Cement Foam Patent
Cement Foam Patent
Cement Foam Patent
(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
C04B 28/02 (2006.01) C04B 38/10 (2006.01) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
C04B 28/04 (2006.01) AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
(21) International Application Number: DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
(22) International Filing Date: KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
5 April 2013 (05.04.2013) ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
(25) Filing Language: English RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ,
(26) Publication Language: English TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA,
(30) Priority Data:
1253237 6 April 2012 (06.04.2012) FR (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(71) Applicant: LAFARGE [FR/FR]; 6 1 rue des Belles GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
Feuilles, F-75 1 16 Paris (FR). UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
(72) Inventors: BERNARDI, Sebastien; Lafarge Centre de
Recherche, 95 Rue du Montmurier, F-38291 Saint Quentin
Fallavier (FR). JAVIERRE, Isabelle; Lafarge Centre de
Recherche, 95 Rue du Montmurier, F-38291 Saint Quentin
ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Fallavier (FR). DUCHAND, Sylvain; Lafarge Centre de
Recherche, 95 Rue du Montmurier, F-38291 Saint Quentin Declarations under Rule 4.17 :
Fallavier (FR). SABIO, Serge; Lafarge Centre de Recher
— of inventorship (Rule 4. 1 7(iv))
che, 95 Rue du Montmurier, F-38291 Saint Quentin Fal
lavier (FR). ROY, Cedric; Lafarge Centre de Recherche, Published:
95 Rue du Montmurier, F-38291 Saint Quentin Fallavier
— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
(74) Agent: MERIGEAULT, Shona; Lafarge, 95 rue du Mont
murier, BP9, F-38291 Saint Quentin Fallavier Cedex (FR).
The present invention relates to a process for production of insulating mineral foams
with a base of cement, to the mineral foams thus obtained and to elements of construction
comprising these foams.
Generally, mineral foam is very advantageous for many applications due to its thermal
insulation properties. Mineral foam is a material in the form of foam. This material is generally
more lightweight than typical concrete due to its pores or empty spaces. It is also known as
cement foam. These pores or empty spaces are due to the presence of air in the mineral
foam and they may be in the form of bubbles. With 1 m3 of raw material it is possible to
produce approximately 5 m3 of a finished product, that is, a material wherein 20 % is material
and 80 % is air (this is valid for an element with a density of approximately 400 kg/m 3) .
When mineral foam is poured into an element of considerable height, the mineral foam
may slump due to a lack of stability in the mineral foam during the setting. These slump
problems of the foam may be due to coalescence phenomena, to Ostwald ripening
phenomena or to draining phenomena, the latter being greater, in particular due to the force
of weight.
The difficulty in the production of mineral foams is therefore to produce stable mineral
foam which reduces these slump problems. However, known processes are not capable of
providing sufficiently stable mineral foams.
In order to meet users requirements, it has become necessary to find a new means to
produce highly stable mineral foam, which is to say which keeps its stability whatever the
given height.
Therefore, the problem which the invention intends to solve is to find a process for
production of stable mineral foam, which does not slump, or only slightly, when the foam is
poured vertically.
The invention relates to a process for production of a mineral foam having a density of
100 to 600 kg/m 3, produced from a slurry of foamed cement as well as the mineral foam
obtained by this process.
According to another feature of the invention, the mineral foam according to the
invention may be used as construction material or insulating material. For example, the
mineral foam may be poured between two panels of gypsum boards, or between two brick
walls or between two load-bearing concrete walls.
The invention also relates to elements of construction comprising a mineral foam
according to the invention.
The present invention intends to provide a new process having one or more of the
following characteristics:
- the process is universal, which is to say it makes it possible to produce a stable
mineral foam from any type of cement;
- the process is easy to implement;
- the process can be easily transported to any site or jobsite;
- the process makes it possible to implement a mineral foam in a continuous manner. It
is therefore possible to produce the mineral foam continuously and to pour this foam
without interruption.
