Issue 2: Good Practice Guide No. 37

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Good Practice Guide No.

The Measurement of Surface Texture
using Stylus Instruments
Richard K Leach

Issue 2
Measurement Good Practice Guide No. 37

The Measurement of Surface Texture

using Stylus Instruments

Richard Leach

Engineering Measurement Division

National Physical Laboratory

This guide covers the measurement of surface texture using a stylus instrument. It describes
the current international standards, introduces the terminology associated with surface texture
measurement, and describes how to make measurements and how to interpret the results. The
guide also covers the calibration of surface texture measuring instruments and informs the
user of such instruments how to calculate measurement uncertainties.
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, 2014

July 2001
Updated February 2014

ISSN 1368-6550

National Physical Laboratory

Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW


The author would like to thank Mr Alan Hatcher (Mitutoyo Ltd) for supplying a great deal of
the information given in this guide and to Mr Keith Bevan (NPL) and Mr Mike Crossman and
Mr John Cubis (UKAS) for input into the guide. Thanks also to Prof. Derek Chetwynd
(University of Warwick), Prof. Liam Blunt and Prof. Paul Scott (University of Huddersfield),
Mr Phil Hoyland (AWE), Mr Kevin Etter (Rolls-Royce plc), Mr Trevor Newham (FSG Tool
& Die Ltd) and Mr Pat Kilbane for reviewing the document. Thanks also to Dr Graham
Peggs and Dr Robert Angus for reviewing the final drafts. The work was funded by the
NMSPU Programme for Length 1999-2002 (Project MPU 8/61.3). The latest updates were
funded by the UK National Measurement System Programme for Engineering & Flow

Extracts from ISO 3274: 1996, ISO 4287: 1997, ISO 13565-1: 1996 and ISO 5436-1: 2000
are reproduced with permission of BSI under licence number 2001SK/0166. Complete
editions of the standard can be obtained from BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High
Road, London W4 4AL (Tel + 44(0)20 8996 9001).

Draft International Standards are subject to change. Reference should be made to the final
published version of the standard when applicable.

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
What this guide is about and what it is not ....................................................................... 2
Introduction to surface texture.......................................................................................... 2
A typical stylus instrument ..................................................................................................... 5
Portable stylus instruments ............................................................................................... 8
Chapter summary.............................................................................................................. 9
The terms and definitions in use ........................................................................................... 11
General terms used in surface texture ............................................................................ 12
Traced profile ................................................................................................... 13
Reference profile .............................................................................................. 13
Total profile ...................................................................................................... 13
Filters and filtering ........................................................................................... 13
Profile filter ...................................................................................................... 13
Primary profile ................................................................................................. 14
Roughness profile ............................................................................................. 16
Waviness profile ............................................................................................... 16
Total traverse length ......................................................................................... 16
Mean line for the roughness profile ................................................................. 17
Mean line for the waviness profile ................................................................... 17
Mean line for the primary profile ..................................................................... 17
Geometrical parameter terms ......................................................................................... 17
Profile element ................................................................................................. 17
Profile peak ...................................................................................................... 17
Profile valley .................................................................................................... 17
Discrimination level ......................................................................................... 18
Ordinate value Z(x) .......................................................................................... 18
Profile peak height Zp ...................................................................................... 18
Profile valley depth Zv ..................................................................................... 18
Profile element height Zt .................................................................................. 18
Local slope dZ/dX ............................................................................................ 18
Surface profile parameter definitions ............................................................................. 19
Amplitude parameters (peak to valley) ............................................................ 19
Amplitude parameters (average of ordinates) .................................................. 21
Spacing parameters .......................................................................................... 25
Hybrid parameters ............................................................................................ 26
Curves and related parameters ......................................................................... 26
Parameter overview .......................................................................................... 30
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 30
Measurement preparation and instrument set up .............................................................. 31
Environmental conditions ............................................................................................... 32
Preparation for measurement .......................................................................................... 32
Stylus size and shape ...................................................................................................... 33
Choice of cut-off wavelength (sampling length) and filters ........................................... 35
Choice of measuring speed ............................................................................................. 40
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 40
Measuring surface texture using comparison specimens ................................................... 41
Comparison specimens ................................................................................................... 42
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 43
Making measurements and interpreting the results ........................................................... 45
The 16 % rule and its application ................................................................................... 47
When to use the max-rule ............................................................................................... 47
Selecting a cut-off wavelength ....................................................................................... 47
Procedure for non-periodic roughness profile .................................................. 47
Procedure for periodic roughness profile ......................................................... 49
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 50
Calibration .............................................................................................................................. 51
Type A – Depth measurement artefact ........................................................................... 52
Type A1- Wide grooves with flat bottoms ....................................................... 52
Type A2 – Wide grooves with rounded bottoms ............................................. 54
Type B – Tip condition measurement artefact ............................................................... 55
Type B1 ............................................................................................................ 55
Type B2 ............................................................................................................ 55
Type B3 ............................................................................................................ 56
Type C – Spacing measurement artefact ........................................................................ 57
Type C1 ............................................................................................................ 57
Type C2 ............................................................................................................ 57
Type C3 ............................................................................................................ 57
Type C4 ............................................................................................................ 58
Type D – Roughness measurement artefact ................................................................... 58
Type D1 – Unidirectional irregular profile ...................................................... 59
Type D2 – Circular irregular profile ................................................................ 59
Type E – Profile co-ordinate measurement artefact ....................................................... 60
Type E1 – Spherical dome ............................................................................... 60
Type E2 – Trapezoidal ..................................................................................... 60
Calibration procedure ..................................................................................................... 61
Type F standards - software ........................................................................................... 61
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 61
Uncertainties ........................................................................................................................... 63
Uncertainty in the measurement of vertical displacement ............................................. 64
The influence quantities ................................................................................................. 65
Further influence quantities ............................................................................................ 66
Calculation of the total uncertainty in a vertical displacement ...................................... 66
Uncertainty in the displacement in the traverse direction .............................................. 67
Uncertainties in the surface texture parameters.............................................................. 68
Uncertainty in the amplitude parameters ......................................................... 68
Uncertainty in the amplitude parameter (average of ordinates) ....................... 68
Uncertainty in the spacing and hybrid parameters ........................................... 68
Measurement uncertainty – a worked example .............................................................. 68
Chapter summary............................................................................................................ 71
Health and safety.................................................................................................................... 73
Mechanical hazards ........................................................................................................ 74
Chemical hazards............................................................................................................ 74
Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 75

Appendix A Parameters previously in general use ......................................................... 76

Appendix B Specifying surface texture ISO 1302........................................................... 80
B.1 Expanded graphical symbols ............................................................. 80
B.1.1 Removal of material required to obtain the indicated surface texture
value .............................................................................................................. 80
B.1.2 Removal of material not permitted ...................................................... 80
B.2 The complete graphical symbol ......................................................... 81
B.3 Graphical symbol for “all surfaces around workpiece outline” ......... 81
B.4 Complete graphical symbol for surface texture ................................. 82
B.5 Position of complementary surface texture requirements .................. 82
B.6 Surface lay and orientation................................................................. 83
B.7 Minimum indications in order to ensure unambiguous control of
surface functions ............................................................................................................ 84
B.8 Evolution of drawing indication of surface texture............................ 85
Appendix C Links to other useful sources of information ............................................. 87
C.1 National and International Organisations........................................... 87
C.1.1 National Physical Laboratory .............................................................. 87
C.1.2 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ..................... 88
C.1.3 EURAMET .......................................................................................... 88
C.1.4 Institute for Geometrical Product Specification .................................. 89
C.2 Networks ............................................................................................ 89
C.2.1 Measurement Network – Engineering and Optical .............................. 89
C.2.2 Software Support for Metrology Programme (SSfM) ......................... 89
C.3 National and International Standards ................................................. 90
C.3.1 British Standards Institution (BSI)....................................................... 90
C.3.2 International Organisation for Standardization (ISO).......................... 90
C.4 Traceability ........................................................................................ 90
C.5 Training courses ................................................................................. 91
C.5.1 Dimensional measurement Training: Level 1 – Measurement User ... 91
C.5.2 Dimensional Measurement Training: Level 2 - Measurement Applier92
C.5.3 Mitutoyo training courses .................................................................... 94
C.5.4 NPL E-Learning ................................................................................... 94
C.6 Literature ............................................................................................ 96
C.6.1 Surface texture books ........................................................................... 96
C.6.2 Associated good practice guides .......................................................... 96
C.7 Standards ............................................................................................ 96
C.7.1 Surface texture metrology .................................................................... 96
C.7.2 General interest .................................................................................... 97
C.8 UKAS accredited laboratories for surface texture measurement ....... 98
C.8.1 Surface texture ..................................................................................... 98
C.8.2 Surface texture, comparison specimens ............................................. 100
C.8.3 Surface texture, measuring machines ................................................ 100
C.8.4 Surface texture, reference standards .................................................. 100
C.9 Other useful links ............................................................................. 100

List of Figures

Figure 1 Co-ordinate system advocated by ISO 4287 ............................................................... 3

Figure 2 The effect of measuring in different directions to the surface lay, courtesy of
Taylor Hobson Ltd. Note that the direction of lay runs across the page ............................ 4
Figure 3 Two surfaces with the same Ra value but different functional characteristics ........... 4
Figure 4 Elements of the typical stylus instrument, from ISO 3274 ......................................... 7
Figure 5 A typical tabletop stylus instrument, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd ........................ 7
Figure 6 A typical tabletop stylus instrument, courtesy of Mitutoyo ........................................ 8
Figure 7 A typical portable instrument, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd................................... 9
Figure 8 A typical portable instrument, courtesy of Mitutoyo .................................................. 9
Figure 9 Separation of surface texture into roughness, waviness and profile, from
ISO 4287 ........................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10 Primary, waviness and roughness profiles .............................................................. 15
Figure 11 Profile element definitions, from ISO 4287 ............................................................ 18
Figure 12 Definition of local slope, from ISO 4287 ................................................................ 19
Figure 13 Maximum profile peak height, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287 ...... 20
Figure 14 Maximum profile valley depth, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287 ..... 20
Figure 15 Height of profile elements, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287 ............ 21
Figure 16 Derivation of the arithmetical mean deviation (from Leach R K 2009
Fundamental Principles of Engineering Nanometrology (Elsevier: Amsterdam)) .......... 22
Figure 17 Determination of Ra and Rq, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd ................................ 23
Figure 18 The difference between positive and negative skewness, courtesy of Taylor
Hobson Ltd ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 19 Width of profile elements, from ISO 4287 .............................................................. 25
Figure 20 Material ratio curve, from ISO 4287 ....................................................................... 27
Figure 21 Profile section level separation, from ISO 4287 ..................................................... 28
Figure 22 Profile height amplitude distribution curve, from ISO 4287 ................................... 28
Figure 23 Amplitude distribution curve ................................................................................... 29
Figure 24 Effects of a finite stylus shape, courtesy of Taylor-Hobson Ltd ............................. 34
Figure 25 Example of a re-entrant feature, courtesy of Taylor-Hobson Ltd ........................... 34
Figure 26 A typical filtering process, from ISO 13565 ........................................................... 39
Figure 27 A standard set of comparison specimens, courtesy of Rubert + Co. ....................... 42
Figure 28 Type A1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1 ...................................................... 53
Figure 29 Procedure for the assessment of Type A1 artefacts................................................. 54
Figure 30 Type A2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1 ...................................................... 54
Figure 31 Type B2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 55
Figure 32 Type B2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 56
Figure 33 Type B3 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 56
Figure 34 Type C1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 57
Figure 35 Type C2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 57
Figure 36 Type C3 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 58
Figure 37 Type C4 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1....................................................... 58
Figure 38 Type D1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1 ...................................................... 59
Figure 39 Type D2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1 ...................................................... 60
Figure 40 Type E2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1 ....................................................... 60
Figure 41 Basic graphical symbol for surface texture, from ISO 1302 ................................... 80
Figure 42 Graphical symbol for surface texture where material removal is required, ............ 80
Figure 43 Graphical symbol for surface texture where material removal is not
permitted, from ISO 1302................................................................................................. 81
Figure 44 Graphical symbol for surface texture where complimentary information is
required, from ISO 1302................................................................................................... 81
Figure 45 Graphical symbol for surface texture where the same texture is required on
different surfaces, from ISO 1302 .................................................................................... 82
Figure 46 Graphical symbol for surface textures where there is more than one
requirement, from ISO 1302............................................................................................. 83
Figure 47 Minimum indications to endure control of surface functions, from ISO 1302 ....... 85

The Measurement of Surface Texture using Stylus Instruments

The author hopes that after reading this Good Practice Guide you will be able to understand
the correct way to make measurements with surface texture instruments. The content is
written at a simpler technical level than many of the standard textbooks so that a wider
audience can understand it. I am not trying to replace a whole raft of good textbooks,
operator’s manuals, specifications and standards, rather present an overview of good
practice and techniques.

“Metrology is not just a process of measurement that is applied to an end product. It should
also be one of the considerations taken into account at the design stage. According to the
Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) model, tolerancing and uncertainty issues should
be taken into account during all stages of design, manufacture and testing. The most
compelling reason is that it is often considerably more expensive to re-engineer a product at
a later stage when it is found that it is difficult to measure, compared to designing at the start
with the needs of metrology in mind.” Professor Richard Leach 2003.

There are six guiding principles to good measurement practice that have been defined by
NPL. They are:

The Right Measurements: Measurements should only be made to satisfy agreed and well-
specified requirements.

The Right Tools: Measurements should be made using equipment and methods that have
been demonstrated to be fit for purpose.

The Right People: Measurement staff should be competent, properly qualified and well

Regular Review: There should be both internal and independent assessment of the technical
performance of all measurement facilities and procedures.

Demonstratable Consistency: Measurements made in one location should be consistent with

those made elsewhere.

The Right Procedures: Well-defined procedures consistent with national or international

standards should be in place for all measurements.
IN THIS CHAPTER  What this guide is about and what it is not
 Introduction to surface texture
2 Chapter 1

his measurement good practice guide provides an overview of the use of stylus-based
surface texture instruments. It is an update to a guide first published in 2001 and has
been updated to reflect changes in the specification standards over the last ten years.

What this guide is about and what it is not

It is intended that this guide should give enough information so that the metrologist can make
best use of stylus instruments when measuring surface texture. The guide also covers good
practice regarding the calculation of surface texture parameters. This good practice guide is
not intended to be an authoritative guide to the surface texture specification standards and the
primary reference should always be the standards themselves.

Introduction to surface texture

Often the surface of a workpiece appears to the human eye to be flat and smooth. The surface
may feel smooth if one runs a finger across it, but examining this surface under a magnifying
device will reveal a complex structure that is a result of such factors as crystal structure and
paint on the surface plus the processes that have been used to manufacture it. Such structure
is termed “texture” and often affects the performance, quality and service life of the product.
It is critical in machine processing, as in many other disciplines, to evaluate and control the
surface characteristics of many products. To control surface texture, one first has to measure
it. Measuring during the manufacturing cycle can influence decisions taken on machining
systems and processes allowing surfaces to be controlled and optimised thus improving the
product. Measuring surface texture at the end of the cycle allows engineers to form an
opinion on the component’s performance capability.

All manufactured surfaces depart from the desired ideal surface. This variation imparts
various characteristics upon the component. The life of mating surfaces, such as shafts and
bearings is dependent on surface texture. If a shaft is subject to reversals of load it can
become fatigued and its life is reduced. Failure usually occurs at the root of any surface
irregularity, therefore, the better the surface texture the longer will be the fatigue life.

The useful life of a product is governed by the rate of wear of its component parts, and the
rate of this wear will depend on the surface areas in contact and the physical nature of the
materials. A rough surface with large peaks will have less contact area and will wear more
quickly than a smoother surface with small peaks.

