A Fundamental Approach: Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

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A Fundamental Approach

Power Electronics and Power Systems

Series Editor
M. A. Pai

Other books in the series:


Kankar Bhattacharya, Math H.1. Bollen and Jaap E. Daalder, ISBN 0-7923-7397-9
Assessment and Control
Mania Pavella, Damien Ernst and Daniel Ruiz-Vega, ISBN 0-7923-7963-2
M. Shahidehpour and M. Marwali, ISBN: 0-7923-7872-5
Graham Rogers, ISBN: 0-7923-7712-5
A. Monticelli, ISBN: 0-7923-8519-5
Gerald B. Sheble, ISBN: 0-7923-8475-X
K.R. Padiyar, ISBN: 0-7923-8319-2
POWER SYSTEMS RESTRUCTURING: Engineering and Economics
Marija I1ic, Francisco Galiana, and Lester Fink, ISBN: 0-7923-8163-7
Ranbir Singh and B. Jayant Baliga, ISBN: 0-7923-8157-2
Thierry Van Cutsem and Costas Vournas, ISBN: 0-7923-8139-4
LouisA. Wehenkel, ISBN: 0-7923-8068-1
M. A. Pai, ISBN: 0-7923-9035-0
J. A. Ferreira, ISBN: 0-7923-9034-2
A. S. Debs, ISBN: 0-89838-265-3
R. Billington, R. N. Allan, ISBN: 0-89838-266-1
F. C. Schweppe, M. C. Caramanis, R. D.Tabors, R. E. Bohn, ISBN: 0-89838-260-2
INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Principles and Applications,
Giovanni Petrecca, ISBN: 0-7923-9305-8
Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski, ISBN: 0-7923-9420-8
S. J. Salon, ISBN: 0-7923-9594-8
A Fundamental Approach


Petter L. Skantze
Caminus Corporation

Marija D. Ilie
Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology


ISBN 978-1-4613-5685-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-1701-6 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-1701-6

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available

from the Library of Congress.

Copyright © 2001 by Springer Science+Business Media New York

Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2001
Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 2001
AH rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-
copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the

Printed on acid-free paper.

To my parents, Lisbeth and Bengt,
for their love and support.


To my husband Jeff,
who continues to believe in what I do.

Table of Contents
PREFACE ........................................................................ xii

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1


2.1 VALUING A COMMITMENT OPTION ............................................. 7

2.2 MARKET BASED VALUATION ..................................................... 12
2.2.1 Spot Forward Relationships in a Risk Neutral World ...... 14
2.2.2 Information Content in Forward Markets ........................ 15
2.2.3 Spot Forward Relationship when Firms are Risk A verse .16
2.2.4 Arbitrage Pricing Theory ................................................. 17
2.2.5 Application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory in Valuing
Forward Contracts ........................................................... 19
2.2.6 Model Based Pricing and Dynamic Replication .............. 21
2.2.7 Limits to Arbitrage Pricing Arguments ............................ 23
2.2.8 Spot Forward Dynamics for Storable Commodities ......... 24
2.2.9 What is Term Structure Modeling? .................................. 26
2.2.10 Physical Interpretation of Term Structure ........................ 27


INDUSTRY .............................................................................................. 31

3.1 DESCRIPTION OF MARKET PARTICIPANTS ................................ 31

3.1.1 Generation Companies .................................................... 31
3.1.2 Load Serving Entities ...................................................... 31
3.1.3 Power Marketers .............................................................. 32
3.1.4 Exchanges and Market Makers ........................................ 32
3.1.5 Independent System Operators ......................................... 33
3.2 ELECTRICITY MARKETS ............................................................ 34
3.2.1 The Spot Market ............................................................... 34
3.2.2 The Physical Forward Market.......................................... 35
3.2.3 The Financial Futures Market.......................................... 36
3.2.4 The Derivatives Markets ....... ............................................ 39
3.2.5 Generation Assets and Non-Standard Contracts .............. 39


RELATIONSHIP OF ELECTRICITY PRICES .................................. 41

4.1 Is ELECTRICITY REALLY NON-STORABLE? .............................. .43

4.1.1 Storage Strategies in Oil and Gas Plants ........................ .43
4.1.2 Storage Strategies in Hydroelectric Dams ...................... .46
FINANCIAL CONTRACTS FOR ELECTRICITY .......................................... .49
4.2.1 Application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory in the Relative
Pricing of Physical Forward and Financial Futures
Contracts on Electricity .................................................... 49


FOR ELECTRICITY MARKETS ......................................................... 53
5.1 STRUCTURE OF MODEL ............................................................. 54
5.2 MODELING ApPROACHES .......................................................... 56
5.2.1 Quantitative Modeling of Electricity Prices .................. 56
5.2.2 Production Based Modeling of Electricity Prices ............ 57
5.2.3 Economic Equilibrium Models of Electricity Prices ........ 58
5.2.4 Agent-based Modeling of Electricity Prices .................... 58
5.2.5 Experimental Modeling of Electricity Prices .................. 59
5.2.6 Fundamental Modeling of Electricity Prices .................... 59


FOR ELECTRICITY PRICES .............................................................. 61

6.1 LOAD CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................... 61

6.2 SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................... 62
6.3 PRICE AS A FUNCTION OF LOAD AND SUPPLy ........................... 63
6.4 STOCHASTIC LOAD MODEL.. ..................................................... 66
6.4.1 Modeling Demand Seasonality ......................................... 66
6.4.2 Modeling Load Uncertainty ............................................. 68
6.4.3 Mean Reversion ................................................................ 70
6.4.4 Stochastic Growth ............................................................ 70
6.5 STOCHASTIC SUPPLY PROCESS ................................................. 72
6.5.1 Seasonality of Supply ........................................................ 73
6.5.2 Modeling Supply Uncertainty ........................................... 74
6.5.3 Modeling Unit Outages .................................................... 75
6.5.4 Modeling Scheduled Maintenance ................................... 78
6.7.1 Generating a Time History of Supply States .................... 81
6.7.2 Estimating Deterministic Seasonal Load and Supply
Shapes ............................................................................... 82
6.7.3 Calibration of Principal Component Vectors ................... 83
6.7.4 Estimation of the Volatility,
Drift and Mean Reversion Rate ........................................ 87
BID-BASED STOCHASTIC MODEL .............................................. 92
6.9 SIMULATIONS ............................................................................ 98
6.9.1 Monthly Parameters ...................................................... . 100
6.9.2 Properties of the Daily Weight Process ......................... 102
6.9.3 Daily Price Simulations .................................................. 105
6.9.4 Daily Price Simulations with Time Scale Separation ..... 106
6.10 CONCLUDING REMARKS .......................................................... 110


FOR ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDERS ............................................ 113


SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEIR CUSTOMERS ........................ 114
7.3 PROBLEM FORMULATION ........................................................ 116
7.4 MODELING ............................................................................... 117
7.4.1 Cash Flow Model ........................................................... 118
7.4.2 Price and Demand Models ............................................. 120
7.4.3 Modeling the Firm's Risk Preference ............................. 124
7.4.4 Summary of the Hedging Problem ................................. 124
7.6 SOLUTION ApPROACHES ......................................................... 126
7.7 THEENDSTATEPROBLEM ...................................................... 127
7.7.1 Static Optimization Over Multiple Delivery Periods ..... 129
PROBLEM ................................................................................. 131


8.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 135

ELECTRICITY SPOT MARKETS ............................................................. l36
8.2.1 Formulating the Unit Commitment Decision ................. 137
8.2.2 Price Model Used in the Unit Commitment Problem ..... 139
8.3 CREATING A LOOKUP TABLE OF CASH FLOWS ....................... 140
8.3.1 Incorporating Stochastic Fuel Prices ............................. 141
GENERATE SIMULATED CASH FLOWS ..................................... 143
8.4.1 Generation Asset Valuation ............................................ 143
8.5 CONCLUDING REMARKS .......................................................... 145
8.6 FIGURES ................................................................................... 146


9.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 149

9.2.1 Pricing Flows in Electric Power Networks ................... 149
9.2.2 Contracts for Transmission .............................. .............. 150
9.2.3 Valuing Transmission Rights .......................................... 151
PRICES ..................................................................................... 154
9.4 OVERVIEW OF EXISTING PRICE MODELS .................................. 157
9.6 V ALVING A TRANSMISSION RIGHT ......................................... 161
9.7 SIMULATION BASED VALUATION ............................................ 161
9.8 DYNAMIC HEDGING ................................................................ 165
9.8.1 Dynamic Hedging and the Bid-based Model... ............... 166
9.8.2 Implications on the Valuation of a Spread Option ......... 167
9.8.3 Replicating a Flexible Transmission Right under the Bid-
based Price Model.. ........................................................ 169



10.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 177

10.2 A LONG TERM MODEL FOR ELECTRICITY PRICES .................. 178
/0.2.1 Stochastic Demand Process ........................................... 178
10.3 MODELING INVESTMENT DYNAMICS ...................................... 179
/0.3.1 Backward Looking Investment ....................................... 179
/0.3.2 Forward Looking Investment ......................................... 182
10.4 A DYNAMIC NOTION OF RELIABILITY ...................................... 185
10.5 EFFECTS OF GOVERNMENT POLiCy ........................................ 187
10.5.1 Comments on Simulation Results ................................... 189
10.6 CONCLUDING REMARKS .......................................................... 190

11 CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 193

APPENDIX A .................................................................... 197

APPENDIX B ....................................................................201

REFEREN CES .................................................................207

INDEX ........................................................................... 213


The challenges currently facing particIpants m competitive electricity

markets are unique and staggering: unprecedented price volatility, a crippling
lack of historical market data on which to test new modeling approaches, and
a continuously changing regulatory structure. Meeting these challenges will
require the knowledge and experience of both the engineering and finance
communities. Yet the two communities continue to largely ignore each other.
The finance community believes that engineering models are too detailed and
complex to be practically applicable in the fast changing market environment.
Engineers counter that the finance models are merely statistical regressions,
lacking the necessary structure to capture the true dynamic properties of
complex power systems. While both views have merit, neither group has by
themselves been able to produce effective tools for meeting industry
The goal of this book is to convey the fundamental differences between
electricity and other traded commodities, and the impact these differences
have on valuation, hedging and operational decisions made by market
participants. The optimization problems associated with these decisions are
formulated in the context of the market realities of today's power industry,
including a lack of liquidity on forward and options markets, limited
availability of historical data, and constantly changing regulatory structures.
To address these challenges we reevaluated key premises underlying modem
finance theory, including the role of arbitrage pricing theory (APT) in markets
for non-storable commodities. Without the ability to store an underlying
commodity, traders cannot create risk free arbitrage portfolios to take
advantage of spot and forward price differentials. As a result, one of the basic
framework used in finance theory to model the joint dynamics of spot and
forward prices does not work for electricity markets. However, rather than
reject the approach taken in traditional market models, we sought to expand
existing models to incorporate underlying physical and economic processes
that drive the dynamics of supply and demand in the marketplace. In doing so
we gained access to new data from which the distribution of future price paths
could be implied. While it is intuitive that the dynamic properties of physical
events such as temperature changes and forced generation outages directly
effect the term structure of electricity prices, the challenge is to create a model
that is simple enough from a calibration and optimization standpoint, without
loosing the unique properties which each of these fundamental processes
contribute to the market. From this modeling paradigm emerged the Bid-
Based Electricity Price Model, introduced in Chapter 6, the core of this book.
To members of the energy industry reading this book, it should be
mentioned that while the model is presented with algorithms for calibration to
market data and applications in hedging and valuation problems, it is not
meant as a ready-made tool for solving company specific trading and risk
management problems. Rather it is an attempt to explore a richer set of
modeling and optimization tools to address the unique challenges of
competitive electricity markets. We hope that it will inspire you to do the
same within your organization.

This book is written by two engineers whose interest in the dynamics of

large scale power systems led them to dig deep into the fundamental
assumptions of finance theory, and its application to the power industry. A
critical portion of this journey was two summers spent by the first author
working in the industry, the first summer with a developer of software tools
for the energy industry, the second on the trading floor for a leading power
marketer learning the details of the trading and risk management operation.
These experiences provided a wealth of open questions, which were brought
back to the university within the context of MIT's Energy Laboratory
Consortium on competitive power systems. The first author pursued his
doctoral degree at MIT under the supervision of the second author, and this
book is an outgrowth of their joint efforts. Both authors greatly benefited from
a continuous interaction with the members of the consortium, consisting of
industry participants ranging from trading organizations to software vendors
to regulatory agencies. Two representatives of this group who stand out due to
their relentless input of new questions and ideas are Ralph Masiello of
Caminus Corporation, and Scott Weinstein of Constellation Power Source.
Equally important was the input from the vibrant academic community at
MIT. Through their critiques and insights, professors John Tsitsiklis and
Richard Larson were instrumental in linking the research to related problems
in the areas of optimization and stochastic modeling. Finally, the students in
the competitive power systems group, especially Andrej Gubina and Michael
Wagner who worked closely with the authors on parts of this research, helped
provide a unique environment for learning and exploration. The authors
would like to thank them, and all who have directly or indirectly contributed
to this work.
Chapter 1

The purpose of this book is to build a framework to solve physical and
financial commitment decisions contingent on electricity, in a deregulated
market environment. The set of problems include valuing investment
opportunities in physical assets, valuing and hedging obligations to serve
customers, and the pricing of electricity dependent derivative contracts.
Electricity markets suffer from a severe case of over-dimensionality. Due to
the lack of economic storage of the commodity, each time interval of delivery
can be considered a separate product. Furthermore, the scarcity and
complexity of the transmission system leads to significant locational
variations in price. The combination of the temporal and spatial properties of
electricity poses significant barriers to market liquidity, and makes it
exceedingly hard for market participants to solve valuation and risk
management related optimization problems.

A key step in overcoming the curse of this dimensionality problem is the

development of effective dynamic models of the uncertainty in the underlying
asset price. Model based valuation and hedging formulation take advantage of
the distinct relationships in the market in order to reduce the complexity of the
space of possible future price combinations. This approach allows the user to
form dynamic replicating portfolios, and leads to computationally efficient
implementations of various optimization problems. The tradeoff is that if the
relationships specified in the model do not hold, then the user may drastically
underestimate his risk exposure. This additional component, known as model
risk, is important to keep in mind when reading this book.

There are many approaches to building financial models. Specifically we

distinguish between statistical models, based on regressions or best fits
between different data sets, and fundamental models, consisting of postulates
and data, together with a means of drawing dynamical inferences from them
[1]. Choosing an approach is contingent on the nature of the traded asset, as
well as on the availability of market data. Statistical models generally require

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001

a rich history of market prices for calibration and testing purposes.

Fundamental modeling works best when there are strong physical or
economic relationships embedded in the market, which can be translated into
model constraints.

Electricity is a natural candidate for the fundamental modeling approach.

Markets are still emerging, so there is little price history available.
Furthermore, constantly changing regulatory structures invalidate much of the
existing historical data. On the other hand, the demand and supply of
electricity are governed by a set of exogenous drivers, including weather
patterns, economic growth, and fuel cost. In addition, the transmission of
electricity is governed by Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, describing the
relationship between power injections at various nodes, and the flow on the
transmission lines. One of the main contributions of this book is the
construction of a stochastic model for electricity price, founded on the
fundamental drivers and constraints outlined above, and applying of this
model to temporal and locational optimization problems under uncertainties.

Inter-temporal uncertainty in storable commodity markets is a well-

researched area in finance. Of specific interest is the correlation between the
spot price and the price of forward contracts with varying maturity dates, also
known as the term structure of the market. The ability to store a commodity
provides a natural link between the spot and forward price. If the forward
price increases, a producer may sell forward contracts, remove his product
from the spot market, and put his production output in storage to deliver
against the forward contracts. This creates a supply deficit on the spot
market, driving prices up until they are back in equilibrium with the forward
market. Similarly, if forward prices drop, market participants will empty their
storage facilities onto the spot market, purchase forward contracts, and refill
the storage facilities at a later date by taking delivery on the forward
contracts. This creates a downward pressure on the spot price, again pushing
it back into balance with the forward price. The most important lesson from
the simple qualitative examples described above is that markets for storable
commodities have strong inter-temporal links, governed by spot and forward
price signals. Arbitrage arguments impose bounds on sustainable relative
price levels in the market. The lower the cost of storage, the tighter the
bounds, and the stronger the inter-temporal price correlation. In Chapter 2,
we introduce examples of stochastic models for storable commodities as well
as stocks (which have zero storage cost), which are currently used in the
marketplace. It is interesting to note that these models all use spot price as a
state variable. This makes sense, since inter-temporal production and storage
decisions are directed by price signals. Additional states can include the
convenience yield, describing a market preference at the time of consumption
of the commodity.

It is tempting simply to adapt the existing models for commodity prices to

electricity markets, with minor cosmetic changes. Indeed many power
marketers still use versions of oil and gas models for their electricity
operations. The problem is that the underlying assumptions behind these
models, based on storage arguments, do not hold for electricity. Electric
power cannot be simply purchased, stored and resold at a later date in
response to price signals from the spot and forward markets. It has been
argued that the ability to store the fuel used to produce electricity (oil, gas,
coal and water) is equivalent to the ability to store the commodity itself. This
approach is incomplete, since it does not take into account constraints on the
rate at which the fuel can be converted into electricity. In fact observations of
actual intra-day price behavior indicate that market participants are to a large
extent unable to execute temporal arbitrage to a significant extent, even on
short time scales. As a result the inter-temporal link between spot and
forward markets, or spot prices in different time periods, is no longer
governed by a set of price signals as was the case for storable commodities.
This does not mean that electricity markets do not have a well defined term
structure. It does indicate however that the key to understanding the term
structure is not to be found in price centered arguments.
One of the contributions of this book is to construct a dynamic model for
the uncertainty in electricity prices, by relating the price changes to a set of
underlying physical and financial processes. The underlying states relate
directly to the demand and supply processes in the market, and spot and
forward prices are modeled as outputs of these processes. While seemingly a
modest transformation, the change in the set of state variables has tremendous
implications, such as:

1. We are better able to explain the complex term structure of electricity

prices. The model illustrates how each fundamental input contributes
to the inter-temporal correlation of electricity prices. Furthermore we
are able to capture the complex, multi-timescale seasonality prevalent
in electricity markets.
2. New sources of information become available in the calibration of the
price process. One can explicitly use the regional demand history to
calibrate the model, providing a longer and more stable source of data
for the emerging industry.
3. The model links the price of electricity to other traded commodities
and contracts such as fuel (oil, gas, and coal), and weather derivatives
(rainfall and temperature). This provides new opportunities for
hedging electricity risk, or creating cross commodity arbitrage
4. There is potential to use the model in combination with economic
game theory to price derivative contracts in emerging markets with no
price history.
5. The models naturally couple price and quantity risk, providing an
efficient method for hedging fixed priced commitments to serve
customers (standard offer contracts).

The second aspect of electricity which makes it a unique commodity is its

complex transportation structure. Electric power is transmitted over a meshed
network of transmission lines, and cannot be controlled to follow point to
point paths. The non-linear relationship between power injections at the
nodes, and the flows on the lines, are governed by Kirchhoff's current and
voltage laws. As a result of this physical phenomenon, the locational pricing
of electricity is more involved than that of most other commodities. The spot
prices at neighboring markets can diverge drastically if the connecting line is
congested. This is of particular concern to generators and loads who have
signed commitments to deliver power across frequently congested interfaces.
This has led to the emergence of a number of physical and financial
transmission contracts, to be used by market participants to hedge locational
risk. There still, however, does not exist a consistent method for pricing these
contracts. Specifically, there seems to be no clear relationship between the
price of the inter-nodal transmission contract, and the forward and options
contract prices at the respective nodes. One approach is to use traditional
spread option models. These models generally assume that the two
underlying assets each evolve as random walk processes, and that any
interaction can be captured by estimating the correlation between the Wiener
processes. In the book we question the applicability of traditional models in
describing the stochastic properties of price spreads between electricity spot
prices at different network locations.

Using a model based on supply and demand states, one can explicitly
incorporate the network flow constraints. The resulting probability
distribution of the price spread is in stark contrast to what is implied by
traditional approaches. This has tremendous implications for the pricing of
transmission rights and locational price derivatives. The model is also
extended to allow for market based analysis of hypothetical expansions to the
transmission grid, allowing transmission companies to estimate the value of
new investments.

The final section of the book covers the dynamics of new investment in
generation capacity. It is shown how the time delay in information from the
spot market to the investment decision, and further in the installation process
of new power plants, can lead to periods of over and under capacity. We
further analyze the relationship between price trends and the physical
reliability of the market. Specifically we address the dangers related to
excessive government intervention in order to curb price spikes.
Chapter 2

Overview of Valuation and Hedging Theory

This book will address a number of decision problems faced by the

participants in competitive power markets. The set of problem formulations
can best be summed up as commitment problems, since they involve some
form of physical or financial commitment from the firm in question. They
include investment in physical assets, agreements to deliver electricity to
customers over a specified period, bilateral financial agreements, and
numerous exchange traded derivatives based on electricity prices.

In this chapter we show how such decision problems can be treated as

instances of a general optimization formulation. We begin by examining the
existing literature in finance covering investment and valuation procedures,
starting with the process by which an individual firm values a given
commitment option. Next we address how multiple firms with different
objectives interact through centralized markets, leading to the concept of a
market valuation. Finally we see how, under rigorous market assumptions,
the two forms of valuation can converge. The theoretical basis of the
convergence is dictated by arbitrage pricing theory (APT). We analyze APT
in a static and dynamic framework, illustrating its applications in equity,
interest rates and commodity markets.


The traditional approach to valuing a commitment option is the net present

value (NPV) rule. To calculate the net present value of a commitment (C),
one first characterizes the distribution of the payoff "'t
for every time t over
the horizon of the commitment [to, T]. The payoff incorporates any cost and

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
revenue associated with the commitment, and can be positive or negative at
any point in time. The net present value is calculated by integrating the
payoff, adjusted by a discount rate 0, over the horizon of the commitment.


NPVto (C) = e-O(HolEto {'I't}dt


where E{.} is the expected value operator, which is necessary since future
payoffs are generally uncertain.

The NPV rule states that if the net present value is positive, then the firm
should enter into the commitment, assuming there are no other commitment
options available. If there are multiple options, the firm should choose the
one with the highest NPV. To use the NPV criteria, one must overcome two
challenges. The first is estimating the expected value of future payoffs. The
second challenge lies in determining the appropriate discount rate o. The
discount rate contains information about the time value of money, or the
opportunity cost of any capital which is tied up in the commitment and cannot
be spent elsewhere. This cost would generally be set equal to the firms cost
of raising new capital, for example by issuing bonds. For the remainder of the
book, unless stated otherwise, we are going to assume that this component of
the discount rate is equal to zero. As long as the cost of capital is
deterministic, this assumption can be made without loss of generality.

The discount rate must also reflect the level of risk in the investment.
Assuming the firm is risk averse, the discount rate will increase with the level
of uncertainty associated with future payoffs. A commitment option with
lower expected cash flows, may be preferable to an option with higher
expected cash flows if the risk level is significantly lower. Intuitively this
argument is easy to understand. Quantifying a firm's risk preference is more
difficult. One possibility is to equate the level of risk with the variance of the
cash flow. This puts a greater requirement on the modeling of future cash
flows, since the firm needs to estimate variances in addition to expected
values. Furthermore, a firm needs to consider the risk associated with the
cumulative cash flow, not just the instantaneous variance at each point in
time. To calculate the variance of the sum of the cash flows, the firm needs to
estimate the covariance matrix of all the future cash flows.

\jItot =L \jIt

var(\jItot)= LLcov(\jIj\jlj)
i=to j=to

The firm can then define its risk preference by stating its utility (U) in
terms of the tradeoff between the expectation and variance of the return on a
commitment. An example of this is the mean variance utility function

For a given commitment option, the r parameter of the mean variance

formulation can be mapped uniquely to the discount rate 0 in the NPV
formulation. However, two projects with the same variance on the total
payoff may end up with different discount rates depending on the timing of
the cash flows.

A second formulation which is popular among decision makers is the

value at risk (VAR) criterion. VAR estimates the amount of the firm's capital
which is at risk of being lost during a given time interval. Capital is defined
to be 'at risk' if the probability of a loss is greater than a threshold set by
management. For a threshold probability X, we can define the value at risk as

The value at risk formulation generally provides a hard constraint to

optimization problems. For instance, a decision maker may wish to optimize
the expected payoff from a set of possible commitment opportunities with
associated payoffs '!i , given that it cannot exceed a maximum V AR.

Maxi (E{ 'l'i })

s.t. Prob('I'IOI:::; -VAR):::; X

This technique provides a probability estimate of the worst case scenario,

which makes it intuitive for managers to use. However, it is computationally
harder to apply since we need higher order information about the joint
probability distribution of the payoff. Specifically the value at risk is very
sensitive to high impact low probability events, which create 'fat tails' in the
distribution of payoffs.

The above discussion indicates that the analysis leading up to a decision

rule for the firm can be broken into two parts. First, the firm must estimate
the stochastic properties of future payoffs associated with the commitment.
Second, the firm must characterize its own risk preference in relation to the
proposed investment. Once these have been established, the firm can attempt
to solve the optimization problem and arrive at a decision rule. This process is
outlined in Figure 2-1.

Cash Flow ..
Firm's Utility .
Model Function Decision Rule

Figure 2-1: The Firm's Decision Process

The process described in Figure 2-1 covers a wide range of applications.

We will now focus on a subset of these where the commitment is based on an
asset traded in an organized market place. The market functions so that for
each instance in time it sets a price for the traded asset. It is further assumed
that the uncertainty in cash flow from the commitment is only dependent on
the uncertainty of future price levels in the market. The decision process can
then be amended as shown in Figure 2-2.

Market Price Cash Flow Firm's Utility Optimal

Model ~ Model ---+ Function f---+ Decision Rule

Figure 2-2: Amended Decision Process

As shown, Figure 2-2 makes an implicit assumption about the relationship

between the market price and the firm's decision rule. The price model is
taken as an exogenous input to the decision rule, implying that the firm's
actions will have no effect on the market. The market, however, is simply a
collection of firms, each with its own decision rule. The ability of a firm to
influence the market price is often referred to as the firm's market power.
Depending on the number and size of participants, the decoupling of the
market price from the individual decision process mayor may not be prudent.
We will discuss this assumption in detail in the chapter on market modeling
approaches. For now we recognize that a more general formulation of the
decision problem would include a feedback loop from the decision rule to the
price model as shown in Figure 2-3.

The existence of a market, and a market price, has a fundamental impact

on the way we think about the commitment problem. It combines the
preferences of all participating firms, and arrives at a single number for the
value of an asset. The value assigned to an asset by the market may be
substantially different from that seen by the individual firm. In fact it is the
discrepancy between the way in which different firms value assets which
allow markets to exist, and add value, in the first place. In the following
section we examine the information contained in market prices, and how they
can be used by individual decision makers.
Market ...

