Basic Geography - Paper Discussion - Penn
Basic Geography - Paper Discussion - Penn
Basic Geography - Paper Discussion - Penn
[Name of Country]
You will be discussing a specific country that is assigned to you in the following topics:
III. Economy
You have 300 to 350 words to discuss this.
DEADLINE IS DEADLINE, NO EXTENSION. A printed copy should be submitted and
should be in my office table on 2019-MARCH-15 before or at exactly 5PM. A soft copy (as an
attachment) should be sent to my email address on the same date
(2019-MARCH-15) on or before 11:59 PM, midnight.
You can observe in this format that Arial, size 11 is being used. So please use this format.
Bond size is Letter with 1” margin on all sides. Line and spacing are all SINGLE.
I can easily check if you copy-pasted your discussion or if you are plagiarizing. So,
PLEASE REPHRASE EVERYTIME!!! As you know, if you are caught cheating/plagiarizing,
Do your best! If you have any question and clarification, let me know. Remember,
ignorance of the law excuses no one.
References (Sample)
CARNICE, P. A. B., & LINA, S. B. (2017). Carbon Storage and Nutrient Stocks Distribution of Three
Adjacent Land Use Patterns in Lake Danao National Park, Ormoc, Leyte, Philippines. Journal of
Science, Engineering and Technology, 5, 1-14. Date Retrieved: 2019-01-26. Retrieved Here:;
[50 Points]
The paper that you discussed in the Paper Discussion will be the same topic that you will present
in class (5 topics about the country assigned to you). You will be given 15 minutes to present, 3
minutes for QUESTIONS and 2 Minutes to hand over the EVALUATION FORM rated by your
CLASSMATES. For the class, please give your rating while the presentation is on going and
ready to hand it over immediately after the QUESTIONS part.
You have 10 slides to prepare, (front slide and thank you page is not included). The DEADLINE
for PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) will be sent together with your paper discussion, hence, the
same deadline of the Paper Discussion. I have to check and approved the said PPT also before
you can present it in class. But if you fail to submit your PPT on or before the DEADLINE, then
you have nothing to present and you will get ZERO (0) for RECITATION.
b. Compress all images in slide presentation to web format
7. Appropriate handouts to supplement presentation
a. Consider printing useful tables or Outline of presentation instead of slides
b. Pertinent articles (or link to these in presentation)
c. Bibliographies on topic
d. Use printouts of presentation (4 or 6 slides per page) as last resort. Not always best
choice. Hard to read.
Also, please put a subject and indicate what do you want in your email (submitting blablablabla),
just like writing an official letter and attached the said PPT and Paper Discussion.
The presentation date is still tentative but most relatively by the Month of MARCH since we will
have another Make-Up Classes or during proper class time. I will let you know. If you have
questions, please let me know.
2nd Semester 2018 – 2019