Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K. Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-46
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K. Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-46
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K. Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-46
Prof R.K. Shevgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
In the last lecture, for the Hertz Dipole which is a small current element we derived the
electrode potential and the electric and magnetic fields. And we saw that for the Hertz
Dipole we have a magnetic field which has only one component that is only ø
component, whereas the electric field has two components one is the r component which
is the radial component and the other one is the θ component.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:42 min)
we also saw that these fields have three types of variations as a function of distance from
the dipole that is a field which varies as 1/r, the field which varies as 1 over r square and
the field which varies as 1 over r cube and then we understood the different phenomena
which are behind these three types of fields. So we said 1 over r square field is the
induction field, the 1 over r cube field is the electrostatic field which is on the ends of the
current dipole you have accumulation of charges so we have essentially a bundle of
charges which are sitting at the ends of the Hertz Dipole as the current oscillates these
charges are also oscillate so you are having a dipole and because of that dipole you get
the electrostatic field and that is given by this term so its variation is one over r cube. And
then the important term in which we are interested in is the radiation field which varies as
So as you go away from the dipole that is the field which is the radiation field essentially
dominates because these two fields die down very rapidly as we move away from the
We essentially divided the fields into these categories and then we said depending upon
the distance from the dipole we can call these fields as the near field or the far field and
we had a distance which is the reference distance which is λ/6 so if the distance is much
more less than λ/6 then electrostatic and induction fields are dominate and we call those
fields as the near fields, whereas if you go to a distance which is much larger compared to
λ/6 then the dominance is by the radiation field and then we saw that radiation field has
only two components which is θ for electric field and ø for magnetic field.
We would also see some interesting properties for these fields that is the ratio of E θ and
Hø for the radiation field is equal to the intrinsic impedance of the medium. That property
is same as what we have seen for the uniform plane wave. However, in this case we have
constant phase surfaces which are the spheres so we call these waves as spherical waves,
however, spherical waves essentially have all the properties with the uniform plane wave
have. That is the electric field and magnetic field and direction of wave propagation are
perpendicular to each other and also the ratio of electric and magnetic field is equal to the
intrinsic impedance of the medium.
Today, we try to see more characteristics of the Hertz Dipole and essentially we are
interested in two things when we talk about the radiation one is for a given current in this
Hertz Dipole how much power will be radiated in the space that means how much power
will be carried by these fields second thing is, what is the directional dependence of this
power flow. So the feature which captures the directional dependence is called the
radiation pattern of a dipole or of a antenna in general.
So if I take the electric field and if I plot the electric field as function of angle θ and ø
then I get a surface in three dimensions and that essentially represents the radiation
pattern of the given antenna. Secondly once we have the electric and magnetic fields
from the dipole then we can find out what is the Poynting Vector from this antenna we
can integrate the Poynting Vector over the total surface enclosing this antenna and that
will give me the total power radiated by the Hertz Dipole.
So in today’s lecture we calculate the power radiated by Hertz Dipole and then we will
also see radiation pattern of the Hertz Dipole. So to start with the power radiated by the
Hertz Dipole we first calculate the Poynting Vector we have electric and magnetic fields
so the average Poynting Vector as we have seen earlier the Pav bar is the vector quantity
that is half real part of E cross H conjugate.
Now since E has two components θ and r and H has only one component ø essentially we
can write this as this is half real part of Eθ Hø conjugate minus Er Hø conjugate this is
going to be in r direction and this is going to be in θ direction.
So the Poynting Vector has two components if I just substitute directly the electric and
magnetic fields the θ and ø they are in right sequence θ to ø so the Poynting Vector will
be in r direction whereas when I go from r to ø first of all sequences reverse that is why
there is a minus sign here and the cross product of r and ø will be in the direction θ.