A perfectly smooth surface is not a good bearing area, for example, seizure can occur due to
the difficulty of ensuring that a lubricating film is maintained between the mating surfaces -
metal to metal contact will cause rapid wear.

ISO 4287 is the International Standard that relates to the terms, definitions and surface
texture parameters in current use. The standard defines the co-ordinate system in which
surface texture parameters are defined. Use is made of the rectangular co-ordinate of a right
handed Cartesian set, in which the x axis provides the direction of trace, the y axis lies
nominally on the real surface, and the z axis is the outward direction from the material to the
surrounding medium (see figure 1).
3 Chapter 1

The real surface is defined as the surface limiting the body and separating it from the
surrounding medium.

The surface profile results from the intersection of the real surface by a specified plane. It is
usual to select a plane with a normal that nominally lies parallel to the real surface and in a
suitable direction. ISO 13565-1 indicates that the traversing direction for assessment purposes
shall be perpendicular to the direction of the lay unless otherwise indicated.

Figure 1 Co-ordinate system advocated by ISO 4287

The lay is the direction of the predominant surface pattern. Lay usually derives from the
actual production process used to manufacture the surface and results in directional striations
across the surface. The appearance of the profile being assessed is affected by the direction of
the view relative to the direction of the lay. Determinations of surface texture are made at 90º
to the lay. Where the direction of the lay is functionally significant it is important to specify
this on an engineering drawing detailing the type of lay and the direction (see Appendix B or
ISO 1302).

For machining processes that produce straight, circular or radial lays, the direction in which
to make the measurement can usually be observed by visual inspection of the surface. In
some cases where it is not possible to form an opinion as to the direction of the lay, then it is
usual to make measurements in several directions, and to accept the maximum value as a
roughness height parameter. Some surfaces may possess no lay direction at all (for example,
components that have been sandblasted) and in this case the same value for a surface texture
parameter will be measured irrespective of the direction of measurement of the stylus. Figure
2 shows how the effect of the lay on the measured surface texture depends on the direction in
which the measurement is taken.
4 Chapter 1

Figure 2 The effect of measuring in different directions to the surface lay, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd.
Note that the direction of lay runs across the page

When measuring surface texture, care must be taken with the interpretation of the results;
even two surfaces having the same surface texture parameter value can have different
functional characteristics. The upper surface in figure 3 will have good wear characteristics
while the lower surface, although having the same value for Ra (see section 3 for parameter
descriptions) will wear more quickly due to the sharp spikes on the surface.

Figure 3 Two surfaces with the same Ra value but different functional characteristics

There are many methods for measuring surface texture that are commercially available today.
This guide only considers the use of a stylus instrument to measure a surface profile, i.e. a
two rather than a three dimensional measurement. The reason for the lack of coverage of
other methods is that such methods are not covered in the profile standards. Guidance on the
use of optical instruments is covered in other NPL good practice guides (see Appendix C).
The guide also discusses the use of comparison specimens. The various standards relating to
surface texture and referred to in the text are listed in Appendix C.
A typical stylus
instrument 2
IN THIS CHAPTER  Portable stylus instruments
 Chapter summary
6 Chapter 2

SO 3274 defines the various elements of a typical stylus instrument and figure 4 shows
the interrelationship between the elements. Stylus instruments are by far the most
common instruments for measuring surface texture today. A typical stylus instrument
consists of a stylus that physically contacts the surface being measured and a transducer to
convert its vertical movement into an electrical signal. Other components can be seen in
Figure 4 and include: a pickup, driven by a motor and gearbox, which draws the stylus over
the surface at a constant speed; an electronic amplifier to boost the signal from the stylus
transducer to a useful level; a device, also driven at a constant speed, for recording the
amplified signal or a computer that automates the data collection. Figures 5 and 6 are
photographs of some typical commercial stylus instruments.

The part of the stylus in contact with the surface is usually a diamond tip with a carefully
manufactured profile. Owing to their finite shape, some styli on some surfaces will not
penetrate into valleys and will give a distorted or filtered measure of the surface texture.
Consequently, certain parameters will be more affected by the stylus shape than others. The
effect of the stylus forces can have a significant influence on the measurement results and if
the force is too high damage may occur to the surface being measured. If the force is too low,
the stylus will not stay reliably in contact with the surface.

To enable a true cross section of the surface to be measured, the stylus, as it is traversed
across the surface, must follow an accurate reference path that has the general profile of, and
is parallel to, the nominal surface. Such a datum may be developed by a mechanical slideway.
The need for accurate alignment of the object being measured is eliminated by the surface
datum device in which the surface acts as its own datum by supporting a large radius of
curvature spherical (or sometimes with different radii of curvature in two orthogonal
directions) skid fixed to the end of the hinged pick-up. At the front end of the pick-up body
the skid rests on the specimen surface. Alternatively, a flat surface or shoe, freely pivoted so
that it can align itself to the surface, may be used. Two skids may be used on either side of
the stylus. It is worth noting that although ISO 3274 does not allow for the use of a skid and a
new commercial instrument is unlikely to have one, they are still used in practice.
7 Chapter 2

Figure 4 Elements of the typical stylus instrument, from ISO 3274

Figure 5 A typical tabletop stylus instrument, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd

8 Chapter 2

Figure 6 A typical tabletop stylus instrument, courtesy of Mitutoyo

Portable stylus instruments

The above description of a typical stylus instrument refers mainly to a tabletop instrument,
i.e. an instrument that is not moved on a regular basis. Presently there are a number of
commercially available portable instruments that can be mounted directly onto the surface
being measured. Figures 7 and 8 show two such instruments. Whilst these instruments have a
number of obvious advantages, the user should be aware of the disadvantages and limitations:

 Manufacturing conditions on the shop floor environment are likely to be uncontrolled

leading to temperature gradients, dust, dirt and vibration. Care should be taken with
results obtained under these conditions.
9 Chapter 2

 Hand-held machines normally have fewer measurement parameters available to the

user than tabletop instruments.

 The traverse length may be shorter than that of tabletop machines.

Figure 7 A typical portable instrument, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd

Figure 8 A typical portable instrument, courtesy of Mitutoyo

Chapter summary
• Describes a simple stylus instrument for surface texture measurement.
• Presents both tabletop and portable stylus instruments.
10 Chapter 2
The terms and
definitions in use 3
IN THIS CHAPTER  General terms
 Geometrical parameter terms
 Surface profile parameter definitions
 Spacing parameters
 Hybrid parameters
 Curves and related parameters
 Parameter overview
 Chapter summary
12 Chapter 3

rior to the 1990s, many variations in measurement practice, parameter definitions and
terminology were proposed. As the subject of surface texture measurement has
matured, International Standards have attempted to concentrate attention onto just a
few of these. Unfortunately, one effect of this has been to introduce highly formal terms that
are not essential to the accurate communication of data between users.

The international standard ISO 4287 specifies the terms, definitions and parameters to be
used in the determination of surface texture by stylus methods. In order to distinguish
between parameters in general use before the implementation of ISO 4287, Appendix A of
this guide contains terms, definitions and parameters prior to the introduction of the current

Care must be taken when quoting a numerical figure that represents surface texture, for
example when a manufacturing engineer, a machinist and an inspector come into contact with
the specification of a component, they do not necessarily know which parameter to follow.
The engineer may write a specification based on an old or a new standard. The machinist may
be working to an old or new drawing or technical specification document. The specification
may have been produced in a design/development department operating under different
national or international standards. Finally, the measuring instrument may incorporate any or
all of a number of software algorithms under the same or different names. The potential for
error is, therefore, considerable - users of measuring instruments should be aware of this and
take all necessary steps to prevent measurements to the wrong standards taking place.

General terms used in surface texture

Most of the terms and definitions that follow are taken from ISO 4287. At first glance there
appears to be a vast number of terms that one must master when interpreting and
understanding surface texture measurement. The reader is advised to consider these
definitions whilst using the actual instrument – this will help in becoming fluent in the
language of surface texture.

In general, it can be stated that surface texture is what is left after the overall form of the
surface has been removed, either mechanically or mathematically (or more usually both). For
example, one may remove a straight line from the data to take out the influence of the sample
being tilted with reference to the mounting table or if the sample is spherical one would
remove a quadratic (second order) fit to take out the curvature in the surface. All instruments
will have software options for removing the form of the surface. Once the form has been
removed the surface texture is composed of three components that are defined according to
the filters that are applied. The three components are known as profile, waviness and
roughness and are described below. Once again, most instrument software will do the number
crunching to filter that data, but the user must be aware of the required filter characteristics.
Currently, the ISO specification standards do not lay down hard and fast mathematical rules
for splitting the surface texture into profile, waviness and roughness, but these rules are being
debated by the relevant committees.
13 Chapter 3

Traced profile
The traced profile is the trace of the centre of a stylus tip that has an ideal geometrical form
(conical, with spherical tip) and nominal dimensions with nominal tracing force, as it
traverses the surface within the intersection plane (see figure 1).

Reference profile
The reference profile is the trace that the probe would report as it is moved with the
intersection plane along a perfectly smooth and flat workpiece. The reference profile arises
from the movement caused by an imperfect datum guideway. If the datum were perfectly flat
and straight, the reference profile would not affect the total profile.

Total profile
The total profile is the (digital) form of the profile reported by a real instrument, combining
the traced profile and the reference profile. Note that in most instrument systems it is not
practical to ‘correct’ for the error introduced by datum imperfections and the total profile is
the only available information concerning the traced profile.

Filters and filtering

Filtering plays a fundamental role in surface texture analysis. In our context, it is any means
(usually electronic or computational, but sometimes mechanical) for selecting for analysis a
range of structure in the total profile that is judged to be that of significance to a particular
situation. Alternatively, it may be thought of as a means of rejecting information considered
irrelevant, including for example, attempts to reduce the effect of instrument noise and
imperfections. Filters select (or reject) structure according to its scale in the x-axis that is in
terms of wavelengths or spatial frequencies (for example as cycles or lines per millimetre). A
filter that rejects short wavelengths while retaining longer ones is called a low pass filter
since it preserves (or lets pass) the low frequencies. A high pass filter preserves the shorter
wavelength features while rejecting longer ones. The combination of a low pass and high
pass filter to select a restricted range of wavelengths with both high and low regions rejected
is called a band pass filter. The attenuation (rejection) of a filter should not be too sudden
else we might get very different results from surfaces that are almost identical apart from a
slight shift in the wavelength of a strong feature. The wavelength at which the transmission
(and so also the rejection) is 50 % is called the cut-off of that filter (note that this definition is
specific to the field of surface texture).

For the great majority of surfaces it can be recommended that if a feature of a certain width is
important, one of only say 1 % of the width is unlikely to be important. This suggests that
band pass filtering should be employed in all surface texture analysis.

Profile filter
The profile filter is defined as the filter that separates profiles into long wave and short wave
components (refer to figure 9).
14 Chapter 3

Figure 9 Separation of surface texture into roughness, waviness and profile, from ISO 4287

There are three filters used by instruments for measuring roughness, waviness and primary

λs profile filter
This is the filter that defines where the intersection occurs between the roughness and shorter
wavelength components present in a surface.

λc profile filter
This is the filter that defines where the intersection occurs between the roughness and
waviness components.

λf profile filter
This is the filter that defines where the intersection occurs between the waviness and longer
wavelength components present in a surface.

Primary profile
The primary profile is the basis for the evaluation of the primary profile parameters. It is
defined as the total profile after application of the short wavelength (low pass) filter, with cut-
off λs. Ultimately, the finite size of the stylus limits the rejection of very short wavelengths
and in practice this mechanical filtering effect is often used by default for the λs filter. Since
styli vary, and since the instrument will introduce vibration and other noise into the profile
signal that has equivalent wavelengths shorter than the stylus dimensions, the best practice is
always to ignore λs filtration upon the total profile. Figure 10 relates the primary to the
roughness and waviness profiles.
15 Chapter 3

Figure 10 Primary, waviness and roughness profiles

10a The primary profile is the profile used as the basis for the evaluation of the primary profile parameters. This
profile represents the basis for digital processing by means of a profile filter and calculation of the profile
parameters according to ISO 4287. It is characterised by the vertical and horizontal digital steps, courtesy of

10b The roughness profile illustrated is derived from the primary profile by suppression of the long wavelength
component using the profile filter λc, courtesy of Mitutoyo.

10c The filtered waviness profile is derived by the application of the long wavelength profile filter λf and the
short wavelength profile filter λc to the primary profile, courtesy of Mitutoyo.
16 Chapter 3

Roughness profile
Roughness profile is defined as the profile derived from the primary profile by suppressing
the long wave component using a long wavelength (high pass) filter, with cut-off λc. The
roughness profile is the basis for the evaluation of the roughness profile parameters. Note that
such evaluation automatically includes the use of the λf profile filter, since it derives from the
primary profile.

Waviness profile
Waviness profile is the profile derived by the application of a band pass filter to select the
surface structure at rather longer wavelengths than the roughness. Filter λf suppresses the
long wave component (profile component) and filter λc suppresses the short wave component
(roughness component). The waviness profile is the basis for the evaluation of the waviness
profile parameters.

Sampling length lp, lr, lw

Sampling length is the length in the direction of the x axis used for identifying the
irregularities that characterise the profile under evaluation. Specifying a sampling length
implies that structure in a profile that occurs over greater lengths is not relevant to the
particular evaluation. The sampling length for the primary profile lp is equal to the evaluation
length (see below). The sampling length for lr (roughness) is numerically equal to the
wavelength of the profile filter λc, the sampling length for lw (waviness) is numerically equal
to the wavelength of the profile filter λf. Almost all parameters should be evaluated over the
sampling length, but it improves reliability to take an average of them from several sampling
lengths (see evaluation length).

Evaluation length ln
Evaluation length is the total length in the x axis used for the assessment of the profile under
evaluation. It is normal practice to evaluate roughness and waviness profiles over several
successive sampling lengths, the sum of which gives the evaluation length. For the primary
profile the evaluation length is equal to the sampling length. ISO 4287 advocates the use of
five sampling lengths as the default for roughness evaluation and if another number is used
the assessment parameter will have that number included in its symbol, for example Ra6 or
Pt2. No default is specified for waviness. With a few exceptions, parameters should be
evaluated in each successive sampling length and the resulting values averaged over all the
sampling lengths in the evaluation length. Some parameters are assessed over the entire
evaluation length. To allow for acceleration at the start of a measurement and deceleration at
the end of a measurement, the instrument traverse length is normally rather longer than the
evaluation length.

Total traverse length

Total traverse length is the total length of surface traversed in making a measurement. It is
usually greater than the evaluation length due to the need to allow a short over travel at the
start and end of the measurement to allow mechanical and electrical transients to be excluded
from the measurement and to allow for the effects of edges on the filters.
17 Chapter 3

Mean line for the roughness profile

The mean line for the roughness profile is a reference line for parameter calculation. It is the
line corresponding to the long wave profile component suppressed by the profile filter λc.

Mean line for the waviness profile

The mean line for the waviness profile is a reference line for parameter calculation. It is the
line corresponding to the long wave profile component suppressed by the profile filter λf.

Mean line for the primary profile

The mean line for the primary profile is a reference line for parameter calculation. It is the
line determined by fitting a least-squares line of nominal form through the primary profile.

Geometrical parameter terms

All the parameters described below are calculated once the form has been removed from the
measurement data. One must remember that not all the parameters are necessarily useful in
all circumstances. For a given application the user must choose the appropriate parameters. In
some circumstances, for example when a parameter is specified on an engineering drawing,
the choice of parameter is not under the control of the instrument user. As with most areas of
surface texture, the user must always be vigilant and seek to understand how a parameter is
calculated and what it means.