The present invention also intends to provide new mineral foams which have one or
more of the following characteristics:
- the mineral foam according to the invention has excellent stability properties. In
particular, it is possible to obtain foam that does not slump or only very slightly when the
foam is poured vertically or from a considerable height. For example, the mineral foam
according to the invention does not slump or only very slightly when it is poured vertically
from a height greater than or equal to 2 metres;
- the mineral foam according to the invention has excellent thermal properties, and in
particular very low thermal conductivity. It is highly desirable to reduce thermal conductivity in
construction materials since this makes it possible to obtain savings of heating energy for
residence and office buildings. Furthermore, this decrease makes it possible to reduce
thermal bridges, in particular in the construction of buildings several stories high and
designed using indoor thermal insulation, in particular thermal bridges are reduced on the
intermediary floors.
The invention relates to a process for production of a mineral foam comprising the
following steps:
(i) separately prepare one or more slurries of cement and an aqueous foam for which
the D50 of the bubbles is less than or equal to 400 µη ;
(ii) homogenize this or these slurries of cement with the aqueous foam to obtain a slurry
of foamed cement;
(iii) cast the slurry of foamed cement and leave it to set.
The process for production of a mineral foam according to the invention may be used in
a discontinuous or continuous system.
In step (i), the slurry or slurries may be prepared using mixers typically used to produce
cement slurries. They may be a mixer for slurries, a mixer from a cement batching plant, a
mixer described in the European NF EN 196-1 Standard of April 2006 - Paragraph 4.4, or a
beater with a planetary movement.
The slurry or slurries may be prepared by introducing into the mixer the various powder
materials. The powders are mixed to obtain a homogenous mixture. Then, the water is
introduced into the mixer. Then, the mineral particles, the admixtures, for example the water-
reducer, the plasticizer, the superplasticizer or the retarder are introduced when they are
present in the formulation of the mineral foam. The obtained paste is mixed to obtain a
cement slurry or a mix of cement slurries.
Preferably, when calcium sulphate is present during the preparation of the cement
slurry, it is introduced before or after the addition of water. In particular, the calcium sulphate
is not introduced during the preparation of a slurry of calcium aluminate cement.
Preferably, the slurry or slurries are stirred using a deflocculating blade throughout the
duration of the process for production of the mineral foam according to the invention.
The cement slurries may be generated continuously in the process according to the
The water/total cement ratio of the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the
mineral foam according to the invention is preferably from 0.25 to 0.5, more preferably from
0.3 to 0.45. This water/total cement ratio may vary, for example due to the water demand of
the mineral particles when these are used. This water/total cement ratio is defined as being
the ratio by mass of the quantity of water (W) to the mass of all the cements (C).
In step (i), the aqueous foam may be produced by combining water and a foaming
According to an embodiment of the mineral foam according to the invention, the slurry
of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according to the invention may further
comprise a thickening agent.
The expression « thickening agent » , is generally to be understood according to the
present invention as any compound making it possible to maintain the heterogeneous
physical phases in equilibrium or facilitate this equilibrium.
The suitable thickening agents according to the invention are preferably gums,
cellulose or its derivatives, for example cellulose ethers or carboxy methyl cellulose, starch or
its derivatives, gelatine, agar, carrageenans or bentonite clays.
The suitable gums according to the invention, used as a thickening agent are
preferably selected from Acacia, Tragacanth, Carob, Dextran, Diutan, Gellan, Guar,
Scleroglucane, Xanthan, Welan gums. The expression « gum » , is generally to be
understood according to the invention as vegetable exudates or extracellular secretions with
a microbiological origin.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam of variant 1
according to the invention does not comprise lightweight aggregates as described in the
European NF EN 206-1 Standard of April 2004, for example, perlite. It does not either
comprise lightweight charges, for example polystyrene beads.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 20 to 35 % of water, % by mass relative to the mass of foamed
cement slurry.
Other additives may also be used in the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the
mineral foam according to the invention, for example coloured pigments, hydrophobic agents
or de-polluting agents (for example zeolites or titanium dioxide).
