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High-Resolution Numerical Relativity Simulations of Spinning Binary Neutron Star Mergers

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High-resolution numerical relativity simulations of

spinning binary neutron star mergers

Tim Dietrich∗ † , Sebastiano Bernuzzi‡ § , Bernd Brügmann¶ , Wolfgang Tichyk
∗ Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Am Mühlenberg 1, Potsdam-Golm, 14476, Germany
† Nikhef, Science Park 105, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
‡ Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche ed Informatiche, Universitá di Parma, I-43124 Parma, Italia
§ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione Milano Bicocca, gruppo collegato di Parma, I-43124 Parma, Italia
¶ Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena, D-07743 Jena, Germany
k Department of Physics, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 US
arXiv:1803.07965v1 [gr-qc] 21 Mar 2018

Abstract—The recent detection of gravitational waves and elec- be made in the next years [3]. In order to extract information
tromagnetic counterparts emitted during and after the collision from the data, the measured signal is cross-correlated with a
of two neutron stars marks a breakthrough in the field of multi- GW template family to obtain a “best match”. This requires
messenger astronomy. Numerical relativity simulations are the
only tool to describe the binary’s merger dynamics in the regime accurate GW templates to relate the source properties to the
when speeds are largest and gravity is strongest. observed GW signal and consequently a detailed analysis of
In this work we report state-of-the-art binary neutron star the compact binary coalescence close to the moment of merger.
simulations for irrotational (non-spinning) and spinning config- While an analytical approach to the two-body dynamics
urations. The main use of these simulations is to model the in general relativity is possible for the stage in which the
gravitational-wave signal. Key numerical requirements are the
understanding of the convergence properties of the numerical bodies are well-separated, a numerical solution of the field
data and a detailed error budget. The simulations have been equations, dealing with all their nonlinearities, is needed for
performed on different HPC clusters, they use multiple grid a faithful description of the last few orbits. However, general
resolutions, and are based on eccentricity reduced quasi-circular relativistic simulations are computationally challenging and
initial data. We obtain convergent waveforms with phase errors expensive. The main reasons are: (i) the nonlinearity of
of 0.5 − 1.5rad accumulated over ∼ 12 orbits to merger. The
waveforms have been used for the construction of a phenomeno- the equations, (ii) the intrinsic multi-scale character of the
logical waveform model which has been applied for the analysis problem (covering the neutron star interior and the radiation
of the recent binary neutron star detection. Additionally, we show zone), (iii) no symmetries can be exploited for generic binary
that the data can also be used to test other state-of-the-art semi- simulations (3D in space plus time), (iv) the appearance
analytical waveform models. of shocks and discontinuities in the matter fields. Over the
I. I NTRODUCTION last years, significant progress has been made simulating
BNSs, with detailed descriptions of physical processes as
Neutron stars (NSs) are among the most compact objects in finite temperature EOSs, magnetic fields, neutrino transport,
the universe with central densities multiple times higher than e.g. [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], with new numerical techniques
nuclear density. Similar conditions are unreachable on earth such as discontinuous Galerkin methods [9], [10], [11] and
which makes NSs an exceptional laboratory to test nuclear high-order convergent schemes [12], [13], and with the
physics predictions. In particular the merger of two NSs possibility to study a larger region of the BNS parameter
allows the study of the high density region of the equation space with spinning [14], eccentric [15], and high-mass
of state (EOS) governing NS matter. In addition, NS mergers ratio [16] configurations.
also allow us to reveal the central engine for luminous short
Gamma ray bursts (sGRBs), to understand the origin of In this article we present recent state-of-the-art numerical
heavy elements in the universe, which after their creation relativity simulations of irrotational and spinning BNSs
produce the optical and near-infrared EM counterparts, called employing high-order convergent methods. Notice that
kilonovae, and to test astrophysical predictions about binary although spin is one of the elementary parameters of a
populations. binary system, most studies of BNSs in numerical relativity
have not considered spinning NSs, see e.g. [17], [18],
The first detection of gravitational waves (GW) combined [19] for a few exceptions of spinning BNSs described in
with an observation of a sGRB and a kilonova marks a break- a consistent approach. However, it is important to include
through in the field of multi-messenger astronomy [1], [2]. It is spin in simulations since NSs in binaries are spinning
expected that with the increasing sensitivity of advanced GW objects [20]. The most famous example is the double pulsar
interferometers multiple GW detections of merging BNSs will PSR J0737-3039 for which the orbital period and both spin
978-1-5386-4975-6 2018
c IEEE periods are known [21], [22]. In addition to the novelty of
16.5 0.000

