J. Biol. Chem. 1931 Morgulis 455 66
J. Biol. Chem. 1931 Morgulis 455 66
J. Biol. Chem. 1931 Morgulis 455 66
(From the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, and the Department of
Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University
of Nebraska, Omaha)
Ash Whole bone (60.7 per Ratio
cent organic matter)
per cent per cent
Ca 32.96 15.89 1.02
P 15.75 7.68 1.01
cot 2.32 1.17 0.98
ChCOJ 5.28 2.66 0.98
Cas(PO& 79.55 38.65 1.01
Material .s ” .a d 0
solving the bone ash in a measured volume of 0.1 N HCl the fol-
lowing reactions take place.
CaCOJ + Car(PO& + 8 HCl = 4 CaCL + 2 HsPOC + H&O8
Balance of Acid and Basic Radicles of Bone Ash
Equivalenta per loo0 gm. ash Used litem of N HCI per 1000 gm. ash
- - - -
Mabxial ( 1Di(slT*c
Ca Mg E PO4 co2 ‘otal barn e’l Ma1 acb I’otd ash 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (‘3 (7) (8) (9) (W
__ . - __
Dogfish 18.50 0.48 0.11 16.16 1.47 19.09 17.63 1.46 13.29 12.36 0.93 0.53
Goose&h 18.45 0.46 0.14 16.15 1.45 19.05 17.60 1.45 12.87 12.36 0.51 0.94
Mackerel 18.37 0.63 0.05 16.83 1.27 19.05 18.10 0.95 12.90 12.54 0.36 0.59
Squeteague 17.84 0.52 0.34 16.40 1.42 18.70 17.82 0.88 13.13 12.70 0.43 0.45
Frog 18.05 0.60 0.11 15.89 2.12 18.76 18.01 0.75 13.49 12.83 0.66 0.09 r/l
Bullfrog 18.31 0.51 0.09 15.88 1.87 18.91 17.75 1.16 12.98 12.54 0.44 0.72
Amphiuma 18.43 0.42 0.19 15.57 2.45 19.04 18.02 1.02 13.27 13.02 0.25 0.77 k
Siren 18.48 0.47 0.27 15.47 2.61 19.22 18.08 1.14 13.44 13.20 0.24 0.90 g
Turtle 17.84 0.52 0.25 14.35 2.55 18.61 16.90 1.71 13.35 12.36 0.99 0.72 $
Hen 18.62 0.42 0.20 16.33 2.50 19.24 18.83 0.41 13.73 13.59 0.14 0.27 r
Rabbit 18.12 0.44 0.23 15.28 2.59 18.79 17.87 0.92 13.65 13.01 0.64 0.28 a
cow 18.03 0.62 0.21 15.88 2.08 18.86 17.96 0.90 13.45 12.88 0.57 0.33
Dog 17.83 0.36 0.48 14.95 2.53 18.69 17.50 1.19 13.09 13.00 0.09 1.10
Guinea pig 17.77 0.63 0.20 15.78 2.29 18.60 18.07 0.53 13.09 13.01 0.08 0.45
Thyroid calculi 17.20 0.59 0.20 14.85 2.17 17.99 17.02 0.97 13.07 12.87 0.80 0.17
17.30 0.63 0.20 15.56 2.05 18.13 17.61 0.52 13.06 12.63 0.43 0.09
Mixtures of trical- 18.85 15.36 2.64 18.85 18.00 0.85 13.78 12.88 0.90 0.05
cium phosphate 18.22 15.11 2.20 18.22 17.33 0.89 12.49 12.28 0.21 0.68
(Eimer and 18.59 16.70 1.38 18.59 18.08 0.51 13.30 12.52 0.78 0.27
Amend) and cal-
cium carbonate
_- - - -
corresponds to 82.15 per cent C&(PO&, 7.00 per cent CaC03, and
3.74 per cent Ca(OH)t. In terms of mols these values are 82.15:
310, 7.00: 100, and 3.74: 74, thus giving a molar ratio of 6.00:
1.57: 1.13 which is most nearly satisfied by the composition
Ca[(Ca3(P04)2)6l(OH)z. Similarly, from all the other bone ash
analyses an average composition is obtained of 77.20 per cent
Ca3(PO&, 11.81 per cent CaC03, and 3.13 per cent Ca(OH)2. This
corresponds to a molar ratio of 6.00 : 2.82: 1.02, which satisfies the
above formula even more perfectly. For the artificial mixtures
of CaC03 and Cas(PO& (Eimer and Amend) the composition
corresponds to a molar ratio of 6.00:2.86: 1.06, for the first two,