Antennas Prof. Girish Kumar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Module - 03 Lecture - 11 Monopole Antennas-I
Antennas Prof. Girish Kumar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Module - 03 Lecture - 11 Monopole Antennas-I
Antennas Prof. Girish Kumar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Module - 03 Lecture - 11 Monopole Antennas-I
Module – 03
Lecture – 11
Monopole Antennas-I
Hello and welcome. Today we are going to discuss about Monopole Antennas. In the last
few lectures we have been talking about dipole antenna. Now, one of the biggest problem
of dipole antenna is it requires Balun especially if you have a single ended feed there. Of
course, tapers can be used for example, we looked at an application where chip is there
that chip requires differential input then that is fine, but majority of the time the source
may be a single ended. So, in that case instead of using dipole antenna we use monopole
So, today we will look into various types of monopole antenna, what are the parameters
which govern the performance of monopole antenna.
So, to start with we will actually take an example of monopole antenna on infinite
ground plane. We know that infinite ground plane will never ever be there, but still just
to start the concept we will take infinite ground plane. And generally speaking for a
normal dipole antenna we take a λ/2 length, so for monopole it will be quarter
wavelength. And I want to emphasize that λ/4 length is only valid when ground plane
size is infinite.
Finite ground plane length is never equal to λ/4, but in general it is slightly more than
λ/4. But let us see here how we have a dipole antenna and equivalent monopole antenna.
So, here it is a dipole antenna of length, let us say λ/2 where we feed over here using a
balanced line; one can see that there is a symmetry here there is a current going in this
direction this current is coming over here. So, if we replace this whole thing by a very
large infinite electric conductor, then we can say that there will be a λ/4 antenna over
here and we can use a coaxial feed here. So, the ground of the coaxial feed can be
connected over here and the center pin will feed the monopole antenna.So, we need only
λ/4 monopole antenna on infinite ground plane and this is the equivalent configuration of
a dipole antenna.
So, now for the monopole antenna on infinite ground plane: all the characteristics which
are applicable to the dipole antenna are applicable here also. So, E and H field for λ/4
monopole on infinite ground plane are exactly same as dipole antenna but only in upper
half, because below half there is a infinite ground plane so there will be no radiation. So,
the E field and H field equations which were valid for the dipole antenna they are exactly
valid for the λ/4 monopole antenna also.
But now that the total length is reduced by half and there is a symmetry with respect to
the ground plane. So, the input impedance of the monopole antenna is half of the dipole
antenna; we can actually just go back and look into this configuration here. So, think
about this is where we were feeding and we found the input impedance. So, here the
current was +, this was coming as -. Now if we draw the center line in between which is
what is over here. So, that will be a 0 line here, the potential now which was + here then
0 and -. So, voltage will be changing if we take half the thing. So, basically you can say
that half the voltage half the impedance, so that is why the monopole antenna input
impedance is exactly half of the dipole.
So, if it is a λ/2 which has an impedance real part as well as imaginary part it will be the
impedance given by this. But if it is designed as before that is for real input impedance
we had seen that the dipole should be slightly smaller than λ/2 then this impedance was
roughly about 68 Ω. So, then 68 divided by 2 it will be approximately 34 Ω. Now
directivity of the monopole antenna will be 2 times dipole, but this is valid only if there
is a infinite ground plane.
For finite ground plane this is not at all true. And since the radiation is only in the upper
hemisphere, there is a no radiation in the below hemisphere that is why the directivity
will be double of the dipole antenna. So, for dipole antenna directivity is approximately 2
dB, so now it will be 5 dB. But I am repeating this is only valid for monopole antenna on
infinite ground plane and which will never ever happen. And we will study
systematically what is the effect of the ground plane on the input impedance as well as
on the frequency as well as on the directivity and radiation pattern.
Now, to start with we need to design the monopole antenna. So, in this case here now
this design is again valid only for infinite ground plane or extremely large ground plane.
So, earlier we had seen the formula was l+D equal to 0.48 λ we divide everything by 2.
So, h is half of l, radius is half of D, 0.48 becomes 0.24. So, this is exactly same as the
dipole antenna, just a factor of 2 is there. And for dipole antenna we had mentioned that
the diameter should always be less than λ/10. So, here radius should always be less than
λ/20, so that the assumption that along the radius or the diameter field is uniform.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:20)
So, here now we will start with the different example; the first example which we have
done is that is for infinite ground plane. So, we have taken a infinite ground plane, one
thing I just want to mention the effect of the length is straightforward. That if you
increase the length frequency will reduce; if you decrease the length frequency will
increase. So, let us just see what is the effect of the diameter? So, here we have plotted
for different values of radius, and one can actually see that as radius of monopole
increases; that means very thin dipole to very thick dipole.