16.0 −0.005


15.5 −0.010 SLy0.00

1.35 [n6 = 64] SLy0.00
1.35 [n6 = 192]
1.35 [n6 = 96] SLy0.00
1.35 [n6 = 256]
Initial Guess SLy1.35 [n6 = 128]

15.0 Iteration 1
Iteration 2 0.000 t/M
Iteration 3
14.5 −0.005
0 200 400 600 800 1000

t/M −0.010
1.35 [n6 = 64] SLy0.11
1.35 [n6 = 128]
1.35 [n6 = 96] SLy0.11
1.35 [n6 = 192]
Fig. 1. Eccentricity reduction procedure for SLy0.051.35 . We present the proper
distance of the system as a function of time. The artificial eccentricity is 100 200 300 400 500 600
clearly visible as oscillations in the proper distance. t/M

Fig. 2. Central density oscillations for the non-spinning configuration

describing spinning NSs, we make use of the fact that recently SLy0.00 0.11
1.35 (top panel) and the spinning configuration SLy1.35 (bottom panel).
it became possible to produce NS binaries with arbitrary The density oscillations are independent of the intrinsic spin of the NSs which
shows the validity of the constructed initial data employing the CRV approach.
eccentricity, in particular, with low eccentricities. While
standard techniques lead to configurations with eccentricities
of ∼ 0.01, astrophysical BNS systems will have significantly The code uses pseudospectral methods to accurately com-
smaller eccentricities. Not reducing the eccentricity leads to pute spatial derivatives. The computational domain is split into
spurious oscillations in the phase evolution which reduces six patches including spatial infinity such that exact boundary
the quality of the waveform and hampers waveform model conditions can be imposed. Due to the pseudospectral nature of
development. the code, only relatively few grid points are needed to reach the
precision required for our simulations. Thus SGRID does not
The article is structured as follows: We discuss the configu- need much memory, and we run it on a single compute node
rations and numerical methods in Sec. II, the code performance or a workstation. The most computational expensive routines
in Sec. III, and we assess the accuracy of the gravitational of SGRID are OpenMP parallelized.
waveforms in Sec. IV. We focus in particular on the GW To obtain initial data with reduced eccentricity we employ
phase which is the most important quantity for waveform an iterative procedure varying the binary’s initial radial
modeling and find that to date the presented simulations are velocity and the eccentricity parameter until the eccentricity
the most accurate simulations of spinning BNSs, see e.g. [23], reaches a certain threshold, see [16]. Figure 1 presents one
[12], [24], [25] for high-resolution simulations of irrotational example of the eccentricity reduction procedure for the
BNSs. We present applications of the waveforms in Sec. V 0.05
SLy1.35 configuration. In most cases, three iteration steps are
and conclude in Sec. VI. sufficient to obtain final eccentricities . 10−3 .
In addition to its capability to compute eccentricity reduced
A. Binary configurations initial configurations, SGRID’s advantage is that constraint
In total nine different physical configurations have been solved initial data in hydrodynamical equilibrium can be com-
simulated employing three different EOSs (MS1b, H4, SLy), puted for spinning NSs. Solving the coupled system of elliptic
see [26] for more details about the used EOSs. The intrinsic equations is a challenging task, but required to achieve the
rotation of the NSs is characterized by the dimensionless spin necessary accuracy to allow gravitational waveform modeling.
2 As an indicator for the accuracy of the numerical simulations
of the stars χA,B = SA,B /MA,B with SA,B being the angular
momentum of the stars and MA,B their masses in isolation. we present central density (ρc ) oscillations in Fig. 2. In
All spins are either aligned (χ > 0) or anti-aligned (χ < 0) particular, we compute density oscillations
to the orbital angular momentum. We summarize the physical ρc (t) − ρc (t = 0)
parameters of the simulated BNSs in Table I. ∆ρ = . (1)
ρc (t = 0)
B. Initial data construction 0.00
for SLy1.35 (top panel) and SLy0.11
1.35 (bottom panel). The time
For construction of the initial data, the pseudospectral evolution of ∆ρ is characterized by two effects (i) an almost
SGRID code [27], [28], [29] is used. SGRID allows the linear decrease of the central density caused by the numerical
computation of generic neutron star binary configurations by discretization and (ii) oscillations caused by assumptions of the
combining the conformal thin sandwich equations [30], [31], initial data. While effect (i) clearly decreases with increasing
[32] together with the constant rotational velocity (CRV) resolution, effect (ii) is almost independent of the resolution.
approach [33], [14], [34]. The oscillations are of the order of 0.075%. For systems not in