The concepts of a peak and a valley are important in understanding and evaluating surfaces.
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to decide what should be counted as a peak. For example,
is it likely that all the peaks in the profile shown in Figure 11 are important? To overcome the
confusion by early non-co-ordinated attempts to produce parameters reflecting this
difference, the modern standards introduce an important specific concept: the profile element
consisting of a peak and a valley event. Associated with the element is a discrimination that
prevents small, unreliable measurement features from affecting the detection of elements.

Profile element
A section of a profile from the point at which it crosses the mean line to the point at which it
next crosses the mean line in the same direction (for example, from below to above the mean

Profile peak
The part of a profile element that is above the mean line, i.e. the profile from when it crosses
the mean line in the positive direction until it next crosses the mean line in the negative

Profile valley
As for profile peak but with the direction reversed.
18 Chapter 3

Discrimination level
It is possible a profile could have a very slight fluctuation that takes it across the mean line
and almost immediately back again. This is not reasonably considered as a real profile peak
or profile valley. To prevent automatic systems from counting such features, only features
larger than a specified height and width are counted. In the absence of other specifications,
the default levels are that the height of a profile peak (valley) must exceed 10 % of the Rz, Wz
or Pz parameter (on maximum height of profile in chapter 3) value and that the width of the
profile peak (valley) must exceed 1 % of the sampling length. Both criteria must be met

Ordinate value Z(x)

This is the height of the assessed profile at any position x. The height is regarded as negative
if the ordinate lies below the x axis and positive otherwise.

Profile peak height Zp

This is the distance between the mean line on the x axis and the highest point of the highest
profile peak (see figure 11).

Figure 11 Profile element definitions, from ISO 4287

Profile valley depth Zv

This is the distance between the mean line on the x axis and the lowest point of the lowest
profile valley

Profile element height Zt

This is the sum of the height of the peak and depth of the valley of the profile element, i.e. the
sum of Zp and Zv.

Local slope dZ/dX

This is the slope of the assessed profile at position xi (see figure 12). The numerical value of
the local slope, and thus the parameters PΔq, RΔq and WΔq, depends critically on the
ordinate spacing.
19 Chapter 3

Figure 12 Definition of local slope, from ISO 4287

Surface profile parameter definitions

The parameters defined below can be calculated from any profile. The first capital letter in
the parameter symbol designates the type of profile under evaluation. For example, Ra is
calculated from the roughness profile, Wa from the waviness profile and Pa from the primary

Amplitude parameters (peak to valley)

Maximum profile peak height Pp, Rp,Wp

This parameter is the largest profile peak height Zp within the sampling length (see figure
13). This measure is the height of the highest point of the profile from the mean line. This
parameter is often referred to an extreme-value parameter and as such can be
unrepresentative of the surface as its numerical value may vary so much from sample to
sample. It is possible to average over several consecutive sampling lengths and this will
reduce the variation, but the value is often still numerically too large to be useful in most
cases. However, this parameter will succeed in finding unusual conditions such as a sharp
spike or burr on the surface, or the presence of cracks and scratches that may be indicative of
poor material or poor processing.
20 Chapter 3

Figure 13 Maximum profile peak height, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287

Maximum profile valley depth Pv, Rv, Wv

This is the largest profile valley depth Zv within the sampling length (see figure 14). It is the
depth of the lowest point on the profile from the mean line and is an extreme-value parameter
with the same disadvantages as the maximum profile peak height.

Figure 14 Maximum profile valley depth, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287

Maximum height of profile Pz, Rz, Wz

This is the sum of the height of the largest profile peak height Zp and the largest profile
valley depth Zv within a sampling length. Rz does not provide much useful information by
itself and is often split into Rp, the height of the highest peak above the mean line, and Rv, the
depth of the lowest valley below the mean line. In ISO 4287: 1984 the Rz symbol indicated
the “ten point height of irregularities”. Some surface texture measuring instruments measure
the former Rz parameter.
21 Chapter 3

Mean height of profile elements Pc, Rc, Wc

This is the mean value of the profile element heights Zt within a sampling length (see figure
15). This parameter requires height and spacing discrimination as described earlier. If these
values are not specified then the default height discrimination used shall be 10 % of Pz, Rz or
Wz respectively. The default spacing discrimination shall be 1 % of the sampling length. Both
of these conditions must be met. It is extremely rare to see this parameter used in practice and
it can be difficult to interpret. It is described here for completeness and, until it is seen on an
engineering drawing, should probably be ignored.

Figure 15 Height of profile elements, example of roughness profile, from ISO 4287

Total height of profile Pt, Rt, Wt

This is the sum of the height of the largest profile peak height Zp and the largest profile
valley depth within the evaluation length. This parameter is defined over the evaluation
length rather than the sampling length and as such it has no averaging effect. Therefore,
scratches or dirt on the surface can directly affect Rt.

Amplitude parameters (average of ordinates)

Arithmetical mean deviation of the assessed profile Pa, Ra, Wa

This is the arithmetic mean of the absolute ordinate values Z(x) within the sampling length.
The Ra of a surface can vary considerably without affecting the performance of the surface. It
is usual, therefore, to specify on the drawing a tolerance band or a maximum Ra value that is
acceptable. Expressed mathematically

l ∫0
Ra = z ( x) dx
22 Chapter 3

Note that the above equation is for a continuous z(x) function. However, when making
surface texture measurements, z(x) will be determined over a discrete number of
measurement points. In this case, Ra should be written as

1 N
Ra =
i =1

where N is the number of measured points in a sampling length (see figure 17). The equations
for the other profile parameters in this section, that involve an integral notation, can be
converted to a summation notation in a similar manner.

The derivation of the Ra parameter can be illustrated graphically as shown in figure 16. The
areas of the graph below centre line within the sampling length are placed above the centre
line. The Ra value is the mean height of the resulting profile.

Figure 16 Derivation of the arithmetical mean deviation (from Leach R K 2009 Fundamental Principles of
Engineering Nanometrology (Elsevier: Amsterdam))

The Ra value over one sampling length is the average roughness, therefore, the effect of a
single non-typical peak or valley will have only a slight influence on the value. It is good
practice to make assessments of Ra over a number of consecutive sampling lengths and to
accept the average of the values obtained. This will ensure that Ra is typical of the surface
under inspection. It is important that measurements take place perpendicular to the lay. The
Ra value does not provide any information as to the shape of the irregularities on the surface.
It is possible to obtain similar Ra values for surfaces having very different profiles and it is
useful to quote the machining process used to produce the surface. For historical reasons, Ra
is probably the most common of the all the surface texture parameters. This should not deter
users from considering other parameters that may give more information regarding the
functionality of a surface.
23 Chapter 3

Root mean square deviation from the assessed profile Pq, Rq, Wq
This is the root mean square value of the ordinate values Z(x) within the sampling length and
expressed mathematically

1 N 2
Rq = ∑ Zi .
N i =1

When compared to the arithmetic average, the root mean square parameter has the effect of
giving extra weight to the numerically higher values of surface height.

Figure 17 illustrates how Ra and Rq are determined from the profile.

Figure 17 Determination of Ra and Rq, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd

The reason for the commonality of Ra and Rq is chiefly historical. Ra is easier to determine
graphically from a recording of the profile and was, therefore, adopted initially before
automatic surface texture measuring instruments became generally available. When
roughness parameters are determined instrumentally Rq has the advantage that phase effects
from electrical filters can be neglected. The Ra parameter using the arithmetic average is
affected by phase effects that cannot be ignored. Ra has almost superseded Rq on machining
specifications. However, Rq still has value in optical applications where it is more directly
related to the optical quality of a surface.
24 Chapter 3

Skewness of the assessed profile Psk, Rsk, Wsk

Skewness is the quotient of the mean cube value of the ordinate values Z(x) and the cube of
Pq, Rq or Wq respectively within the sampling length (see figure 18). The skewness is
derived from the amplitude distribution curve; it is the measure of the profile symmetry about
the mean line. This parameter cannot distinguish if the profile spikes are evenly distributed
above or below the line and is strongly influenced by isolated peaks or isolated valleys.
Expressed mathematically

1 1 N

Rsk =
Rq 3  N
i =1

This parameter represents the degree of bias, either in the upward or downward direction, of
an amplitude distribution curve. The shape of the curve is very informative. A symmetrical
profile gives an amplitude distribution curve, which is symmetrical about the centre line and
an unsymmetrical profile results in a skewed curve. The direction of the skew is dependent on
whether the bulk of the material is above the mean line (negative skew) or below the mean
line (positive skew). Use of this parameter can distinguish between two profiles having the
same Ra value.

Figure 18 The difference between positive and negative skewness, courtesy of Taylor Hobson Ltd

As an example, a porous, sintered or cast iron surface will have a large value of skewness. A
characteristic of a good bearing surface is that it should have a negative skew, indicating the
presence of comparatively few spikes that could wear away quickly and relative deep valleys
to retain oil traces. A surface with a positive skew is likely to have poor oil retention because
of the lack of deep valleys in which to retain oil traces. Surfaces with a positive skewness,
such as turned surfaces, have high spikes that protrude above the mean line. Rsk correlates
well with load carrying ability and porosity.
25 Chapter 3

Kurtosis of the assessed profile Pku, Rku, Wku

This is the quotient of the mean quartic value of the ordinate values Z(x) and the fourth power
of Pq, Rq or Wq respectively within the sampling length. Unlike Psk, Rsk or Wsk this
parameter cannot only detect whether the profile spikes are evenly distributed, but also
provides the measure of the sharpness of the profile. A spiky surface will have a high kurtosis
value and a bumpy surface will have a low kurtosis value. This is a useful parameter in
predicting component performance with respect to wear and lubrication retention. Note that
kurtosis cannot tell the difference between a peak and a valley. Expressed mathematically

1 1 N

Rku =
Rq 4 N

i =1

Spacing parameters

Mean width of the profile elements PSm, RSm, WSm

This parameter is the mean value of the profile element widths Xs within a sampling length
(see figure 19). In other words, this parameter is the average value of the length of the mean
line section containing a profile peak and adjacent valley. This parameter requires height and
spacing discrimination. If these values are not specified then the default height discrimination
used shall be 10 % of Pz, Rz, Wz respectively. The default spacing discrimination shall be
1 % of the sampling length. Both of these conditions must be met.

Figure 19 Width of profile elements, from ISO 4287

26 Chapter 3

Peak count number PPc, RPc, WPc

This parameter in the number of mean widths of the profile elements (PSm, RSm, WSm) in a
reference length, L,

RPc = .

A reference length of 10 mm is recommended if not otherwise stated. A height discrimination

threshold of RSm of ± 0.5 µm is recommended.

Hybrid parameters

Root mean square slope of the assessed profile PΔq, RΔq, WΔq
This is the root mean square value of the ordinate slopes dZ/dX within the sampling length.
This parameter depends on both amplitude and spacing and is, therefore, a hybrid parameter.
The slope of the profile is the angle it makes with a line parallel to the mean line. The mean
of the slopes at all points in the profile within the sampling length is known as the average
slope. An example of its use is to determine the developed or actual profile length, i.e. the
length occupied if all the peaks and valleys were stretched into a single straight line. The
steeper the average slope, the longer the actual length of the surface. This parameter is useful
in painting and plating applications where the length of surface is important for keying.
Average slope can also be related to hardness, elasticity and ‘crushability’ of the surface and
in optical applications a small value is an indication that the surface is a good optical

Curves and related parameters

All curves and related parameters are defined over the evaluation length rather than the
sampling length.

Material ratio of the profile Pmr(c), Rmr(c), Wmr(c)

The material ratio of the profile is the ratio of the bearing length to the evaluation length. It is
represented as a percentage. The bearing length is the sum of the section lengths obtained by
cutting the profile with a line (slice level) drawn parallel to the mean line at a given level.
The ratio is assumed to be 0 % if the slice level is at the highest peak, and 100 % if it is at the
deepest valley. Parameter Pmr(c), Rmr(c), Wmr(c) determines the percentage of each bearing
length ratio of a single slice level or nineteen slice levels which are drawn at equal intervals
within Pt, Rt or Wt respectively.

Material ratio of the profile (Abbot-Firestone or Bearing Ratio Curve)

This ratio is the curve representing the material ratio of the profile as a function of level. By
plotting the bearing ratio at a range of depths in the profile, the way in which the bearing ratio
varies with depth can be easily seen and provides a means of distinguishing different shapes
present on the profile. The definition of the bearing area fraction, is the sum of the lengths of
individual plateaux at a particular height, normalised by the total assessment length, and is
the parameter designated Rmr (see Figure 20). Values of Rmr are sometimes specified on
27 Chapter 3

drawings; however, this can lead to large uncertainties if the bearing area curve is referred to
the highest and lowest points on the profile.

Many mating surfaces requiring tribological functions are usually produced with a sequence
of machining operations. Usually the first operation establishes the general shape of the
surface with a relatively coarse finish, and further operations refine this finish to produce the
properties required by the design. This sequence of operations will remove the peaks of the
original process but the deep valleys will be left untouched. This process leads to a type of
surface texture that is referred to as a stratified surface. The height distributions will be
negatively skewed therefore making it difficult for a single average parameter such as Ra to
represent the surface effectively for specification and quality control purposes.

Figure 20 Material ratio curve, from ISO 4287

Profile section height difference Pδc, Rδc, Wδc

This is the vertical distance between two section levels of given material ratio.

Relative material ratio Pmr, Rmr, Wmr

This is the material ratio determined at a profile section level Rδc, and related to a reference
C0, where

C1 = C0 - Rδc (or Pδc, or Wδc)

C0 = C(Pmr0, Rmr0, Wmr0).

Rmr refers to the bearing ratio at a specified height (see figure 21). A way of specifying the
height is to move over a certain percentage (the reference percentage) on the bearing ratio
curve and then to move down a certain depth (the slice depth). The bearing ratio at the
resulting point is Rmr. The purpose of the reference percentage is to eliminate spurious peaks
from consideration - these peaks tend to wear off in early part use. The slice depth then
corresponds to an allowable roughness or to a reasonable amount of wear.
28 Chapter 3

Figure 21 Profile section level separation, from ISO 4287

Profile height amplitude curve

The profile height amplitude curve is the sample probability density function of the ordinate
Z(x) within the evaluation length. The amplitude distribution curve is a probability function
that gives the probability that a profile of the surface has a certain height, at a certain
position. The curve has the characteristic bell shape like many probability distributions (see
figure 22). The curve tells the user how much of the profile lies at a particular height, in a
histogram sense.

Figure 22 Profile height amplitude distribution curve, from ISO 4287

29 Chapter 3

The profile height amplitude curve illustrates the relative total lengths over which the profile
graph attains any selected range of heights above or below the mean line. This is illustrated in
figure 23. The horizontal lengths of the profile included within the narrow band δz at a height
z, are, a, b, c, d and e. By expressing the sum of these lengths as a percentage of the
evaluation length, a measure of the relative amount of the profile at a height z can be

Figure 23 Amplitude distribution curve

This graph is termed the amplitude distribution at height z. By plotting density against height,
the amplitude density distributed over the whole profile can be seen. This produces the
amplitude density distribution curve.
30 Chapter 3

Parameter overview

Table 1 summarises the range of surface texture parameters discussed in this section and
indicates whether the parameter is calculated over a sampling length or the evaluation length.

