ICCT Demo COmputer Excel - How To Use Formula

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Learning Plan

Subject: Computer Studies

Level: Grade 7
Period: Third Quarter

Content Performa DAY/SPECIFIC SUBJECT Assessment Tool Suggested Activities

Day 1 Chapter 3 Directions: Write the Drill
1. Identify Lesson 5 letter of your answer in Word Anagram – Identify the jumbled words
the Text, Values your notebook.
componen and Formula Review
ts of excel 1. These are letters, Parts of the Excel Worksheet
formula. Ref. Visual numbers, symbols, and
2. Create a Guide: Office spaces entered in a cell. Lesson Development
worksheet Productivity A. Formula 1. Show a picture of different arithmetic formulas. Give students 1 minute
table and 3rd Edition B. Text to think about it and share the thought about it:
use excel Page 227 C. Value
formula. D. Data 2. Introduce the lesson: Text, Values and Formulas
2. These are arithmetic  What are the texts, values, and formulas?
operations to be use in  What is the pattern of a formula?
excel.  How an excel formula works?
A. Formula  What is the advantage of using a formula in excel calculation?
B. Text  How it can be use in our daily lives?
C. Value
D. Data 3. Hands On Activity 1.1
3. These are numbers, Open MS Excel and follow the data in Hands On 1
decimal point, comma Ask the students to type the formula to complete the table
and currency.
A. Text 4. What are the different components of an excel formula?
B. Data How can it be useful in using MS Excel?
C. Value MS Excel formula contains text and values that can be use in automatic
D. Formula calculation in worksheet.

4. Which is the correct 5. Seatwork 1.1 Answer the activity in your book, Write the correct
pattern for a formula? formula on each blank.
A. = A1 + B1
B. A1+B1 =
C. =A1 add B1
D. Add cell B1 and
True or False
5. Value is a letter you
enter into a cell that you
may use in a formula
6. The excel formula
always begin with
addition sign.
7. Text includes any 6. Evaluation
combination of letters,
symbols, numbers, and 7. Homework
spaces. Book answer act 2 and 3 pp 238 – 239
8. To review your Study excel functions
formula, simply click on
the formula tab.
9 – 10 explain in 1
What is the importance of
using formula in excel?

1. B 5. false
2. A 6. false
3. C 7. true
4. A 8. true
9-10 Sentence


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