Market Price Cash Flow Firm's Utility Optimal

--+ Model f----+ Function
Decision Rule

Figure 2-3: Incorporating Market Power into the Decision Process


So far we have assumed that the market assigns a value to the traded asset
at any given point in time. This value, known as the spot price, is the cost of
purchasing the asset for immediate delivery. The spot market, however, is
only one of several venues available for a firm to trade in a given asset.
Mature markets generally trade forward contracts as well as numerous options
contracts in addition to the spot. Forward contracts specify the delivery of a
given quantity (q) of the asset for a fixed price (F) at a specific future time
(T), known as the maturity of the contract. The seller of the contract
generally has the option of paying the prevailing spot price at maturity rather
than delivering the actual asset. The payoff for the buyer, or long position, of
the forward contract at maturity can therefore be written as

Payoff(forward,long) = q(ST - F).

The cost of purchasing a forward contract at any point in time t prior to

maturity is denoted by F(t,T). The asset whose spot price determines the
payoff of the contract is known as the underlying asset.

There are numerous variations of options contracts traded on equity and

commodity markets. One the most common is the European call option
contract, which gives the buyer the option to purchase the underlying asset at
a fixed strike price (X) at the maturity of the contract. The payoff for the long
position of a European call option is

Payoff(call, long) = max{O, (q(ST - X)}.

The price of purchasing the contract at a time t prior to maturity is denoted

by cE(t,T).

The payoff, and therefore the value, of the forward and call option
contracts are functions of the spot price of the underlying commodity. We
refer to the general category of traded contracts with this property as
derivatives of the underlying asset. It is important to note that the
commitment for the individual firm, as defined in the previous section, is
effectively a derivatives contract. The payoff from the commitment is a
function of future levels of the spot price. All commitment opportunities
discussed in this book are effectively derivatives of the electricity market, or
the price of affiliated commodities, some with multiple underlying assets. A
key distinction is that some derivatives, such as forward contracts, are
publicly traded, while others are available to only a limited set of investors, at
a given point in time. In this section we address the relationship between
traded and non traded contracts. Particular emphasis is put on the information
value of price signals from traded contracts, and to which extent they can be
used to imply the value of non-traded contracts. A distinction has to be made
between the value of a contract to an individual firm, and the market valuation
of the contract. The value of a contract to a firm is contingent on the firm's
risk preference. The market value of a traded contract on the other hand is
uniquely defined by its current price.

Figure 2-4: Space of Possible Commitment Options

First we examine the relationship between the various traded contracts,

and the underlying asset's price. Consider first the relationship between the
spot and forward prices.

2.2.1 Spot Forward Relationships in a Risk Neutral World

By studying the historical behavior of the spot market, one might arrive at
a reasonable model of the stochastic properties of future spot prices. Assume
that, at time t, a firm uses all available historical information about the spot
market to estimate the distribution of the spot price at some future time T.
Next the firm observes a forward price F(t,T). We assume that participants in
the forward market are rational. That is, they will purchase or sell a forward
contract only if it increases their total utility. For the sake of discussion, we
assume that all participants have risk preferences which can be characterized
by the mean variance formulation, so that each individual firm j, has a utility
Ui defined by the properties of the total cash flow ~.
Furthermore, assume that all cash flows are the result of trades on the
forward market, and all cash flows occur at time T. If the utility function of
all participants were independent of risk, that is, the r parameter were zero for
all firms, then the utility from owning a long position in the forward contract
is given by

Similarly, the utility of owning a short position in the forward contract is

given by

Furthermore, since the expectation operator is linear, the marginal change

in utility from purchasing or selling a forward contract is independent on the
other contracts held by the firm, even if they are dependent on the spot price
ST. Assuming a rational market in which market participants will not engage
in trades with a negative utility, the only possible forward price at which
trades could occur, is given by

F(t, T) = E t {ST }.

2.2.2 Information Content in Forward Markets

The above statement regarding the price of a forward contract in a risk

neutral environment, makes a subtle but powerful assumption about the role
of information in markets. The expression Ed ST} states that we are taking the
expectation of the spot price at time T, given a set of information available at
time t. This assumes that the same set of information is available to all market
participants, or equivalently, that all information in the market is pUblic. We
can relax this assumption by indexing the expectation operator to each firm j,
Eti {ST}' allowing for private information to be held by a subset of market
participants. The question then arises to which extent the resulting forward
price reflects the presence of private information. A firm which holds
confidential information that the spot price will be higher than anticipated
may trade in sufficient quantities to raise the forward price. But will the
forward price reflect the entire price increase anticipated by the private
information, or will it be a weighted average of the public and private
valuation? These types of questions regarding the informational content of
forward markets are still unresolved in the finance community. We bring
them up here since the role of information flow will be crucial in developing
and calibrating models for the spot and forward prices in later chapters.

2.2.3 Spot Forward Relationship when Firms are Risk


We now reconsider the pricing of a forward contract assuming that firms

are risk averse, so that the r parameter in the mean-variance formulation is
greater than zero. This initially leads to a contradiction. Consider two firms
with risk averse parameters rl and r2 respectively. If both firms are rational,
the following set of constraints must hold in order for the two firms to enter
into a forward contract, with firm 1 taking the long position:

ul =Et{ST}-F(t,T)-rl var{ST} ~O
U 2 =F(t,T)-Et{ST}-rl var{ST}~O
fl ,f2 ~ O.

There is no set of risk premium ri which will satisfy this criteria. Does this
mean that forward markets cannot exist if all market participants are risk
averse? What we have neglected is that when the variance of the return is
incorporated into the utility measure, the incremental change in the utility is
no longer independent of the firm's other trades. Specifically, if a firm has an
existing obligation with payoffs which are negatively correlated to the spot
price at time T, then entering into the long position in a forward contract will
tend to reduce the overall variance of the firm's returns. The forward contract
then takes on the function of a hedge, offsetting the risk from an underlying
position. In commodity markets, a major function of forward markets is to
hedge the positions of producers and consumers of the commodity. Producers
have physical assets which make them naturally long in the commodity (with
payoffs positively correlated to the spot price), while consumers are naturally
short (with payoffs negatively correlated to the spot price). When a producer
sells a forward contract to a consumer, both parties decrease the overall
variance of their future cash flows, and it is therefore possible to find a set of
forward prices for which both sides increase their expected utility.

The above example illustrates an important aspect of derivative pricing.

When risk premiums are nonzero, the firm must consider its entire portfolio of
existing obligations when valuing a new contract. Furthermore, it should
consider any combination of available derivative contracts. This not only
makes it challenging for the firm to model its decision problems, but it also
makes it extremely difficult to speculate on the relative prices of spot and
forward markets. To determine the price of forward contracts from a bottom
up perspective, one would need knowledge of each firm's risk preference, as
well as all other contracts held by the firm at any given time. Modeling
derivative price from this perspective is clearly a gigantic task, even if the
necessary information were to be available. There are other approaches to
characterizing the relationship between various traded contracts. One
approach centers on building portfolios out of available contracts so that the
uncertainties cancel each other out, leaving the holder with a guaranteed
return. The existence of such portfolios limits the combination of prices
which rational firms would tolerate in the market place. In the next section
we review the theory behind this approach, which is known as arbitrage
pricing theory.

2.2.4 Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Arbitrage pricing theory (APT) [2] is based on the assumption that a

market cannot sustain price levels which allow market participants to
construct portfolios which the possibility of a positive return with no risk of
loss and no initial investment. Such trades are known as pure arbitrage
opportunities. This assumption imposes constraints on the manner in which
prices evolve in the market. We adopt the following definition of arbitrage.
Consider a market with n tradable assets, each with price XiCt). A portfolio II
is built by purchasing and selling these contracts. The value of the portfolio is
given by

TI(t) = Wi (t)X i (t)

where Wi represents the quantity of asset i in the portfolio. wiCt)'s can be

negative if the market allows short-selling. Since future asset values are
uncertain, the value of the portfolio at t>to is a random variable.
We define an arbitrage opportunity as follows. Arbitrage exists if at time to we
can construct a portfolio I1 with the following properties:

TI(to) =0
and for some t > to
Prob(l1(tj < 0)= 0
Prob(l1(tj > 0» 0

This means that we can construct a portfolio with zero cost, which has zero
probability of decreasing in value and a strictly positive probability of
increasing in value. Since the portfolio has zero initial cost, any market
participant can purchase an unlimited amount of the portfolio, and enjoy a risk
free guaranteed profit. The theory is that as arbiters start to take advantage of
this opportunity, they will create an upward price pressure on assets with
positive weights in the arbitrage portfolio, and downward price pressure on
assets with negative weights. Prices will then reach a new equilibrium where
the arbitrage opportunity no longer exists.
2.2.5 Application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory in Valuing
Forward Contracts

The creation of arbitrage portfolios is inherently linked to the temporal

properties of the underlying asset. Of particular importance is the ability of
the investor to store the asset.
We apply arbitrage pricing theory to three types of assets -- equity,
storable commodities and electricity -- to illustrate how the characteristics of
the underlying asset changes the constraints imposed on the relative prices of
spot and forward contracts. The price of a forward contract on a stock

Assume the current price of the stock, which pays no dividends, is St and
the risk free interest rate is r, continuously compounded. The price of a
forward contract on the stock (F(t,T» with delivery date T must then be ef(T-
t)St. To see why this is true consider the following cases:
1. If F(t,T» ef(T-t)Sr. the investor should sell one forward contract, borrow St
dollars at the risk free rate (assuming this is possible), and buy one unit of
stock. The net cash flow at time t is zero. At time T, the investor delivers
the stock against the forward contract, receives F(t,T) dollars as payment
for the forward, and er(T-t)St dollars to payoff his debt. The net cash flow
at time T is F(t,T)-ef(T-t)St>O. This is a pure arbitrage opportunity, which
cannot be sustained in an efficient market, and therefore sets the upper
limit for the forward price.
2. If F(t,T)< ef(T-t)Sr. the investor should buy a forward contract, short-sell one
stock, and lend St at the risk free rate. The net cash flow at time t is zero.
At time T, the investor pays F(t,T) and receives delivery of the stock from
the forward contract. He uses this stock to repay his short-selling
obligation. He also recovers ef(T-tJS t from the money loan. The net cash
flow is er(T-t)Sr-F(t,T»O . This is again a pure arbitrage opportunity,
setting the lower limit for the forward price.
In this case the upper and lower limits for the forward price are identical
and, therefore, in an efficient market where participants can borrow and lend
at the risk free rate, the forward price must be given by: F(t,T)=er(T-t)St. This
illustrates two important points. First, under no-arbitrage conditions, the
forward price of a stock is a deterministic function of the spot price and the
time to maturity (T-t). Second, there is a smooth convergence of the spot and
forward prices at maturity. The price of a forward contract on a storable commodity

Assume the current unit price of the commodity is Sb the present value of
the total cost of storage incurred during the length of the futures contract is U,
and the risk free interest rate is r. The lower bound on the futures price for
delivery at time T is F(t,T»(St+U)er(T-t). If this does not hold, an investor can
receive a risk-free profit by borrowing St+U at the risk free rate, purchase the
commodity and payoff the storage cost, and short a forward contract in the
commodity. The cash-flow at time t is zero, and the cash-flow at time T is
F(t,T)-(St+U)er(T-t»O. This is known as cash and carry arbitrage.
Payoff at each time step from cash and carry arbitrage:

t T
Buy commodity to be -St 0
delivered against forward
Sell forward contract 0 F(t,T)
Pay storage cost -U 0
Borrow now, repay at maturity St+U _(St+U)er(T-t)
Total Cash Flow 0 F(t,T) _(St+U)er(T.t»O

Table 2-1: Cash and Carry Arbitrage

Cash and carry arbitrage establishes an upper bound for the forward price
of the commodity. The bound converges to the spot price as we reach
maturity (T=t), and hence if the forward price is lower than the spot price then
the two prices must converge at maturity.

2.2.6 Model Based Pricing and Dynamic Replication

Much of the work in finance in the last thirty years is a direct outgrowth of
a set of seminal papers published by Fisher Black, Myron Scholes and Robert
Merton in the early seventies (see [2],[4]). In their work, Black and Scholes
proposed that stock prices (S) could be modeled as a simple stochastic process
known as geometric Brownian motion:

dS = IlSdt + crSdz

where dz is a non-differentiable, continuous time Wiener process. Next

they considered a derivative f, contingent on S. By applying Ito's lemma, it
can be shown that the price of the derivative contract must follow the
following stochastic process:

Next they recognized that since the same random input (dz) was driving
both stochastic processes, an investor could hold a combination of the stock
and derivative so that the random components cancel each other out perfectly.
Specifically, the risk neutral portfolio is formed by purchasing one derivative
contract, and short selling aflaS contracts of the stock. The process
describing the change in value (or return) of the portfolio (n) is then given by

This equation does not contain any random terms. If the portfolio return is
deterministic, Black and Scholes argued, the return must be equal to that of a
risk free loan, i.e. the risk free interest rate. Equating the return of the
portfolio to that from lending money at the risk free rate,
dII = rTIdt

led to the Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation

The price of the derivative can be found by solving this differential

equation for a set of given boundary conditions, specific to that derivative. A
European call option with strike price X and maturity date T, for example,
will have the boundary condition given by

iT = max(Sr - X) .

Another use of the above relationships is to find a portfolio of stocks and

bonds (assumed to be a risk free loan) which perfectly replicates the payoff of
the derivative. This is known as a replicating portfolio. The replicating
portfolio for a derivative f is given by holding (mas stock contracts, and f-
(S*af/aS) dollars worth of risk free bonds. The ratio of the stocks to
derivatives contracts is known as the delta of the derivative:

L1 = ai
f as

Another interpretation of the same line of reasoning is that if an investor

can always eliminate the financial risk associated with holding a risky
derivative by creating a replicating portfolio, then speculators will be unable
to charge a premium for taking on this risk. As a result the market will be risk
neutral. That is, the value of each derivative will be equal to the expected
value of the discounted cash flow. This leads to a complementary approach to
valuing derivatives known as risk neutral pricing.
Risk neutral pricing can be interpreted as the price which would prevail if
market participants were ambivalent towards risk, or if the risk were spread
out over so many participants that its effect on each individual firm became
negligible. This is a much stronger assumption than that of no arbitrage.
Investors are generally risk averse, and there are only a limited number of
market participants holding any given asset. There are, however, assumptions
under which the two pricing schemes converge, as in the case presented
above. In general, if a perfect replicating portfolio can be formed, then risk
neutral and arbitrage pricing will produce the same result.

2.2.7 Limits to Arbitrage Pricing Arguments

While APT provides a convincing argument for why physical and financial
forward prices must be equal at all times, actual observations in the market
place show that the two markets can diverge at times. The reasons for this
inconsistency can be found in the assumptions underlying the arbitrage
argument. The following points illustrate how market realities deviate from
the theory:

1. Moving Equilibrium: Arbitrage pricing theory is based on an

equilibrium argument. It states that in a market with active arbitruers, a set of
prices which allow for risk-free profit with zero investment is not sustainable.
As traders execute the arbitrage, they gradually alter the relative prices until
the system settles into an arbitrage free state. Markets in general, and
electricity markets in particular, are continuously evolving dynamic systems.
The effect is similar to that of a feedback control system driving the states of a
system towards a continuously changing control input. Unless the input signal
evolves at a significantly slower rate, the states will never settle to their
equilibrium value.
In the case of electricity markets, the validity of the equilibrium argument
will depend on two factors:
1. The rate at which new information about the future expected value of
the spot price enters the market. Changes in the traders' perception of the
future is the driving input in the futures market. Information which would
cause traders to change their perception would include updates on future
weather/load conditions, or news of a generator or transmission line outage.
2. The volume and rate at which contracts are trading in the market. This
represents the magnitude and speed of the feedback response, or the rate at
which the market can react to the new information. This is also known as a
market's liquidity.
We address this issue in more detail as we introduce our dynamic model
for the evolution of the spot price.
2. Uniqueness of Prices: Unlike the spot market, the forward markets do
not have a unique clearing price. The price quoted by the exchange is a
weighted average of all trades in the last day. However there is no guarantee
that the trader can find a counter-party willing to trade at exactly this average
price at the time the arbitrage is executed. There generally is a gap between
the highest price the market is willing to buy, and the lowest price the market
is willing to sell at. This is known as the bid-ask spread. The magnitude of the
bid-ask spread is dependant on the liquidity of the market.
3. Transaction Costs: Exchanges are generally for profit enterprises.
They make a profit by charging a small fee for every contract which is
executed on the exchange. The loss incurred by the trader due to such fees is
known as a transaction cost. In electricity markets, exchanges generally
charge a fixed fee per MWh of power covered in the contract. In order to
execute an arbitrage, the guaranteed profit must be greater than the total
transaction cost incurred. The magnitude of the transaction cost is relatively
minor. Nordpool for example charges approximately one cent per MW traded
in a futures contract.

2.2.8 Spot Forward Dynamics for Storable Commodities

The effects of cash and carry arbitrage can also be interpreted as a dynamic
relationship between spot and forward prices. Assume that at time t we
observe a forward price F(t,T), which violates the upper bound imposed by
APT. We would expect the following behavior in the market.

1. In the spot market, demand will increase, as arbitreurs rush to buy

the commodity in order to store it. This puts upward pressure on the
spot market price.
2. On the forward market, the same arbitreurs sell forward contracts in
order to execute the arbitrage, creating downward pressure on the
forward price.

Now consider the reverse condition, when forward prices drop below spot
market levels. In this case, no pure arbitrage strategy is present, since it may
not be possible to short sell a physical commodity on the spot market.
However, consider the position of a market participant who is currently
holding an inventory of the commodity. For this person, the optimal strategy
will be to sell the inventory today, and purchase cheap forward contracts
which can be used to restore the inventory at a later date. If there is significant
inventory in the market, this will put downward pressure on the spot price,
and upward pressure on the forward price.

One can question whether the bounds set by APT are valid under realistic
market conditions. This is especially true for commodities with thin forward
markets and high transaction cost. However, whether or not the bounds are
quantitatively accurate, the qualitative interaction between spot and forward
prices can certainly be observed.

1. An increase/decrease m the forward price will put

upward/downward pressure on the spot price.
2. A spike/drop in the spot price will put upward/downward
pressure on the forward price.

Consider the following scenario. Tomorrow OPEC announces that it will

reduce its annual production of oil by 50%. Based on this news, the forward
price of oil increases sharply. Next, arbitreurs recognize the disparity between
spot and forward prices, igniting a buying spree on the spot market. This
causes an immediate spike in the spot price of oil. The above scenario
illustrates an interesting characteristic of storable commodities markets. The
relationship between the state of physical production and consumption on one
hand, and the spot market price on the other, is non-causal. In other words, a
future drop in production leads to a spike in today's spot price. Note,
however, that the relationship between the spot price and the information flow
is still causal. That is, the spot market will only react when the drop in future
production becomes known to market participants.

The need to model the dynamic relationship between the spot and forward
prices in storable commodities has led to the notion of convenience yield (y)
(see [2], [5], and [6]), which is defined as:

F(t,T) = (St +U)e(r-yXT-t)

The convenience yield represents the premium the market is willing to pay
in order to physically hold the commodity today, rather than a promise for
delivery at time T. We can model y as a deterministic parameter, or a
stochastic state of the system depending on the market.

2.2.9 What is Term Structure Modeling?

One way to think of term structure is the dynamics of changes of the

forward curve over time. It is important to realize that while we can model
the spot price as a one dimensional stochastic process, the forward curve
encompasses a number (N) of values, representing the current forward prices
at each delivery time. To model the dynamics of the forward curve, one must
therefore describe the joint evolution of these N values over time. This
problem inherently has a much higher dimensionality than spot modeling. To
handle the dimensionality problem, one can turn to basis functions. An
intelligent choice of basis functions can reduce the dimensionality of the
problem with a minimal loss in information. It can also make the model more
intuitive. One common approach is to define basis functions so that one has a
strong emphasis on the front end of the forward curve (contracts with a short
time to maturity) , and the other has a strong emphasis on the back end (long
time to maturity). Each basis function is associated with a random input, with
an associated volatility. When traders refer to long and short vol., they are
talking about the volatility of the input associated with the long and short
basis function respectively.

2.2.10 Physical Interpretation of Term Structure

Spot prices in most commodity market tend to exhibit mean reversion.

This refers to the tendencies of prices to revert back to long term equilibrium
levels after temporary spikes. This behavior is inherently linked to the
dynamics of the forward curve in these markets. Consider for a moment a
highly competitive market with no risk premium, so that forward prices
represent the market expectation of future spot prices:

F(t,T) = E t {Sr} .

Mean reversion dictates that if there is a spike in today's spot price, the
effect of that spike on the expectation of future spot prices will decrease with
time (T). Equivalently, the effect of a spike in the spot price on the forward
price F(t,T) is a decreasing function of the time to maturity (T-t).
Term structure is easiest to understand in the context of a specific model.
One of the simplest, and most popular, is the one-factor, lognormal, mean
reverting model

where S is the spot price, and Z is a Wiener process.

Applying the risk neutral assumption we arrive at the following model for
the dynamics of the forward price:

dF =ae-a(T-t)dZ.

We characterized the dynamics of the entire forward curve (theoretically

infinitely far into the future, although one factor models should not be used
beyond a limited horizon).
Note that although we arrived at the result from a different path, it is
essentially equivalent to assigning a single basis function to the N
dimensional space of forward prices.
A reduced order term structure model is a powerful tool for traders. It
allows them to trade off risk across contracts with different maturities. If one
believes that forward prices behave according to (2), then one can use a single
type of forward contract to hedge perfectly all price risk over any future time
horizon. The problem of course is that the model in (1) and (2) is a gross
oversimplification of reality. The most obvious flaw is that the expectation of
a future spot price does not change until one comes close in time.
Equivalently, the back end of the forward curve never moves! This is a direct
result of the assumption that all price movements are temporary. In reality this
is not true. Changes in the available technology on the demand or supply side,
evolving regulatory structure, or changes in the overall economic outlook, can
all have long term effects on the commodity price, and will therefore impact
the back end of the forward curve. Furthermore such events may have a high
impact on the expectation of future price levels but have little or no effect on
today's spot price.
In terms of the model, long term price uncertainty can be incorporated by
adding a second stochastic factor relating to uncertainty in the mean. Such a
model may take on the form

df.1 = Kdt+aLdZL.

This leads to a term structure model with two basis functions:

Chapter 3

Overview of the Competitive Electricity Industry


After the deregulation of the utilities industry, a number of new market

participants have appeared in place of the old vertically integrated utilities. In
this section five categories of market participants are introduced, covering the
most crucial functions related to wholesale electricity markets: generation
companies, load serving entities, power marketers, exchanges and market
makers, and independent system operators. These categories are not mutually
exclusive. Large generation companies often serve as load serving entities,
and may also fill power marketing functions. Independent system operators
and power exchanges, on the other hand, tend not to have other interests or
investments in the market, since this would lead to conflicts of interest.

3.1.1 Generation Companies (GenCos)

In the deregulated marketplace, generation company refers to any firm

which owns physical generation assets. These firms vary from large
deregulated subsidiaries of the old utilities to single plant independent power
producers (IPPs). In this book we will treat generation companies, as well as
load serving entities and power marketers, as for profit entities, whose
objective is to maximize profit.

3.1.2 Load Serving Entities (LSEs)

As of today there are no functioning retail markets for electricity. End

users are supplied either through bilateral agreements, or out of the wholesale
market. Since buying electricity wholesale involves significant transaction

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
costs, customers are generally served by intermediaries known as load serving
entities, or energy service providers. LSEs serve as aggregators, taking on a
large number of residential, commercial and/or industrial customers. The
functions of the load serving entities include estimating the aggregate demand
of their customers and entering bids to the wholesale market in order to secure
delivery of the estimated load.

3.1.3 Power Marketers

With deregulation came a significant increase in the financial risk of both

generation companies and load serving entities. Many firms were not
equipped to handle the risk management aspect of their electricity supply or
delivery operation. This led to the emergence of a new class of market
participants known as power marketers. There are two fundamental
components to this type of firm's operation, a marketing and a trading section.
The marketing section will approach GenCos, LSEs, or even large end users
directly, offering to take on part of their electricity risk exposure at a
premium. If an agreement can be worked out, the marketers will pass on the
acquired risk to the trading section, which is responsible for hedging the
power marketer's risk exposure. The reason a power marketer can get away
with charging a premium for this service is twofold. It generally has an
efficient trading operation, allowing it to minimize transaction costs and,
more importantly, it has a good understanding of the source and correlation of
the risk in the various contracts it takes on, allowing it to hedge out effectively
most of the uncertainty through futures and options trading.

3.1.4 Exchanges and Market Makers

In the regulated industry, utilities generally supplied electricity to a clearly

defined geographic area, using a set of native generators to fulfill the demand
requirement. As a result there was little incentive to enter into contracts with
neighboring utilities unless there was a critical power shortage. Deregulation
has dramatically increased the number of transactions between different
market participants. Generation compames will supply their energy to the
highest bidder, independent of the location, and load serving entities are
willing to import power if it will reduce the cost of serving their customers.
To accommodate this increase in market activity, a number of exchanges have
emerged for the electricity industry. Exchanges match buyers and sellers of
electricity, and charge a small transaction fee for their services. The
exchanges differ in their time frame of delivery (short term spot markets vs.
longer term forward markets), and in trading in physical or financial
commitments. A description of the types of markets available for market
participants is provided in the next section.

3.1.5 Independent System Operators

The market entities described so far are generally for profit companies,
looking to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the competitive
marketplace. Electricity markets however, are delicate physical networks,
which can easily break down if pushed beyond their operating limits. To
ensure the physical safety of the grid, regulators have encouraged the
formation of independent system operators (ISOs). An ISO is a non profit
entity, which acts as a supervisor of the physical transactions registered
between power suppliers and customers. The two main functions of the
system operator are to balance power, and manage congestion on the grid.
The power balancing problem is an inherent result of the non-storability of
electricity, forcing the system operator to maintain a constant stand-by reserve
of spinning power capacity, so that a sudden loss of generation on the system
does not lead to a drastic drop in frequency. The congestion management
problem results from a nonlinear relationship between power injections and
flows, forcing the system operator to implement complex pricing systems to
prevent the overloading of transmission lines (see chapter on multi market

There are three fundamental markets available for trading electricity: the
spot market (day ahead), the physical forward or bilateral market, and the
financial futures market. In addition, there are a number of standard as well as
over the counter options contracts traded, either through exchanges or on a
purely bilateral basis. Before attempting to develop models that describe the
pricing of these various contracts, we need to understand the manner in which
electricity is traded.

3.2.1 The Spot Market

Spot power is traded under a number of different market structures in the

United States, ranging from power pools to power exchanges to independent
system operators. The common ground among these markets is that they all
involve a centralized auction mechanism to allocate which generating units
should be used to meet the demand. In this section we describe the rules
governing a typical power exchange. While rules may vary somewhat based
on geographical location, this should serve as a good example to understand
the decision process facing producers in the deregulated marketplace.

