WO 2007/060660 Al: (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
WO 2007/060660 Al: (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
WO 2007/060660 Al: (19) World Intellectual Property Organization
(26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(30) Priority Data: GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
60/738,613 22 November 2005 (22.11.2005) US ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): E.M.A. T FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
LTD [IL/IL]; 31, Moshe Sne Street, Haifa 34987 (IL). RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA,
GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
i iiiiiii
(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): LIPPER, Moshe
[IL/IL]; 29, Ben-Yehuda Street, Natanya (IL). EDRY,
with international search report
i iiiiiii
4060, 61040 Tel Aviv (IL).
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
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0 (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a PVC formulation and uses thereof in the preparation of PVC-based sheets and packaging
> enclosures. The invention additionally relates to PVC-based multilayer sheet assemblies having barrier qualities, preventing pene-
~ tration of, e.g. humidity, UV rays and solid particulates of any size.
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10 It has now been surprisingly found by the inventors of the present invention that
a solution comprising only homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin in an organic
solvent such as ketone or ester solvent or a solvent mixture comprising thereof may be
prepared and used for various purposes without necessitating the use of any one or more
plasticizer, e.g., softening or dissolving agents such as those used in the art or in the
15 invention disclosed in PCT/KR2004/001179.
The primer formulation of the present invention comprises pure homopolymer
PVC resin and a ketone solvent, with no other active components. This formulation, as
will be described, was found to have the following characteristics:
1. it is stable at room temperature,
20 2. it is transparent, non-gellous in nature,
3. it has a viscosity at a narrow range of between 5 and 50 poises,
4. it comprises at least 5% dissolved PVC resin,
5. it may be applied onto a great variety of surfaces based on the specific
25 6. it may be used as a basic formulation for many applications and may be
treated with a great variety of additives, all of which not being stabilizers or
softeners, to impart thereto a desired physical characteristic or a plurality of
such characteristics.
Thus, in a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a formulation
30 consisting a pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin and at least one ketone
solvent. This formulation preferably consists PVC in an amount raging from 5 and 40%
of total weight of the formulation.
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solution the desired physical attributes needed for the dissolution of the PVC resin or
for the specific target application.
In yet another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for the
manufacture of the pri~~r formulation of the present invention, said method comprising
5 adding into at least one ketone solvent an amount of a homopolymer PVC resin and
mixing the mixture until a transparent solution is obtained.
The mixing of the initial mixture may last as long as it is needed in order to
achieve the desired transparency. Such mixing may be at room temperature or at any
other temperature, i.e. higher or lower than room temperature and typically below the
1o boiling point of the solvent or solvent mixture used. The time required to achieve the
desired transparency may depend on various factors such as the temperature employed,
or the absence of any external temperature, the PVC resin concentration, the rate of
mixing, the rate of PVC resin addition into the ketone solvent, and other factors.
Preferably, the dissolution process is carried out in the absence of any applied
15 external heat and is thus said to be carried out at the ambient. Heat evolution, namely an
increase in the solution temperature without a corresponding increase in the temperature
of the environment and which may be a result of the mixing exothermicity may assist in
the dissolution of the PVC resin. However, such heat evolution may not at all be
20 The appropriate amount of the homopolymer PVC resin added into the ketone
solvent depends on the concentration of the PVC solution needed. The concentration of
the homopolymer PVC resin solution and the amount of homopolymer PVC resin per a
specific volume or weight of the solvent may be determined by simple mathematics as
would be known to a person skilled in the art.
