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30 Egypt.J.Chem. Vol. 62, No. 2. pp.

373 - 384 (2019)

Recovery of Zinc from Zinc Dross Using Pyrometallurgical and

Electrochemical Methods
Ibrahim M. Ghayad1*, Aida L. El-Ansary2, Zeinab Abdel Hamid1 and Amany A.
Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI).
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.
Higher Institute of Engineering at 15th May City, Cairo, Egypt.

R ECOVERY of zinc from its dross was investigated using electrochemical and
pyrometallurgical methods. Almost 100% pure zinc was obtained using these methods.
A small bench scale system for the investigating the recovery of zinc using pyrometallurgical
methods was developed. The system based on the evaporation of zinc (in the dross) at 1050oC
and condensing zinc vapors into pure zinc in a separate crucible. Almost pure Zn (99.95%) is
obtained using this method. Recovery of zinc was also performed using electrowinning from
the acidified zinc sulfate bath and electrorefining of zinc dross anodes in the alkaline ammonia
bath. In either method different parameters including current density and deposition time were
addressed. Zinc powder of almost 100% purity was obtained.

Keywords: Zinc dross, Hot dip galvanizing, Electrorefining, Electrowinning,

Pyrometallurgical techniques.

Introduction oxides and intermetallic compounds as a slag of

refining. A refined zinc containing 0.5 wt % Fe
Over the past fifty years, the production of metallic
was obtained by adding 0.4 wt% Al at 700 ºC after
zinc has increased by over three times with
2h of refining.
consumption. However, due to this increasing
demand as well as numerous other economic Huajun, et al. investigated the electrorefining
issues, the production supply of primary zinc of zinc dross in NH3–NH4Cl system [8]. In order
has been unable to keep pace with required zinc to obtain a high recovery ratio of zinc dross and
tonnage. At present, the scarcity of zinc is making high current efficiency, an electrolyte composition
many zinc consumers invest in secured zinc of 4.0 M NH3, 4.0 M NH4Cl and no more than 80
supply just to avoid a potential interruption in raw g L−1 Zn(Π) is suitable. The power consumption
material [1-5]. can be decreased by increasing the temperature of
Trpcevska, et al. [6] investigated metallic
zinc recovery from the coarse-grained fraction Abdul Ghani et al. [9] have treated flue dust,
of zinc ash from hot dip galvanizing using the produced as by-product during the production
pyrometallurgical process. A designed laboratory of steel from electric arc furnace, using sodium
equipment which used centrifugal force and hydroxide as leaching medium. The optimum
protective atmosphere of a nitrogen flow during alkali concentration for selective leaching of zinc
the process of melting and separation of zinc was was found to be 4 M with a zinc recovery of 90 %.
Abdel-Aal et al. performed valuable research
Hard zinc refining through removal of iron work on the extraction of zinc from Egyptian
was successfully achieved by using different ores using sulfuric acid pressure leaching [10-
refining agents in the order; aluminum turnings > 12]. Under the optimum conditions employed,
zinc powder > Al/Zn mixture [7]. Iron is present up to 99.25% of zinc extraction and 0.20% silica
dissolution are obtained.
within hard zinc as intermetallic compounds.
The addition of the refining agents to the hard Research papers were also published on
zinc melt resulted in the formation of different recovery of zinc and copper from brass slag,
*Corresponding author e-mail: ighayad@yahoo.com
DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2018.2782.1225
©2017 National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC)

