Design of Slabs-On-Ground 360R-35: Fig. 8.4-Calculated Compressive Stresses Induced by Expansion (From ACI 223)

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quarter of the slab. Both reinforced and plain slabs, as well as

fiber-reinforced slabs, displayed this behavior.
8.4.2 Prism and slab expansion strains and stresses—
Because the reinforcement percentage varies, the ASTM C
878 restrained concrete prism test is used to verify the
expansive potential of a given mixture. Figure 8.2 may then
be used to determine the amount of slab expansion (strain)
using the known prism expansion value and the percent of
reinforcement in the slab.
With the use of Fig. 8.2, the amount of internal compressive
force acting on the concrete can be estimated knowing the
maximum member (slab) expansion and the percent of
internal reinforcement in the slab.
8.4.3 Expansion/isolation joints—Because a slab may be
restrained externally on one side by a previously cast slab,
the opposite side should be able to accommodate the expansive
strains. When a slab is also adjacent to a stiff wall, pit wall,
or other slab, external restraint on two opposite sides is
present. Compressive stresses as high as 45 to 172 psi (0.31
to 1.19 MPa) (Russell 1973) have been measured, and if the
external restraints are sufficiently stiff, they may prevent the
concrete from expanding and elongating the steel.
Normal asphaltic premolded fiber isolation joints are far Fig. 8.4—Calculated compressive stresses induced by
too stiff to provide adequate isolation and accommodate expansion (from ACI 223).
expansion as their minimum strength requirements are in the
150 psi (1.0 MPa) range at a compression of 50% of the original
joint thickness. A material with a maximum compressive slab when cast against a rigid element should be free to
strength of 25 psi (0.17 MPa) at 50% deformation according move. A formed edge should have the brace stakes or pins
to ASTM D 1621 or D 3575 should be used. loosened after the final set of the concrete to accommodate
If a slab is allowed to expand only at one end during initial the expansive action.
expansion, the width of the isolation joint (in inches) should The placing sequence should be organized so that the edges
be equal to two times the anticipated slab expansion, as taken of slabs are free to move for the maximum time possible before
from Fig. 8.3, and multiplied by the length of the longest placing adjacent slabs. At least 70% of the maximum measured
dimension of the slab (in inches). For a 100 x 120 ft (30 x 37 m) laboratory expansion per ASTM C 878 should occur before
slab with expansion strain of 0.00035: placing adjacent slabs when a slab is not free to expand on two
opposite ends. Examples of placement patterns are shown in
Joint width = 2 × 120 × 12 × 0.00035 (2 × 36.6 × 1000 × 0.00035) ACI 223. Checkerboarded placements should not be used
unless a compressible joint material is placed between the slab
= 1.008 in. (25.60 mm) before concrete placement as per Section 8.4.3.
Before establishing the placement sequence, results of
Use 1 in. (25 mm) thick joint material if the slab is to expand expansion testing per ASTM C 878 should be considered. A
only at one end; and minimum level of prism expansion of 0.04% is recom-
Use 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick joint material if allowed to expand mended for slabs-on-ground. Higher expansion results
at both ends. would accommodate larger slab placements or slabs that
8.4.4 Construction joints—ACI 223 states that with the use have higher amounts of reinforcements. Trial batches for the
of shrinkage-compensating concrete, slabs may be placed in tested mixture proportion should use materials identical to
areas as large as 16,000 ft2 (1500 m2) without joints. Place- those that will be used during construction and tested at the
ments of this size should only be considered in ideal conditions. proposed slump that will be used in the field.
Placements of 10,000 ft2 (930 m2) or less are more common 8.4.6 Concrete overlays—Overlays are used at times to
with joint spacing of 100 ft (30 m). increase the thickness of a slab during initial construction or
Slab sections should be as square as possible, and provisions as a remedial measure. Improved wear performance or a new
should be made to accommodate differential movement finished floor elevation may be the most frequent reasons for
between adjacent slabs in the direction parallel to the joint using overlays. The two types of overlays—bonded and
between the two slabs. Further explanation and details are nonbonded—are covered in ACI 302.1R as Class 6 and
found in ACI 223. Class 7 floors.
8.4.5 Placing sequence—For slabs-on-ground, the place- Bonded overlays are generally a minimum of 3/4 in. (19 mm)
ment sequence should allow the expansive strains to occur thick, but thicknesses of 3 in. (76 mm) or more are not
against a free and unrestrained edge. The opposite end of a uncommon. Typical bonded overlays are used to improve

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