A producer wishing to sell power submits a bid curve to the exchange. The
bid curve describes the willingness of the producer to deliver power as a
function of market price. For example a producer may be willing to supply a
total of 50MW if the price is $20IMW, and may offer to supply a total of
lOOMW if the price increases to $30IMW. Bid curves are generally supplied
on a day-ahead basis, and a different bid curve may be specified for each of
the 24 operating hours.

The exchange gathers all the bids from power producers, and similar bids
from consumers. The bids are used to compile aggregate supply and demand
curves for each hour. The intersection of the demand and supply curves
determines the market clearing price (Mep). All supply bids with a price less
than the MCP are accepted, and are paid the clearing price. Similarly all
demand bids with a price higher than the MCP are accepted, and are charged
the clearing price. This ensures that demand and supply commitments match
perfectly, and also that the exchange remains revenue neutral.


________ 1
L _________ J
Hour 1 Hour 2 I
Hour 3 I


Figure 3-1: Spot Market Dynamics

3.2.2 The Physical Forward Market

Physical forwards can be traded on an exchange or in a bilateral manner

through over the counter (OTC) transactions. Exchange traded forwards use
standardized contracts, with power being traded in monthly on- and off-peak
blocks. The contract specifies a single MW quantity (q) and a single $IMWh
price (F). The short position (seller of the forward contract) is obligated to
deliver power physically at a constant rate q to a location specified in the
contract (the HUB). The contract does not specify the location at which the
power is produced or consumed, but states that the short party is responsible
for delivering the power from the generator location to the HUB, and that the
long position is responsible for delivering the power from the HUB to the
load location. For both sides this may involve purchasing additional
transmission contracts, or purchasing/selling power through the spot market.
Such provisions are not addressed in the contract, and the relative prices of
the spot and transmission markets will not affect the price of the forward

The price of exchange traded physical forwards is quoted daily by the

exchange. The information provided includes the high and low prices as well
as the volume traded and the volume of open interest. The exchange quotes
prices for every delivery month up to 15 months into the future. This vector of
prices G(t), which constantly evolves as new trades become public,
constitutes the forward curve for electricity.

g janOO (t)
G(t) = g febOO (t)

gmarOl (t)

Physical forward contracts trade continuously while the exchange is open,

until the fourth business day prior to the first delivery day of the contract. At
this point trading terminates, and any party left with a short position is
required to deliver power according to the provisions in the contract. A trader
can avoid this by 'booking out' his position, purchasing a long position which
exactly offsets his short position for the same delivery month.

3.2.3 The Financial Futures Market

Financial futures contracts for electricity are traded on exchanges such as

the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Chicago Board of
Trade (CBOT). Financial contracts are similar to exchange traded physical
contracts in structure. The main difference is that the parties entering into the
contract have no intention of physically producing or consuming the power,
but rather use it as a financial hedge against other positions in the market. The
financial futures contracts are therefore settled by the exchange of cash rather
than power. In general the payoff function for a party holding the long
position in a forward contract is given by,

payoff (long ) = ST - F(t,T) ,

where ST is the spot price at maturity T, and F(t,T) is the price of the futures
contract at the time t it was entered into. The problem which occurs with
electricity is that the delivery period for the futures contract is one month,
while the underlying spot process is updated on a day-ahead basis. As a
result, when the futures contract matures on the 4th business day prior to the
1st day of the delivery period, the spot prices for hours in the delivery month
are not yet known. Hence the contract cannot be settled financially at this
time. To circumvent this problem, exchanges have taken on two different
approaches: ex-post settling and ex-ante settling.

Ex-post settling: In this approach, the futures contract is settled gradually

during the delivery month. If two parties have entered into a futures contract
for q MWs of on-peak power at a price F, then for every day for the duration
of the delivery period, the following process determines the cash flow:
I. The on-peak price of power for the day is calculated by averaging the
hourly price of the 16 on-peak hours from the day-ahead spot market.
We denote this price as Speak
2. The long position (buyer of the contract) will pay the difference
between the Speak and F times the quantity of the contract, times the
number of on-peak hours (16). If this quantity is negative then the
cash flow will be from the short position to the long position.

The total cash flow for the long position over the duration of the delivery
month is given by

CFex-post = Il6q(Sr ak -F)


where n is the total number of days in the delivery period.

Ex-ante settling: In this case, the futures contract is settled financially at

its expiration date, i.e. on the 4th day prior to the beginning of the delivery
period. Since the day-ahead spot price is not yet known for the delivery
month, the price of a physical forward contract for the same delivery period
and location is used in place of the day-ahead spot. This effectively is a
change in the underlying commodity from which the futures contract's value
is derived. The contract goes from being a derivative on the spot price to a
derivative on the physical forward price. The payoff function for the long
position at maturity T is given by

CFex - anre =Lq(G(T,T) - F)

where q is the quantity of the contract in MWs, G(T,T) is the price of a

physical forward on the last day of trading, and F is the price at which the
futures contract was purchased.

Both the day-ahead spot and physical forward are based on the same
commodity: electricity delivered at a specific grid location. However there is
no simple mapping between the ex-post average spot price and the ex-ante
physical forward price. This is a very crucial point to understand in electricity
markets. While the settling procedure differs from market to market, the
dominant trend seems to be in the direction of ex-post settling, as seen in
California and Nordpool. Unless otherwise specified we will from now on
assume that financial forwards settle ex-post.
3.2.4 The Derivatives Markets

A number of options and other derivative contracts are traded in the

electricity marketplace. They can generally be grouped into three categories:
temporal, locational, and inter-commodity derivatives. Temporal derivatives
are the most common, and are used to hedge against future movements in the
spot price of power at a given location. They include simple call and put
options, as well as more sophisticated swing options and look-back
(reference) options. Locational derivatives are generally used to hedge against
the risk of volatile price spreads between the power production and delivery
locations. These types of derivatives are closely linked to the trade of physical
and financial transmission rights and will be addressed in detail in Chapter 9.
Inter-commodity derivatives are contracts based on the price differential
between electricity and another commodity. The spark spread for example is
the spread between gas and electricity prices at a given conversion factor. The
emergence of such contracts are a direct result of the significant dependence
of electricity demand and supply on other commodities. The marginal cost of
a gas fired generator, for example, is directly proportional to the gas price.
Similarly, the strong correlation between electricity demand and temperature
has resulted in a significant interest of power marketers in the emerging
weather derivatives markets. We will return to the interaction between
electricity and other commodity and derivatives markets in the modeling
section of the paper.

3.2.5 Generation Assets and Non-Standard Contracts

In addition to options contracts, market participants need to be able to

hedge returns from a number of assets and bilateral contracts. These problems
can be considered as extensions of the derivative pricing problem. For
example we can view a generator as a physical option to convert gas to
electricity at a given efficiency rate. The financial equivalent of owning a
generator would then be to hold a spread option between gas and electricity.
In reality there are physical constraints on the generator which makes the
payoff more complex, but the point is that we assign a value to a physical
asset by modeling it as a single, or portfolio of, options contracts. We address
this problem further in the section on dynamic replication.
Chapter 4

Arbitrage Pricing and the Temporal Relationship of

Electricity Prices
The key issue in relating electricity spot and forward prices is storability.
The lack of economic storage opportunities for electricity makes it impossible
to form a cash and carry type arbitrage portfolio. As a result we cannot
impose any arbitrage free bounds on the relative levels of spot and forward
prices. It does not end there however. There is no limit on how far the prices
of two forward contracts with different delivery months can diverge, since no
arbitrage portfolio can be created to exploit the price differential. The story
gets worse when we address the spot market. For a given year there are 8760
delivery hours, each with a unique price. There is no constraint on the relative
price of spot power from one hour to the next. Relying purely on arbitrage
theory, the number of random variables needed to define the spot and forward
markets for one year would therefore be 8772. To use the forward market
with a hedge we would need to estimate the entries into the 8772 by 8772
covariance matrix. Electricity markets suffer from a severe case of the curse
of dimensionality. To circumvent this problem we must rely on effective
modeling solutions. In the next chapter a detailed model for the spot market
will be presented, describing the temporal correlation of prices as a function
of fundamental drives. Before going through this process, however, we
examine the relationship governing the spot and forward markets in the
context of non-storability.

As stated earlier, temporal arbitrage is not possible in electricity markets

due to the lack of storage. As a result, the dynamic relationship between the
spot and forward prices described above does not hold for electricity. A good
example is the case of scheduled unit outages. If it were announced today that
a major nuclear plant in New England would be out of commission for the
month of July, this would cause an immediate increase in today's price of a
forward contract with delivery in July. However it would have no effect on

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
the current spot price. We can therefore state that electricity spot prices are
causal in the state of production and the consumption of electricity. This will
have a tremendous impact on how we model electricity spot and forward

Without the ability to execute an arbitrage between the spot and forward
markets, APT is useless in predicting the relationship between the two
markets. Instead we have to address the forces underlying the supply and
demand in forward markets. One approach is to assume that the market as a
whole is liquid enough that every participant holds a small fraction of the total
risk. As a result the market effectively behaves in a risk neutral manner, even
if the individual participants are risk averse, allowing us to pose the

F(t, T) = E {ST}.

Risk neutral formulation is the basis for most risk management and option
pricing theories in commodities markets. The problem with this assumption is
that electricity markets are relatively illiquid, with a small number of
participants. In light of this we here propose a more general model allowing
for the existence of a risk premium in the market. We model the forward price
as a function of the spot price, the variance of the spot price, and a random
disturbance (ZF):

The exact structure of the forward risk premium is likely to vary from
market to market.

A common criticism of the arguments presented above is that electricity

really is a storable commodity. After all, the oil, gas and water, which enter
into the production of electricity, can all be stored. Therefore a strategy
similar to cash and carry arbitrage can be carried out by storing the fuel in
times of low electricity prices, and using it to generate electricity when prices
are higher. To address these arguments we separate the case of hydro-electric
power from the others for reasons that will soon become apparent.

4.1.1 Storage Strategies in Oil and Gas Plants

Consider the owner of a gas fired generator, who purchases the fuel for the
plant on the gas spot market, and sells the output on the electricity spot
market. We assume that the generator is unable to exercise market power: that
is, he takes fuel and electricity prices to be exogenous variables. In our setup,
there are two time periods, a current time t and a future time T. For these
periods we define the following variables:

seT The spot price of electricity $/MW.

sg The spot price of gas ($/Btu).

MC=aS Tg The marginal cost of production for the plant

q The capacity of the plant (MW).
Fe (t,T) The forward price of electricity at time t for
delivery at time T.
Fg (t,T) The forward price of gas at time t for deli very at
time T.
U The cost of storing gas from t until T ($/Btu).

Table 4-1

The storage argument will be some variation of the following. Consider

the following set of initial prices:

aS tg > set
Fe (t,T) > aFg (t,T)
Fg(t,T»S/ +U

The first condition states that it is uneconomical to run the plant in the first
period based on the gas price. The second condition states that' based on the
forward price of gas and electricity, it will be economical to run the plant in
the second period. Now consider the case of a generator with no gas storage
ability. Its cash flows for the two periods are given in the table below.

t T
Plant idle in period 0 0
Buy a*q gas 0 -aqFg (t,T)
forwards, for physical
Sell q electricity 0 qF e(t,T)
forwards, for physical
Produce electricity 0 0
for delivery against
Total cash flow 0 q(Fe (t,T) - aFg (t - T»)

Table 4-2: Cash flow with no storage option

Next consider the cash flow from the same generator with the option to
store gas.

t T
Plant idle in period 0 0
Buy a*q Btu of gas -aqStg 0
on the spot at t.
Store gas -aqU 0
Sell q electricity 0 qF e(t,T)
forwards, for physical
Produce electricity 0 0
for delivery against
Total cash flow -aq(Stg +U) qpe (t,T)

Table 4-3: Cash flow with storage option

Assuming a zero discount rate, we have arrived at the following total cash

No Storage With Storage

Table 4-4: Cash flow comparison

Under the third condition of our price levels, the revenue with storage will
be higher.
It seems that the owner of the plant has been able to carry out a temporal
arbitrage in the electricity market using gas storage. However, if we take a
closer look, the strategy is really nothing more than cash and carry arbitrage
on the gas market. The condition which must hold in order for the strategy
above to be successful,

is exactly the same constraint which we previously stated could not exist in an
arbitrage free gas market. Furthermore, the increase in profit with the storage
strategy is exactly the same as the profit from a separate gas arbitrage deal of
the same magnitude, and the optimal production strategy for the electricity
generator will be the same regardless of whether there is fuel storage
capability or not. Assuming that the fuel and electricity spot markets evolve at
the same rate, the owner of the plant will always have the option of
purchasing additional fuel, or reselling unused fuel on the spot market. There
are temporal aspects to operation of these generators, related to minimum and
maximum run times and maximum ramp rates. These lead to the so-called
unit commitment problem in the production decision problem [7]. It is not
possible, however, to exploit or circumvent these constraints through fuel

4.1.2 Storage Strategies in Hydroelectric Dams

Hydroelectric plants are different from gas or oil fired in that their fuel is
not a traded commodity. The water flowing into the reservoir does not have
an explicit cost, but using the water does represent an opportunity cost to the
operator since there is only a limited supply. The operation of a hydroelectric
plant is therefore naturally a temporal resource allocation problem under
uncertainty. Solving this problem requires advanced dynamic programming

Some hydro plants are equipped with the ability to act as loads and pump
water back up into the reservoir. This setup is known as a pump storage
device. It gives the operator the ability to purchase power when the price is
low, and produce when the price is high. This process is considered by many
to be the equivalent of storing electricity. The inefficiency, or loss of power,
in the pump cycle is the equivalent of storage cost. While it is true that the
opportunity to capture the difference between high and low price swings adds
a temporal component to the electricity production, it is important to
differentiate between pump storage and the pure storage of electricity. To
illustrate this difference, consider the following example. Note that we use a
number of unrealistic simplifications. The purpose is to illustrate the
qualitative difference between pump storage and pure storage, rather than
provide quantitative results.

We start out with a hydroelectric plant with a maximum output rating of

lOMW. The water level in the reservoir is sufficient to produce lOMWh of
energy (we will call this quantity lOp.u.). The time scope we are interested in
is the next three hours. There will be no new inflow of water during these
three hours, and we are not concerned with the amount of water left in the
reservoir after this period. Furthermore we take the electricity spot price over
these three hours to be known deterministic values: $10, $20, and $30
respectively. Each scenario has a different storage option.

In scenario I, the operator has at his disposal a pumping device which can
replace water in the reservoir. The speed of the pump is such that it can
replace enough water in one hour to allow the generator to run at full speed
for one hour. Furthermore we assume the pump is lossless, that is it will
require lOMWh of electricity to run the pump for one hour, exactly equal to
the amount which can be generated by this quantity of water. The electricity
used in running the pump can be purchased from the spot market. The optimal
strategy for operating the plant, and the associated cash flows in each hour,
are illustrated in the table below.

Hour hI h2 h3 Total
Activity run pump run run
generator generator
Cash Flow -$100 $200 $300 $400
Reservoir 20p.u. 10p.u. Op.u.
level at end
of hour.

Table 4-5 Pump Storage Operation

In scenario II we assume the owner has access to a hypothetical pure
storage device, in this case a giant battery which can store up to IOMWh of
energy. The battery can be charged and discharged at a rate of I OMW. The
optimal strategy for running the same hydro plant with this storage option is
given below.

Hour hI h2 h3 Total
Activity charge no run
battery activity generator,
Cash Flow -$100 $0 $600 $500
Reservoir lOp.u. 10p.u. Op.u
level at end of
Battery lOMWh 10MWh OMWh
level at end of

Table 4-6: Operation of Perfect Storage Device

We see that the owner of the plant is able to make more money with a pure
storage device than with pump storage. This is directly due to the capacity
constraint of the generator. No matter how much water is stored in the
reservoir, the turbine can only produce power at a rate of lOMW. The pure
storage device, however, is able to discharge in parallel with the turbine, thus
capturing a larger share of the high price hour. This effect is predominant in
electricity markets. Prices are extremely sensitive to the ratio of
instantaneous demand and the instantaneous total generation capacity.
Therefore, while hydro storage introduces a new inter-temporal component to
the electricity price process, it does not add additional capacity, and therefore
does not offer the pure arbitrage opportunities available in storable

One measure of the usefulness of financial markets is the ability of market

participants to use financial contracts to hedge physical obligations. In the
context of arbitrage, we can use a similar measure. Can a contract for
physical delivery of power be perfectly replicated using financial futures or
derivatives contracts? Generally this type of replication is a simple exercise,
but the special structure of the electricity forward contracts, specifically the
difference in the length of the delivery period between the spot and forward
markets, makes the replication process somewhat complex.

4.2.1 Application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory in the Relative

Pricing of Physical Forward and Financial Futures
Contracts on Electricity

We address the relative prices of physical forward and financial futures

contracts with ex-post settling, in the framework of arbitrage pricing as
defined in the previous section. We allow for the contract to be traded on
different exchanges, but assume that there is reasonable price transparency
and liquidity in the market. The validity of these assumptions is addressed at
the end of the section.
Recall that the notation for the price of a physical forward contract, signed
at time t for delivery at time T, is denoted by G(t,T). The equivalent notation
for a financial futures contract is F(t,T). We now consider possible relative
price levels of the physical and financial markets, and test their consistency
with the absence of arbitrage assumption.
First consider the event where, at a time t, we observe a set of contracts for
delivery month T satisfying the relationship

F(t,T) > G(t,T)

A trader can then implement the following strategy.
At time t:
1. Purchase q MW of physical forward contracts.
2. Sell q MW of financial futures contracts.
At time T:
1. For each hour in the delivery period, submit a sell bid of q MW of
power into the day-ahead spot market at zero price. The power
needed to deliver from the spot market is received from the physical
forward contract.
The cash flow from this strategy in each time period is shown in the table.
Note that all cash flows from forward contracts are realized at the end of the

t T
buy physical 0 NqF(t,T)
sell financial 0
NqF(t,T)- LqSj
sell spot 0

Total 0 Nq(F(t,T) -G(t,T))> 0

Table 4-7: Arbitrage in Electricity Forward Markets

This strategy provides a guaranteed profit with zero investment, and

therefore it is an arbitrage opportunity which cannot be sustained.
Now consider the case

F(t,T) < G(t,T).

The trader adopts the following strategy.

At time t:
I. Purchase q MW of financial futures contracts.
2. Sell q MW of physical forward contracts.
At time T:
1. For every hour in the delivery period, submit a buy bid for q MW to
the day-ahead spot market at the market maximum price (we later
discuss what happens if the spot market fails to clear). The electricity
purchased in the spot market is used to deliver against the obligation
from the physical forward contract.
The cash flows in each time period are given by:

t T
sell physical 0 -NqF(t,T)
buy financial 0
LqS; -NqF(t,T)
sell spot 0

Total 0 Nq (G(t , T) - F(t, T))> 0

Table 4-8: Arbitrage in Electricity Forward Markets

This strategy provides a guaranteed profit with zero investment, and

therefore it is an arbitrage opportunity which cannot be sustained.
The strategies presented above show that in a market free of arbitrage
opportunities, the price of a financial forward cannot deviate from the price of
a physical forward, in either a positive or negative direction. This condition
must hold true not just at maturity, but during the entire lifetime of the
contracts. We thus arrive at the first constraint for electricity derivatives in an
arbitrage free marketplace:

G(t,T) = F(t,T) V t,T

Based on this constraint we will from now on use physical and financial
forward contracts interchangeably.
Chapter 5

Building a Price Model for Electricity Markets

In the previous chapters we have outlined the dynamic constraints which
restrict the evolution of market price, based on arbitrage theory, replication
strategies, market agents' utility functions, and physical constraints on
production and storage. In this chapter we attempt to build a price model for
the electricity industry. Based on the lessons learned from other industries, we
will use the following criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of the model:

1. The model must reflect reality in a dynamic and probabilistic setting.

This includes properly renecting the probability distributions and
covariance matrices of future electricity prices.
2. The model must have a form conducive to solving the stochastic
optimization problems facing the electricity industry, including
valuating generation assets, hedging long term contracts, and
managing locational risk. This involves addressing the unique
properties of how electricity is produced, transmitted and consumed.
Specifically it must address the inter-temporal relationships of prices
for a non-storable commodity, the locational price differences in
complex transmission networks, and the inter-commodity dynamics
of electricity, fuel and emissions rights markets, which influence the
cost of production for generators. Designing the model so that it can
easily be expanded in the temporal, special and inter-commodity
domain is therefore crucial to its performance.
3. The complexity and form of the model must be limited so that it can
be used as an input to standard optimization algorithms such as
dynamic programming. This constraint is often in direct connict with
(1) and (2), which tend to add complexity in order to better reflect
4. The model must be structured so that it can be consistently calibrated
from available data. If a trader or investor can not trust that the

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001

parameters of the model reflect his current knowledge of the market

he will have little confidence in the decision rule generated by any
optimization technique. This requirement is particularly crucial in
new markets such as electricity, where price history is limited, and
where market structure as well as regulatory guidelines are constantly


Several times in this book we have touched on the question of how best to
deal with the dimensionality of price dynamics in electricity markets. This
includes defining the dynamic and stochastic relationship between different
time periods, different locations in the network, different markets (spot,
forward, derivatives), and different commodities (electricity, oil, gas). We
found that on the basis of arbitrage pricing theory, we cannot impose
constraints on the temporal relationship of prices. This is a direct result of the
non-storability of electricity. Similarly, it is not possible to create pure
arbitrage strategies between electricity and fuel markets, or between the
electricity prices at different locations in the network, except in degenerate
cases. From a strictly theoretical point of view, we could therefore conclude
that each spot, forward and derivative contract, for each delivery period, at
every location in the network, should be modeled as a separate state of a
dynamic process. This modeling approach, however, is highly impractical.
The dimension of the state space would be so high that we would be unable to
solve even the simplest optimization problems, not to speak of defining
consistent methods of estimating model parameters. The focus in this section
of the book therefore is on finding a reasonable compromise: a model which
preserves the unique characteristics of electricity production, consumption
and transmission, while limiting complexity. To achieve this goal, we have
identified a set of fundamental drivers. These are external processes, physical
as well as financial, which have significant impact on the dynamics of
electricity prices, and whose effects on the supply of, and demand for,
electricity are reasonably well understood.

In characterizing the interaction between the spot, forward and derivatives

markets, we have taken the approach of modeling forward and derivative
prices as outputs of the basic spot market process. We recognize that this
approach, in contrast to equity or storable commodities markets, is not backed
by a theoretical arbitrage argument. We therefore need to allow more leeway
in terms of the presence of risk premium, and market specific risk, than is
common in other markets.
Finally we recognize that because of the unique temporal constraints on
supply and demand in electricity markets, the problem lends itself naturally to
time scale separation arguments. Specifically we address three time scales:

• Fast deviations, resulting mainly from temperature driven load

fluctuations, and strategic bidding or unit outages on the supply side.
These processes are mean reverting with fast time constants.
• Medium term deviations, including fuel price changes and aggregate
rain fall (hydro reservoir levels), which revert slower or not at all.
• Long term deviations, mainly demand growth and new generation
investment. This time scale differentiates itself mainly because it
includes price feedback with substantial delays. This leads to dynamic
behavior not generally addressed in financial models.

Figure 5-1 illustrates the full blown flow of physical and financial signals
in the model. As we proceed to model the dynamics of the system, we identify
how the interplay between the components can be broken down based on the
time scale at which the interaction occurs. This allows us to derive simpler
versions of the models for use in specific applications. For example, a user
interested in developing day-ahead bidding strategies or short term price
hedging strategies need not be concerned with load growth and investment
dynamics. It is crucial, however, to start with the full scale version of the
model in order to understand the inter-temporal dynamics, and thus have a
solid basis for any separation or model reduction arguments.

Fast load
weather'" fluctuations

GNP - . Load Growth

Fuel Price
Rain Fall
Unit Outages ~

Figure 5-1: Dynamic Relationships in Electricity Markets


In this section we outline a number of approaches which have been used to

model price processes in electricity markets. Each approach has its own
distinct set of advantages and disadvantages. All of them represent valid
approaches to understanding the evolution of prices in the market, and the
choice of model is inherently related to the specific purpose of the user.

5.2.1 Quantitative (Statistical) Modeling of Electricity Prices


Objectives: To characterize the stochastic properties of commodity prices

over time; specifically, to attempt to derive the variance and covariance of
commodities prices. With this information the user is then able to price a
broad category of financial derivatives, as well as perform basic risk
management functions.
Characteristics: The models used in quantitative modeling are usually
generic in nature. The user attempts to find the lowest order model possible to
describe accurately the stochastic properties of the commodity.
Advantages: Since the model is generic, the user does not require an in-
depth understanding of the economic or physical relationships involving the
production and trading of the commodity. Calibration schemes are also
standardized and can be duplicated across multiple commodities.
Disadvantages: This category of models is calibrated using historical spot
and forward market data and, when available, implied volatilities from
historical models. It requires the availability of a significant amount of price
history data. In the case of electricity, changes in the regulatory environment
have made historic prices invalid for calibration purposes, leaving the user
with an inadequate set of training data for the models.

5.2.2 Production (Cost) Based Modeling of Electricity Prices

Objectives: To model future electricity prices based on detailed models of

the cost structure of individual products. This information is used to create a
cost-based supply curve. Combined with estimates of future demand, this can
be used to generate price estimates.
Advantages: Marginal cost information is generally available for all
producers in a region. The creation of a supply function is therefore a
relatively straightforward exercise. Furthermore, the cost can be linked to
underlying fuel prices by using heat rate estimates on the unit. This allows the
user to model the interaction of fuel and electricity prices.
Disadvantages: Cost based modeling ignores the strategic bidding
practices of market participants. The effect of market power is likely to raise
prices above cost-based levels. The cost-based models can therefore rarely be
calibrated to correspond to actual observed prices in the market.
5.2.3 Economic Equilibrium Models of Electricity Prices

Characteristics: As a means of incorporating strategic bidding into cost-

based models, theories such as Coumot pricing are applied to the generation
stack. At a given load level one can then solve for an equilibrium markup of
bids above cost based levels. This markup will generally increase as a
function of market concentration.
Advantages: By applying game theory type models it is possible to
explain why prices rise above cost-based levels. This approach is useful in
predicting expected price levels in markets with no price history, but with
known supply costs and market concentration.
Disadvantages: These models produce equilibrium price levels. However,
electricity markets are constantly evolving, driven by stochastic supply and
demand, and therefore never settle to equilibrium levels. In applications such
as risk management, understanding the dynamic behavior of prices is crucial.
In this case economic equilibrium models offer little insight.