Now, one can show that if I take this electric and magnetic field expressions and I look at
these fields which I have here the Er and Hø, here you have j β upon r term for Hø
whereas you have β upon r square term here. Similarly we have 1 upon r square terms
here and this term is multiplied by j. So essentially there is a ninety degree phase
difference between Er and Hø. So this quantity Er Hø when I calculate this does not have
the real component because the phase difference of ninety degrees between these two
components so real part contribution from this term is zero so this essentially is zero this
is purely imaginary. So the real part essentially would be given by this term so that is half
real part of Eθ Hø conjugate r cap.
We can substitute for Eθ and Hø so we get the average Poynting Vector which will be half
real part of I can substitute for electric and magnetic fields expressions so this is I0 dl sinθ
divided by 4πr whole square one upon ωε and then I have terms of electric field which is
jβ + β/r - j upon r square and because of H term which is minus -jβ + 1/r.
So this term is essentially coming from the electric field which is this term, whereas this
term will be coming from here and we have got a minus sign here because this is H
conjugate so this becomes -jβ term.
Now again if I see the terms the real terms many of the terms will cancel out so only the
contribution will come only from this terms which is jβ and this quantity so essentially
the real part if we calculate for this term will be equal to half I 0 dl sinθ divided by 4πr
whole square in to β square upon ωε and this quantity this will be in the direction r so it
has the unit vector r so this also will be in the direction r so what that means is the
Poynting Vector which you have gives you the power density that is only coming from
these terms which are related to the radiation fields, other term which are having a
variation is one over r or one over r square these terms do not have a real contribution to
the power flow so essentially these components of the fields correspond to the reactive
So when you are having this quantity purely imaginary and then you have ninety degree
phase shift it is as if they are having some kind of a reactive element there so in θ
direction the power oscillates one half cycle in the positive θ direction other half as
negative θ direction so the power keep oscillating but there is no net power flow in the θ
direction and that makes sense since there is completely a symmetric problem there is no
preferred direction in which the power can flow you are having a Hertz Dipole which is
oscillating so half the current will be flowing upwards, half the current will be flowing
downwards so this is the preferred direction in θ in which the power can flow. So the
power essentially is going to flow radially outwards which it is in direction r and it is
solely going to be because of the radiation fields.
So other fields which are electrostatic field and the induction field are essentially give
you the reactive fields, whereas the radiation field essentially contributes to the power
flow to reflex the power from the Hertz Dipole. Once you get this thing then we can we
can find out what is the total power. This is the Poynting Vector which is varying as a
function of θ, now we can take any distance r take this Hertz Dipole enclosed by any
closed surface integrated over the closed surface that will give me total power radiated by
Hertz Dipole. For simplicity we can take this core surface as a sphere so your integration
is simple so what we can do now is the total power radiated by the dipole w is equal to
the surface integral p average r square sinθ dθ dø.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:25 min)
So what we have is we have Hertz Dipole here, we are considering a sphere around it of
radius r so the incremental surface area on the surface of the sphere is r square sinθ dθ dø.
So if I integrate over the total surface area that means if I integrate over all θ then ø and
then I will the total power radiated by the Hertz Dipole. So this integral we can write w is
equal to as we know limits for ø is 0 to 2π, the limits for θ is 0 to π and I can write down
this Poynting Vector which I have got there so this will be half I0 dl sinθ upon 4πr whole
square into β square upon ωε into r square sinθ dθ dø.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:54 min)
The first thing to note here is this r square term is going to cancel with this r square term
so the power radiated should not be a function of r because we are finding out the power
which is on any surface of the sphere. So the total power which is radiated by the Dipole
should not be a function of what radius we take for the sphere that should be independent
of the size of the sphere that is what precisely this is telling you that this r square will
cancel so total power will be independent of what radius for the spheres you take.
Now this integral is very straight forward I can write down the sin cube θ as sine square θ
sinθ and I can write down the sin square θ as (1 - cos square θ). So this integral as I said
this is some I1 where I1 will be some integral θ equal to 0 to π if we write sin square θ sin
θ d θ and this we can write as (1 - cos square θ) sinθ dθ putting cosθ = t, - sinθ dθ will be
equal to dt.
