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The objective of this study is (1) to know the Gase Poetry in the traditional ceremony
can cause to come to the raining in the Meligo Village. (2) to understand Gase Poetry is
considered as the source of the cultural, religion value which needs to be preserved. (3)
to find the out the implication of the “Oral Gase Poetry” in the traditional ceremony of
Bolu Udan for the life of the people in Meligo village. The method that used to collect
the data was qualitative study examines the lived experiences on traditional ceremony
for calling rainy by using Gase Poetry by the four (4) storytellers (Lian Nain) were
interviewed based on the research questions. Based on the analyzing the interviewing
from the four storytellers, the conclusion can be drawn as the result of the study. Gase
Poetry in Traditional Ceremony can cause the raining to come when the old man (lian
nain) went to perform Gase Poetry in the sacral place on the top of the mountain of
Lesu-Luli in Meligo - Cailaco of Bobonaro District. Besides that, the People of Meligo
still strongly believe this tradition culture and to be preserved. This tradition is
considered as their philosophy of life. The Gase Poetry in Traditional Ceremony was
started to perform since their ancestors Lesukali existed. The Gase Poetry in Traditional
Ceremony is celebrated in every year year because it brings them good life, pour them
raining and prevent the natural disaster to be happened. The Gase Poetry in Traditional
Ceremony is an usual instrument to be used in order to communicate between human
beings and nature are having mutual understanding. The Gase Poetry in traditional
ceremony of calling rainy is considered as the value of cultural, religious that needs to
be preserved by the people in Meligo-Bobonaro because it is considered as one of the
local genius or primitive knowledge which was discovered by the ancestors of Meligo
Lesu Kali.
Literature is a part of a culture which is considered as a norm of life to regulate
and govern the acts of people in order to live as a principle of the human being in a
society of Melligo Village as a culture value. It needs to be preserved as the identity of
the people in every certain group that shows the way of life of a community.
Brooks, G, 2000:247stated that literature and culture are two cases which are
linked because literature is an artistic regard of writing which includes such as Drama,
story, and poetry. These kinds of works are also about finding the culture of people. In
addition, culture is “the fabric of meaning in term of which human being interpret their
experience and guide their action. It is also a description of the particular way of life,
which expresses certain meaning and values, not only in art and learning but also in
institutions and ordinary behavior.
Literature is classified into two parts as follows; oral and written literature. The
oral literature describes the things that people already did it by mouth in the traditional
ceremony as the sign of the dedication to the unseen things or expressing the beliefs of
the universe. It is a process of the social culture that occurs from the most primitive
stages or in the ancient time of the prehistoric people when the people did not know yet
about the writing of the society rather than in the advanced society. Oral literature is
considered as a tool of communication that had an important duty in the traditional
living of a community to play an important duty and also impact to the people in
addition to culture because it can accumulate people in the community.
On the other hand, The Literature written by Haley Drucker & Laurie Patsalides
(2014) defined that literature written is a broad term that encompasses almost
everything we read, see, and hear. It helps to be able to break it down into categories,
for ease of understanding and analysis.
The Literature based on ancient Greece, literature was divided into two main
categories namely tragedy and comedy. Nowadays the list of possible types and genres
of literature can seem endless. But it is still possible to narrow down the vast amount of
literature available to a few basic groups.
In this writing, the writer wants to clarify the process and the meaning of the
Traditional Ceremony of Oral Gase Poetry to call the reigning “Bolu Udan” in
Maliana-Meligo village. This study adopted with the idea of Moustakas, (1994)
manifested that Phenomenology study is a relevant philosophic methodology that is
utilized to describe the phenomena of Traditional Ceremony of Oral Gase Poetry for
calling rainy “Bolu Udan” for the people in Meligo Village based on the lived-
experienced from the four old men. The ceremony is always celebrated by the people in
Meligo village every year. According to the legend story, the ceremony to call the
raining has been a doctrine to be accustomed to the people in Meligo.
The oral poetry of “Gase” is the sacral word that is expressed the imagination
and feeling based on their belief by the “Lia Nain” of Meligo village in Maliana uses to
perform in the traditional ceremony to call rain.