5.2.4 Agent-based Modeling of Electricity Prices [15],[16]

Characteristics: Agent-based models attempt to capture the strategic

behavior of investors (agents) in the marketplace. To approximate the
dynamics of the market, participants are separated into groups, each with their
own objective function. Based on the objective function and observation of
current price levels, a decision rule is defined for each group. These rules can
be highly nonlinear in nature. Finally the system is simulated under various
Advantages: In contrast to cost-based and equilibrium models, agent-
based models address the effect of market power both on the overall price
markup, and on the inter-temporal dynamics of price. The variety of dynamic
behavior, which can be captured with a relatively small number of strategies,
is impressive. The approach, for example, allows the user to study the impact
of factors such as collusion on the overall system price.
Disadvantages: While agent-based modeling is useful for studying the
qualitative behavior of markets, it also makes it much more challenging to get
relevant quantitative results. To do so, one would need a consistent method of
calibrating the parameters of the decision processes based on historical data.
This seems like an overwhelmingly difficult task.

5.2.5 Experimental Modeling of Electricity Prices [17]

Characteristics: In the experimental modeling approach, a group of

people are gathered and assigned assets and obligations in the marketplace.
They then simulate the behavior of the market by submitting bids, which are
used to clear the market.
Advantages: The organizer of the experiment has full control over the
parameters and can change factors such as market concentration or number of
participants in order to observe the effects on the spot price.
Disadvantages: Experimental modeling is extremely difficult to map into
a real marketplace. To get reliable results, one needs to convince actual
marketers to participate in the process, and even then it is questionable if they
will betray their actual trading strategies.

5.2.6 Fundamental Modeling of Electricity Prices


Objectives: Determining the stochastic properties of commodities prices.

Characteristics: In the fundamental modeling approach, price dynamics
are described by modeling the impact of important physical and economic
factors on the commodity price. The model seeks to capture basic physical
and economic relationships present in the production and trading of the
commodity. By explicitly adding these constraints, one can increase the
complexity of the model while decreasing the requirements on the available
training data.
Advantages: By relaying the dynamics of the commodity price to the
fundamental drivers, we gain a new set of training data. If the fundamental
inputs are directly observable, we can use historical inputs in order to
calibrate the model parameters. In the case of electricity this can be a crucial
difference. Currently there are only between two and tree years of relevant
electricity price history available (depending on the location). However, if we
choose temperature (a major determinant of electricity demand) as a
fundamental driver, we have decades worth of historical measurements
Disadvantages: In creating the fundamental model we make specific
assumptions about economic relationships in the marketplace. The price
projections generated by the models are therefore very sensitive to violations
of these assumptions. Thus there exists a significant modeling risk in the
application of the fundamental approach.
Chapter 6

A Bid-based Stochastic Model for Electricity Prices

In this chapter we develop a bid-based stochastic model (BSM) of the

evolution of prices on electricity spot markets [19]. We assume that the spot
market operates as a double auction, with a single hourly market clearing
price (MCP) at the intersection of the aggregate supply and demand bid
curves.. The model can be modified to account for variations in the auction
procedure. We design the model to be applicable to hedging, speculation or
investment decisions in electricity markets. As such, it focuses on quantifying
the uncertainty of future price movements. We have used a fundamental
modeling approach, where the fundamental drivers are load and supply shifts.
The model captures the most critical characteristics of demand (load) and
supply, as outlined below, in the electricity market.


1. Load Elasticity: We assume electricity demand to be completely

inelastic (i.e. independent of the market clearing price). This may
appear to be a strong assumption, but in the current state of
deregulation, few end users actually observe real time price
2. Seasonality: Seasonality is a major driver for electricity demand. We
observe seasonality over the daily, weekly, and yearly cycles.
3. Mean reversion: One can observe temporary spikes in electricity
demand, often induced by extreme weather conditions. However,
these spikes are not sustainable and demand reverts back to normal
levels within a few days.

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
4. Stochastic growth: Growth in electricity demand is driven in part by
trends in the overall economy. The growth is therefore hard to predict
over longer time horizons, and must be considered stochastic.


1. Supply Elasticity: In contrast to load, electricity producers are price

responsive. The supply characteristic is mainly a function of
generation technology, as operating cost can vary significantly with
the type of generator used. Market power and strategic bidding also
have an impact on the shape of the supply bid function.
2. Stochastic Availability of Generation: Due to unexpected
equipment failure or because of planned maintenance, generators are
taken offline from time to time. The effect of such sudden jumps in
the availability of supply on the market clearing price can be
3. Uncertain fuel cost: Changes in the price of fuels such as oil and gas
will affect the way generators bid into the market.
4. Unit Commitment: Nonlinear characteristics in the generator cost
functions, such as startup costs and minimum run times, result in
intra-day supply bid curve shifts.
5. ImportlExport: Producers and consumers bidding into the market
from outside its geographic limits can cause significant price shifts.
6. Inter-Market: Prices in related markets such as the markets for
capacity and ancillary services, represent opportunity costs for power
suppliers. Hence there is a strong interaction between prices in these
markets and the price in the energy market.

In our model we characterize spot price as a function of two variables: L

representing load shifts, and b representing supply shifts. These variables can
be interpreted as follows.
Load: We assume load bids are inelastic. Therefore Lk is selected to
represent the market clearing volume of the exchange for hour k.
Supply: In contrast to load, supply bids have significant price elasticity.
The elasticity (or the inverse of the slope of the supply curve) varies
significantly with the clearing quantity. In general, supply will be highly
elastic at low demand levels, and gradually become more inelastic as demand

California Marginal Cost of Supply



3: 150
~ 100 .
'" 50

. ~
..... .. •• ... ... ............ ."
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50! lOO
Total Output (MWll)

Figure 6-1 Marginal Cost Stack for California

We can explain this characteristic of electricity supply in two ways. First

we examine the cost structure of the underlying generators. Figure 6-1 shows
the 'stack' for California (data from 1998 assuming corresponding fuel
prices), created by ordering the generators from lowest to highest marginal
cost. As seen in the figure the cost function is relatively flat for low demand
levels, when the load is served mainly by hydro and nuclear plants. In the
medium range we see a slight cost increase as efficient fossil plants are
utilized. In the high demand range, inefficient peaking plants are dispatched,
and the operating cost escalates significantly.
Another approach is to view the supply bids from a game-theoretic
perspective. At low demand levels there is a high ratio of available generation
capacity to electricity demand. Hence the market will be competitive and
highly price responsive. As load approaches the total installed capacity of the
market, the few non-committed generators have a high degree of market
power, and can withhold their capacity to push prices upward. An in-depth
analysis of market power and strategic bidding in power markets can be found
in [15] and [16].
The next figure shows a plot of the supply curves submitted to the
California Power Exchange during a 24-hour period in 1998.

Figure 6-2 Aggregate supply bid curves into the CaIPX.

When comparing the cumulative bid curves submitted at different hours
we find that the basic shape of the bid curve is preserved over time. This
allows us to reduce the complexity of the supply model. We fix the shape of
the bid curve and model its temporal shifts as a stochastic process.
Specifically we choose an exponential function to approximate the shape.
Price in hour k can then be written as

where a is a fixed parameter characterizing the slope of the bid curve, qk is the
market clearing quantity in hour k, and b k denotes the position (or shift) of the
curve. Next we add the constraint that demand bids are inelastic. The market
clearing quantity qk must then always be equal to the system load L k • We can
now write the market clearing price in terms of our two fundamental drivers,
load and supply:

This approach reduces the complexity of the problem by constraining the

number of free variables on the supply side.
The next step is to postulate stochastic models for the evolution of the
fundamental drivers. In order to keep track of the variables and parameters
evolving at different time scales we use the following notation:

Subscript Meaning Superscript Meaning

d evolves at daily rate L Belongs to load
m evolves at monthly b Belongs to supply
rate shift process
none constants SL Applies to load mean
process SL
none constants Sb Applies to supply
mean process Sb
Table 6-1: Notation for bid based price model

The following section will outline the models used and the reason for
choosing that specific form. In later sections we present step-by-step
descriptions on how model parameters were calibrated based on historical
market data.


We listed the four characteristics of electricity demand which we want to

capture in the model: lack of price elasticity, seasonality, mean reversion and
stochastic growth. The elasticity assumption is already implicit in our formula
for market clearing price Pk . The challenge is to incorporate the remaining
criteria without making the model too complex for calibration and simulation

6.4.1 Modeling Demand Seasonality

The three types of seasonality in electricity demand are reflected in daily,

weekly and yearly patterns. Figure 6-4 shows the demand in New England for
a sample week in May, starting with Monday.

.. .. .. ~.

Figure 6-4: Hourly loads for a week in May, New England

We see that there is a regularly recurring pattern within the weekdays

(daily seasonality) and that the weekend consumption pattern is significantly
different (weekly seasonality). From now on we will simplify our task by
eliminating the weekends and modeling only the weekday loads. This allows
us to ignore the weekly seasonality. This simplification is taken directly from
the forward markets, which typically trade weekdays and weekends as
separate contracts.
Addressing the daily seasonality is more challenging. We have chosen to
denote the daily load as a [24xl] vector L d, where each component represents
an hourly load. This vector is defined as the sum of a deterministic and a
stochastic component:

L d =Jlm+rd'

The deterministic component /-lmL is a [24xl] vector that represents the

typical or average monthly load pattern for the day. A separate vector /-lmL is
calibrated for each calendar month, in order to capture the yearly seasonality.
Daily load shape, M u

)( 10 "


E.- i,2


Month o 0

Fig, 6-5: Average monthly patterns of daily load, /-lmL, New England

6.4.2 Modeling Load Uncertainty

The stochastic component r of the daily load pattern is needed to explain

any deviation in the actual observed load from the pattern given by /-lm. In
order to achieve this, the vector r has to contain 24 random variables.
However, in observing actual load patterns, one finds that there is a strong
correlation between deviations in consecutive hours. Intuitively, one could
argue that if unusually hot weather causes demand to increase in hour 14, it is
very likely to cause higher demand in hours 15 and 16 as well. To capture this
mathematically, we applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the data;
see [21],[22] and [23]. Principal Component Analysis is a method that enables
us to describe a set of observations of n variables, which would normally
require n dimensional representation, with a reduced set of j variables, j ::;; n.
In other words, PCA addresses the issue of how to characterize a probabilistic
space of n dimensions using a reduced set of j basis functions.
Although some information will be lost in this process, PCA enables us to
minimize this information loss by choosing the new basis intelligently. PCA
generates a set of new basis vectors, called Principal Components (PC). All
PCs are orthogonal to each other, forming a new orthogonal basis. The theory
supporting principal components and their derivation is provided as an
The output of the PCA algorithm is a set of principal components vLi and
associated weights Wi, chosen so as to minimize the mean squared error
between the observed historical load vectors, and the projection onto the new
basis is given by

Ld = J1mL + £.. WdLi V Li

m •

In this report we will use a single principal component, a monthly [24xl]

vector VL m, to describe load behavior, reducing the load equation to

L d=J1m+wd
v m'

where /lm and Vm are deterministic parameters and Wd is a daily stochastic

The choice of the number of principal components used is a tradeoff
between accuracy and complexity. For short-term decision making such as
day-ahead bidding, a single PC may not provide a rich enough sample space.
However, when applying the price process to hedging and valuation decisions
over months or years, a small basis prevents the problem from blowing up
into computational complexity.

Next we need to address how the stochastic component Wd evolves over

time. The model we propose is a two factor mean reverting model:


6.4.3 Mean Reversion

We can interpret the states edLand 8dL in terms of the temporal

characteristics of load. The state edL models short term deviations in load,
such as those caused by sudden heat waves. These events are generally
temporary, and load gradually reverts back to normal levels. The process for
edL is therefore chosen to be mean reverting. The parameter a determines the
speed of reversion. Figure 6-6 illustrates how the short-term spikes in load
quickly revert to the long-term mean. For clarity, here the mean is being
modeled as a monthly rather than a daily process. This time scale separation
between the states is a method which further simplifies the application of the
model, and its advantages and disadvantages are described in the calibration

6.4.4 Stochastic Growth

As e L reverts to zero, the weight wL reverts to 8\ or the "normal" load

level. However, since the market is never at an equilibrium, the normal load
level is in itself a stochastic process. The 8L process characterizes the
stochastic growth of load over time. This growth could be positive or negative
for any given period of time, and there can be significant uncertainty to the
rate of growth, captured in the long-term volatility parameter aU). The long-
term growth of load in New England is illustrated in Figure 6-7.
The effects of the structure of the stochastic process on the mean and
variance of future load is explored in detail in the section on simulation.

Figure 6-6 Reversion of the load weights wdL to the long-term mean bm \ year

Figure 6-7 Load weights wl, and long-term mean bm\ New England

Recall our underlying price model as a function of load and supply states
Lk and bk:

This implies that the aggregate supply bid curve is an exponential function
of fixed shape (given by a), which shifts over time.
Let us consider the input drivers, which could cause the supply curve to
I. Fuel price: An increase in fuel prices would force suppliers to increase
their bids into the spot market in order to remain profitable. An increase in the
fuel price would therefore be accompanied by a positive shift in bk.
2. Unit Outages and Scheduled Maintenance: The withdrawal of a
generation unit from the market, whether through an unexpected failure or a
scheduled maintenance, causes a significant shift in the supply bid function.
The size and duration of such a shift, as well as the frequency of their
occurrence, is technology dependent.
3. Gaming and Strategic Bidding: It has been shown that generators with
significant market share may increase their profits by unexpectedly removing
part of their generation assets from the market, forcing up price and increasing
the payoff for the remaining units [36]. Such an event can be characterized by
a positive shift in bk •
4. Unit Commitment Decisions: While generators are often modeled as
having well behaved quadratic cost functions, in reality there are significant
non-standard costs and constraints associated with starting up and shutting
down a generator. Translating such constraints into bids will cause generators,
even though they may have no market power, to deviate from marginal cost-
bidding schemes.
We now attempt to translate the impact of these drivers into a stochastic
process for the supply process. As with the load we characterize supply by a
[24xl] daily vector b d containing hourly supply levels. This daily vector is
then decomposed into its deterministic and random components:

b d =J1 bm +rdb

6.5.1 Seasonality of Supply

Although less pronounced than the load, the supply process does exhibit
seasonality over multiple time scales. The most pronounced are monthly and
intra-day seasonality.
1. On a monthly time scale, we see the scheduling of maintenance. In a
practice that has carried over from the regulated industry, units are
regularly scheduled for maintenance during the off-peak seasons (mainly
fall and spring), when demand spikes are unlikely. From the modeling
perspective this creates a repeating twelve-month pattern of supply bid
The fuel markets feeding the generators also experience seasonality on
this time scale, mainly due to seasonal demand for oil and gas. Seasonal
fuel prices therefore create a second pattern of supply shifts. The aggregate
effect of these repeating yearly patterns is captured by the deterministic
shifts in the monthly parameter )..tm.
Regions with significant amounts of hydro generation may exhibit a
different type of seasonality, since the level of water in the reservoirs is
linked to precipitation patterns, and the melting of snow caps.
2. The second time scale in which seasonality is observed in the supply
process is intra-day, where we observe repeating 24-hour patterns of
supply curve shifts. This type of seasonality is mainly attributed to unit
commitment decisions made by the dispatchers. The operator of the unit
will estimate a day ahead of time the hours during which it will be
profitable to run the unit, based on the startup/shutdown constraint of the
generator. Once this decision is made he may choose not to submit bids
for the remaining hours, so as not to risk being scheduled and incurring a
substantial startup cost. The result is a repeated pattern of hourly shifts in
the aggregate supply bid curve. This behavior is captured by the daily
shape of the vector )..lmb.

6.5.2 Modeling Supply Uncertainty

In modeling the random component of the daily supply vector we again

apply principal component analysis, using a first order approximation (one
peA vector):

The process defining the evolution of the weights is similar to that used for
the load process:


The mean reverting component e/ reflects the transient characteristics of

the supply process. This includes short-term fuel price spikes and short-term
gaming. These effects are temporary and die out at a rate governed by u. The
reversion of supply to its long-term mean is illustrated in Figure 6-8:

.$ ............................
-.~ .. -.-~-~-~-~-~-

Figure 6-8 Reversion of supply weights Wd b to long-term mean 3mb

The non-reverting component 3db models the long-term availability of

generation. This will include any new installed or retired capacity in the

6.5.3 Modeling Unit Outages

So far our supply model has included smooth changes in the behavior of
the supply bid curve, which can be characterized by an Ito process. However,
there exists a set of high impact, low probability events that cannot be
approximated through random walk type models. One such event is the
unexpected failure of a major generator in the market. There are a number of
unknowns associated with this event:

1. The probability of an outage on a given day.

2. The impact of the outage on market price.
3. The duration of the outage.
The answers to all three of these questions generally depend on the type of
generation technology.

In our model we address these problems by adding a new factor to the

supply process:

1. The probability of an outage occurring on a given day is modeled as a

random incidence process, specifically a Bernoulli process. The
probability of the outage occurring on a given day is independent of
all other time intervals. This is denoted by the variable n:i , where n:i =
o under normal conditions, and n:i = 1 when there is an outage in a
plant of technology i.

lJ1($/MWh) Base load


400 .....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....

200 r ------ -.
• •
• • ....

0 6 12 18 24
Fig. 6-9 Daily shape \jI for a 400 MW base load plant and a 200 MW
peaking plant

2. The impact of the outage on the market clearing price will depend on
the capacity of the unit and its characteristic operating schedule. An
outage in a plant which is scheduled to deliver at full capacity results
in a positive shift in b d , equal to the capacity of the plant. If, however,
the plant was not scheduled to deliver (i.e. bid in above market
clearing price) then there is no effect on the price. The probability of
a plant being selected to produce in a given hour generally depends
on its cost structure, and therefore on its technology. We incorporate
this effect by assigning a [24xl] vector \jJmi to each technology i. The
vector denotes the capacity of the unit as well as the likelihood of the
unit being scheduled in a given hour. Figure 6-9 denotes the daily
shape of \jI for two types of generation technologies, a 400 MW base
load plant and a 200 MW peaking plant.
3. The outage duration is modeled as a deterministic minimum outage
time plus a stochastic Bernoulli component. By combining this
process with the random arrival time of the outage, we can
characterize the process for the state 1tid as a Markov chain, as
illustrated in Figure 6-10. Here the numbers next to the arrows
designate the probability of a state transition for a given day. The
probability of going from normal operation to an outage for each day
is given by "'out. The probability of the unit returning on-line after the
minimum outage period is given by "'in' For the case shown the
minimum outage time is four days.

1 1 1

Figure 6-10: Modeling of outage duration for the state 1tid as a Markov

6.5.4 Modeling Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled maintenance can be modeled in the same manner as unit

outages. The only difference is that the 1td becomes a deterministic rather than
stochastic state variable.

The following is a compact summary of the mathematical model

underlying the Bid-based Stochastic Model.
Spot Price Model:
Hourly price: S h = eaLh+bh
Daily 24-hour vector of prices: Sd = eaLd+bd
Load Model:
Ld L L
= Jim + Wd V m'

e d +! - e d = - a e d +amz d

8~+! - 8~ = x: L+ aU z;t5 ,
L L;;:L
e d =Wd -U d ·

Supply Model:
b b b ~ i i
b d = Jim + Wd V m + £,. 1rdlf/m •

ed = Wdb - ;;:b
Ud .

and ltd is Markov process with parameters leOU! and lein as described in the
previous section.



In this section we describe the process of calibrating the model based on

publicly available market data. For this purpose we used historical hourly
load and price data for the New England region, available on the New
England ISO home page. The available load data spanned a 20 year period
from 1980 to 2000, while the price data was limited to the fourteen month
period since the inception of the market: May 1999 to June 2000. Based on
this data, the parameters of the bid based model presented in this chapter were
estimated. The only deviation from the model was that the unit outage
component was omitted due to a lack of available historical outage data. The
stepwise process of calibrating the model is outlined in the figure 6-11.

Time series of Time series of

market clearing prices (Sh) market clearing prices (Sh)

Calibration of supply curve

shape Ca' parameter)

Time series of
supply curve shifts (b h)

i ~,

Estimation of supply Estimation of demand

• •
seasonal mean shape seasonal mean shape

Principal Component Principal Component

estimation for supply estimation for demand

Time series of
Time series of
daily weights (WL) daily weights (wb)

Estimation of state space Estimation of state space
parameters, supply parameters, load

Figure 6-11 Flow chart of the calibration process

6.7.1 Generating a Time History of Supply States

As we have discussed previously, the hourly price dynamics in our model

are governed by a combination of supply and demand states, Land b
respectively, characterized by the relationship

The parameters describing the load state dynamics can estimated directly
from the time history of the market demand. The supply state bh, on the other
hand, represents the hourly position of the aggregate supply bid curve, and as
such is not directly observable. To overcome this problem we use the
historical load and price data to calculate the implied time history of the
supply state, given by the equation

This approach reqUires us first to estimate the supply curve shape

parameter 'a'. There are several possible approaches to determining this
shape. In markets where the supply bids are published (as is the case
currently for PJM, where bids are provided after a 6 month delay), one may
attempt a curve fit directly on the aggregate bid curve. At the time when this
study was conducted, however, bid curves were not publicly available for the
New England market. Instead we used the hourly price, quantity pairs
published by the ISO. For each week, we preformed a least square fit of an
exponential shape through the collection of 5*24 price/quantity pairs,
allowing both the 'a' and 'b' parameters to vary. The estimated 'b'
parameters were disregarded, while the mean of the estimated 'a' parameters
was chosen as a representative supply curve shape.
6.7.2 Estimating Deterministic Seasonal Load and Supply

After the time series of historical supply states has been generated, the rest
of the calibration process is virtually identical for the supply and demand
components of the model. The next step is to transform the hourly time
history of the load and supply states into a history of daily weights. First,
however, we need to extract the deterministic seasonal components from the
data. For each hour of the day, the mean load and supply level are calculated,
creating the [1 *24] vectors ~L and ~b. The process is carried out separately
for each calendar month, thus creating a [12*24] mean value surface for the
load and supply processes, as shown in figures 6-12 and 6-13.






5 '10

Figure 6-12 Average monthly patterns of daily load, ~mL for, New England
Daily shift of supply curve, MU b

.' ..
., "

~ 2
W .,
'-' 1,5
.. ..
{5 ,
¢ ,
.':! '"

-- ..
0,5 .'
15 '--.
.. , . 25
10 "
5 10
Q 0
MonU1 Hour

Figure 6-13. Monthly mean vector for the supply state; Ilmb, New England

6.7.3 Calibration of Principal Component Vectors

Using the techniques of principal component analysis, as described in

Appendix A, we calibrated a new set of basis vectors for the intra-day
deviations in the supply and demand states from the mean surface described
in the previous section. The new basis functions were calculated separately
for each month, allowing for seasonality in the intra-day supply and demand
As expected, the hourly load values inside a single month were highly
correlated, so by using only the first principal component we were able to
account for over 90% of the variance of the demand. The variance (in %)
explained per month by the first PC is shown in table 6-2.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
Var (%) 92.78 95.12 94.60 93.37 94.13 96.33
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12 Avg.
Var (%) 96.75 96.46 93.91 94.27 93.06 93.36 94.51

Tab. 6-2: Variance of load explained by the first PC for different months

Principal Components of Deviations from Daily Load Shape, Nu


~. 0.25
a;o 0.2

5 10
Month G (1

Figure 6-14. Principal Components of load VrnL for New England

Principal Components (24) of Deviations from Daily Supply Shape, NUb


E 0.5

'-' 0

'""'0 ·05
(f) ~:..-~.

10 20
5 10
MenU) o 0

Figure 6-15 Principal Components of supply shift vrnb , New England

To calibrate the supply side of the BSM using the New England supply
data, the problem was that we only had 14 months of hourly b available. To
use a full-size PC Analysis, the number of instances in data (in our case
workdays in a month) should be at least equal to the number of original
variables, in our case the number of hours analyzed. Since on average there
are only about 22 workdays in a month, we would require at least two
instances for each month, raising the required number of months to 24.
To extend the available amount of data, three approaches were
1. Duplicating the missing months to obtain 24 months worth of data. Since
the data was the result of two distinct stochastic processes, this would
significantly alter the data beyond usability, introducing a deterministic
Treating the entire year as composed of 12 equal months, thus introducing
a single set of j principal components. Since the PC analysis is used to
model deviation from the monthly daily load pattern 11m, this approach
would have adverse effects on the amount of information retained by the

First two Principal Components (24) of Deviations from Daily Supply Shape, NUb


-~ ~
------- -1- --------- -----------i- ---------- ~IL-'_:!'_'_._:_g_~---,I
t I I I

I \ :I :I :I :I

+I \'\
0.6 ------7--r~----------,-----------r----------r----------

,I ,I ,I
\ I I I I

c 0.4 \' I I

I, , , ,
Q) I
----1- -/~. -~ ---------~ -----------!- ----------~ ----------
\1 I I I
J::: +---i /,,:~, , ,

0 0
0 -0.2
\: I _______ ~ ___________
\ I

-0.4 - - - - - - - - - -\ I -/- - I
L __________
~I ______ _

1\ I /

\: .I I I I

-0.6 __________ ~~---------~-----------L----------L---------_

\:/ : I I
0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 6-16 First two pes of deviation from 11mb for 24 hours for

2. Treating every month separately, but using a reduced number of

variables to calculate the pes. In our case, only 12 odd hours were
used as original variables, reducing the order of pe matrix v to [12 x j
x 12]. For the reduced order of the problem, the data for a single
month (at least 20 week-days) was sufficient. After the matrix v was
calculated and the number of retained pes determined, the values for
the missing 12 even hours were interpolated. Table 6-3 presents the
fraction of variance covered by the first five PCs.

Tab. 6-3 Variance of supply (in %) explained by the first four PCs for
different months

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Avg
1 50.12 36.08 64.98 63.50 49.18 45.68 64.29 51.57 52.10 86.92 59.47 53.99 52.22
2 19.58 19.90 21.37 11.96 42.25 28.22 14.71 24.98 13.21 8.00 12.13 23.16 18.57
3 12.30 18.66 4.30 9.32 4.09 11.44 9.17 13.41 1l.75 l.74 10.65 9.56 9.18
4 6.99 8.72 3.31 8.34 1.32 4.74 5.64 3.41 7.21 1.31 5.04 4.07 4.93

Here, the choice of only one PC is less obvious than in the load data. An
average amount of variance explained by each of 12 original variables is 8.33
%, so according to the guidelines (Appendix A) we should have in some
months considered using two or even three PCs. For the rest of this chapter,
however, we will assume that a first order approximation, using a single
principal component vector, gives sufficient accuracy.