Variant 2 of the mineral foam according to the invention
According to a second variant of the invention, the mineral foam according to the
invention may be produced from a slurry of foamed cement comprising at least, in % by
mass relative to the mass of the slurry of foamed cement
from 30 to 75 % of cement;
from 10 to 70 % of fine mineral particles with a D50 less than or equal to 5 µη ;
from 0 to 15 % of ultrafine mineral particles with a D50 less than or equal to 1 µ η ;
- from 0.05 to 3 % of a water reducer, a plasticizer or a superplasticizer;
- from 0.0001 to 1 % of a retarder;
from 0 to 0.1 % of a thickening agent;
de 0.01 to 5 % of a foaming agent;
from 0 to 0.5 % of alkaline sulphates;
from 0 to 1 % of an accelerator;
- from 10 to 70 % of water;
the fine mineral particles/cement ratio, expressed in mass percentage being comprised from
0.27 to 0.6;
the ultrafine mineral particles/fine mineral particles ratio, expressed in mass percentage
being comprised from 0 to 0.5.
The suitable cement for the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral
foam according to the invention is preferably the cements described according to the
European NF EN 197-1 Standard of February 2001 or mixtures thereof. The preferred and
suitable cement according to the invention is the Portland CEM I cement, by itself or mixed
with other cements, for example those described according to the European NF EN 197-1
Standard of February 2001 . The CEM III cement is also suitable.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 35 to 60% of cement, more preferably 40 to 60 % .
The suitable fine mineral particles with a D50 less than or equal to 5 µη according to
the invention may come from one or more materials selected from fly ash, pozzolans (natural
and artificial), limestone powders, siliceous powders, lime, calcium sulphate (in particular
gypsum in the anhydrous or hemi hydrate forms) and slags.
The D50, also noted as Dv 50, corresponds to the 50 th percentile of the size
distribution of the particles, by volume; that is, 50 % of the particles have a size that is less
than or equal to D50 and 50 % of the particles have a size that is greater than D50.
The D50 of the fine particles according to the invention is less than or equal to 5 µη ,
preferably comprised from 1 to 4 µη , more preferably comprised from 1.5 to 3 µη .
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 15 to 60 % of fine mineral particles, more preferably 15 to 40 % ,
% by mass relative to the mass of foamed cement slurry.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 0 to 8 % of ultrafine mineral particles, preferably 2 to 6 % , % by
mass relative to the mass of foamed cement slurry.
The suitable ultrafine mineral particles having a D50 less than 1 µ η used according to
the invention may come from one or more materials selected from limestone powders,
precipitated calcium carbonates, natural and artificial pozzolans, pumice stones, ground fly
ash, crushed material of a hydrated or carbonated silica hydraulic binder and mixtures or co-
grindings thereof in the dry form. The term « crushed material of a hydrated silica hydraulic
binder » denotes, in particular the products described in the FR 2708592 document.
The D50 of the ultrafine mineral particles used according to the invention is less than
or equal to 1 µη , preferably comprised from 10 to 500 nm, more preferably comprised from
50 to 200 nm.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 0.001 to 0.5 % or a retarder, % by mass relative to the mass of
foamed cement slurry. The description provided herein above for the selection of the retarder
applies to this variant of the mineral foam according to the invention.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 0.001 to 0.01 % of a thickening agent, % by mass relative to the
mass of foamed cement slurry. The description provided herein above for the selection of the
thickening agent applies to this variant of the mineral foam according to the invention.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 0.03 to 1 % of a foaming agent, % by mass relative to the mass of
foamed cement slurry. The description provided herein above for the selection of the foaming
agent applies to this variant of the mineral foam according to the invention.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 0.05 to 0.8 % of an accelerator, % by mass relative to the mass of
foamed cement slurry.
The suitable accelerator according to the invention may come from one or more salts
selected from:
calcium salts, potassium salts and sodium salts wherein the anion may be nitrate,
nitrite, chloride, formiate, thiocyanate, sulphate, bromide, carbonate or mixtures
alkali silicates and aluminates, for example sodium silicate, potassium silicate,
sodium aluminate, potassium aluminate or mixtures thereof;
aluminium salts, for example aluminium sulphate, aluminium nitrate, aluminium
chloride, aluminium hydroxide or mixtures thereof;
or mixtures thereof.
Preferably, the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according
to the invention comprises 15 to 40 % of water, % by mass relative to the mass of foamed
cement slurry.
