Exam. - 2021 Social Studies: Level: 2

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izFke 10 feuV esa vH;FkhZ viuh iz'u&iqfLrdk ds Øekad dk feyku vks0,e0vkj0 mÙkj i=d ds Øekad ls vo'; dj ysAa ;fn

;fn vks0 ,e0 vkj0

mÙkj i=d o iz'u&iqfLrdk ds Øekad fHkUu gSa rks dsUnz v/kh{kd ls fuosnu djds iz'u&iqfLrdk cny ysAa
Level : 2 Exam. – 2021
TGT : For Classes VI to VIII
Sub. Code No. : 212 iz'u&iqfLrdk Øekad ,oa vks0,e0vkj0 Øekad
vuqØekad ¼vadksa es½a %  SET : A
Question-Booklet Serial No. & O. M. R. Serial No.

Roll No. (In Figures)

vuqØekad ¼'kCnksa es½a %
Roll No. (In Words)
ijh{kk dsUnz dk uke % __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Examination Centre
vH;FkhZ dk uke % ____________________________________________________________ vH;FkhZ ds gLrk{kj % ____________________________________________
Name of Candidate Signature of Candidate

bl iz'u&
u&iqfLrdk esa i`"Bksa dh la[;k 48 iz'uksa dh la[;k 150 le; 2½ hours
No. of Pages in this Question Booklet No. of Questions Time

fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj (Signature of Invigilator) : ___________________________________________

vH;FkhZ dks 10 feuV dk le; iz'u&iqfLrdk ij Nis funs'Z kksa dks i<+us rFkk mÙkj i=d esa vius fooj.k Hkjus ds fy, fn;k tk,xkA ;fn iz'u&iqfLrdk o mÙkj i=d dh
Øe la[;k xyr vafdr gksa rks rqjUr dsUnz v/kh{kd ls fuosnu djds iz'u&iqfLrdk cny ysAa blds i'pkr~ dksbZ nkok Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA bu 10 feuVksa ds
vfrfjDr] iz'uksa ds mÙkj vafdr djus ds fy, iwjs 2½ ?kaVs dk le; fn;k tk,xkA ;fn fdlh vH;FkhZ dks iz'u&iq u&iqfLrdk esa fn, x, fdlh Hkh iz'u eas dksbZ =qfV gksus dk
lansg gks rks blds fy, vH;fFkZ;kas dks ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr izfrosnu nsus ds fy, volj fn;k tk,xkA vr% vH;FkhZ fu/kkZfjr vovolj
lj ds nkSjku bl lEcU/k eas viuk
izfrosnu cksMZ dk;kZy;
y; eas ntZ djok ldrs gSAa bl volj ds ckn] bl lEcU/k esa izkIr izfrosnuksa ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA
;fn fdlh iz'u esa fgUnh o vaxzsth ek/;e esa fHkUurk gS rks vaxzsth ek/;e dk iz'u Bhd ekuk tk,xkA
If there is any variance between Hindi and English Version of any question then English Version would be considered correct.


1. vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj i=d bl iz'u&iqfLrdk ds vUnj j[kk gSA tc vkidks iz'u&iqfLrdk i<+us dks dgk tk,] rks mÙkj i=d fudky dj /;ku ls dsoy
dkys ckWy IokbaV iSu ls fooj.k HkjsAa (The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Question Booklet. When you are directed to read the
Question Booklet, take out the OMR Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars carefully with black ball point pen only.)
2. ijh{kk dh vof/k 2½ ?kaVs gS ,oa iz'u&iqfLrdk esa 150 iz'u gSAa dksbZ _.kkRed vadu ugha gSA (The test is of two-and-half hours
duration and consists of 150 questions. There is no negative marking.)
3. vius fooj.k vafdr djus ,oa mÙkj i=d ij fu'kku yxkus ds fy, dsoy dkys ckWy IokbaV iSu dk iz;ksx djsAa vH;FkhZ iz'u&iqfLrdk dk mi;ksx
djus ,oa mÙkj i=d dks Hkjus esa lko/kkuh cjrsAa (Use Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this
page/darkening responses in the Answer Sheet. The candidate should remain careful in handling the question paper
and in darkening the responses on the answer sheet.)
4. izFke 10 feuV es]a ;g Hkh lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd iz'u&iqfLrdk Øekad vkSj mÙkj i=d Øekad ,d gh gSAa vxj ;g fHkUu gksa rks vH;FkhZ nwljh
iz'u&iqfLrdk vkSj mÙkj i=d ysus ds fy, i;Zo{s kd dks rqjUr voxr djok,¡A (Within first 10 minutes, also ensure that your
Question Booklet Serial No. and Answer Sheet Serial No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should
immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet.)

5. ysoy&
y&2 ¼d{kk VI ls VIII ds fy,½
fy,½ 5. Level–2 (For Classes VI to VIII)
Hkkx&I % cky fodkl o f'k{kk 'kkL= ¼ç0 1 ls ç0 30½ Part–I : Child Development
Hkkx&II % Hkk"kk % ¼ç0 31 ls ç0 60½ and Pedagogy (Q. 1 to Q. 30)
Part–II : Language : (Q. 31 to Q. 60)
¼fgUnh % 15 iz'u o vaxzsth % 15 iz'u½
(Hindi : 15 Q. & English : 15 Q.)
Hkkx&III % lkekU; v/;;u % ¼ç0 61 ls ç0 90½
Part–III : General Studies : (Q. 61 to Q. 90)
¼ek=kRed ;ksX;rk % 10 iz'u] rkfdZd vfHk{kerk % 10 iz'u] (Quantitative Aptitude : 10 Q, Reasoning
lkekU; Kku ,oa vfHkKku % 10 iz'u½ Ability : 10 Q, G. K. & Awareness : 10 Q)
Hkkx&IV % lkekftd v/;;u ¼ç0 91 ls ç0 150½ Part–IV : Social Studies (Q. 91 to Q. 150)

uksV % Ñi;k bl iqfLrdk ds vUr esa fn, x, 'ks"k funs'Z kksa dks i<+Asa (Please read other remaining instructions given on the last page of this booklet.)
jQ dk;Z ds fy, (FOR ROUGH WORK)
[3] [A]

Hkkx – I (PART – I)
cky fodkl o f'k{kk'kkL= (CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY)
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

1. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ,d dFku 1. Out of the following which one is

funsZ'ku dh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa çÑfr ds lanHkZ the wrong statement in context of
esa xyr dFku gS \ characteristics and nature of guidance ?
(1) funsZ'ku fdlh O;fDr dks [kqn dks (1) Guidance is assisting the
lek;ksftr djus esa lgk;rk djuk gSA individual to adjust himself.
(2) funsZ'ku vkRe fn'kk esa O;fDr ds (2) Guidance is promotion of the
fodkl dks c<+kok nsuk gSA growth of the individual in self
(3) funsZ'ku dsoy vU; ds ç;klksa ds
ek/;e ls O;fDr Lo;a dh enn djuk (3) Guidance is helping the
individual himself through
gSA others efforts only.
(4) funsZ'ku fdlh O;fDr dks viuk LFkku
(4) Guidance is assisting an
Lo;a çkIr djus esa lgk;rk djuk gSA individual to find his place.
2. ^,d çdkj dk fparu ftlesa vuqHko 2. A type of thinking in which one's
ds lkFk laosnuk dh O;k[;k dh tkrh gS*] interpret sensation with experience is
D;k dgykrh gS \ known as what ?
(1) ijkorZd fparu (1) Reflective thinking
(2) vo/kkj.kkRed fparu (2) Perceptual thinking
(3) l`tukRed fparu (3) Creative thinking
(4) vkykspukRed fparu (4) Critical thinking
3. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ,d dFku 3. Out of the following which one of
Hkkoukvksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa ds lUnHkZ esa xyr the statement is wrong in context of
dFku gS \ characteristics of sentiments ?
(1) Emotions are the basis of
(1) laosx Hkkoukvksa ds vk/kkj gksrs gSaA sentiments.
(2) Hkkouk,¡ tUetkr gksrh gSaA (2) Sentiments are innate.
(3) le; ds lkFk Hkkouk,¡ iqjkuh iM+ tkrh (3) Sentiments get older with the
gSa vkSj os viuh fLFkfr Hkh cny nsrh passage of time and they may
gSaA even change their state.
(4) T;knkrj tkuojksa esa Hkkouk,¡ ugha gksrh (4) Most of the animals do not
D;ksafd muds ikl dksbZ ckSf)d le> have sentiments because of they
do not have intellectual
ugha gksrh gSA comprehension.
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [4]

4. O;ogkj dk v/;;u djus ds fy, lcls 4. Which is the oldest method for the
iqjkuh fof/k dkSu-lh gS \ study of behaviour ?
(1) ç;ksxkRed fof/k (1) Experimental method
(2) uSnkfud fof/k (2) Clinical method
(3) euksHkkSfrdh fof/k (3) Psycho-physical method
(4) vkRefujh{k.k fof/k (4) Introspection method

5. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d vijk/kh 5. Out of the following which one is

ckyd dh fo'ks"krk ugha gS \ wrong characteristic of Delinquents ?
(1) fo|ky; lEifÙk dks u"V djuk (1) Damaging school property
(2) /kedh nsuk ,oa migkl djuk (2) Bullying and mockery
(3) lrkuk (3) Torturing
(4) 'kjhj jpuk esa ,LFksfud (4) Aesthanic in constitution

6. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ,d c.Mqjk }kjk 6. Which one of the following is the
çnÙk vf/kxe fl)kUr ds vUrxZr correct logical order of observational
voyksdukRed vf/kxe gsrq lgh rkfdZd learning process according Learning
Øe gS \ Theory of Bandura ?
(1) vo/kkukRed → /kkj.kkRed → (1) Attentional → Retentional →
vfHkçsj.kkRed → mRiknu Motivational → Production
(2) vo/kkukRed → vfHkçsj.kkRed → (2) Attentional → Motivational →
/kkj.kkRed → mRiknu Retentional → Production
(3) vfHkçsj.kkRed → vo/kkukRed → (3) Motivational → Attentional →
/kkj.kkRed → mRiknu Retentional → Production
(4) vo/kkukRed → /kkj.kkRed → mRiknu (4) Attentional → Retentional →
→ vfHkçsj.kkRed Production → Motivational

7. ;g fdlus dgk fd ^^O;fDrRo tUetkr 7. Who stated that "Personality is the

vkSj vftZr ço`fÙk;ksa dk ;ksx gS** \ sum total of innate and acquired
dispositions" ?
(1) ekWfVZu fçUl (2) vkWyiksVZ (1) Mortin Prince (2) Allport
(3) osysuVhu (4) dSVsy (3) Valentine (4) Cattell
[5] [A]

8. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk fodkl ds lanHkZ 8. Which one of the following is false
esa vlR; dFku gS \ statement in context of Development ?
(1) fodkl esa ifjorZu fufgr gksrk gSA (1) Development involves change.
(2) fodklkRed iSVuZ viwokZuqes; gksrs gSaA (2) The development pattern is
(3) vkjfEHkd fodkl] i'porhZ fodkl dh (3) Early development is more
rqyuk esa T;knk ladViw.kZ gksrs gSaA critical than later development.
(4) fodkl ifjiDork ,oa vf/kxe dk (4) Development is the product of
mRikn gksrk gSA maturation and learning.

