Lesson Plan Finaldemo Excel
Lesson Plan Finaldemo Excel
Lesson Plan Finaldemo Excel
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils should be able to achieve 85%
proficiency on the following:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
2. Drill
Direction: Label the below terms with the correct number of its location
in the picture. Identify the parts of Excel Window.
Key Terms:
1. Workbook
2. Formula bar
3. Heading Column
4. Active Cell/Cell
5. Ribbon
3. Review
Directions: Read the question carefully. Choose the answer that fits the
corresponding question.
1. What types of calculations can you perform using the SUM function?
a. Add b. Subtract c. Divide d. Multiply
2. Which Formula is correct if you want to Add the numbers in cells B3 and
a. =SUM(B3+B4) c. =SUM(B3*B4)
b. =SUM(B3;;B4) d. =SUM(B3-B4)
3. All formulas in Excel begin with the following symbol?
a. + b. = c. % d. –
4. An Excel spreadsheet is primary used for calculating which of the
following options.
a. Data b. Finances c. Numbers d. All of the above
5. A worksheet is a(n) ___?
a. a piece of graph paper b. Single page in a workbook
c. A and B d. None of the above
Answer Key:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
“SUB-ME-IN” The student finds the equivalent value of the given words by
substituting the numerical value above to each letter of the word and adding all numerical
digits. This will help to reveal the lesson for this day.
2. Word Enrichment
4. Learning Experiences
4.1 The pupils will watch a video presentation about using an excel.
4.2 Discussion / Demonstration of the teacher
a. Capabilities of Spreadsheet
b. Opening MS EXCEL
1. Click Start Button
2. Select All Programs
3. Go to MS Office Folder
4. Select MS Office Excel (2013) from the submenus.
c. Entering Data in a Cell with simple Formulas
1. you can Use (SUM) formula to calculate the total and hit Enter.
2. Font Changes and using Auto Filler in Excel
3. Review –Go over any other section.
d. Creating different column chart to illustrate from spreadsheet data
1. Choose a chart type
2. Highlight the Data that you wish to be included in the chart
3. Change Chart Options, you can name the chart, change the legend,
label the data points.
4. Choose a location for the chart.
e. Advantage of learning MS Excel
f. Components of Graphs
g. Purpose of each Graph
4.3 Teacher asks the students to do the excel interactive worksheet Students
respond by answering and work well with chosen groups.
C. Culminating Activities
Rubrics for spreadsheet with Chart
Skills 4 3 2 1 SCORE
All labels (text) fit Most labels fit within Few of the labels fit No labels fit within a
Data Entry: within a single a single column. within a single single column. All
column. Values Most numbers are column. Few or most numbers
(numbers) are appropriate and numbers are are nonsensical or
Labels appropriate and formatted correctly. appropriate to the inappropriate for
Values formatted Some formulas topic. (too high, the chart topic
Formulas correctly. All work. low) Some formulas No formulas work
Formulas work don’t work.
Chart The chart fits the The chart is The chart is difficult The chart is missing
data well and is adequate, has some to interpret. Labels or does not relate to
easy to interpret. formatting. but is and important the data clearly.
Uses colors, data somewhat difficult to descriptions may Chart is confusing
labels, legends, interpret. be missing or making
and other chart confusing interpretation
formatting well. impossible.
The spreadsheet The spreadsheet The spreadsheet The spreadsheet
and chart have an has a nice design needs improvement needs significant
excellent design and layout. It is neat in design, layout or improvement in
Neatness and and layout. It is and easy to read. neatness. May not design, layout and
Organization neat and easy to Fits on a single fit on a single page neatness. Does not
understand the page for printing. for printing. fit on a single page
con-tent. Fits on a for printing.
single page for
Correct Answer, Correct answer but Correct answer but Wrong Answer has
has excellent has 1—2 spelling, missing some of multiple spelling,
Accuracy spelling, grammar, grammar, the steps, has 3-4 grammar,
punctuation, and punctuation, or spelling, grammar, punctuation, or
capitalization. capitalization errors. punctuation, or capitalization
capitalization errors errors.
Time Frame First Group to Following groups to Few members do Only one member
pass within the pass within the time the activity. do the activity and
time limit. limit members can’t
20= 100% 19= 95% 18= 90% 17= 85% 16= 80% 15= 75% 14= 70%
13= 65% 12= 60% 11= 55% 10= 50%
Group Activity
This Activity requires coordination and communication. They Divide into Seven Groups
Each group has designated task to be done. They need to remember all the formula and follow
how it perform in spreadsheet they have chances to compute their giving grades individually
and add graphs by following the steps to make it.
The teacher will facilitate the pupils in this activities:
Task: Create a table with names, semester, year level/grades, calculates the grade point
average and draw a suitable graph.
1. Generalization
2. Assessment
Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Emphasizes and categories the spreadsheet information into a format that can be
quickly and easily analyzed?
A. Label
B. Plot
C. Spreadsheet
D. Chart
Key to Corrections:
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
IV. Agreement
1. Cite more about MS. Excel find out the operation of percentage in worksheet.
Give at least 2 examples of raw data write down on your notebook.
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