Parameters 1997 edition 1984 1997 Determined within

edition edition Evaluation Sampling
length Length
Maximum profile height Rp Rp 
Maximum profile valley depth Rm Rv 
Maximum height of profile Ry Rz 
Mean height of profile Rc Rc 
Total height of profile - Rt 
Arithmetical Ra Ra 
mean deviation of the assessed profile
Root mean square deviation of the Rq Rq 
assessed profile
Skewness of the assessed profile Sk Rsk 
Kurtosis of the assessed profile - Rku 
Mean width of profile elements Sm RSm 
Root mean square slope of the assessed Δq RΔq 
Material ratio of the profile Rmr(c) 
Profile section height difference - Rδc 
Relative material ratio tp Rmr 
Ten point height (deleted as an ISO Rz -
Table 1 Old and new surface texture parameters, ISO 4287

Chapter summary
 Presents general terms, filters, and geometrical parameter terms and definitions.
 Presents curves and related parameters.
 Parameter overview.
preparation and 4
instrument set up

IN THIS CHAPTER  Environmental conditions

 Preparation for measurement
 Stylus size and shape
 Choice of cut-off wavelength (sampling
length) and filters
 Choice of measuring speed
32 Chapter 4

o obtain the best possible performance from a surface texture measuring instrument it
should be used in a safe and stable environment.

Environmental conditions

The instrument should be used in an environment that is as free as possible from dust,
vibration and direct sunlight. Observe the conditions listed below.

• Select a location where the ambient temperature is maintained in the range 20 °C ± 10 °C

(with a condensation-free humidity of less than 85 % relative humidity).
• Store the instrument in a location where the temperature does not go outside the range –
10 °C to 60 °C.
• Wipe any mist and dust from the workpiece surface prior to measurement using a lint free
• Remove any gross contamination from the surface, preferably by blowing the surface
with filtered air.
• Remove any oil or grease from the surface using a suitable solvent.

Preparation for measurement

The electrical unit should be switched on at least one hour before any measurements take
place - this will allow time for the instrument to stabilise (the manufacturer’s instructions will
normally specify a minimum stabilisation time for a given instrument). Calibration of the
instrument is essential prior to measurement (see chapter 7). Before calibration of the
instrument takes place, the stylus should be visually checked for signs of wear or damage and
the user should ensure that the workpiece is free of dust or dirt by using an appropriate
cleaning method. Visual examination of a 2 µm tip stylus may not be possible without the aid
of specialised instrumentation such as a scanning electron microscope (see section on stylus
and shape in chapter 4 and on Type B artefacts in chapter 7 for information on checking the
stylus condition). In some cases chemical cleaning is preferable to the use of lint free cloth; if
the surface texture is coarse then the cloth may deposit fabric on the surface that will affect
the reading.

After measurement of the calibration artefact the indicated value should be compared with
the value attached to the test specimen. If the measured value differs from the value that is
shown on the calibration certificate then re-calibration is required. Depending on the
instrument used, this adjustment can be carried out in a number of ways. Some instruments
use a simple positive or negative screw adjustment that alters the display value in line with
the Ra indication on the manufacturer’s reference specimen. With instruments that are
software or processor based, the sensitivity of the instrument is automatically calibrated by
entering the value shown on the calibration certificate into the machine display as prompted.
33 Chapter 4

Stylus size and shape

The stylus is the only active component in contact with the surface being measured (possibly
with exception of a skid). It is important that its dimension and shape are chosen
appropriately - it is these features that will have an influence on the information gathered
during measurement. The ideal stylus shape is a cone with a spherical tip. The spherical type
of stylus usually has a cone angle of either 60º or 90º with a typical tip radius of 1 µm, 2 µm,
5 µm or 10 µm (truncated pyramidal, or chisel, shaped, 0.1 µm tips are available for
specialised measurements). Choice of stylus radius should be made by consulting table 2. The
static measuring force at the mean position of the stylus should be 0.75 mN, according to ISO
3274, and should not change during the measurement. The manufacturer of the instrument
generally sets this force. Where there is concern about the force value, it is possible to load
the stylus onto a suitable pan-balance. In practice the tip is subject to wear, or more usually,
breakage. A damaged stylus tip can lead to serious errors and the condition of the tip should
be checked on a regular basis.

When checking the condition of the stylus, the user is advised to maintain historical records
of the instrument reading for a chosen surface texture parameter (usually Ra) against the
value for the calibration artefact quoted on its calibration certificate. (Chapter 7 describes the
various tip condition artefacts that are advocated by ISO 5436-1). If there is a 10 %
difference in the value obtained when compared to the historical data, the user should be
alerted to the fact that there may be a potential problem with the stylus which should be
examined for signs of wear or damage.

The size of the stylus can affect the accuracy of the traced profile in a number of ways:

(a) Penetration into valleys

On surfaces with deep, narrow valleys the stylus may not be able to penetrate fully to the
bottom (see figure 24). The larger the tip radius the less the penetration, therefore, the value
of a roughness height parameter will be smaller than the true value.
34 Chapter 4

(b) Distortion of the peak shape

When a spherical stylus passes over a peak, the point of contact moves across the stylus. The
effect on the stylus is to follow a path that is more rounded than the peak (see figure 24). As
the stylus is raised to its full height when it makes contact with the crest, the true peak height
is measured.

Figure 24 Effects of a finite stylus shape, courtesy of Taylor-Hobson Ltd

With reference to figure 23, the following effects can occur:

a) the curvature tends to round off peaks;

b) reduce the depths of valleys; and
c) the peak height is unaffected.

(c) Re-entrant features

Since the stylus detects the surface by, in effect, moving downwards from above, it can never
detect a re-entrant feature such as that shown in figure 25. Instead, it reports a simpler non-re-
entrant profile as the stylus slides over the feature to make contact with the next flank.

Figure 25 Example of a re-entrant feature, courtesy of Taylor-Hobson Ltd

35 Chapter 4

Choice of cut-off wavelength (sampling length) and filters

The cut-off wavelength is the means by which the resulting profile waveform is made to
simulate the effect of restricting the assessment to the sampling length. When the sampling
length is indicated on the drawing or documentation then the cut-off wavelength, λc, should
be chosen to be equal to this sampling length. Table 2 shows the relationship between cut-off
wavelength, tip radius and maximum sampling spacing.

λc λs Roughness rtip Maximum

cut-off max sampling
wavelength spacing
/mm /µm ratio /µm /µm

0.08 2.5 30 2 0.5

0.25 2.5 100 2 0.5

0.8 2.5 300 2 0.5

2.5 8 300 5 1.5

8 25 300 10 5

Table 2 Relationship between the roughness cut-off wavelength λc, tip radius and maximum sampling
spacing, from ISO 3274

When a component is manufactured from a drawing, the surface texture specification will
normally include the sampling length for measuring the surface profile. The most commonly
used sampling length is 0.8 mm. However, when no indication is given on the drawing the
user will require a means of selecting the most appropriate value for his particular
application. The sampling length should only be selected after considering the nature of the
surface texture and which characteristics are required for the measurement. From Table 3
below it can be seen that a value of 0.8 mm could be used for nearly all of the machined
surfaces. However, consideration must be given to the fact that this value may not be suitable
for assessing a particular feature of the surface texture and that the function of the surface and
the precision of the machining process must be taken into account.
36 Chapter 4

Cut-off wavelength/mm
Process 0.25 0.8 2.5 8.0 25.0
Milling   
Turning  
Grinding   
Shaping   
Boring   
Planning   
Reaming  
Broaching  
Diamond boring  
Diamond turning  
Honing  
Lapping  
Super finishing  
Buffing  
Polishing  
Shaping   
Electro discharge  
Burnishing  
Drawing  
Extruding  
Moulding  
Electro polishing  

Table 3 Choice of cut-off wavelength for a number of common machining operations

Filtering is the procedure that enables the user to separate certain spatial frequency
components of the surface profile. A filter is an electronic, mechanical, optical or
mathematical transformation of a profile to attenuate (remove) wavelength components of the
surface outside the range of interest of the user.
37 Chapter 4

The spatial frequency components present in the electrical waveform that represents the
surface are dependent on the irregularity spacing and measuring speed of the instrument. For
instance, if the irregularity spacing of a surface were of the value 0.01 mm, at a measuring
speed of 1 mm s-1 the frequency returned by the instrument would be 100 Hz. If the
irregularity spacing were 0.25 mm at the same measuring speed the frequency returned would
be 4 Hz. If a high pass filter were inserted that suppressed any frequency below 4 Hz, only
those irregularities of less than 0.25 mm spacing would be represented in the filtered profile.
This condition would provide the instrument with a sampling length of 0.25 mm. If the same
filter were used at a measuring speed of 2 mm s-1, the sampling length would be 0.5 mm. By
introducing different filters, the sampling length best suited to the surface can be selected.

On instruments that have a variable measuring speed, it is necessary to select the measuring
speed appropriate for the electrical filter used, in order to ensure the specified cut-off is
obtained. It is possible for various sampling lengths to be obtained by the use of a single filter
in conjunction with the selection of different measuring speeds, but for practical reasons this
method it is not often used.

A roughness filter is often used when measuring surfaces for characteristics related to
friction, wear, reflectivity, resistance to stress failure and lubricating properties. Waviness
can be filtered out so that the roughness can be observed in isolation. The roughness profile
includes only the shortest wavelengths, the longer wavelengths associated with waviness are
attenuated. Roughness is of significant interest in manufacturing, it is this feature of a surface
that defines how it looks, feels and behaves in contact with another surface.

A waviness filter is used to determine the effects of machine tool performance and also types
of component performance such as noise and vibration, that is to say the filter removes
profile and roughness. Waviness is also important is some optical applications.

Filtering can reduce the effect of vibrations without losing essential data and can be used to
reduce the need for accurate setting-up when using an independent datum. If the general form
of the surface is not parallel to the path of the pick-up, the graph will slope across the chart.
The slope is represented by low frequencies in the waveform; if this is filtered out the graph
produced is generally parallel to the chart co-ordinates.

Filters have been standardised to give a percentage transmission, X %, at the cut-off. This
results in the amplitudes of the irregularities having a spacing equal to the cut-off length
being reduced to X % of their true value. The amplitudes of shorter wavelength irregularities
will be unchanged, while those of the longer wavelength will be progressively reduced. In
normal applications this will not significantly affect the value of a surface texture parameter.

Surfaces having finely finished plateaux with deep valleys can have a reference line that is
undesirably influenced by the presence of the valleys. Filtering can suppress the valley
influence and produce a reference line that is more appropriate to the analysis of the surface
texture parameters of such artefacts.

The filtering process can be carried out in several stages. For example, the deep valleys
shown in figure 26 can distort the measurement by causing the filter mean line not to follow
the natural trend of the surface texture. The first mean line is determined by a preliminary
filtering of the primary profile, using the phase corrected filter and a cut-off wavelength of
38 Chapter 4

λc. All valley portions that lie below the mean line shown hatched in figure 26 are removed.
The primary profile is replaced by the curve of the mean line. The same filter is again used on
the profile with the valleys suppressed; the second mean line obtained is now the reference
line relative to which the assessment of profile parameters is performed. This reference line is
transferred to the original primary profile and the roughness profile can now be obtained from
the difference between the primary profile and the superimposed reference line. The above
example simply illustrates the possible complexities that can arise when considering filters.
This degree of complexity is not found in most situations.
39 Chapter 4

Figure 26 A typical filtering process, from ISO 13565

40 Chapter 4

Choice of measuring speed

Modern surface texture measuring instruments allow a range of speeds to suit different
applications. A pick-up traversing at a measuring speed of 1 mm s-1 over a surface having
peaks regularly spaced at intervals of 0.01 mm, would have a resulting frequency of 100 Hz
(100 peaks encountered over 1 s). By halving the measuring speed to 0.5 mm s-1, the
frequency will be halved, and by increasing the measuring speed to 2 mm s-1, the frequency
will double. The maximum frequency to be handled can, therefore, be brought within the
bandwidth of the system by selecting an appropriate maximum measuring speed. It is worth
noting that on a lot of surface texture measuring instruments (especially older models) the
measuring speed is fixed by the manufacturer and the end user has no control over this
parameter. The bandwidth of the signal amplifier is always greater than that of the recorder;
therefore, this factor can be ignored. However, the amplifier frequency response can be
modified by the use of a filter, for example, to separate roughness from waviness, so that the
filter bandwidth must be taken into account when calculating the maximum allowable
measuring speed.

Chapter summary

 Discusses the importance of environmental conditions.

 Discusses preparation for measurement.
 How to choose stylus size and shape.
 How to choose the cut-off wavelength (sampling length) and filters.
 How to determine the measurement speed.
Measuring surface
texture using 5

IN THIS CHAPTER  Comparison specimens

42 Chapter 5

As well as direct methods for measuring surface texture, such as by using a stylus
instrument, there are also less accurate but simple and convenient comparative
methods that can be used. The comparative methods are attempts to assess the
surface by means of observation and/or feel of the surface. Caution is required when
using comparison artefacts as the result is subjective - different results for the same surface
may be obtained by different users.

Comparison specimens
A standard set of comparison specimens consists of a wallet containing a number of
specimens covering example surface textures produced by various machining operations -
turning, milling (horizontal and vertical), grinding, lapping and reaming. This range of
finishes enables the user to compare his machined component with regard to feel and
appearance with that of the corresponding comparison specimen produced by the same
production process. Figure 27 is a photograph of a set of commercially available comparison

Figure 27 A standard set of comparison specimens, courtesy of Rubert + Co.

43 Chapter 5

Advantages of comparison specimens

• Superior to visual examination alone.

• Does not require skill in setting up and operating an electronic instrument.
• Portable.
• Fast and simple check.

Disadvantages of comparison specimens

• Subjectivity - individuals may obtain different readings for the same component.
• Practice and skill is required in maintaining consistent results.

Note that, if the surface of a part is to be specified for a given application it is essential, after
assessment using a comparison standard the surface must be given a numerical value. This
should be done by using appropriate equipment that can achieve direct measurement of the
surface texture.

Chapter summary

• Discusses the use of comparison specimens.

44 Chapter 5
measurements and 6
interpreting the

IN THIS CHAPTER  The 16 % rule and its application

 When to use the max-rule
 Selecting a cut-off wavelength
46 Chapter 6

he workpiece should be located on the instrument base when using tabletop machines
or on an appropriate surface if using a portable instrument. This step may require the
user to use some form of clamping mechanism on the workpiece. In general, for
heavy objects no clamping is required but, where the workpiece is small and light and
likely to move when measured, the use of clamps or a vice is recommended. Care should be
taken to ensure that the clamping forces do not distort the workpiece. In some cases the use of
waxes, plastercine or double-sided sticky tape are alternatives to clamping. The use of
restraining materials that are elastic by nature should be avoided due to the possibility of
movement occurring while measurement takes place.

The workpiece should now be aligned to the traverse direction of the measuring stylus within
the working range of the instrument. With hand held instruments this is carried out by
adjusting the level of the drive unit by the use of tilt adjustment knobs. For tabletop machines
a levelling table is often used allowing adjustment in the x and y axes. In some cases,
levelling a workpiece for measurement at high magnification requires considerable skill and
can be time consuming. Manufacturers can supply auto-levelling tables that allow automatic
adjustments to be made quickly and easily. However, auto-levelling requires a reasonable
degree of initial levelling to get enough of the scan in range. Using auto-levelling devices
requires a preliminary measurement to take place after which the table will adjust without
intervention from the user. If the machine is software based and contains the appropriate
algorithms, adjustment may be mathematically corrected by the tilt compensation function. It
should be noted that the measurement of the workpiece cannot be made if the level of the
workpiece is not within the instrument range.

The next stage is for the user to select the parameters (sampling length, speed, etc.) required
for measurement. This selection will depend on the type and manufacture of the instrument
and reference should be made to the appropriate operating manual.

Usually, at least ten measurements should be made. Measurement areas should be selected to
be typical of the surface as a whole. Areas where there are obvious holes, scratches or other
machining damage should be avoided. This issue is a particular problem when measuring the
surfaces of ceramics.

The measurement traverse can then be made. On computer-based instruments, it may be

possible to specify files and parameters to be applied to a profile after it has been measured.
In this case it is still necessary to consider their specification before measurement in order to
get a suitable measurement length, speed, etc. On completion of the measurement, the results
are output in various forms depending on the make and manufacturer of the instrument. They
will normally take the form of a trace, a printout of results or a file held in computer memory.