9. yM+fd;k¡ 'kkjhfjd :i ls yM+dksa ls Js"B 9. Girls surpass boys physically in :

gksrh gSa %
(1) 'kS'kokoLFkk esa (1) Infancy
(2) mÙkj ckY;koLFkk esa (2) Later childhood
(3) iwoZ ckY;koLFkk eas (3) Early childhood
(4) fd'kksjkoLFkk eas (4) Adolescence

10. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d fo"k;-oLrq 10. Out of the following which one is
lexzoknh euksoSKkfudksa ds v/;;u {ks= dh the subject matter for study of
gS \ Gestalt Psychologist ?
(1) laKkukRed çfØ;k,¡ (1) Cognitive processes
(2) psruk (2) Consciousness
(3) lEiw.kZ :i ls ekufld vkSj O;ogkfjd (3) Mental and behavioural
çfØ;k,¡ processes a wholes
(4) vfLrRo ds rjhds vkSj leL;k,¡ (4) Modes and problems of

11. yM+fd;ksa ds fir` çseHkko dks Ýk;M us 11. What did Freud consider the paternal
fdlls lEcksf/kr fd;k gS \ love of girls ?
(1) vksMhil Hkkouk xzfUFk (1) Oedipus complex
(2) bysDVªk Hkkouk xzfUFk (2) Electra complex
(3) Loçse Hkkouk (3) Narcissism
(4) fuHkZjrk dh Hkkouk (4) Feeling of dependence
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [6]

12. dHkh-dHkh çfrHkk'kkyh ekrk-firk ds cPps 12. Sometimes the children of gifted
vius ekrk-firk dh rqyuk esa de cqf) ds parents are born with less intelligence
lkFk tUe ysrs gSa vFkok bldk Bhd mYVk than their parents or vice versa,
gksrk gS] ;g oa'kkuqØe dk dkSu-lk fu;e which Law of Heredity is called ?
dgykrk gS \ (1) Law of Regression
(1) çR;kxeu dk fu;e
(2) Law of Selective Traits
(2) p;fur xq.kksa dk fl)kUr (3) Law of Maternal and Paternal
(3) ekr` o fir` i{kksa dk fu;e Lines
(4) la;ksx dk fu;e (4) Law of Chance

13. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh vareqZ[kh lksp 13. Which of the following is the
çdkj O;fDrRo dh fo'ks"krk gS \ characteristic of introverted thinking
type personality ?
(1) ;FkkFkZoknh vkSj O;kogkfjd (1) Realistic and Practical
(2) Absorbed in his own intellectual
(2) viuh ckSf)d [kkst esa yhu
(3) rF;ksa ds lkFk fl)kUr dk leFkZu (3) Supports theory with facts
(4) vius fopkjksa dks vkxzg vkSj n`<+rk ls (4) Propagates his views with
çpkfjr djuk insistence and vehemence

14. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d tsEl ykUts 14. Out of the following which is correct
^^laosx fl)kUr** }kjk çnÙk lgh Ük`a[kyk sequence given by James Lange's
gS \ "Theory of Emotions" ?
(1) ifjfLFkfr → 'kkjhfjd v'kkafr → (1) Situation → Bodily disturbance
ekufld fLFkfr → Mental state
(2) ifjfLFkfr → ekufld fLFkfr → (2) Situation → Mental state →
'kkjhfjd vfHkO;fDr Bodily expressions
(3) ifjfLFkfr → 'kkjhfjd vfHkO;fDr → (3) Situation → Bodily expressions
ekufld fLFkfr → Mental state
(4) ifjfLFkfr → ekufld fLFkfr → (4) Situation → Mental state →
'kkjhfjd v'kkafr Bodily disturbance

[7] [A]

15. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d vUrnZ`f"V 15. Out of the following which one is
dh fo'ks"krk ugha gS \ not the characteristic of insight ?
(1) vkdfLedrk (1) Incidental
(2) uohu ifjfLFkfr esa vuqfØ;k (2) Response in novel situation
(3) vknr cy (3) Habit strength
(4) vuqfØ;k dk lgtrk ls gksuk (4) Response spontaneity

16. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d l`tukRedrk 16. Out of the following which one
dh voLFkk xksMZu us viuh lkbusfVDl is not the stage of creativity
rduhd esa çfrikfnr ugha dh gS \ prescribed by Gordon in his
Synectics Technique ?
(1) layXurk vUrHkkZfork (1) Detachment involvement
(2) leku oLrq dh [kkst (2) Finding something similar
(3) LFkxu (3) Deferment
(4) ladYiuk fuekZ.k (4) Concept formation
17. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d fo'ks"krk 17. Out of the following which one
çfrHkk'kkyh cPpksa dh n`f"V ls mi;qDr ugha characteristic not suits to gifted
gS \ children ?
(1) rsth ls vkSj vklkuh ls lh[krs gSaA (1) Learn rapidly and easily.
(2) dfBu ekufld dk;ks± dks çnf'kZr djrs gSAa (2) Perform difficult mental task.
(3) cgqr çdkj dh tkudkfj;k¡ j[krs gSa (3) Knows about many things of
ftuds ckjs esa T;knkrj cPps tkx:d which most of the students are
ugha gksrs gSaA unaware.
(4) tks dqN mUgksaus lquk ;k i<+k gS mls
cjdjkj j[kus ds fy, mUgsa cgqr vH;kl (4) Much drill is required to retain
dh vko';drk gksrh gSA what he/she has heard or read.
18. o;%laf/k voLFkk dk vk;q foLrkj D;k gksrk 18. What is the age range of puberty
gS \ stage ?
(1) 10 ls 12 o"kZ (1) 10 to 12 years
(2) 6 ls 12 o"kZ (2) 6 to 12 years
(3) 11 ls 16 o"kZ (3) 11 to 16 years
(4) 8 ls 10 o"kZ (4) 8 to 10 years
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [8]

19. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ,d cqf) ds 19. Out of the following which one is
fu"iknu ijh{k.k dk çdkj ugha gS \ not the type of performance test of
intelligence ?
(1) vkehZ vYQk ijh{k.k (1) Army alpha test
(2) dksg dk CykWd fMtkbu ijh{k.k (2) Koh's block design test
(3) ?ku fuekZ.k/jpuk ijh{k.k (3) The cube construction test
(4) ikl ,ykWUx ijh{k.k (4) The pass along test

20. thu fi;kts ds vuqlkj cPpk fdl vk;q 20. According to Jean Piaget between
oxZ esa vewrZ rdZ fodflr djrk gS \ which age the child develops
abstract reasoning ?
(1) 6 ls 8 o"kZ (1) 6 to 8 years
(2) 8 ls 10 o"kZ (2) 8 to 10 years
(3) 7 ls 9 o"kZ (3) 7 to 9 years
(4) 11 ls 14 o"kZ (4) 11 to 14 years

21. ;g fdlus dgk Fkk fd ^^,d O;fDr mlh 21. Who stated that "An individual is
vuqikr esa cqf)eku gksrk gS ftruk og intelligent in proportion as he is able
vewrZ :i ls fpUru dh {kerk j[krk gS** \ to carry on abstract thinking" ?
(1) VeZu (1) Terman
(2) fM;jckWuZ (2) Dearborn
(3) cfda?ke (3) Buckingham
(4) dkyfou (4) Calvin

22. cPpksa ds Hkhrj Nqis lkaosfxd ?kqVu ,oa 22. What is the process of releasing the
'kfDr;ksa dks ckgj fudkyus dh çfØ;k dks hidden emotional suffocation and
D;k dgrs gSa \ powers inside the children called ?
(1) lkaosfxd fLFkjrk (1) Emotional stability
(2) lkaosfxd laosnu'khyrk (2) Emotional sensitivity
(3) lkaosfxd fojspu (3) Emotional catharsis
(4) lkaosfxd lkeF;Z (4) Emotional competency
[9] [A]

23. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d xfrfof/k 23. Out of the following which one
^^ftKklk** ewy ço`fÙk dks larq"V djus ds activity is not suitable for satisfying
fy, mi;qDr ugha gS \ the instincts curiosity ?
(1) d{kk vFkok fo|ky; esa xkSjoiw.kZ fLFkfr (1) Awarding positions in the class
çnku djuk or school
(2) fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ç'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk (2) Answering the questions of the
(3) leL;k lek/kku (3) Problem solving
(4) d{kk esa fopkj&foe'kZ (4) Discussion in class

24. jks'kkZ L;kgh /kCck ijh{k.k esa fdrus dkMZ 24. How many cards prescribed in
fu/kkZfjr gSa \ Rorschach Ink Block Test ?

(1) 12 (2) 10 (1) 12 (2) 10

(3) 30 (4) 31 (3) 30 (4) 31

25. 'kSf{kd euksfoKku ds firk ds :i esa fdls 25. Who is known as father of
tkuk tkrk gS \ Educational Psychology ?