So, what happens? Its inductance will decrease; so if it is inductance decreases so this is
the plot for the very thin radius. As you keep on increasing the radius it will come over
here. Now, just to go back again think about the dipole antenna, we had seen that for
dipole antenna, impedance will be something like this here which is 73+j 42 which is of
a λ/2. Now half of that will be 73 half which we just looked at here. So, that will be close
to 36.5+j 21, but at real impedance will be around 34 Ω. So, one can actually see the plot
is crossing around that particular point over here, which is valid for very thin monopole
As we keep on increasing the thickness, what we can see that it is shifting down because
for a thin diameter inductance is large, for a thicker diameter inductance will reduce and
if inductance is reducing the whole curve is shifting down here. So, this is the thing here.
So, this tells us how the effect on the impedance.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:15)
Let us see, what is the effect on the frequency? as well as what is the effect on the
bandwidth? So, first of all we can actually calculate resonance frequency, here h is fixed
which is 90mm, you can just go back look into here. So, h is fixed which is 90mm; and
then actually have added a radius, so for different value of radius we have taken number
of values here starting from 0.5mm which is very thin, to about 10mm diameter. So, from
here we can calculate the frequency given by this expression here.
So, we have calculated these frequencies over here. So now, there are plots for different
configurations over here; you can see that I have drawn the line over here corresponding
to VSWR equal to 2. Just to tell you sometimes we draw VSWR equal to 2 curve
sometimes we draw reflection coefficient curve, so where we draw generally a line
around - 10 dB or so. So over here is a plot, so this is the plot for the radius which is 0.5
one can see that VSWR less than 2 bandwidth is from 748 to 847 and you can see that
this frequency is somewhere in between that. Or you can actually see here this is the
resonance frequency somewhere here.
So, you can actually see that this very simple formula predicts reasonably ok for the
resonance frequency calculation. So fairly decent one, in fact you can get a very good
starting point by using this particular formula. So, you can see now here as we increase
the diameter you can see that, this is now the response frequency is slightly decreasing
which is expected over here and you can see that the bandwidth is increasing.
Now recall I did mention for a dipole antenna that bandwidth is proportional to the
diameter. But there I did not show you too many cases, but here we are showing you
systematically the cases for monopole antenna which is also valid for a dipole antenna.
So, we can see the percentage bandwidth here. So, for this here percentage bandwidth is
12 percent approximately 15, then 18, then say approximately 27 and then for the 42
percent. So, one can really get a fairly broad bandwidth using a thick monopole antenna.
So, you can see that this is the curve over here.
And even if you do not require a very large bandwidth, still sometimes it is advisable to
use a little broader antenna. For example, suppose even though the bandwidth required is
small. So, then what we can say if this smaller bandwidth is required we can actually say
that over this bandwidth VSWR will be much lesser which is actually good. So, taking a
larger diameter is always a good idea; however a larger diameter also creates only one
problem, it will have a larger weight. So, you can actually speaking use a hollow cylinder
also which will reduce the weight as well as it will give you a better bandwidth.
So, now let us see the directivity. Actually speaking we have really enlarged the scales
significantly, but in reality what you see here this is the frequency with respect to
directivity for different radius. Actually, even though it may look like it is significant it is
not at all significant, at the center frequency it is only changing by about 0.05 dB. So, in
reality we can say that directivity of the monopole antenna does not depend upon the
radius, especially for infinite ground plane.
So, directivity will not change. In fact, in the next slide we will see that even radiation
pattern does not change. But this is the plot of the gain now the gain is what gain is
efficiency multiplied by directivity now efficiency of the antenna is still pretty good,
because it is using simple metal. So, the metallic losses are very small dielectric losses
are not there; however, what you see over here it actually accounts for VSWR variation
over the frequency. So, if VSWR varies a lot; that means, reflection coefficient will vary
and; that means, effective gain. So, the gain which is shown over here is not accounting
only for efficiency, but it is also accounting for the reflected power.
So, this the radiation pattern for different radius, you can actually see that one can hardly
make any difference. So, the radiation pattern hardly changes and that is where the
directivity of the antenna hardly changes. The gain is changing only because of the
variation in the VSWR.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:10)
Now, let just see the effect of varying finite ground plane size. So, here what we have
done we have fixed the radius equal to 5 mm and the length is also fixed as before which
is 90 mm, and now we are changing the ground plane. Now for the simulation we have
taken a circular ground plane and we have put the monopole antenna right at the center. I
just want to mention here, if we take a rectangular ground plane performance will be
slightly different and also placement of the monopole antenna is also important.