Oral Gase poetry is considered as a moral and cultural value by means special
sacral performed in our country Timor – Leste. The people in Meligo village usually use
the oral Gase poetry to welcome the visitors or when we receive some national leaders
of the Government to visit our Municipality and Administrative with performing it as
our respect to the ones who arrive through the delivering oral Gase Poetry.
In Kemak Culture we consider “Gase” is the sacral one that we can follow and
we must respect it because “Gase” is the key of culture in Timor-Leste and our ancestor
could use “Gase” to adore the sacral Stone (Mot), sacral Screen of water, and sacral
things that we save and conserve in our sacral house (Uma Lulik) to be preserved as our
Based on the culture that exists in Meligo village, people celebrate this
ceremony as the way to show their respect for their own sacral Stone (Mot) once a year.
The exact moment is in the months of November as the drying season even, all the
reservoir water are often drying and people who are living in Meligo village they get
thirsty because of lacking water source. This way, it was one of the natural strategies to
get back water through the Oral Gase Poetry to call the raining by the old man or lian
nain in Meligo village. And it really happened to rain once the traditional ceremony of
Gase Poetry is performed.
It is one of the most important things to celebrate routinely and handed over it
by the ancestors in Meligo Village from one generation to another next generation in
every cycle to be preserved. It is indicated the characteristic Gase poetry of the human
being is connecting with nature, God, people are inseparable components to be
integrated into the system of the human life ultimately.
It is performed in a very sacral place (Fatin lulik) that the writer wants to
disseminate or rise up to other local, national and foreign people, especially the young
generation in Meligo Village keep more respect and cultivate the traditional norms as
the source of cultural, religion and educative value in order to continue improving their
own culture as well as the identity of the people refers as the indigenous knowledge or
local genius/wisdom.
This traditional ceremony of Oral Gase Poetry has indicated that the belief of
Animism Dan Dynamism of the people of Meligo village is still strong to survive.
Animism is the original beliefs of the people of Meligo village to the soul of the dead in
the prehistory time when Catholic religion had not arrived yet. The characteristics of
this beliefs is to worship the powers of cosmos in order to shield the people in Meligo
village to avoid from natural disasters such as; recovering the illness, success in war,
success in harvest of agriculture product, inundation, earthquake, volcanic, worst
weather like; flooding, thunder and drying season.
The essence of Animism is believing the living and non living creature and
objects in the world such as; sea, mountain, forest, hill and souls of dead which have
spirit to be respected and adored in order not to perturb or scare the life of people living
and it often help the daily activities to run well.
Taylor (1990) also said Animism exists because of two kinds of questions mark
in the life of primitive people namely; dead and dreaming at the moment sleeping. By
these two phenomena orientated us to believe our own tradition that every creature and
human being has the same spirit. He also said that there are a reincarnation, resurrection
and eternal life. It means that when the people die, the spirit is separated from the body
to become everlasting life.
Richard-Amato, (2003:214-222) stated that drama is a unique tool to explore
and express human feeling and also an essential form of behavior in all cultures which
is considered as a fundamental human activity.
Based on the description of the background in the above, the study is conducted
to gain the following objective, namely (a) to know clearly about the “Oral Gase
Poetry” in traditional ceremony can cause to come to the raining in the Meligo Village,
(b) to understand Oral Gase Poetry is considered as the source of the cultural, religion
value which needs to be preserved, and (c) to find the out the implication of the “Oral
Gase Poetry” in traditional ceremony of Bolu Udan for the life of the people in Meligo
Kemak English
Ami odi da’a no bo We bring betel nut for you
sia nogo odi mela We worship you
mai mudu lulua mamu dogo, To all our ancestors,
tatara isi- amar isi gala Come and sit together here
rae ubu dia Lesu Luli lara To all land lord of Lesu Luli
nogo mamu, dato ama balu To all the eight kings
dia suco balu nogo mamu, To all the eight villages
mai ita luluoa oadi Sali limar dia Come and shake hand
tata usa wa di mai, odi ita keri manu Come and call the raining
ha,a asu wa di bri’i, ita odi tau Our animal can be living
asi, echi chua, asi di isi chua di bia. Pour the raining to our garden
The process of Traditional Ceremony of Oral Gase Poetry to call the raining
“BoluUdan” in Maliana-Meligo village could be realized phenomenological as
following steps.