The description provided herein above for the selection of the water reducer, the
plasticizer or the superplasticizer applies to this variant of the mineral foam according to the
Other additives may also be used in the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the
mineral foam according to the invention, for example coloured pigments, hydrophobic agents
or de-polluting agents (for example zeolites or titanium dioxide).
Variant 3 of the mineral foam according to the invention
According to a third variant of the invention, the mineral foam according to the invention
may be produced from a slurry of foamed cement comprising at least, in % by mass relative
to the mass of foamed cement slurry
from 30 to 75 % of cement obtained from clinker comprising at least one
mineralogical C4A 3$ phase;
- from 0.05 to 3 % of a water reducer, a plasticizer or a superplasticizer;
from 0 to 0.1 % of a thickening agent;
from 0.01 to 5 % of a foaming agent;
- from 0.00001 to 0.01 % of lithium salt;
- from 10 to 70 % of water.
The slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according to the invention
may comprise calcium sulphate.
Calcium sulphate used according to the present invention includes gypsum (calcium
sulphate dihydrate, CaS0 4 .2H 20), hemi-hydrate (CaS0 4 .1/2H 20), anhydrite (anhydrous
calcium sulphate, CaS0 4) or a mixture thereof. The gypsum and anhydrite exist in the natural
state. Calcium sulphate produced as a by-product of certain industrial processes may also be
The slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according to the invention
may comprise a lithium salt selected from lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, lithium
chloride, lithium nitrate, lithium sulphate, lithium fluoride and lithium citrate.
The slurry of foamed cement used to produce the mineral foam according to the invention
comprises a cement obtained from clinker comprising at least one mineralogical
C4A3$ phase. It may be a cement produced from the clinker described in patent application
WO 2006/018569 or cement obtained from clinker comprising at least one
C4A3$ mineralogical phase, and optionally one C2S , C3S , C 2A 7, C3A , Ca 5(Si04) 2S0 4 phase
or CnA7CaF 2 mineralogical phase or mixtures thereof.
The description provided herein above for the selection of the water reducer, the
plasticizer or the superplasticizer, the thickening agent and the foaming agent applies to this
variant of the mineral foam according to the invention.
Other additives may also be used in the slurry of foamed cement used to produce the
mineral foam according to the invention, for example coloured pigments, hydrophobic agents
or de-polluting agents (for example zeolites or titanium dioxide).
The mineral foam according to the invention may be a concrete, which is pre-cast on
the jobsite, a ready-mix concrete or a concrete produced at a production plant of pre-cast
elements. Preferably, the mineral foam according to the invention is a ready-mix concrete.
The mineral foam according to the invention may also be directly prepared on the
jobsite by installing a foaming system on the jobsite.
The invention also relates to the use of the mineral foam according to the invention as
construction material.
The mineral foam according to the invention may be used to cast walls during a jobsite.
The mineral foam according to the invention may be used for mortar beds. The mortar
bed is a coating layer making it possible to coat service ducts on a structural floor before
laying a heating floor and before casting a screed. The use of the mineral foam according to
the invention as a layer of mortar bed makes it possible to coat service ducts in one single
step and thermally insulate the heating floor of the slab. This process according to the
invention makes it possible to eliminate the step of laying the insulating layer added between
the mortar bed and the heating floor.
The invention also relates to the use of the mineral foam according to the invention as
insulating material.
Laser granulometry method
In this specification, including the accompanying claims, particle size distributions and
particle sizes are as measured using a Malvern MS2000 laser granulometer. Measurement is
effected in ethanol. The light source consists of a red He-Ne laser (632 nm) and a blue diode
(466 nm). The optical model is that of Mie and the calculation matrix is of the polydisperse
The apparatus is checked before each working session by means of a standard sample
(Sibelco C10 silica) for which the particle size distribution is known.
Measurements are performed with the following parameters: pump speed 2300rpm and
stirrer speed 800rpm. The sample is introduced in order to establish an obscuration between
10 and 20%. Measurement is effected after stabilisation of the obscuration. Ultrasound at
80% is first applied for 1 minute to ensure the de-agglomeration of the sample. After about
30s (for possible air bubbles to clear), a measurement is carried out for 15 s (15000 analysed
images). Without emptying the cell, measurement is repeated at least twice to verify the
stability of the result and elimination of possible bubbles.