So, what results I am going to show you they are all the results for the monopole antenna
kept at the center of the circular ground plane here. But suppose it is put over then the
results will change or it will be put here or put over here. So, results will change if the
location is changing and suppose if it is a let us say rectangular ground plane or let us say
smaller width and the larger length, then again the placement of the monopole antenna
plays a very very important role and one really has to properly simulate these cases here.
So, here what we have shown or we have actually shown the various cases taking from a
very small ground plane to little larger ground plane and in the next slide we will show
you even much larger ground plane. Almost tending towards infinity also but let us see
what we are noticing. So, as ground plane radius r increases, that means, if this is
increasing what we can see that the input impedance plot shifts towards inductive region.
So, this is for an extremely small ground plane then it is shifted over here, then it is
shifted over here and then it is shifting like this here now we had actually seen that if the
ground plane is extremely large, just recall the previous slide r equal to 5 this was
roughly the plot here. So, if you make smaller smaller ground plane, the whole curve is
shifting over here. In fact, sometimes it might be optimize you can optimize very
carefully if you do it.
So, if this is the ground plane which is of course, very capacitive then this one here is
still capacitive. If you take a ground plane size between this and this you can actually get
a response which will be something like this here and that may get perfectly matched
with the 50 Ω line also over a coaxial feed. So, one can judiciously use this curve to
design an optimally designed monopole antenna also, but let us see now what are the
other effects with this here.
So, the resonance frequency changes drastically. So, just to show you here, this is the
radius of the ground plane we have taken from a very small value 10, 20 all the way to
infinity and these are the simulated frequency. So, for infinite ground plane this was the
frequency which was simulated and then if we reduce the ground plane size from infinite
to 100 mm radius, this is 800 and you can see that if it is made so small, then frequency
has increased substantially, you can actually see the plot here. So, these are the plots for
the largest ground plane then ground plane is reducing. So, we can see that the frequency
is increasing. Of course, here the matching is very very poor and that is why we are
seeing it somewhere here, here the matching is still decent enough. So, one can use
something like this here.
Now, one can actually see these are the corresponding impedance values at the center
frequency. In fact, these values are actually taken from the smith charts which are plotted
over here. So, what we really note from here is that as ground plane radius increases the
resonance frequency decreases and for very small ground plane, resonance frequency is
very high and let me just explain that also let us come over here. So, if we are actually
feeding it assuming that this ground plane is very very small and if this ground plane is
very very small, it almost looks like that, see first let us think about if it is infinite ground
plane this is λ/4 there will be reflected image here so that will be λ/4, but now what is
happening as we keep on reducing the ground plane size. So, this one almost looks like a
dipole antenna from here to here.
So, you can effectively think like this is a very approximate way to tell you can
approximately think this as a dipole length only for finite ground plane not for infinite.
Infinite it will be very very large, but for dipole length which is radius is less than λ/4
you can use that approximation. So, now, when we keep on reducing assume that it is
close to 0 ground plane size then this whole thing can be actually thought about end fed
dipole antenna.
So, this length will tend towards λ/2, but since the length is we started as a λ/4 length,
but it is tending towards that λ/2; that means, really speaking frequency is almost tending
towards the double the value. So, that the λ will be changed, one can actually see here.
So, it is around 775 this is tending towards double of this one here had we taken even
more smaller you would see that this it is increasing and also end fed dipole antenna are
again similar to let just go back see if I feed at end fed assume that if it is just the dipole
and there is a no ground plane if I feed here. For a dipole it would have been 0 current
would have been maximum and current would have been 0. So, if you are feeding now at
a very low current value impedance will be very high which you can see over here, in
fact had we taken even a smaller ground plane this impedance will increase further
which is not really a practical case hence we did not show you this case over here.
So, now these finite ground planes only are required in most of the practical cases. So, in
fact, these monopole antennas are used for cellular and cordless phone. In fact, all the
Wi-Fi’s which you see they generally use monopole antenna walkie-talkies, CB radios
and so on and so forth.
Now, let us see the radiation pattern. Now, I have actually divided the radiation pattern
into 2 categories one category where the ground plane size is less than λ. If it is less than
λ you can see we have plotted the radiation pattern. Radiation pattern of monopole
antenna almost looks like the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna. Now so, that is where
my point is. If the radiation pattern of a monopole antenna on a finite ground plane is
similar to dipole antenna, where a dipole antenna has a problem it requires a balun it
requires impedance matching network over here you do not require any such thing.