(1) bZ0 ,y0 FkkuZMkbd (1) E. L. Thorndike

(2) isLrkykWth (2) Pestalozzi

(3) gcZVZ (3) Herbart

(4) ÝkWcsy (4) Froebel

26. lksf'k;ksesfVªd rduhd dk vkfo"dkj fdlus 26. Who invented sociometric technique ?
fd;k Fkk \
(1) ts0 bZ0 ,.Mjlu (1) J. E. Anderson

(2) ts0 ,y0 eksjsuks (2) J. L. Moreno

(3) bZ0 ch0 gjykWd (3) E. B. Hurlock

(4) th0 ,l0 ekeksZj (4) G. S. Marmor

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 10 ]

27. ,fjDlu ds vuqlkj O;fDr ds eukslkekftd 27. Which is the fourth stage of psycho-
fodkl dh pkSFkh voLFkk dkSu-lh gS \ social development of an individual
according to Erikson ?
(1) çxk<+rk cuke vyxko (1) Intimacy v/s isolation
(2) igpku cuke Hkwfedk laHkzkafr (2) Identity v/s role confusion
(3) ifjJe fç;rk cuke ghurk (3) Industry v/s inferiority
(4) mRiknu'khyrk cuke fLFkjrk (4) Generativity v/s stagnation

28. ^jkWl* ds vuqlkj fodkl dh dkSu-lh 28. According to 'Ross', which stage of
voLFkk dks ^feF;k ifjiDork* voLFkk dgk development is known as 'Pseudo
tkrk gS \ Maturity' stage ?
(1) 'kS'kokoLFkk (1) Infancy
(2) ckY;koLFkk (2) Childhood
(3) fd'kksjkoLFkk (3) Adolescence
(4) çkS<+koLFkk (4) Adulthood

29. tc dksbZ O;fDr vius fopkjksa rFkk fØ;kvksa 29. When a person tried to make his/her
dks fdlh ,sls nwljs O;fDr ds vuq:i cukuk thoughts and action according to
'kq: dj nsrk gS ftldk og vuqdj.k djuk other whom he like to follow, then
pkgrk gS] rks bl çdkj dh fØ;k dkSu-ls this kind of activity called which
çdkj dh j{kk ;qfDr dgykrh gS \ type of defence mechanism ?
(1) rknkRehdj.k (1) Identification
(2) ç{ksi.k (2) Projection
(3) vkSfpR; LFkkiuk (3) Rationalisation
(4) foLFkkiu (4) Displacement

30. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ckY;koLFkk dk 30. Which one of the following is not
lkekU; Hkk"k.k fodkj ugha gS \ the common speech disorder of
childhood ?
(1) ÅtkZ dh deh (1) Depletion of Energy
(2) rqrykuk (2) Lisping
(3) vLi"V mPpkj.k (3) Slurring
(4) gdykuk (4) Stuttering

[ 11 ] [A]

Hkkx – II (PART – II)

Hkk"kk ¼fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth½ [ LANGUAGES (HINDI & ENGLISH) ]
fgUnh (HINDI)
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A

31. fdl Hkkookpd laKk dk fuekZ.k 35. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn ^vuq* milxZ ls
O;fDrokpd laKk ls gqvk gS \ fufeZr ugha gS \
(1) cpiu (2) dS'kks;Z (1) vkuqikfrd (2) vuqnkÙk
(3) vuwfnr (4) vuqjatd
(3) ,s'o;Z (4) ekr`Ro
36. fuEu esa ls fdl fodYi dk dFku xyr
32. fdl fodYi esa ^ladsrkFkZd* okD; gS \
gS \
(1) fiz;re esjk fe= gSA (1) ^_* dk mPpkj.k LFkku ^ew/kkZ* gSA
(2) ;fn rqe vkvks rks eSa pyw¡A (2) folxZ /ofu dh x.kuk ukflD; o.kksZa esa
(3) gks ldrk gS dy ekSle Bhd gks tk,A dh tkrh gSA
(4) jkts'k viuk dejk lkQð djksA (3) ^;* vkSj ^o* dks v/kZ Loj Hkh dgk
tkrk gSA
33. izR;; dh n`f"V ls fdl 'kCn dh jpuk (4) ^M+* vkSj ^<+* mfR{kIr o.kZ dgykrs gSaA
vuqfpr gS \
(1) eqjsyk & ,yk 37. fdl fodYi ds lHkh 'kCn fons'kt gSa \
(1) yktokc] e'khu] iou
(2) d¡Vhyk & bZyk
(2) dkjhxj] vfr'k;ksfDr] dgkuh
(3) foyhu & bZu
(3) eqefdu] veweu] i{kokj
(4) llqjky & vky
(4) fdLlk] Ldwy] geyk
34. lekl&foxzg dh n`f"V ls dkSu&lk fodYi
38. i;kZ;okph 'kCnksa ds lanHkZ esa vlaxr fodYi
mfpr gS \
pqfu, %
(1) gFkdj?kk & gkFkksa ls pyus okyk dj?kk (1) thHk & okpk] jluk] ok.kh
(2) Hkqtx & Hkwfe esa tUe ysus okyk (2) vgadkj & naHk] niZ] en
(3) ns'kHkfDr & ns'k ds }kjk HkfDr (3) fdj.k & jf'e] e;w[k] izHkk
(4) i'kqcfy & i'kq ds fy, cfy (4) dkSvk & fiz;d] e/kqnwr] vfrlkSjHk
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 12 ]

39. fdl okD; esa ifjek.kokpd fo'ks"k.k dk 43. fØ;k ds laca/k esa dkSu&lk ;qXe vuqfpr
iz;ksx gqvk gS \ gS \
(1) fHk[kkjh lM+d ij fpYyk jgs FksA &
(1) eSa uhyh deht ugha igurkA
vdeZd fØ;k
(2) bl ckj ckfj'k esa cgqr vksys fxjsA (2) jk/kk ';ke dks i= fy[krh gSA &
(3) [ksy dk eSnku yEck gSA f}deZd fØ;k
(4) fnus'k vPNk xk;d gSA (3) cxhps esa eksj ukp jgk gSA &
ldeZd fØ;k
40. ^foifÙk ds le; FkksM+h lgk;rk Hkh cM+h (4) og fo|ky; ls vkdj [kkuk [kk,xkA&
gksrh gS* mDr Hkko dh O;atd yksdksfDr iwoZdkfyd fØ;k
pqfu, %
(1) Mwcrs dks fruds dk lgkjk 44. fdl fodYi esa laf/k&foPNsn vuqfpr gS \
(2) pqiM+h vkSj nks&nks (1) cfgjsdrk = cfg% $ ,drk
(3) pkj fnu dh pk¡nuh fQj v¡/ksjh jkr (2) vk'khoZpu = vk'kh% $ opu
(4) vke ds vke xqBfy;ksa ds nke (3) jfrja'k = jfr% $ ja'k
(4) ri'p;kZ = ri% $ p;kZ
41. fdl okD; esa loZuke lacaf/kuh v'kqf) gS \
(1) rqEgkjh iqLrd ;g ugha og gSA 45. fuEu esa ls fdl eqgkojs dk vFkZ laxr ugha
gS \
(2) eSa viuk dk;Z dj jgk gw¡A
(1) ugys ij ngyk ekjuk &
(3) ftlus Hkh [kk;k gS] ljkgk gSA
djkjk tokc nsuk
(4) esjs dks dqN Hkh ;kn ugha vk jgkA
(2) cÙkhlh can gksuk & pqi gks tkuk
42. foykse 'kCn dh n`f"V ls vuqfpr ;qXe (3) flj dk ilhuk ik¡o rd vkuk &
igpkfu, % dfBu ifjJe djuk
(1) cn & usd (4) Fkkyh dk cSaxu gksuk & loZ lqyHk gksuk
(2) nq'pfj= & fu'pfj=
(3) foLr`r & laf{kIr
(4) e/kqj & dVq

[ 13 ] [A]

vaxzsth (ENGLISH)
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

46. Choose the correct option to fill in

49. Select the correct option (Phrasal
the blank : Verb) for the underlined word :
This pen is both good …….. cheap. She rejected his request to take her
(1) as well as home.

(2) as well (1) turned up

(2) turned down
(3) but only
(3) turned out
(4) and
(4) turned off
47. Select the appropriate preposition to
50. Select the appropriate modal to fill
fill in the blank : in the blank :
His hut is ......... hotel Taj. Trespassers ……….. be punished.
(1) above (legal notice)
(2) out (1) shall (2) may
(3) besides (3) should (4) ought to
51. Choose the appropriate preposition
(4) beside
to fill in the blank :
48. Choose the correct meaning of the
What is the time ……….. your
underlined words :
watch ?
The law and order situation will only
become worse in the state due to the (1) in (2) from
riots, if the government does not do (3) by (4) on
something right now to nip it in the
52. Select the correct option (Phrasal
Verb) for the blank left in the
(1) To plan in detail to stop a threat sentence :

(2) To destroy the problem in the Cholera has ……….. in this village.
initial stage only (1) broken out
(3) To arrest the culprits (2) broken down
(3) broken up
(4) To stop something harmful in
the initial stage (4) broken off

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 14 ]

53. Choose the part of the sentence 57. Choose the correct meaning of the
which is incorrect : underlined words :
The party president made The hostess broke the ice by
(a) introducing the strangers to each
Rakesh a M. P. candidate
(1) To make people relax with each
(b) (c)
for the coming election. (2) To make people perplexed with
(d) each other
(1) a (2) b (3) To serve welcome drink to the
(3) c (4) d (4) To start a game of puzzle
54. Choose the part of the sentence
58. Choose the correct tense form to fill
which is incorrect : in the blank :
He did not keep his words
Municipality has decided to ….........
(a) (b)
the overhead wires.
to pick him up from WTP.
(1) did away with
(c) (d)
(2) do away with
(1) b (2) c
(3) has done away with
(3) d (4) a
(4) had done away with
55. Choose the correct tense form to fill 59. Choose the correct option for the
in the following : following :
I had consulted my lawyer before I One who wastes a lot of money is :
……....... the complaint.
(1) frugal (2) recluse
(1) did lodged (2) had lodged
(3) prodigal (4) reticent
(3) lodge (4) lodged
56. Choose the appropriate modal to fill 60. Select the appropriate modal for the
in the blank : expression given :
He ………… listen to the stories of Harish has annoyed his boss today.
his Grand Ma before he slept. He ........ be fired soon. (probability)
(Past habit) (1) may (2) can
(1) could (2) shall
(3) ought to (4) would
(3) would (4) might

[ 15 ] [A]
Hkkx – III (PART – III)
lkekU; v/;;u (GENERAL STUDIES)
ek=kRed ;ksX;rk] rkfdZd vfHk{kerk rFkk lkekU; Kku ,oa vfHkKku (QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE,

funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

61. ,d rkj dh yEckbZ 66 ehVj gS] rks bl 61. The length of a wire is 66 metre,
rkj ls cuk, tk ldus okys 1.32 lseh then the number of circles of
ifjf/k ds o`Ùkksa dh la[;k gS % circumference 1.32 cm that can be
made from the wire is :
(1) 1000 (1) 1000
(2) 50 (2) 50
(3) 500 (3) 500
(4) 5000 (4) 5000

62. 140 ehVj yEch jsyxkM+h dh pky 62. A train 140 metre long is running at
60 fdeh@?k.Vk gS] bls 260 ehVj yEcs 60 km/hour. How much time will it
IysVQkWeZ dks ikj djus esa fdruk le; take to pass a platform 260 metre
yxsxk \ long ?
(1) 18 lsd.M (1) 18 sec
(2) 24 lsd.M (2) 24 sec
(3) 30 lsd.M (3) 30 sec
(4) 32 lsd.M (4) 32 sec