So this will be the integral (1 - t square) dt and the limits when θ is equal to zero this t
will be equal to one and θ will be equal to π then this will be equal to -1 so I can
substitute into this and I have a negative sign for sin θ I can change the limit from -1 to 1
so the integral value will be essentially 4/3.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:08 min)
Now I can substitute for the integral value into this expression and then I get the total
power radiated by the Hertz Dipole w that will be equal to this which will give me
sixteen π square into two so it is thirty two which cancels with these two so I will get a
sixteen so that gives me I0 square dl square upon 16π into β cube upon ωε into 4/3.
Now if I write down here for β that is β is equal to ω square root of με, essentially this
quantity here ω cube upon με will become essentially 4π square upon λ square into η
where η is the intrinsic impedance of the medium.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:41 min)
If I rearrange some terms into this and substitute, for that I will get the total power
radiated by the Hertz Dipole that can be written in terms of the intrinsic impedance
substituted here and if I take the radiation is taking place in the free space this quantity is
120π. So this one you know for the free space is 120π so I can substitute here for 120π.
So by substituting this into this expression essentially we get the total power radiated will
be 40π square I0 square dl upon λ whole square. So for a given current I0 remember the I0
is the peak current because we have taken the variation of the current I 0 will be jωt. So
this I0 is the peak current which is flowing in the current element the total power radiated
will be proportional to the square of the current that is normally the case whenever we
talk about the power, the power is proportional to the square of the current so that is true
in this case also.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:51 min)
However, what we note is the power radiated is related to the square of the length of the
Dipole normalized to the value that is λ that means the absolute length of the Dipole is
not important but what is important is the relative length of the Dipole with respect to the
wavelength which is radiant. So as the λ becomes larger and larger that means the
frequency comes down this dl can be taken physically large enough so that even then we
can satisfy the condition for the Hertz Dipole that is the current is constant along the
length and we can apply this formula to calculate the power radiated by the Hertz Dipole.
So the power radiated is proportional to the physical length of the Hertz Dipole for a
given frequency or for a given λ. Does that mean that by increasing the value of dl
arbitrarily we can increase the power radiated, the answer is no, we can increase the value
of dl but we still have to maintain the nature of Hertz Dipole and the current along the
Hertz Dipole is uniform. We have seen right from the beginning of this course we can
assume the current to be uniform when the size of the structure is much smaller compared
to the wavelength. So for the uniformity of the current along the Hertz Dipole the length
must be much much small compared to λ so we can say that I can change the value of dl I
can increase it but still I have to keep this quantity dl much smaller compared to λ so that
I can call this structure still a Hertz Dipole.
So I do not have really too large variation in dl because the dl can be ten percent or less
than that to satisfy the condition that the current is uniform across the length of the
Dipole. But within that range if I increase the length of the Dipole then the power is
going to increase for a given current and that relation will be this square relationship with
the length of the Dipole.
So now this thing tells me that as long as the structure is much smaller compared to the
wavelength I can treat this structure as a Hertz Dipole and then just by using the concept
which we have developed we can calculate the power radiated by the Dipole.
Now if I look at this antenna from the circuit point of view the Hertz Dipole we can
excite this antenna by some voltage source which will give me the current in the
terminals. So let us say if I break the Hertz Dipole half way this is my Hertz Dipole
which has broken in two parts and this is the input through which the current is flowing
so if this is connected to a circuit the current I0 comes like this it flows through that from
here it comes back so you are having a current which is flowing I 0 in the terminals of the
antenna so this current is I0. So if I see from the input terminal side since the antenna is
radiating and this power is now going away from this structure if I enclose this antenna in
a black box if I treat it like a black box and just observe the characteristic only on the
terminal of this antenna it will appear we have a current I0 going inside the terminals of
the antenna and so much power is radiated by the antenna that means this box has
consumed so much of power.
