Box Culvert Design

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The document discusses the design of a box culvert considering different load cases and using moment distribution method to calculate internal forces. It also describes determining the required thickness of the side walls.

Three different load cases are considered: 1) Dead and live load from outside with no water pressure inside 2) Live and dead load from top with water pressure inside and no live load on sides 3) Dead load and external earth pressure with internal water pressure.

The moment distribution method is used to calculate the fixed end moments and then distribute these moments along the members based on their relative stiffness. This gives the internal bending moments in the members of the box culvert frame.

15 115 20 45 33 44 18 40 20 41 20 40 18 40 16 34 16


1 In side diamentions 7.2 x 7.2 m
2 Super imposed load 12000 N/m3
3 Live load 45000 N/m2
4 Wieght of soil 18000 N/m2
5 Angle of repose 30 Degree
6 Nominal cover top/bottom 50 mm Nominal cover Side 50 mm
6 Cocrete M- 20 wt. of concrete 25000 N/m3
scbc 7 N/m2 m 13
7 Steel Fy 415 Out side sst 190 N/m2
water side side sst 150 N/m2
1 Solution Genral
For the purpose of design , one metre length of the box is considered.
The analysis is done for the following cases.
(I) Live load, dead load and earth prssure acting , with no water pressure from inside.
(II) Live and dead load on top and earth pressure acting from out side, and water pressure acting from inside,
with no live load on sides
(III) Dead load and earth pressure acting from out side and water pressure from in side.

Let the thicness of Horizontal slab 800 mm = 0.8 m

Vertical wall thicness 800 mm = 0.8 m
Effective slab span 7.2 + 0.8 = 8 m
Effective Height of wall 7.2 + 0.8 = 8 m

2 Case 1 : Dead and live load from out side of while no water pressure from inside.
Self weight og top slab = 0.8 x 1x 1 x 25000 = 20000 N/m2
Live load and dead load = 45000 + 12000 = 57000 N/m2
Total load on top = 77000 N/m2
Weight of side wall = 8 x 0.8 x 25000 = 160000 N/m
\ Upward soil reaction at base = ( 77000 x 8 )+( 2x ### )=
117000 N/m2
1 - sin 30 1- 0.5 0.5 = 1 =
Ka = = = 0.33
1 + sin 30 1 + 0.5 1.5 3
\ Latral pressure due to dead load and live load = Pv x Ka
p = 57000 x 0.333 = 19000 N/m2
Latral pressure due to soil Ka x w x h = 0.333 x 18000 h = 6000 h
Hence total pressure = 19000 + 6000 h
Latral presure intencity at top = 19000 N/m2
Latral pressure intencity at bottom = 19000 + 6000 x 8 = 67000 N/m2
w = 77000 N/m2
Fig 1 show the box culvert 19000 19000
frame ABCD, along with the
external loads, Due to symmetry, A E B
half of frame (i.e. AEFD) of box
culvert is considered for moment h 8.00
distribution. Since all the members
have uniform thickness, and
uniform diamentions, the relative
stiffness K for AD will be equal to 1
while the relative stiffness for AE
and DF will be 1/2.
frame ABCD, along with the
external loads, Due to symmetry,
half of frame (i.e. AEFD) of box
culvert is considered for moment
distribution. Since all the members
have uniform thickness, and 19000 8.00
uniform diamentions, the relative 6000 h
stiffness K for AD will be equal to 1 D F C
while the relative stiffness for AE
67000 19000 48000
and DF will be 1/2.
w = 117000 N/m 2

Fig 1
1 1/2
Distribution factore for AD and DA= = 2/3 Distribution factore for AB and DC= =
1+1/2 1+1/2
wL2 77000 x 8 2=
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= = -410667 N - m
12 12
wL2 1E+05 x 8 2= 624000 N - m
Mfdc= + =
12 12
pL2 WL Where W is the total tringular earth pressure.
MFAD = + +
12 15
19000 x 8 2+ 48000 x 8 8 = 203734 N-m
MFAD = + x
12 2 15
pL2 WL
MFDA = - -
12 15
19000 x 8 2-- 48000 x 8 8 = ### -153600 =
MFDA = - x
12 2 10
The Moment distribution is carried out as illustrate in table
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB 286953 77000 286953
624000 -254933 203734 -410667 118400
The moment distribution carried out as per table 1 for case 1
Joint D A 308000
Member DC DA AD AB 118400
Distribution factore 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 19000
Fix end moment 624000 -254933 203734 -410667 A A
Balance -123022 -246044 137955 68978 286953 4
Carry over 68978 -123022
balance -22993 -45985 82015 41007 8m
Carry over 41007 -22993
balance -13669 -27338 15328 7664 459759 4
Carry over 7664 -13669 48000 D D
balance -2555 -5109 9113 4556 67000 225600
Carry over 4556 -2555
balance -1519 -3038 1703 852 468000
Carry over 852 -1519 225600
balance -284 -568 1013 506
Carry over 506 -284 117000
balance -169 -338 189 95 Fig 2
Carry over 95 -169
balance -32 -63 113 56
Final moment 459759 -459759 286953 -286953

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 77000 N/m2.

Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 77000 x 8 = 308000 N/m2
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ 1E+05 N/m2
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 117000 x 8.00 = 468000 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.2
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( -ha x 8.00 )+ ### - ### + 19000 x 8.00 x 8.00 x 1/2
+ 1/2 x 48000 x 8.00 x 8.00 x 1/3
-ha x 8.00 + -172806 + 608000 + 512000
From which, ha = 118400
Hence , hd =( 19000 + 67000 )x 8.00 - ### = 225600 N 2
77000 x 8.00 2
Free B.M. at mid point E = 616000 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 616000 - 286953 = 329047 N-m
117000 x 8.00 2=
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 936000 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 936000 - 459759 = 476241 N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
19000 x 8.00 2+
Simply supporetd at mid sapn = 1/16 x 48000 x 8.00 = 344000
459759 + 286953
Net B.M. = = 373356 - 3E+05 = 29356
3 Case 2 : Dead load and live load from out side and water pressure from inside.
In this case , water pressure having an intensity of zero at A and x 8.00 = ###
At D, is acting, in addition to the pressure
considered in case 1. The various pressures
are marked in fig 3 .The vertical walls will thus w = 77000 N/m2
be subjected to a net latral pressure of 19000 19000
Itensity = 19000 N/m At the Top

And = 67000 - ###

= ### N/m at the bottom

67000 67000
w = 117000 N/m 2

Fig 3
wL2 = 77000 x 8.00 2=
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= -410667 N - m
12 12
wL2 1E+05 x 8 2=
Mfdc= = 624000 N - m
12 12
pL2 WL Where W is the total tringular earth pressure.
MFAD = + +
MFAD = + +
12 10
### x 8 2
+ ### x 8 8
MFAD = + x = ### N-m
12 2 10
pL2 WL
MFDA = - -
12 15
### x 8 2
- ### x 8 8
MFDA = - x = ### N -m
12 2 15
The moment distribution is carrired out as illustred in table.
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB #VALUE! 77000 #VALUE!
624000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -410667 #VALUE!
The moment distribution carried out as per table 1 for case 1
Joint D A 308000
Member DC DA AD AB
Distribution factore 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 19000 ###
Fix end moment 624000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -410667 A A
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! D D
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 468000
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! 117000
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Fig 4
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
Final moment #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 77000 N/m2.

Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 77000 x 8 = 308000 N/m2
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ ### N/m2
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 117000 x 8.00 = 468000 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.3
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( -ha x 8.00 )+ ### - ### + ### x 8.00 x 8.00 x 1/2
+ 1/2 x #VALUE! x 8.00 x 8.00 x 2/3
-ha x 8.00 + #VALUE! + #VALUE! + #VALUE!
From which, ha = #VALUE!
Hence , hd =( ### + 19000 )x 8.00 - ### = ### N
77000 x 8.00 =
Free B.M. at mid point E = 616000 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 616000 - #VALUE! = #VALUE! N-m
117000 x 8.00 2=
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 936000 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 936000 - #VALUE! = #VALUE! N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
#VALUE! x 8.00 2+
Simply supporetd at mid sapn = 1/16 x ### x 8.00 =
2 ###
Net B.M. = = #VALUE! - ### = ###

4 Case 3 : Dead load and live load on top water pressure from inside no live load on side.
in this case, it is assume that there is no latral oressure due to live load . As before .
The top slab is subjected to a load of '= 77000 N/m2
and the bottom slab is subjected to a load w = 77000 N/m2
Itensity = 117000 N/m2 4000 4000
Lateral pressure due to dead load = A E B 4000