All values given in the description and the specified ranges correspond to average
values obtained with ultrasound.
Particle sizes greater than 200 µηι are generally determined by sieving.
The cement is a Portland CEM I 52.5 R cement from the Lafarge cement plant of Le
Havre (Batch number: LHY-4062).
The calcium sulphate is ground anhydrous calcium sulphate from the plant of Le Pin
worked by Etex.
The calcium aluminate cement is a Fondu ® cement from the Pyrallis company.
The plasticizer is a mixture comprising a polycarboxylate polyoxide (PCP) from the
Chryso company under the brand name of Chrysolab EPB 530-017; it is based on Premia
180 which does not comprise an anti-foaming agent.
The retarder is a pure anhydrous citric acid from the Verre Labo Mula company.
The foaming agent is the Propump 26, an animal protein from the Propump company:
the molecular weight of Propump 26 is 6000 Daltons.
The mineral particles are calcium carbonate supplied by OMYA under the following
brand names:
Betocarb HP Entrains wherein the D50 is 7.8 µη , and having a maximum particle
size of 200 µηι (Batch number: ADD-0549);
Durcal 1 wherein the D50 is 2.5 µη , and having a maximum particle size of 20 µη
(Batch number:ADD-0613);
Durcal 1 wherein the D50 is 3.5 µη , and having a maximum particle size of 20 µη
(Batch number:ADD-00662);
- Socal 3 1 wherein the D50 is 90 nm, (Batch number: MCC-265).
The thickening agent is either a biopolymer from the CP Kelco company
commercialised under the brand name of Kelco-Crete 200.
The accelerator is calcium nitrite from Chryso commercialised under the brand name of
SET 02.
The LiC03 is lithium carbonate from the Aldrich company.
Water: tap water.
The Rayneri mixers:
- A mixer: model R 602 EV (2003) supplied by the Rayneri company. The mixer is
composed of a chassis on which vessels are positioned (capacity: 10 to 60 litres). The 60-
litre blade was used with a paddle type of blade adapted to the volume of the vessel. This
paddle is entrained by an electric motor operating on 380 Volts at a variable speed. The
blade exerts a rotation movement around itself, accompanied by a planetary movement
around the axis of the vessel.
- A Turbotest mixer (MEXP-101 , model: Turbotest 33/300, Serial N°: 123861 ) supplied
by the Rayneri company. It was a mixer with a vertical axis.
In the following examples, 9 mineral foams according to the invention were produced.
They are numbered 1 to 9 . Each cement slurry and each aqueous foam carries the same
number as the obtained mineral foam.
Table 1:
The quantities in Table 1 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of each slurry.
Table 2 :
the quantity of Propump 26 is the quantity of active material for the commercial product.
( ' the quantities of Table 2 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of aqueous foam (water + foaming
Table 3 :
Table 4 :
the quantity of foaming agent is the quantity of active material for the commercial product.
( ' the quantities of Table 4 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of the slurry of foamed cement
Table 5 :
1 2 3 4 5
Table 7 :
Table 8 :
The quantities in Table 8 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of each slurry.
Table 9 :
( ' the quantity of Propump 26 is the quantity of active material of the commercial product.
( The quantities in Table 9 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of aqueous foam (water + foaming
Table 10:
the quantity of foaming agent is the quantity of active material for the commercial product.
( ' the quantities of Table 11 are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of foamed cement slurry
Table 13:
The quantities are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of each slurry.
' the quantity of foaming agent is the quantity of active material for the commercial product.
( 4 the quantities of the table are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of the aqueous foam (water +
foaming agent)
the quantity of foaming agent is the quantity of active material for the commercial product
the quantities are given in % by mass relative to the total mass of the slurry of foamed cement
The obtained thermal conductivity value was 0.1 17 W/m.K. The obtained compressive
strength wasl .88 Pa.