63. ,d diM+k foØsrk 33 ehVj diM+k cspdj] 63. A cloth merchant on selling 33 metre
11 ehVj diM+s ds fcØh ewY; ds cjkcj of cloth obtains a profit equal to the
ykHk izkIr dj ysrk gS] rks mldk ykHk selling price of 11 metre of cloth.
izfr'kr gS % The profit percentage is :
(1) 11% (1) 11%
(2) 22% (2) 22%
(3) 50% (3) 50%
(4) 40% (4) 40%

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 16 ]

64. ;fn 4 iq#"k ;k 6 efgyk,¡ ,d dk;Z dks 7 64. If 4 men or 6 women can do a piece
?k.Vs izfrfnu dk;Z djds 12 fnuksa esa dj of work in 12 days working 7 hours
ldrs gSa] rks mlh dk;Z ls nqxquk cM+k dk;Z a day. How many days will it take to
10 iq#"k rFkk 3 efgyk,¡ 8 ?k.Vs izfrfnu complete a work twice as large with
dk;Z djds fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldsaxs \ 10 men and 3 women working
together 8 hours a day ?
(1) 6 (2) 7 (1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) 9 (3) 8 (4) 9
1 1
65. ;fn x = gks] rks x 2 + 2 x + 3 65. If x = , then the value of
1+ 2 1+ 2
dk eku gS % x 2 + 2 x + 3 is :
(1) 0 (2) 1 (1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 4 (4) 2 (3) 4 (4) 2

66. fuEu v{kj Js.kh dk vxyk in gksxk % 66. The next term of the following letter
series will be :
(1) UTY (2) WUY (1) UTY (2) WUY
(3) VUZ (4) WUZ (3) VUZ (4) WUZ

67. ik¡p O;fDr;ksa A, B, C, D rFkk E es]a A, 67. Among five persons A, B, C, D and
B ls NksVk ysfdu E ls yEck gS] C lcls E, A is shorter than B but taller than
yEck gS] D, B ls NksVk gS ysfdu A ls E. C is the tallest. D is shorter than B
yEck gS] rks buesa ls dkSu lcls NksVk gS \ but taller than A. Who among them
is shortest ?
(1) B (2) A (1) B (2) A
(3) D (4) E (3) D (4) E

68. ,d leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 100 lseh gS 68. The perimeter of a rhombus is

vkSj mldk ,d fod.kZ 40 lseh gS] rks 100 cm and one of its diagonal is 40
mldk {ks=Qy gS % cm. Then its area is :
(1) 300 lseh (1) 300 cm2
(2) 600 lseh (2) 600 cm2
(3) 780 lseh (3) 780 cm2
(4) 900 lseh (4) 900 cm2
[ 17 ] [A]

69. nks feJ/kkrq rk¡cs rFkk fVu ls cus gSa igyh 69. Two alloys are both made up of
feJ/kkrq esa rk¡ck rFkk fVu dk vuqikr 1 : 3 copper and tin. The ratio of copper
gS rFkk nwljs esa vuqikr 2 : 5 gSA bu nksuksa and tin in the first alloy is 1 : 3 and
feJ/kkrqvksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk,] in second alloy is 2 : 5. In what ratio
rkfd ubZ feJ/kkrq esa rk¡cs rFkk fVu dk should two alloys be mixed, to
vuqikr 3 : 8 gks tk, \ obtain a new alloy such that the ratio
of copper and tin be 3 : 8 ?
(1) 3:5 (1) 3 : 5
(2) 4:9 (2) 4 : 9
(3) 4:7 (3) 4 : 7
(4) 3:8 (4) 3 : 8

70. A us dgk ^^og yM+dk esjh ekrkth ds ifr 70. A said "that boy is the grandson of
dk ikS= gS] esjk dksbZ HkkbZ vFkok cfgu ugha my mother's husband. I have no
gSA** yM+dk] A ls fdl izdkj lEcfU/kr gS \ brother or sister." How is the boy
(1) pkpk related to A ?
(2) iq= (1) Uncle
(2) Son
(3) Hkrhtk
(3) Nephew
(4) ppsjk HkkbZ
(4) Cousin

71. fuEu Js.kh esa xyr la[;k Kkr dhft, % 71. Find the wrong number in the
following series :
135, 226, 353, 552, 739 135, 226, 353, 552, 739
(1) 353 (1) 353
(2) 226 (2) 226
(3) 552 (3) 552
(4) 739 (4) 739

72. ` 5,000 ij 12% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls 72. The difference between simple
2 o"kZ ds lk/kkj.k C;kt ,oa pØo`f) C;kt interest and the compound interest
esa vUrj gksxk % compounded annually at the rate of
12% per annum on ` 5,000 for two
years will be :
(1) ` 72 (2) ` 84 (1) ` 72 (2) ` 84
(3) ` 96 (4) ` 36 (3) ` 96 (4) ` 36

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 18 ]

73. nks la[;kvksa dk ;ksx 520 gS] ;fn muesa ls 73. The sum of two numbers is 520. If
cM+h la[;k dks 4% de dj fn;k tk, the bigger number is decreased by
vkSj NksVh dks 12% c<+k fn;k tk,] rks 4% and the smaller number is
izkIr la[;k,¡ cjkcj gksaxh] rks muesa ls increased by 12%, then the obtained
NksVh la[;k gS % numbers are equal, then smaller
number is :
(1) 210 (2) 240 (1) 210 (2) 240
(3) 270 (4) 300 (3) 270 (4) 300

74. fuEufyf[kr Js.kh esa xyr in Kkr 74. Find the wrong term of the following
dhft, % series :
G4T, J9R, M20P, P41N, S90L G4T, J9R, M20P, P41N, S90L
(1) J9R (2) M20P (1) J9R (2) M20P
(3) P41N (4) S90L (3) P41N (4) S90L

75. ,d ?kukHk dh yEckbZ] pkSM+kbZ ,oa xgjkbZ 75. The sum of length, breadth and
dk ;ksx 19 lseh gS] rFkk blds eq[; depth of a cuboid is 19 cm and its
fod.kZ dk eki 5 5 lseh gS] rks bldk principal diagonal is 5 5 cm, then
i`"Bh; {ks=Qy gS % its surface area is :
(1) 361 lseh (1) 361 cm2
(2) 286 lseh (2) 286 cm2
(3) 236 lseh (3) 236 cm2
(4) 340 lseh (4) 340 cm2

76. ;fn ,d O;fDr 8 fdeh nf{k.k esa tkdj 76. If a person walks 8 km towards
nk;ha rjQ eqM+dj 8 fdeh tkrk gS] iqu% South then turns right and walks
ck;ha vksj eqM+dj 10 fdeh pyrk gS] rks 8 km, again turns left and walks
og 'kq#vkrh fcUnq ls fdl fn'kk esa gS \ 10 km. In which direction is he from
starting point ?
(1) iwoZ&nf{k.k (1) East-South
(2) mÙkj&iwoZ (2) North-East
(3) mÙkj&nf{k.k (3) North-South
(4) nf{k.k&if'pe (4) South-West

[ 19 ] [A]

77. yM+dksa dh ,d iafDr esa] A ck;ha rjQ ls 77. In a row of boys, A is 15th from the
15osa rFkk B nk;ha rjQ ls pkSFks LFkku ij left and B is fourth from the right.
gS] ,oa A rFkk B ds e/; rhu yM+ds gS]a There are three boys between A and
C, A ds ,dne ck;ha vksj gS] rks C dh B, C is first left of A. What is the
fLFkfr nk;ha vksj ls D;k gS \ position of C from the right ?
(1) 9oha (1) 9th
(2) 10oha (2) 10th
(3) 12oha (3) 12th
(4) 13oha (4) 13th

78. ,d O;fDr iwoZ dh vksj 2 fdeh pyrk gS 78. A person walks 2 km towards East
fQj og nf{k.k fn'kk esa eqM+dj 1 fdeh and then he turns to South and walk
pyrk gS fQj og iwoZ fn'kk esa eqM+dj 2 1 km. Again he turns to East and
fdeh pyrk gS] mlds ckn og mÙkj fn'kk walks 2 km after that he turns to
esa eqM+dj 4 fdeh pyrk gSA vc og North and walk 4 km. Now how far
izkjfEHkd fcUnq ls fdruh nwj [kM+k gS \ is he from his starting point ?
(1) 5 fdeh (1) 5 km
(2) 6 fdeh (2) 6 km
(3) 3 fdeh (3) 3 km
(4) 4 fdeh (4) 4 km

79. ;fn W = 23, STRONG = 93, rks 79. If W = 23, STRONG = 93, then
WEAK cjkcj gS % WEAK is equal to :
(1) 40 (2) 41 (1) 40 (2) 41
(3) 43 (4) 44 (3) 43 (4) 44

80. ;fn 5a + = 5, rks 9a 2 + 1 2 dk 80. If 5a +
= 5 , then the value of
3a 25a 3a
eku gS % 1
9a 2 + is :
25a 2
51 29
(1) (2) 51 29
5 5 (1) (2)
5 5
52 39 52 39
(3) (4) (3) (4)
5 5 5 5
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 20 ]

81. efgyk f[kykM+h dks fookg ds volj ij 81. The amount which is given to the
^eq[;ea=h fookg 'kxqu ;kstuk* ds rgr nh sports woman on the occasion of
tkus okyh jkf'k gS % marriage under 'Mukhyamantri
Vivah Shagun Yojna' :
(1) 11,000 #i;s (1) Rs. 11,000
(2) 21,000 #i;s (2) Rs. 21,000
(3) 31,000 #i;s (3) Rs. 31,000
(4) 51,000 #i;s (4) Rs. 51,000

82. 1857 dh ØkfUr ds uk;d vCnqjZgeku [kk¡ 82. The hero of 1857 Revolution
lac) Fks % Abdurrahman Khan was related to :
(1) cgknqjx<+ ls (1) Bahadurgarh
(2) Q#Z[kuxj ls (2) Farrukhnagar
(3) >Ttj ls (3) Jhajjar
(4) ;equkuxj ls (4) Yamunanagar

83. Qjojh, 2021 esa vk;ksftr ^36oha jk"Vªh; 83. How many gold medals were won by
twfu;j ,FkysfVDl pSfEi;uf'ki* esa gfj;k.kk Haryana state in the '36th National
jkT; us fdrus Lo.kZ ind thrs \ Junior Athletics Championship',
which was held in February, 2021 ?
(1) 13 (1) 13
(2) 18 (2) 18
(3) 21 (3) 21
(4) 24 (4) 24

84. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu gfj;k.kk ds lokZf/kd 84. Who among the following was the
vof/k ds fy, jkT;iky jgs gSa \ longest serving Governor of Haryana ?
(1) ch0 ,u0 pØorhZ (1) B. N. Chakraborty
(2) ,0 vkj0 fdnobZ (2) A. R. Kidwai
(3) txUukFk igkfM+;k (3) Jagannath Pahadia
(4) dIrku flag lksyadh (4) Kaptan Singh Solanki
[ 21 ] [A]