6.7.4 Estimation of the Volatility, Drift and Mean Reversion


The Bid-Based Stochastic Model can be expressed in the state space as:

Xt+l = AX t + BUt + Ql)t

Yt = eXt +DU t +R~

The problem of joint estimation of system and noise parameters has been
solved in the literature for simpler problems; see [8],[24],[25] and [26].
However, there are significant differences between our problem and others.
Some of the approaches were using a simpler two-factor model, or they
assumed risk-neutrality, which does not hold true in electricity markets. In the
context of financial markets, the parameters of the spot process are often
calibrated using a time series of historical forward prices; see [8]. The
forward curve provides a richer set of data, since it indicates the market
expectation of future spot price levels for a series of maturity dates (at every
time step we observe a price curve rather than a single spot price). The
additional data provided by the forward markets simplifies the estimation
process and eliminates the stability problem encountered when estimating
from historical spot and load data (see discussion below).
The standard estimation techniques usually assume known covanance
matrices of the stochastic processes in the model, i.e. process noise covariance
matrix Q and measurement noise covariance matrix R. Alternatively, other
techniques for estimation of noise covariances require a complete knowledge
of the other system parameters. Since among the unknown BSM parameters
there were also the stochastic process variances cr and cro, the elements of the
matrices Q and R, the standard estimation techniques failed to converge.
The parameters had to be estimated separately in several consecutive steps,
in which the parameters were estimated independently. Since the load and the
supply processes are described in a similar way in the model, their parameters
a\ KL, cr L, cr LO and exb, K b, crb, cr bo can be estimated separately and in the same
Estimation of the Bid-Based Stochastic Model parameters can therefore be
summarized in three successive phases.
1. Long-term drift of the mean K is estimated using a linear least
squares fit. After K is determined, the data is de-trended, i.e. the long-
term drift is eliminated.
2. Calculation of mean reversion factor: Factor ex, determining the
mean reversion speed of the weight process, can be estimated using
linear regression over de-trended data.
3. Estimation of process volatilities: Using the estimated ex, the
remaining parameters of the model in state space from cr and crO can
be estimated using the adaptive Kalman Filter and the technique for
identification of the variance-covariance matrices of the process and
measurement noise Q and R [30].
89 Calculation of the mean reversion factor

The evolution of weights can be calculated in the following way:

= (l-a)wo +abo+O"Zo +K+O""Zg

After assuming the initial values of (<>0 = 0) and the linear trend already
eliminated from the data in the previous step (K = 0), the following sequence
of equations unfolds.

W2 = (l-a)w1 +abl +O"ZI +O""zt

= (l-a)wl +abo+0" Zl +aO"" zg +0"" zt
= (1- a)wl + 0" Zl + a 0"" zg + 0"" zt

W," = (l-a}w, +0"2, +0"'(a ~ z; + z{ J

The last equation could be rewritten as

Since the part of the equation denoted as Ak is influenced solely by zero-

mean processes z and i', it is a zero-mean process. It should then possible to
estimate a using Linear Regression over the time series vectors of weights w ct.
The vector Wct+1 is shifted in time for a day ahead compared to Wct. The
operator 0 denotes the least-squares fit of the two vectors [27].

There is, however, a significant problem with this approach. The variance
associated with each incremental new observation grows linearly with the
total number of observations, and is therefore unbounded. This violates a
basic premise of the linear regression technique, which requires that the
variance of the estimation error be bounded. We illustrate problem by
performing a series of regression estimates on the a parameter of the load and
supply process. For each consecutive estimation run we add an additional
observation, using the result form the previous run as the initial guess on the
parameter. A seen in figures 6-17 and 6-18, this process becomes unstable.
An interesting result was that with a limited number of samples, under
1,500 hours (about two months), the estimation technique gave reasonably
stable results. The estimates for this sample region are presented in table 6-4.
This property seems to indicate that there is a natural separation in the
timescales at which the reverting and non reverting states evolve. In the
following section we will exploit this property by proposing a time scale
separated version of the Bid-based model.

Tab. 1: Estimated parameters of the BSM

Load process Supply_ process

a 0.3 0.75
OOK 4 -1.7e-3
a 1. 13484e-4


.. J..

I .... J..
. .... .,..
..'......... ····f

.~ .i __ .l~,~~~ __ _


Figure 6-17 Estimation of a L as a function of number of the samples


- - Starting data
I _ Ending data
0.95 - - - - - - I - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - T - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - ,- - - -

0.9 - - - - - - 'I - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - i - - - - - - ""1 - - - - - - - r- - - -

- - - - - - -+ - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - +- - - - - - - ---j - - - - - - - l-


_______ ..J ________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

\ I

I _II___ /__ ~~ _,.-'~l~~+~~-_-_~ ___: ____ _
, I 1\,,' ~/ I I I
R f\ I I
M 0.7 - - - - -1':-0 "c~I- - - - -1- - - - - - -1- --

i 0.65
- - - - - - I - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - T - - - - - -
-I - - - - - - -
-l t- -

I 06 - - - - - -
"i -
- - - - -
-1- - - - - - -
T - - - - - - -I - - - -
- - -
r- - -1- ,


0.55 - - - - - - --+ - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - +- - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - I-- - 1- r- ---1 - -
I I I I{ I
I, I

0.5 0L ---~50-----C-'OO~---''':'50:--------:C200~-----C2'':'50:--L..J-lL--:c'300
Number of observations considered

Figure 6-18 Estimation of a b as a function of the number of samples




In order to circumvent the problem which arises in jointly calibrating all

the parameters of the load or supply process, we here introduce a variation on
the model based on the notion of time-scale separation. It is based on the
notion that the stochastic growth state of the supply and demand processes
evolves at a slower rate than the fast dynamics. If the separation is significant
enough, then the fast state will have time to revert fully back to the slow state.
In the model we capture this effect by letting the long term supply and
demand processes evolve on a monthly basis. The model for the dynamic
evolution of the weights can then be expressed as



The benefit of the time-scale separated model is that it makes the 'mean'
process directly observable from the historical data. If the separation is
genuine, then we can accurately approximate the monthly 8 of supply or
demand as the mean of the weights during this month,

Performing this operation on the historical data generates separate time

series for the 'w' and 'b' processes. The parameters corresponding to
each factor can then be calibrated separately using linear regression
techniques. The step by step process of calibrating the model is outlined

1. We construct a [Dxl] time series vector of principal components

weights wd, w.

2. For every year and for every month within the current year, a mean of
Wd, 8 m , was calculated. D is the total number of days in the data, while

Dm is the number of days in month m.

1 Dm
8m =-Lwd , m=1..12
Dm d=1

The [12xl] vector of monthly means 0* could then be defined as

We could also define a [Dxl] vector 0, defined as a daily time series

of Om.

3. The mean reversion of the daily weights Wd to the pertaining monthly

mean Om is described as

where the change in weights is determined by the mean reversion part

and the stochastic component, crmZd. The stochastic process Zd is
normally distributed with a zero mean and standard deviation of one.

The mean of the stochastic process is zero and is not affected by the
process volatility measure, crm • Coefficient ex could therefore be
determined using linear regression to satisfy the least-squares
criterion [27].

f(Xd -~~d - y)
b = ..::d_=l'---::,---_ _ __
f(Xd -~)

The regression is performed over the time series vectors of weights W

and monthly means 8. A shift of the vector Wd for a day ahead is
denoted as Wd+l.

X=[Xd]=(Wd+!-W d)
Y = [y d]= (()m - W d)

4. Using a, a vector of the estimated weights W'd+l was obtained:

5. The difference between the estimated W'd+l and Wd+l was the
contribution of the stochastic component of the process, (jmZd. It was
therefore possible to calculate the monthly volatility measure (jm of
the process by subtracting the estimated values of W'd+l from the
actual values Wd+l and calculating standard deviation of the parts of
the time series vectors, belonging to a particular month:

- I (Xi--IXj J
StDev(x) =
D-I i=! D j=l

6. The parameters of the weight mean process 8m have been determined

using linear regression. The drift parameter K has been calculated as a
mean difference of the time shifted time series of the monthly means
K = 0 k+I - 0k
K = [Kd ], d = l..D
K= ((Ok+! -Ok )01)

7. With the help of K, a [Dxl] vector of estimated weight means 8'd+l

was calculated:

8. Similar to monthly volatility in w, the volatility measure (i of the

mean process was calculated by subtracting the estimated values of
8'd+I from the actual values 8 MI and computing the standard deviation:

After applying the algorithm to both processes, the 1sl principal

component's weights of load WdL and of supply curve shift Wd b , a set of
parameters of the model was obtained, presented in Tab., Tab. and Tab ..

Tab.6-4: Calibrated parameters of the Load in TBSM


Load 0.0204105 75.4766 2023.60

Tab. 6-5Monthly calibrated parameters of the Supply in TBSM

a ab Kb (JOb

Supply 1. 13484e-4 0.0318440 -0.0536667 0.413067

Tab.6-6: Monthly calibrated parameters of the TBSM

Month Load volatility measure (JmL Supply volatility measure (Jmb

I 876.755 0.200464
2 674.219 0.081697
3 477.651 0.350756
4 468.729 0.375337
5 831.078 0.384563
6 679.871 0.324813
7 1092.886
--------------------- -----------------
8 748.013 0.104237
9 1030.650 0.177193
10 371.965 0.409969
11 779.300 0.134920
12 862.887 0.225309

A comparison of the calibrated parameters between the two versions of the

model, BSM and TBSM, is shown in Tab .. The variances {JmL and {Jmb in
TBSM are 12-month averages.

Tab.6-7: Comparison of the estimated parameters in the TBSM and BSM

0.0204 0.0318
75 -0.0537
685 0.2411
2023 0.413 t
a 1. 13484e-4


The BSM postulates the market clearing price as an exponential function

of the load and supply states.

The dynamics of the load and supply states are described by a set of
equations of the form:

Xd = Jim + L.. W~V~


Wd+1 -Wd =a(8d -Wd )+O"mZd

8d +1 - 8d = K+ 0"0 Z;

Based on historical load and spot price data, parameters for both the
supply and demand processes are estimated.

• the monthly timescale: the [24x12] matrix of average monthly 24-

hour daily profile /-lm and
• within a day on the hourly timescale: the [24x12] matrix of monthly
pr.incipal components vm.

These parameters are independent of the type of model we use for

calculation of daily weights.
At the same time, we obtain the parameters that govern the evolution of
the daily weights Wd; mean reversion speed a, long term drift K, a [24xl]
vector of daily weight volatilities (Jm and long-term mean Od volatility (lJ.
Using simulation it is possible to investigate the properties of the two
fundamental processes - load and supply, which drive the price in both
models. The simulation also enables us to illustrate their influence on the
For the purpose of simulation and demonstration of the properties of the
model only, the BSM volatility measures a and aD were approximated using
the known parameters of the TBSM. Since these values don't represent true
estimates, they were annotated as a' and aD'.
• The daily weight process Wd evolves on the same timescale in both
TBSM and BSM models, so their volatility measures should be
roughly the same,

• The long-term mean on the other hand develops much faster, and its
volatility should therefore be much smaller, divided by a square root
of the time constant factor. Assuming that there are about 25 working
days in a month, the daily volatility should be about 5-times smaller,

JT' T == 25 days

The simulations were performed using either the Bid-based Stochastic

Model or the Time-scale Separated Volatility Model, calibrated to the short-
term market-clearing price. The simulations investigated the impact of
different parameters for both the load and supply processes on the output of
the model. The following properties were investigated:

1. Evolution of the average daily short-term market price (spot price) of

electricity, as influenced by the average monthly 24-hour profiles,
/-lmL and /-lmb, and the monthly principal components vmL and v mb .
2. Expected value and Standard Deviation of the daily weights w L and
w b, driven by the daily process parameters, ex, K, crm and aD.
3. Development of the daily averaged hourly price.
The results are briefly discussed and shown in the following sections.
The parameters used in simulation are given in Tab. 2. In addition to the
calibrated ones, the parameters 0" and 0'0' were approximated to demonstrate
properties of the BSM and are presented in the shaded cells of the table.

Tab. 2: Parameters of the BSM, used in simulations

Load process Supply process

a 0.3 0.75
K 4.0 -0.0017
0" 685 0.24
0'0' 400 0.83
a 1.1 *10.4

6.9.1 Monthly Parameters

The monthly average spot price in the actual data to which the model was
calibrated is shown in figure 6-19 There are relatively big differences among
certain months, describing a year with unusually high summer prices. The
summer of 1999 was very hot and the prices were higher than the historical
levels. Since only a limited amount (14 months) of price data was available,
the influence of a single month in calibration of supply process was stronger
than in load process calibration, where almost 20 years of data were available
and the influence of excessive months were less prominent.

40 - - -





15 - - ..

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Figure 6-19 Monthly average of the spot price, New England,

May '99-June DO

In Figure 6-20, the seasonal evolution of the average simulated daily spot
prices are shown. The price as generated by the model exhibits similar
properties as the actual average monthly price in Figure 6-19. The main
difference could be observed during the summer months, where the influence
of load process dampens the excessive shift in supply curve toward higher
prices, as dictated by supply process.

45 ··············f·····




30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390

Figure 6-20: Simulated average monthly price

6.9.2 Properties of the Daily Weight Process

The stochastic properties of the model on the other hand can be illustrated
without the interference of monthly mean values by examining the daily
weight processes w L and wb • They are driven by four stochastic processes -
ZkL, ZkLO , Zkb and Zkbll - and governed by the daily process parameters a, K, cr m

and cro. The interplay of the short-term w process variances, cr m Land cr mb , and
the long-term 8 process variances cr L and crb in the model is shown in figure 6-
The short-term variances of the mean reverting process, which are
bounded, dominate in the short run. As time progresses, however, the long
term variances will gradually become the dominant source of uncertainty.

Similar conclusions can be drawn from Figure 6-22, where the evolution
of the mean value of w L and its volatility boundaries are shown. The standard
deviation of the process is not uniform over the months, what is the
consequence of interplay between two volatility measures, cr mL and aU>. At the
same time, the volatilities of electricity price differ from one month to
another. During the periods of peak load, prices tend to be much more volatile
than in spring or fall, which is reflected in the model output.
The mean grows steadily according to the long-term growth parameter 0.
The weights were simulated for a two-year period with a 10.000 simulation
The mean of the supply process weight, w b, and its volatility boundaries
are shown in figure 6-22.The mean slowly drifts downwards, and the monthly
shapes in standard deviation are more pronounced than in load process in
Figure 6-23.

2.5 ~-----,--------,---------.-------,.-----~

Long-term Process Sigma



Short-term Process Sigma .::;:::.~~./_",c:::.:.. __·


o ~





o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5

Figure 6-21 Volatilities of short- and long-term processes, a and aO


x 10' Mean weight and standard deviation

1,5 r-;::::===::::>:====:::2==:::;---r----,------,------,---,----~
- wL Mean + wL StDev
- WL Mean
........... wL Mean - wL StDev /~_-/~-"-./-/~


___ _ _---.l._ _ _ ____'__ _ __.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _L _ _ _ __

~ ~I .~

o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Figure 6-22: Daily weights wrnL : mean value and standard deviation

Mean weight and standard deviation




o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700


Figure 6-23: Daily weights w mb : mean value and standard deviation

6.9.3 Daily Price Simulations

Using the BSM it is possible to generate hourly spot price ST and its
volatility. Because the intra-day dynamics that can be found both in hourly
development of load and hourly clearing of market in supply, it is important
to have the model that is able to capture the hourly price dynamics. On the
other hand, it is sometimes also necessary to neglect the hourly dynamics and
deal with daily prices, as it is the case in certain applications such as forward
In the Stochastic Model the price evolves as a sequence of daily, 24-hour
vectors of prices.

The daily price would therefore be calculated as a daily average of the vector

_ 1 24
Sd =-LSdh
24 h=!

In the simulation, we have examined the development of the average

price Sd during the course of one year. The mean and the standard deviation
of prices were calculated in 10.000 simulation runs.
Figure 6-24 displays the mean value of electricity price and the volatility
measure (in our case standard deviation) boundaries. Both prices and standard
deviations exhibit strong monthly traits.
The standard deviations, when presented alone in Figure 6-25 show
corresponding monthly diversity but generally agree with each other and with
the observations on volatility in daily weights.

6.9.4 Daily Price Simulations with Time Scale Separation

The Time-Scale Separated Bid-based Stochastic Model properties have

been investigated in the same way as the properties of the Bid-based
Stochastic Model. Using the parameters from Tab. 1, the average daily
price Sd was simulated for the period of one year with 10.000 runs.
The mean value of Sd is shown in Figure 6-26 together with the standard
deviation as volatility boundaries. The overall shape still reacts noticeably to
changes in months, while the overall impression is that the volatility is
somewhat larger than in BSM. The same conclusion could be drawn from
analysis of standard deviation in Figure 6-27.

PMce and standard devia.tion


Figure 6-24 Average price Pd mean and standard deviation



270 300 330 360 390


Figure 6-25: Standard deviation of the average price Pd

Price and standard deviation

O~~~~~---~-~.-L----,~. __ ~L~_~J~"' __ 'CLC"_'_~~C'-'--"'CJC'- __ ~~~_~D

o 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

Figure 6-26: Average price Pd: mean and standard deviation



Figure 6-27: Standard deviation of the average price Pd


A wide range of literature has evolved on the modeling of electricity

markets, and on the associated price dynamics. Here we have briefly reviewed
a number of approaches: quantitative, cost based, economic equilibrium,
agent based, and experimental, all with their own advantages and drawbacks.
The modeling approach used is generally dependent on the type of problem
addressed. A marketer may use one type of model for optimizing the short
term bidding of assets, another for hedging in the forward markets, yet a third
model for evaluating investment decisions. Ultimately, the user would like all
of these models to reflect the best current estimate of the future. However,
given the range of modeling approaches, it is often hard to check whether the
models used are consistent with each other.
The bid-based model presented in this report is intended as a fundamental
model for electricity price dynamics, and is to be used in a wide range of
applications. The emphasis was placed on incorporating the unique
characteristics of electricity prices, including seasonality on multiple time
scales, lack of load elasticity, stochastic supply outages, strong mean
reversion, and stochastic growth of load and supply.
The second emphasis was on reducing the computational complexity of the
model. This was achieved by applying techniques such as principal
component analysis, which reduced the dimensionality of the model
drastically, with a minimal loss in performance.
A timescale-separated version of the model was calibrated on real market
data (New England). The lack of price data for the market makes the
calibration on the supply side of the model tentative, but as more data
becomes available, the parameter estimates will become firm. The scheme for
calibrating the original version of the model is outlined, but its
implementation is left to future research.
Chapter 7

Optimal Futures Market Strategies for Energy

Service Providers
The previous chapter focused on developing a stochastic model for the
dynamics of electricity prices. Here we show how the bid-based model can be
applied to help market participants optimize their decision making under
uncertainty. This chapter will address the problems facing energy service
providers. In Chapter 8 we address the supply side of the market.



With the deregulation of the electric utilities came a significant increase in the
financial risk to the companies, known as load serving entities (LSE) or
energy service providers (ESP), serving the end users. The risk faced by the
energy service provider can be traced back to the physical and economic
interactions between the ESP and its customers. The physical configuration of
the distribution network does not generally allow for any differentiation in the
service provided to different customers, in terms of power quality or
reliability. Economically, the ESP is limited by its contracts to serve retail
customers, typically known as standard offer contracts, which are structured
to shield the customers from any fluctuation from the wholesale price of
electricity. The financial risk from the wholesale market must therefore be
absorbed by the ESP. In this chapter we break down the sources of this risk,
and propose a methodology for the ESP to hedge its customer portfolio using
a dynamic futures trading strategy.

The key to effective risk management for load serving entities IS to

understand the temporal dynamics of the uncertainty in the market price (price
risk), and in the customer demand (quantity risk), as well as the correlation
between the two. The cash flow for a load serving entity is defined over a

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
given delivery period as a function of uncertain future price and demand
levels. Next we impose dynamic constraints on the price and load levels
using the bid-based model developed in the previous chapter. The risk
preference of the firm is characterized using a mean-variance formulation.
The trading strategy consists of a decision rule determining the quantity of
forward contracts to purchase or sell at given times prior to the delivery
period, as a function of observed price and demand levels. In this book two
cases are examined. In the static hedging formulation, the ESP is allowed to
trade a single time prior to the delivery period. The decision problem in this
case becomes a nonlinear programming formulation, and is solved through
simulation. Next we extend the problem to the dynamic hedging case, where
the firm is allowed to trade at fixed intervals prior to the delivery period. To
pose this problem one must extend the price model to incorporate uncertainty
in the dynamics of the forward price. The problem suffers from a case of the
curse of dimensionality. The computational complexity grows quickly as a
function of the number of delivery periods, the number of hedging intervals,
and the number of state variables in the underlying spot, forward and load
models. We examine properties of the models which could allow for
simplifying assumptions, as well as a possible reformulation of the objective
function which could reduce the computational intensity of the problem.



Many of the problems inherent in the physical and economic interaction of

ESPs with their customers can be traced back to a paradigm developed by
society with regard to the industry during decades of strict regulation.
Electricity is considered by many as a common utility, even a social right,
rather than a commodity. Implicit in this viewpoint is that the providers of
electricity should not be free to withhold their product, or lower the quality of
their service, merely for economic reasons. The old regulatory structure did
little to discourage such an attitude. Since returns for the utilities were
essentially cost based, and there was no such thing as a bad customer or a bad
investment. The objective of the utilities during this period is best described
by the phrase 'keeping the lights on.' Whatever the cost of ensuring that the
lights did indeed stay on, the firm could be certain to recover its expenditures.

In the deregulated environment, the idea that the customer has a 'right' to
electricity does not correspond to the objectives of the energy service
providers. Energy service providers are profit driven entities, with an
obligation to their share holders to extract the maximum profit possible from
the provision of electricity to retail customers. In some instances, this may
entail not serving a customer if the cost of providing the service exceeds the
willingness of the customer to pay. This is where the historical role of
utilities catches up with the deregulation process. Since customers were
traditionally considered to have a right to service, and furthermore all
customers had the right to the same service (at least at the retail level), the
distribution infrastructure was not built to accommodate customer segregation
of any type. The two major deficiencies in the current distribution system are
the metering and interruptability of customers.

I. Metering: Electricity meters generally record only the aggregate

consumption of electricity by the customers. Furthermore, in most
areas the meters are nQt connected to the ESP thorough modems or
other communication devices, but must be read manually. As a
result, the only information available to the ESP is the monthly
aggregate consumption by each customer. As described in the
previous chapter, electricity exhibits significant daily and weekly
price cycles. As a result, the cost of serving two customers who
use the same number of KWh's a week, but have different patterns
of consumption, may differ significantly. In order to measure the
real cost of serving a customer, the ESP needs to measure the users
power profile; that is, the typical rate of consumption for each
hour of the day. This information can be used in order to provide
a fair price of service, in which customers do not cross-subsidize
each other.

2. Interruptability: The non-storability of electric power requires

that a delicate balance between the rate of production and
consumption be upheld at all times. At certain times, either due to
unusually high demand levels, or due to the unexpected loss of
generation resources, there may not be sufficient generation
available to meet the instantaneous load. In such cases, the system
must shed load in order to avoid a system breakdown. Currently
there are no means for the energy service provider to curtail
selected customers who may be willing to offer such a service in
return for reduced rates [33]. Instead they have to rely on area
wide rolling blackouts (as experienced recently in California).
Such ad hoc measures are clearly damaging to the overall social
welfare since they do not distinguish between how different
customers value the reliability of the service.

The lack of installed technology to handle metering and selective

interruptability currently prevent the ESPs from providing differentiated
services to various groups of customers. This has effectively prevented the
establishment of a competitive retail market for electricity [34]. It leaves the
energy service providers holding inflexible standard offer contracts with
significant price and quantity risks. In fact one could argue that, since they
offer identical services, the only area in which ESPs can compete with each
other is in the ability to manage this risk.


We consider the situation where an energy service provider has obligated

itself to serve a group of customers at a fixed rate. The length of the contract
is generally several years, and the service provider has no means of 'opting
out' of the contract. Furthermore, the contract is structured in such a manner
that the customers may consume as much or as little power as they want at
any time without additional penalties. This setup is similar to the current
standard offer contracts being offered to retail electricity customers.
Furthermore we impose the constraint that the ESP owns no generating assets
but purchases all power from the spot market. This exposure to the spot
market leaves the ESP with significant financial risk. To mitigate this risk it
can purchase financial futures contracts on electricity through the
commodities exchange. We will here address the problem of how to generate
an optimal trading strategy for the LSE in the futures market.


We will now generate mathematical models necessary to pose the hedging

problem for the energy service provider [36]. The general components of this
problem were outlined in Chapter 2, and they include modeling the price (and
quantity) uncertainty, incorporating this uncertainty into an overall cash flow
model, and optimizing with respect to the firms risk preference.

Price • Cash Flow Risk Strategy

Model • Model Preference

PI,T ~


Demand Id

Figure 7-1

The variables and parameters of the model are defined in Table 7-1.

R Fixed rate for customer (standard offer) ($/MW)

Sd Spot price for day d.
ld Total amount consumed in day d (MW)
Fti,T Price of a forward contract for delivery in month starting at
T, as seen at the time of purchase ti ($/MWh)
qti,T Total quantity of forward contracts purchased for delivery
month starting at T (MW/h) at time of purchase ti.
M total number of delivery days in a month
N number of months in the delivery period
T Starting day of delivery period
to Starting day of hedging period
K Number of rebalancing intervals in the hedging period

Table 7-1 Variables and parameters in the ESP problem formulation

The time period during which the ESP has committed to serving its
customers is broken down into N delivery periods, each spanning one month.
This is done in order to accommodate the structure of the futures market.
Recall that each traded futures contract requires delivery for one month. We
will furthermore make the simplification of using a single load and price
variable per day. In reality there are 24 hourly spot prices in a given day. At
the end of the chapter we discuss how the modeling approach can be
extended, using principal component theory, to account for intra-day

7.4.1 Cash Flow Model

We begin by modeling the cash flow for the LSE before any purchases in
the forward market, which we call the unhedged cash flow ('I'u). The total
'I'u is given by

N M(m+l)
tpV = LId (R -Sd)

For simplicity we will here consider the case where the hedging period is a
single month. The cash flow function then becomes:

LId (R -Sd)
tpV =

Next we consider the cash flow incurred from a portfolio of forward

contracts qtj,T. This is the cash flow of the hedge (tpH).

The index t represents the time at which the forward contracts are
purchased or sold. In contrast to the spot market, which clears at discrete daily
intervals, the forward market trades in real time. For computational purposes,
however, we will restrict trading to discrete intervals tj. Each tj represents a
hedging interval. Changing the number of futures contracts held from one
interval to the next is known as rebalancing the portfolio, or rolling over the
hedge. Since a forward contract Ft,T cannot be purchased after the starting
date of the delivery month (T), we include the constraint tj:ST. The timeline of
the hedging process is shown in Figure 7-2.


hedging period deli very period
Figure 7-2: Time line for dynamic hedging problem

The hedging period [to,TJ is divided into H hedging intervals of equal

length. The number of hedging intervals used will generally depend on the
transaction cost and liquidity in the forward market. The total cash flow for
the hedged LSE ('¥) can be expressed by

Note that the forward contracts have no cash flow prior to the delivery period
(they are not pre-paid), so that all cash flow occurs during the delivery period.
\f is therefore equal to the net profit of the ESP with respect to the load
serving contract.