1/3 x 12000 = 4000 N/m2

Lateral pressure due to soil = 8.00
1/3 x 18000 = 6000 N/m 2
Hence earth pressure at depth h is =
4000 + 6000 h D F C
52000 52000
Earth pressure intensity at top = 4000 N/m2 ### w= 117000 N/m2 ###
Fig 5
Earth pressure intensity at Bottom= 4000 + 6000 x 8.00 = 52000 N/m2
In addition to these, the vertical wall lslab subjectednto water pressure of intensity ZERO at top a
N/m2 at Bottom, acting from inside . The lateral pressure on vertical walls Is shown in fig 5 and 6
wL2 77000 x 8.00 2=
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= = -410667 N - m
12 12
wL2 1E+05 x 8 2=
Mfdc= = 624000 N - m
12 12
pL2 WL Where W is the total tringular earth pressure.
MFAD = + -
12 15
4000 x 8 -
2 ### x 8 8
MFAD = + x = ### N-m
12 2 15
pL2 WL 21333 - ###
MFDA = - +
12 10
4000 x 8 -
2 ### x 8 8
MFDA = - x = ### N -m
12 2 10
The moment distribution is carrired out as illustred in table.
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB #VALUE! 77000 #VALUE!
624000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -410667 =
The moment distribution carried out as per table 1 for case 1
Joint D A 308000
Member DC DA AD AB
Distribution factore 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 4000
Fix end moment 624000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -410667 A A
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! 0D D
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 468000
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE! 117000
balance #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Fig 4
Carry over #VALUE! #VALUE!
Final moment #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 77000 N/m2.

Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 77000 x 8 = 308000 N
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ ### N/m2
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 117000 x 8.00 = 468000 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.6
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( ha x 8.00 )+ ### - ### + 4000 x 8.00 x 8.00 x 1/2
- 1/2 x #VALUE! x 8.00 x 8.00 x 1/3
-ha x 8.00 + #VALUE! + 128000 - #VALUE!
From which, ha = #VALUE!
Hence , hd =( ### x 8.00 )- 4000 x 8.00 - ### = ###
77000 x 8.00 =
Free B.M. at mid point E = 616000 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 616000 - #VALUE! = #VALUE! N-m
117000 x 8.00 2=
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 936000 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 936000 - #VALUE! = #VALUE! N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
4000 x 8.00 2+
Simply supporetd at mid sapn = 1/16 x ### x 8.00 =
2 ###
Net B.M. = = #VALUE! + ### = ###
Net B.M. = = #VALUE! + ### = ###

5 Design of top slab :

Mid section
The top slab is subjected to following values of B.M. and direct force
Case B.M. at Center (E) B.M. at ends (A) Direct force (ha)
(i) 329047 286953 118400

The section will be design for maximum B.M. = #VALUE! N -m

for water side force
sst = = 150 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = 25000 N/m3
scbc = = 7 N/mm2 wt of water = N/mm2
m = 13 for water side force
m*c 13 x 7
k= = = 0.378 K =
m*c+sst 13 x 7 + 150
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.378 / 3 = 0.874 J =
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 7 x 0.87 x 0.378 = 1.155 R =
Provide over all thickness = 800 mm so effective thicknesss = 750
Mr = R . B .D 2
= 1.155 x 1000 x 750 2= 649820940 ### #VALUE!
#VALUE! = ### mm2
Ast = BMx100/sstxjxD=
150 x 0.874 x 750
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm F bars A = = =
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars =Ax1000/Ast 314 x 1000 / ### = ### say = ###
Hence Provided 20 mm F Bars @ ### mm c/c
Acual Ast provided 1000 x 314 / ### = ### mm2
Bend half bars up near support at distance of L/5 = 8.00 / 5 = 1.60 m
0.1 x( 800 - 100 %
Area of distributionn steel = 0.3 - = 0.10
450 - 100
Ast = 0.10 x 800 x 10 = 800 mm2 area on each face= ###
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm F bars A = = =
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / 400 = 126 say = 120
Hence Provided 8 mm F Bars @ 120 mm c/c on each face
Section at supports :-
Maximum B.M.= #VALUE! N-m. There is direct compression of ### N also.
But it effect is not considered because the slab is actually reinforced both at top and bottom .
Since steel is at top sst = 190 N/mm2 concrete M 20
k = 0.3238 J = 0.892 R = 1.011
\ Ast = = #VALUE! mm2
190 x 0.8921 x 750
Area available from the bars bentup from the middle section = #VALUE! / 2 = ###
#VALUE!### ###

6 Design of bottom slab:

The bottom slab has the following value of B.M. and direct force.
Case B.M. at Center (F) B.M. at ends (D) Direct force (ha)
(i) 476241 459759 225600

