper type potentiometer

with an open gap of only 5 degrees. With constant voltage
applied to the potentiometer, the output voltage is directly
proportional to the azimuth angle.

8 ______________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 2 ____________________________________________ Product Overview

WMS302 has a two-wiper type potentiometer to overcome

the wind direction discontinuity. However, a more complex
voltage-to-direction conversion process is needed.

Product Nomenclature
Table 2 WMS Series Wind Sensor Nomenclature
Code Common Name
Basic WMS301 Combined Wind Sensor with one
wiper potentiometer
WMS302 Combined Wind Sensor with two
wiper potentiometers
Options WMS30KIT Installation Accessories to be used
with pole masts

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

This page intentionally left blank.

10 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


This chapter provides you with information that is intended

to help you install the wind sensor.

Selecting Location
Allow sufficient clearance for the wind sensor. Install the
wind sensor away from buildings or any other objects that
might affect the airflow.


Figure 2 Recommended Mast Location in Open Area

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

In general, any object of height (h) will not remarkably

disturb the wind measurement at a minimum distance of
10 × h. There should be at least 150 m open area to all
directions from the mast. Refer to Figure 2 on page 11.


Figure 3 Recommended Mast Length on the Top of a

The recommended minimum length (h in Figure 3 above)
for the mast that is installed on the top of a building is 1.5
times the height of the building (H). When the diagonal (W)
is less than the height (H) the minimum length of the mast is
1.5 × W.

The WMS301 connector is shown in Figure 4 on page 13.
The WMS302 connector is shown in Figure 5 on page 13.
Type M12 female connector, for example, made by
Lumberg, Phoenix, or Binder is suitable for connecting the
cable to the sensor.

12 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


Figure 4 WMS301 Connector

The following numbers refer to Figure 4 above.
1 = +Vref, voltage input
2 = DIR, signal output, wind direction
3 = GND, ground
4 = GND, ground
5 = SPD, signal output, wind speed


Figure 5 WMS302 Connector

The following numbers refer to Figure 5 above.
1 = +Vref, voltage input
2 = DIR1, signal output, wind direction
3 = GND, ground
4 = DIR2, signal output, wind direction
5 = SPD, signal output, wind speed

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

A pull up resistor, for example, 10 kΩ, is needed at SPD

output to supply the anemometer electronics. It is
recommended to use a Schmitt-trigger input with the SPD

Installation Procedure

Initial Check
After you have unpacked the sensor, check for any signs of
shipping damage. Also test that the vane and cup wheel
rotate without friction.
Before installation, use an ohmmeter to check the proper
operation of speed (SPD) and direction (DIR1 and DIR2)
outputs while rotating the cup wheel and vane slowly. For
measuring the direction, note that 10 kΩ/360º and
10 kΩ/180° potentiometers are used with WMS301 and
WMS302 respectively. For the principal circuit diagrams,
refer to Figure 6 below and Figure 7 on page 15.


Figure 6 WMS301 Principal Circuit Diagram

14 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


Figure 7 WMS302 Principal Circuit Diagram

The WMS302 sensor is aligned at the factory according to
Figure 8 below. This factory alignment applies to all models
with the alignment sleeve. The alignment sleeve is secured
with a small size Allen bolt to the sensor body.


Figure 8 WMS302 Factory Alignment (Models with

the Alignment Sleeve)

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Mounting Sensor to the Wind Sensor Mast
After a proper location for wind measurement has been
selected, you can mount the sensor to the wind sensor mast.
The diameter of the wind sensor mast is 30 mm. To mount
the sensor, do the following:

1. Fit the cable (number 2 in Figure 9 below) through the

mounting piece (3) and connect the cable to the sensor.


Figure 9 Mounting of the Combined Wind

2. Place the mounting piece (3) on the top of the mast and
align the tap (5) to north.
3. Align the notch (4) to the tap (5) and attach the sensor
to the mounting piece with the plastic collar (1).

16 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation

4. Secure the mounting piece (3) to the mast by tightening

the mounting screw (6).