and recovery of zinc from zinc plating mud, catholyte flow velocity, temperature, current
recovery of zinc from zinc-carbon batteries, density, and zinc, HCl, NaCl and inhibitor TBACl
Leaching kinetics of zinc residues augmented have been investigated. Optimized electrowinning
with ultrasound and zinc recovery from was obtained from solution containing 20 g/l Zn,
galvanizing dross by super-gravity separation 9 g/l HCl, 1 mol/l NaCl, and 50 mg/ TBACl and at
[13-19]. a flow velocity of 100 cm/min and electrowinning
at a current density of 300 A/m2 at 35-40°C.
Viswanath and George [20] studied the
electrowinning of zinc from ammonia and The effects of sodium laurayl sulphate on
glycerol with glycerol varying from 0 to 20% and the electrowinning of Zinc from acidic sulphate
ammonia from 0.5 to 1.5 N was studied. The zinc solution were investigated by B. C. Tripathy, et
powder particles were spherical in shape with size al. [26] and the results were compared with glue
varying from 2.63 to 79 µm, depending on the as the addition agents. Results indicated that
concentration of glycerol and the ammonia. Addition of sodium laurayl sulphate increased
the current efficiency, sodium laurayl sulphate
Das, et al. [21] proposed that the addition of and glue affected the cathodic polarization of zinc
perfluorocarboxylic acids increased the current similarly.
efficiency, decreased power consumption and
produced better surface morphologies during The recovery of zinc metal from zinc ash,
the electrowinning of zinc from acidic sulphate with a zinc content of about 76% by leaching and
solutions. Perfluorocarboxylic acids were found electrowinning has been studied. The presence of
to be better additives for zinc electrodeposition chloride has been identified as the major problem
when Sb(III) was absent from the zinc electrolyte. area. A catalytic anode based on the iridium
dioxide (IrO2) was used as the anode material to
Sanjay [22] developed a process based on the overcome this problem [27].
direct electrowinning of zinc dross in an alkaline
medium. In the electrolytic cell zinc dross was Rabah and Elsayed as well as Koros et al. [28,29]
taken in a porous metallic container and used as studied the factors affecting the performance and
the anode. It was found that at 5 A/dm2 current efficiency of the pyrometallurgical processes of
density, the formation of zinc powder is possible zinc ash by using ammonium-chloride flux. The
with 1.23 kWh per kg of energy consumption. The recovery efficiency amounts to 89% and 63% for
impressed voltage was found 1.2 V with a current zinc ash having particle size diameter of +1.25
efficiency of 90%. mm and –0.4 + 0.315 mm, respectively, with 10%
flux at 600°C.
Tripthy et al [23] investigated the
electrowinning of zinc from acidic sulfate Ratherford [30] studied a process called
path. The effects of perfluorobutyric acid, decantation filtration. A filter plate was attached
perfluoroheptanoic acid and perfluorooctanoic on the top of the melting crucible. This gave a
acid, in the presence and absence of antimony(III), yield of 75% of the recoverable zinc at 600°C
on the cathodic current efficiency, power with a settling time of 37 min., and the remaining
consumption and polarization behavior of the iron was 0.78%.
cathode during the electrowinning of zinc from
acidic sulphate solutions were investigated. The aim of the present study is to recover
Addition of any of these perfluorocarboxylic zinc dross from Kandeel For Steel Co.
acids increased the current efficiency, decreased The zinc dross was brought from a leading
power consumption and produced better surface galvanizing company in Egypt, which uses
morphologies. hot dip continuous galvanizing process. The
investigated sample was taken from the top-
Stanojevi, et al [24] investigated Zinc dross of the galvanizing bath. The sample
Dissolution Process in sulfuric acid. They contains a high percent of zinc metal (>90%),
proposed that acceleration of zinc dissolving which associates the intermetallic Fe2Al5 dross.
is possible using copper cathode depending on The work developed an effective technology for
the quality of electrical contact between copper recycling zinc from zinc dross. The recovered
electrode and zinc. zinc can be returned to the production cycle
which would significantly reduce the cost of
Guo et al [25] investigated zinc electrowinning obtaining galvanized products.
from acidic chloride solutions. The effects of
Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)

