Unit 3 Figure, Mood and The Possible Types of Syllogisms
Unit 3 Figure, Mood and The Possible Types of Syllogisms
Unit 3 Figure, Mood and The Possible Types of Syllogisms
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Moods of Categorical Syllogism
3.3 Figures of Syllogism
3.4 Incomplete Syllogism and Compound Syllogism
3.5 Dilemma
3.6 Avoiding Dilemma
3.7 Let Us Sum Up
3.8 Key Words
3.9 Further Readings and References
This unit proposes to introduce a very interesting aspect of syllogism, viz. figures and moods.
Through a study of figures and moods you will be in a position to gain an insight into the
intricacies of categorical syllogism. This is the main objective of this unit. Second objective is to
introduce you to the abridged and extended versions of syllogism.
Another equally important objective is to bring out the features of dilemma which is a sort of
pseudo- syllogism so that you will be in a position to contrast a genuine argument like syllogism
with a pseudo-argument. Thereby another objective is also served. Your acumen to evaluate the
logical significance is further sharpened. This is the most invaluable gift of logic.
Arguments are of complex nature. It is not possible to bring all arguments, even arguments of
one class, under a common head. A detailed analysis of syllogism reveals the hidden
complexities of the same. Such a study consists in the discussion of the structure of syllogism
which leads to figures and moods. A clear understanding of the structure of syllogism exposes
the wealth of syllogistic argument. As usual, the premises have to be taken as true, whether or
not they are factually true.
In the previous unit a brief reference was made to what is known as ‘mood’. It is not possible to
fully appreciate the role played by moods in the study of syllogism without prior discussion of
what is known as figure. Figure and mood together determine the structure of syllogism. An
appraisal of the significance of structure in deductive inference in general and syllogism in
particular is made much easier when we deal with ‘figures and moods’ of syllogism. An analysis
of the structure of argument in deductive inference is a pre-requisite to the classification of
arguments into good (valid) and bad (invalid). Since the very function of logic is to distinguish
arguments in the aforesaid manner, a study of figure and mood occupies an important position in
our study of syllogism. In order to simplify the task, let us state the arguments in what is called
standard-form. Accordingly, the major premise is stated first followed by the minor premise and
ending with the conclusion. The following example illustrates what standard-form means:
1 All humans are mortal.
Joseph is a human.
∴ Joseph is mortal.
Although arguments in ordinary language appear in several forms, it is not at all difficult to
restate them in standard-form. First we identify the conclusion which is to be placed in the final
position. Whichever premise contains the predicate term of the conclusion automatically
occupies the first place because the major premise should be stated first (Kemerling 2010). We
notice that ‘mortal’ is the predicate of the conclusion which appears in the first place in the
argument followed by the minor premise. Therefore this type of arrangement subscribes to
A: All outer island Yapese women are weavers of the baskets.
O: ∴ Some weavers of the baskets are not women named Deepti.
In the above syllogism the minor term (subject of the conclusion) is ‘weavers of the baskets’, the
major term (predicate of the conclusion) is ‘women named Deepti’ and the middle term is ‘outer
island Yapese women’. Therefore the first premise is the major, second is the minor and the third
is the conclusion.
The structure of these arguments is considered for the purpose of illustration. While symbolizing
the propositions, let us use the first letter of the term. The letter which appears in the middle
stands for the quality and quantity of propositions.
3 Major premise: No W is Y. W EY
Minor premise: All Y is B. Y AB
Conclusion ∴ Some B is not W. ∴B OW
One question remains to be answered. How many moods can we list? For the time being, let
us restrict ourselves to an incomplete answer. Accordingly, we can list 64 Moods. (At this stage,
let us not restrict ourselves to valid Moods). There is no need to list all these 64 Moods. But what
is needed is to know how we arrive at this figure because the number is not fixed arbitrarily.
There are four kinds of propositions which have to take three positions in such a manner that any
proposition can occur in any one of the four different ways; 0, 1, 2 and 3. When we compute all
possible arrangements, we arrive at 64. There are two important aspects. First, we have
discovered a certain number of structures in which syllogistic arguments can be constructed, and
secondly, which we notice later, not all structures to which arguments subscribe are valid. It is in
this sense that the logical status of an argument is determined by the structure of that particular
It is easy to understand the meaning and significance of figure. The ‘figure’ of a syllogism is
determined by the position of ‘middle term’. We have said that the ‘middle term’ appears both in
the major and in the minor premises. Therefore its possible positions in premises result in four
different configurations. A schematic representation is preferable to verbal description.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
From this scheme it is clear that neither P nor S determines the figure of syllogism. History has
recorded that Aristotle accepted only the first three figures. The origin of the fourth figure is
disputed. While Quine said that Theophrastus, a student of Aristotle, invented the fourth figure,
Stebbing said that it was Gallen who invented the fourth figure. This dispute is not very
significant. But what Aristotle says on the first figure is significant.