85. gfj;k.kk lkfgR; vdkneh ds ckjs esa 85. Read the following statements about
v/kksfyf[kr dFkuksa dks if<+, % Haryana Sahitya Academy :
(i) eq[;ea=h vdkneh ds v/;{k ds :i esa (i) The Chief Minister serves as the
dk;Z djrs gSaA President of the academy.
(ii) ^gfjxa/kk* vdkneh dh if=dk gSA (ii) 'Harigandha' is the Magazine of
the academy.
lgh dwV pqfu, % Choose the correct code :
(1) dsoy dFku (i) lgh gS (1) Only statement (i) is correct
(2) dsoy dFku (ii) lgh gS (2) Only statement (ii) is correct
(3) u gh (i) vkSj u gh (ii) lgh gS (3) Neither (i) nor (ii) is correct
(4) nksuksa dFku lgh gSa (4) Both the statements are correct

86. ^iapoVh* uked rhFkZLFky gfj;k.kk esa dgk¡ 86. Where the 'Panchwati' pilgrimage
fLFkr gS \ site is located in Haryana ?
(1) iyoy esa (1) In Palwal
(2) vackyk esa (2) In Ambala
(3) gFkhu esa (3) In Hathin
(4) cYyHkx<+ esa (4) In Ballabhgarh

87. ^fpadkjk iztuu dsUnz* fdl ftys esa fLFkr gS \ 87. In which district the 'Chinkara
Breeding Centre' is situated ?
(1) dSFky (1) Kaithal
(2) iapdqyk (2) Panchkula
(3) fglkj (3) Hisar
(4) fHkokuh (4) Bhiwani

88. gfj;k.kk dh ea=h ifj"kn~ esa U;wure lnL; 88. The minimum number of members
gks ldrs gSa % in the Council of Minister of
Haryana can be :
(1) 10 (2) 12 (1) 10 (2) 12
(3) 14 (4) 06 (3) 14 (4) 06

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 22 ]

89. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@dkSu&ls ;qXe 89. Which of the following pair/pairs
lgh gS@gSa \ is/are true ?
(i) jkT; i'kq – dkyk fgj.k (i) State Animal – Black buck
(ii) ljLorh oU; tho vHk;kj.; – dSFky (ii) Saraswati Wild Life Sanctuary –
(iii) ukgj oU; tho vHk;kj.; – >Ttj
(iii) Nahar Wild Life Sanctuary –
lgh dwV dk p;u dhft, %
Choose the correct code :
(1) dsoy (i) (1) Only (i)
(2) (i) vkSj (iii) (2) (i) and (iii)
(3) (i) vkSj (ii) (3) (i) and (ii)
(4) dsoy (iii) (4) Only (iii)

90. fuEufyf[kr dks lqesfyr dhft, % 90. Match the following :

uke LFkku Name Place
(A) chjcy dk jax egy (i) ukjukSy (A) Birbal's Rang (i) Narnaul
(B) vk/;kfRed (ii) xq#xzke Mahal
laxzgky; (B) Spiritual Museum (ii) Gurugram
(C) pksj xqEcn (iii) ;equkuxj (C) Chor Gumbad (iii) Yamunanagar
(D) lksguk dk fdyk (iv) ikuhir (D) Sohna Fort (iv) Panipat
dwV : Code :
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

[ 23 ] [A]

Hkkx – IV (PART – IV)

lkekftd v/;;u (SOCIAL STUDIES)
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

91. vFkZ'kkL= dh nqyZHkrk dsfUnzr ifjHkk"kk 91. Who gave the scarcity centric
fdlus nh \ definitions of economics ?

(1) ek'kZy (1) Marshall

(2) jkWfcUl (2) Robbins

(3) lSE;wYlu (3) Samuelson

(4) jkWfcUlu (4) Robinson

92. Hkkjr o ikfdLrku ds e/; ijek.kq 92. When the agreement was signed
izfr"Bkuksa dks lk>k djus lEcU/kh lfU/k ij between India and Pakistan to
gLrk{kj dc gq, \ inform about nuclear installations ?
(1) 31 fnlEcj] 1988 (1) 31 Dec., 1988
(2) 27 tuojh] 1991 (2) 27 Jan., 1991
(3) 31 fnlEcj] 2020 (3) 31 Dec., 2020
(4) 1 tuojh] 2021 (4) 1 Jan., 2021

93. fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu&lk mM+hlk dk ykSg 93. Which of the following is not an

v;Ld mRiknd {ks= ugha gS \ Iron ore producing area of Orissa ?

(1) dqnzseq[k (1) Kudremukh

(2) xq#efglkuh (2) Gurumahisani

(3) cknke igkM+ (3) Badam Pahar

(4) fdfjcq# (4) Kiriburu

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 24 ]

94. vle esa vizSy rFkk ebZ esa rwQkuksa ls gksus 94. The thunderstorms causes rainfall

okyh o"kkZ dgykrh gS % during April and May in Assam are

called :

(1) eSaxks 'kkoj (1) Mango showers

(2) yw (2) Loo

(3) pSjh CykWle (3) Cherry Blossoms

(4) ckjnksyh NhM+k (4) Bardoli Chheerah

95. {kksHke.My esa lkekU; rki iru nj gS % 95. Normal Lapse rate in troposphere is :

(1) 6°C izfr 1000 ehVj (1) 6°C Per 1000 meter

(2) 8°C izfr 1000 ehVj (2) 8°C Per 1000 meter

(3) 6.5°C izfr 1000 ehVj (3) 6.5°C Per 1000 meter

(4) 5.5°C izfr 1000 ehVj (4) 5.5°C Per 1000 meter

96. :l esa ^[kwuh jfookj dh ?kVuk* fdl o"kZ 96. In which year did the 'Incident of

gqbZ \ Bloody Sunday' take place in Russia ?

(1) 1903 esa (1) 1903

(2) 1905 esa (2) 1905

(3) 1917 esa (3) 1917

(4) 1927 esa (4) 1927

[ 25 ] [A]

97. lwph&I dk lwph&II ls feyku dhft, vkSj 97. Match List-I with List-II and
uhps fn;s x;s dwV esa ls lgh mÙkj dk identify the correct answer from the
p;u dhft, % code given below :
lwph&I lwph&II List-I List-II
v. jktuhfr foKku dyk (i) xsVsy A. Political Science (i) Gettle
gS is an Art
c. jktuhfr foKku dyk] (ii) Cya'kyh B. Political Science (ii) Bluntschli
n'kZu vkSj foKku dk is combination of
leUo; gS Art, Philosophy
and Science
l. jktuhfr foKku jkT; (iii) bZLVu C. Political Science is (iii) Easton
dk foKku gS Science of State
n. jktuhfr ewY;ksa dk (iv) dsVfyu D. Politics is (iv) Catlin
vkf/kdkfjd vkcaVu gS authoritative
allocation of value

dwV % Code :

(1) v (i) c (ii) l (iii) n (iv) (1) A (i) B (ii) C (iii) D (iv)

(2) v (ii) c (iv) l (i) n (iii) (2) A (ii) B (iv) C (i) D (iii)

(3) v (iii) c (ii) l (i) n (iv) (3) A (iii) B (ii) C (i) D (iv)

(4) v (ii) c (iii) l (iv) n (i) (4) A (ii) B (iii) C (iv) D (i)

98. vykmíhu f[kyth dh lSU; O;oLFkk ds 98. With respect to the military system
laca/k esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls lR; of Alauddin Khilji, which of the
gS@gSa % following statements is/are true ?

(i) vykmíhu f[kyth us ,d fo'kky LFkkbZ (i) Alauddin Khilji raised a huge
lsuk [kM+h dhA standing army.

(ii) vykmíhu f[kyth us lSfudksa ds fy, (ii) Alauddin Khilji established a

^lhjh* uked 'kgj clk;kA city named 'Siri' for the soldiers.

(iii) vykmíhu f[kyth us lSfudksa dks bDrk (iii) Alauddin Khilji paid the soldiers
ds LFkku ij udn osru fn;kA in cash instead of Iqta.

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 26 ]

dwV % Code :

(1) dsoy (i) (1) Only (i)

(2) dsoy (iii) (2) Only (iii)

(3) (i) vkSj (ii) (3) (i) and (ii)

(4) (i), (ii) vkSj (iii) (4) (i), (ii) and (iii)

99. Hkkjr ds mÙkj&nf{k.k foLrkj rFkk 99. What is the difference between

iwoZ&if'pe foLrkj ds e/; fdruk vUrj North-South extent and East-West

gS \ extent of India ?

(1) 281 fdeh dk (1) 281 Km

(2) 271 fdeh dk (2) 271 Km

(3) 291 fdeh dk (3) 291 Km

(4) 285 fdeh dk (4) 285 Km

100. fgekpy fgeky; ----------- ds uke ls Hkh 100. Himachal Himalaya is also known

tkuk tkrk gSA as :

(1) fgeknzh (1) The Himadri

(2) y?kq fgeky; (2) The Lesser Himalaya

(3) cká fgeky; (3) The Outer Himalaya

(4) VªkUl fgeky; (4) The Trans Himalaya

[ 27 ] [A]

101. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk ^jk"Vªh; [kk| 101. Which of the following is not a part

lqj{kk fe'ku 2007* dk vax ugha gS \ of 'National Food Security Mission-

2007' ?

(1) xsgw¡ fe'ku (1) Wheat Mission

(2) pkoy fe'ku (2) Rice Mission

(3) nygu fe'ku (3) Pulse Mission

(4) frygu fe'ku (4) Oilseeds Mission

102. Hkw&jktLo dh ^egkyokM+h O;oLFkk* ds 102. The exponent of 'Mahalwari System'

izfriknd Fks % of land revenue was :

(1) dSIVu ,ysDtsaMj jhM (1) Captain Alexander Reed

(2) VkWel equjks (2) Thomas Munro

(3) gksYV eSdsath (3) Holt Mackenzie

(4) ykWMZ dkWuZokfyl (4) Lord Cornwallis

103. ^esd bu bf.M;k* dk laca/k fuEufyf[kr esa 103. 'Make in India' is related to which of

ls fdl {ks= ls gS \ the following field ?

(1) fofuekZ.k {ks= (1) Manufacturing Sector

(2) Ñf"k {ks= (2) Agricultural Sector

(3) lsok {ks= (3) Service Sector

(4) f'k{kk {ks= (4) Education Sector

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 28 ]

104. ^^fnO;kaxtu dks leku vf/kdkj izkIr gSa 104. "Persons with disabilities have equal
vkSj lekt esa mudh iwjh Hkkxhnkjh laHko rights and that the government
cukuk ljdkj dk nkf;Ro gSA** should make possible their full
participation in society."

