Lesson Plan Sewing

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JANUARY 7, 2019 5:50 – 6:40 AM VI – J.

MONDAY 7:30 – 8:20 AM VI – M. ROXAS
9:40 – 10:30 AM VI – E. AGUINALDO
10:30 – 11:20 AM VI – M. QUEZON
11:20 – 12:10 PM VI – C. GARCIA

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Enumerate the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
B. Follow the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
C. Appreciate the importance of following the steps sewing a Two-Toned


A. Topic: Sewing Household Linen (Two-Toned Pillowcase)
B. Materials: power point, charts, fabric, scissors, pencil, ruler
C. Reference: TLE Kto12 edition 6 pp. 142 - 145

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Enumerate some sewing tools and equipment needed in sewing.
4. Review: Identify the parts of a project plan.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
Display the example of a project plan and a finished product of a Two-
Toned Pillowcase

2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

a. What are the steps in sewing a two-toned pillowcase?
b. What are the things to remember while sewing?
c. Why is it important to know and follow the steps in sewing a two-toned

3. Word Enrichment:
Two-tone – having two colors or shades.
Seam – joint consisting of a line formed by joining two pieces.
Edge – a line determining the limits of an area.
Selvage – the edge of a fabric that is woven so that it will not ravel.
Hem – the edge of a piece of cloth.
4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Present the procedure in sewing a two-toned pillow case
1. Lay the 9”x44” fabric facing its right side upward
2. Lay the 27”x44” fabric on top of the smaller fabric with its right side
facing down, pin along the hemline.
3. Roll the bottom of the fabric upward going to the pinned hemline.
4. Sew the three layers of fabric together to make a casing. Pull out
the fabric inside the casing.
4.2 Discuss the importance of following the steps in sewing a two-toned

C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Following the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase will make one’s
project successful.

2. Assessment
Directions: Arrange the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase.
_____ 1. Lay the 27”x44” fabric on top of the smaller fabric with its right side
facing down, Pin along the hemline.
_____ 2. Lay the 9”x44” fabric facing its right side upward
_____ 3. Roll the bottom of the fabric upward going to the pinned hemline.
_____ 4. Pull out the fabric inside the casing.
_____ 5. Sew the three layers of fabric together to make a casing.

IV. Enrichment Activities:

Rate pupil’s output using rubrics.

5 3 1 SCORE
Followed the health and Followed the health and Seldom followed the health
safety habits always while safety habits occassionally and safety habits while
sewing. while sewing. sewing.
Work Habits
Kept the work place
Kept the work place always Seldom kept the work place
occassionaly clean and
clean and healthy. clean and healthy.

Stitches are straight. Stitches are not so straight. Stitches are very uneven.

Workmanship Steps in making French Steps in making French Steps in making French
seams are followed correctly seams are followed and are seams are followed but are
and are done well. done well. not done well.
Design of the project was Design of the project was not Design of the project was
followed accurately. accurately followed. followed but not done well.
Product Finished pillowcase is very Finished pillowcase is Finished pillowcase is not so
attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable.
30 = 100% 28 = 93% 26 = 86% 24 = 80% 22 = 73%
29 = 96% 27 = 90% 25 = 83% 23 = 76% 21 = 70%

JANUARY 8, 2019 5:50 – 6:40 AM VI - J. LAUREL

TUESDAY 7:30 – 8:20 AM VI – M. ROXAS
9:40 – 10:30 AM VI – E. AGUINALDO
10:30 – 11:20 AM VI – M. QUEZON
11:20 – 12:10 PM VI – C. GARCIA

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Enumerate the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
B. Follow the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
C. Appreciate the importance of following the steps sewing a Two-Toned


A. Topic: Sewing Household Linen (Two-Toned Pillowcase)
B. Materials: power point, charts, fabric, scissors, pencil, ruler
C. Reference: TLE Kto12 edition 6 pp. 142 - 145

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Ask the pupils the different sewing tools and equipment needed in
sewing and give its functions.
4. Review: Recap the First Steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
Display example of project plan and Two-Toned Pillowcase

