Is Mandatory Field in G/L Creation. You Use This Field To Define Which Fields Are Displays When U Posts
Is Mandatory Field in G/L Creation. You Use This Field To Define Which Fields Are Displays When U Posts
Is Mandatory Field in G/L Creation. You Use This Field To Define Which Fields Are Displays When U Posts
You use this field to define which fields are displays when u posts
the business transactions to this account. This field may have one of the following status req, opt, surpress
FSV: contains FSB, in the FSG each field is defined whether it is req, opt, surpress. FSV controls FSG of g/l
PPV: it which controls posting periods, both normal p.periods and spl p.p for each co. code
Retained earning a/c: at the end of fiscal year the balance in p&l a/c must be transferred to b/s a/c to
automatic system carry forward the balance by the system retained earninga/c
FSV: is reporting tool & can be used to depict the manner in which the final a/cs P/L and B/S needs to be
extracted from SAP.
Doc. Type: is nothing a voucher contains line items several business transactions can be identified with in
a particular doc. Type. It controls do. No .range, header part of doc, line item level of doc.
Posting key: are special classification keys. 2 character numerical key. It controls entry of line time.
Posting key determination a/c type, Dr/Cr posting, field status of transactions
Recon: when u post the items to sub ledger. The system automatically update the same data to the g/l a/c.
each sub ledger has one or more recon. a/cs.
Noted items: are single line a/c assignment that are not to be updated in a/l a/c. but also it serve remind
due payment.
Terms of payment: are conditions established between business partners to settle the payment invoice.
Conditions determing the invoice payment, due date, & cash discount offered for early settlement of invoice.
Next payment date: this date is needed in order to check the due date of payables. If an item is already
over due the date of the next paym run,& would lose cash discount, the system pays the item in this pay run.
Spl g/l transitions: in A/R & A/P that are shown separately in g/l & sub ledger. Ex: B/E, down payment,
A/c key: A field, that is assigned to the Condition type in pricing procedure, that enables to the user defined
g/l a/cs like revenues, discounts/taxes.
Bank key: is unique of country specific code. The system uses to combination of the bank key to identify
the house bank.
Base line date: is starting date of systems use to calculate invoice due date.
Dunning key: A key determines that the line item can be dunned with restrictions or is to be displayed
separately on the dunning notice.
Bank optimization: The payment program will try to pay from A bank with the same clearing House
Available amounts: amount available for outgoing payment entered the amount of founds available at
house bank. Amount field doesn’t update after each payment run.
Ranking order: The paym progr will take this into considera which determining when the bank to payfrom.
COD: is directory of dep. areas organized according to the business management. COD creates at country
level. Dep. areas represent specific valuations
Dep. area: An area showing for the valuation of the fixed asset for particular purposes. Ex: individual
financial statements, B/S for tax, management a/c values.
Book dep: is planned dep, wear & tear of during normally used of an asset.
Tax dep: represents deduction of wear & tear on asset for purely tax based dep.
A/C determination: system automati function that determines that a/c for post the amounts in the F.Aing
Asset class: is a main criterion for classification of fixed assets according to the legal & management
requirements. Asset class creates at client level. Each asset assign in asset cl
Base method: is valid for all COD. This indicator after end of the planned useful life is set & it percentage
from useful life.
Declining balance method: Annual calculation of dep for which are reduced by the consistent
Period control method: determining the begging or ending of the calculation of dep of the acquisition or
retirement of an asset.
Dep. key: for calculation of dep amounts. It controls automatic calculation of planned dep, automat
calculation of interest, max percentage of manual dep.
Smoothing: The dep posting program calculates the periodic dep to be posted by distributing the
remaining dep to be posted equally over the remaining period of dep.
Catch-up method: The dep on the transaction is posted lumsum. The dep posting program posts this
amount in the posting period in which value date of transaction.
Multiple-shift dep: Calculation of higher dep amounts as a result of the increased value reduction of an
asset used in multiple shifts. You can divide the dep of an asset used in multiple shifts into a fixed portion &
a variable portion.
Co. area: An organization unit with in a company, used to represent a closed system for cost accounting
Cost center: it is an organization using with in a co. area. That represents a location where the costs
Profit center: are classified according to the revenue earning points in the organization according to the
function of the organization.
Internal order: An instrument used to monitoring the costs & in some instances the revenue of an
organization. Ex: monitoring costs for short-term jobs, monitoring costs & revenue of specific service,
ongoing cost control.
Operating concern: A representation of the part of an organization, for which the sales market is
structured in uniform manner.
CO-PA: the two P.A in co-pa are:1) costing based p.a 2) accounting based p.a. P.A in co-pa is based on the
cost of sales accounting method
Cycle: a collection of rules for cost allocation. Use: Periodic reporting, distribution, assessments are using
the cycles. You can define sender/receivers relationship and corresponding distribution rules.
SKF: describes that cost centers, orders, business process, profit centers.
Fixed Values: are carry forward current posting periods to all posting periods.
Total values: are posted current posting period only.
This is one of the tracing factor in CO. this is mainly used for reporting purpose of costs—RKS.
Assessment: Transfer primary cost as well as secondary cost. The receiving cost center will not have
tracing of original cost element. No. range is RKIU.
Distribution: Transfer only primary cost. The receiving cost center will have tracing of original cost
element. No. range is RKIV.
Activity type: A unit in controlling area, that classifies activity performed in cost centers.
Use: activity types are nothing but service provided by cost center through work centers. It is one of the
tracing factors for cost centers efficiency. There are created & planning in cost centers of assigned in work
centers to PP.
Settlement profile: is central control parameter for the settlement. It is entered to order type, thus provide
the corresponding default in the master records.
Reconciliation Ledger: A ledger used for summarized display of values that appear in more detailed
form in the transactions. Main purpose is it reconciles data between co & fi. Normally it occurs in cross
company controlling.
Allocation structure: is tool that is used to allocate the cost incurred on senders by cost element, cost
element group.
Settlement rule: the settlement rule determines which portion of senders cost are allocated to which
receiver. A settlement rule contains distribution rules one or more of which assigned to each sender.
Statistical postings: the posting of special g/l transaction where the offsetting entry is made to specified
clearing a/c automatically. Ex: received guarantees of payments. It creates statistical line item only.
FI-MM integration:
1. In OMS2 screen we have assign material type in assign to valuation area.
2. In OMSK screen we can prepared valuation class under account category reference level.
3. The account category assigned to material type.
4. For this material type assigned to plan and select quantity based and accounting based check boxes
5. If we select this check boxes to post the accounting document and material document also.
6. By using this material type we create material mater.
7. For this material master we assign valuation class.
8. We create some G/L accounts. in FS00
9. We assign G/L account to post document automatic account assignment in OBYC
10. By using this material master we create P.O (me21n)
11. At the time of GR posting end-user assign the movement type.
Movement type: the key indicates the type of movement. The movement type enables the system finds pre
defined posting rules, determining how the g/l a/c posted and stock fields in the material master records are
to be updated. Valuation class: determines the g/l a/cs to be posted automatically.
1. Post the stock values of material of the same material type of different g/l a/c.
2. Post the stock values of material of different material type of same g/l a/c.
Transaction key: controls the filling of document and assignment of document number.
Material type: when creating material master u must assign the material to material type.
Valuation grouping code: d