Name EOS MA,B χA,B κTeff e[10−3 ] n6 h6

1.35 MS1b 1.3504 -0.099 288.0 1.8 (64,96,128,192) (0.291,0.194,0.145,0.097)
1.35 MS1b 1.3500 +0.000 288.0 1.7 (64,96,128,192) (0.291,0.194,0.145,0.097)
1.35 MS1b 1.3504 +0.099 288.0 1.9 (64,96,128,192) (0.291,0.194,0.145,0.097)
1.35 MS1b 1.3509 +0.149 288.0 1.8 (64,96,128,192) (0.291,0.194,0.145,0.097)
1.37 H4 1.3717 +0.000 190.0 0.9 (64,96,128,192) (0.249,0.166,0.125,0.083)
1.37 H4 1.3726 +0.141 190.0 0.4 (64,96,128,192) (0.249,0.166,0.125,0.083)
1.35 SLy 1.3500 +0.000 73.5 0.4 (64,96,128,192,256) (0.234,0.156,0.117,0.078,0.059)
1.35 SLy 1.3502 +0.052 73.5 0.4 (64,96,128,192) (0.234,0.156,0.117,0.078)
1.35 SLy 1.3506 +0.106 73.5 0.7 (64,96,128,192) (0.234,0.156,0.117,0.078)