Experimental adjusted to contain 100 g Zn/l whereas conc. H2SO4

was added so that each liter contains 50 ml. Different
Materials and Reagents current densities (30-90 mA/cm2) were tested. The
The materials used in this study include zinc testing period was 30 min. These experiments were
dross from Kandeel For Steel Co (raw material), used to determine the optimum current density that
aluminium, lead and copper sheets. Chemicals gives the highest efficiency.
used include: sodium hydroxide, ammonium
chloride, ammonia, gelatin, hydrochloric acid, Electrorefining of the anodes was performed in
sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetone. All a Perspex glass cell (20 × 10 × 15 cm), the distance
chemicals are analytical grade from Fluka. between the anode and cathode was fixed at 3 cm,
to prevent problems with anodic sludge. Anodes
Apparatus 4x7x1 cm were made from zinc dross. The anodes
Adwa pH-meter model (AD8000), Denver were polished to give a bright surface using emery
electric balance model (Mxx-5001), Inductively papers of grades 400, 800 and 1200 and degreased
couples plazma model (Perkinelmer optima by immersion into acetone. The cathode was
2000DV), programmable Chroma DC power aluminium (4 × 7 × 0.3 cm). The electrolyte used was
supply model (62050P-100-100), scanning 4 M NH4Cl, 4MNH3 and zinc sulfate as zinc with
electron microscopy model (FEI-Netherland- concentration of 1.2 gL−1. Gelatin was added into
INSPECTS 50), electric furnace and glass wares. the electrolyte system at 0.1 g L−1. The chemicals,
Recovery of zinc from zinc dross using ammonia, ammonium chloride and gelatin were
electrochemical methods analytical reagents. Experiments were performed at
Zinc dross having a chemical composition: room temperature.
96.18 wt% Zn, 2.06% Fe, 1.17 wt% Al, 0.017 Bench scale system for pyrometallurgical zinc recovery
wt% Si, 0.007 wt% Pb, 0.007 wt% Mg and 0.02 A small bench scale system for investigation of
wt% Ca which resulted from hot dip galvanizing zinc recovery using pyrometallurgical methods was
process was dissolved in conc. H2SO4 to give zinc developed. The schematic presentation of this system
sulfate solution (100 g Zn/l). In the present study shown in Fig. 1. The system consists of a furnace as
103.97 g of zinc dross was dissolved in 1 L of 3.76 a heating source. A silicon carbide crucible which
M H2SO4 to acquire the desired concentration could hold about 1 Kg zinc dross. The crucible
of zinc (100 g/l). Dissolution was performed was connected to a silicon carbide tube which can
at 55ºC for 1.5 h. Hydrogen peroxide (30 wt%) withstand high temperature as high as 1200oC. The
was added to the produced zinc sulfate lacquer end of the silicon carbide tube is connected to a second
so as to give 1% concentration at a pH of 5-5.5 crucible in which recovered zinc is received. Figure
in order to remove iron. The filtrated zinc sulfate 2a represents the two crucibles connected by the SIC
solution was taken and used in the experiments of tube while Fig. 2b represents the heating crucible
electrowinning and electrorefining of zinc. inside the furnace while the receiving crucible
Electrowinning experiments were conducted outside the furnace. This system was perfectly
in a one-liter Perspex cell. Two lead sheets having insulated using ceramic fiber from surrounding (Fig.
dimensions 7.5 cm x7 cm were used as anode 2c). Silicon carbide tube with sealed to both crucibles
whereas copper sheet having same dimensions was using thermal cement which succeeded in preventing
used as the cathode. The zinc sulfate solution was any leakage during the experiment.

Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the pyrometallurgical system used for Zn recovery from Zn-dross.
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Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)


Fig. 2. A photograph of the pyrometallurgical system used for Zn recovery and recovered zinc from Zn-dross.