25 The primer formulation of the invention may be treated with various other
additives and solvents (or solutions), none of which being a plasticizer, in order to
achieve physical characteristics suitable for a specific application. Such characteristics
may be viscosity, concentration, resistance to damage caused by humidity, chemicals,
erosive or corrosive atmospheres, heat, marine or acidic atmospheres, physical damage
30 caused by sand, dust, penetrating objects and so on. Such additives may for example be
organic or non-organic solvents such as aromatic solvents (e.g., toluene, xylene),
antioxidants, biocides, antifoaming agents, antifog additives, viscosity modulators,
adhesion promoters, antiblocking agents, antitack agents, slip agents, flame retardant
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agents, fillers, anti-static agents such as ATMAR 129, copolymers such as Copolymer
of PVC, homopolymers, metal powders such as silver, aluminum and graphite, agents
reducing flammability such as antimony oxide, heat stabilizers, UV stabilizers, light
blockers, anti-corrosive and anti-erosive agen!s,_glass fibers, pigments, and others.
5 In all embodiments, the additive is not a plasticizer such as a softening or
dissolving agent.
Thus, in a further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a formulation
comprising pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin, at least one ketone
solvent and at least one additive as disclosed hereinabove.
' .
10 In another aspect, there is provided a formulation comprising a pure
homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin and at least one ketone solvent, provided
that said formulation does not comprise one or more plasticizers, e.g., softening or
dissolving agents.
In one embodiment of this aspect, said one or more plasticizer is selected from
15 dialkyl phthalates, alcohol derivates of phthalates, trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl adipates,
and dialkyl azelates.
In another embodiment of this aspect, the formulation further comprises at least
one additive as disclosed hereinabove.
In still another aspect of the invention, there is provided a formulation
20 comprising pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin, at least one ketone
solvent and at least one additive as disclosed hereinabove, provided that said at least one
additive is not a plasticizer.
In some embodiments, the ketone formulation comprises at least one additional
solvent selected from aromatic (e.g., toluene, xylene, etc) and non-aromatic solvents
25 (e.g., esters, ethers, etc).
The present invention further provides PVC formulations compnsmg pure
homopolymer PVC resin and at least one ester solvent. In some embodiments, the
formulation also comprises at least one additive as disclosed hereinabove. In other
embodiments, the formulation comprises at least one additional organic solvent such as
30 a ketone solvent.
The ester solvent employed in the formulation of this aspect of the invention is
an organic compound being preferably a liquid at room temperature or a liquid at the
temperature at which the dissolution of the PVC resin is carried out, and having at least
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one ester functional group. An ester functional group, as known to a person skilled in
the art is a carbonyl (-C(=O)O-) group substituted by two independent carbon groups. A
person skilled in the art will be able to determine a suitable ester solvent for a specific
use or application without undue experimentation based on paramete~s _such as viscosity
5 of the final solution; the temperature at which the dissolution is carried out, the
volatility of the solvent, etc. The ester solvents may be linear, branched, cyclic,
macrocyclic, complexed, or additionally substituted organic compounds, having each at
least one ester group. Non-limiting examples of such ester solvents are methyl acetate,
ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, and cellosolve acetate.
10 '
The ester formulation of the invention may comprise either a single ester solvent
or any combination of ester solvents, at any ratio, or may comprise a combination of at
least one ester and at least one ketone solvent.
The formulations of the invention may be applied to or deposited onto various
surfaces by different methods such as spraying, brushing, washing, dipping, etc,
15 depending on the application and the thickness of PVC layer required.
Thus, the invention also discloses articles or surfaces made of or coated with the
primer formulation of the invention or coated with a formulation which is based on the
primer formulation of the invention. Such articles or surfaces which are made of or
coated with the PVC resin formulation of the invention may be made of any material
20 such as cement, metal, wood, plastic, alloys, etc. Such surfaces may be floors, walls,
appliances, dishes, kitchen appliances, clean room appliances and articles contained
therein, sanitary appliances, fabrics, clothing, military appliances and machinery or
parts thereof, or any other article or surface.
The invention also discloses, in an<?ther aspect, a PVC formulation which
25 comprises or is based on the primer formulation of the invention, or which is
manufactured by addition of additives to said primer formulation, but which is absent of
any plasticizers or softeners, as detailed hereinbefore.