So if I treat this hertz Dipole like a black box this black box will appear like resistance
when the current comes into that there is a power loss inside it and that is the
characteristic of resistance. So I can say equivalently this is to this box here which is the
black box and which is equivalent to some resistance same power as radiated by the
Hertz Dipole. Since this resistance is related to the power radiated by the Hertz Dipole we
call this resistance as the radiation resistance of the Dipole and let us denote that by R
radiation so this quantity R is Radiation Resistance of the Hertz Dipole.
So if I see this Dipole from the circuit point of view then this is equivalent to this
radiation resistance. Of course, it will appear like resistance if we concentrate only on the
radiation fields which are contributing to the power flow but as we know in the vicinity
of the Dipole we also have the electrostatic and the induction fields which are reactive
fields. So in fact between the terminals of this antenna you will not get only radiation
resistance but you will also get the reactance which will be corresponding to those
electrostatics and induction field.
So in general the antenna will appear like a complex load the real part of this load will
correspond to the power radiated by the Dipole. So if that is then I can ask the power
consumed by this one if I go by simple circuit point of view will be simply half I 0 square
into Rrad the Radiation Resistance. So, from the circuit point of view the w should be
equal to half I0 square into the radiation resistance, equating these two, this is the power
which is radiated by the antenna this is the power which is now wound into the terminals
of the antenna these two should be equal this is equal to 40 π square I0 square dl upon λ
So I0 will cancel out and from here we get the radiation resistance of Hertz Dipole that is
equal to 80 π square into dl upon λ whole square. And as we have seen the power
radiated is proportional to R radiation for given current, higher the radiation resistance
more will be the power radiated by the Hertz Dipole.
Now we are having a requirement that radiation resistance should be as large as possible
that essentially means dl should be as large as possible but dl cannot be increased
arbitrarily large so we have a limited range of dl that means we have a limited value of
the radiation resistance. If I say the rule of thumb when the length is about ten percent of
the wavelength we can call that is much smaller when compared to λ if I take dl = 0.1λ
this ratio will be 0.1 square of that will be 0.01.
So the radiation resistance will be approximately eight ohms, this π square will be
approximately ten. So if I take dl approximately 0.1λ then the radiation resistance for this
will be approximately eight ohms which is a very small resistance.
Firstly, if I want to excite this structure I will be using some transmission line for
connecting this and we have seen that coaxial kind of structure we are having
characteristic impedance which are of the order of fifty ohms if I take a parallel wire line
for connecting this then the characteristic impedance will be few hundred ohms so
practically this load appears almost goes to short circuit compared to the characteristic
impedance. You have a great mismatching problem between the transmission line and the
antenna when you try to excite this antenna.
Secondly, because of the low radiation resistance the power radiated by this antenna is
very small. So radiation resistance is a good concept when we try to estimate the power
radiated by a given antenna and then by devising the mechanism by which the radiation
resistance can be increased we can radiate more power for a given excitation current in
the antenna.
Having done this calculation now for the power radiated by the antenna we can go to the
directional characteristics of the antenna and as I mention this is captured by the radiation
pattern of the antenna.
So here we are not interested in the absolute electric and magnetic fields what we are
interested is how this electric and magnetic field is varying at the function of the angle
from the Dipole. If I consider the radiation field that is what we are interested in then
what is the variation of Eθ and Hø at the function of the angle θ and ø. So if I plot a
spherical plot in which the radius vector is amplitude of the electric field and if I plot the
electric field as the function of θ and ø I will get a three dimensional surface and I call
that as the radiation pattern of the antenna.
Now all these which I am having I0 dl β square are taken as constant because we are
interested only in the relative variation of the electric field as a function of θ and same is
true for ø for radiation field because ratio of E and H is equal to intrinsic impedance that
means constant that means the radiation pattern which we get for electric and magnetic
fields is exactly identical. Since now we are interested only in the relative fields these
factors do not matter so essentially we have a variation for the electric field which is E θ
that varies as some constant which includes all those factors like current and length of the
Dipole the wavelength and so on and the variation which is sine of θ.