7.4.2 Price and Demand Models

The load level, as well as the spot and forward prices at any future date,
are random variables in the cash flow formulation. To characterize the
distribution of these variables we apply the bid-based stochastic mode
developed in the previous chapter. Since future values of the forward price
occur as explicit terms in the cash flow, we must extend the price model to
incorporate the dynamics of the forward price. Bid-Based Model

The model for the spot price is identical to the one developed in Chapter 6,
except that we are applying a daily rather than an hourly model, and are
ignoring the unit outage component.

Spot Price Model:


Load Model:


Supply Model:

where Forward Price Model

We model the forward price as the expectation of the average spot price
over the delivery period of the contracts. In addition we allow for the
presence of a seasonal risk premium A. The risk premium can be positive or
negative depending on the market, and furthermore is allowed to be seasonal
in the maturity date of the contract.

We model the risk premium of the forward risk premium so that there it
grows linearly with the log of the average spot price. This makes sense since
the log of the spot price corresponds to the sum of the load and supply states.
Recall from our discussion of the properties of the bid-based model that the
long term component of the load and supply states (corresponding to the ()
processes) has a variance which grows linearly in time. In essence the model
proposes that the market assign a premium to the forward contract in
proportion to the variance of the underlying asset. While this makes intuitive
sense, there is not yet sufficient data available to test this assumption
properly. A more general model may assign a stochastic process to the risk
premium. Demand Model

One of the challenges of the load serving problem is to understand the

correlation between the price and the demand for electricity. Demand is not
generally price elastic, as consumers do not adjust their behavior based on the
market price (or even observe prices for that matter). However since short
term demand deviations are mainly temperature driven, the same inputs which
drive the total market load is likely to also effect the customers served by the
ESP. The bid-based model explicitly captures the effect of market demand
fluctuations on the spot price. What remains to be modeled is the relationship
between the system load and the ESP customer demand. In this chapter we
will assume the ESP serves a rough cross section of the demand in the market,
and will model the ESP demand (lct) as a fraction of the total load (Lct), plus a
noise term
123 Model Properties

The model can be characterized III state space format, where the state
vector is given by

the control variables as

a vector of disturbances

Z liL,b
d '

a vector of output variables

and a vector of time varying parameters

The state dynamics are linear, while the output variables are a nonlinear
function of the states. We can write the model in compact form

Xd+l = AXd + BUd + QZ d

Yd = f(X d ,Zd,8nJ·
7.4.3 Modeling the Firm's Risk Preference

So far we have defined the cash flow function and the dynamic constraints
on the underlying stochastic variables. Now we must define the firm's risk
preference, in order to arrive at an objective function for the optimization
problem. The mean-variance formulation defines a firm's utility in terms of a
linear tradeoff between the expected value and variance of the payoff:

7.4.4 Summary of the Hedging Problem

The firm needs to develop a decision rule, or policy, for the quantity of
forward contracts to purchase at each hedging interval (qtj), in order to
maximize its objective function:

max qIJ. i,0

ito = E t {'¥} - r * var,
0 0

The cash flow '¥ is defined as

and is subject to the dynamic constraints,

Xd+! = AXd + BUd + QZ d

Yd =j(Xd ,Zd,8m ),

for the set of state and output variables defined above.


The optimization problem defined above seems suitable for a dynamic

programming (DP) solution algorithm [40],[41]. There is a set of well-
defined dynamic state equations, coupled with a cost function based on
expected future payoffs. When attempting to fit the problem into the standard
dynamic programming form, however, we run into several problems. First,
the policy (or control) of the firm is defined over the hedging interval [to, T).
The payoff or cost function, on the other hand, is defined over a non-
overlapping delivery interval [T, T +N). The DP algorithm, however, requires
that the incremental cost at each stage, gk(Xb Uk), be defined, allowing us to
write the objective function as a sum of the cost incurred at each stage,

To transform the problem into one with an additive cost function, we

create a value function VI> which measures the expected cash flow during the
delivery period, as seen from each step in the hedging period,

or in expanded form,

Next, the mean variance formulation is superimposed upon the new value
function. VtO represents the initial expected return of the un hedged portfolio.
The objective of the hedging strategy is to maximize the expected value of the
portfolio while minimizing the risk (or variance) of the return. We define the
mean variance objective function as,

The new objective function differs from the old in that it does not optimize
over the variance of the actual cash flow. Instead we attempt to maximize the
risk adjusted value of the expected cash flow up to the end of the hedging

Based on the stochastic models described in the previous section, we can

describe the properties of the model and the value function Vd. The model is
Markov, meaning that all information about future outputs is contained in the
current values of the state. As a result the value function V d is also Markov.
Furthermore V d is a Martingale process,

The proof for this is a simple application of iterated expectations.

Using these characteristics of the value function, we can now rewrite the
objective function of the hedging problem as


With the reformulated cost function, the problem would seem to fit into a
dynamic programming framework. This however is not the case. The penalty
on the variance of the value makes the problem impossible to solve through
backward iteration. Specifically, it can be shown that the Bellman Equation is
violated [38], thus invalidating the dynamic programming approach. There
have been results, however, illustrating that variance-penalized Markov
decision problems can be solved through nonlinear programming. Methods
presented in [37],[38],[39] and [42] present such techniques for a variety of
interpretations of variability. The discussion is usually in terms of infinite
horizon problems, but can be generalized to the finite horizon case.


Under the objective function defined above, the firm optimally manages
the change in the value function Vt up to the final stage in the hedging period
(t=T). In reality, however, the firm is concerned with the uncertainty of the
cash flow occurring over the delivery interval [T, T +N]. Assume that the firm
has executed an optimal policy over the hedging interval. At time T, the firm
then holds a portfolio of forward contracts defined by q=[qtO qtl ... qT-d.
Conditional on the q vector, the ESP can then solve a single stage decision
problem with respect to the original optimization problem to find the optimum
number of forward contracts to buy or sell in the last stage:

The end state problem has several features which make it easier to solve
than the original problem.

• The problem is a single stage decision problem.

• All forward prices, past and current, are known, so Ft,T are
deterministic variables.
• Since we are at the beginning of the delivery month, the long term
states of the price and load models (OL,b), which evolve at a
monthly rate, can be assumed to be known constants. This reduces
the underlying dynamic constraints from a fourth to second order

The end state problem becomes a nonlinear programming problem with

dynamic constraints. Using the reduced order of the model as suggested
above, the problem can be solved through brute force simulation. The two
components of the objective function, the mean and variance of the cash flow,
can be characterized separately as a function of the decision variable qT. The
expected return is simply a linear function of q, with a slope determined by
the risk premium,

where K is a constant. The variance of the cash flow as a function of the

decision variable is quadratic skewed by the summation, as shown for the
sample plot below.



0.5 ~

1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800

Figure 7-3: Cash flow variance as a function of the number of future

contracts held.

7.7.1 Static Optimization Over Multiple Delivery Periods

In the above discussion we have limited the problem to a single delivery

month. In reality the ESP is likely to have customers signed up from multiple
years, corresponding to dozens of delivery periods. This adds significant
computational complexity to the optimization problem. While we will not
here attempt to solve the general multi-delivery period problem, we illustrate
some of its properties by considering the end state problem with two delivery
periods. This can be thought of as a simple hedging strategy for an ESP who
does not trust the dynamic forward price models. The optimization takes
place over a single stage, so that the relevant forward prices are observable.
Furthermore, since the formulation is static in the decision process, the
constraints on the objective function can be loosened. In this case we use the
value at risk formulation in order to illustrate a different approach to risk
management. Value at risk emphasizes the probability of the firm suffering a
critical loss over the delivery period. Figure 7-4 shows the probability of such
a loss as a function of the quantity of forward contracts bought or sold in each
of the two delivery periods (ql and q2).

Figure 7-4: Probability of a Critical Loss as a Function of Future Portfolio

Next a constraint is imposed on the maximum allowable probability of the

critical loss. This divides the space of possible futures portfolios into an
admissible and an inadmissible region, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5: Admissible region for futures trading under VAR

The above figures were generated by brute force simulation of a range of

possible future portfolios. Such an approach would be extremely time-
consuming for greater numbers of delivery periods. However the convex
form of the convergence region lends some hope that more efficient search
techniques can be used in order to arrive at an optimal trading portfolio under
the value at risk assumption.



Under realistic circumstances, the energy serVIce provider hedging

problem quickly escalates in dimensionality and, simultaneously, in the
computational complexity of the solution. The dimensionality of the problem
is governed by:

1. The number of states/sources of uncertainty III the underlying

dynamic constraints.
2. The number of times the futures portfolio is rebalanced.
3. The number of months in the delivery period.

Each of these factors represents a challenge to overcome in order to arrive

at an efficient formulation of the problem. Further research is needed to
arrive at ready-for-use algorithms. We here provide some thoughts on
possible approaches for reducing the impact of the sources of complexity.

As implied in the discussion of the end state sub-problem, the multiple

time scales contained in the bid-based model, can be exploited in order to
reduce the order of the model. The load and supply states each have a fast
component (w) evolving on a daily time scale, and a slow component (8)
evolving on a monthly scale. When dealing with uncertainty in the near
term (within the next month), the long term component can be assumed to
be constant. When addressing an uncertainty projected several months
into the future, the short term uncertainty can be assumed to have reverted
back to the long term mean, and thus ignored. In each case the fourth
order model is reduced to a second order model. The cutoff between short
and long term is dependent on the mean reversion rate of the demand and
supply processes, and can be best understood by examining the implied
term structure of the model. For further discussion on the efficient
implementation of the hedging algorithms, see [43].

In determining the proper structure of the hedging period, the user has to
consider two questions. How far in advance does one need to start
hedging the cash flow at delivery, and how often must the portfolio be
rebalanced? The first question is limited by the forward market, which
currently only trades fifteen months into the future. The second part is
constrained by transaction costs, as well as by the computational
complexity of the DP problem. Given a fixed number of times the user
can rebalance the portfolio over a long hedging period, it may useful to
adopt a nonlinear function for the length of each rebalancing period. For a
mean reverting process, the further away in time the user is projecting the
uncertainty, the less new information will enter over a given time interval.
Consequently, the further away from the delivery period, the less likely it
is that the portfolio has deviated from its optimal value. Further research
is needed to find an optimal function for the length of the hedging interval
as a function of time to delivery.
Chapter 8

Valuing Generation Assets


As the electric utility industry becomes more competitive, the question of

how to value generation assets becomes critical. This problem is typically
approached by defining the generator in terms of its efficiency (heat rate) in
converting fuel to electricity. Based on this rating, the valuation is performed
by modeling the generator as a spread option between the price of the fuel
used and the price of electricity [44]. The payoff from such an option is given

CFk = max~: - C(p: ),o}

where P: is the price of electricity and C IS the cost marginal cost of

production as a function of the fuel price P: .

The problem with this formulation is that it ignores several important

constraints involved in the operation of the unit, such as start-up and shut-
down costs, minimum run time, and maximum ramp rate [45]. These
constraints have a significant effect on how units are bid into, and dispatched
by, a spot market operator, and therefore have a significant effect on the
owners' cash flow. By ignoring the unit commitment constraints, one is likely
to undervalue plants with significant flexibility (such as micro turbines and
fuel cells) while overvaluing large inflexible fossil plants.
The reason why the unit commitment problem is often ignored in the
valuation of a power plant can be linked to computational complexity. In
general the operator of the unit has to solve a complex dynamic programming
problem to arrive at the optimal unit commitment decision for the generator
[7]. This is a computationally intensive problem with polynomial growth over

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
the time horizon over which the optimization is carried out. Therefore while it
is feasible to solve the unit commitment decision for a day-ahead bidding
problem [45], it is extremely challenging to extend this notion to a multi-year
valuation problem.
In this chapter, we propose a new method for valuing generation assets
with unit commitment constraints, using a principal component based model
for spot price described in detail in [19]. The effectiveness of the principal
component representation comes from being able to determine the hourly
prices within each day. This is qualitatively different from using a single daily
spot price, which does not recognize intra-day price variations. By applying
principal components, we are able to define today's net profit from the
generation asset as a function only of today's and yesterday's average spot
price. By storing the mapping from the state of the spot price to the cash flow
of the generator in a lookup table, we are able to simulate generator profits
over multiyear periods with minimal computational complexity [46].
Next we introduce a stochastic model for the fuel price. This adds a third
dimension to our lookup table, but still allows us to simulate the cash flow for
the generator with a computational time growing linearly with the length of
the valuation period.
The principal component based model is applied next to the problem of
hedging generation assets. By defining the daily cash flows from the unit as a
derivate of fuel and electricity prices, we can derive optimal strategies for
trading in fuel and electricity forward markets in order to manage generation



The price model used is a simplified version of the bid-based price model
introduced in [19]. We define a daily [24* 1] price vector P; , whose elements
are the 24 hourly electricity prices. Next we define the log of the price vector
to be the sum of a deterministic and stochastic component. The deterministic
component is composed of a monthly vector )lm' which captures the seasonal
characteristics of the electricity spot price. The stochastic component is
modeled as the product of the principal component vector v m and a daily
stochastic scalar weight Wd. The principal component captures the shape of
daily price variations from the seasonal mean )lm while the weight describes
the magnitude of the deviation as well as its correlation over time. The log of
the vector of spot market prices can be written as

Next we model the process describing the evolution of the weights w~.

We choose a two-factor discrete time mean reverting process. This captures

important features of electricity markets such as short-term mean reversion
and long term stochastic growth. For an in-depth discussion of modeling
electricity prices, please see [19].


The form of the price process postulates that hourly spot prices will be log-
normally distributed. Furthermore prices inside of a day are perfectly
correlated, since they are a function of a single daily random variable Wd. This
reduction in complexity is made possible by choosing the principal
component in an intelligent manner.

8.2.1 Formulating the Unit Commitment Decision

To calculate cash flow in a one-day period, firstly a generator solves a unit

commitment problem in order to determine when a unit is turned on or off
optimally. The one-day cash flow is the expected sum of profits from
operating in each hour. Let CFd (xo) be the cash flow on day d:

CFd (xo) = max E(L P;,kq -C k (q)}
1[ k=O

Rewrite this optimization in a Dynamic Programming (DP) framework,

adopted from [7] as the following:

CFd (xo) = Jo(x o) = maxE{L Uk (P;kqk -C k(qk ,P1,k)-
1[ k=O

I(Xk <O)S)+(1-U k)'(C f +I(x k >O)T}

Reward-to-go in hour k:

_ {max(1,x k + 1)
X k +1 -
min(-1,xk -1)

ICTRUE') = 1
I('FALSE') = 0

The optimal policy is applied to obtain the maximum expected profits. The
above problem is a full-blown version in which there are multiple sources of
uncertainties. The first one is from electricity spot prices, and the second one
is from fuel prices.

8.2.2 Price Model Used in the Unit Commitment Problem

When solving the unit commitment bidding problem, we use an

approximate version of the price process. In the full-blown model we can
write the next days weight as a function of today' s states:

We here assume that a e « I, and (je» (joe. We only use this

assumption when formulating the day-ahead bidding strategies. With this
assumption we can write the weight process as:

This effectively states that in the very short term (day-ahead) we can
ignore the mean reversion as well as the long term volatility. It should be
noted that we only use this assumption to arrive at a bidding strategy. When
simulating future spot price for valuation purposes we use the full-blown
version of the price model.

Therefore, we can simplify the above unit commitment by assuming that

1) qk = qrnax '
2) in a one-day period, plk is given Vk,
3) a e = 0, during a one-day period,
W d+J = W d +arnz d
- - e e




We have shown how to calculate cash flow and a onloff policy for a
generator in a given day d. This cash flow is an expected cash flow, given
Wd = Wd,i' Wd,i is a sample value of Wd ' which is continuously normally
distributed with (w d-J + Ke ) mean and standard deviation a:. To create a
lookup table mapping a pair (w d,j' Wd-J) to a cash flow, we generate Wd,j
given Wd-J,i ; and apply the optimal policy n(w d-J,i) to determine the cash
flow in the d period with Wd,j , or P;,j . Therefore, in period d, we have

CFd(w d-Li' Wd ) = ~) Uk (w d-J)(P;,k (w d)' q - c(q) - I(x k < O)S)
+(l-Uk(Wd_JJ),(c f +I(xk <O)T)},\tj

Repeating this process using Wd-J,i for other i, one obtains a cash flow
matrix which an element (i,j) is a cash flow associated with both Wd,j and
W d-J,i' This matrix captures possible cash flows in a given month m with a
simplified price process for each day d.

CFm =

For each month m, a cash flow matrix can be calculated by using the same
method. Note that each cash flow matrix is obtained by assuming a constant
fuel price P;,k for all k and d within each month m.

8.3.1 Incorporating Stochastic Fuel Prices

Next we propose a model which will allow us to include stochastic fuel

prices. We here assume that we are dealing with a gas-fired plant, but the
model is equally applicable to oil or coal. Since gas is a storable commodity,
it experiences less short-term volatility, and very little intra-day volatility. We
will therefore make the following assumptions.

1. There is only a single daily gas price P;,k'

2. In the unit commitment decision, the day-ahead gas price is assumed
to be forecasted with near-perfect accuracy (i.e. assumed to be
deterministic) .
Next we postulate a model for the daily gas price. The log of the price is
written as the sum of a deterministic seasonal and a stochastic component.

Note that we do not need to apply the principal component approach since
the price is a scalar. The stochastic component is described by a two factor
mean reverting model.

To apply this model we first need to expand the lookup table to include gas
price as a third dimension. Note that the assumption that unit commitment
takes the day-ahead gas price as deterministic allows us to add only one rather
than two dimensions to the lookup table.
We now generate simulated paths for future w's for electricity and gas.
The lookup table converts them into paths of future cash flows.

To capture the dynamic of fuel prices, which is assumed to vary on a

monthly basis, we create a set of cash flow matrices with different fuel prices,

{CF1,CF2, ... ,CFI2IP:k =9;}


[CP" CP~, ",~p" I pJ,k = 81,)

Note that we can generate N samples of w of fuel prices to create an

(N x N x N) cash flow matrix for each month ill. This matrix completely
captures uncertainty due to both the electricity and fuel prices.



Once the lookup table has been created, we can use the full-blown price
model to generate simulated weights. The lookup table is then used to
generate a path of cash flows from a path of weights. The simulation time is
linear in the length of the valuation period. Furthermore we are not restricted
to the proposed model for generating weights. The lookup table can be linked
to any stochastic model which produces weights for the principal components.

8.4.1 Generation Asset Valuation

The value of a generator V is the expected sum of discounted cash flows

during the period of valuation,

V = E{I(r)d . CFd(w~)},

where r is a discounted factor, III which 0 < r < 1 , and D IS a period of

valuation (such as a I5-year period or a 15*365-day period).

There are two valuation methods that we consider here:

1) A Monte Carlo Simulation Method
a) M paths of (we, W d) are generated.


b) For each path i of [we, W f ]i, each cash flow is obtained by

choosing a cash flow associated with each pair of [e f]i from the
Wj,W j

lookup table. The value of a generator if w~ and w~ follow path i is

the sum of the discounted cash flows.

Vi (r) d • CF~ (w ~ , w ~ )

c) The value of a generator is equal to

V= ~{i Vi} = ~{f(L(r)d . CF~(w~, w~»}

M i=1 M i=I

2) A Multinomial Tree Method

Instead of using Monte Carlo simulations to model uncertainties in the

spot price, we can use a multinomial tree method. The simplest version of
the tree method is a binomial tree. A binomial tree can be used when only
one source of uncertainty exists. For example, if gas prices are known at
any time d, the only uncertainty in generation asset valuation comes from
electricity prices. At the end of each day d, w ~,i either goes up with
probability p to be w ~~~l or goes down with probability I-p to be w ~~~l .
. d WIt
H ence, at eac h no d e a cas h fl ow aSSOCIate . h W ed ( W ed'i+l or W ed'i-I)

conditioned on the previous node W~'~l is simply obtained from the

lookup table. We expand the tree from a single node on day 0 to 2N nodes
on day N, The value at each node i on day d V~ is the expected sum of
discounted cash flows of the next adjacent nodes, plus the cash flow
associated with W ~,i incurred at that node,

V di = CFi(
d W ej
d'-J ' W ei)
i+1 + (1 -
d' + r ( p. CFd+l ) CFi-l)
p. d+l ,J, = {'I'
1- , 1+ I}

d d+l d+2

Figure 8-1. A Binomial-Tree Representation

For a case with more than one sources of uncertainty, two additional
branches will be added to capture each additional source of uncertainty. This
will make the problem become more complex since nodes grow exponentially
with time. A Monte Carlo approach might be more applicable to deal with
more than one source of uncertainty.


As shown in this chapter, the day-ahead process of deciding on an optimal

commitment strategy for generation assets with unit commitment constraints
under uncertain fuel prices is an extremely complex problem. While in theory
one can value a unit by simply extending this commitment decision for a
multiyear period, by simulating a range of possible fuel and electricity price
paths, this approach is extremely computationally demanding. The use of
principal component theory in price modeling recognizes that there are
dominant patterns in the hourly price deviations within a day. These patterns
can be exploited to reduce the number of random variables in the unit
commitment decision, and greatly reduce the computational complexity of the
problem. We have illustrated how we can characterize the day-ahead bidding
strategy of a generator as a function of three states, representing electricity
and fuel prices. This leads to the creation of a lookup table which effectively
stores all information related to the unit commitment problem. Once this
lookup table is created, the problem of valuing the generator is trivial, since
all we have to do is generate simulated price paths for fuel and electricity
prices. The approach is extremely computationally efficient and allows us to
simulate the value of generation assets over a multi-year period.

The contribution here is in presenting a computationally feasible valuation

method, which will allow users to differentiate between technologies based on
flexibility as well as fuel efficiency. The authors believe that this will have
significant impact on investment choices in the new industry, both on a
wholesale and distribution level.

A Principal Com ponent Representation of a Typical Daily
Price of Electricity





:;:: 25

~ 20


1 {)

8 9 tG- ~1 12 1~;; 14 "IS 161/181920212:22324-

H <3 U r

Figure 8-2. Principal Component Representation of a Typical Daily Price

of Electricityl

Typical24 Hour Basis for Representing Daily Price of




:='" 15

~ 10

H 0 u r

Figure 8-3. A Typical 24 Hour Basis for Representing the Daily Price
Vector for Electricity (Hour 1)

Typical24 Hour Basis for Representing Daily Price

of E leclricily

2 6

2 0

1 :.:,


j 0

H O'IJ f

Figure 8-4 A Typical 24 Hour Basis for Representing the Daily Price
Vector for Electricity (Hour 23).
Average Spot Price and Spot Prices of Electricity

c::::J S pot P ric e s
45 1
-+-Average Price



'"::;~ 25




9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
H 0 Ur

Figure 8-SA verage versus actual spot price patterns

Chapter 9

Modeling Locational Price Differences


In this chapter we will address the question of how market participants can
quantify and hedge locational price risk. The work draws on results from the
finance, economics and engineering community, attempting to find a middle
ground that allows us to solve the unique problems facing the electricity
industry. This includes developing methods for valuing newly emerging
transmission dependent derivative contracts. Furthermore we examine the
relationship of these new contracts with existing forward and option contracts
on locational spot prices. We extend this analysis to include the valuation of
investment opportunities in transmission assets, thus allowing a for-profit
transmission provider to arrive at a market based valuation of a potential
investment, based on observed forward and derivative prices.



9.2.1 Modeling and Pricing Flows in Electric Power


What differentiates electricity from other network based industries, such as

telecommunications or transportation systems, are the complex physical
constraints which govern the flow of power in transmission networks.
Electricity cannot be sent point to point along a specified path. The flows are
a nonlinear function of injections at the network nodes, and are governed by
Kirchoff s current and voltage laws. In the regulated industry, utilities applied

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
an optimal power flow (OPF) methodology, which combined power flow with
the cost functions of their generation assets and arrived at least cost
production schedules [47],[48]. With the creation of competitive power
markets, the decision process of how much each generator should produce has
moved from a centralized OPF problem to a decentralized auction scheme.
Each producer decides how he wishes to bid his generation assets based on his
own local objective function. The amount of power generated in each location
then becomes a direct function of the market price of electricity in that area.
The role of the independent system operator (ISO) is to determine a set of
locational prices, such that the resulting injections of power by the generators
do not violate the physical constraints of the transmission lines. Specifically,
if the power flow from location A to location B in the network exceeds the
capacity limit of the line, the system operator will want to raise the price at B
and lower the price at A. This will presumably increase the local injection of
power at node B, and decrease the injection at A, resulting in a decrease of the
flow of power from A to B. This process is known as congestion
management. Mapping this approach to a large scale network with non-linear
relationships between flows and injections is a challenging task. There are
currently two main congestion management methods commonly used in
power systems: nodal and zonal pricing methods [49],[52],[53]. A third
method, proposed in[55] and [54], is a generalization of the zonal pricing
method and is based on congestion clusters.

9.2.2 Contracts for Transmission

Depending on the region, a number of different contracts on transmission

are available to market participants to hedge their locational price risk. We
will not describe each contract type in depth, but rather focus on two critical
components which differentiate these contracts from one another. First we
differentiate between physical transmission contracts, which assign the right
to physically use the transmission grid, and financial contracts that result in a
cash flow dependent on locational prices. Next we differentiate between
contracts where the holder is obligated to use the transmission capacity (or
receive or pay the difference between the spot prices at each location), and the
case in which the holder has the option to use the capacity. It will be
demonstrated that the difference in optionality has a considerable effect on the
value of the transmission right. From here on we will refer to the types of
contracts with no optionality as fixed transmission rights, while contracts with
optimality are referred to as flexible transmission rights. How existing
transmission contracts fall with respect to these criteria is outlined in table 1.

Contract execution obligation

Type of
contract Flexible (optional)

PTR, Ownership of
transmission line
Financial Locational spread option FTR

Table 9-1: Properties of Transmission Contracts

9.2.3 Valuing Transmission Rights

As transmission rights are being issued, either through auctions, or

bilateral secondary markets, there is little consensus on how these rights
should be valued. Consider the following possible approaches to valuing a
transmission contract.

1. A supplier about to enter into a bilateral contract with a consumer, may

value a firm transmission right in the following way. If the price specified
by the bilateral contract is larger than the cost of the transmission right,
combined with the cost of generating the power, then the supplier should
accept the bilateral contract, and purchase the transmission right. This is a
naIve valuation method, since it assumes that the supplier has to either
purchase the transmission right or withdraw from the bilateral agreement
with the consumer.
2. The spot market for electricity provides generators with a second option to
supply their customers. In addition to the previous example where
suppliers have to purchase the right to transmit the power from their plant
location to the customer, they can sell the power locally on the spot
market, and purchase power from the spot market at the customer
location. This suggests that market participants ought to value
transmission rights by projecting future spot price differentials and
determine which delivery method is the most economical.
3. Assuming that an energy service provider always has the option to supply
its load through the spot market, the value of a transmission right, either
physical or financial, can be viewed as a derivative of locational spot
prices. By switching the paradigm of the discussion into the field of
financial derivates, we can start to address a number of new questions.
What is the relative value of a transmission right contract, and of a set of
forward contracts at the respective end points? How is the stochastic
evolution of transmission contract prices related to changes in forward
market prices? Is it possible to replicate a transmission right with a
portfolio of forward and options contracts?