Non-limiting examples ofthe formulations of the invention are shown in Tables
1 and2:
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PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-30
MIBK 10-35
Cellosolve acetate 10-42
MEK 10-25
Titan dioxide 1-8
Antifoam 0.1-2
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Dispersant 0.1-2
Table 1: A formulation of the invention suitable for application on concrete walls
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-30
MIBK 10-25
Cellosolve acetate 10-43
MEK 10-25
Titan dioxide 1-7
Antifoam 0.1-2
Iron oxide 0.1-2
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Dispersant 0.1-2
Table 2: A formulation of the invention suitable for application on metal surfaces
The multilayer sheet assemblies of the invention are suitable for installation
between structural elements such as joists, rafters, and the like in buildings, thereby
affording thermal insulation with a water vapor barrier capability. They may also be
used for other insulating applications, such as for instance wrapping and insulating
5 pipes, tanks, etc. The sheet assemblies according to the invention may be vapor barrier
assemblies, or they may be thermal insulation products in which such vapor barrier
assemblies are used in conjunction with a fibrous thermal insulation layer.
The "base film'\ as used herein, refers to a fiim positioned between and in
contact with at least two other layers or films, at least one of which preferably being a
10 PVC comprising layer. The expression "a formulation based thereon" refers to a
composite PVC formulation that comprises PVC, such as the primer formulation of the
invention, and at least one additive. Within the context of this aspect of the invention,
the additive may be any additive known to a person skilled in the art.
Non-limiting examples of such additives are: antioxidants, biocides, antifoaming
15 agents, antifog additives, viscosity modulators, adhesion promoters, antiblocking
agents, antitack agents, slip agents, flame retardant agents, fillers, anti-static agents such
as ATMAR 129, copolymers such as Copolymer of PVC, homopolymers, metal
powders such as silver, aluminum and graphite, agents reducing flammability such as
antimony oxide, heat stabilizers, UV stabilizers, light blockers, anti-corrosive and anti-
20 erosive agents, glass fibers, pigments, plasticizers and others.
Non-limiting examples of such composite PVC formulations are shown in
Tables 3 to 8:
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-30
MIBK 15-35
Cellosolve acetate 25-40
MEK 5-15
Flame retardant 1-4
Phthalate plasticizer 1-4
Phosphate plasticizer 2-4
Antifoam 0.1-3
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
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Antioxidant 1-3
Dispersant 0.1-3
Table 3: Wood coating (transparent coating)
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-20
MIBK 15-35
Cellosolve acetate 25-40
MEK 5-15
Flame retardant 1-4
Phthalate plasticizer 1-5
Phosphate plasticizer 1-4
Titan dioxide 0.1-2
Antimony trioxide 2-5
Antifoam 0.1-3
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Antioxidant 0.1-4
Dispersant 0.1-3
Table 4: Woodwhite coating
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-25
MIBK 15-35
Toluene 15-25
MEK 10-25
Phthalate plasticizer 5-10
Antifoam 0.1-3
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Antioxidant 0.1-3
5 Table 5: Peelable coating.
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PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-35
MIBK 20-40
Cellosolve acetate 10-25
MEK 10-25
Flame retardant 1-4
Phthalate plasticizer 2-7
Phosphate plasticizer 1-5
Titan dioxide 1-4
' Antimony trioxide 2-7
Black pigment 0.1-3
Antifoam 0.1-3
UV stabilizer 0.1-3
Heat stabilizer 0.1-3
Dispersant 0.1-3
Antistatic agent 0.1-3
Table 6: Flexible applications
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-30
MIBK 10-35
Cellosolve acetate 10-42
MEK 10-25
Phthalate plasticizer 1-7
Titan dioxide 1-8
Antifoam 0.1-2
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Dispersant 0.1-2
Table 7: Concrete wall coating
PVC copolymer and homopolymer 10-30
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MIBK 10-25
Cellosolve acetate 10-43
MEK 10-25
Phthalate plasticizer 1-6
Titan dioxide 1-7
Antifoam 0.1-2
Iron oxide 0.1-2
UV stabilizer 0.1-2
Heat stabilizer 0.1-2
Dispersant 0.1-2
Table 8: Metal surface coating
The manufacture of the multilayer sheet assembly may begin from the center of
the sheet outwards, with the application of a suitable PVC formulation on one face of a
5 base film, e.g. aluminum sheet, or on both of its faces. Alternatively, the base film may
be coated with a primer formulation on one of its faces while the other may be coated
with a different formulation comprising, for example, a flame-retardant agent. This
affords a base film sandwiched between and in contact with a PVC layers on one face
and a composite PVC layer containing a flame retardant agent on the other.
