Many students especially in Senior High School nowadays, failed their subjects and without
knowing of what are their factors or reasons of failing on those subjects. Researchers conduct this
research to know of what are the determining factors on why Senior High School students failed on their
subjects. Add more info
“Teachers” – how they deal their students when they had a students that are always skipping
“Cutting Classes”- the study were the students are getting their fail grades.
Statement of the problem
Some teachers of Regino Mercado Night High School are facing the problem of cutting classes.
They don’t know what is the reason of the students in Grade 12 students doing the cutting classes so we
conduct the survey questionnaire to know what is the main reason of the student why they are doing
cutting classes
Specific Question: What is the main reason why the Grade 12 students in Regino Mercado Night High
School skip on their classes?
A. Because of friends
B. Because of academic problem
C. Because of the relationship
D. Because of family problem
E. Because of part time work
`There are students had failed on their academic performance all because of his/her laziness and
he/she always skip their class, maybe we don’t know the reason why the skip their class, that’s why I
conduct this study to know why they skip classes .
Theoretical Background
Factors such as social interactions, academic, relationships, family, and work, affect the
life of the student, it could trigger to lose their focus on their studies, and make a student not
interested at all. It leads to cutting their classes, but it always depends on how the student will
handle the situation around him/her.
Chapter III
This chapter discusses the research methodology used in the study. This chapter will cover all
aspects co ncerning the o verall data in the research. This includes the r e s e a r c h d e s i g n , r e s e a r c h
locale, and the respondents of the study
Research Design
The researcher chose a survey research design because it best served to answer the questions and
the purposes of the study.
The survey research is one in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing
data from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words,
only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to the entire
section defines the survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the use of
Research locale
The Research locale of the study comprises of the places where the study took place. The
Researcher focused on the Student of Regino Mercado Night High School Which is located on
Panganiban Street, Cebu City The section of Grade 12-Humility of Regino Mercado Night High School.
There were 20 respondents. Purpose sampling was used in choosing the informants which
belongs to non-probability sampling in the case the respondent could give means of information were
involved in this investigation.