coarser refinement level. The innermost levels move dynam-

ically during the time evolution following the motion of the
neutron stars such that the strong field region is always covered
with the highest resolution. We show a sketch of the refinement
strategy in Fig. 3. For the far field region, we have the option to
use a “cubed-sphere” multi-patch AMR, which is particularly
suited to accurately simulate the distant wave zone. However,
to save computational costs we do not employ the cubed-
sphere multi-patch AMR in this work. The grid configuration
of the presented simulations consists of a total of 7 refinement
levels labeled l = 0, ..., 6 with increasing resolution. The
specific grid setup is summarized in Table I.
The BAM code evolves spacetimes using either the
BSSN [38], [39], [40] or Z4c [41], [42] formulations. For the
Fig. 3. Example of the adaptive mesh refinement in BAM. We also show simulations proposed in this article, the Z4c evolution system
isocontour surfaces of the NS density and the metric’s lapse function, that
roughly indicates the gravitational potential.
is employed, which leads to an improved accuracy compared
to the BSSN formulation, see e.g. [43], [44].
The numerical fluxes for the GRHD system are built using
hydrodynamical equilibrium those density oscillations can be a flux-splitting approach based on the local Lax-Friedrich
about 20 − 30%, see e.g. the study in [15], [16]. Important for flux and performing the reconstruction on the characteristic
our further consideration is that independent of the intrinsic fields [45], [46], [47]. For the reconstruction we use the
rotation of the individual stars the magnitude of the oscillations fifth-order WENOZ algorithm [48]. We refer to [13] for
remains unchanged, cf. bottom panel of Fig. 2 in which we further information about the GRHD implementation.
show the central density oscillations for SLy0.11
1.35 .
The code employs a hybrid OpenMP/MPI parallelization
C. Dynamical Evolution strategy. Each refinement level is divided into equally sized
We employ the BAM code [35], [36], [37], [13] for our sub-boxes with ghost zones, whose sizes depend on the applied
simulations. The code contains state-of-the-art methods to finite-differencing stencil. Each of the sub-boxes is then owned
deal with general relativistic hydrodynamics (GRHD) as well and evolved by a single MPI process. The ghost zones are syn-
as black hole spacetimes. Finite difference stencils are used chronized after each evolution step. Thus, each MPI process
for the spatial discretization of the metric variables, and owns exactly one sub-box of every mesh refinement box and
high resolution shock-capturing methods for the hydrodynamic works on the same number of grid points. This optimizes load
variables. The evolution algorithm is based on the method of balancing. In addition, each MPI process launches an equal
lines. number of OpenMP threads using shared memory. This helps
The code uses an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) tech- to decrease the required memory, since fewer MPI processes
nique in which the domain consists of a hierarchy of nested with fewer ghost zones are needed.
Cartesian grids (refinement levels). The grid spacing of each The evolution of the Einstein equations and relativistic
refinement level is half the grid spacing of its surrounding hydrodynamics uses approximately 150-200 grid variables
160 101 ∆(n6 = 64, n6 = 96) ∆(n6 = 128, n6 = 192)
80 ∆(n6 = 96, n6 = 128) ∆(n6 = 192, n6 = 256)
40 100

speed [M /h]

5 10−2
SB – SuperMUC
n6 = 96 n6 = 256 HW – SuperMUC 101 ∆(n6 = 64, n6 = 96)
n6 = 144 ideal BW – Marconi ∆(n6 = 96, n6 = 128)
∆(n6 = 128, n6 = 192)
n6 = 192 KNL – Marconi 100