1o The coated base film may next be treated with one or more additional coats of
the PVC formulation or a formulation based thereon, thus forming a multilayered sheet
assembly. In some embodiments, the first layer of PVC, on either face ofthe base film,
may be coated with a layer of a formulation not containing PVC, e.g. an adhesive
material or a fibrous sheet, as may be decided by the manufacturer and required of the
15 final product.
The multilayered sheet assembly may also be manufacture in the order of the
layers, namely from top to bottom or from one face to the other. In some embodiments,
the manufacturing of the multilayer sheet may begin by applying a coat of a composite
PVC formulation or another formulation to a surface, e.g., glass, Teflon, from which it
20 may be peeled off. In such an example, the layer applied to the surface would be the
exterior film or seal layer of the multilayer sheet. Once applied to the surface, the other
layers are applied sequentially in order. After all layers have been formed, the
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multilayered sheet may be peeled off from said surface to afford the desired multilayer
Thus, the invention further provides a PVC-based multilayer sheet or film
having at least one base_film and at least one layer ofPVC. In one embodiment, said at
5 least one layer of PVC is a layer of the PVC primer formulation of the invention. In
another embodiment, said at least one layer of PVC is a layer of composite PVC
comprising PVC and at least one additive as disclosed herein.
In some embodiment, said at least one layer of PVC is coated on said at least
one base film by treating said base film with a PVC formulation, which may or may not
1o comprise any' additive.
In other embodiment, the base film is coated with a single coat of PVC on each
of its faces, thus affording a three-layer sheet assembly having a middle base film and
two outer layers each of the same or different PVC composite. The coating of each layer
is typically achieved by, for example, brushing, or spraying as may be required and/or
15 as may be possible based on the consistency and viscosity of the formulation and based
on the desired thickness of each of the layers.
In another embodiment, the multilayer sheet assembly may be further treated
with a coat of a primer formulation comprising an adhesive in order to promote the
adhesion of that layer to another surface, such as cement, wood, metal, plastic, etc.
20 Preferably, the adhesive layers are positioned between two layers of the sheet to
maintain the two layers in position relative to each other and prevent undesirable
In some embodiments a peelable adhesive layer may be used, which is designed
to have neither cohesive failure nor delamination from one or both adjacent layers upon
25 application of a suitable manual force to provide, e.g., an opening feature or for the
lamination of a new peelable layer. Unless otherwise indicated, an adhesive layer may
be based on PVC or can have any suitable composition that provides a desired level of
adhesion with the one or more surfaces in contact with the adhesive layer material.
Preferably, an adhesive layer placed between a first layer and a second layer in a
30 multilayer sheet may comprise components of both the first layer and the second layer
to promote simultaneous adhesion of the adhesive layer to both the first layer and the
second layer to opposite sides of the adhesive layer.
Thus, the multilayer sheet of the present invention may be a laminate.
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provides for the sealing of the base layer to itself or another layer.
The multilayer assemblies may have 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more layers, of
15 varying thickness, compositions and chemical and/or physical characteristics. All layers
are substantially coextensive.
Thus, in another embodiment, there is provided a multilayer sheet assembly
1. at least one base layer;
20 2. at least one layer of PVC; and
3. optionally, at least one layer of composite PVC containing at
least one additive.