Results and Discussion Chemical analysis of ZnSO4.xH2O prepared

from the dissolving dross in conc. H2SO4 was
The dross forms as a result of either oxidation
determined using ICP technique and shows32.1
of the zinc at the galvanizing bath surface or by
wt% Zn+2, 0.99 wt%Al+3, 0.53 wt%Fe+2. It is noted
intermetallic reactions with the iron in the bath.
that Fe content is much lower than the Fe content
Iron is introduced by the steel substrates being
in the original dross. The decrease in iron content
coated. There are two types of galvanizing
is related to the addition of hydrogen peroxide
processes; general and continuous galvanizing.
at a concentration of 1% to the produced zinc
In both types, the zinc baths possess variable
sulfate solution at mildly acidic pH (~5-5.5). The
amounts of aluminum (0-0.05 wt% Al: General
addition of H2O2 results in the precipitation of
& 0.12-0.3 wt% Al: Continuous) resulting
ferric sulfate. The filtrated zinc sulfate is taken for
in different dross compounds being formed.
electrowinning and electrorefining experiments.
Floating “top” dross (ash or skimming) for
general galvanizing consist primarily of ZnO Recovery of Zinc Using Electrowinning and
with varying amounts of Zn5(OH)8Cl2 while the Electrorefining Techniques
dross on the bottom of the bath is FeZn13 (ξ). The Table 1 shows the working conditions as
top dross in continuous galvanizing is Fe2Al5 (η) well as the current efficiency of zinc recovery
and the bottom dross is FeZn10 (δ). However, using electrowinning experiments. The current
during typical cleaning procedures to remove efficiency equals the experimental weight gain
the accumulation of these drosses, a tremendous divided by the theoretical weight gain multiplied
amount of “clean” metallic zinc is also extracted by 100. The theoretical weight gain was calculated
from the galvanizing pots. General galvanizing using Faraday’s law shown below:
dross can contain between 40% to 80% metallic m = (It/F) (M/z) (1)
zinc while continuous galvanizing dross may
- m is the mass of the substance liberated at an
contain up to 95% usable zinc [4].
electrode in grams

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)


- I is current in ampere efficiency is largely increased up to 96.6%.

- t is the time in seconds Table 3 shows the effect of time on the efficiency
- F = 96485 C mol is the Faraday constant
−1 of Zn electrorefining was investigated at a fixed
current density of 107 mA/cm2. The time of the
- M is the molar mass of the substance
experiment was extended to 10 h while the cathode
- z is the valence number of ions of the is taken every two hours, dried and reweighed
substance (electrons transferred per ion). to determine the amount of zinc deposited. This
The maximum current efficiency of 90% is weight of zinc is divided by the theoretical weight
obtained at the lowest current density (40 mA/ of Zn calculated using Faraday’s low as mentioned
cm2) keeping the time at 30 min and temperature in equation 1. Table 3 shows that the efficiency of
at 25oC. The current efficiency is decreased by the electrorefining process is slightly decreased
increasing current density and almost diminishes with time (2%) till 8 h and then markedly decreased
at the highest current density (90 mA/cm2). The at 10 h. The high cathodic current efficiency can be
deposited zinc was striped by gentle scratching attributed to the elimination of hydrogen evolution
and analyzed using Inductively Couples Plazma
in the ammoniacal ammonium salt system [10].
(ICP) technique. The deposit chemical analysis
shows 99.99 wt% Zn, 0.0003 wt% Al, 0.0007 wt% Figure 3 shows the morphology of zinc
Fe. Fortunately, the deposit was almost 100% zinc
deposited in the electrowinning experiments
with minute traces of Fe and Al.
using the sulfuric acid bath. The images reveal
Table 2 shows the effect of current on the the presence of excavations in the deposit. These
efficiency of the electrorefining of zinc using excavations have different sizes and are distributed
the NH3/NH4Cl bath. Low efficiencies were along the surface. At high magnification, deposit
obtained at low currents (26.8-53.6 mA/cm2). takes the form of rectangular flakes condensed
At sufficiently high current (107 mA/cm2) the

TABLE 1. The working conditions as well as the current efficiency of the electrowinning experiments. The time
was fixed at 30 min.

Current Current, A Wt of Cu Wt of Cu Wt gain/g Theoretical wt Current

Density, mA/ cathode before cathode after gain/g efficiency%
cm2 testing/g testing/g
40 0.288 0.6954 0.8535 0.1581 0.1756 90.03
50 0.36 0.6753 0.8517 0.1764 0.2196 80.33
60 0.48 0.8672 0.8940 0.2222 0.2928 75.89
70 0.56 0.5490 0.8080 0.2590 0.3416 75.82
80 0.64 0.9035 1.1430 0.2395 0.3904 61.35
90 0.72 0.8830 0.9126 0.0296 0.4392 6.74

TABLE 2. The effect of current density on the efficiency of the electrorefining tests using the NH3/NH4Cl bath.