1.00 10−1

0.75 10−2
0.50 10−3
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 u/M
Fig. 5. Phase differences between different resolutions versus retarded
Fig. 4. Strong scaling (top) and efficiency (bottom) of the BAM code time for configurations SLy0.00 0.14
1.35 (top panel) and H41.37 (bottom panel). The
for different resolutions on Marconi and SuperMUC. The test has been rescaling factor is chosen such that each rescaled (i.e. dashed) line would
performed on the phase1 of SuperMUC with Sandy Bridge-EP Xeon E5- coincide with the line from the next lower resolution phase difference for
2680 8C processors (solid lines), phase 2 of SuperMUC using Haswell Xeon exact second order convergence. The vertical lines mark the moment of merger
Processor E5-2697v3 (dotted lines), on the Intel Knights Landing partition of (peak of the GW amplitude) for different resolutions.
Marconi (dashed lines), and on the Broadwell partition of Marconi (dot-dashed
lines) with Intel Xeon E5-2697 v4. For reference ideal scaling is shown for
the simulations on phase 1 of SuperMUC.
The efficiency in the bottom panel of Fig. 4 refers to the
smallest number of cores on which the grid configuration has
been tested on.
(including storage of previous timesteps) of double precision
We find that for small jobs the code speed is best on
data type, i.e. 8 bytes per grid point and variable. Together with
the Broadwell partition of Marconi, although efficiency is
additional variables not directly used in the main evolution of
better on SuperMUC’s Haswell and Sandy Bridge nodes. The
the Einstein equations, and taking into account (i) additional
largest runs have comparable performances on Broadwell and
requirements for MPI buffer zones, as well as (ii) the fact
Sandy Bridge. Efficiency drops below 75% between 2048
that memory usage varies during evolution due the AMR re-
and 4096 cores depending on the machine. Interpretation of
gridding, we estimate that the most demanding configurations
the scaling results on Knights Landing architectures requires
need a maximum of about ∼ 2.5 TB.
some care. Such processors have approximately half clock
speed than the others and peak performance can be only
III. PARALLEL P ERFORMANCE & C OMPUTATIONAL reached exploiting large vector instructions and optimizing
R ESOURCES memory loads. Although they anticipate some of the features
required for Exascale Computing (e.g. power efficiency with
Let us discuss the parallel performance of the BAM code a large FLOP-s/watt ratios), significant code refactoring is
in production runs for BNS spacetime. needed for an optimal usage. The BAM code, in particular, is
In the top panel of Fig. 4 we present strong scaling results optimized for more traditional architectures and main routines
of the BAM code obtained on the HPC system SuperMUC at are not vectorized. In our experience the typical speed is
the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy lower by a factor about 5-7 in most of the applications; the
of Sciences and Humanities and on the Italian Tier-0 super- performances are significantly worse for small jobs.
computer Marconi at CINECA. We used the Intel 16 compiler
on SuperMUC and on the Broadwell partition of Marconi and The simulations presented here are the largest BNS simu-
the Intel 17 compiler on Marconi’s Knights Landing partition. lations performed with the BAM code so far. We used allo-
The strong scaling test is based on production-like simulations cations at the HPC clusters SuperMUC (Germany), JURECA
consisting of two NSs covered by a total of seven refinement (Germany), Stampede (US), and Marconi (Italy), and utilized a
levels with up to level l = 6. We consider different grid setups total ∼ 25 million CPU hours. Our largest production runs use
and employ n3 = 963 , 1443 , 1923 , 2563 points in each inner n = 256 but an optimal setup for simulations with n = 320 is
level, the outermost levels use as usual twice the number of currently under investigation with preliminary results ongoing.
points in each direction for up to 5123 points. The most demanding setups run on about 1000 compute cores
The plot shows speed (top panel) and efficiency (bottom with a total runtime of approximately 2-3 months.
panel) defined as
speed2 /speed1 The main uncertainties in GWs obtained from numerical
efficiency = . (2) simulations are (I) errors caused by the discretization of the
#cores2 /#cores1
underlying continuum problem and (II) errors due to the 0.2
0.1 r = 300 r = 500 r = 700 r = 900
extraction of GWs at finite radii. An additional source of error r = 400 r = 600 r = 800 r = 1000
is the artificial atmosphere (necessary for the simulation of −0.1

low density regions) and the related possible violation of rest −0.2
mass conservation. Fortunately, this effect is subdominant and −0.3
converges to zero with increasing resolution and it is therefore −0.5 K=1
included in (I). 0.2
Considering error (I) any finite-differencing approximation 0.1 K=1 K=3
f (h) computed at resolution h can be written as −0.1