The multilayer sheet assembly may further comprise at least one layer of a
reinforcing material.
25 In another embodiment, the multilayer sheet assembly is a six-layer sheet
1. at least one first layer of PVC;
2. at least one first layer of composite PVC containing at least one
30 3. at least one base layer; and
4. optionally at least one layer of reinforcing material.
In another embodiment, the six~layer sheet comprises a first layer of PVC; a first
layer of composite PVC containing at least one additive; a layer of metallic material,
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e.g. metal sheet or foil; a second layer of composite PVC containing at least one
additive; a layer of reinforcing material; and a second layer of PVC.
In still another embodiment, the first layer of composite PVC containing at least
one additive is on top of said first layer ofPVC; said layer ofmetalli~ !ll~terial is on top
5 of said first layer of composite PVC containing at least one additive; said second layer
of composite PVC contajning at least one additive is on top of said layer of metallic
material; said layer of reinforcing material is on top of said second layer of composite
PVC containing at least one additive; and said second layer of PVC is on top of said
layer of reinforcing material.
10 All layers are essentially coextensive.
In another embodiment, the at least one additive is selected from heat and UV
stabilizers, light blocker, pigments, fillers, flame retardants, anti-static agent, anti-
corrosive agent, anti-erosive, modulator of chemical adhesiveness, homopolymers or
copolymers, metal powders or solutions, salts, plasticizers, softening agents, dissolving
15 agents, stabilizers or any combination thereof. Preferably, said at least one additive is
vinyl acetate.
In some embodiments, the base film is a metal foil of any metal or alloy. The
metal foil is preferably an aluminum foil. In other embodiments, the base film is a net
made of any material, e.g., plastic, polymers, metal, glass, etc. In some other
20 embodiments, the base film is a fibrous sheet made of any type of fiber, e.g.
aggregations of fibers not connected to one another, felts, unwoven or woven fabrics,
vegetable fiber, jute and the like.
In another embodiment, the muitilayer assembly has at least six layers,
preferably between 6 and 13, more preferably between 6 and 11 and most preferably at
25 most 10 layers.
It should be understood that the description and examples provided herein relate
to multilayer sheet assemblies without indication as to their length or width, their final
color, and/or shape. Such dimensions and other parameters are not critical to this
invention, and the sheet assemblies may be of essentially any convenient shape or size.
30 Typically, multilayer assemblies according to the invention can be made, shaped,
colored and/or cut as may be required.
According to another embodiment, the multilayered sheet is used as a
packaging material for bags, sleeves and other packaging enclosures. Such packaging
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may be used as is, or further formulated by adding other additives, none of which being
softening or dissolving agents, to afford PVC based formulations having various
chemical and physical characteristics.
The PVC primer formulation or any formulation based thereon, as disclosed
5 herein, may be utilized for example for the manufacture of multilayered sheets having
improved capabilities in sustaining high temperatures, high humidity conditions and
thus may be used as barriers or packaging enclosures for objects of various sizes and
structures. It should be understood, that while the present invention discloses PVC
formulations which do not contain any one softening or dissolving agents, as disclosed
10 hereinabove~ the multilayer sheet assemblies or enclosures disclosed may comprise one
or more layers of PVC with at least one plasticizer.
Referring now to the drawings, Fig. 1 exemplifies a three-layer film structure
embodiment of the present invention generally designated with reference numeral 10.
This embodiment is directed to a multilayer sheet comprising an outer layer 12 that is an
15 exterior layer comprising a material such as PVC or a composite PVC comprising an
additive, and an outer layer 16 that is a sealant layer, each joined to opposite sides of a
base film 14 being a metal sheet such as an aluminum foil. The sealant layer 16
comprises for example a composite of PVC and an additive or may be a reinforcing
layer made of metal or fiber. The thickness of each of the three layers may vary based
20 ~n the number of coatings employed and the thickness of the base film.
