Mtss School Fullimplementation
Mtss School Fullimplementation
Mtss School Fullimplementation
Employ a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) that provides differentiated, universal core There is a model and supports available for differentiated core instruction
instruction (e.g., academic and culture and climate), a structured problem solving process, and Evidence-based interventions are available at all grade levels within all
OBJECTIVE progressively more intense and individualized, evidence-based interventions and/or supports
ASSUMPTIONS content areas
that address barriers and increase the rate of learning for all students. There is a shared data system to support implementation
INFRASTRUCTURE Each school has a person in place to lead MTSS that has a clear understanding of the MTSS
INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION 100% of schools align schedules to Framework
•Align schedules to support implementation support implementation Staff have increased knowledge of the MTSS framework including the implementation of
All staff use MTSS as a prevention strategy interventions and differentiated core instruction
100% of schools have resources
•Professional development is administered to all stakeholders allocated to support implementation Staff have an increased knowledge of students identified as “at-risk” for below grade level
Allocate resources to support implementation performance or need additional behavior support over time
100% of schools are communicating to
Communicate the MTSS Framework to all stakeholder groups Through screening, diagnostics and progress monitoring, staff have increased understanding of
individual and aggregate level student skill gaps
TEAM PROCESS TEAM PROCESS Staff have increased understanding of how to select interventions aligned to student need
Cross-functional teams of staff meet and conduct structured Students are systematically screened
100% of teams have representation
meetings on a 6 week cycle to address the following Procedures are in place to ensure fidelity of implementation
from all stakeholders
components: Students have increased access to high quality core instruction and interventions
Number of meetings held annually
Check adequacy of student data 100% of meetings that follow data
Plan, implement, manage and evaluate group and review protocol
individual interventions
Use data to inform individual student programming, ASSESSMENT
school wide MTSS implementation, and allocation of •100% of students screened in Fall
instructional resources winter and spring
100% of at risk students receiving
ASSESSMENT CYCLE diagnostic assessment
100 % of students receiving tier 2 Teachers provide improved differentiated instruction
•Administer a universal screening assessment with all students
intervention have progress data Fewer students are at-risk for below grade level performance or need additional behavior support
•Three times a year (fall/winter/spring)
Students identified as “at-risk” take a diagnostic assessment entered by the end of the 4 week cycle over time
100% of students receiving tier 3 Fewer students enter initial evaluation for special education process
Assessment measure students strengths and weaknesses in
services have progress data entered Decisions about who needs tiered intervention is reliable and made responsively
content areas
weekly Interventions are standardized and implemented with fidelity
Information is used to determine differentiated instruction
Key decision makers evaluate implementation and adjust course as necessary
and intervention programming
Staff collect data on student progress as appropriate for TIERED INSTRUCTION
interventions selected 100% of interventions aligned to needs
Staff track intervention implementation articulated through diagnostic
MULTI-TIERED INSTUCTION & PREVENTION 100% of students who qualified
Screening data is used to drive instructional decisions for all receiving tier 2 services
students 100% of students who qualified LONG TERM OUTCOMES
Tier 1: Differentiated core instruction is provided to all
receiving tier 3 services
students Rates of intervention success are high
Tier 2: Targeted group interventions of moderate intensity 100 % of students receiving tier 2
Increase in AC2020 Goal 1 and 2 score card measures including but not limited to
are provided to students based on need identified through intervention have progress data
entered by the end of the six week Reading proficiency and growth % of AP and IB exams taken for
diagnostic assessment
cycle Math proficiency and growth which a potential college credit
Tier 3: Intensive individualized interventions are provided
100% of students receiving tier 3 Four year graduation rate was e eligible score was earned
to students based on need identified through progress
services have progress data entered Disparity rate for Suspension and Special
monitoring during tier 2 interventions
weekly Education