2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

a. What are the steps in sewing a two-toned pillowcase?
b. What are the things to remember while sewing?
c. Why is it important to know and follow the steps in sewing a two-toned

3. Word Enrichment:
Two-tone – having two colors or shades
Seam – joint consisting of a line formed by joining two pieces
Edge – a line determining the limits of an area
Selvage – the edge of a fabric that is woven so that it will not ravel
Hem – the edge of a piece of cloth

4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Discuss the safety precautions and health habits while sewing.
4.2 Present the procedure in sewing a two-toned pillow case
1. Lay the 9”x44” fabric facing its right side upward
2. Lay the 27”x44” fabric on top of the smaller fabric with its right
side facing down, pin along the hemline.
3. Roll the bottom of the fabric upward going to the pinned
4. Sew the three layers of fabric together to make a casing. Pull out
the fabric inside the casing.
4.3 Discuss the importance of following the steps in sewing a two-toned

D. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Following the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase will make one’s
project successful.

2. Assessment
Directions: Arrange the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase.
_____ 1. Lay the 27”x44” fabric on top of the smaller fabric with its right side
facing down, Pin along the hemline.
_____ 2. Lay the 9”x44” fabric facing its right side upward
_____ 3. Roll the bottom of the fabric upward going to the pinned hemline.
_____ 4. Pull out the fabric inside the casing.
_____ 5. Sew the three layers of fabric together to make a casing.

IV. Enrichment Activities:

Rate pupil’s output using rubrics.

5 3 1 SCORE
Followed the health and Followed the health and Seldom followed the health
safety habits always while safety habits occassionally and safety habits while
sewing. while sewing. sewing.
Work Habits
Kept the work place
Kept the work place always Seldom kept the work place
occassionaly clean and
clean and healthy. clean and healthy.

Stitches are straight. Stitches are not so straight. Stitches are very uneven.

Workmanship Steps in making French Steps in making French Steps in making French
seams are followed correctly seams are followed and are seams are followed but are
and are done well. done well. not done well.
Design of the project was Design of the project was not Design of the project was
followed accurately. accurately followed. followed but not done well.
Product Finished pillowcase is very Finished pillowcase is Finished pillowcase is not so
attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable.
30 = 100% 28 = 93% 26 = 86% 24 = 80% 22 = 73%
29 = 96% 27 = 90% 25 = 83% 23 = 76% 21 = 70%
JANUARY 10, 2018 5:50 – 6:40 AM VI – J. LAUREL
THURSDAY 7:30 – 8:20 AM VI – M. ROXAS
9:40 – 10:30 AM VI – E. AGUINALDO
10:30 – 11:20 AM VI – M. QUEZON
11:20 – 12:10 PM VI – C. GARCIA

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Enumerate the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
B. Follow the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase
C. Appreciate the importance of following the steps sewing a Two-Toned


A. Topic: Sewing Household Linen (Two-Toned Pillowcase)
B. Materials: power point, charts, fabric, scissors, pencil, ruler
C. Reference: TLE Kto12 edition 6 pp. 142 - 145

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Ask the pupils the different sewing tools and equipment needed in
sewing and give its functions.
4. Review: Recap the Second step in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
Display example of project plan and Two-Toned Pillowcase

2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

a. What are the steps in sewing a two-toned pillowcase?
b. What are the things to remember while sewing?
c. Why is it important to know and follow the steps in sewing a two-toned

3. Word Enrichment:
Two-tone – having two colors or shades
Seam – joint consisting of a line formed by joining two pieces
Selvage – the edge of a fabric that is woven so that it will not ravel
Hem – the edge of a piece of cloth

4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Discuss the safety precautions and health habits while sewing.
4.2 Present the procedure in sewing a two-toned pillow case

5. Fold the fabric facing the wrong sides together and stitch along
the raw edge.

6. Turn inside out. Open the seam line, press along line and sew
again the edges to make French seam.

4.2 Discuss the importance of following the steps in sewing a two-toned


C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Following the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase will make one’s
project successful.