Under visual examination of the workpiece it will be seen whether the surface texture is
markedly different over various areas or homogeneous over the whole. Surface texture
parameters are not useful for the description of surface defects such as scratches and pores
and should not be considered during surface texture inspection. If the surface is
homogeneous, then parameter values taken from anywhere on the surface can be used for
comparison with requirements specified on drawings or specification documents. If the
surface texture is markedly different over the workpieces, then parameter values determined
over each area must be used separately for comparison. For stated requirements that specify
47 Chapter 6

the upper limit of the parameter, the areas of the surface that indicate maximum values will
be used for comparison.

The 16 % rule and its application

Where the requirements specify an upper limit of a parameter, the surface is considered
acceptable if not more than 16 % of all the measured values, based on the evaluation length,
exceed the value specified on the drawing. This rule should only be applied when the
measurements are distributed over a representative area of the surface.

Conversely, for requirements specifying a lower limit of the parameter, the surface is
considered acceptable if not more than 16 % of all measured values, based on the evaluation
length, are less than the value specified on the drawing.

When to use the max-rule

Where the requirements specify a maximum value of the parameter, none of the measured
values of the parameter over the entire surface can exceed the value specified. To designate
the maximum permissible value of the parameter, the “max” index has to be added to the
parameter symbol (for example, Rzmax).

Selecting a cut-off wavelength

Where the sampling length is specified on the drawing, the cut-off length wavelength λc is
chosen equal to the sampling length. Where a sampling length is not specified then the
procedures detailed below should be used.

Procedure for non-periodic roughness profile

This group of surfaces may cause problems in obtaining meaningful roughness

measurements. The surface has no repetitive structure and includes cast components, sintered
and porous materials and sandblasted items. All of these surfaces are characterised by having
a more granular structure than other materials commonly used in engineering. Some of these
surfaces exhibit re-entrant features that cannot be traced by the stylus and, therefore, surface
texture measurements should be approached with caution. The following procedure should be

1. Estimate the unknown roughness profile parameter for example, Ra, Rz, by visual
inspection, use of roughness comparisons or graphical analysis of a profile trace or a
primary profile (unfiltered) measurement.

2. Tables 4 and 5 show values of sampling length typically associated with different
bands of Ra and Rz values. Select the sampling length corresponding to the parameter
estimated in step 1.
48 Chapter 6

3. Using a measuring instrument, obtain a representative measurement of the chosen

parameter using the sampling length specified in step 2.

4. Compare the measured parameter value from step 3 with the range of values given in
tables 4 and 5 for the sampling length used. If the measured parameter value lies
within the range of values for the sampling length used, go to step 7.

5. If the measured parameter value lies outside the range of values for the sampling
length used, adjust the instrument to the higher or lower sampling length indicated by
the value measured in step 3.

6. Make a new parameter measurement at the adjusted setting. This value should now lie
in the range for the sampling length used as specified in table 4 or 5. If it does not, go
back to step 5.

7. Make a representative measurement of the roughness parameter by using the next

smaller sampling length. (Depending on the action taken at step 5, the measurement
from step 3 might already provide this information).

8. Check to see if the combination of roughness parameter and sampling length from
step 7 corresponds to that which is specified in table 4 or 5.

9. If only the acceptable setting from step 3 or the final setting from step 6 (in the case
where steps 5 and 6 were carried out) provides a parameter value and sampling length
that are consistent with tables 4 or 5 (while step 7 provides an inconsistent
combination), then both the sampling length selection and parameter value indication
from step 3 or step 6 respectively are correct.

10. If the measurement at step 7 also provides a consistent combination of parameter

value and sampling length as specified in tables 4 or 5, then this shorter sampling
length and corresponding parameter value are correct.

11. The correct sampling length is now established by step 9 and step 10. Further
representative measurements of selected parameters should be made using this cut-off
wavelength (sampling length).

Ra Roughness sampling Roughness evaluation

length length
lr ln
/µm /mm /mm
(0.006) <Ra ≤ 0.02 0.08 0.4
0.02 <Ra ≤ 0.1 0.25 1.25
0.1 <Ra ≤ 2 0.8 4
2 <Ra ≤ 10 2.5 12.5
10 <Ra ≤ 80 8 40
Table 4 Estimates for choosing roughness sampling lengths for the measurement of non-periodic profiles,
ISO 4288
49 Chapter 6

Rz Roughness sampling Roughness evaluation

Rz1max length length
lr ln
/µm /mm /mm
(0.025) <Rz Rz1 max≤ 0.1 0.08 0.4
0.1<Rz Rz1 max≤ 0.5 0.25 1.25
0.5<Rz Rz1 max≤ 10 0.8 4
10 <Rz Rz1 max≤ 50 2.5 12.5
50 <Rz Rz1 max≤ 200 8 40
Rz is used when measuring Rz, Rv, Rp, Rc and Rt
Rz1max is used only when measuring Rz1max, Rv1max, Pr1max and Rc1max
Table 5 Estimates for choosing roughness sampling lengths for the measurement of non-periodic profiles,
ISO 4288

Procedure for periodic roughness profile

A periodic surface is one that has a structure that repeats at a given spatial frequency, for
example a turned surface. Even ground surfaces show some repetitiveness. On some surfaces
these repetitive features are clearly visible, either on the workpiece itself or the profile. The
presence of certain repetitive features, however small, can indicate tool wear, machine
vibration or machine deficiencies, so it is obviously important to identify them. If a profile
were perfectly periodic such as a sine wave, the relationship of a given group of points will
repeat exactly at a distance equal to the wavelength. The following procedure should be
applied to determine the sampling length:

1. Estimate graphically the parameter RSm of the surface of unknown roughness.

2. Determine the corresponding sampling length using table 6.

3. Measure the RSm value using the sampling length setting determined in step 2.

4. If the RSm value obtained in step 3 relates to a smaller or greater cut-off wavelength
value than in step 2, use the smaller or greater cut-off wavelength value. Otherwise,
retain the cut-off wavelength (sampling length) used in step 2.

5. Obtain a representative measurement of the selected parameter(s) using the cut-off

wavelength (sampling length) estimated in step 4.
50 Chapter 6

RSm Roughness sampling Roughness evaluation

length length
lr ln
/mm /mm /mm
0.013 < RSm ≤ 0.04 0.08 0.4
0.04 < RSm ≤ 0.13 0.25 1.25
0.13 < RSm ≤ 0.4 0.8 4
0.4 < RSm ≤ 1.3 2.5 12.5
1.3 < RSm ≤ 4 8 40
Table 6 Estimates for choosing roughness sampling lengths for the measurement of periodic profiles, ISO

Chapter summary

 Presents the 16 % rule.

 Presents the max-rule.
 How to select a cut-off wavelength.
IN THIS CHAPTER  Type A – Depth measurement artefact
 Type B – Tip condition measurement
 Type C – Spacing measurement artefact
 Type D – Roughness measurement
 Type E – Profile co-ordinate measurement
 Calibration Procedure
 Type F standards - software
52 Chapter 7

urface texture measuring instruments are calibrated using calibration artefacts
(sometimes referred to as material measures). The calibration of a wide range of
instruments operating in a variety of conditions demands more than one type of
artefact. ISO 5436-1 identifies five main types of artefact, each of which may have a
number of variants. Each of the calibration artefact types has a limited range of application
according to its own characteristics and those of the instrument to be calibrated. These are
summarised in Table 7. Type A artefacts are useful for checking the vertical magnification
factor of an instrument but no information is given regarding the calibration of the instrument
in the scanning axis. For this check, a Type C artefact should be used. It is always wise to
check the overall calibration of an instrument, that is to say its overall ability to measure and
calculate a surface texture parameter – for this calibration a Type D artefact is used. Lastly,
one should always check that the stylus is performing to its specification – for this check a
Type B artefact is used. It is, therefore, suggested that all users of surface texture measuring
instruments have at least four artefacts available that have been previously calibrated using a
higher-accuracy, traceable system. Type E artefacts are also required for checking the form
measuring capabilities of an instrument. The calibration artefacts detailed above require
calibration to a known standard. Interferometry or another stylus instrument that has been
traceably calibrated can be used. There must be an unbroken and documented chain of
calibration to the primary standard of length. This chain is a requirement of ISO 9000: 2005.

Type Name Uses

A Depth measurement artefact Calibration of the vertical profile -
has wide grooves of a known depth
B Tip condition measurement Calibration of the condition of the
artefact stylus tip - has narrow grooves of
various depths and widths
C Spacing measurement artefact Calibration of the vertical profile
may also be used for calibrating
horizontal profiles in certain
D Roughness measurement artefact Overall calibration of the
E Profile co-ordinate measurement Calibration of the profile co-
artefact ordinate system of the instrument

Table 7 Types and names of calibration artefacts

Type A – Depth measurement artefact

Type A1- Wide grooves with flat bottoms

Type A1 artefacts take the form of a wide calibrated groove with a flat bottom, a ridge with a
flat top, or a number of such separated features of equal or increasing depth or height (see
figure 28). Each feature is wide enough to accommodate the shape or condition of the stylus
53 Chapter 7

tip. A significant number of traces, a minimum of five, should be taken, distributed evenly
over the measuring window.

Figure 28 Type A1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

The following text from an older standard (BS 6393: 1987) describes how to measure Type
A1 standards. “A continuous straight mean line equal in length to three times the width of the
groove is drawn over the groove to represent the upper level of the surface and another to
represent the lower level, both lines extending symmetrically about the centre of the groove
(see figure 29). To avoid the influence of any rounding of the corners, the upper surface on
each side of the groove is to be ignored for a length equal to one-third of the width of the
groove. The surface at the bottom of the groove is assessed only over the central third of its
width. The portions to be used for assessment purposes are therefore those at A, B, and C in
figure 29. The depth d of the groove shall be assessed perpendicularly from the upper mean
line to the mid-point of the lower mean line. A significant number, not less than five, of
evenly distributed traces shall be taken.” Note that the where the standard suggests that the
“…groove shall be assessed perpendicularly from the…”, this should say “…groove shall be
assessed perpendicularly to the traverse axis from the…”.
54 Chapter 7

Figure 29 Procedure for the assessment of Type A1 artefacts

Type A2 – Wide grooves with rounded bottoms

This artefact is similar to Type A1 except that the grooves have rounded bottoms (see figure
30). The radius is sufficiently large to be insensitive to the shape or condition of the stylus
tip. A significant number of traces, a minimum of five, should be taken, distributed evenly
over the measuring window.

Figure 30 Type A2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

55 Chapter 7

Type B – Tip condition measurement artefact

Type B1
These artefacts have narrow grooves or a number of separated grooves of different width
designed to be increasingly sensitive to the dimensions of the stylus tip. The grooves have
rounded bottoms the radiuses of which are sensitive to the stylus tip.

Type B2
These artefacts have two or more groove patterns on a common base. Comparing the Ra
value on each groove patch indicates the stylus condition. A significant number of traces, a
minimum of eighteen, should be taken, evenly distributed over the measuring window. A
filter should be used having a λc cut-off according to the instruments certificate or according
to ISO 4287.

The sensitive groove pattern is formed by isosceles triangular grooves that have sharp peaks
and valleys (see figure 31) - Ra is dependent on the size of the stylus tip.

Figure 31 Type B2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

The insensitive groove pattern is formed by sinusoidal or arcuate grooves, which make Ra
independent of the stylus tip (see figure 32).
56 Chapter 7

Figure 32 Type B2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type B3
This artefact has a fine protruding edge. The radius and apex angle must be smaller than the
radius and apex angle of the stylus being assessed. The stylus condition can be assessed by
traversing the specimen and recording the surface profile. This method can only be used with
direct profiling instruments with low traversing speeds. Figure 33 illustrates the use of a Type
B3 artefact that has been produced using a sharp razor blade. It should be noted that Type B3
artefacts made using commercially available razor blades are easily damaged and difficult to
manufacture. It is preferable to use Type B1 or Type B2 artefacts.

Figure 33 Type B3 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

57 Chapter 7

Type C – Spacing measurement artefact

These artefacts are used mainly for calibrating vertical profile components. However they can
be used for the calibration of horizontal profile components providing the spacing of the
grooves is held within limits acceptable for this purpose. They have repetitive grooves with
various shapes.

Type C1
This artefact has grooves having a sine wave profile and is characterised by RSm and Ra (see
figure 34). The values chosen should ensure that the attenuation by the stylus or filter is
negligible. A significant number of traces, a minimum of twelve should be taken, evenly
distributed over the measuring window. The parameters should be calculated according to
ISO 4287.

Figure 34 Type C1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type C2
This artefact has grooves having an isosceles triangular profile and is characterised by RSm,
Ra and the angle α (see figure 35). The values chosen should ensure that the attenuation by
the stylus or filter is negligible. A significant number of traces, a minimum of twelve, should
be taken evenly distributed over the measuring window. The parameters should be calculated
according to ISO 4287.

Figure 35 Type C2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type C3
This artefact simulates approximate sine wave grooves by means of a triangular profile with
rounded or truncated peaks and valleys (see figure 36). A significant number of traces, a
58 Chapter 7

minimum of twelve, should be taken evenly distributed over the measuring window. The
parameters should be calculated according to ISO 4287.

Figure 36 Type C3 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type C4
This artefact has grooves with an arcuate profile and is characterised by PSm and Pa (see
figure 37). The values chosen should ensure that the attenuation by the stylus is negligible. A
significant number of traces, a minimum of twelve, should be taken evenly distributed over
the measuring window. The parameters should be calculated according to ISO 4287.

Figure 37 Type C4 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type D – Roughness measurement artefact

These artefacts are commonly used for the overall calibration of instruments. To get the full
benefit of the Type D artefact, it is normally necessary to average a statistically determined
number of appropriately positioned tracings.
59 Chapter 7

Type D1 – Unidirectional irregular profile

The artefact has an irregular profile in the direction of the traverse (similar to a ground
profile) and that repeats in the longitudinal direction after some number (usually five) of the
sampling lengths for which it is designed (see figure 38). The profile shape is constant normal
to the measuring direction of the artefact. The artefact simulates workpieces containing a
wide range of crest spacing and provides reassurance of a final overall check on calibration.
The artefact is characterised by Ra and Rz.

Figure 38 Type D1 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

A significant number of traces, a minimum of twelve, should be taken evenly distributed over
the measuring window. The parameters should be calculated according to ISO 4287. Note
that these artefacts should be used only at the cut-off specified in their calibration certificate.

Type D2 – Circular irregular profile

This artefact is characterised by Ra and Rz and has irregular profiles repeated every 5λc in
the radial direction (see figure 39). Normal to the measuring direction of the artefact (in the
circumferential direction), the profile shape is constant. A significant number of traces, a
minimum of twelve, should be taken evenly distributed over the measuring window. The
parameters should be calculated according to ISO 4287. Note that these artefacts should be
used only at the cut-off specified by their calibration certificate.
60 Chapter 7

Figure 39 Type D2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

Type E – Profile co-ordinate measurement artefact

Type E1 – Spherical dome

This artefact is characterised by its radius and Pt. The radius of the sphere or hemisphere
should be sufficient to allow the stylus tip to remain in contact with the surface and not foul
on the stem of the stylus during the traverse that should be set symmetrically either side of
the highest point of the intended trace.

Type E2 – Trapezoidal
This artefact is a precision prism characterised by the angles between the surfaces and Pt on
each surface (see figure 40). The size and shape of the artefact should be such that the stylus
tip remains in contact with the surface and does not foul on the stem of the stylus during the
traverse. The traverse should be chosen to give a symmetrical trace over the profile. The
length of the top plane should be long enough to allow the artefact to be levelled in a stable

Figure 40 Type E2 calibration artefact, from ISO 5436-1

61 Chapter 7

Calibration procedure

The instrument should be calibrated at the place of use and all ambient conditions that
influence the instrument in service should be taken into consideration. Before calibration the
operation of the stylus instrument should be checked against the manufacturer’s operating

The key steps in calibration are as follows:

 Align the artefact to within 10 % of the measuring range.