a. Giving the information
In this part, the traditional leader from Munaslelo Bere - Ubu and Bero - Mau Kali -
Ubu in Melligo are the ones who can inform for all population in who lives in Meligo
village specially addressing to the traditional leaders in every sacral house (uma lulik)
that exist in Meligo village to be scheduled when they will meet each other in Mot
(Lesu-Luli) in order to discuss the ceremony to call the raining “Bolu Udan”.
b. Preparation
The old men (Lia nain) start to prepare the animals for the ceremony such as pigs,
goats, these animals are sacrificed to dedicate to the holy land or (the owner of the
land) to excuse for them during the celebration of the ceremony for calling rainy.
c. The process.
After they prepare all those animals and then the traditional leaders from USA - Ubu
and Lesu - Ubu sacrifice the animals to take the heart and blood of the animals to feed
the holy mountain and holly land. It is meant that if someone cuts or destroy the tree
that belongs the area of Meligo, he will be fined again. While they also prepared the
‘’betel nut and betel leave ‘’ to dedicate the holy land and holy mountain and three holly
house, to know they sacrifice through the delivering speech which is considered Oral
Gase Poetry ceremony as the following dedications.
Killing the animals that they have already prepared firstly, they killed the pig to
show the pad’s blood and they say they words “Nae bula”(hare dalan) it means that
they already give some food for the holy land, holy mountain, and wild animals.
They killed the goats to show the result of this ceremony to call the raining “Bolu
Udan” and “tara Bandu”.
The objective of the study is to call the raining is to get the water, to plant the
plantation, plant the rice field, corn and another plantation that the population need
to plant to protect them from the poor, hungry and then to get green and cold in their
d. The Function of Oral Gase poetry
The function of Gase Poetry is to survive to the life of people in Meligo village
and as a traditional doctrine to regulate and govern the true action of people belong to
Maliana-Meligo village. The objective is to remind the young generation to know well
the function of the culture in their life to respect each other and the also can perform a
good attitude to each other especially, for the foreign people to know what the main
lifestyle in this country. As we know that many of the young generations never want to
learn about their own culture. That is why we create flexible condition to learn the
culture and put it to the curriculum of education as learning to live.
e. Characteristic of Oral Gase Poetry
Gase Poetry is a part of a culture which has the sacral word that to be a usually
delivered speech by tradition leaders “Lia Nain” in the traditional ceremony in our
country Timor-Leste. Gase Poetry also special sacral performed in our country Timor-
The five genres of literature, students should be familiar with the Poetry,
Drama, Prose, Nonfiction, and Media. The prose is a broader term that includes both
drama and non-fiction. At the end of this article, we’ll also touch on a couple of
narrower but still important literary categories. Poetry is often considered the oldest
form of literature before writing was invented. Oral stories were commonly put into
some sort of poetic form to make them easier to remember and recite. Poetry today is
usually written down but is still sometimes performed.
A lot of people think of rhymes and counting syllables and lines when they think
of poetry, and some poems certainly follow strict forms. But other types of poetry are so
free-form that they lack any rhymes or common patterns. There are even kinds of poetry
that cross genre lines, such as prose poetry. In general, though, a text is a poem when it
has some sort of meter or rhythm, and when it focuses on the way the syllables, words,
and phrases sound when put together. Poems are heavy in imagery and metaphors are
often made up of fragments and phrases rather than complete, grammatically correct
sentences. And poetry is nearly always written in stanzas and lines, creating a unique
look on the page.
Poetry, as experienced in the classroom, is usually one of three types. There are
the shorter, more modern poems, spanning anything from a few lines to a few pages.
Often these are collected in books of poems by a single author or by a variety of writers.
Edgar Allen Poem’s “The Raven," is one of the most commonly taught poems of this
type. Then there are the classical, formulaic poems of Shakespeare’s time, such as the
blank verse and the sonnet. And finally, there are the ancient, epic poems transcribed
from oral stories. These long, complex poems resemble novels, such as Homer’s The
Iliad and The Odyssey.
Poetry is a piece of literature written by a poet in meter or verse expressing
various emotions which are expressed by the use of a variety of different techniques
including metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia which are explained in the above
definitions and different examples. The emphasis on the aesthetics of language and the
use of different techniques such as repetition, meter, and rhyme are what are commonly
used to distinguish poetry from prose and explained in the above examples.