Current density Time Al cathode Al cathode weight Zn Deposit Theoretical %

mA/cm2 min weight before Zn after Zn deposition weight weight Efficiency
deposition of Zn deposit
26.78 60 11.1354 11.9177 0.7823 1.829 42.7

35.71 60 11.2890 12.4870 1.2086 2.400 50.0

53.57 60 11.5174 13.5775 2.0601 3.6500 54.7
107.14 60 11.6547 18.6817 7.0270 7.2746 96.6

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)


TABLE 3. Effect of time on the efficiency of the electrorefining of zinc from NH3/NH4Cl bath.

Current density Time Al cathode Al cathode Zn Deposit Theoretical %

mA/cm2 min weight before Zn weight after Zn weight weight of Zn Efficiency
deposition deposition deposit
107.14 120 33.8919 48.0330 14.1411 14.6380 96.60
107.14 270 33.8919 64.5650 30.6731 32. 9300 93.130
107.14 360 33.8919 75.4850 41.5931 43.9160 94.708
107.14 480 33.8919 89.1550 55.2631 58.5500 94.389
107.14 600 33.8919 98.8730 64.9811 73.1963 88.770

Fig. 3. Surface morphology of zinc deposited from ZnSO4/H2SO4 bath.

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)

Figure 4 represents the morphology of compact and adhered which allows the formation
zinc deposited using electrorefining method of high quantity of deposit in comparison to the
from the NH3/NH4Clbath at 107 mA/cm2 electrowinning method.
and 2 h. Aggregates of zinc deposits were
obtained. Each aggregate seems to consist It is clear that electrofinning technique excels
of small particulates (flakes) tightly adhered the electrowinning technique regarding the ease of
to each other. The aggregates are obviously the process where electrorefining technique uses
distinguished from each other and mostly of zinc dross as anode whereas in the electrowinning
the same size. SEM images show that deposits technique zinc dross must be dissolved prior to
formed using electrorefining method are more electrodeposition.

Fig. 4. Surface morphology of zinc deposited from NH3/NH4Cl bath.

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)


Recovery of Zinc Using Pyrometallurgical Table 5 represents the results of

Technique pyrometallurgical Zn recovery at different
The treatment process is described as temperatures. Almost pure Zn (99.95%) is obtained
follows: Zinc dross was placed in the heating using this method. The recovery of Zn and its
crucible and the cover was tightly closed over percent was largely dependent on temperature. No
the crucible with thermal cement to prevent any zinc was obtained below 900oC. Zinc recovery of
leakage. The furnace temperature is heated up 52% was obtained at 950oC. Further increase in
to 600oC which is slightly above the melting temperature up to 1000oC significantly increase
temperature of Zn. This heating step is continued zinc recovery up to 73%. The highest recovery of
for sufficient time (30 min was enough) to 82% was obtained at 1050oC which can be related
allow the complete melting of the dross. The to the high amount of heat energy gained at this
temperature is then raised above 900oC which temperature.
typically the vaporization temperature of Zn. At
this step, Zn dross melt is turned into Zn vapor The effect of time on the percent recovery of
leaving impurities, especially Fe which has zinc was investigated while the temperature was
much higher melting temperature. Zn vapors raised and fixed at 1050oC after complete melting
which pass through the silicon carbide tube and of the zinc dross at 600oC. Table 6 shows the
subjected to cooling (note that the longest part results. 1 h was insufficient to give the desired
of silicon carbide is placed in open air). Upon percent recovery where only 68% recovery was
cooling, Zn vapors are turned into Zn melt obtained. Increasing the time up to 1.5 h increases
that poured into the second crucible where it is the percent recovery up to 82%. Further increase
solidified and samples were taken for chemical of time towards 2 h and 2.5 h does not bring a
analysis. Many trials have been carried out to pronounced change in percent recovery where
determine the sufficient time for the whole dross 82.5% and 82.7% recovery were obtained. ICP
to be evaporated. Time of 1.5 h was sufficient Chemical analysis of produced zinc and impurities
after complete melting of the zinc dross at of Fe and Al is shown in Table 6. The percent
600oC. After finishing distillation, the system purity of the recovered zinc is 99.95%. It is also
is left for cooling and then separated into its interesting to see that the chemical analysis of
original components by removal of binding the residue in the distillation crucible represents
thermal cement. Distilled zinc either formed 5.64% Fe, 43.79 Al and 0.11% Zn. The developed
in the condensation (receiving) crucible or the pyrometallurgical system is quite simple giving the
SIC tube was collected (Fig. 2d), weighed and facility for investigation of important parameters
chemically analyzed. Remaining ash in the that affect the pyrometallurgical recovery of zinc.
heating crucible was also taken for chemical The most important parameters are temperature
analysis (Table 4). and time.