5. Route the sensor cable down along the mast and

always attach the cable to the mast with cable ties.
6. Mount the wind sensor mast firmly to a solid base, for
example, to a pole mast.
7. Connect the signal cable to a data logger or display

Mounting to a Pole Mast with WMS30KIT

You can mount the wind sensor with a mast on the top of a
pole mast using WMS30KIT. When the mast is high, use a
combined wind sensor with a 10 m cable. You can mount
the wind sensor mast to a metallic or wooden mast.

WARNING Do not install the wind sensor above the top of the
lightning protection rod.

To mount the wind sensor mast to a metallic mast, do the

following (the numbers refer to Figure 10 on page 18):
1. Install the plastic protective plate (5) between the mast
(6) and the mounting piece.
2. Attach the mounting piece to the mast (6) using the
large clamps.
3. Attach the wind sensor mast with the wind sensor (1)
to the mast (6) using the smaller clamps.
4. Secure the cable with the fixed cable tie (3) to the wind
sensor mast.
5. Route the sensor cable down along the mast and
always attach the cable to the mast with cable ties.
6. Connect the signal cable to a data logger or display

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

6 5 3 4 2 3

Figure 10 WMS301/WMS302 Installation with

The following numbers refer to Figure 10 above:
1 = WMS301 or WMS302
2 = Wood screws
3 = Cable tie
4 = Wooden mast
5 = Plastic protective plate
6 = Pole mast

18 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation

To mount the wind sensor mast to a wooden mast, do the

following (the numbers refer to Figure 10 on page 18):

1. Attach the mounting piece with the wood screws (2) to

the wooden mast (4) through the wind sensor mast.
2. Secure the cable with the fixed cable tie (3) to the wind
sensor mast.
3. Route the sensor cable down along the mast and
always attach the cable to the mast with cable ties.
4. Connect the signal cable to a data logger or display

Aligning the Sensor

If you need to align the combined wind sensor, use the data
logger or display device to monitor the instant wind
direction. To align the combined wind sensor, do the
following (numbers refer to Figure 11 below):

1. Place the mounting piece (2) on the top of the wind

sensor mast and attach the sensor to the mounting piece
(4) with the plastic collar (3).


Figure 11 Aligning the Combined Wind Sensor

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

2. Choose a known wind direction reference point on the

horizon with the help of a compass.
3. Point the nose (1) of the vane at the reference point.
4. Hold the vane in position and slowly rotate the
mounting piece (4) until wind direction shows proper
5. Secure the mounting piece (4) to the mast by tightening
the mounting screw.

20 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 4 ________________________________________________ Maintenance


This chapter provides information that is needed in basic

maintenance of the product.

Periodic Maintenance

Testing Proper Operation

It is recommended to check the ball bearings of the
anemometer and the vane every year. If the cup wheel or the
vane is not rotating smoothly or it creates detectable noise,
the bearings must be replaced.

Replacing Consumables
Only a trained technician should replace the bearings.
If your sensor includes the alignment sleeve and the factory
alignment has not been altered, you can simply remove and
remount the sensor to its place with the plastic collar
without realigning.

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

To replace the ball bearings, do the following (the numbers

refer to Figure 12 on page 23):

Anemometer bearings:

1. Loosen the hubnut (14) with fingers or a 10 mm tool

and remove the cup wheel (13).
2. Remove the ball bearing assembly (12) by unscrewing
it counterclockwise (with a 10 mm tool).
3. Insert a new bearing assembly (12). Tighten gently.
4. Fasten the cup wheel to the sensor. Tighten gently.

Vane bearings:

1. Proceed as described in steps 1 and 2 above.

2. Open the lock screw (11) of the tail assembly (10) and
remove the screw.
3. Remove the Seeger-ring (9) (with narrow point pliers).
4. Remove the bearing assembly (8).
5. Replace the bearings inside the housing with new ones.
6. Assemble the sensor in the reverse work order.
Note that part number 6 in Figure 12 on page 23 consists of
two parts. The lower portion has a notch that is aligned at
the factory in relation to the output of the potentiometer to
point north when the sensor is mounted.
The following numbers refer to Figure 12 on page 23:
1 = Casing
2a = Reed switch PCB
2b = Potentiometer PCB
3 = Retainer
4 = Sleeve
5 = O-ring
6 = Base part
7 = Mast adapter sleeve
8 = Bearing assembly
9 = Seeger ring