So, it is actually better many a times to use a monopole antenna with finite ground plane
where it is less than λ now here is the gain plot now gain plot maximum gain you can
still get is close to about 2 dB one can see there is a lot of shift in the frequency. The shift
in the frequency is mainly because the resonance frequency of the antenna changes with
the ground plane radius. So, that is why you see the shift here, but in general if you see
the peak is getting around close to 2 dB or so.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:31)
But if we take ground plane size larger, now things change. So, here we have plotted the
cases where the ground plane is larger than λ, but just for comparison I have taken a
relatively smaller ground plane also. So, for relatively smaller ground plane this is the
radiation pattern which is something similar to figure of 8, but as we increase the ground
plane radius, one can see that the pattern is now getting skewed up there is a relatively
lesser radiation on the backside and also the beam maxima is not in this direction any
more beam maxima is actually changing over here and you can see there is a shift in the
beam maximum also with the change in the ground plane you can actually see this is for
a very small ground plane.
So, the gain is less you increase the ground plane greater than λ then one can see that
gain is increasing then gain is further increasing and here is the gain which is
approximately equal to 5 dB which is what should be the directivity of a monopole
antenna on infinite ground plane. So, until unless you take a very large ground plane it
would not happen and. In fact, sometimes these are the real situations also. Think about
antenna which is put on the let us say car rooftop. So, if we assume that the car rooftop is
let us say metallic. So, on that metallic large body one has put a monopole antenna
sometimes they put as a slight slanted here. So, this particular monopole antenna is really
nothing but on a very large ground plane. So, it will have a relatively larger gain in
comparison with the monopole antenna on very finite ground plane or a small ground
plane. In fact, many a times you would actually see that many antennas monopole
antennas are available which have a magnetic base over here.
So, basic idea is that even though the ground plane of that monopole antenna is very
small, but because of that magnetic base you will be putting it on some metallic body.
So, that metallic body acts as a ground plane for that monopole antenna.
So, now let us see different cases of the monopole antenna how we can increase the
bandwidth of the monopole antenna. So, here we are just taking an example of a conical
monopole antenna which is nothing but the half of the bi-conical dipole antenna. So, it is
fed with the coaxial feed here. This is the thinner version of that instead of using the full
cone we have only used the triangular.
So, we will see one by one these configurations. So, here is a variation of the conical
monopole antenna. So, one can actually see that we actually designed this only the outer
part of the cone here there is not a solid cone that would have a very large weight and
here is a ground plane and this particular thing we had actually designed for a
requirement there was a one defense requirement where they wanted an antenna a
broadband antenna starting from 200 MHz to 1000 MHz or so, but what we have
achieved is much much larger bandwidth. So let us see now; what are the design
So, design principle over here is that the first thing is corresponding to the lowest
frequency slant length should be approximately λ/4. So, that is the first design principle.
So, let us say we want antenna at say 200 MHz. So, at 200 MHz what will be
wavelength? It will be 150 cm. So, 150 by 4 we can say that will be about 37.5 cm and
we can see that that is exact λ/4, but we have taken this length roughly: Height is about
300 mm and you can see that the radius of cone we have taken as this here. There is a
reason for that because, the input impedance of this particular monopole antenna is given
by this particular expression over here and since we wanted to design an antenna with the
50 Ω coaxial feed.
So, if we take angle α equal to 90 degree; α angle is this complete angle here. So, if we
substitute this value α equal to 90 degree here we got input impedance of about 52.9
which is very close to 50 Ω impedance. So, for α equal to 90 degree what the thing is α
90 means half angle will be 45 degree and we know that tan 45 is nothing but this
dimension divided by this here. So, this we took as 30 this becomes 30 cm this will be
300 by 300 and this one all we did was we actually took copper coil we just wrapped it
around and put it over here fed over here fed over there.
We can see that this foil also has lot of these bends and other thing it is a very crude form
antenna, but yet because it is very broadband antenna one can actually see the fabricated
or measured result. So, that is the fabricate antenna these are the measured results. So,
you can see that this is VSWR 2 over this entire frequency range VSWR is less than 2.
So, we did achieve a very large bandwidth by using this conical monopole antenna, but it
is a three dimensional structure.
So, in the next lecture we will talk about some printed monopole antenna which are very
flat just printed on a substrate very you can say volume occupied is very small low cost
configuration and so on. So, in the next lecture we will talk about printed monopole
antennas and some of the other characteristics.
Thank you very much and see you next time. Bye.