In which Act above provisions are

dkSu&ls vf/kfu;e esa mijksDr izko/kku gS \
mentioned ?

(1) Persons with Disabilities Act -

(1) fnO;kaxtu vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e] 2015

(2) Persons with Disabilities Act -

(2) fnO;kaxtu vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e] 2005

(3) Persons with Disabilities Act -

(3) fnO;kaxtu vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e] 2016

(4) Persons with Disabilities Act -

(4) fnO;kaxtu vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e] 2017

105. fuEufyf[kr miHkksDrk laj{k.k ls lacaf/kr 105. Which one of the following is not
ekudhdj.k fpUgksa ¼ekdZ½ esa ls dkSu-lk ,d correctly matched with the
lgh lqesfyr ugha gS \ standardization marks related to
consumer protection ?

(1) ,xekdZ – [kk| mRikn (1) Agmark – Food Products

(2) bdks ekdZ – ?kjsyw miHkksDrk mRikn (2) Ecomark – Domestic Consumer

(3) gky ekdZ – ewY;oku /kkrq,¡ (3) Hallmark – Precious metals

(4) owy ekdZ – lwrh ,oe~ js'keh oL= (4) Woolmark – Cotton and Silk

[ 29 ] [A]

106. fuEufyf[kr ns'kksa esa ls dkSu&lk ns'k 1815 106. Which of the following countries
dh fo;uk dkaxzsl dk fgLlk ugha Fkk \ was not a part of Vienna Congress of
1815 ?

(1) fczVsu (1) Britain

(2) la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk (2) United States of America

(3) :l (3) Russia

(4) vkWfLVª;k (4) Austria

107. yf{kr lkoZtfud forj.k iz.kkyh (TPDS) 107. When Targeted Public Distribution
dk izkjaHk dc gqvk \ System (TPDS) was started ?

(1) twu] 1997 (1) June, 1997

(2) tqykbZ] 1998 (2) July, 1998

(3) vxLr] 1999 (3) August, 1999

(4) vizSy] 2000 (4) April, 2000

108. oS'ohdj.k ds ckjs esa dkSu&lk dFku lgh 108. Which of the statement are true
gS \ about globalization ?

(1) oS'ohdj.k flQZ vkfFkZd ifj?kVuk gS (1) Globalization is purely an

economic phenomenon

(2) oS'ohdj.k dh 'kq#vkr 1991 esa gqbZ (2) Globalization began in 1991

(3) oS'ohdj.k vkSj if'pehdj.k leku gS (3) Globalization is the same thing
as westernization

(4) oS'ohdj.k ,d cgqvk;keh ifj?kVuk gS (4) Globalization is a multi-

dimensional phenomenon

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 30 ]

109. fuEufyf[kr lwQh larksa esa ls dkSu&ls lwQh 109. Which one of the following Sufi
uD'kcanh flyflys ls ugha tqM+s Fks \ Saints was not associated with
Naqshbandi Silsila ?

(1) 'kkg oyh mYykg (1) Shah Waliullah

(2) [oktk cdh fcYykg (2) Khwaja Baqi Billah

(3) [oktk ehj nnZ (3) Khwaja Mir Dard

(4) 'ks[k 'kQqZíhu ;ák (4) Sheikh Sharfuddin Yahya

110. Hkkjr esa uohu vkfFkZd lq/kkjksa ¼,y0 ih0 110. Who was the Governor of R.B.I. at the
th0-1991½ ds ykxw gksus ds le; vkj0 time of implementation of New
ch0 vkbZ0 xouZj dkSu Fks \ Economic Reforms (LPG-1991) in
India ?

(1) eueksgu flag (1) Manmohan Singh

(2) lh0 jaxjktu (2) C. Rangrajan

(3) ,l0 oSadVjeu (3) S. Venkataraman

(4) vferkHk ?kks"k (4) Amitabh Ghosh

111. fuEufyf[kr ns'kksa esa ls fdl ns'k us teZuh 111. Which of the following countries
dks vkfFkZd ladV ls mckjus gsrq ^MkWOl prepared the 'Dawes Plan' to get
;kstuk* cukbZ \ Germany out of the economic crisis ?

(1) fczVsu (1) Britain

(2) Ýkal (2) France

(3) la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk (3) United State of America

(4) :l (4) Russia

[ 31 ] [A]

112. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk Hkkjrh; cgqjk"Vªh; 112. Which of the following is not an

fuxe ugha gS \ Indian Multinational Corporation ?

(1) vkbZ0 Vh0 lh0 (1) I.T.C.

(2) tkseSVks (2) Zomato

(3) ekbØkseSDl (3) Micromax

(4) usLys (4) Nestle

113. xq# xksfoUn flag us [kkylk iaFk dh LFkkiuk 113. Guru Gobind Singh founded the

dh % Khalsa panth in :

(1) 1598 esa (1) 1598

(2) 1636 esa (2) 1636

(3) 1699 esa (3) 1699

(4) 1704 esa (4) 1704

114. Hkkjr dh 2001-2011 ds nkSjku tula[;k 114. The decadal growth rate of population

n'kdh; o`f) nj Fkh % during 2001-2011 in India was :

(1) +21.54 (1) +21.54

(2) +20.54 (2) +20.54

(3) +17.64 (3) +17.64

(4) +18.64 (4) +18.64

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 32 ]

115. ^nh ikWoj ,yhV* iqLrd fdlus fy[kh \ 115. Who wrote the book 'The Power

Elite' ?

(1) jkbV feYl (1) Wright Mills

(2) eksLdk (2) Mosca

(3) fepsYl (3) Michels

(4) iSjsVks (4) Pareto

116. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk lqesfyr ugha 116. Which one of the following is not
gS \ correctly matched ?

?kkl ds eSnku izns'k Grassland Region

(1) izs;jh mÙkjh vesfjdk (1) Prairie North America

(2) osYM nf{k.kh vÝhdk (2) Veld South Africa

(3) MkmUl nf{k.kh vesfjdk (3) Downs South America

(4) LVsih ;wjsf'k;k (4) Steppes Eurasia

117. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk izdkj eSDl oscj ds 117. Which one is not kind of Max

oS/krk fopkj dk ugha gS \ Weber's legitination view ?

(1) dkuwuh oS/krk (1) Legal Authority

(2) 'kfDr oS/krk (2) Power Authority

(3) ijEijkxr oS/krk (3) Traditional Authority

(4) dfj'ekbZ oS/krk (4) Charismatic Authority

[ 33 ] [A]

118. ^fpuwd* gok cgrh gS % 118. 'Chinook' wind blows in :

(1) fLoV~t+jyS.M esa (1) Switzerland

(2) lgkjk e#LFky esa (2) Sahara desert

(3) bVyh esa (3) Italy

(4) ;w0 ,l0 ,0 esa (4) USA

119. v/kksfyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls lR; dFku 119. Which of the following statements

gS@ gSa % is/are true ?

(i) fczfV'k dky esa Mk;fVªp cSzafMl ns'k ds (i) Dietrich Brandis became the
igys ou egkfujh{kd cusA country's first Inspector General
of Forests during the British era.

(ii) bEihfj;y QkWjsLV fjlpZ baLVhV~;wV dh (ii) The Imperial Forest Research
LFkkiuk 1905 esa nsgjknwu esa gqbZA Institute was set up at Dehradun
in 1905.

(iii) 1878 bZ0 ds ou vf/kfu;e esa taxyksa (iii) In the Forest Act of 1878 the
dks nks oxksZa esa ck¡Vk x;k FkkA forests were divided into two

dwV % Code :

(1) dsoy (i) (1) Only (i)

(2) dsoy (iii) (2) Only (iii)

(3) (i), (ii) vkSj (iii) (3) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(4) (i) ,oa (ii) (4) (i) and (ii)

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 34 ]

120. Hkkjrh; yksdra= ds lEeq[k dkSu&lh izR;{k 120. Which is not a direct challenge

pqukSrh ugha gS \ towards Indian Democracy ?

(1) uSfrd ewY;ksa dk iru (1) Degradation of moral values

(2) lkEiznk;okn dk [krjk (2) Danger of Communalism

(3) tkfr O;oLFkk (3) Caste System

(4) lHkh fodYi lgh gSa (4) All options are right

121. Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds dkSu&ls Hkkx esa la?k 121. In which part of Indian Constitution the

,oa jkT; ds iz'kklfud lEcU/k of.kZr gSa \ Union and the States Administrative
Relations are mentioned ?

(1) Hkkx-19, v/;k;-2 esa (1) Part XIX, Chapter-II

(2) Hkkx-11, v/;k;-3 esa (2) Part XI, Chapter-III

(3) Hkkx-11, v/;k;-1 esa (3) Part XI, Chapter-I

(4) lHkh fodYi xyr gSa (4) All options are wrong

122. vykmíhu f[kyth dh fot;ksa dk lgh 122. The correct chronology of the

dkyØe gS % conquests of Alauddin Khilji is :

(i) fpÙkkSM+x<+ dh fot; (i) Conquest of Chittorgarh

(ii) xqtjkr dh fot; (ii) Conquest of Gujarat

(iii) j.kFkEHkksj dh fot; (iii) Conquest of Ranthambore

(iv) nsofxfj dk f}rh; vfHk;ku (iv) Second Campaign of Devgiri

[ 35 ] [A]

dwV % Code :

(1) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv) (1) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)

(2) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) (2) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

(3) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (3) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

(4) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii) (4) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)

123. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ikfFkZo xzg ugha 123. Which one of the following is not a

gS \ terrestrial planet ?

(1) 'kqØ (1) Venus

(2) eaxy (2) Mars

(3) c`gLifr (3) Jupitar

(4) cq/k (4) Mercury

124. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk HkwdEiksa dh 124. Which of the following is not cause

mRifÙk dk dkj.k ugha gS \ of origin of Earthquakes ?

(1) Tokykeq[kh fØ;k (1) Vulcanicity

(2) leqnzh /kkjk;sa (2) Oceanic Waves

(3) Hkza'k fØ;k (3) Faulting

(4) nzoLFkSfrd ncko (4) Hydrostatic Pressure

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 36 ]

125. ^fe;k.Mj* fdl dkjd ds vijnu ls 125. 'Meanders' are formed through the

fufeZr gksrs gSa \ erosion of which agent ?

(1) unh (1) River

(2) gok (2) Wind

(3) leqnzh ygjsa (3) Sea Waves

(4) Hkwfexr ty (4) Underground water

126. dkSu&ls lafo/kku la'kks/ku }kjk Hkkjrh; 126. In which Constitution Amendment

lafo/kku dh izLrkouk esa u;s 'kCn tksM+s the new words are added in
x;s \ Preamble of Indian Constitution ?

