Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: R. Saidur, S.N. Kazi, M.S. Hossain, M.M. Rahman, H.A. Mohammed

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 84 (2018) 170–171

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Corrigendum to “A review on the performance of nanoparticles suspended T

with refrigerants and lubricating oils in refrigeration systems” [Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15 (1), 2011, pp. 310–323]

R. Saidura, , S.N. Kazia, M.S. Hossaina, M.M. Rahmanb, H.A. Mohammedc
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenega Nasinal, Km 7, Jalan Kajang-Puchong, 43009 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

The authors regret that they have inadvertently published this paper Heading 3.0 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids, first, second,
with parts that appear close to some materials we had included in some third and fourth paragraph to be replaced with
of our other review research (new reference [A] below). This other Thermal conductivity is an important parameter that plays a great
review was submitted for publication at about the same time and was role for heat transfer performance improvement for various applica-
not referenced in this review. However, the technical content and focus tions in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Eastman et al. [24]
of these review papers are much different. The other review [A] focused reported 40% improvement of 0.3% copper nanoparticles with ethylene
on different applications of nanofluids, and this review examines na- glycol nanofluids compared to base-fluids. Liu et al. [6] reported 23.8%
nolubricants and nanorefrigerants with specific applications in re- improvement in thermal conductivity with 0.1% of copper nano-
frigeration systems. The portions that are similar do not affect the major particles with base-fluids. Hwang et al. [25] explained that thermal
technical review contents or the different technical review scopes—and conductivity improvement of nanofluids is significantly influenced by
are mainly background and supporting materials in this review. We did thermal conductivity of nanoparticles and base-fluid. However, surface
not intend to have an issue with similarity—and we apologize for any to volume ratio of nanoparticles found to be a dominant factor for the
inconvenience this has caused the readers and the journal. In order to thermal conductivity improvement according to Yoo et al. [26]. About
ensure that this similarity is addressed, we are providing the following 150% thermal conductivity improvement was reported by Choi et al.
changes to this review: [27] for poly oil with MWCNT with 1% volume fraction. However,
The authors provide the following revision to heading 1.0 Yang [28] reported 200% improvement of thermal conductivity for the
Introduction, first and second paragraphs (because this written same oil but with 0.35% MWCNT. Jana et al. [29] reported 70%
material is very important as originally written to this review we have thermal conductivity improvement for cu nanoparticles in water with
provided it in quotation marks): 0.3% concentration. About 75% thermal conductivity improvement
was reported by Kang et al. [30] for ethylene glycol with 1.2% diamond
“Nanofluids are new class of heat transfer fluids where nano-sized
nanoparticles. However, there are findings on the thermal conductivity
particles (1–100 nm) of metals or metal oxides are suspended in
in the literature that shows anomalous results [31–34].
base-fluids to improve the heat transfer performance in various
Thermal conductivity is influenced by pH, addition of surfactant,
applications. One unique feature of the nanofluid is that its thermal
stability of nanofluids, temperature, volume fraction, size, shape of
conductivity is higher than the base-fluids due to nano-sized sus-
nano-particles as well [11,35–38]. These are also explained in Figs. 5
pended solid particles into the base-fluids. There is more heat
and 6 [A]. Higher cooling rates, decreased pumping power needs,
transfer surface between fluid and particles due to high specific
smaller and lighter cooling systems, reduced inventory of heat transfer
surface area of nanofluids. Brownian motion made the better dis-
fluids, reduced friction coefficients, and improved wear resistance are
persion stability of nanofluids. Low pumping power is required due
the resulting benefits of improved thermal conductivities of various
to heat transfer intensification of nanofluids. Less tendency of par-
nanofluids used in different applications. These made nanofluids highly
ticle clogging in the flow channel for the nanofluids and system can
potential as refrigerants, coolants, lubricants, hydraulic and cutting
me made compact or miniaturized for this reason. Properties can be
adjusted or fined tuned with the concentrations of nano-particles to
Heading 11, Challenges of nanofluids to be replaced with
suit specific applications [A])”
Since 1993, huge amount of interesting research works on the

DOI of original article:

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Saidur).

Available online 17 January 2018

R. Saidur et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 84 (2018) 170–171

thermos-physical, rheological, chemical, and optical properties of na- remove more heat.
nofluids/nano-refrigerants were reported in the literature. Along with Heading 11.4 Thermal conductivity model to be replaced with
these properties, many applications of nanofluids were also reported in Hamilton-Crosser, Yu-Choi and Xue models cannot predict thermal
the literature. However, there are number of challenges that need to be conductivity of CNTs accurately as mean deviation is quite high [11].
overcome. Those are listed below: Heading 11.5 High cost of nanofluids to be replaced with
Heading 11.1 Long term stability to be replaced with Nanofluids or nanoparticles are produced either by one or two step
Long term stability of nanofluids is one of the important require- methods which are expensive methods. High cost of nanofluids pre-
ments for the various applications as reported in the literatures. paration is one of the challenges for various applications of nanofluids
However, this is one of the major challenges as they aggregate due to [77,79].
van der wall forces. Addition of surfactant, surface modification of Heading 11.6 Difficulties in production process to be replaced
nanoparticles, application of strong force on the clusters of suspended with
particles have been found to improve this characteristics of nanofluids. Reduction reactions or ion exchange take place during the produc-
However, excessive amount of surfactant is detrimental for the tion of nanoparticles by one or two step methods. Base-fluids also
thermos-physical, rheological, chemical properties of nanofluids and contain other ions and reaction products which are difficult to separate
should be used with great care and control [81,84,87–88,90]. Time is from the fluids. Nanoparticles tend to agglomerate with larger particles
an important factor that also influence dispersion behaviour of nano- during the manufacturing process and this consequently limits the
fluids as shown in Figs. 17 and 18 [A]. Eastman et al. [24] reported benefits of high surface area of nanoparticles. To avoid this, some ad-
better thermal conductivity for the fresh nanofluids compared to the ditives can be added. However, this may lead to some unacceptable
nanofluids stored for 2 months. Lee and Mudawar [77] also reported level of impurities in the prepared nanofluids. Along with these issues,
similar trend for the Al2O3 nanofluids. synthesis, characterization, thermos-physical properties, heat and mass
Heading 11.2 Higher viscosity to be replaced with transfer issues need to be taken care as well [92–93].
Viscosity of water based nanofluids found to be increased with the New reference
higher concentration of nanoparticles. This raises the pressure drop [A] Saidur R, Leong KY, Mohammad HA. A review on applications
across the cooling channel. Therefore, large volume of nanofluids in and challenges of nanofluids. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 15; 2011,
heat exchangers with nanofluids is not a good option according to Lin 1646–1668.
et al. [65]. Vassallo et al. [20] reported that concentration of CNTs Again, the authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience
should be less than 0.2% to avoid rapid increase in viscosity. caused by these required corrections. We appreciate the opportunity to
Heading 11.3 Lower specific heat to be replaced with clarify this situation.
Praveen et al. [76] mentioned that some of the nanofluids has lower DOI of original article: <
specific heat compared to base-fluids. This is undesirable for some 018 >
specific applications as specific heat capacity should be higher to


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