The Marriage Affirmation Ceremony Rogelio Galang and Lorelee Myfel Dapanas Galang Dr. Kenneth J. Gerada June 10, 2017 Prelude Lighting of The Candles
The Marriage Affirmation Ceremony Rogelio Galang and Lorelee Myfel Dapanas Galang Dr. Kenneth J. Gerada June 10, 2017 Prelude Lighting of The Candles
The Marriage Affirmation Ceremony Rogelio Galang and Lorelee Myfel Dapanas Galang Dr. Kenneth J. Gerada June 10, 2017 Prelude Lighting of The Candles
I welcome all of you to this very special occasion with great joy and delight, for this day
two hearts that has been joined together in the bond of love and marriage will affirm their
vows and commitment before God and this august body of guests, friends and relatives.
May the sacred vows that will be affirmed today be one that is hewn and carved on the
granite stone of commitment and faithfulness. May the promise that each of you will
affirm today be like a song that lasts a countless mornings, written in the tune of undying
love and endless devotion.
Today is a very special day because this very day Rogelio Galang Jr. and Lorelee
Dapanas Galang will affirm and dedicate their sacred marriage vows before God and
this honorable assembly.
Today, we may go through the rudiments of a ceremony, the processionals and marches,
the exchange of vows, the giving and receiving of rings, the pronouncements and words
of blessings, but all these are useless and meaningless; they are but litanies of empty
words and worthless rhymes - without love and true commitment. We are here because
Jun and Binkay, as they are fondly known to many of us, have decided to give their life
and love to each other, and both have consented to make this love a lasting commitment.
Marriage is a gift from God and designed by God himself. The first wedding in the
garden was officiated by God Himself. Marriage is a covenant partnership of a man and
a woman, a commitment to love each other for poorer or richer, for better or for worst, in
sickness and in health. Marriage is the closest of all human relationships a person could
have, in marriage, the two become ONE.
(Nice to cue Randolph and Nicole for the unrolling of the aisle cloth)
Unrolling of the aisle cloth Randolph Castro and Nicole Javillo
Marriage is instituted by God. It is not simply a legal contract but more than that, the
scripture says, it is a spiritual contract, a covenant, a commitment to love and
Minister: JUN, what sacred vow would you like to say to your beautiful and
lovely wife LORELEE before God and this assembly? Hold her hand and look at
her in the eyes as you say your vow to her.
JUN: (Jun, it is better to have your vows in your own words. Here is a simple
outline you may consider: First part- a brief description on how your relationship
started and how you fell in love with Bingkay. Second – say words of thanksgiving
to God for giving you a woman of virtue and character. Third – say your promise
to be faithful, loving , caring etc. )
Minister: Lorelee, what sacred vow would you like to say to your gorgeous and
loving husband Jun before God and this assembly? Hold his hand and look at him
in the eyes as you say your vow to him.
Groom: A ring
Groom: (Mas mabuti kung memorize ito )Lorelee, I give you this ring, a symbol
of my faithful love for you. With this I pledge my full commitment to love you, to
lead you and be faithful to you. Next to God, I’m giving you the most special
place in heart in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit , amen.
Minister: Lorelee, what token will you give Jun to symbolize your love and
commitment to him?
Bride: A ring
Bride: (Mas maayo kung memorize ni nga part Ta) Jun, I give you this ring, a
symbol of my covenant of love for you. With this I pledge my full commitment to
love you, respect you and be submissive to you. Next to God, I’m giving you the
most special place in heart in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ,
Jun and lorelee, the unbroken circle of this ring is an emblem of a never ending
love and an enduring faithfulness. It is made of gold, an emblem of what is
precious and durable. This is to show how lasting and imperishable is the union
that you have mutually pledged and covenanted by the giving and receiving of
rings. With the emblem of purity and endless devotion, you have now affirmed the
vows you’ve made and let this assembly know that what you have pledged today is
done with sincerity and deep gratitude to the One who is the author and blesser of
Bible ceremony
Receive this bible, the holy word of God. This book does not contain the word of
God, IT IS THE WORD OF GOD. That is why it is very important that you
adhere to the teachings and the truths of the scriptures. Let your life be governed
by the principles and precepts of this book. Read it and live by it. Meditate on it
day and night. And you will surely be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
stable and fruitful.
Coins ceremony
This coin symbolizes three things and I want you to remember these:
• First it symbolizes Gods ownership over all things. God is the creator,
sustainer and owner of all things. Psalm 24: 1 says – the earth is the Lord’s
and everything in it and all who live in it. All that we are and all that we
have is a gift from God. We are just stewards of all that God has blessed us
• Second, these coins symbolize God’s provision for both of you and your
family. God is the giver of every good and perfect gift.
• Third, these coins symbolize the joining together of your treasures in
marriage. Your wealth should no longer be separate but together.
Salt Ceremony and Signing of the Marriage Covenant ( Em, 1. could you prepare two
small pouch of either rock salt or iodized salt plus one container kanang nami nga
container para e simponon nila duha ang salt nila in that one container. Kay mag salt
ceremony sila before mag sign sa marriage covenant. 2. Could you also have the vows of
Jun and Bingkay printed in a nice hard paper ay mao na ang ila mga marriage covenant.
Refer to the last page para sa format. )
(The salt covenant in Bible times was a covenant of loyalty. The God
we serve is a God of covenant. The Word of God says “the Lord
keeps covenant for a thousand generations to those who love him and
keep His commands.” (Deuteronomy 7:9) The Gospel that we preach
is a covenant Gospel. Why is salt used? Because salt is a type of the
church. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13)
Salt fights corruption. Jesus said, “If the salt has lost its saltiness, it is
good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot.” The
church is not here to cower before evil. The church is here to conquer
evil. We are not people-pleasers. We are God-pleasers. Salt is used
because salt, in history, was priceless. Men have been paid in salt for
their labor. We still have the word “salary” from the Latin word for
salt. We also have the saying, “He who is not willing to work is not
worth his salt.” In the eyes of God, every believer, like salt, is
priceless in His sight. In ancient times, when two people wanted to
enter into a covenant of loyalty, they would recite the details of the
covenant, exchange salt from one pouch to the other and then shake
the pouches. The symbolism is powerful. The only way this contract
could possibly be broken is for each to individually retrieve their own
grains of salt, which is impossible. So, once the covenant of loyalty is
spoken and made, it is bound on earth and recorded in heaven. )
Song while the couple, minister and principal sponsors are signing the covenant:
Declaration of blessing
In as much that this couple, Jun Galang and Lorelee Dapanas Galang have
affirmed their marriage vows and rededicated the marriage bond to God before this
august assembly, I now pronounce God’s heavenly benediction upon this marriage and
the whole family. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to
shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift his countenance upon you
and give you peace.
Between Rogelio Galang Jr. and Lorelee Myfel Dapanas
June 10, 2017
This is my solemn vow to This is my solemn vow to
Lorelee Myfel Dapanas: Rogelio Galang Jr.
(Content of the vow)