Echinacea Species Are Hardy, Herbaceous Perennials With Either Simple or Branched
Echinacea Species Are Hardy, Herbaceous Perennials With Either Simple or Branched
Echinacea Species Are Hardy, Herbaceous Perennials With Either Simple or Branched
Echinacea species are hardy, herbaceous perennials with either simple or branched
stems. The terminal single flowering heads have fertile disc florets that terminate in
spines (paleae). These are surrounded by infertile drooping or spreading ray flowers
that have 2 or 3 teeth at each end. The leaf shape varies from lanceolate to ovate,
its margin may be dentate and the leaf may be pubescent or smooth. Roots are
either single taproot or fibrous in form (6–11).
Echinacea angustifolia D.C. var. angustifolia
Stems simple or occasionally branched, 10–50cm high, smooth or hirsute below,
hirsute or tuberculate-hispid above; leaves oblong-lanceolate to elliptical, entire,
dark green tuberculate-hirsute to tuberculate-hispid; basal leaves short to long-
petiolate, 5–27cm long, 1–4cm broad, lower cauline leaves petiolate, 4–15cm long,
0.5–3.8 cm broad, upper cauline leaves sessile, acute; heads 1.5–3cm high, 1.5–
2.5 cm broad exclusive of ligules, phyllaries in three or four series, lanceolate,
acute, entire, 6–11mm long, 2–3mm wide, tuberculate hirsute or tuberculate-
hispid; rays spreading, 2–3.8cm long, 5–8mm wide, white, pinkish or purplish; disc
corollas 6–8.5mm long, lobes 1.2–2mm long; achenes 4–5mm long, pappus a
toothed crown; pollen grains yellow, 19–26μm in diameter; haploid chromosome
number n _ 11 (4).
General appearance
Echinacea angustifolia D.C. var. angustifolia
Cylindrical or slightly tapering and sometimes spirally twisted, passing imperceptibly
into a rhizome in the upper part; rhizome up to about 15mm in diameter, roots 4–
10mm in diameter; outer surface pale brown to yellowish brown; rhizomes crowned
with remains of the aerial stem and sometimes showing surface annulations; roots
longitudinally wrinkled and deeply fur