So note the variation of this field is in θ plane is sinθ so now if I consider this is the
location where the Hertz Dipole is located and the amplitude is not the distance the
distance is telling me this amplitude of the electric field. So if I plot the electric field as
the function of θ for only the radiation fields then I will get this plot what we call as the
radiation pattern. So if I put θ = 0 which is this direction so this direction is θ = 0 this
direction is equal to θ = π/2, this direction is θ = π and the range of theta is from 0 to π
and then you have ø variation which goes from 0 to 2π which is in this direction. So the
electric field does not have a variation in ø that means we have symmetry in the ø plane.
And now since it is circularly symmetric I take this pattern and revolve it around this axis
which is the axis of the Hertz Dipole so around this line which is z axis if I take this
pattern and revolve it I will get a three dimensional figure and that is what we call as the
radiation pattern of the antenna.
So if I visualize this in three dimensions then the structure essentially would look
something like that. Here the antenna its size and all that are not given or not shown what
is shown is the antenna is taken as a point and the field which is coming from that point
are having a variation sinθ so I plot the amplitude of the electric field as a function of θ
and ø I will create a surface which will look something like apple.
So the radiation pattern of the Hertz Dipole is like an apple, remember also the radiation
pattern is the three dimensional figure. So essentially we are drawing the variation of
electric field as a function of θ and ø therefore we will get this three dimensional surface
and that is what we call as the radiation pattern.
So the θ plane is the one which the plane which passes through the axis and the angle if I
take some point here the plane which contains that point and that plane essentially will be
θ plane. In this case this plane of the paper is nothing but θ plane so if I take this apple
and cut it vertically I will get pattern which will look like that so this is the variation of
the electric field in the θ plane that is the reason I call this radiation plane pattern as the E
plane radiation pattern because the electric field is going to lie in this θ plane the electric
field does not lie in one component which is θ component so this is the plane which is the
plane of the paper in which the vector field E is line so the electric field as we saw
essentially in the direction θ so electric field vector lies in this plane so we call this
radiation pattern as E plane radiation pattern.
The other principle plane by which we can cut this three dimensional figure is plane
perpendicular to θ which is the horizontal plane and that plane if I cut this figure at this
location where θ = π/2 I will get a figure which will be a circle and since the magnetic
field is having a component which is only ø component this plane essentially contains the
magnetic field vector.
So we call this horizontal plane as the H plane and the variation of electric field is this
plane as H plane we call as the H plane radiation pattern. Now we got the sections of this
general three dimensional surface by two principle planes, one is the E plane and the
other is H plane. So this three dimensional figure can be described by two planar figures
which are sections of this three dimensional surface in two planes and we will call these
patterns as the E and H plane radiation patterns.
Here we get two radiation patterns so we have a pattern called the E plane pattern and we
have got H plane pattern. The E plane pattern is like figure of it whereas the H plane
pattern is the circle. So generally when we discuss about the antennas since this figure is
very simple most of the time the radiation patterns are given in H plane which is
complicated for the Hertz Dipole or Linear Dipole and because of the circular symmetry
the H plane radiation pattern is always a circle. So in the books essentially we see the
patterns which will be this and it is basically assumed that H plane radiation pattern we
know and that is the circular pattern. But we must always remember that although
normally these two sections for this three dimensional figure are given as radiation
patterns the radiation pattern is actually a three dimensional circuit which should always
be remembered because many times if you do not remember that we might come to
wrong conclusions that if we do not visualize the radiation pattern properly in the three
dimensional figure then it is possible that you might conclude something wrongly. So we
should always develop a habit of visualizing the radiation patterns in three dimensions we
should always remember radiation pattern is a function of θ and ø though we might have
simpler sections of that pattern and we can call that pattern as E plane or H plane
radiation pattern.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:14 min)
So the radiation pattern is a very important aspect of antenna what it tells is me which
direction the power is going and as we saw the power is proportional to mod E square so
the power is maximally going in this direction no power goes in this direction. If I look
for this radiation pattern in the three dimension the maximum power is going in the plane
which is perpendicular to the Hertz Dipole so Hertz Dipole is oriented this way that is
where the Dipole was oriented along the Dipole there is no power flow and that is a very
important thing that if I consider an antenna which is like a Hertz Dipole there will not be
any power radiated along this axis the whole power will be radiated perpendicular to that
and in this case the power will be radiated symmetrically in all directions so the antenna
has the preferred direction for throwing the power it does not through the power
uniformly in all directions.