Referring now to Fig. 2, a cross section of an example of a five-layer sheet
assembly is depicted with sheet 20 having an exterior surface layer 22 that is a fire
resistant layer joined by a first PVC layer 24 to a base film 26, the other side of base
film 26 is joined by a second PVC layer 28 to an exterior layer 30 which is a reinforcing
25 layer. In this embodiment, the base film 26 is a metal sheet, and the exterior layer 30 is
a fibrous material made for example of jute.
Referring to Fig. 3, a cross-section of an example of a three-layer PVC film 40
mounted on a surface such as a concrete wall 42 is depicted having an exterior surface
layer 44 being a composite of PVC and an acrylic base, in contact with a composite
30 layer of PVC and a softening agent such as DOP 46, and an adhesive layer 48 of PVC
and a PVC copolymer and maleic acid, allowing the fixation of the PVC sheet onto the
concrete wall.
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30 minutes, the temperature of the solution was measured at between 47° and 50°C. No
external heat was added. Stirring was continued until a completely transparent solution
was obtained.
Transparency and other physical parameters used to determine dissolution of the
5 PVC resin in the ketone solvent(s), may be determined by using any one or more
methods known to a person skilled in the art of material science, polymers, surface
chemistry and/or other fields.
The primer solution of the invention may be stored at room temperatures for
long periods of time (over 24 months) without noticeable deterioration, precipitation or
10 any physical' change in the viscosity or any other parameters, and may be used after
prolonged storage to prepare the various application formulations disclosed herein.
6. inflammability.
The inflammability of the product was in compliance with US Standard UL-94,
Classification V-0 for "Test for Flammability of Plastic Material for Parts in Devices
~q ~ppliances".
Example 3: Application of wood coating formulation to fiberboards
The formulation prepared and described in Example 2 above was also used to
manufacture porous fiberboards having increased stability under extreme conditions
such as high humidity, high salt concentration, etching contaminants and chemicals.
10 '
The coating formulation disclosed in Example 2, as any other formulation of the
invention, may be diluted with a 1:1 mixture of MEK and acetone. The degree of
dilution may be determined based on the porosity of the fiberboard, its thickness and
other physical parameters related thereto.
In a typical application, a fiberboard was placed in the diluted coating
15 formulation for a period oftime, depending on the thickness of the fiberboard, allowing
penetration of the PVC formulation into a depth of one-third of the board thickness,
from each side. After penetration was achieved, the board was taken out, wiped of
excess formulation and was dried at 40°C for one hour. Immediately thereafter, the
board was allowed to cool at room temperature for a period of about 4 hours.
20 Each fiberboard was next sprayed with the formulation, providing an external
coating of 40 microns in thickness, and was allowed to dry.
For the production of multilayered fiberboards, a plurality of such fiberboards
was layered one on top of the other in any desirable fashion, pressed from both sides
and fixed at temperatures ranging from 134° to 152 °C, thus allowing a sandwiched
25 fiberboard of the desired thickness and having the characteristics detailed hereinbefore.
-21 -
gr/m2/day. The resistance to the sheet piercing was 9.3 kg. Tensile strength of the sheet
was 104 kg/cm2 •
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1. A formulation consisting a pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin
and at least one ketone solvent.
2. The formulation according to claim 1, wherein said PVC is in an amount ranging
5 between about 5 and 40% of total weight of the formulation.
3. The formulation according to claim 2, wherein said PVC is in an amount ranging
between 5 and 20% of the total weight of the formulation.
4. The formulation according to claim 2, wherein said PVC is in an amount ranging
between 5 and 12% of the total weight ofthe formulation.
1o 5. The formulation according to claim 1 having a viscosity between 5 and 50
6. The formulation according to claim 1 being transparent.
7. The formulation according to claim 1, wherein said at least one ketone solvent is
selected from dimethyl ketone (acetone), methylethyl ketone (MEK), diethyl ketone
15 (DEK), methyl-iso-butyl ketone (MIBK) and a combination thereof.