 Select the measuring conditions:

 sampling length

 evaluation length

 cut-off wavelength

 Carry out the specified measurements on each artefact distributed over the
measurement surface.

Type F standards - software

Part 2 of ISO 5436 describes the use of reference software and reference data sets
(softgauges) to aid in calibration of a surface texture measuring instrument. ISO 5436 part 2
defines Type F1 (reference data) and Type F2 (reference software) software measurement
standards for testing the numerical correctness of software used in surface texture
measurement. Reference software is used as a benchmark against which software in a
measuring instrument can be compared. A data set is used as input to both the software under
test and the reference software, and the results delivered by the software under test are
compared with those provided by the reference software. Software measurement standards
can be found at

Chapter summary

 Discusses the different types of calibration artefacts.

 Discussed the calibration procedure.
 Discusses software measurement standards.
62 Chapter 7
IN THIS CHAPTER  Uncertainty in the measurement of vertical
 The influence quantities
 Further influence quantities
 Calculation of the total uncertainty in a
vertical displacement
 Uncertainty in the displacement in the
traverse direction
 Uncertainties in the surface texture
 Measurement Uncertainty – A Worked
64 Chapter 8

he measurement of surface texture is a very complicated process that depends on a
number of factors. For this reason it is not easy to calculate measurement
uncertainties. For an introductory understanding of measurement uncertainties the
reader is referred to NPL Measurement Good Practice Guide 11 (Issue 2). For a more
thorough understanding of the subject the reader should refer to M3003, “The expression of
uncertainty and confidence in measurement” (UKAS) and PD 6461 (1995) Vocabulary of
metrology – Part 3. “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” (popularly
known as the GUM). Note that this standard has been withdrawn as it is based on the 1993
edition of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM). ISO has
recently republished the 1995 (corrected) edition of the GUM as ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008.

A rigorous uncertainty analysis is beyond the scope of this guide. However, the following is a
simplified method that will always tend to overestimate the measurement uncertainty of a
stylus instrument. The final uncertainty figures will be the uncertainty in the measurement of
displacement in the x and z axes of the instrument. These values should always be quoted on
a calibration certificate or with a measurement report. To calculate the uncertainties in some
surface texture parameters, for example Ra, is a very complicated task and is usually only
attempted by the laboratories close to the top of the traceability chain. However, the
uncertainty in certain surface texture parameters, such as Rp or Rv can be calculated using the
method described in the following sections. Guidelines for quoting the variation of a surface
texture parameter over a surface are given.

Note that this uncertainty analysis relies on the fact that at least twelve repeat measurements
are made on a surface (with the exception of the five measurements of the step height

Uncertainty in the measurement of vertical displacement

As discussed in section 7, a Type A1 or Type A2 artefact should be used to calibrate the
accuracy of the pick-up and transducer arrangement or the vertical magnification factor of the
instrument. Such an artefact should ideally be supplied with a traceable calibration certificate
on which there will be at least two numbers of interest (dC and U d C described below).

Once the artefact has been measured and the instrument adjusted to read as close as possible
to the value of the step height quoted on the certificate (if this is possible), the corrected
measurement of a vertical height, Z, will be given by

Z = CZ m (8.1)

where Zm is the measured height and C is the calibration factor given by

C= (8.2)
65 Chapter 8

where dm is the step height measured by the instrument and dC is the step height quoted on the
calibration certificate. Note that ISO 5436-1 advocates that a minimum of five measurements
should be taken to determine dm. Zm will depend on a number of additive factors, but the most
influential are represented in equation (8.3)

Z m = Z p + Z ref + Z n + Z pl + Z tip . (8.3)

The factors that influence Zm, and how they are determined, are now explained in detail in the
section on influence quanaties. Note that when measuring influence quantities, the instrument
should already have been calibrated and adjusted as described above (that is to say, the value
of C is close to unity).

The influence quantities

The traced profile, Zp

Zp is the actual height value at a given point in the measurement. Zp does not affect this
uncertainty analysis, but is part of the measurement process.

Slideway profile, Zref

A measurement of height will be affected by any imperfections in the profile of the datum
slideway or skid. To determine the effect of the datum, either an optical flat or the top surface
of a Type E2 artefact should be measured over the traverse length of interest. From this
profile it is necessary to determine the largest deviation from a best-fit mean line, that is to
say the Pt value for the profile (Zref = Pt). This value will tend to make the measurement
uncertainty larger than it is for a specific area of the datum, but will never allow the
measurement uncertainty to be too small.

Instrument noise, Zn

Every measurement made by the instrument will be subject to random measurement error that
can be determined by taking a measurement without actually moving the slideway.
Alternatively, a high quality optical flat or the top surface of a Type E2 artefact should be
measured over the traverse length of interest and the Pq value determined (Zn = Pq).

Note that it is important to use an optical flat or Type E2 artefact that has flatness and surface
texture less than the resolution of the instrument.

Plastic deformation error, Zpl

Plastic deformation of the surface can occur and depends on the stylus and surface materials,
the stylus force and shape and the local curvature or slopes on the surface. The contribution
of this term to the uncertainty analysis is difficult to calculate, but from the literature a value
66 Chapter 8

for Zpl of 20 nm is probably pessimistic for a metal surface measured with a 2 µm radius
stylus and a 0.75 mN stylus force. The value of Zpl of 20 nm is, therefore, suggested unless
calculations can be carried out to determine a more realistic value of Zpl.

Effect of tip geometry, Ztip

The uncertainty contribution due to tip geometry is only required when measuring surfaces
with wavelength that are less than the radius of the stylus tip. The contribution of the tip
geometry on a vertical height measurement can only be calculated for a number of very
simple surfaces and is beyond the scope of this guide. Instead, the tip condition should
always be checked using a Type B gauge (see chapter 7) and any measurements should be
stated with the disclaimer “The surface has been measured with a stylus of tip radius r µm,
and any wavelength less than r µm will be distorted”.

Further influence quantities

There will be a number of further factors that affect a measurement of surface texture, for
example, expansion of the instrument due to temperature variations in the room, vibration of
the instrument and the effect of any filters. Some of these quantities will be included in the
factors described above. The effect of the filters is to distort some wavelength structures
around the cut-off of the filters. For the purposes of this uncertainty analysis a disclaimer
must be added to any measurements that states the cut-off wavelengths used, for example,
“The surface has been measured using a cut-off wavelength, λc, of 0.8 mm”. Of course,
where other filters are used, such as λs and λf filters, the cut-off values must be quoted.

Calculation of the total uncertainty in a vertical

The standard uncertainty, U, in measuring a height, Z, is calculated by inserting the influence
quantities described above into equation (8.4). Details of how the equation was derived are
not presented here, but the complications arise due to the need to calculate the sensitivities of
the factors to the measurement and their statistical distributions.

2 2
U Z = Z m U C2 + C 2U Z2m (8.4)

where UC is the standard uncertainty in the calibration constant and U Z m is the standard
uncertainty in the actual measurement of a height, Zm. UC is given by

U d2C d c2U d2m
U = C + . (8.5)
d m2 (d m2 ) 2
67 Chapter 8

U d m is the precision of the surface texture measuring instrument (the standard error of the
mean of the repeated results to determine dm) and U d C is the standard uncertainty quoted on
the calibration certificate of the calibration artefact (note that this value may require a
conversion factor, see the example in the section Worked Example later in this chapter). Uz is
given by

Z ref Z pl2
U Z2 = + Z n2 + . (8.6)
12 3

Once all the values for the above terms have been calculated, the value for UZ can be found
by simply taking the square root. This is known as the combined standard uncertainty. To
calculate an expanded uncertainty at 95 % confidence, UTZ, (required by UKAS), UZ should
be multiplied by 2.

All this mathematics may seem a bit daunting at first, but really one only has to be able to
multiply, divide and find squares and square roots. This is much easier to understand with the
aid of an example (see section Measurement Uncertainty – A Worked Example). When
calculating uncertainty, one should try to follow the example as much as possible.

Uncertainty in the displacement in the traverse direction

Once again, it is very complicated to calculate the uncertainty in a displacement measurement
in the direction of scan or x axis. A full derivation is beyond the scope of this guide and
should only be attempted by those laboratories that are close to the top of the traceability
chain. To a close approximation, an uncertainty in the x axis need only be stated when
quoting a spacing or hybrid surface texture parameter (see section on spacing parameters in
chapter 3 and hybrid parameters also in chapter 3). A Type C artefact should be used to
calibrate a displacement in the x axis with an RSm as close as possible to that of the surface
being measured (determined by the rules in chapter 6 Selecting a cut-off wavelength) and at
least twelve measurements should be taken over different sections of the x axis. To a first
approximation, the uncertainty in the measurement of a spacing parameter is the standard
error of the mean of the results of the repeat measurements. The expanded uncertainty (at
95 % confidence) is then twice the standard error of the mean. Calculation of the uncertainty
for a hybrid parameter is beyond the scope of this guide. Therefore, if a hybrid parameter
must be quoted or certified it should carry the disclaimer “The uncertainty in this parameter
has not been calculated, but the uncertainty in the x axis is UTX µm and the uncertainty in the
z axis is UTZ µm at 95 % confidence”.
68 Chapter 8

Uncertainties in the surface texture parameters

Uncertainty in the amplitude parameters

The uncertainty in Rp, Rv, Rz, Rc and Rt is found by simply substituting the parameter value
for Z in equation (8.4) and combining this in quadrature with the standard error of the mean
of at least twelve measurements over different areas of the surface.

Uncertainty in the amplitude parameter (average of ordinates)

The uncertainty in Ra, Rq, Rsk and Rku cannot be calculated as described earlier due to the
complexity of the definition of these parameters. When quoting or certifying these
parameters, twice the standard error of the mean of at least twelve measurements over
different areas of the surface should be quoted along with the disclaimer “The uncertainty in
this parameter has been taken as twice the standard error of the mean of the measurements
across the surface. The uncertainty in the z axis is UTZ µm at 95 % confidence”.

Uncertainty in the spacing and hybrid parameters

Uncertainty in the spacing paramteres has been dealt with in the section on uncertainty in the
displacement in the traverse direction 8.5.

Measurement uncertainty – a worked example

The following is an example of an uncertainty calculation for an imaginary instrument known

hereafter as “ACMESURF”. ACMESURF has been calibrated in the z axis using a Type A1
artefact and has been calibrated in the x axis using a Type C1 artefact.

We shall first consider the uncertainty in the z displacement. To determine U from equation
(8.4) we first need to calculate equations (8.5) and (8.6). The terms in equation (8.5) are the

dm the measured value of the depth of the Type A1 artefact using ACMESURF, in this
case 330 nm,
dC the calibrated value of the depth of the Type A1 artefact quoted on the certificate, in
this case 301 nm,
U dm the standard error of the mean of five repeat measurements of dm using ACMESURF,
in this case 30 nm,
U dC the uncertainty in the calibrated depth of the Type A1 artefact quoted on the
calibration certificate, in this case 12 nm, but this is quoted with a coverage factor of 2
so the value of U d C is 6 nm.
69 Chapter 8

Inserting these values into equation (8.5) gives:

62 3012 × 30 2
U C2 = + = 0.0072 .
330 2 (330 × 330) 2

Therefore, U C = 0.0072 = 0.0849 nm. The terms in equation (8.6) are:

Zref the error in the slideway profile, in the case an optical flat was measured to have a Pt
value of 27 nm,
Zn the instrument noise, in this case an optical flat was measured to have a Pq value of
14 nm,
Zpl the error due to plastic deformation, in this case taken as 20 nm.

Inserting these values into equation (8.6) gives:

27 2 20 2
U Z2 = + 14 2 + = 390.08 .
12 3

Therefore, U Z = 390.08 = 19.751 nm.

The terms in equation (8.4) are now:

UC = from equation (8.5), in this case 0.0849 nm,

C = the ratio of dC to dm, in this case 301/330 = 0.9124,
U Zm = from equation (8.6), in this case 19.751 nm,
Zm = the z displacement that is measured.

Inserting these values into equation (8.4) gives:

2 2
U Z2 = Z m × 0.0849 2 + 0.9124 2 × 19.7512 = 324.750 + 0.0072 × Z m .

Finally, the expanded uncertainty of at 95 % confidence is given by

U TZ = 2 × 324.750 + 0.0072 × Z m nm.

Table 8 shows the change in UTZ with measured height, Zm. It can be seen that the term in the
equation for UTZ that depends on Zm only begins to take effect around 100 nm.
70 Chapter 8

Zm / nm UTZ / nm
1 37
10 37
100 40
1000 174
Table 8 Change of the total uncertainty in a height measurement with height

To calculate the uncertainty in the x direction, a Type C3 sinusoidal artefact with a period of
0.25 µm was measured by ACMESURF in twenty locations and the RSm value calculated for
each measured profile. A mean value of 0.256 µm with a standard deviation of 18 nm was
calculated from the RSm values. As discussed in section 8.5, the value of the standard error of
the mean is the value quoted as the standard uncertainty, so the combined uncertainty in a
measurement of displacement in the x axis is UTX is 8 nm at 95 % confidence (2 × 18/√20).

Twelve measurements are then made using ACMESURF of Rp, Ra and RSm. The mean value
of Rp was calculated to be 1213 nm with a standard error of the mean of 40 nm, the mean
value of Ra was 45 nm with a standard deviation of 7 nm and the mean value of RSm was 108
nm with a standard deviation of 31 nm. The measurement results should be quoted as in table
9. Note to calculate the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation is divided by the
square root of the number of measurements, in this case twelve. By substituting Z = 1213 into
324.750 + 0.0072 × Z 2 a value of UZ = 104 nm is obtained. The combined uncertainty in Rp

is found by adding 40 nm in quadrature with 104 nm, that is to say. 40 2 + 104 2 = 112 nm
and multiplying by 2 to give the expanded uncertainty at 95 % confidence.

Parameter Parameter Standard Expanded

value/nm deviation/nm Uncertainty/nm
Rp 1213 139 224
Ra 45 7 4
RSm 108 31 8
Table 9 Quoted uncertainties for measurements made with ACMESURF

Along with the table, the following disclaimers should be stated:

“The uncertainty in Ra has been taken as twice the standard error of the mean of 12 repeated
measurements across the surface. The uncertainty in the z axis is 2 × 391.285 + 0.010 × Z 2
nm at 95 % confidence”.

“The uncertainty in RSm has not been calculated, but the uncertainty in the x axis is 8 nm at
95 % confidence”.
71 Chapter 8

Chapter summary

 Discusses the various influence quantities.

 Shows how to calculate of the total uncertainty in a vertical displacement.
 Shows how to calculate the uncertainty in the displacement in the traverse direction.
 Shows how to calculate uncertainties in the surface texture parameters.
 Gives a worked example of an uncertainty calculation.
72 Chapter 8
Health and safety
IN THIS CHAPTER  Mechanical hazards
 Chemical hazards
74 Chapter 9

S urface texture measuring instrument and artefacts themselves are intrinsically safe.
Hazards are, therefore, likely to arise mainly from their mis-use. Some specific things to
look for when carrying out a risk assessment are listed below.

Mechanical hazards
Some measurement artefacts may be relatively heavy (for example, an engine block). The
appropriate lifting techniques and equipment should always be used and safety shoes worn.
Operators should wear laboratory coats or overalls for safety reasons and to prevent fibres
shed from clothing from falling on items being measured.