TABLE 4. Chemical analysis of Zn formed after lab scale pyrometallurgical experiments performed at 1050oC.

Metal % %Fe %Al %Zn

Zn produced in the receiving crucible 0.028 0.015 99.95
Zn found in the SiC tube 0.053 0.04 99.91
Powder in the receiving crucible 0.18 0.11 99.7
Ash remained in the heating crucible 0.11 43.79 5.64
The remaining percent is for slag

TABLE 5. Effect of temperature on the percent recovery of zinc using pyrometallurgical technique.

Temperature/oC Time/h Wt of Zn Dross/g Wt of Zn % of Zn Recovery

900 1.5 1000 - -
950 1.5 1000 520 52
1000 1.5 1000 730 73
1050 1.5 1000 820 82

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019)


TABLE 6. The effect of time on the percent recovery of zinc using pyrometallurgical technique.

Temperature/oC Time/h Wt of Zn Dross/g Wt of Zn % of Zn Recovery

1050 1.0 1000 680 68
1050 1.5 1000 820 82
1050 2.0 1000 825 82.5
1050 2.5 1000 827 82.7

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Service Department at Central Metallurgical
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Research and Development Institute (CMRDI)
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‫‪IBRAHIM M. GHAYAD et al.‬‬

‫استرجاع الزنك من مخلفات مصانع الجلفنة باستخدام الطرق الكهروكيميائية والحرارية‬

‫ابراهيم غياض‪ ،1‬عايدة األنصاري‪ ،2‬زينب عبدالحميد‪ ،1‬أمانى األكشر‬
‫‪1‬مركز بحوث وتطوير الفلزات ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2‬قسم الكيمياء ‪ -‬كلية العلوم ‪ -‬جامعة القاهرة ‪.‬‬
‫‪3‬المعهد العالى للهندسة بمدينة ‪ 15‬مايو ‪ -‬القاهرة ‪ -‬مصر‪.‬‬

‫تناول البحث دراسة استرجاع الزنك من مخلفات مصانع الجلفنة بالطرق الكهروكيميائية و الحرارية‪ ،‬حيث تم‬
‫الحصول على زنك نقي بنسبة ‪ %100‬تقريبا‪ .‬وقد تم تطوير نظام معملي مصغر الستعادة الزنك بالطرق الحرارية‬
‫حيث يسخن الزنك إلى درجة التبخر فى بوتقة داخل فرن ثم يتم سحب هذا البخار وتكثيفه فى بوتقة خارجية‪ .‬وقد‬
‫تم الحصول على زنك نقاوة ‪ %99.97‬بهذه الطريقة‪ .‬و أيضا تم دراسة استرجاع الزنك باستخدام تقنية الترسيب‬
‫الكهربي من حوض كبريتات الزنك الحامضية والتى نتجت عن إذابة الزنك الغير نقى في حامض الكبريتيك‬
‫المركز‪ .‬كما تم تنقية الزنك باستخدامه كأنود في حوض األمونيا القلوي وترسيبه كهربيا على كاثود من االلومنيوم‪.‬‬
‫في كال الطريقتين تمت دراسة العوامل المختلفة من كثافة التيار والوقت الالزم للترسيب كما تم الحصول على‬
‫بودرة الزنك بنقاوة ‪ %100‬تقريبا‪.‬‬

‫)‪Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 2 (2019‬‬

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