8. The formulation according to claim 7 wherein said at least one ketone solvent is
a combination of two ketone solvents.
9. The formulation according to claim 1, wherein said PVC resin has a k-value
between 50 and 58.
20 10. A formulation comprising pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin, at
least one ketone solvent and at least one additive selected from antioxidants, biocides,
antifoaming agents, antifog additives, viscosity modulators, adhesion promoters,
antiblocking agents, antitack agents, slip agents, flame retardant agents, fillers, anti-
static agents, copolymers, homopolymers, metal powders, agents reducing flammability,
25 heat stabilizers, UV stabilizers, light blockers, anti-corrosive and anti-erosive agents,
glass fibers, pigments, and any combination thereof.
11. The formulation according to claim 10, wherein said additive is not a plasticizer.
12. A formulation comprising a pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin
and at least one ketone solvent, provided that said formulation does not comprise one or
30 more plasticizer.
13. The formulation according to claim 12, wherein said plasticizer is selected from
dialkyl phthalates, alcohol derivates of phthalates, trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl adipates,
and dialkyl azelates.
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14. The formulation according to claim 13, wherein said formulation comprises at
least one additive selected from antioxidants, biocides, antifoaming agents, antifog
additives, viscosity modulators, adhesion promoters, antiblocking agents, antitack
agents, slip agents, flame retardant agents, fillers, anti-static agents, copolymers,
5 homopolymers, metal powders, agents reducing flammability, heat stabilizers, UV
stabilizers, light blockers, anti-corrosive and anti-erosive agents, glass fibers, pigments,
and any combination thereof.
15. A formulation comprising pure homopolymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin, at
least one ketone solvent and at least one additive selected from solvents, antioxidants,
10 biocides, ailtifoaming agents, antifog additives, viscosity modulators, adhesion
promoters, antiblocking agents, antitack agents, slip agents, flame retardant agents,
fillers, anti-static agents, copolymers, homopolymers, metal powders, agents reducing
flammability, heat stabilizers, UV stabilizers, light blockers, anti-corrosive and anti-
erosive agents, glass fibers, pigments, and any combination thereof, provided that said at
15 least one additive is not a plasticizer.
16. A formulation according to any one of claims 10 to 15, further comprising an
aromatic solvent.
17. A formulation according to any one of claims 10 to 16, further comprising an
aromatic solvent.
20 18. A method for the manufacture of a formulation according to claim 1, said
method comprising adding into at least one ketone solvent an amount of a homopolymer
PVC resin and mixing the resulting mixture until a transparent solution is obtained.
19. The method according to claim 18, wherein said mixing is performed at ambient
25 20. Use of a formulation according to any one of claims 1 to 17, or a formulation
prepared according to claims 18 or 19, for coating at least one article or surface.
21. The use according to claim 20, wherein said coating is achieved by at least one
method selected from spraying, brushing, washing, and dipping.
22. The use according to claim 20, wherein said at least one article or surface is
30 selected from cement, metal articles or sheets, wood products, plastics, alloys made
articles or sheets, floors, walls, appliances, dishes, kitchen appliances, clean room
appliances and articles contained therein, sanitary appliances, fabrics, clothing, military
appliances, and machinery or parts thereof.
wo 2007/060660 PCT/IL2006/001346
23. A PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly having at least one base film and at
least one layer of PVC.
24. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23, wherein said at
least one layer of PVC is a composite of PVC comprising at least one additive.
5 25. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23, wherein said at
least one layer of PVC is coated on said at least one base film.
26. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23, wherein said
base film is coated with PVC on each of its faces.
27. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 25, wherein said
10 base film being coated with PVC on each of its faces is further treated with a coat of
composite PVC comprising an adhesive.
28. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 26, wherein said at
least one surface is selected from cement, wood, metal, metal alloy and plastic.
29. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 having at least
15 one base layer and at least one PVC-based layers.
30. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 29, comprising at
least one base layer, at least one layer of PVC; and optionally, at least one layer of
composite PVC containing at least one additive.
31. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 30 further
20 ~omprising at least one layer of a reinforcing material.
32. The PV C-hased multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 31, comprising at
least one first layer of PVC, at least one first layer of composite PVC containing at least
one additive, at least one base layer; and optionally at least one layer of reinforcing
25 33. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 32, comprising a
first layer of PVC, a first layer of composite PVC containing at least one additive, a
layer of metallic" material, a second layer of composite PVC containing at least one
additive, a layer of reinforcing material; and a second layer of PVC.
34. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 33, wherein said
30 first layer of composite PVC containing at least one additive is on top of said first layer
of PVC, said layer of metallic material is on top of said first layer of composite PVC
containing at least one additive, said second layer of composite PVC containing at least
one additive is on top of said layer of metallic material, said layer of reinforcing
wo 2007/060660 PCT/IL2006/001346
material is on top of said second layer of composite PVC containing at least one
additive, and said second layer of PVC is on top of said layer of reinforcing material.
35. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
34,_~~erein said layers are essentially coextensive.
5 36. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
34, wherein said additive is selected from heat and UV stabilizers, light blocker,
pigments, fillers, flame retardants, anti-static agent, anti-corrosive agent, anti-erosive,
modulator of chemical adhesiveness, homopolymers or copolymers, metal powders or
solutions, salts, softening agents, dissolving agents, plasticizers, stabilizers or any
10 combination' thereof.
37. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
34, wherein said base film is a metal foil of any metal or alloy.
38. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 37, wherein said
metal foil is aluminum foil.
15 39. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
34, wherein said base film is a fibrous sheet made of any type of fiber.
40. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
34, wherein said reinforcing material is a metal foil of any metal or alloy.
41. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to any one of claims 23 to
20 34, wherein said reinforcing material is a fibrous sheet made of any type of fiber.
42. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 being a three-
layer sheet.
43. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 being a four-
layer sheet.
25 44. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 being a five-
layer sheet.
45. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 being a six-
layer sheet.
46. The PV C-hased multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 having between
30 6 and 10 layers.
47. The PVC-based multilayer sheet assembly according to claim 23 having at least
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14~> 1-4--L~~~o:-L---~~~~~4
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
54~> 1-L-~~--E---'~~~~~~:--'1
58 > ~~~~~~~~~~~
60~ ~~L-+7~~~77~~~
62 >- ~~~~~rr~'-;t--)~~x~
FIG. 3 FIG. 4
wo 2007/060660 PCT/IL2006/001346
FIG. 5
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FIG. 68
International application No
INV. C08J3 11
According to International Patent Classification (lPG) or to both national classification and lPG
Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are Included In the fields searched
Electronic data base consulted during the International search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used)
[]) Further documents are listed In the continuation of Box C. [] See patent family annex.
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International application No
Category• Citation of document, with Indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.
Fonn PCT/fSN21 0 (continuation or second sheet) (April 2005)
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International application No
Information on patent family members
Patent document
cited in search report
WO 2004101654 A
Patent family
1631618 A1
I Publication
KR 20040099514 A 02-12-2004
EP 0091384 A1 12-10-1983 AR 230458 A1 30-04-1984
BR 8301757 A 13-12-1983
CA 1199441 A1 14-01-1986
DE 3368294 01 22-01-1987
ES 8402003 A1 01-04-1984
FR 2524475 A1 07-10-1983
JP 2542355 B2 09-10-1996
JP 58208343 A 05-12-1983
MX 162314 A 24-04-1991
us 4529768 A 16-07-1985
GB 2095264 A 29-09-1982 NONE
us 4347268 A 31-08-1982 NONE
us 3776873 A 04-12-1973 NONE