Chemical hazards
Chemicals may need to be used for cleaning purposes. Make sure the manufacturer’s safety
guidance is followed and the relevant personal protective equipment worn. Substances may be
covered by the COSHH regulations.

• Take care when using cleaning solvents and oils and always wear the appropriate
protective equipment.
IN THIS CHAPTER  Appendix A Parameters previously in
general use.
 Appendix B Appendix B Specifying
surface texture ISO 1302.
 Appendix C Links to other useful sources of
76 Chapter 10

Appendix A Parameters previously in general use

The following descriptions may appear on older machines and in older literature and are,
therefore, included for completeness. However, where possible the up-to-date specification
standards should be used.

Roughness profile: R
The roughness profile is an assessed profile, which is obtained from the primary profile by
filtering out longer waves (waviness component) as specified by the cut-off length λc. Note
that the λc described in this Appendix is not the same as that in the modern standards.

Filtered waviness profile: WC

The filtered waviness profile is an assessed profile which is obtained from the primary profile
by filtering out shorter wavelengths (roughness component) as specified by cut-off length λf.
Note that the λf described in this Appendix is not the same as that in the modern standards.

Filtered centre line waviness profile: WCA

The filtered centre line waviness profile is an assessed profile which is obtained from the
primary profile by filtering longer waves (waviness components), as specified by λc and
shorter waves (roughness components), as specified by λf while passing mid-range waves.

Sampling length: L
The sampling length is the minimum evaluation length used to obtain an evaluation value
from an assessed profile, according to the selected parameter. The sampling lengths of
roughness and waviness profiles are identical to cut-off length λc and λf, respectively. The
sampling length of WCA corresponds to λf.

Evaluation length: ln
The evaluation length is the sum of a number of (integer) sampling lengths. This is the entire
length of a profile over which data will be collected. A standard roughness evaluation length
comprises five sample lengths. The sample length is always equal to the filter cut-off length.
In general evaluation of surface texture, all of the data logged in each sampling length is
averaged throughout the evaluation length, yielding the evaluation value (such as Ra, Rq, Ry
(ISO/JIS), Pc, Sm, HSC and S). However, depending on the parameters, the evaluation values
may use the maximum value of the entire length (for example, Ry (DIN), Rp, Rv and Rt).

Traverse length: lt
The traverse length equals the sum of the evaluation length, pre-travel length and post travel
length. The evaluation length will be shorter than the traverse length to eliminate the effects of
drive motors accelerating and decelerating, and electrical filters settling down.

Average ten point height of irregularities: Rz

The ten-point height of irregularities is the difference between the average height of the five
highest peaks from the mean line and the average depth of the five deepest valleys from the
mean line. This parameter is used to reduce the effect of the odd scratches or spurious
77 Chapter 10

irregularities. It requires only one sampling length and is therefore useful when only a short
length of surface is available for measurement.

Third point height: R3Z

This parameter provides a simpler method of obtaining the kind of average value that Rz
provides but entails two instead of ten points. It is the distance between the third highest peak
and the third lowest valley. The two parameters will not necessarily give the same result. The
method should be regarded as a means of estimating the true mean given by Rz. The parameter
is used in Japan and Germany within the automotive industry.

Maximum height of the profile: Ry (ISO/JIS)

The maximum height of the profile is the distance between the maximum peak height and the
minimum valley depth from the mean line in each sampling length. Ry (ISO/JIS) is the mean
value of the maximum peak-to-valley heights in the evaluation length.

Maximum height of the profile: Ry (DIN)

The maximum height of the profile is the distance between the maximum peak height and the
minimum valley depth from the mean line in sampling length. Ry (DIN) is the maximum value
of the maximum peak-to-valley heights in the evaluation length.

Total peak-to-valley height: Rt

The total peak to valley height is the sum of the maximum profile peak height Rpmax and the
maximum profile valley depth Rvmax, the vertical height between the highest and lowest
points on the profile within the evaluation length. Rt is used to specify maximum roughness
height rather than the mean height that Ra gives. This parameter is used when tactile
assessment of the surface is required for handling purposes.

Peak to valley heights

 Maximum peak-to-valley height within the sampling length L: Rmax.
 The mean value of the Rmax of five consecutive sampling lengths: Rtm.
 Height of the highest point of the profile above the centre line within the sampling
length L: Rp.
 The mean value of the Rp of five consecutive sampling lengths: Rpm.

Peak count: Pc
The peak count is the number of peak-valley pairs (cycles) per unit length along the mean line
of the profile within the sampling length. Two lines (count levels) that are parallel to the mean
line are drawn at equal distances above and below the mean line. Each profile cycle between
intersections of the profile and the mean line, between which a peak projects above the upper
count level and an adjacent valley drops below the lower count level is counted as one peak-
valley cycle.

Mean spacing of profile irregularities: Sm

The mean spacing of profile irregularities is equal to the mean wavelength of the peak-valley
cycles. It is the reciprocal of the Pc value.
78 Chapter 10

High spot count: HSC

High spot count is the number of peaks per unit length along the mean line of the profile
within the sampling length. A line (count level) that is parallel to the mean line is drawn above
the mean line. Each peak that projects above the specified count level and has a local peak is
known as a high spot count peak. Note: a local peak should have valleys on both sides, which
are Ry/100 or more below the peak, or should be L/100 or more to the left and right from both
adjacent peaks.

Mean spacing of local peaks of the profile: S

The mean spacing of the local peaks of the profile is equal to the mean of peak-to-peak
distances of the local peaks.

Amplitude distribution curve: ADC

Assume that the assessed profile is divided by lines parallel to the mean line at equal intervals
and the ratio of each area (which is determined by summing the sampling dots) between two
adjacent lines to the area over the evaluation length is defined as the amplitude distribution.
The amplitude distribution curve is created by plotting the level of each of the parallel lines on
the y axis and the obtained amplitude distribution (%) on the x axis.

Material ratio of the profile: mr

The material ratio of the profile is the ratio of the bearing length to the evaluation length. It is
represented as a percentage. The bearing length is the sum of section lengths obtained by
cutting the profile with a line (slice level) drawn parallel to the mean line at a given level. The
ratio is assumed to be 0 % if the slice level is at the highest peak, and 100 % if it is at the
deepest valley. Parameter mr determines the percentage of each bearing length ratio of a single
slice level or nineteen slice levels which are drawn at equal intervals within Rt: parameter δc
(Plateau ratio) determines the distance between the two slice levels which are represented by
two different percentages. The parameter mrd determines the percentage of a slice level each
time it is moved down at equal intervals from a given level in the profile

Bearing area curve: BAC

The bearing area curve is the graph obtained by plotting bearing length ratios (mr) on the x
axis against their corresponding slice level depths or heights on the y axis. BAC1 graph shows
the depths of the slice level (100 % down to 0 % of Rt) on the y axis; BAC2 is the graph that
displays the heights on the y axis. Note that in the older standards the y axis is the same as the
z axis in the new standards.

Bearing ratio: tp
This is the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the length of bearing surface at any specified
depth in the profile to the evaluation length. When components move in contact with one
another wear takes place, the bearing ratio simulates the effect of this wear. There are
limitations to its effectiveness in predicting wear due to the measurement being taken over a
length and not an area. It is determined over a short sample length and ignores waviness and
form and in practice two contacting surfaces are involved and each will have surfaces that play
a part in causing wear.
79 Chapter 10

Core roughness depth: Rk

Assume a straight line passes through two points that pinpoint the 40 % difference in mr and
the minimal difference in height on the BAC2 graph. The core roughness depth Rk, is the
difference between the heights of the slice level at 0 % of mr and at 100 % of mr on the
straight line.

These parameters are obtained from the BAC graph:

 Reduced peak height: Rpk

 Reduced valley height: Rvk
 Reduced peak area: A1
 Reduced valley area: A2
 Material ratio 1: mr1
 Material ratio 2: mr2

Maximum height of the profile: Ry (ISO/JIS)

The maximum height of the profile is the distance between the maximum peak height and the
maximum valley depth from the mean line in each sampling length. Ry (ISO/JIS) is the mean
value of the maximum peak-to-valley heights in the evaluation length.

Average wavelength: λa orλq

The average wavelength of the profile includes the spacing of every point on the flanks as well
as the crest spacing. It is derived mathematically from Fourier analysis. Numerically, average
wavelength is expressed as a length.
80 Chapter 10

Appendix B Specifying surface texture ISO 1302

The user should be aware of the rules for the indication of surface texture in technical product
documentation such as drawings, specifications, contracts and reports. This is communicated
by means of graphical symbols and textual indications.

The basic graphical symbol illustrated in figure 41 should not be used without the inclusion of
complementary information. It may only be used in isolation when its meaning is "the surface
under consideration" or explained by a note.

Figure 41 Basic graphical symbol for surface texture, from ISO 1302

B.1 Expanded graphical symbols

B.1.1 Removal of material required to obtain the indicated surface texture value

If removal of material is necessary in order to obtain the specified surface, a bar is inserted to
the basic graphical symbol; this is illustrated in figure 42. However, the expanded graphical
symbol should not be used without complementary information. If used in isolation its
meaning will indicate "a surface to be machined".

Figure 42 Graphical symbol for surface texture where material removal is required,

B.1.2 Removal of material not permitted

If removal of material is not permitted for obtaining the specified surface, a circle is added to
the basic graphical symbol (see figure 43). This symbol may also be used on a drawing to
relate to a manufacturing process to indicate a surface is to be left in the state resulting from a
preceding manufacturing process.
81 Chapter 10

Figure 43 Graphical symbol for surface texture where material removal is not permitted, from ISO 1302

B.2 The complete graphical symbol

When it is necessary to add complementary information, a horizontal line is added to any of

the graphical symbols illustrated in figures 41 to 43. The complete symbols are indicated in
figure 44.

Figure 44 Graphical symbol for surface texture where complimentary information is required, from ISO

B.3 Graphical symbol for “all surfaces around workpiece outline”

A further addition to the graphical symbol can be made if the same surface texture is required
on all surfaces around a workpiece outline. This is represented by the addition of a circle as
shown in figure 45.
82 Chapter 10

Figure 45 Graphical symbol for surface texture where the same texture is required on different surfaces,
from ISO 1302

The surfaces indicated represent the six surfaces shown in the 3D representation; these do not
include the front and rear surfaces of the workpiece.

B.4 Complete graphical symbol for surface texture

In order to ensure that the surface texture requirement is expressed without ambiguity, further
information is added to the graphical symbol. This complementary information can be used to
indicate the following:

1. Surface texture parameter.

2. Numerical value of the parameter.
3. Transmission band or sampling length.
4. Manufacturing process.
5. Surface lay and orientation.
6. Possible machining allowances.

It may be necessary to use one or a number of the above in order to indicate the surface

B.5 Position of complementary surface texture requirements

There are a number of mandatory positions for the various surface texture requirements and
these are placed on the graphical symbol as detailed below in figure 46.
83 Chapter 10

Figure 46 Graphical symbol for surface textures where there is more than one requirement, from ISO

Position a - one single surface texture requirement

Position b - second surface texture requirement
Position c - manufacturing method
Position d - surface lay and orientation
Position e - machining allowance

B.6 Surface lay and orientation

The symbols indicating surface lay and its orientation are indicated in Table 10.
84 Chapter 10

Table 10 Graphical symbols for surface texture lay, from ISO 1302

B.7 Minimum indications in order to ensure unambiguous control of

surface functions

A surface texture requirement is built up of several different control elements, which can be
part of the indication expressed on the drawing or the surface texture information given in
other documents. The elements are the shown in Figure 47.
85 Chapter 10

Figure 47 Minimum indications to endure control of surface functions, from ISO 1302

B.8 Evolution of drawing indication of surface texture

The user should take care when inspecting surface texture, for example when a manufacturing
engineer, a machinist and an inspector consult the specification of a component, they do not
necessarily know what parameter to follow. The engineer may write a specification based on
an old or a new standard. The machinist may be working to an old or new drawing or technical
specification document. The specification may have been produced in a design/development
department operating under different national or international standards.

Table 11 indicates the evolution of drawing indications of surface texture requirements from
former editions of ISO 1302.
86 Chapter 10

Table 11 Evolution of drawing indications, from ISO 1302

The information included above is for general information only. The user should ensure
awareness of ISO 1302. This standard explains in greater detail the indication of surface
texture in drawings and specification documents, and gives a number of examples in order to
aid clarity.
87 Chapter 10

Appendix C Links to other useful sources of information

C.1 National and International Organisations

C.1.1 National Physical Laboratory

"When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers you know
something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers your knowledge is of a meagre
and unsatisfactory kind."

Lord Kelvin, British Scientist (1824 – 1907)

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s national measurement institute and is a
world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement
standards, science and technology available. For more than a century NPL has developed and
maintained the nation’s primary measurement standards. These standards underpin an
infrastructure of traceability throughout the UK and the world that ensures accuracy and
consistency of measurement.

NPL ensures that cutting edge measurement science and technology have a positive impact in
the real world. NPL delivers world-leading measurement solutions that are critical to
commercial research and development, and support business success across the UK and the

Good measurement improves productivity and quality; it underpins consumer confidence and
trade and is vital to innovation. NPL undertake research and shares its expertise with
government, business and society to help enhance economic performance and the quality of
88 Chapter 10

NPL's measurements help to save lives, protect the environment, enable citizens to feel safe
and secure, as well as supporting international trade and companies to innovation. Support in
areas such as the development of advanced medical treatments and environmental monitoring
helps secure a better quality of life for all.

NPL employs over 500 scientists, based in south west London, in a laboratory, which is
amongst the world’s most extensive and sophisticated measurement science buildings.

The National Physical Laboratory is operated on behalf of the National Measurement Office
by NPL Management Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Serco Group plc. For further
information: Switchboard 020 8977 3222 |

C.1.2 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

NIST is the equivalent of NPL in the United States of America. Founded in 1901, NIST is a
non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST's mission is to
promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science,
standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of life.

The NIST web site at often contains documents relevant to this guide in Adobe
portable document format (PDF).


The European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) is a Regional

Metrology Organisation (RMO) of Europe. It coordinates the cooperation of National
Metrology Institutes (NMI) of Europe in fields such as research in metrology, traceability of
measurements to the SI units, international recognition of national measurement standards and
related Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) of its members. Through knowledge
transfer and cooperation among its members EURAMET facilitates the development of the
national metrology infrastructures.

EURAMET serves the promotion of science and research and European co-operation in the
field of metrology.

This is realized by the following measures in particular:

o development and support of European-wide research co-operation in the field

of metrology and measurement standards;
o development, regular updating and implementation of a European Metrology
Research Programme (EMRP) and its successor the European metrology
Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) ;
o support of members and associates when applying for research funds for the
purpose of European cooperative projects;
o co-ordination of joint use of special facilities;
o improvement of the efficiency of use of available resources to better meet
metrological needs and to assure the traceability of national standards;
89 Chapter 10

o technical co-operation with metrology institutes beyond EURAMET and with

other regional and international metrology organisations;
o performing the tasks of a Regional Metrology Organisation (RMO) with the
objective of worldwide mutual recognition of national measurement standards
and of calibration and measurement certificates;
o promotion and co-ordination of scientific knowledge transfer and experience in
the field of metrology;
o representing metrology at the European level and promoting best practice to
policy and political decision makers with regard to the metrological
infrastructure and European co-operation;
o co-operation with European and international organisations responsible for
quality infrastructure, in particular by participation in the preparation of
harmonized technical documents.

For more information visit the EURAMET web site at:

C.1.4 Institute for Geometrical Product Specification

More information about GPS can be found at the Institute for Geometrical Product
Specification website Click on resources for more information on GPS.