∞ −0.2
f (h) = f (e) + Ai hi , (3)
i=p −0.5 K=2
where f (e)
is the continuum solution for h → 0, and p the 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
convergence order. Although it is impossible to compute f (e) u/M
one can extrapolate from a dataset with different resolutions Fig. 6. Phase difference between waveforms extracted at various finite
to obtained a more accurate result. A way to proceed is to radii and extrapolated waveforms assuming K = 1 (top panel) and K = 2
consider Richardson extrapolation [49]. This requires a dataset (bottom panel). In the bottom panel also the phase difference between different
extrapolation orders is shown.
(f (h) ) at different finite resolutions and an accurate measure
of the convergence order p.
While BAM’s flux scheme based on reconstruction of char-
is less robust, i.e. it depends more on the chosen extraction
acteristic fields [45], [46], [47] and a WENOZ scheme [48] can
radii. Therefore, we have decided to use K = 2 extrapolation.
achieve fifth order convergence for smooth matter fields, we
The error is estimated by computing the phase difference with
do not find such high convergence orders for our simulations.
respect to a waveform extracted at finite radius of r = 1000.
Ref. [13] pointed out that the surface of the neutron star,
Notice that this error is a conservative estimate since also
which is only C 0 continuous, leads to non-ideal weights in
larger extraction radii are available to validate the results and
the WENOZ reconstruction and consequently to second order
the phase difference between different extrapolation orders
is basically zero. While during the inspiral the finite radii
Second order convergence is, however, achieved
extrapolation dominates the overall error budget, close to the
independently of the particular details of the numerical
merger errors due to the numerical discretization dominate.
simulation, i.e. configuration parameters and grid setup. As
exemplary cases we present phase differences for SLy1.35
(top panel) and H41.37 (bottom panel) in Fig. 5. No alignment
of the waveforms has been performed at the beginning of A. GW templates construction
the simulations. For both setups second order convergence
GW data analysis pipelines generate a large number, ∼
is achieved almost up to the moment of merger. We mark
106 −107 , of waveform templates that are then cross-correlated
the moment of merger (the time where the GW amplitude
with the signal. As a consequence, waveform models that can
peaks) for different resolutions by vertical colored lines. This
be produced in a fast and efficient way must be in place. In
allows us to use our datasets for Richardson extrapolation
Ref. [50] we presented the first closed form tidal approximant
and construct a more accurate waveform.
combining Post-Newtonian (PN), effective-one-body (EOB),
and numerical relativity results. [We call the approximant in
To mitigate errors due to extraction at a finite radius (II), we
the following NRTidal which is the name used in the LSC
evaluate the waveform at different radii rj with j = 0...N and
Algorithm Library Suite.]
extrapolate the phase and amplitude to infinite radius using a
The model can be added to any binary black hole baseline
polynomial of order K < N ,
and describes the GW phase evolution due to tidal effects
X during the inspiral up to merger. The two main assumptions for
f (u; rj ) = f0 (u) + fk (u)rj−k . (4) the model are: (i) tidal effects are proportional to the effective
k=1 tidal coupling constant [51], [52]
Figure 6 present as an exemplary case the phase differences "  5 #
between finite radii extracted waveforms and polynomial ex- T 2 XB XA A
κeff = 1 + 12 k2 + (A ↔ B) , (5)
trapolated waveforms with K = 1 (top panel) and K = 2 13 XA CA
(bottom panel) for MS1b0.10
1.35 . We obtain similar results inde-
pendent of the chosen extrapolation order, cf. bottom panel of where k2A is the quadrupolar Love number describing the static
Fig. 6 for the phase differences between extrapolation order quadrupolar deformation of one body in the gravitoelectric
K = 1, K = 2, and K = 3. However, for higher extrapolation field of the companion, XA = MA /M , and CA is the
orders we find spurious oscillations and that the extrapolation compactness of star A, and (ii) tidal and spin effects can be
10 <(rh22 )/M ν φSEOBNRv4T − φNR
φNRtidal − φNR φTEOBResumS − φNR
100 8 1.0


60 0.5
40 φ[MS1b0.00
1.35 ] φ[MS1b0.10
1.35 ] φ[H40.14
1.37 ]

20 φ[H40.00
1.37 ] φ[MS1b−0.10
1.35 ] φ[SLy0.05
1.35 ] 2 0.0
1.35 ] φ[MS1b0.15
1.35 ] φ[SLy0.11
1.35 ]
0 0
0.00 −0.5
−0.05 P(SLy0.00 0.00
1.35 , MS1b1.35 )
P(SLy0.00 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
1.35 , H41.37 )
P(H40.00 0.00
1.37 , MS1b1.35 ) t/M
Fig. 8. Comparison of the H41.370.14 configuration with the NRTidal (blue),

−0.15 SEOBNRv4T (red), TEOBResumS (green) waveform models. Numerical

uncertainty is shown as a blue shaded region. As a gray curve we include
0.00 the real part of the numerical waveform. The waveform approximants are
aligned to the numerical relativity waveform in the gray shaded region.