(1) 42osa (1) 42nd

(2) 44osa (2) 44th

(3) 52osa (3) 52nd

(4) 86osa (4) 86th

127. yksd lHkk ds rhljs Lihdj ¼yksdlHkk 127. Who was the third Speaker of Lok

v/;{k½ dkSu Fks \ Sabha ?

(1) ljnkj gqdqe flag (1) Sardar Hukum Singh

(2) Jh th0 ,l0 f<Yyks (2) Shree G. S. Dhillon

(3) Jh ,u0 lathok jsìh (3) Shree N. Sanjeeva Reddy

(4) Jh ckyhjke Hkxr (4) Shree Baliram Bhagat

[ 37 ] [A]

128. Hkkjr dk mijk"Vªifr fuokZfpr fd;k tkrk 128. Vice-President of India is elected

gS % by :

(1) lHkh fo/kkue.Myksa ds lnL;ksa }kjk (1) Members of all Legislatures

(2) laln ds lnL;ksa }kjk (2) Members of Parliament

(3) dsoy jkT; lHkk ds lnL;ksa }kjk (3) Only members of Rajya Sabha

(4) lHkh fodYi lgh gSa (4) All options are right

129. ,p0 Mh0 vkbZ0 ds laca/k esa fuEufyf[kr 129. Which of the following comment is

esa ls dkSu-lh fVIi.kh vlaxr gS \ inconsistent, with respect to H.D.I. ?

(1) ,p0 Mh0 vkbZ0 ls vfHkizk; ^gaxj (1) H.D.I. stands for 'Hunger

MsoyiesaV baMsDl* gS] ftls jSad ds :i Development Index', which also

esa izLrqr fd;k tkrk gSA presented as Rank.

(2) ;g Ø;'kfDr lerk i)fr dk mi;ksx (2) It is using purchasing power

djrk gSA parity method.

(3) tUe ds le; thou izR;k'kk] tUe ds (3) Life expectancy at birth denotes

le; fdlh O;fDr ds thou dh average expected length of life

visf{kr vkSlr yEckbZ dks n'kkZrh gSA of a person at the time of birth.

(4) ,p0 Mh0 vkbZ0 esa vk;] LokLF; (4) H.D.I. includes income, health

vkSj f'k{kk dks 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSA and education.

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 38 ]

130. jkT;iky dh miyfC/k;ksa] HkÙkksa vkSj 130. Who decides the emoluments,
fo'ks"kkf/kdkjksa dk fu/kkZj.k dkSu djrk allowances and privileges of
gS \ Governor ?

(1) jk"Vªifr (1) President

(2) fu;a=d&egkys[kk ijh{kd (2) Comptroller and Auditor General

(3) ernkrk (3) Voter

(4) laln (4) Parliament

131. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk Hkkjrh; fjt+oZ 131. Which of the following is not a

cSad dk dk;Z ugha gS \ function of Reserve Bank of India ?

(1) lk[k dk l`tu (1) Creation of Credit

(2) lk[k dk fu;a=.k (2) Credit Control

(3) ekSfnzd uhfr (3) Monetary Policy

(4) djsalh uksVksa dk fuxZeu (4) Issue of Currency Notes

132. tux.kuk-2011 ds vuqlkj Hkkjr esa efgyk 132. Which is the most backward state in

lk{kjrk esa lokZf/kd fiNM+k jkT; dkSu-lk Female literacy in India, as per
gS \ census-2011 ?

(1) gfj;k.kk (1) Haryana

(2) fcgkj (2) Bihar

(3) jktLFkku (3) Rajasthan

(4) >kj[k.M (4) Jharkhand

[ 39 ] [A]

133. Hkkjr ds ldy ?kjsyw mRikn esa fofHkUu 133. What is the order of contribution of

{ks=dksa ds ;ksxnku dk Øe D;k gS \ different sectors to GDP of India ?

(1) r`rh;d > f}rh;d > izkFkfed (1) Tertiary > Secondary > Primary

(2) r`rh;d > izkFkfed > f}rh;d (2) Tertiary > Primary > Secondary

(3) izkFkfed > f}rh;d > r`rh;d (3) Primary > Secondary > Tertiary

(4) izkFkfed > r`rh;d > f}rh;d (4) Primary > Tertiary > Secondary

134. fuEufyf[kr iqjkLFkyksa esa ls fdl LFky ls 134. From which of the following
xrkZokl ds lk{; izkIr gq, gSa \ archeological sites pit-houses have
been found ?

(1) nenek (1) Damdma

(2) cqtZgkse (2) Burzahom

(3) pksikuh ekaMks (3) Chopani Mando

(4) 'kksrqZxkbZ (4) Shortughai

135. Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds dkSu&ls vuqPNsn esa 135. In which article of Indian
iapk;rksa dh lajpuk of.kZr gS \ Constitution the composition of
Panchayats is described ?

(1) vuqPNsn 243 (1) Article 243

(2) vuqPNsn 243-d (2) Article 243-A

(3) vuqPNsn 243-[k (3) Article 243-B

(4) vuqPNsn 243-x (4) Article 243-C

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 40 ]

136. fdl vFkZ'kkL=h us Hkkjr esa loZizFke xjhch 136. Which economist first studied

dk v/;;u fd;k vkSj 1956-1968 ds poverty in India and indicated a

e/; xzkeh.k fu/kZuksa ds izfr'kr esa deh gksus decrease in the percentage of rural

dk ladsr fn;k \ poor between 1956-1968 ?

(1) ch0 ,e0 nk.Msdj (1) B. M. Dandekar

(2) ch0 ,l0 feUgkl (2) B. S. Minhas

(3) Mh0 Vh0 yDdM+okyk (3) D. T. Lakkarwala

(4) ,e0 ,l0 vkgywokfy;k (4) M. S. Ahluwalia

137. {ks=Qy ds vuqlkj fuEufyf[kr egklkxjksa 137. The correct decreasing order of the

dk lgh ?kVrk Øe gS % following Oceans according to the

area is :

(1) iz'kkUr > fgUn > vVykf.Vd > (1) Pacific > Indian > Atlantic >

vkdZfVd Arctic

(2) iz'kkUr > vVykf.Vd > fgUn > (2) Pacific > Atlantic > Indian >

vkdZfVd Arctic

(3) iz'kkUr > vVykf.Vd > vkdZfVd > (3) Pacific > Atlantic > Arctic >

fgUn Indian

(4) vVykf.Vd > iz'kkUr > fgUn > (4) Atlantic > Pacific > Indian >

vkdZfVd Arctic

[ 41 ] [A]

138. lwph-I rFkk lwph-II dk feyku djsa rFkk 138. Match List-I with List-II and select
uhps fn;s x;s dwV dk mi;ksx djrs gq, the correct answer using code given
lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, % below :
lwph-I lwph-II List-I List-II
(iqjkLFky) (mR[kuudÙkkZ) (Archeological (Excavator)
(A) lqRdkxsu Mksj (i) tkWtZ ,Q0 MsYl (A) Sutkagan Dor (i) George F. Dales
(B) Hkxokuiqjk (ii) ,l0 vkj0 jko (B) Bhagwanpura (ii) S. R. Rao
(C) ckykdksV (iii) vkjsy LVkbu (C) Balakot (iii) Aurel Stein
(D) yksFky (iv) ts0 ih0 tks'kh (D) Lothal (iv) J. P. Joshi

dwV % Code :
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (3) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (4) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

139. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk lqesfyr ugha 139. Which one of the following is not
gS \ correctly matched ?

(1) egknaMuk;d & eq[; U;k; vf/kdkjh (1) Mahadandanayaka – Chief Judicial
(2) Nagara-Shreshthi – Chief Banker/
(2) uxj&Jsf"B & eq[; cSadj@O;kikjh merchant
(3) Uprik – Chief Craftsman
(3) mifjd & eq[; f'kYidkj (4) Sarthavaha – Leader of the

(4) lkFkZokg & O;kikfj;ksa ds dðkfQðys caravans
dk usrk

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 42 ]

140. ^gkQsM* ds ckjs esa vlR; dFku dkSu-lk 140. Which statement is not true about

gS \ 'HAFED' ?

(1) ^gkQsM* ls vfHkizk;] gfj;k.kk Ñf"k (1) 'HAFED' stands for Haryana
QkeZ f'k{k.k foHkkx gSA Agricultural Farm Education


(2) gkQsM gfj;k.kk jkT; dk lcls cM+k (2) HAFED is the largest apex
'kh"kZ lgdkjh la?k gSA cooperative union in the state of


(3) gkQsM 1 uoEcj] 1966 dks vfLrÙo esa (3) HAFED came into existence on

vk;kA 1 November, 1966.

(4) gkQsM }kjk gfj;k.kk ds lHkh ftyksa esa (4) HAFED plans to open 'HAFED

^gkQsM cktkj* [kksyus dh ;kstuk gSA Markets' in all the districts of


141. v'kksd ds fuEufyf[kr vfHkys[kksa esa ls 141. In which of the following

fdlesa mldk uke ^v'kksd* mYysf[kr fd;k inscriptions of Ashoka his name

x;k gS \ 'Ashoka' has been mentioned ?

(1) vgjkSjk f'kykys[k (1) Ahraura Inscription

(2) usÙkqj f'kykys[k (2) Nettur Inscription

(3) Hkkczq f'kykys[k (3) Bhabru Inscription

(4) :iukFk f'kykys[k (4) Rupnath Inscription

[ 43 ] [A]

142. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ioZr ;wjksi esa 142. Which one of the following
vofLFkr ugha gS \ mountain is not located in Europe ?

(1) ,Vyl (1) Atlas

(2) vkYi~l (2) Alps

(3) CySd QkWjsLV (3) Black forest

(4) ,isukbu (4) Apennines

143. ^lrr fodkl* 'kCn ls D;k vfHkizk; gS \ 143. What is the meaning of word
'sustainable development' ?

(1) rsth ls fodkl (1) Rapid development

(2) Ñf"k dk fodkl (2) Agricultural development

(3) m|ksxksa dk fodkl (3) Industrial development

(4) i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds lkFk vkfFkZd (4) Economic development with

fodkl environment protection

144. iapk;rksa dh foÙkh; fLFkfr ds iqufoZyksdu ds 144. Who constitutes the Finance
fy, foÙk vk;ksx dk xBu dkSu djrk gS \ Commission for Panchayat to review
financial position ?