Aristotle regarded the first figure as most ‘scientific’. It is likely that by ‘scientific’ he meant
‘satisfactory’. One of the reasons, which Aristotle has adduced in defence of his thesis, is what
the nature of laws of mathematics and physical sciences suggest. According to him these
sciences establish laws in the form of the first figure. Second reason is that reasoned conclusion
or reasoned fact is generally found, according to Aristotle, in the first figure. Aristotle believed
that only universal affirmative conclusion can provide complete knowledge and universal
affirmative conclusion is possible only in the first figure. Aristotle quotes the fundamental
principle of syllogism. ‘One kind of syllogism serves to prove that A inheres in C by showing
that A inheres in B and B in C’. This principle can be expressed in this form:
Minor: A inheres in B
Major: B inheres in C
A inheres in C
Evidently, this argument satisfies transitive relation. This is made clear with the help of this
Major Premise: All artists are poets. AAP
Minor Premise: All musicians are artists. MAA
Conclusion: MAP
All musicians are poets.
Major Premise: All saints are pious. SAP
Minor Premise: No criminals are pious. CEP
Conclusion: CES
No criminals are saints.
Major Premise: All great works are worthy of study. GAW
Minor Premise: All great works are epics. GAE
Conclusion: EIW
Some epics are worthy of study.
Major Premise: No soldiers are traitors. SET
Minor Premise: All traitors are sinners. TAS
Conclusion: SOS
Some sinners are not soldiers.
We will consider figures in conjunction with moods. Then only knowledge of the ‘figure of
syllogism’ permits us to compute the total number of possible moods. Mood is determined by
quality and quantity of propositions, which constitute syllogism. Since there are four figures, in
all two hundred and fifty six ways of arranging categorical propositions is possible. These are
exactly what we mean by moods. However, out of two hundred and fifty-six, two hundred and
forty-five moods can be shown to be invalid by applying the rules and corollaries. So we have
only eleven valid moods. Even this is not sufficient to have a clear picture. There is no figure in
which all eleven moods are valid. Within the framework of traditional logic, in any given figure
only six moods are valid. They are as follows:
In all these cases, first letter stands for the major premise, second for the minor and third for the
conclusion. Moods are represented above in three ways. Moods in italics and bold form are
called strengthened moods, and moods in mere italics are called weakened moods. All other
moods are represented in normal form. It is important to know the difference between the first
two types. When the laws of syllogism permit two universal premises to yield logically only
particular conclusion, then such moods are called strengthened moods. On the other hand, if we
deduce particular conclusion from two universal premises, even when the laws of syllogism
permit two universal premises to yield logically a universal conclusion, then such moods are
called weakened moods.
In this scheme, we notice that EIO is valid in all the figures. Interestingly, IEO is invalid in all
the figures. The only difference between EIO and IEO is that the minor and the major premises
are only transposed which clearly shows that the position of premises, which is a part of the
structure, determines the validity of argument. Though EIO is valid in more than one figure it is
one mood in one figure and some other in another figure. Likewise, AEE is valid in the second
and the fourth figures. But it is one mood in the second figure and a different mood in the fourth
Since Aristotle argued that the first figure is the perfect figure, he felt the need to transmute all
valid arguments in II and III figures to I figure so that if the transmuted mood is valid in I figure,
then the corresponding mood in any figure other than the first is also valid. Transmutation from
fourth figure to the first figure must have been evolved by the inventor of the former. Reduction
is the tool to test the validity of arguments. In the thirteenth century, one logician by name Pope
John XXI, devised a technique to remember the method of reducing arguments from other
figures to the first figure. This technique is known as mnemonic verses. Accordingly, each
mood, excluding weakened moods, was given a special name:
The method is like this. If the names begin with C, then the syllogism has to be reduced to the
first figure which begins with a C. For example, CESARE (a syllogism of the second figure) has
to be reduced to CELARENT. Other consonants of the name have also their significance; ‘s’
(like in CESARE) signifies that the preceding ‘E’ needs to undergo simple conversion; ‘p’
signifies that the preceding proposition has to be converted by ‘limitation’; ‘t’ signifies that the
order of the premises has to be changed; ‘st’ indicates that two operations, viz., simple
conversion and transposition of the proposition represented by the preceding vowel are required
to be carried out. BAROCO and BOCARDO are reduced in a different manner. O propositions
in both the moods have to be obverted first and then follow the relevant path to effect reduction.
However, the situation in modern logic is very different. The logicians proved that from
universal propositions alone particular proposition cannot be derived and vice versa.
Accordingly, both strengthened and weakened moods become invalid. Thus in the new scheme
the number of valid moods reduces to fifteen.
Check Your Progress I
Examples: 1 You have hurt your neighbour.