(Octavio Paz, (1998:726), he said that Literature and culture are sharing the rules
and pattern of the deed that style our lives and we used our learned knowledge to
modify natural environment. Without a culture transmitted from the past, each new
generation has to solve the more of elementary problems of human existence over again.
There are two types of classification culture on every side of society as follows.
1. Material culture includes the tangible physical objects created by society. The
example of the material culture such as Art, craft, clothing, and tools.
2. A non-material culture refers to the abstract intangible creation of a community such
as knowledge, values, believes and social norms. Social norms are the shared rules,
which exist in every culture, and those rules as a guide to the deed. Norms also
specify what not suitable deed in each social situation is. It was also considered to
the community. There are social shared ideas or feelings about what is right and also
what is regarded as wrong and damaged. Social norms are also reflecting to consider
the society. It means that the differences within the culture are because of the
different norms.
Taylor ( 2003 ) an anthropologist says in his primitive culture that culture in a
complex definition includes beliefs, arts, skills, moralities, laws, traditions and
behaviors that an individual, as a member of a society, get from his own society.
Literature as a source of Education. The human being used the essential things
to teach their scriptures, legend, and lore to their children as the next generation. To
help people towards effective expression, there is no better way than the study of oral
literature, for when we see how others have achieved something, we are a much better
position to achieve something by ours.
Various definition of culture is given by scholars from different points of view.
Some treated culture superficially as a set of specific artifacts, man-made environments,
and patterns of social organization and overt form of behavior.
According to Isaac Singer, B. (1991: 134) stated that Literature is a word which
means also that the tradition or costumes are shared the rules of culture. Because, when
we talk about literature, it might not be separated from the culture. The topic for this
paper, we can distinguish between a culture in which literature is one abstract and that
one because literature can only be studied and will be brought to the culture done by
Therefore, it might be saying that between literature and culture are inseparable
or cannot divide to each other meaning like a literature is a theory and culture is a
practice. If we study the theory it should always be practiced according to what is
taught. Anybody knows what it is; you cannot smell it, hear it, look or touch it. But,
there just sense of the five senses which can be applied to literature that you can feel it
by feeling, it turns into something you can smell it, hear, look, touch it or cry at it and
laugh at.
Roohul (1999) & Amini (2004) clarified that the literature and culture have
multifarious meanings. Culture meant farming. It is used everywhere as a rural culture,
urban culture. Today, every field, in humanities, every research requires a general a
view of culture.
Even though, based on the history, some others archeologists, linguists,
psychologists, and sociologists said that man is an animal with culture.
Mesbahe Yazdi, (2005) contrasted that as the sociological perspective, culture is
the total inherited and innate ideas, attitudes, beliefs, values, and knowledge,
comprising or forming the shared foundation of social action.
Rocher ((2014:142) expressed his ideas that culture is a system of behaviors and
modes that depend on unconsciousness and connection of ideas and feelings accepted
by the majority of people in a society.
Kroeber and Kluckhohn (2000), considered that civilization and culture believe
the two terms have been used synonymously. Both of them indicate different levels of
the same subject. If culture is taken seriously, it seems that people require not only
sufficient food but also well-cooked food. (2008: 21) claims the culture is a systematic
association of people that have a certain way of life.
Therefore, the culture is the only distinction between human and animals. And
animals live in association but it is a special kind. There is indeed, a lot of shared
characteristics between human beings and animals such as associative life,
responsibility toward children and son.
Eliot, T. S, (2001: 45 ) differentiate that literature and culture are a capital and
means for developing all culture or knowledge in order to terminate all humans sharing
problems, for helping economical stabilization and political security.
Spencer (2009)pointed out that literature and culture the milieu of super organic
and high lights separation of culture from physical and natural factors. He believes that
the super organic factor is only from men, where the other two factors are the same for
men and animal.