In this paper we will attempt to answer these questions by imposing

dynamic constraints on the interaction of physical and financial processes on
the network. A key assumption in this approach is that financial and physical
rights are interchangeable in the network. In the following section we
investigate this assumption in terms of the risk exposure of market
participants. Physical vs. Financial Risk

Participants in competitive power markets face two types of uncertainty:

physical and financial. Physical risk refers to the possibility of having service
to a customer interrupted. Financial risk is derived from uncertainty about
future prices, and refers to the resulting variance in the market participant's

In markets for transmission, the line between physical and financial rights
IS necessarily blurred. To better understand why this is true, consider the
following example, where our world consists of two electricity markets (or
two zones of the same market) connected by a transmission line. 1 supplier in
market 1 has entered into a contract to supply physical power to a consumer
in market 2. To enable this transaction, the supplier has also purchased a
physical transmission right from 1 to 2. The transmission right, however, may
be curtailed by the system operator under certain circumstances, such as a
physical failure of the transmission line. Would such a curtailment represent a
physical or financial risk to the parties in the bilateral contract?

Market 1 Market 2


Figure 9-1 Example of two markets

A curtailment of the transmission right does not absolve the supplier from
his obligation to serve the customer, but it makes it impossible for him to
transmit his locally generated power to the load. This problem can be
circumvented if the supplier sells his power in market 1 and purchases an
equivalent amount of power in market 2. The physical risk of curtailment has
then been transformed into a financial risk from the price spread between the
two markets. There is also an inherent assumption that there is power
available to be bought in market 2 at any price. This may not be the case,
especially if the region is heavily dependent on imports coming through the
downed transmission line. If power is not available, the load in the bilateral
contract cannot be served and the transmission right curtailment represents a
physical risk.

In this paper we will address primarily the question of how to manage

financial locational risk in electricity markets. The assumption is that there is
a secondary market for reliability, which addresses the problem of having
sufficient reserves available to deal with contingencies. The authors recognize
that in the current state of power markets in the United States, the question of
reliability remains a major unresolved issue. Another motivation for
considering the problem from a financial perspective is that even a physical
failure to deliver is generally associated with a financial penalty. We can view
this penalty as a default spot price, allowing us to transform physical risk into
financial risk, as seen from the suppliers' viewpoint.



In this paper we will attempt to value three different types of assets: fixed
transmission rights, flexible transmission rights and the ownership of a
transmission line. Each of these assets can be thought of as a derivative of the
locational spot price at the end nodes. Consider the setup described in
figureO. We proceed to calculate the value of each asset at maturity, i.e. at the
actual time of use of the transmission asset, financially or physically. We find
that in each case, this value is a function of the underlying spread between the
spot prices Sl and S2. In each case it is assumed that the transmission right
held is in the direction 2 to I, and the quantity is q MW.

The value of the fixed transmission right is simply the difference in the
locational spot values at the time of maturity, and can thus be positive or

The owner of the flexible transmission right will only exercise the contract
if the price differential is positive. The payoff is therefore given by

V flex = max{O,q(Si _S2)}.

The owner of the transmission line is assumed to collect all congestion

rents, allowing him to profit irrespective of transmission line ownership:

Identifying these relationships allows us to start to address the issue of the

relative values of the above assets. Specifically we see that the payoff
functions are linearly dependent, so that any two can be used to replicate the
third perfectly. For example, by selling a fixed transmission right and
purchasing two flexible transmission rights, one can guarantee the exact same
payoff as from the physical ownership of the transmission line, independent
of the price spread at maturity.

The analysis above focused only on the value of the transmission rights at
maturity. In order to use these contracts as a part of hedging or speculation
portfolios, however, the investor needs to be able to project the future values
of the contract, and understand the dynamics of contract prices over time. To
address this issue we need to postulate stochastic models for the underlying
spot prices. We begin by reviewing the current state of the art modeling
Value Fixed Transmission Right

Value Flexible Transm ission Right


Ownership of Transm ission Line


Figure 9-2

The set of models used in pricing derivatives and managing financial risk
are commonly referred to as volatility models. The purpose of these models
are twofold: to characterize the probability distribution of future spot prices,
and to estimate the correlation between future prices at different points in
time. The most well-known application of volatility modes is the Black-
Sholes option valuation formula, originally derived to value derivatives on
equity. The basis for Black-Sholes is the assumption that the price of a stock,
S, can be characterized by a random walk process known as Geometric
Brownian Motion (GBM),

dS = J1Sdt + aSdz ,

where z(t) is a continuous time Wiener process. For commodity markets, a

variation of GBM is often used, based on the Omstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic

dS =/( (Ji-In S)Sdt + adz.

This process, also known as the mean reverting process, captures a

property of commodity prices in which they tend to revert back to equilibrium
levels after temporary shocks.

The models presented above can be extended to address derivative on the

spread between two markets. The common approach is to model the spot price
in each market as a separate Ito process. In the case of commodities, each spot
price Si is characterized by a mean-reverting process. The interaction between
the markets is characterized by the correlation p between the Wiener
processes driving each spot process.

dS I = KI (fll -In SI )Sldt+ a.ldz l

dS 2 = K2(fl2 -lnS2)S2dt+(J2dz 2

This approach was taken by Deng, Johnson and Sogomonian [44] in order
to price locational spread options in electricity markets.

A number of questions arise, however, in the implementation of this

modeling approach in electricity markets. Can the interaction between
electricity prices at different locations really be captured through a simple
correlation parameter? Will the correlation between markets remain constant
over time, and if not, how does it vary in response to changes in market
structure, expansion of the transmission grid, addition of new capacity, and
growth in the demand? In this paper we will take a closer look at the
dynamics of the uncertainties, which drive locational price differences. To do
this we introduce a new type of volatility model, the bid-based model. The
main deviation from the above-mentioned approaches is that we model price
as an output form a process with distinct supply and demand states. As will be
shown, this allows for a link between the physical and financial processes in
the marketplace, and a better understanding of what determines the correlation
between locational prices.



We use the Bid-based Stochastic Model to simulate the behavior of prices

in a multi-market scenario. We estimate the value of a transmission right
between two spot markets by modeling a joint evolution of loads and
electricity prices in the adjacent markets, connected by a tie-line of fixed
maximum capacity Fmax 12 [18],[19].
Scheduled transmission flows occur when there is cross-bidding between
markets; that is, when loads or suppliers in one market decide that they are
better off purchasing or selling their power in the neighboring spot market. A
positive flow from market i to market j can be caused by two types of actions:

• Supply cross-bidding: Suppliers in market i decide to bid their power into

market j. This causes bi to increase and ~ to decrease.
• Load cross-bidding: Loads in market j decide to bid their demand into
market i. This causes Li to decrease and Li to increase.

The net effect on price of the two actions is equivalent. Without loss of
generality we decide to interpret all flows as the effect of load cross-bidding.
To incorporate this behavior into the model, we introduce a new variable qd i,
representing the actual quantity bid into market i at time d. The variable Ldi is
interpreted as the native load of the market, which is physically located inside
the market's borders. Price in market i is a function of the total load and
supply bid into this market:

Sdi = ea'q'+b'
I .. 2

The relationship between q and L for the two-market example can be

written as

q~ = L~ + FJ2

where Fd l2 is the flow from market I to market 2, which can be positive or

negative. The power has to be balanced between the markets

and the tie-line flow Fd l2 is bounded by Fd max •


The quantity of load, which cross-bids into the neighboring market, is

calculated by assuming that market agents are rational. If there exists a price
differential between the markets, the load in the expensive market will submit
bids into the cheaper market. The magnitude of the cross bidding is limited by
the capacity of the transmission line. Thus load bids will keep shifting from
the expensive to the cheap market until one of the following occurs:

1. The prices equalize, thus removing any incentive for further cross-bidding.
2. The transmission line becomes congested, preventing the native loads from
being supplied from the other market beyond a certain level.

The first case corresponds to the following mathematical condition:

s~ = s3
a I qdI + bld = a 2 qd2 + b2d

The flow necessary to reach price equality ftJ2, as a function of native load
and supply states, is given by

, 12 1 rr 2L2 b2) {I I b I \1
Fd = I 2 l\a d + d - \a Ld + d}J·
a +a

The transmission constraint pmax limits the flow both ways.

_ F rnax ::::; FJ2 ::::; F rnax

The actual flow between the markets Pd 12 , accounting for the limits, can
therefore be written as
The prIces in two markets, Sd 1 and si, are always equal, until the
transmission flow reaches the maximum capacity. At this point prices will
diverge, and the dynamics of the two markets will decouple.


A flexible transmission right of x MW between market 1 and market 2 is

interpreted as the right, but not the obligation, to transmit up to x MW of
power from market 1 to market 2 on any day d. Furthermore we assume the
transmission right to be firm, so it can not be curtailed under any
circumstances. The expected daily profit from owning a flexible transmission
right can therefore be expressed as:

The value of a transmission right between markets 1 and 2 thus is equivalent

to the value of a spread option between the two markets.


Tab. 3: BSM parameters, used in simulations; equal in both markets

a K a
Load 0.3 50 500 2000
Supply 0.3 0.05 0.0005 0.25
Tab. 4: Monthly BSM parameters, used in simulations

Market Market
1 2
Load 13000 20000
Supply 1.7 1.7

We estimate the value (in $/MWh) of owning a flexible transmission right

for one day, thirty days from today. To better illustrate the qualitative effects
of moving to a multi-market environment, we have ignored the dynamics of
the mean-process 0 in the single-market bid-based price model, forcing long
term means of both processes to be zero, OLi = Obi = 0, i = 1,2 for all times.
The parameters and initial states for the demand and supply processes in both
markets are given in tables 2 and 3 respectively. It should also be noted that,
for this particular example, we assume to random walk processes driving the
load and supply processes in each region to be uncorrelated.

We simulated the behavior of the two market model for various values of the
maximum transmission capacity, varying from 0 to 3500. For each scenario,
the model was then run 10,000 times for a 31-day period. The plots show the
correlation between locational prices and the value of the flexible
transmission right on the 31 st day.
Daily Pl and P2, lL =0 Daily P 1 and P2, lL = 1750

120 ' I I
II ,"- , I~ Mar1<et 1
I 100

90 I
' I'
\ I I f
/ 1'1
I I, \ 1'\1
I \1 \ I I' \'
I ,
I I , 80
) )
I 1/
,I I
W II W I \

~ 80
~ 70 v

l 60
0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Day Day

Daily P 1 and P2' TL = 3500 Daily P 1 and P2' lL = 5250


) )

~ ~
! !
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Day Day

Figure 9-3: Simulated joint spot price dynamics for two markets joined by
a transmission line of varying capacity.
Histogram of Spread option value, TL = 0 MW Histogram of Spread option value, TL = 1750 MW
10oo,-------------, 1000,-------------,

800 800
1;l '"
~ 600 ~ 600

-g 400 :u 400

200 200

40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80
Value ($/MWh) Value ($/MWh)

Histogram of Spread option value, TL = 3500 MW Histogram of Spread option value, TL = 5250 MW
3000,-------------, 5 0 0 0 , - - - - - - -___- - - - - ,

2500 4000
'"~ 2000 VI
fJ 3000
~ 1500 '0
1l 1i 2000
~ 1000 ~
z z

10 20 30
Value ($/MWh) Value ($/MWh)

Figure 9-4

.... ..

Figure 9-5 Spread option value e l2 and price correlation coefficient in
various TL capacities
As the size of the transmission line increases, the correlation between the
locational prices increases. Consequently the probability of the prices
diverging is reduced, so that the value of the spread option, and the
transmission right, decreases.


A simulation based approach allows the user to estimate the expected cash
flow from a contract, and the associated risk, or variance, of the cash flow. In
addition, traders also need to understand the relationship between the contract
price and the current value of the underlying state variables. This knowledge
allows the user to cancel out risk between a variety of contracts, as long as the
risk is derived from a limited number of underlying sources. A well-known
example is the case of delta hedging. As shown in section 9-4, the Black
Scholes model assumes that all uncertainty affecting the price of a stock can
be modeled as originating from a single Wiener process. By Ito's lemma, all
derivatives of the stock price will follow Ito processes driven by the same
Wiener process as the stock price. This result allows the trader to hold a
combination of the derivative and underlying stock so that the uncertainty
cancels itself out exactly. The ratio of the stock (S) to the derivative (g)
required to eliminate the uncertainty is known as the delta of the derivative,
given by

L1 = agl
g as.·.1

The delta hedge will only cancel out the uncertainty for a given stock price
S. Since the stock price evolves continually, the value of delta will also
constantly change. To perfectly eliminate risk, a trader therefore needs to
rebalance his portfolio constantly. The process of rebalancing in response to
changes in the underlying asset price is known as dynamic hedging. The
effectiveness of a dynamic hedging strategy depends in large part on the
accuracy of the underlying model. Furthermore, due to transaction costs and
other real market constraints, a continuous replication strategy cannot be
implemented. Instead, traders must rely on approximate strategies where the
portfolio is rebalanced at discrete time steps. In this case, one must analyze
the robustness of the linearization, as spot prices diverge from the initial
operating point.

9.S.1 Dynamic Hedging and the Bid-based Model.

In the case of electricity, uncertainty in the spot price process cannot be

well described through a single random input. As discussed in the
presentation of the bid-based model, there are a number of factors influencing
the bid behavior of suppliers and consumers. The model describes four
sources of uncertainty, a long and short term process for demand and supply
respectively. In the case oftwo markets linked by a transmission line, the joint
dynamics is governed by four state variables (demand and supply states in
each area), with eight associated random inputs. This approach may seem
overly detailed. Why not apply a reduced order model of the regional price, as
proposed by Deng et al. [44]. The reason lies in the asymmetrical effect of the
transmission line flow on the distribution of the price spread between the
markets. To illustrate this effect, consider the two market environment as
described in the simulated example in section 6-5, with a transmission line of
capacity 3,500MW. We are interested in the sensitivity of the price spread to a
change in one of the underlying states, L or b. Figure 9-6 shows a plot of the
price spread as a function of LJ as the other three states (L2' bI. and b2) are
kept constant at the initial values given in table 6-3. The figure illustrates an
interesting property of the sensitivity of the price spread to demand changes in
region 1. The plot separates into three distinct regions. In the middle region,
the transmission line is uncongested, and the price spread therefore is zero. In
this case, the two areas act as a single market with a single price. We refer to
this region as the 'dead band' since the price spread is insensitive to changes
III the underlying states. The left regIOn represents the case when the

transmission line is congested in the direction of 2~ 1. In this case the

markets decouple. The flow on the transmission line is fixed at its maximum
value, so that changes in the state variables of one market do not get
transmitted through changes in the flow to the neighboring market. The
uncertainty in the spot price in each region is governed by the uncertainty in
the local load and supply variables. However, the price spread (S]-S2) is
always negative. Conversely, the right hand region of the plot shows the
behavior of the price spread when the line is congested from market 1 to 2. In
this case the price spread is strictly positive. A similar type of behavior can be
observed when plotting price as a function of the supply state.

~ 150 +................................................................. .........•...................... I

en 100 .\.......................................................................................... ]',............................ I


ot-----~ ........~----~
8 20000 30000 40900
~ ~ i
.100 ..--.-.-.-.---.-..-.------.--.-.----.----.-----... -.~.-J
Market 1 Native Load

Figure 9-6: Price spread between markets 1 and 2 as a function of native

load in market 1.

9.8.2 Implications on the Valuation of a Spread Option

An important implication of the property displayed in Figure 9-6 is the

asymmetry of the distribution of the price spread. Recall the price based
approach to modeling spread options. This model implies that the future spot
prices in each region are lognormally distributed random variables. As a
result, the probability of the two prices being exactly equal is infinitesimal.
Furthermore, if the prices were equal for a given instance, there would be a
non-zero, though not necessarily equal, probability of the spread being
positive or negative in the next instance. This is a qualitatively different
behavior than what we would expect to see according to the bid based model.
Consider again the case where we allow only the load in area 1 to vary,
keeping all other states fixed. The stochastic process governing load dictates
that future load levels are normally distributed random variables.

140·· 0.00025

. 100 0.0002

.,.. 80
if) 60 0.00015
'tI 40
!! 20
a. 0.0001
(Ii 0
c.. 0.00005
-80 I 11111111111 II III 0
0 8000 16000 24000
Market 1 Native load

Figure 9-7: Price spread between two markets as a function of native load
in market 1, with superimposed load distributions.

Figure 9-7 shows two normal distributions superimposed on the plot of the
sensitivity of price spread to changes in L]. The two distributions, high load
and low load, represent the projected distributions of load on a high demand
and low demand respectively. The means of the distributions are 13,000 MW
and 23,000MW, and the standard deviation in both cases is 2,OOOMW. The
figure illustrates an interesting condition. Each load distribution covers two
regions of the graph, but the probability of ending up in the third region is
nearly zero. In other words, a load change during a high demand period could
cause the transmission line to move from uncongested to congested in the
1~2 direction. However, it is extremely unlikely that a load change would be
large enough to cause congestion in the 2~ 1 direction. Conversely, during a
low demand period, the transmission line will be either uncongested or
congested in the 2~ 1 direction, but is unlikely to be congested in the 1~2
direction. Combining this result with the link between the direction of
congestion and the sign of the price spread gives an interesting result outlined
in the table below.

Expected Probability Probability Probability

Load Level (L I) SI>S2 S2>SI SI=S2
15,000MW 2* 10- 15 .5 .5
25,000MW .5 3* 10- 12 .5

If one attempt to find a set of parameter for the traditional spot price
model, which produces a similar set of probabilities for the price spread, one
would find this impossible. The bid based dictates a qualitatively different
behavior of the price spread.

9.8.3 Replicating a Flexible Transmission Right under the

Bid-based Price Model

Closely related to dynamic hedging is the dynamic replication problem. In

replicating a derivative, we create a portfolio of contracts which have the
same payoff. Dynamic replication is the practice of creating a dynamically
changing portfolio which matches the value of a derivative over time.
Dynamic replication has a significant impact on the pricing of derivatives
contracts. If a derivative can be perfectly replicated, then one can create a
portfolio with exactly zero payoff by purchasing the derivative and selling the
replicating portfolio. If the price of the replicating portfolio differs from that
of the derivative, this represents an arbitrage opportunity.
In this section we attempt to replicate a flexible transmission right, or
equivalently a locational spread option. The option is purchased at time t, and
matures at time T. The price of the option is C I2 (t,T), and its payoff at
maturity is given by

payoff = max(O, s~ - S:j)

The nature of the price spread lends itself nicely to this problem. Consider
three states of the transmission line.

1. State 1. The line is congested in the direction 1-72. In this case S2>S I.
2. State 2. The line is uncongested. In this case S I=S2.
3. State 3. The line is congested in the direction 2-71. In this case SI>S2.

Next consider the following set of replicating portfolios.

1. Portfolio 1. Purchase a forward contract in market 1, sell forward

contract in area 2.
2. Portfolio 2. Do nothing.

Now consider the payoff at maturity from the call option, as well as the
two replicating portfolios, under each of the three transmission line states,
(assuming the forward contracts are prepaid).
State 1 State 2 State 3
Call option Max(O, Sl_ Max(O, Sl_ Max(O, Sl_
S2)=O S2)=O S2)= SI_S2>O
Portfolio 1 SI-S2<O SI_S2=O SI-S2>O
Portfolio 2 0 0 0

The table shows that the call option has the same cash flow as portfolio 1
in states 2 and 3. The option has the same cash flow as portfolio 2 in states 1
and 2. Combining this with the probability distributions displayed in Figure
9-7, we find that in many cases a very simple replication strategy will do. For
the high demand period, the transmission line is very likely to be in state 2 or
3, so portfolio 1 provides a good replication. For the low demand period, the
transmission line is likely to be in state 1 or 2, and therefore the payoff from
the spread option is zero and the replicating portfolio is empty.



Figure 9-8 A three market example


Power flows in a three-market example are in contrast to the two-market

example calculated using optimal power flow, based only on the flow of
active power between generators and loads (DC-OPF). Generation in each of
the markets is dispatched in a non-linear manner according to a composite
generation cost function using constrained optimization. As in the two-market
example, we interpret all flows as the effect of load cross-bidding, denoting
Ldi as the native load of each market and qdi as the actual quantity bid into
market i at time d. The price in market i is a function of the total load and
supply bid ioto this market. The relationship between q and L can be
expressed as

qdi = T'd"
L +"
£... Fdij ,
}• -r-
-1-'1, 1• = 1.. 3

where Fdij is the flow from market i to market j. Due to conservation of

energy, the total amount of generation in the system matches the total native

while the power balance equation postulates that the amount of native load
equals the amount of bid-in load.

In the case of a perfectly constrained network, flows on transmission lines

equal F)/ = 0, G ~ = Ed ' i = 1.. 3. Otherwise, the total generation of the
system is allocated to the individual markets according to the minimum cost
criterion, with a cost function J:

;=1 ;=1

Constrained optimization takes into account the transmission limits of the

lines Fma}. Simulation of the Three-Market Model

To investigate the value of a transmission right in a three-market setting

(in $IMWh), we have again looked at the time frame of one day, thirty days
from today. The dynamics of all three markets have been modeled according
to the bid-based stochastic price model. The respective parameters for the
load and supply process in all three markets were identical, except for the
mean-value of the load in market 3, '.h3 • To create a price differential, IlL3 was
set to 14,000 MW, 1,000 MW higher than in the neighboring markets.

f.1~ = f.1Z = 13.000MW

f.1~ = 14.000MW

The algorithm for calculation of native generation and prices in each of the
three markets for a 31-day period is shown in Figure 9-9. Using the respective
daily loads, the DC OPF is used to compute native generation Gi , i = 1.. 3,
according to the cost function J and transmission constraints Fmaxij • From
native generation Gi , load Li and supply curve shift bi , market i price pi is then
calculated. This algorithm is ran in a loop where the transmission capacity
Fmaxij of all three lines is gradually increased in 6 steps from 0 MW to 3,750
MW. The plots in show loads and prices for the period of 30 days.
As the transmission capacity is gradually increased the flows on the lines
increase as well, as shown in Figure 9-10, yet the effects of congestion are
eminent on the first four graphs. At the same time, correlation in prices among
markets increases as the lines become less congested, see Figure 9-10.

Model parameters for market i, i = 1.. 3

iii oi iii i oi ii
<XL, KL, ()L ,()L ,).1L, Ub , Kb, ()b ,()b ,).1b, a


=I. (a i qi + b i )
- Compute cost function J

- Allocate native generation Gi , i = 1..3, s.t.

min (J(Gi )) and
Pij <
- F max,
i j · · - 1 3·
1,J - . . ,1:;t: J.

Price for market i: Si = e aiGi +b i

Prices for different transm. constraints pi

Figure 9-9
Tl= F",

3000 4000

~2oo0 ::;:
It 1000
0 0
0 10 20 3Q 40 0 10

Figure 9-10 Daily flows in 3 markets with various transmission capacities

Chapter 10

Investment Dynamics and Long Term Price Trends

in Competitive Electricity Markets


Our attention is often drawn to competitive power markets in times of

crisis. Electricity markets are now experiencing unprecedented levels of price
volatility. Each time prices spike there are those who call for regulatory
intervention to protect customers and keep large suppliers from exploiting
shortages. Most recently, the power crisis in California resulted in both
financial losses for the load serving utilities, and the physical loss of power
for some of their customers. This resulted in a public reevaluation of the
success of deregulation in lowering the cost of electricity for the consumer, as
well as in the more basic premise of keeping the lights on.
This chapter addresses the question of price trends in competitive
electricity markets, both in terms of economic efficiency and physical
reliability. The key to successful deregulation does not lie in the daily
operation of the system. Short term optimality is always easier to achieve in a
regulated, centralized industry. The goal of deregulation should be to provide
the right incentives for new investment, and the development of new
innovative technologies. This evolution occurs on a longer time scale, and
with its own dynamic constraints. In order to transition successfully to a
deregulated environment, the regulators must recognize the nature of the
decentralized decision process which governs investment. This includes
modeling the effect of price signals on investment, and understanding the
impact of delays in information on the price dynamics as well as on the
physical power balance of the system. Only if these relationships are fully
understood should a regulator attempt to intervene into the marketplace.

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001



The model characterizes spot price as a function of two state variables: L

representing the total market load, and b representing the current state of
supply. In this chapter we focus on the long term dynamics of the electricity
prices. A more detailed discussion of the model presented in this section,
which captures short term deviations in prices, can be found in [18]. The
demand for electricity is assumed to be inelastic, while the basic shape of the
aggregate supply curve is characterized by an exponential function, with a
stochastic shift parameter b. The average price in a month m can then be
written as

where a is a fixed parameter characterizing the shape of the bid curve.

10.2.1 Stochastic Demand Process

Demand for a given month is modeled as the sum of a deterministic

component ~,and a stochastic component b.

where ~mL captures the seasonal behavior of the load. The state OmL
represents the long term uncertainty in load, which grows stochastically with
drift K and volatility cr.

Having developed a model for the stochastic growth of demand in the

market, one can now address the question of how new generation capacity is
added to the system in response to the load growth. It is assumed that the
decision process for investing generation assets is decentralized. Each
investor makes decisions in order to maximize his own utility, and there is no
higher level entity coordinating investment behavior in the marketplace. For
an in-depth analysis of investment decisions under uncertainty, see [6]. The
rate of investment will not be governed by projections of overall demand and
supply mismatches, as was the case in the regulated industry. Instead,
investors react to price signals from the market in making their decisions.
While price signals are inherently linked to the supply and demand levels, this
change from a physical to a financial investment signal has profound effects
on the dynamics of investment, and ultimately on the physical reliability of
the system.