22 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 4 ________________________________________________ Maintenance

10 = Tail assembly
11 = Lock screw
12 = Bearing assembly
13 = Cup wheel
14 = Hubnut


Figure 12 WMS Assembly

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Parts List for Consumables

Table 3 Available Spare Parts
Spare Part Order Code
Cup wheel assembly WA45233
Anemometer bearing assembly WA45232
Vane assembly WA35234
Set of bearings 25160WA

24 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 5 ______________________________________________ Troubleshooting


This chapter describes common problems, their probable

causes and remedies, and contact information.

Common Problems
Table 4 Some Common Problems and their
Problem Probable Cause Remedy
The data is not The sensor is mechanically Check the cables and
received from the damaged. connectors.
The sensor is not powered Check that the supply voltage
properly. is 3 to 15 VDC

Technical Support
For technical questions, contact the Vaisala technical

E-mail helpdesk@vaisala.com
Telephone +358 9 8949 2789
Fax +358 9 8949 2790

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Return Instructions
If the product needs repair, please follow the instructions
below to speed up the process and avoid extra costs.

1. Read the warranty information.

2. Write a Problem Report with the name and contact
information of a technically competent person who can
provide further information on the problem.
3. On the Problem Report, please explain:
- What failed (what worked / did not work)?
- Where did it fail (location and environment)?
- When did it fail (date, immediately / after a while /
periodically / randomly)?
- How many failed (only one defect / other same or
similar defects / several failures in one unit)?
- What was connected to the product and to which
- Input power source type, voltage and list of other
items (lighting, heaters, motors etc.) that were
connected to the same power output.
- What was done when the failure was noticed?
4. Include a detailed return address with your preferred
shipping method on the Problem Report.
5. Pack the faulty product using an ESD protection bag of
good quality with proper cushioning material in a
strong box of adequate size. Please include the
Problem Report in the same box.
6. Send the box to:
Vaisala Oyj
SSD Service
Vanha Nurmijärventie 21
FIN-01670 Vantaa

26 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 6 _______________________________________________Technical Data


This chapter provides the technical data of WMS301 and

WMS302 Combined Wind Sensor.

Table 5 Anemometer Specifications
Property Description/Value
Sensor / Transducer type Dual Reed switch
Measuring range 0.5 ... 60 m/s
Starting threshold < 0.4 m/s
Distance constant 2m
Transducer output 1 Hz ~ 0.7 m/s
(≤ 10 m/s) ± 0.3 m/s
(> 10 m/s) error < 2 %
Transfer function, where U = - 0.24 + F × 0.699
U = wind speed [m/s]
F = output frequency [Hz]

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Table 6 Vane Specifications

Property Description/Value
Sensor / Transducer type Potentiometer
Measuring range
WMS302 0 ... 360°
WMS301 0 ... 355°
Starting threshold < 1.0 m/s
Damping ratio 0.3
Overshoot ratio 0.4
Delay distance 0.6 m
Accuracy Better than ± 3°

Table 7 Common Specifications

Property Description/Value
Supply voltage 3 ... 15 VDC
Electrical connections 5-pin male with 12 mm
Body material AlMgSi, gray anodized
Cup material PA, reinforced with carbon
fiber; black
Vane material PA, reinforced with glass fiber,
Operating temperature - 40 ... + 55 °C (-40 ... +131°F)
Storage temperature - 60 ... + 65 °C (-76 ... +149°F)
Dimensions 265 (h) × 360 (w) mm
(10.4 (h) × 14.2 (w) in)
Weight 360 g (12.7 oz)

28 _____________________________________________________ M210375en-A
Chapter 6 _______________________________________________Technical Data



Figure 13 Dimensions (in mm) of the Combined Wind


The calculated mean time between failure is 4.4 × 105 h for
permanent installations. The value equals to 2.27 when
expressed in a failure frequency during 106 hours of use.

Mean time to repair is 0.2 h.



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