Therefore you have sinned against God.
(Major premise implicitly understood: Those who hurt their neighbours sin against God).
2 Those who hurt their neighbours sin against God.
Therefore you have sinned against god.
(Minor premise implicitly understood: You have hurt your neighbour).
3 Those who hurt their neighbour sin against God.
And you have hurt your neighbour.
(Conclusion implicitly understood: Therefore you have sinned against God).
When the major premise is implicitly understood, enthymeme is regarded as the first-order
enthymeme. When the minor premise is implicitly understood, enthymeme is regarded as the
second-order enthymeme. When the conclusion is implicitly understood, enthymeme is regarded
as the third-order enthymeme. A question may arise in this context. If two propositions are
adequate to convey the information, where is the need to have full-fledged syllogism? This
question can be answered in two ways. When we deal with learned or well-informed persons or
with ourselves, enthymeme will surely serve the purpose. A full – fledged syllogism is needed
when we have to educate not so well – informed, if not ill – informed persons. We should not fail
to notice close similarity between enthymeme and svarthaanumana and paraarthaanumana
(inference for self and inference for others). The question can be answered in this way also.
Syllogism is formal and enthymeme is informal. Choice is subjective.
2 Sorites: If an argument consists of three or more than three premises, then such an argument is
called sorites. It is also called polysyllogism. There are two kinds of sorites: Aristotelian sorites
and Goclenian sorites. The primary rules which govern sorites are the rules of the categorical
Syllogism only.
Let us begin with the structure of sorites. In Aristotelian sorites the first premise is minor and the
last premise is major. In consecutive premises M is predicate in the first premise and in the next
premise subject. In sorites there are two or more than two conclusions which are implicit. Every
such hidden conclusion functions as the premise. Therefore a sorites consists of at least three
syllogistic arguments and hence it consists of a chain of syllogisms which are interrelated. In
order to arrive at the final conclusion these hidden conclusions also must be reckoned.
Consider this example.
Premises Hidden conclusions (a and b)
1. All A are B. a. All A are C.
2. All B are C.
3. All C are D. 3 All C are D.
b. All A are D.
4. All D are E All D are E
All A are E.
It is easy to understand this structure. From (1) and (2) we have derived (a). This is hidden
because at no point of time is this expressed. When this is conjoined with (3), (a) becomes a
premise. So is the case with b. This shows that every hidden conclusion is, in fact, the premise of
next argument. In this argument ‘a’ and ‘b’ are hidden conclusions which become premises at
subsequent stages. In Aristotelian sorites, the subject of the first premise is also the subject of the
conclusion and the predicate of the last premise is also the predicate of the conclusion. In the set
of hidden conclusions also the same pattern can be noticed. This pattern shows that in
Aristotelian sorites the first premise is the minor and the last premise is the major.
The dilemma consists of three propositions of which two constitute premises and third one is the
conclusion. One of the premises is a conjunction of two hypothetical propositions and the other
one is disjunctive. The conclusion is either disjunctive or simple. Since the dilemma consists of
two hypothetical propositions conjoined by the word ‘and’, it is possible that two different
propositions are found in place of antecedents and two different propositions are found in place
of consequents. But it is not necessary that it should be so. It is likely that both propositions
have a common consequent. If such consequent becomes the conclusion, then, the conclusion is
a simple proposition.
Let us consider its so-called value before we proceed further with our analysis. The dilemma, in
the strict sense of the word validity, is neither valid nor invalid. This is so because in this
particular pattern there is no way of fixing the truth-value of the propositions. The dilemma does
not contribute to the growth of knowledge. Nor does it help in testing what is in need of testing.
Its significance is only restricted to rhetoric. The dilemma is an example of misuse or abuse of
logic. Such a situation arises when a person, who is ignorant of logic, is confronted by an
unscrupulous logician. It is most unlikely that the dilemma was ever seriously considered by any
professional committed to logic. It, then, means that the dilemma has only negative significance,
i.e., to know how not to argue.
The Structure of dilemma:
Let us begin with the structure of dilemma. Its uniqueness is quite interesting.
a. The first premise (p1) consists of two hypothetical propositions conjoined together.
b. The second premise (p2) is a disjunctive proposition. Its alternatives either affirm or deny the
consequents of the hypothetical major premise.
c. The conclusion is either simple or disjunctive. It either affirms the consequents or denies.
Kinds of Dilemma:
The kinds of dilemma are represented in the form of a table.
Constructive Distructive
3. The structure of simple destructive dilemma (SDD) differs slightly from the second kind.
In this type also the conclusion is a simple proposition, but negative. The second premise
has structure similar to that of p2 of CDD. Now, we can make a list of common features of
different kinds of dilemma.