10.3.1 Backward Looking Investment

In the first model, it is assumed that the investor observes a moving

average of the last 12 months of spot prices, Save. He compares this value to
the index, I, of the available technology to invest in. I reflects the marginal
cost of running the new unit, as well as the installation cost. If the average
spot price rises above the index value, one starts to observe new investment in
the market. The greater the differential between S and I, the higher the rate of
investment, this difference is referred to as the investment signal. The
parameter G determines the rate of investment in response to an investment
signal. G can be thought of as reflecting the availability of capital in the
market. Finally negative investment, that is the removal of capacity from the
system in response to low prices, is not allowed. As with the load model, the
stochastic component d is separated from the seasonal component m,

The stochastic component evolves according to the following dynamic



The model is backward looking because the investment decision reflects

the previous 12 months of spot prices. In a market where investment decisions
are made based on historical spot prices, there is an inherent delay between
increased spot price levels and increased investment. Due to this delay,
investors will continue to inject capital after spot prices have declined below
critical levels. In a market with growing demand, this results in cyclical
swings of high and low spot price periods, as investors alternately overshoot
and undershoot their optimal investment levels. This effect is lost in standard
economic equilibrium models, where it is assumed that suppliers are able to
immediately take advantage of price increases. Another critical element in
investment dynamics, is the delay between the time that a decision to invest is
made, and the time that the new generation plant is actually connected to the
power grid. This delay has two components. The first is the time it takes for
the plant to be licensed by the regulators. The system operator goes through
an extensive study on the effects of each new plant on the network, and
approval can take over a year. Next there is the production and installation
time of the actual generator. Put together these delays can block the markets
ability to correct for generation deficiencies, further accentuating the cyclical
price behavior observed above. This delay is accounted for by introducing the
parameter't in the dynamic equations governing investment,
The longer the delay, the greater the tendency for extreme price spikes
followed by periods of suppressed price levels. The interaction between spot
price levels and the investment decision, including the delays, is depicted in
figure 10-1.

spot investment new capacity

pnce decision added

Figure 10-1

Figure 10-2 shows a simulated comparison over a 100 month period of

market behavior without delays, and with a six month delay period. The
parameters used in the simulation are provided in Table 10-1. It should be
noted that these simulations are provided to gain a qualitative understanding
of market behavior, rather than quantitative predictions.

Load IlL=12,000 aL=IOO


Supply Ilb=I.2 ab=.OI G=.003

other a=5* 10- 4 1=150 1=0,6

Table 10-1

Spot price behavior as a function of delays

Sp 300~--------------------'----------~
ot. 250
ce 200 - n o delay
($/ 150 ---'~d--'A--~V--4__1~+_tH . _. delay

M 100
VV 50+-----------------~~~~-----1
21 41 61 81
time in months

Figure 10-2

10.3.2 Forward Looking Investment

Two sources of delays in the investment dynamics have been identified: a

delay from the price signal to the investment decision, and a delay from the
investment decision to the installation of the plant. Both of these delays could
be negated if investors were able to project future price trends. A long term
price estimator would allow investors to base their decisions on projected
future revenues, rather than historical data. This would have a stabilizing
effect on the market, and eliminate much of the cyclical price behavior.

estimator 1-----,

spot investment new capacity

pnce decision added

Figure 10-3

The challenge in the estimation problem lies in the fact that it requires the
user to model the decision process of all other investors. The problem may be
tractable in the case where there is sufficient historical data available to
estimate the cumulative investment rate in response to market price (the G
parameter in our model). However in the early stages of a market, such as the
current situation in the United States, one would be forced to arrive at this
parameter by deriving likely competitor strategies. This would be a very
complex game theoretic problem, where the outcome would depend on how
sophisticated market participants are in their decision process. The Role of Futures Markets

In the context of forward looking investment, futures markets play an

important role as an information provider. It is questionable whether futures
prices truly reflect the expected value of future spot prices, but the prices do
reflect information which is not present in historical spot prices. For instance,
power marketers keep a close watch on the permit requests and manufacturing
orders for new generators. This gives the marker an estimate of the amount of
new generation capacity which is likely to be added in a given area in the near
future. The information is incorporated into the marketer's futures trading
strategy. If a region has a current generation shortage, and accordingly high
spot prices, but there is an abundance of new turbines in the manufacturing or
permitting stages, the futures prices will tend to be depressed. If investors
observe the futures market, and if the new generation capacity in progress is
accurately reflected in the futures prices, it will prevent over- and under-
investment, thus stabilizing the spot price dynamics. There are two critical
properties which futures markets must satisfy in order to govern investment
dynamics effectively.

• Liquidity: The volume traded on futures markets is not necessarily

proportional to the total load on the system. Instead it reflects market
participants' desire to hedge their positions, or to speculate on future
spot price levels. In order for the futures price to be a useful signal to
investors, it has to be credible. That is, one must be able to buy and
sell power in significant volume at or near the price quoted in the
exchange. This in turn requires that there exist a large number of
participants who actively trade in the market.

• Duration: The duration of a market refers to the longest time to

maturity of all contracts currently trading in the market. If a market
has a duration of 12 months, then a contract which matures April 1,
2002, will start to trade on April 1, 2001. To understand the
importance of the forward market duration, consider the position of
an investor who is contemplating financing a new power plant. The
plant is estimated to take one year to be built and permitted. The
investor is willing to undertake the project, if he expects to recover
his initial capital investment in five years. To solve the decision
problem, the investor must project the cash flow from the plant, and
therefore the spot price levels, six years into the future. A futures
market with a duration of a year or less has a limited value to an
investor since he expects no cash flow until the plant is finished. A
market with a duration of three or five years however, would allow
the investor not only to make a market based estimate of future cash
flows, but also lock III some of these revenues by selling futures

The two objectives, liquidity and duration, can be contradictory. By

increasing the duration of the market, one increases the number of different
contracts traded simultaneously, since each delivery month is a separate
contract. This makes it more difficult to find two counter parties willing to
trade at the same contract at the same time. Currently, the two main
exchanges, NYMEX and CBOT, trade contracts up to fifteen months prior to
delivery. This is not a sufficient time horizon for an investor seeking to value
or hedge a new plant. At the same time, the exchanges are experiencing a lack
of liquidity even for near term contracts.
We will not attempt to simulate the impact of forward markets here, since
it would require us to make unfounded assumptions about traders' strategies.
There are a few points which need to be studied carefully as more data
becomes available from the futures exchanges.

I. To what extent do forward prices contain information which cannot

be derived from historical spot prices?
2. Do investors depend heavily on futures price signals in making their
investment decisions, or do they tend to wait until price changes
appear in the spot markets?
3. Does the presence of a liquid futures market have a stabilizing effect
on the spot market, eliminating periods of extreme over and under


When capital investment fails to keep up with load growth, there are two
measurable effects in the market. The first is an increase in the spot price, as
discussed in the previous section. The second effect is a reduction in the
available generation reserve R, defined as the amount of unused generation
available in the market as a fraction of the total load,

where C is the total capacity of all available generation assets. In a market

with little or no demand elasticity, retaining a generation reserve is the only
means of avoiding customer curtailments or blackouts as a result of
unexpected load spikes or generation outages. The Federal Energy Regulatory
Committee (FERC) sets guidelines for how much generation reserve each
region should retain. It is the job of the independent system operators (ISOs)
to enforce these reserve requirements. The system operator will do this by
contracting generators to be in a stand-by mode. The compensation paid to
these generators is determined through auctions similar to the electricity spot
market. The problem is that if there is not enough total generation capacity in
the market, the ISO will be unable to purchase reserve generation at any price.
Furthermore, the ISO is not allowed to build or own generation assets. The
system operator is therefore unable to guarantee that the system will meet the
reserve margin. The reliability of the system can only be ensured by the
addition of new generators, and investment in these plants is determined by
for profit market participants. The reliability of competitive electricity
markets is therefore directly coupled to the spot market price dynamics.

To illustrate the link between reliability and spot price dynamics, the
model is further amended. Starting with a total capacity equal to the initial
load, plus a reserve margin X,

Every time there is new investment in generation, reflected in the supply

state Db, there is an associated increase in the total available capacity C,

recognizing that a lOOMW increase in L is perfectly offset by a (lIa)*lOOMW

increase in b.


In periods of high price levels, consumer advocates can put pressure on the
government to impose price caps on the market. The argument is that
suppliers are taking advantage of the generation shortage in order to drive up
prices, either by withholding their generation or bidding it in at inflated price
levels. The issue of 'fair' pricing of electricity will not be addressed here.
Instead, we will try to answer the question of whether price caps are an
effective means of reducing price levels in the long term. To do this the
market is simulated under two conditions. The first is without a price cap, as
shown above. In the second case, a price cap is introduced, leading to the

Sk = min(cap,eGL,-b,)

where 'cap' is the $/MWh price cap imposed by the regulator.

From the simulation it is clear that while the cap eliminates periods of high
prices, it also raises price levels during the low price cycles. This result is
easy to understand if one goes back and examines the signal which drives new


By reducing price levels when supply is scarce, the regulator reduces the
rate of new investment into generation. As a result, prices drop off at a slower
rate, causing higher future spot pnces. In the case described, the average
power price is higher in the case where price caps are imposed.

Spot Price Comparison Under Price Caps



"'-" 150
8. 100


21 41 61 81

Time (months)

Figure 10-4

Reserve Margin

.~ 0.1
~ - - n o cap
~ 0.05
~ - .. - - with cap
~ 0

21 41 61 81

Time (months)

Figure 10-5

10.5.1 Comments on Simulation Results

The simulation demonstrates that reserve market levels tend to be lower in

cases where a price cap is imposed by the regulators. When the price caps are
near the critical investment level I, one starts to observe negative reserve
levels. In these instances the system operator must order the curtailment of
some customers, possibly through rolling blackouts, in order to prevent the
collapse of the entire system. The simulation illustrates a trap which the
regulator must avoid. By imposing price caps, the regulator succeeds in
eliminating price spikes from the market. At the same time, the investment
rate starts to drop off, thereby increasing price levels on the low end of the
price cycle. The net effect is a flattening out of the price trend, which may
actually raise the average price of electricity over a multiyear period. At this
point it is tempting for the regulator to force down the average price by
further reducing the level of the price cap. This is a dangerous move, because
it decouples the spot price level from the economic reality of supply and
demand. The scarcity of supply is not translated into high prices, and
therefore the economic signal to investors to build new plants is blocked.
Eventually the physics will catch up with the economics, as the available
generation will no longer be able to meet demand, resulting in curtailments.
The critical price level (Scritical), at which point investment will no longer keep
up with demand growth, is given by

G(SCnliCal -I) = aK .

If the price cap is set below SCritical, then investment cannot keep up with
load growth, and the system is invariably headed towards blackouts.
The implications of the results in this paper must not be interpreted as
rejecting all forms of regulatory intervention in general, and price caps in
particular. There may be instances where it is necessary for the government to
set temporary limits to the price in a market to prohibit suppliers from
exploiting shortages. What the model illustrates is that the regulator must be
very careful in setting these limits. Price caps must be set higher rather than
lower, to ensure that the economic feedback is not blocked, and that market
forces are allowed to bring the system back to stable price levels. Once price
caps have been put in place at a too low level, they become increasingly
difficult to remove as the generation shortage worsens.


This chapter addresses the interplay between spot price levels and
investment into new generation capacity in competitive electricity markets.
The problem was addressed from the viewpoint of economic efficiency as
well as the physical reliability of the system. Special emphasis was placed on
the dynamic properties of the investment process. It was shown that delays
caused by backward looking investment, as well as by the licensing and
construction time of the asset, lead to periods of over and under investment.
This in turn leads to a cyclical long term price behavior, driven by a stochastic
growth in demand, which does not settle to an equilibrium level. The structure
of the problem indicates that the presence of liquid forward markets could
reduce the information delay, and help stabilize the system. This assumes
however that forward markets contain information which is not reflected in
historical spot prices, or that is otherwise part of the public knowledge.
Further research into the effect of forward markets on information flow could
involve simulations of bottom up, agent-based models, to determine the extent
to which locally held information is reflected in the forward price. While it
may not be possible to accurately calibrate such models to the market, they
would provide important qualitative insights into optimal decision rules for
investors, as well as intelligent market designs for the deregulated electricity

In the final part of the paper, the dynamics of spot price and new
investment were linked to the physical reliability of the system. Periods of
under-investment not only lead to higher price levels, but also reduce the
reserve margin of available generation, and can lead to generation deficiency
and blackouts. The first reaction of regulators to periods of high prices is
often to try to force price levels back down through the use of price caps.
Price caps, however, inhibit the economic feedback which would allow the
market to readjust itself. Imposing the caps reduces the rate of new
investment, leading to a slower recovery from the price hike. If the regulator
continues to force the issue by reducing the cap levels, the lack of new
investment will eventually lead to an erosion of the reserve margin, leading to
load curtailments and blackouts in the system. The results presented in this
paper indicate that regulators have to be cautious in the use of price caps.
They must respect the unique characteristics of electricity as a commodity:
non-storability, inelasticity of demand, and a highly constrained transmission
system. These characteristics lead to an uncommonly strong link between
market price signals and physical stability. Any attempt to block the true
economic signals from the market could therefore prove disastrous.

Chapter 11


In this book we attempted to introduce a new modeling framework through

which to address the uncertainty facing participants in competitive electricity
markets. The lack of economic storage of electricity leads a decoupling of
prices over time, creating a situation where the dimension of the uncertainty
grows linearly with the time horizon of interest. Similarly, each node in the
network represents a new special dimension for the market participants to
consider. The escalating dimensionality of the power pricing problem
threatens to render all standard approaches to financial decision making
useless. Arbitrage and replicating portfolios cannot be constructed, over time
or space, thus providing no guidance to the temporal or special correlation of
electricity prices. To overcome this problem we introduced a model where
the spot price of electricity is the output of a set of supply and demand
processes. By switching the underlying states from price-based to a quantity,
or bid-based, one can capture the temporal information contained in the
physical and economic processes governing the demand and supply of
electricity. These processes include temperature, economic growth, fuel
prices, and unexpected plant failures. Joining these processes together, we
build the term structure of electricity prices from its basic components. This
approach has several advantages. Since competitive electricity markets are a
relatively new phenomenon, there is a very limited amount of historical data
available for the spot market. Furthermore, the market structure and
regulatory rules are constantly evolving, so that much of the existing data is
outdated. In contrast, physical processes such as temperature changes are not
affected by deregulation. Indeed, given the lack of price transparency for the
end consumer, the entire demand process remains largely unaffected by the
regulatory changes. This allows us to draw on decades of demand and/or
temperature data in calibrating the model.

P. L. Skantze et al., Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
In applying the bid-based model to a series of decision problems facing
market participants, we found that the switch to price as an output rather than
a state variable had several advantages. In the load serving problem, it was
possible to reduce the complexity of the dynamic constraints by capturing the
quantity risk of the ESP as a state in the price process. When addressing the
issue of locational price spreads, we were able to incorporate the network
flow constraints explicitly into the price model, thus projecting the nonlinear
behavior of power flow onto the resulting price distributions. Finally, in
examining the long term behavior of electricity prices, we were able to use the
bid-based model to illustrate the delays in the feedback effects from the
stochastic demand growth to the investment in new capacity. This delay has
tremendous effects on price dynamics, as well as on the physical reliability of
the system.

The models introduced in this book are mainly a tool for communicating
the advantage of an alternative set of state variables in the price modeling
process for non-storable commodities. Due to the limited amount of available
data, rigorous testing against a general set of model formulations was not
possible. As the markets mature, they should provide more information
regarding optimal choices of model structure. In addition, the emergence of
new technologies for load management on a retail level is likely to generate
more elasticity in the overall market demand for electricity. As a result,
further development of the model is required to cope with alternate shapes of
the supply and demand curves.

When addressing the decision problems facing market participants, the

focus in this book was on posing the dynamic optimization fonnulation, and
identifying the factors which contributed to the complexity of the solution.
Significant work is needed in this area in order to implement the actual
optimization in an efficient manner.

Throughout the book we have considered the problem of replicating non-

traded obligations with publicly traded contracts. As electricity forward and
derivatives markets become more liquid, one can begin to ask the question of
what would constitute a reasonable set of spanning contracts; that is, a set of
contracts which can be used to dynamically replicate most over the counter
and non-traded obligations. As indicated in the chapter on electricity spot and
forward dynamics, strict arbitrage theory would require thousands of contracts
in the spanning portfolio, given the temporal decoupling of electricity prices.
However, based on the results from the bid-based model, one might argue that
limited number of contracts could be used to approximate any derivative
based on both temporal and special uncertainty. The problem becomes even
more interesting when taking into account the possibility of a joint trading
strategy in electricity and related commodities. The bid-based model can be
extended to explicitly incorporate fuel prices as well as temperature levels.
This would theoretically allow a user to form a replicating portfolio for
electricity using oil and gas contracts, as well as weather derivatives, based on
heating and cooling degree days. It further suggests that a savvy marketer
may be able to take advantage of previously unrecognized model-based
arbitrage between the different commodities.

Though not part of the original scope of this book, we found that the
modeling presented lent some insight into the impact of market structure and
government intervention on the physical and economic prosperity of the
system. As shown in the chapter on long term price dynamics, the futures
market serves a role, not only as a tool for hedgers and speculators, but as a
medium for the transfer of information. The analysis suggests that the
presence of a transparent futures market may be crucial for the physical and
financial stability of the system by preventing unnecessary delays in future
investment. A comparative study of the reliability levels in regions with and
without futures exchanges could provide some interesting insights into the
validity of this claim.
Appendix A

Derivation of Principal Components

U sing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) , it is possible to reduce the

dimensionality of the problem by defining a new orthogonal basis. PCA
generates a new orthogonal set of j variables, j ~ n, where n is the number of
the original variables in the observation set. They are called Principal
Components (PC). The new variables are selected so that those describing the
same driver can be replaced with a single new variable. Each principal
component is a linear combination of the original variables. Because PCs are
orthogonal to each other, there is no redundant information.
The first PC is a single axis in space. When each observation is projected
on that axis, the resulting values form observations of a new variable, the
variance of which is the maximum among all possible choices for the first
axis. The second PC is orthogonal to the first, and the second variable's
variance is again maximal among all possible choices for this axis. As more
and more PCs are selected, they contain less and less variance. The vector, X,
can be written as in (4),j = n = 2.

The total number of PCs is usually equal to the number of original

variables n. However, the first m PCs usually account for most of the variance
in the original observations, j ~ n. The sum of variances of the new variables
equals the sum of the variances in the new variables.

n n
var(v i ) = var(Yi)

The iterative procedure of principal component derivation can be

summarized in the following steps:
1. Find the largest PC: maximize the variance of b; v I = bll V I + ... + bnV n :
max lvar(b; x) = b; Cb l J s.t. b;b l =~)I~ =1

where b l is the vector of weights of the first principal component VI and C

is the covariance matrix of x. The condition of bTb = 1 is necessary for a
unique solution to exist; otherwise the weights could become arbitrarily big,
leading to infinite variance.

b l = [bIPbI2, ... ,bIJT

VI = [VII' V12 , ••• , V ln ] T

2. Repeat the process for the subsequent PCs, until the number of PCs =
3. Determine how many PCs are necessary to describe the process
adequately. Form the reduced-order principal component [j x n] matrix v*,
where only the first m PCs are retained. A detailed description of the routine
can be found in [22].
The eigenvalue ~, associated with the i-th PC corresponds to the
equivalent number of variables this PC represents. A PC with an eigenvalue
of ~ = 3.9 describes on average as much variance as 3.9 original variables.
Dividing the eigenvalue by the total number of PCs, j, we can obtain a total
percentage on variance explained by each pc.
When all n PC have been determined, it is necessary to determine j: how
many PCs are necessary to describe the data accurately enough. The three
most common measures are:
1. Retain all PCs that represent more variance than original variables on
average (its Ai < 1).
2. The Scree plot. The incremental plot of variance accounted for by every
PC is called the scree plot. The number of points before leveling-off of the
curve is the number of PCs retained.
3. Total variance of the data accounted for by the retained PCs. Some
authors propose to retain as many PCs as to account for about 90% of the
variance [23], while others propose less stringent criteria, depending on the
reasons for performing the peA [21].
Appendix B

Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Kalman Filter

Unknown parameters of the stochastic model can be estimated using

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) coupled with the Kalman Filter (KF)
state estimator. The iterative procedure estimates parameters of the model as
to minimize the likelihood function and then computes the resulting system
response using the Kalman Filter. In the appendix we derive the Kalman Filter
and outline the MLE procedure.


A Discrete Kalman Filter is a technique for the estimation of states of a

stochastic system [1]. It consists of a set of mathematical equations and
provides an efficient recursive solution for the least-squares method. It
addresses the problem of estimation of states x of a process, described by
stochastic difference equation

where A is the system matrix, relating the system state XI at time t to the next
state xI+lat time t+ 1 in the absence of the controlling input. B is the matrix
relating the input 0 1 to the state XI' The measured noisy system output at time t

The random variables '111 and £1 represent process and measurement noise.
They are assumed to be independent of each other and with normal
probability distributions.
'It z N(O,Q)
ct z N(O,R)

To write the Bid-based model in state space form, the system state Xb the
process noise llb the input U t and output Yt signals, the system matrices A, B,
C and r, and the noise covariance matrices Q and R take the following

x, ~[;:J ~'{fl Yt = [wJ u, ~ [:]

0,1 B~[:] C= [1,0] r ~ [~'O,a~'l

Q~[l'O] R=l

Let's define xt+l/t as our a-priori estimate of the state vector at step HI,
and xt+I/t+! our a-posteriori estimate of the state vector at HI, given
measurement Zt+!. We can then define a-priori and a-posteriori estimate errors
et+ lit and etft as

et+l/t = x, - Xt+I/1
e,l, = x, - X'I'

An estimate of the a-priori estimate error covariance is therefore Pt+!/t, with

the a-posteriori estimate error covariance being Ptft.

Pt+l/t = E~t+l/le;+l/t J
Ptll = Ele,/le~t J
The Kalman Filter algorithm computes the optimal a-posteriori estimate
Xt+l/t+l as a linear combination of the a-priori estimate xt+l/t and a weighted
difference between an actual measurement Zt and predicted measurement
C xt+l/ t • When they agree completely, the residual Yr+l/ t is zero.

The factor K in the equation is called the Kalman Gain and is chosen in
such a way as to minimize the a-posteriori covariance Pllt.


The Kalman Filter algorithm is an iterative procedure that estimates

process states as new measurements become available at each time step.
Using initial estimates of system state XO/o and a-posteriori error covariance
POlO, it computes the optimal a-posteriori estimate Xt+1/t+l and the pertaining
Kalman Gain K. The procedure is described below:

1. Select initial estimates: x O/o POlo

2. Compute time update (prediction) equations:

a-priori estimate of state vector x,

x t +1/ t = AX t + BUt

a-priori error covariance matrix,

Pt+l/r = APt/tAT + rQr T

3. Compute measurement update (correction) equation:

Kalman gain,

residual measurement innovation

Yt+l/t = Yt+1 - CXt+l/t

a-posteriori estimate of state vector x

"t+I/I+1 = Xt+l/t + K t+l Yt+l/t

a-posteriori error covariance estimate

P'+I/t+i = [I - K 1+1 C Ft+l/t

4. Repeat 2 and 3 for all t E [l, ... T]

The procedure is schematically shown in figure bI.



The idea behind Maximum Likelihood Estimation is to compute the

optimal parameters of the model by iteratively modifying them to minimize a
likelihood function [24], [25], [26].
Initial estimation
x% ,p%

... ~
Measurement Ul!date {"Correct"}

Time Ul!date {"Predict"} l. Compute the Kalman Gain
l. Project the state ahead Kt+l = Pt+l/tC Tt+1~Ct+1Pt+l/tCt+l

Xt+l/t = AXt/t + BUt 2. Update estimate with measurement

2. Project the error covariance Yt+l
ahead Xt+1/t+l = xt+1/t + Kt+l (Yt+l -CXt+1/t)
Pt+1/t = APt/tA T + rQr T 3. Update the error covariance
Pt+l/t+l = [I -
K t+l C Ft+1/t

Fig. B.l Kalman Filter operation flowchart.

After constructing the model representation in the state space and setting
up the KF procedure, we construct a vector of unknown parameters e that
contains the unknown parameters of the model.
o= [a K (Y (Yo y
Using the covariance of the innovation process Nt+1/t> obtained by the
Kalman Filter,
Nr+l/r = CPr+l/r CT
we can construct a log likelihood function J.

J = log L = -~
2 r~l
I fy:l/tN~~l/t
Yr+l/t + log (det (N r+l/r ))]

The procedure iteratively updates the parameter vector e according to the


where M(a) is a Hessian matrix of the log likelihood function

M(a)= d2 J(a)
da;da j

Kalman Filter
- obtain J

Unconstrained optimization
- obtain M, aJ/ae

Maximum likelihood update of e

Oi+l =Oi _ iM-1 fOi iJJ(Oi)
P ~ ao

Optimal parameter vector e*

Fig. B.2 Maximum Likelihood estimation flowchart


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agent-based modeling, vii, 58 generation assets, 31, 53, 72, 135,
arbitrage 136, 145, 150, 179, 186
cash and carry, 20, 24, 41, 43, Geometric Brownian Motion
45 (GBM),21
definition of, 18 hedging
battery, 48 dynamic, 114, 119, 165, 169
bid-based model, 80, 111, 113, static, 114
114, 122, 132, 158, 166, 168, industrial customers, 32
194, 195 investment
bidding strategy, 139, 146 dynamics of, 55, 180, 182, 184
Black Scholes model, 21 Kirchhoff's laws, 2, 5
commodities least squares estimation, 81, 88
non-storable, xi, 194 load serving entity (LSE), 113
storable, 3, 19,26,48,55 locational pricing, 5
congestion clusters, 150 lookup table, 136, 140, 142, 143,
congestion management, 33, 150 144, 146
cross bidding, 160 Monte Carlo techniques, 143, 144,
double auction, 61 145
dynamic programming, 46, 53, net present value (NPV), 7, 8
125, 126, 135 New York Mercantile Exchange
dynamic replication, 40, 169 (NYMEX),36
economic equilibrium models, vii, options, xi, 5, 8, 12, 32, 34, 39,
58 152,158, 168
economic feedback, 190, 191 over the counter (OTC), 34, 35,
end state problem, 129 195
energy service provider (ESP), 32, swing, 39
113, 115, 116, 117, 131, 152 physical risk, 153, 154
experimental models, vii, 59 price caps, 187, 188, 189, 191
forward markets pncmg
information content, 185 arbitrage pricing theory (APT),
fundamental modeling, vii, 59 xi, 7,17,19,54
futures markets, 183, 184 risk neutral, 22
principal component analysis supply bid curve, 72, 74, 81
(peA), 74,83, 111 temperature, xii, 4, 39, 55, 60,
production based models, vii 122, 193, 195
reliability, 6, 113, 116, 154, 177, term one, 29
179, 186, 190, 194, 195 time scale separation, 55, 70
dynamic notion of, x, 185 transmission assets
retail customers, 113, 115 valuation, 149
risk measures transmission rights,S, 39, 151,
mean-variance formulation, 16, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 161,
114, 124 162, 165, 170, 173
value at risk (VAR), 9, 10, 129, fixed, 151, 154
131 flexible, 151, 154, 155
risk neutral pricing, 22 unit commitment, 46, 73, 135,
risk preference, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145
17, 114, 117, 124 valuation, vi, ix, xi, xii, 1, 7, 12,
scheduled maintenance, 62 13, 16, 69, 135, 136, 139, 143,
spark spread, 39 144, 146, 149, 151, 157, 161
storage market based, 149
cost of, 3, 20, 46 of generation assets, 136
gas, 44, 45 weather, 2,4,24,39,61,68, 195
hydro-electric, vii, 46 Wiener process,S, 21, 27, 157,
pump storage facilities, 46, 48 165
strategies, vii, 43 zonal pricing, 150

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