(1) laln (1) Parliament

(2) fo/kkue.My (2) Legislature

(3) jk"Vªifr (3) President

(4) jkT;iky (4) Governor

Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 44 ]

145. vkfFkZd fodkl dh vo/kkj.kk ds ekiu esa 145. What is the sequence of improvement
lq/kkj dk Øe D;k gS \ in the concept of economic
development ?

¼v½ vk; (A) Income

¼c½ izfr O;fDr vk; (B) Per Capita Income

¼l½ thou dk HkkSfrd xq.koÙkk lwpdkad (C) PQLI

¼n½ ,p0 Mh0 vkbZ0 (D) HDI

lgh Øe dkSu-lk gS \ Which sequence is correct ?

(1) v] c] l] n (1) A, B, C, D

(2) v] l] c] n (2) A, C, B, D

(3) v] n] c] l (3) A, D, B, C

(4) v] c] n] l (4) A, B, D, C

146. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk lqesfyr ugha 146. Which one of the following is not

gS \ correctly matched ?

(1) ddZ js[kk & 23½° mÙkj (1) Tropic of cancer – 23½° N

(2) edj js[kk & 23½° nf{k.k (2) Tropic of capricorn – 23½° S

(3) iz/kku ns'kkUrj & 90° iwohZ ns'kkUrj (3) Prime meridian – 90° Eastern


(4) vUrjkZ"Vªh; frfFk js[kk & 180° iwoZ rFkk (4) International Date Line –

180° if'pe 180° East and 180° West

ns'kkUrj Longitude

[ 45 ] [A]

147. lwph&I dk lwph&II ls feyku dhft, vkSj 147. Match List-I with List-II and
uhps fn;s x;s dwV esa ls lgh mÙkj dk identify the correct answer from the
p;u dhft, % code given below :

lwph&I lwph&II List-I List-II

(lfefr) (o"kZ) (Committee) (Year)

v. v'kksd esgrk lfefr (i) 1986 A. Ashok Mehta (i) 1986


c. ,y0 ,e0 fla?koh (ii) 1978

B. L. M. Singhvi (ii) 1978
l. tkWu eFkkbZ lfefr (iii) 1953-54
C. John Mathai (iii) 1953-54

n. laFkkue lfefr (iv) 1963
D. Santhanam (iv) 1963


Code :
dwV %
(1) A (i) B (ii) C (iii) D (iv)
(1) v (i) c (ii) l (iii) n (iv)
(2) A (i) B (iii) C (ii) D (iv)
(2) v (i) c (iii) l (ii) n (iv)
(3) A (ii) B (i) C (iii) D (iv)
(3) v (ii) c (i) l (iii) n (iv)
(4) A (i) B (ii) C (iv) D (iii)
(4) v (i) c (ii) l (iv) n (iii)
Level-2/212 P. T. O.
[A] [ 46 ]

148. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk lcls fgald 148. Which one of the following is most

vkSj foLQksVd Tokykeq[kh dk izdkj gS \ violent and explosive type of

volcanoes ?

(1) gok;u (1) Hawaiin

(2) LVªksEcksfy;u (2) Strombolian

(3) oYdsfu;u (3) Vulcanian

(4) ihfy;u (4) Pelean

149. pksy dky esa ^osêh* Fkk % 149. 'Vetti' in the Chola period was :

(1) O;kikfj;ksa dk lewg (1) Group of Merchants

(2) ,d canjxkg (2) A sea port

(3) ,d izdkj dk dj (3) A kind of tax

(4) ,d 'kkgh vuq"Bku (4) A royal ritual

150. fuEufyf[kr 'kkldksa esa dkSu&lk 150. Which of the following rulers is the

^fu'kqEHklwfnuh* nsoh eafnj dk fuekZrk gS \ builder of 'Nishumbhasudini' Devi

Temple ?

(1) fot;ky; pksy (1) Vijayalaya Chola

(2) jktjkt&I (2) Rajraj-I

(3) jktsUnz&II (3) Rajendra-II

(4) iqydsf'ku&II (4) Pulakeshin-II

jQ dk;Z ds fy, (FOR ROUGH WORK)
6. iz'uksa ds mÙkj] mÙkj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr [kkuksa dks dkys ckWy IokbaV 6. Answers to questions in answer sheet are to be
iSu ls iw.kZr;k Hkjuk gS] tSlk fd uhps fn[kk;k x;k gS % given by darkening complete circle using Black ball
point pen as shown below :
1  3 4 1  3 4
vki }kjk fn;k x;k mÙkj xyr ekuk tk,xk] ;fn mÙkj okys [kkus The answer will be treated wrong, if it is marked, as given
dks fuEu izdkj ls Hkjrs gSa % below :

;fn ,d ls T;knk [kkuksa dks Hkj nsrs gSa rks vkidk mÙkj xyr ekuk If you fill more than one circle it will be treated as a
tk,xkA wrong answer.
7. jQ dk;Z iz'u&iqfLrdk esa bl iz;kstu ds fy, nh xbZ [kkyh txg ij gh djsAa (Rough work should be done only in the space
provided in the Question Booklet for the same.)
8. lHkh mÙkj dsoy OMR mÙkj i=d ij gh vafdr djsAa vius mÙkj /;kuiwoZd vafdr djsAa mÙkj cnyus gsrq 'osr jatd ¼lQsn ¶Y;wM½ dk iz;ksx
fuf"k) gSA (The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. Whitener
(white fluid) is not allowed for changing answers.)
9. izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fn, x, pkj fodYiksa esa ls mfpr fodYi ds fy, OMR mÙkj i=d ij dsoy ,d o`Ùk dks gh iwjh rjg dkys ckWy IokbaV iSu
ls HkjsAa ,d ckj mÙkj vafdr djus ds ckn mls cnyk ugha tk ldrk gSA (Out of the four alternatives for each question, only one
circle for the most appropriate answer is to be darkened completely with Black Ball Point Pen on the OMR Answer
Sheet. The answer once marked is not allowed to be changed.)
10. vH;FkhZ lqfuf'pr djsa fd bl mÙkj i=d dks eksM+k u tk, ,oa ml ij dksbZ vU; fu'kku u yxk,¡A vH;FkhZ viuk vuqØekad mÙkj i=d esa
fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vfrfjDr vU;= u fy[ksAa (The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet is not folded. Do not make
any stray mark on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except in the specified space in the
Answer Sheet.)
11. iz'u&iqfLrdk ,oa mÙkj i=d dk /;kuiwoZd iz;ksx djs]a D;ksafd fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa ¼iz'u&iqfLrdk ,oa mÙkj i=d ds Øekad esa fHkUurk dh fLFkfr
dks NksM+dj½ nwljh iz'u iqfLrdk
fLrdk lSV miyC/k ugha djokbZ tk,xhA
tk,xh (Handle the Question Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, as
under no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Question Booklet and Answer Sheet Serial No.), another set of
Question Booklet will not be provided.)
12. iz'u&iqfLrdk@mÙkj i=d esa fn, x, Øekad dks vH;FkhZ lgh rjhds ls gLrk{kj pkVZ esa fy[ksAa (The candidates should write the correct
Number as given in the Question Booklet/Answer Sheet in the Signature Chart.)
13. vH;FkhZ dks ijh{kk gkWy@d{k esa izos'k i= vkSj igpku i= ds vfrfjDr fdlh izdkj dh ikB~;&lkexzh] eqfnzr ;k gLrfyf[kr dkxt dh ifpZ;k¡]
istj] eksckby Qksu] bysDVªkWfud midj.k ;k fdlh vU; izdkj dh lkexzh dks ys tkus ;k mi;ksx djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA (Candidates are
not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile phone, electronic device or
any other material except the Admit Card and Identity Card inside the examination hall/room.)
14. i;Zo{s kd }kjk iwNs tkus ij izR;sd vH;FkhZ viuk izo's k dkMZ ¼jksy ua0½ vkSj igpku i= fn[kk,¡A (Each candidate must show on demand
his/her Admit Card (Roll No.) and identity card to the Invigilator.)
15. dsUnz v/kh{kd ;k i;Zo{s kd dh fo'ks"k vuqefr ds fcuk dksbZ vH;FkhZ viuk LFkku u NksMa+As (No candidate, without special permission of
the Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his/her seat.)
16. dk;Zjr i;Zo{s kd dks viuk mÙkj i=d fn, fcuk ,oa gLrk{kj pkVZ ij nksckjk gLrk{kj fd, fcuk vH;FkhZ ijh{kk gkWy ugha NksMa+sxAs ;fn fdlh
vH;FkhZ us nwljh ckj gLrk{kj pkVZ ij gLrk{kj ugha fd, rks ;g ekuk tk,xk fd mlus mÙkj i=d ugha ykSVk;k gS vkSj ;g vuqfpr lk/ku dk
ekeyk ekuk tk,xkA OMR mÙkj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij lHkh vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk ck;sa gkFk ds vaxwBs dk fu'fu'kku yxk;k tkuk gSA vaxwBs dk
fu'kku yxkrs le; bl ckr dk /;ku j[kk tk, fd L;kgh L;kgh lgh ek=k esa gh yxkbZ tk, vFkkZr~ L;kgh dh ek=k u rks cgqr vf/kd gks o u gh
cgqr deA (The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the
Invigilator on duty and signing the Signature Chart twice. Cases where a candidate has not signed the Signature Chart
second time will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as an unfair means case. All
candidates have to affix left hand thumb impression on the OMR answer sheet at the place specified which
should be properly inked i.e. they should not be either over inked or dried in nature.)
17. bysDVªkWfud@gLrpkfyr ifjdyd dk mi;ksx oftZr gSA (Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator is prohibited.)
18. ijh{kk gkWy esa vkpj.k ds fy,] vH;FkhZ foojf.kdk esa nh xbZ izfØ;k@fn'kk&funs'Z k o cksMZ ds lHkh fu;eksa ,oa fofu;eksa dk fo'ks"k /;ku j[ksAa vuqfpr
lk/kuksa ds lHkh ekeyksa dk QSlyk cksMZ ds fu;eksa ,oa fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj gksxkA (The candidates are governed by
Guidelines/Procedure given in the Information Bulletin, all Rules and Regulations of the Board with regard to their
conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases of unfair means will be dealt with as per Rules and Regulations of the Board.)
19. fdlh gkyr esa iz'u&iqfLrdk vkSj mÙkj i=d dk dksbZ Hkkx vyx u djsAa (No part of the Question Booklet and Answer Sheet shall
be detached under any circumstances.)
20. ijh{kk lEiUu gksus ij] vH;FkhZ d{k@gkWy NksM+us ls iwoZ mÙkj i=d d{k&i;Zo{s kd dks vo'; lkSai nsAa vH;FkhZ vius lkFk bl iz'u&iqfLrdk dks ys
tk ldrs gSAa (On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator in the
Room/Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this Question Booklet with them.)

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