Narrative Writing of Traditional Ceremony of the Oral Gase Poetry for Calling
Rainy “Bolu Udan” in Meligo Village of Bobonaro District in Timor Leste based
on the lived-experience of the four (4) old men
Based on the lived – the experience of the four storytellers about the Traditional
Ceremony of Gase Poetry for calling rainy “Bolu Udan” in Bobonaro District of
Meligo Village by the following persons; Armando Bau Laco, Eduardu Mau Loe,
Marcelino Loco Bere and Pedro Talo.
Armando Bau Laco
This Gase Poetry was started to use as the traditional ceremony in the time
ancestors. This poetry was used firstly to express imagination by the ancestors Lesu
Kali who discover this poetry in the sacral water pond that names Biahau-Aralolo in the
top of the mountain of Lesu-luli for calling raining (Bolu Udan) to come.
The traditional ceremony of Gase poetry is celebrated in every year.The
ancestors used this poetry for calling raining (Bolu Udan) in the time of pre-history time
in order to prevent the poor, hunger, and natural disaster. If we make some mistakes or
we forget to do, it would be caused many problems to the people of Melligo then, it
could bring drying season to affect the harvest of garden and rice field. The strong wind
could devastate many plantation and cultivation and the house of community could be
We had ever forgotten to celebrate it when Indonesian entered by forces to
Timor Leste on December 7 in 1975 and the moment of East Timor tragedy in 1999 to
get independence. Because of that, There were many people of Meligo underwent
suffering for foods and drinks were caused many people in meligo died because of
Eduardo Mau Loe
This Gase Poetry was started to use as the Traditional Ceremony to call raining
(Bolu udan) in the period of ancestors’ lived experience. This poetry was used firstly to
express imagination by the ancestors Lesu Kali who discover this poetry in the sacral
water pond which names Biahau-Aralolo on the top of the mountain o Lesu-luli for
calling raining (Bolu Udan) or to come.
sacral water pond which names Biahau-Aralolo on the top of the mountain of Lesu-luli
for calling rainy (Bolu Udan) to come.
The traditional ceremony of poetry is celebrated in every year.The ancestors
used the Gase poetry to call the raining/bolu udan in order to pour raining for their
garden and rice field to be full grown up.If you don’t do it or some mistakes or we
forget to celebrate routinely, it would be caused many problems to the people of
Melligo. And it will be caused drying season affected the harvest of garden and rice
field were not fortune. The wind could devastate many plantation and cultivation and
the house of community was destroyed.
We had ever not done because of civil war that is why at that moment the
problems affected the people in Meligo were very poor and there was no food to eat and
also many people died because of starving.
Culture is a part of social life that shows an identity of living society in every
human being in the world has their own culture. As we know that ’’no one living
without culture,’’ inside this culture compose of various habits and attitudes which each
community performed base own living style. For instance, in the Meligo-bobonaro, the
people are living always follow the tradition what has been left by their ancestors.
Tradition is considered as an inheritance from every generation which cannot forget to
be the philosophy of life.
Based on the result of study through the Lived experience of using Gase Poetry in
the traditional ceremony for calling rainy (Bolu Udan) by the four storytellers, it can be
interpreted that using Gase Poetry in traditional ceremony could cause the raining to
come for the people in Melligo Village in every year routinely. Gase Poetry in the
traditional ceremony of calling rainy is considered as the value of cultural, religious that
needs to be preserved by the people in Meligo-Bobonaro because it is also considered as
one of the local genius or primitive knowledge which was discovered by the ancestors
of Meligo Lesu Kali. The use of Gase poetry in a traditional ceremony to the life of the
people in Meligo-Bobonaro has implied that the value of culture is a religion where
Human being is connecting with nature, God, and people in using different languages
and attitude to be used in communication. Gase poetry in the traditional ceremony can
be considered as the philosophy of life to the people in Meligo-Bobonaro.
Culture can show to others where your original living is. Every attitude and
beliefs are formed from local language and knowledge which is called a stereotype.
Human being since existing, they lived with the animism and dynamism beliefs which
were actualized in the various traditional ceremony which was celebrated routinely in
every moment pre-history and historical period. The relationship between Human being
and nature are reciprocal meaning that could have mutual understanding each other
through the belief. Nature gives and human beings receive, nature lives and human
beings believe. Culture becomes a traditional law of the human being that protects the
life of the people. Nature can speak through the culture of human being. Human being
and nature can communicate with each other through the human tradition.
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