1. A process for production of a mineral foam comprising the following steps:
(i) separately prepare one or more slurries of cement, and an aqueous foam for which
the D50 of the bubbles is less than or equal to 400 µη ;
(ii) homogenize this or these slurries of cement with the aqueous foam to obtain a
slurry of foamed cement;
(iii) cast the slurry of foamed cement and leave it to set.
2 . The process for production of a mineral foam according to claim 1 wherein step (i)
comprises the preparation of two slurries of cement, one of which is a slurry of
calcium aluminate cement.
3 . The process for production of a mineral foam according to claim 1 or claim 2 wherein
step (ii) comprises the introduction of the slurry or slurries of cement and the aqueous
foam into a static mixer to obtain a slurry of foamed cement.
4 . The mineral foam obtainable according to the process of any one of claims 1 to 3 .
5 . The mineral foam obtainable according to claim 4 having a density of 100 to 600
kg/m 3.
6 . A mineral foam according to claim 4 or claim 5 produced from a slurry of foamed
cement comprising at least, in % by mass relative to the mass of the slurry of foamed
- from 20 to 70 % of cement;
- from 1 to 5 % of calcium sulphate;
- from 0.5 to 10 % of calcium aluminate cement;
- from 0.05 to 3 % of a water reducer, a plasticizer or a superplasticizer;
- from 0.001 to 0.5 % of a retarder;
- from 0.1 to 5 % of a foaming agent;
- from 15 to 40 % of water;
the calcium aluminate cement/ calcium sulphate ratio, expressed in mass percentage
being from 0.5 to 2.5;
the calcium sulphate/cement ratio, expressed in mass percentage being from 0.03 to
7 . The mineral foam according to claim 6 wherein the slurry of foamed cement
comprises 15 to 50 % of mineral particles.
8 . The mineral foam according to claim 7 wherein the mineral particles are selected from
calcium carbonate, silica, ground glass, solid or hollow glass beads, glass granules,
expanded glass powders, silica aerogels, silica fume, slags, ground sedimentary
siliceous sands, fly ash or pozzolanic materials or mixtures thereof.
9 . The mineral foam according to claim 6 or claim 7 wherein the calcium aluminate
cement/calcium sulphate ratio is from 0.6 to 2.2.
10. The mineral foam according to claim 6 or claim 7 wherein the calcium
sulphate/cement ratio is from 0.04 to 0.08.
11. The mineral foam according to claim 4 or claim 5 produced from a slurry of foamed
cement comprising at least, in % by mass relative to the mass of the slurry of foamed
- from 30 to 75 % of cement;
- from 10 to 70 % of fine mineral particles with a D50 less than or equal to 5 µη ;
- from 0 to 15 % of ultrafine mineral particles with a D50 less than or equal to 1 µ η ;
- from 0.05 to 3 % of a water reducer, a plasticizer or a superplasticizer;
- from 0.0001 to 1 % of a retarder;
- from 0 to 0.1 % of a thickening agent;
- from 0.01 to 5 % of a foaming agent;
- from 0 to 0.5 % of alkaline sulphates;
- from 0 to 1 % of an accelerator;
- from 10 to 70 % of water;
the fine mineral particles/cement ratio, expressed in mass percentage, being
comprised from 0.27 to 0.6;
the ultrafine mineral particles/fine particles ratio, expressed in mass percentage,
being comprised from 0 to 0.5.
12. The mineral foam according to claim 4 or claim 5 produced from a slurry of foamed
cement comprising at least, in % by mass relative to the mass of foamed cement
- from 30 to 75 % of cement obtained from clinker comprising at least one
mineralogical C4A 3$ phase;
- from 0.05 to 3 % of a water reducer, a plasticizer or a superplasticizer;
- from 0 to 0.1 % of a thickening agent;
- from 0.01 to 5 % of a foaming agent;
- from 0.00001 to 0.01 % of lithium salt;
- from 10 to 70 % of water.
13. A use of the mineral foam according to any one of claims 4 to 12 as construction
14. A use of the mineral foam according to any one of claims 4 to 12 as insulating
15 . A n element of construction comprising a mineral foam according to any one of claims
4 to 12.
INV. C04B28/02 C04B28/04 C04B38/10
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) o r t o both national classification and IPC
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Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.
□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.
Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report