The section will be design for maximum B.M. = #VALUE! N -m

for water side force
sst = = 150 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = 25000 N/m3
scbc = = 7 N/mm2 wt of water = N/mm2
m = 13 for water side force
m*c 13 x 7
k= = = 0.378 K =
m*c+sst 13 x 7 + 150
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.378 / 3 = 0.874 J =
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 7 x 0.87 x 0.378 = 1.155 R =
\ d = = #VALUE! mm D = #VALUE! mm
1000 x 1.155
Provide thickness of bottom slab D= ### mm so that d = ### mm
#VALUE! = ### mm2
Ast = BMx100/sstxjxD=
150 x 0.874 x ###
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = =
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars =Ax1000/Ast 314 x 1000 / ### = ### say = ###
Hence Provided 20 mm F Bars @ ### mm c/c
Acual Ast provided 1000 x 314 / ### = ### mm2
Bend half bars up near support at distance of L/5 = 8.00 / 5 = 1.60 m
0.1 x( ### - 100
Area of distributionn steel = 0.3 - = ### %
450 - 100
Ast = ### x ### x 10 = ### mm2 area on each face= ###
3.14xdia 2 3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm bars A = = =
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / ### = ### say = ###
Hence Provided 8 mm F Bars @ ### mm c/c on each face
Section at supports :-
Maximum B.M.= #VALUE! N-m. There is direct compression of ### N also.
But it effect is not considered because the slab is actually reinforced both at top and bottom .
Since steel is at top sst = 190 N/mm2 concrete M 20
k = 0.3238 J = 0.892 R = 1.011
\ Ast = = #VALUE! mm2
190 x 0.8921 x ###
Area available from the bars bentup from the middle section = #VALUE! / 2 = ###

#VALUE!### ### #VALUE!

#VALUE!### ### #VALUE!

Additional reinforcemet required = ### mm2

3.14xdia 2 3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm bars A = = =
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / ### = ### say =
Hence Provided 8 mm F Bars @ ### mm c/c throught out the slab, at its bottom.

7 Design of side wall:

The side wall has the following value of B.M. and direct force.
Case B.M. at Center (F) B.M. at ends (D) Direct force (ha)
(i) 29356 459759 468000
(II) #VALUE! #VALUE! 468000
(II) #VALUE! #VALUE! 468000

The section will be design for maximum B.M.= #VALUE! N -m, and direct force = 468000
#VALUE! x 1000
Eccentricity = = #VALUE! mm
proposed thickness of side wall '= 800 mm \ e/D ### / 800 = ######
Let us reinforce the section with 20 mm F bars @ 300 mm c/c provided on both faces, as shown
in fig xxx . With cover of 50 mm and D = 800 mm
1000 3.14 x 20 x 20
Asc = Ast = x = 1047 mm2
300 4
The depth of N.A. is computed from following expression:
b n D - dt - n + (m - 1)Asc 1 (n - dc)(D - dt- dc)
3 3 n D
= e+ - dt
b n + (m -1) Asc n - dc D - dt - n 2
- m Ast
n n

1000 n n 1047
800 - 50 - + 12 x x n - 50
or 2 3 n
1000 n+ 1047 1047
12 x x n - 50 - 13 x x 800 -
2 n n

n -1E+06
500 n 750 - + n - 50 x
3 n
= ### +
12560 13607
500 n+ x n - 50 - x 750 - n
n n

375000 n - 167 n2 + -1256000 -
= ###
628000 1E+07
500 n + 12560 - - + 13607
n n
multiply by n
375000 n2 - 167 n3 + -1256000 n - -62800000
= ###
= ###
500 n2 + 12560 n- 628000 - 1E+07 + 13607 n

375000 n2 - 167 n3 + -1256000 n - -62800000

= 0
#VALUE! n2 + #VALUE! n - #VALUE!

#VALUE! n2 - #VALUE! n - #VALUE! = 167 n3

#VALUE! n2 + #VALUE! n - #VALUE! = n3

Solwing this trial and error we get, n = ### mm
12 x 1047 13 x
\ c' = ( 500 x ### + ( ### - 50 )-
x( 800 - 50 - ### )
or ### + ### x ### - ### x #VALUE! = #VALUE!
\ c' = = ### ### 7 N/mm2 #VALUE!
m c' 13 x ###
Also stress in steel t = (D-dc-n) = x ( 800 - 50 - ###
= ### N/mm2 ### 190 N/mm2 ###
34 26

ssure acting from inside,








hown in fig.2



Net latral pressure diagram






hown in fig.3
Net latral pressure diagram


fig 5 and 6





hown in fig.6


for water side force


1.155 Required thickness
mm ### mm

314 mm2



50 mm2

c on each face

N also.


for water side force



314 mm2


### mm2

50 mm2

c on each face

N also.



50 mm2

mm #VALUE!
50 50

e= #VALUE! mm


dt dc
468000 N n
fig xxx
thickness of side wall required
1.5 ### t = #VALUE!

both faces, as shown

x -100

50 -n



Quardic equation solver
Put value in cell
1047 C= #VALUE!
#VALUE! Root 1= #VALUE!
Root 2 = #VALUE!


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