Reflection:: PDP Professional Development Plan

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PDP Professional Development Plan

Reflection: First of all, there is a big difference

This can be completed based on between the last and this teaching
previous practicum. You need to practice. In my previous practicum I
include your MCT/ MST went to Al Fateh girl’s school and I
recommendation taught English subject for grade 3
and my MST recommendation was
to include wider range of teaching
and learning strategies .Also, her
recommendation was to print key
words so the students can see the key
word during the lesson.

Goals: My personal goals for this practicum

What are your goals for this practicum, are to be more confident when I
what are looking to improve in teach the students. The second goal is
yourself? (Minimum 2 goals), to include wider range of teaching
and learning strategies, and the last
goal is to use new resources in my
Action Points: The first strategy I am going to
What strategies you are going to follow follow I will try to improve my
to achieve your goals (Minimum 2 speaking skills throughout doing a
strategies for each goal) lot of presentations and I will read
more to discover new strategies of
teaching and learning to help me
achieve my goals .Lastly, I will do an
interview with the teachers to ask
them about the new resources to help
take new ideas and to help me to use
them in the future.
Evidence During this semester I used different
During this semester’s TP: Provide a resources different strategies of
brief description. Your evidence should teaching such as, using different
be supported with Photos , worksheets, learning style when I prepared my
videos ..etc activities and my lesson. Thus I used
the power point and videos when I
taught my lesson to be more exciting
for the students.

Issues During this semester I faced two

What challenges have you faced challenges .The first challenge was it
applying your PDP strategies during was difficult for me to teach boys for
this semester. the first time and to be in mixed
school men and women’s.
Future plans: Yes, I have two goals I want to
Based on your MST/MCT achieve next practicum. The first
recommendations this semester, are goal is to use new strategies to
going to have new goals for next manage students behavior. Thus, the
practicum for the following semester? second goal for next semester is to
If yes, please mention them here. not be kind all the time because,
being kind all the time students will
not listen to me during the lesson.
Reflect upon your progress towards your goals.

First of all, I planned to achieve my goals for next practicum to be a great and professional
teacher. The first goal I planned to work on and to achieve it is to use new strategies to
manage student’s behavior. Because, During this teaching practice I faced many issues in
managing students behavior while I am teaching a lesson, and as you know dealing with
boys it’s difficult than dealing with girls Because boys they like to fight all the time, and
the teacher should use a strict classroom rules with them to help her to manage their

The second goal I planned for next semester is not to be kind all the time because; being
kind all the time students will not listen to me during the lesson. Thus, my MST told me an
advice for the future to help me to have a control of the student’s behavior in the classroom
or during the lesson is to be very strict and strong at the begging of the term, and then I
can be nice with them. In this way, they will respect me as a teacher, and they will love me
at the same time.

Also, I will try to improve my speaking skills throughout doing a lot of presentations and
by reading a lot to discover new strategies of teaching and learning to achieve my goals.
Thus, I will interview with the teachers to ask them about the new resources they use of
teaching so I can use them in the future.

Lastly, it’s awesome to work very hard to achieve our goals. So, I am as a student teacher I
will work very hard to be a professional teacher in the future. Thus, I will be work very
hard to avoid all mistakes that happened during this practicum.

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