Dilemma Common Features
1. Constructive Different antecedents
2. Destructive Different consequents
3. Complex Disjunctive conclusion
4. Simple Simple conclusion
1. Escaping between the horns of dilemma: Two consequents mentioned may be incomplete.
If it is possible to show that they are incomplete then we can avoid facing dilemma. This is
what is known as ‘escaping between the horns of dilemma’. It should be noted that even
when third consequent is suggested it does not mean that this new consequents is actually
true. In other words, the new consequent also is questionable.
2. Taking the dilemma by horns: In this method of avoiding dilemma, attempts are made to
contradict the hypothetical propositions, which are conjoined. A hypothetical proposition is
contradicted when antecedent and negation of consequent are accepted. However, in this
particular case it is not attempted at all. Moreover, since the major premise is a conjunction
of two hypothetical propositions, the method of refutation is more complex. (The negation
of conjunction will be introduced at a later stage. For the time being it is enough to know
that in this particular instance there is no such attempt.)
We will consider examples for four kinds, which can be used to illustrate these
rogue government) and if (it wages war to expand its territory), then (it
becomes colonial).
p r
p2: (Any government wages war either to acquire wealth) or (to expand its
territory) q s
q: It (becomes a rogue government) or (colonial).
p q
p1: If (the nation wages war), then (there will be no problem of
unemployment) and if (the nation does not revise her industrial policy),
then (it will lead to revolution).
not- q not - s
p2: The (problem of unemployment remains unsolved) or (there will not be any
not - p not - r
q: (The nation does not wage war) or (the nation will revise her industrial
theist) and if (you are in the habit of getting up early), then (you are a labourer).
not - q not - r
p2: (you are not a theist) or (you are not a labourer).
not - p
q: (you are not in the habit of getting up early).
The first way of avoiding the dilemma, i.e., escaping between the horns of dilemma can be
illustrated using 1 (CCD). It is possible to argue that, when the government wages war, the
motive is neither to acquire wealth nor to expand its territory in which case, the government is
neither rouge nor colonial. The motive may be to spread its official religion or personal vendetta
or it may be to protect its interests. If the last one is the motive, then, it becomes difficult to find
fault with such government. Any one of the proposed alternatives or all alternatives to disjuncts
may be false. There is no way of deciding what the situation is. The reader can select remaining
examples to illustrate this method. Likewise, consider fourth argument to illustrate the second
method. I may concede that a person gets up early only because he wants to maintain health. So
the purpose is not to worship God. Nor is he a labourer. Again, this is also an assumption.
i). p q
p1: If (teacher is a disciplinarian), then (he is unpopular among students) and
¬p r
if (he is not a disciplinarian), then (his bosses do not like him).
p ¬p
p2: (Teacher is a disciplinarian) or (he is not a disciplinarian).
q v r
q: (Teacher is unpopular among students) or (his bosses do not like him).
A witty teacher may respond in this way.
ii). ¬p q
p1 : If (teacher is not a disciplinarian), then (he is popular among students)
p r
and if (he is a disciplinarian) then (his bosses will like him.)
¬p p
p2 : (Teacher is not a disciplinarian) or (he is a disciplinarian)
q ¬r
q : (Teacher is popular among students) or (his bosses will like him)
Only a student of logic discovers that these conclusions of i and ii are not contradictories (you
will learn about it in the forthcoming units) in the strict sense of the term. Hence, there is really
no rebuttal.
Further, the dilemma, which an individual faces in day-to-day life, is very different. For
example, moral dilemma has nothing to do with the kinds of dilemma which we have discussed
so far.
Since the dilemma is a medley of both types of conditional propositions, i. e., hypothetical and
disjunctive, it should follow the basic rules of hypothetical and disjunctive syllogisms. It should
affirm disjunctively the antecedents in the minor or deny disjunctively the consequents in the
minor. The dilemma is powerful if in the major there is a strong cause-effect relationship
between the antecedent and the consequent and in the minor the alternatives are exhaustive and
mutually exclusive. Again, the former is debatable.
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2. What are the methods of avoiding dilemma?
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The structure of syllogism is determined by figures and moods. The position of the middle term
determines the figure to which syllogism belongs. There are four figures and eleven valid moods.
Strengthened and weakened moods are not valid according to modern logic. The dilemma is a
shrewd way of getting out of trouble. Escaping between the horns of dilemma, taking the
dilemma by horns and rebuttal of dilemma are the ways of avoiding dilemma. Dilemma is not a
sound logical way of arguing.
Mood: ‘mood’ of a syllogism is determined by the ‘quantity’ and ‘quality’ of the three
Dilemma: A dilemma in logic means an argument that presents an antagonist with a choice of
two or more alternatives, each of which appears to contradict the original contention and is
inconclusive. The dilemma is a powerful instrument of persuasion and a devastating weapon in
Mathew, E.P., and Augustine Perumalil. Critical Thinking and Planned Writing. Chennai: Satya
Nilayam Publications, 2008.