Now the Hertz Dipole is the simplest possible antenna we have thought of because
whenever we have current there is a direction there so what we said even if we take the
simplest possible case of a current which does not have any special size but which has
just the orientation that is what the Hertz Dipole did it had a preferred direction for
throwing away the power that means I can never have a system which will throw power
uniformly in all directions because even the simplest current element has put the power
preferably in some directions. So this nature that now the power is not going uniformly in
all directions is the directional nature of the antenna and that is very important so it is
very difficult or impossible rather to realize in fact is an isotropic antenna which will
throw away the power equally in all directions.
Now depending on the applications we may require the directional dependence very
strongly there are many situations where we may not require this directional dependence
at all.
Let me give you an example that let us say I want to establish communication between
two points as we do for example in microwave towers which we see around us so I have a
microwave tower here, I have a microwave tower here and the interest is essentially to
send the power from this location to this location with as minimal loss as possible.
In this case I would prefer to have an antenna which will be highly directional that means
this antenna should put power only in this direction and should not give the power in any
other direction so my radiation pattern should be such that it is maximum in this direction
and very rapidly dies down as I move away from this direction. So I will require a highly
directional antenna in this case. However, imagine a situation this is a radio station this is
the microwave tower the other situation is I have a radio station and there is a city around
it and we want to have broadcasting from this radio station. Obviously, now we are not
interested in sending the radio signal from the radio station to a particular house we want
to distribute the power as uniformly across the city as possible so we have a region which
is around this where the radiation should go as uniformly as possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:54 min)
In this case I require a antenna which is as isotropic as possible that means it should not
have directional dependence. As we argued it is not possible to get an isotropic antenna in
practice so you might get a isotropic nature may be in a plane and that is what your Hertz
Dipole does. This radiation pattern is not uniform in all directions but if I go in a
direction in the H plane my radiation pattern is the circle that means if I ask what is the
nature of the radiation pattern in this plane which is H plane that is isotropic it is not
isotropic as a function of θ but it is isotropic as a function of ø.
So I may use this structure and I may get a radiation pattern which is uniform in this
direction for making use for the broadcasting applications. So in this case I may have
application which will broadcast. Depending upon the situation I may require an antenna
which is very directional that means it has strongly preferred direction for putting the
power or I may require an antenna which does not have any preferred direction so that the
power goes uniformly in its surrounding. So in broadcasting application I will get a
antenna which is isotropic which is non directional whereas for microwave tower kind of
application I will get a antenna which is highly directional antenna.
Having understood this then now depending application we might require to design the
antennas which will have a special radiation characteristics like radiation patterns, also in
a physical system for a given current we would like to radiate more power so ideally the
Hertz Dipole though it is very nice it should develop the concept of radiation the Hertz
Dipole as such will not be a useful device what we have more useful is you take the
length of the wire which is essentially the Hertz Dipole but now if I increase the length
which becomes compatible with the wavelength I can assume the current to be uniform
across the Dipole but I can still visualize this linear wire as collection of small small
Hertz Dipoles and now there is a possibility that this structure which is more realizable
structure will give more radiation. Of course, in this process your radiation pattern also
will get modified.
So, that next time when we meet essentially we talk about a more practical antenna which
is very commonly used is what is called a Linear Dipole Antenna. So Linear Dipole
Antenna is simply a linear structure like a wire which is excited with some voltage the
current flows on this wire and then visualizing this wire as collection on the Hertz Dipole
we calculate the electric and magnetic fields and then we calculate the power and
radiation patterns and other aspects of the Linear Dipole.
So in the next lecture we will investigate the characteristics of more physically realizable
antenna called the Dipole antenna.
Thank you.