−0.10 allows us to estimate spin-spin interactions (red line). Clearly

visible is that the spin-spin interactions are almost zero and
P(MS1b0.10 0.11 0.00 0.00
1.35 , SLy1.35 )-P(MS1b1.35 , SLy1.35 )
−0.15 [P(MS1b0.10 0.00 −0.10 0.00
1.35 , MS1b1.35 ) + P(MS1b1.35 , MS1b1.35 )]/2
not well resolved in our simulations. This is important since
information about the EOS are encoded in spin-spin interaction
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 describing the deformation of the NS due to its intrinsic
ω̂ rotation. Additionally, we show a combination computed with
Fig. 7. Top panel: Accumulated phase/number of orbits of the numerical approximately the same spin magnitudes but different EOSs
relativity simulations with respect to a dimensionless frequency of ω̂ = 0.04, (orange curve). If appreciable spin-tidal coupling was present
which corresponds to about 2 orbits after the start of the simulations. Middle in our simulations, the curve would deviate from zero. Since
panel: Estimates for f (ω̂), Eq. (6), for combinations of different simulations.
The dashed black line is the estimate of f (ω̂) used in the NRTidal model. both red and orange curves are so close to zero, both spin-
Bottom panel: Combinations of different simulations to extract the spin-spin tide coupling and the imprint of the EOS on the spin-spin
contribution to the phase in the late inspiral (red) as well as to estimate interaction are small. Future simulations with even larger
possible tidal-spin couplings (orange). For comparison, we include again the
estimate of f (ω̂) of the NRTidal model as a black dashed line. resolutions or possibly higher spin magnitudes might reveal
these effects, but current state-of-the art simulations suggest
that a decoupling of spin and tidal effects [assumption (ii)] is
decoupled. valid. This significantly simplifies waveform development.
Knowing the time domain behavior of f (ω̂) the frequency-
We now check the validity of our assumptions on the domain phase correction in the NRTidal is constructed as
simulation data. In the top panel of Fig. 7 we present the follows, first, fitting f (ω̂) with a Padé approximant (black
dimensionless GW phase as a function of the GW frequency. dashed line in Fig. 7), second, computing the frequency
Additionally, we extract the tidal contribution to the phase domain tidal phase numerically under the stationary phase
φT = κTeff · f (ω̂) (6) approximation [52], and, finally, fitting the numerical result
again with a Padé approximant. The resulting NRTidal
with ω̂ being the dimensionless GW frequency from model thus gives both a closed-form expression for the time
φ(BNSA ) − φ(BNSB ) domain and frequency domain tidal corrections.
. (7)
κeff (BNSA ) − κTeff (BNSB ) B. GW template verification
The middle panel of Fig. 7 shows P for all combinations A second usage of the simulation data is the verification
of irrotational NS configurations. This together with Eq. (6) of different waveform models. In the following we compare
allows us to present an estimate for f (ω̂), which is the most our data to the previously introduced NRTidal approximant
important quantity in the NRTidal model (dashed black as well as two distinct EOB models with spin aligned to the
line in the middle and bottom panel of Fig. 7). According angular momentum and tidal effects SEOBNRv4T [53], [54]
to Fig. 7 all combinations lead to a similar result for f (ω̂) and TEOBResumS [55], [56], [57], [58].
which validates assumption (i). We show results for the particular H41.37 configuration in
Fig. 8. We find that all the approximants deviate significantly
The bottom panel of Fig. 7 shows combinations of sim- from NR in the representation of last few orbits (t/M & 2000).
ulations including spinning configurations. Combining spin However, the deviation is small: ∼ 0.1 rad for NRTidal and
aligned, anti-aligned, and non-spinning data of the same EOS SEOBNRv4T approximant and ∼ 0.4 rad for TEOBResumS.
Note the NR error is about ±1rad up to the moment of merger. [2] “Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger,”
Our comparison shows that with state-of-the-art techniques, Astrophys. J., vol. 848, p. L12, 2017.
[3] B. P. Abbott et al., “Upper Limits on the Rates of Binary Neutron
numerical relativity reaches an accuracy at which calibration Star and Neutron Star–black Hole Mergers From Advanced Ligo’s First
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