2. Assessment
Directions: Arrange the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase.
_____ 1. Sew again the edges to make French Seam
_____ 2. Open the seam line, press along line
_____ 3. Turn inside out
_____ 4. Stitch along the raw edges
_____ 5. Fold the fabric facing the wrong sides together

IV. Enrichment Activities:

Rate pupil’s output using rubrics.

5 3 1 SCORE
Followed the health and Followed the health and Seldom followed the health
safety habits always while safety habits occassionally and safety habits while
sewing. while sewing. sewing.
Work Habits
Kept the work place
Kept the work place always Seldom kept the work place
occassionaly clean and
clean and healthy. clean and healthy.

Stitches are straight. Stitches are not so straight. Stitches are very uneven.

Workmanship Steps in making French Steps in making French Steps in making French
seams are followed correctly seams are followed and are seams are followed but are
and are done well. done well. not done well.
Design of the project was Design of the project was not Design of the project was
followed accurately. accurately followed. followed but not done well.
Product Finished pillowcase is very Finished pillowcase is Finished pillowcase is not so
attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable.
30 = 100% 28 = 93% 26 = 86% 24 = 80% 22 = 73%
29 = 96% 27 = 90% 25 = 83% 23 = 76% 21 = 70%

January 11, 2019 5:50 – 6:40 AM VI – J. LAUREL

WEDNESDAY 7:30 – 8:20 AM VI – M. ROXAS
9:40 – 10:30 AM VI – E. AGUINALDO
10:30 – 11:20 AM VI – M. QUEZON
11:20 – 12:10 PM VI – C. GARCIA

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Discuss the importance of assessing one’s finished project
B. Check the quality of the finished product using rubrics
C. Appreciate the importance of assessing one’s work.


A. Topic: Assessment of the finished product
B. Materials: power point, charts, fabric, scissors, pencil, ruler
C. Reference: TLE Kto12 edition 6 pp. 142 - 145
D. Values: HONESTY

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Identify the safety and health precaution while sewing
4. Review: Recap the steps in sewing a Two-Toned Pillowcase

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
Show an example of a rubrics or scorecards.
Ask the pupils to differentiate scorecard and rubrics

2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

a. What are the things to remember in assessing the finished product?
b. How do we check the quality of the finished product?
c. Why is it important to check the quality of the finished product using rubrics
or scorecards?

3. Word Enrichment:
Rubrics – assessment for the quality of a finished product
Scorecard – a record of scores; score sheet
4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Discuss the difference between a scorecard and a rubric
Scorecard and Rubrics can evaluate one’s work.


1. Proper procedure used …………… ………… 20%
2. Safety precautions observed ….. ………… 5%
3. Use of correct tools and equipment ….. 10%
4. Time Management ……………………………. 10%
5. Assistance required …………………………… 5%
6. Quality of the finished project …………… 50%

4.2 Assess the quality of the finished product using rubrics.

4.3 Discuss the importance of assessing the quality of the finished product
using rubrics.

C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Prepare a systematic work procedure of all the activities in sewing a
two-toned pillowcase.

2. Assessment
Directions: Rate pupil’s output using rubrics

5 3 1 SCORE
Followed the health and Followed the health and Seldom followed the health
safety habits always while safety habits occassionally and safety habits while
sewing. while sewing. sewing.
Work Habits
Kept the work place
Kept the work place Seldom kept the work place
occassionaly clean and
always clean and healthy. clean and healthy.

Stitches are straight. Stitches are not so straight. Stitches are very uneven.

Workmanship Steps in making French

Steps in making French Steps in making French
seams are followed
seams are followed and are seams are followed but are
correctly and are done
done well. not done well.
Design of the project was Design of the project was not Design of the project was
followed accurately. accurately followed. followed but not done well.
Product Finished pillowcase is very Finished pillowcase is Finished pillowcase is not so
attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable. attractive and presentable.

30 = 100% 28 = 93% 26 = 86% 24 = 80% 22 = 73%

29 = 96% 27 = 90% 25 = 83% 23 = 76% 21 = 70%

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