C.2 Networks
C.2.1 Measurement Network – Engineering and Optical

This special interest group reflects a range of interests from a number of sectors, including
advanced manufacturing and engineering, transport and energy. It aims to ensure that the
needs of members with an interest in dimensional, mass, temperature and optical measurement
are reflected in the range of events held under the Measurement Network. These events
provide a forum which enable members to exchange views and information.

For further information visit the website at:


C.2.2 Software Support for Metrology Programme (SSfM)

SSfM is an programme that underpins the NMS, focussing on the use of mathematics and
computing in metrology. It aims to achieve a balance between research and development,
whilst also extending the range of techniques and applications available to meet the
continually changing needs of metrology. The overall aim of the SSfM Programme is to tackle
a wide range of generic issues, some of which are problems in metrology that require the
application of established software engineering practices, whilst others require advances in
mathematics, software engineering or theoretical physics. The programme, thus, includes
work in metrology, mathematics, software and theoretical physics, with strong links between
the various disciplines.
90 Chapter 10

The SSfM Club is aimed at users and suppliers of metrology software, giving them a say in
the direction of the Programme. It is the focal point for the distribution of general information
arising from the Programme.

Further details can be found at website:

C.3 National and International Standards

C.3.1 British Standards Institution (BSI)

BSI started in 1901 as a committee of engineers determined to standardise the number and
type of steel sections in order to make British manufacturers more efficient and competitive.
The BSI Group is now the oldest and arguably the most prestigious national standards body in
the world and is among the world’s leading commodity and product testing organisations.

C.3.2 International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national

standards bodies from some 140 countries.

The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardisation and related activities in
the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to
developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic

ISO's work results in international agreements that are published as International Standards.

Further information on ISO can be found at:

C.4 Traceability
Traceability in measurement is the concept of establishing a valid calibration of a measuring
instrument or measurement standard, by a step-by-step comparison with better standards up to
an accepted or specified standard. In general, the concept of traceability implies eventual
reference to an appropriate national or international standard.

The National Physical Laboratory is the United Kingdom's national standards laboratory. It
operates at the heart of the National Measurement System (NMS) which is the infrastructure
designed to ensure accuracy and consistency in every physical measurement made in the UK.
Chains of traceability link UK companies’ measurements directly to national standards held at

For the majority of industrial applications, companies can establish a link to national
measurement standards through the calibration and testing services offered by United
Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited laboratories, which are in turn traceable to
NPL. However, for challenging or novel measurements to the highest standards of accuracy,
91 Chapter 10

which are not catered for by UKAS-accredited laboratories, NPL can often provide a traceable
measurement solution directly to industry.

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service is the sole national accreditation body recognised
by government to assess, against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide
certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.

Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance

capability of these evaluators.

UKAS is a non-profit-distributing private company, limited by guarantee. UKAS is

independent of Government but is appointed as the national accreditation body by the
Accreditation Regulations 2009 (SI No 3155/2009) and operates under a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Government through the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation
and Skills.

UKAS accreditation demonstrates the integrity and competence of organisations providing

calibration, testing, inspection and certification services.

Further information on UKAS can be found at:

C.5 Training courses

C.5.1 Dimensional measurement Training: Level 1 – Measurement User

A three day training course introducing measurement knowledge focusing upon dimensional
92 Chapter 10

Aims & Objectives

To provide:

• the underpinning knowledge and expertise for anyone who uses measurement tools or
requires an appreciation of the importance of measurement,
• the principle knowledge and practical training for people who are required to use
dimensional measurement techniques to complete their daily tasks; and
• the tools to instil and encourage questioning culture.


• An understanding of the fundamentals of standards, traceability, calibration,

uncertainty, repeatability, drawing symbols and geometrical tolerances, the importance
of the relationship between tolerances and measuring equipment and be able to
question the measurement.

Level 1 is applicable to all industrial sectors as a stand-alone qualification or as a building

block for further NPL Dimensional Measurement Training levels – 2 & 3.

Course Content

Day 1 - Geometric Product Specification (GPS) A

Including what is GPS, drawing practice and geometrical tolerances.

Day 2 - Measurement Principles and Methods A

Including successful measurements, standards, traceability, calibration,
uncertainty, units, relationship between tolerances and measuring equipment
using micrometers and callipers, repeatability and reproducibility of

Day 3 - Measurement Principles and Methods B

Including the relationship between tolerances and measuring equipment by the
use of height gauges, dial test indicators, dial gauges, plug gauges, gap gauges
and temperature effects.

NB: Fundamental Measurement Calculation is incorporated into all 3 days including powers,
scientific notification and triangles. This is achieved by understanding the relationship of these
calculations when applied to tolerance zones and practical measuring tasks.

A workbook of evidence must be completed successfully during the training course and,
where required, post assessment tasks can be set for each individual to be completed in the

C.5.2 Dimensional Measurement Training: Level 2 - Measurement Applier

A four day training course for those who have a good basic understanding of measurement
principles gained through the Level 1 training course.
93 Chapter 10

Aims & Objectives

To provide:

• the underpinning knowledge and expertise for anyone who uses measurement tools or
requires an appreciation of the importance of measurement,
• the principle knowledge and practical training for people who are required to use co-
ordinate measurement techniques to complete their daily tasks; and
• the tools to instil and encourage questioning and planning culture


• a visible return on investment for a manufacturing organisation in the form of various

production cost savings and an upskilled workforce,
• a reduction in re-work time and waste on the production line - faults and problems will
be detected earlier in the production process; and
• An in-depth appreciation of why measurement is carried out and not simply how

Level 2 is applicable to all industrial sectors as a stand-alone qualification or as a building

block for further NPL Dimensional Measurement Training levels – 3 & 4.

A workbook of evidence must be completed successfully during the training course and,
where required, post assessment tasks can be set for each individual to be completed in the

Course Content

Geometric Product Specification (GPS) B

Content covered:
GPS standards; Envelope tolerance; Size Principles; ISO Limits and Fits
Projected tolerance; Free state condition; Virtual condition; Maximum Material
Condition principles; Geometrical tolerancing measurements using first
principle measuring equipment; Surface texture principles.

Measurement Principles and Methods C

Content covered:
Calibration; Uncertainties; Traceability; Procedures; First Principle
Measurement; Angle plate; Gauge blocks; Surface plate; Height micrometer;
Sine bar or sine table.

Process Control A
Content covered:
Statistical Process Control theory; Variation – common, special causes;
Prevention versus detection; Collecting and calculating data when using
measuring tools; Callipers; micrometers; Basic charts – Tally chart/Frequency
Table, Histogram, Control Chart; Reacting to variation; Benefits of process
control; Standard deviation; Capability indices; Fundamentals of Gauge R&R.
94 Chapter 10

Measurement Principles and Methods D

Content covered:
Taper calculations; Angles; Diameters; Searching for triangles; Chords;
Radians; Manipulation of formula.

Co-ordinate Principles A
Content covered:
Application of equipment: First principles; Co-ordinate Measuring Machine;
Optical and vision machines; Articulating arm; Laser tracker; Projector;
Microscopes; Height gauge with processor; Contour measurement equipment.
Machine performance: Calibration standards; Self-verification/artefacts;
Measurement volume.
Alignment Techniques: 321/point system alignment; Flat face alignment; Axes
alignment; Car line/engine centre line.
Machine appreciation: Ownership; Care; Respect; Cost; Contribution to the
Work Holding: Fixturing; Rotary table; Clamping; How to hold the part;
Influence of component weight, size, shape; Free state; Restrained state.
Co-ordinate geometry: Points; Plane; Line; Circle; Cylinder; Cone; Sphere;
Sensor Types: Probing Strategies; Relevant standards; Environment.
Measurement Strategies: Number of points; Partial arc; Contact/non-contact.

Co-ordinate methods A (OEM Training - equipment specific)

Content covered:
First principles; Co-ordinate Measuring Machine; Optical and vision machines;
Articulating arm; Laser tracker; Projector; Microscopes; Height gauge with
processor; Contour measurement equipment.

C.5.3 Mitutoyo training courses

The Mitutoyo Institute of Metrology offers qualifications and training in over thirty metrology
related subjects. Mitutoyo training programmes are vocation based and are accredited with the
Open College Network ( for a qualification in Dimensional Metrology.
These credits in turn, contribute towards the evidence route of the Technical Services
Engineering NVQ recently accredited by EMTA (Engineering and Maritime Training
Authority). These courses are recognised nationally and are available in various areas of

See the Mitutoyo training pages for

more information.

C.5.4 NPL E-Learning

Access over a century of measurement knowledge and state-of-the-art techniques, quality

assured from the UK's National Measurement Institute. NPL's new e-Learning programme
delivers measurement training, globally accessible across PCs and mobile devices, helping to
provide confidence, value and performance from your measurement systems.
95 Chapter 10

Engage with cost-effective on-demand content, globally accessible through an easy-to-use

professional solution, compatible across devices.

NPL e-Learning offers:

• metrology training courses;
• free online open units; and
• free Glossary of Metrology Terms.

Ready for:
• apprenticeship programmes;
• national curricula; and
• workplace learning schemes.

Measurement just got simpler, and is now available to you whenever you want and
wherever you like – sign up now for free.

• Save time - Reduce time away from the job and fit training into busy work schedules
• Save money - Save travel costs and adjust training to your own schedule
• Take the classroom with you - Have your lessons anytime, anywhere
• Control your learning - Sequence your own learning and access only the materials you
• Own your progression - Assess your progress and receive immediate feedback
96 Chapter 10

C.6 Literature

C.6.1 Surface texture books

Blunt L A, Jiang X 2003 Advanced techniques for assessment surface topography

(Butterworth-Heinemann: London)

Leach R K 2009 Fundamental principles of engineering nanometrology (Elsevier:


Mainsah E, Greenwood J A, Chetwynd D G 2001 Metrology and properties of engineering

surfaces (Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston)

Smith G T 2002 Industrial metrology: surfaces and roundness (Springer-Verlag: London)

Thomas T R 1999 Rough surfaces 2nd edition (Imperial College Press: London)

Whitehouse D J 2010 Handbook of surface and nanometrology 2nd edition (CRC Press)

C.6.2 Associated good practice guides

Guide to the measurement of smooth surface topography using coherence scanning

interferometry GPG 108

The measurement of rough surface topography using coherence scanning interferometry GPG

Calibration of the metrological characteristics of Coherence Scanning Interferometers (CSI)

and Phase Shifting Interferometers (PSI) GPG 127

Calibration of the metrological characteristics of Imaging Confocal Microscopes (ICMs) GPG


Calibration of the metrological characteristics of stylus instruments GPG 129

C.7 Standards

C.7.1 Surface texture metrology

ISO 1302 (2002) Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Indication of surface texture in
technical product documentation

ISO 3274 (1996) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method
– Nominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments
97 Chapter 10

ISO 4287 (2000) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method
– Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters

ISO 4288 (1996) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method
– Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture

ISO 5436 part 1 (2000) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method – Measurement standards – Part 1 Material measures

ISO 5436 part 2 (2012) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method – Measurement standards – Part 2 Software measurement standards

ISO 13565 part 1 (1996) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method; Surface having stratified functional properties – Part 1: Filtering and general
measurement conditions

ISO 13565 part 2 (1996) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method; Surface having stratified functional properties – Part 2: Height characterization
using the linear material ratio curve

ISO 13565 part 3 (1998) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method; surfaces having stratified functional properties – Part 3: Height characterization
using the material probability curve

ISO 12085 (1996) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method
– Motif parameters

ISO 12179 (2000) Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) -- Surface texture: Profile
method -- Calibration of contact (stylus) instruments

ISO 16610 part 21 (2011) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 21:
Linear profile filters: Gaussian filters

C.7.2 General interest

PD 6461 (1995) Vocabulary of metrology – Part 1. Basic and general terms (international)

This standard has been withdrawn as it is based on the second edition of the International
vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM). A new 3rd edition of the VIM was
published by ISO as ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007.

PD 6461 (1995) Vocabulary of metrology – Part 2. Vocabulary of legal metrology –

fundamental terms

This standard has been withdrawn as it reproduces verbatim the International Vocabulary of
Terms used in Legal Metrology (VIML) published by the International Organization of Legal
Metrology (OMIL). The OIML has published later editions of the VIML but PD 6461-2:1980
98 Chapter 10

has not been revised in line with the OIML documents. The latest edition of the VIML was
published in 2000 and is available to download free of charge from the OIML web site.

PD 6461 (1995) Vocabulary of metrology – Part 3. Guide to the expression of uncertainty in


This standard has been withdrawn as it is based on the 1993 edition of the Guide to the
expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM). ISO has recently republished the 1995
(corrected) edition of the GUM as ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008.

PD 6461-4:2004 General metrology. Practical guide to measurement uncertainty

C.8 UKAS accredited laboratories for surface texture measurement

C.8.1 Surface texture

Trescal Limited
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Calibration Laboratory, Muirton Way, Donibristle Industrial Estate, Donibristle, Dalgety
Bay, KY11 9FZ
+44 (0)1383 646467

Trescal Limited
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Fulwood Road South, Fulwood Industrial Estate, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 2JZ
+44 (0)1623 555110

Trescal CMS
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Greenfold Way, Leigh Commerce Park, Leigh, Greater Manchester, WN7 3XJ
+44 (0)1252 533 300

Trescal Limited
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Park Gate Close, Bredbury Park Way, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2SL
+44 (0)161 406 7878

Trescal Limited
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Sanders Building, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, SG1 2AU
+44 (0)1438 772003
99 Chapter 10

Trescal CMS
A member of the Trescal Limited Group
Saxony Way, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire, GU14 6GT
+44 (0)1252 533 300

CoMech Metrology Limited

Metrology Division, Calibration House, Castings Road, Derby, United Kingdom, DE23 8YL
+44(0)1332 867700

G B Quality Assurance
Unit 9, Chancel Way, Moore Lane Industrial Estate, Birmingham, United Kingdom, B6 7AU
+44 (0) 121 356 7430

Trescal Limited
Saxony Way, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire, United Kingdom, GU46 6GT
+44 (0)1252 533 300

PowerKut Limited
23 Brindley Road Exhall, Coventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom, CV7 9EP
+44 (0) 24 7664 4661

Taylor Hobson
Calibration Laboratory, New Star Road, Leicester, United Kingdom, LE4 9JQ
+44 (0)116 276 3771

Micron Metrology 2000 Limited

Eurolab House, Unit 10 Valepits Road, Garretts Green Industrial Estate, Birmingham, United
Kingdom, B33 0TD
+44 (0)121 784 7498

Jaguar Land Rover Limited

Land Rover Calibration Centre, Block 71, 53S12/3, Land Rover Plant, Lode Lane, Solihull,
West Midlands, United Kingdom, B92 8NW
+44 (0)121 700 3557

Mitutoyo (UK) Limited

6 Banner Park, Wickmans Drive, Coventry, United Kingdom, CV4 9XA
+44 (0) 2476 426 316/317
100 Chapter 10

C.8.2 Surface texture, comparison specimens

Taylor Hobson
Calibration Laboratory, New Star Road, Leicester, United Kingdom, LE4 9JQ
+44 (0)116 276 3771

C.8.3 Surface texture, measuring machines

Taylor Hobson
Calibration Laboratory, New Star Road, Leicester, United Kingdom, LE4 9JQ
+44 (0)116 276 3771

C.8.4 Surface texture, reference standards

Taylor Hobson
Calibration Laboratory, New Star Road, Leicester, United Kingdom, LE4 9JQ
+44 (0)116 276 3771

C.9 Other useful links

National Physical Laboratory, Mass and Dimensional Group
Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW
Contact Claudiu Giusca
+ 44 (0)20 8943 6321,

British Standards Institute (BSI)

International Standards Organisation (ISO)

United Kingdom Accreditation Service

21 - 47 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex TW13 4UN, UK
+44 (0)20 8917 8556

University of Huddersfield
School of Engineering

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