Ape - The aging ape was out of shape because he ate and ate and ate
Antelope - The antelope runs so fast he lost his hat as he went fast.
Armadillo - The armadillo armor is all that you can see, the rest of him is
down inside were very safe to me.
Sunfish - Sandy the sunfish swam in the sea. On Sunday she had all her
friends for tea.
Fox- In the forest lives a funny fox combing out his shaggy locks. Tell
the truth (2x).
Rabbit - running the race comes Ricky the Rabbit coming in first as he
comes. ra ra ra rabit.
Emu - If you see me running from the zoo. I’m coming to help, Im emil Emu.
Elephant - Ellie the elephant bumped her head, she felt so dizzy she went
to bed.
Bucky Buffalo - A buffalo went to buy some bread, but buy banana split
Gerbil - the giant gerbil would not shout, he waited just to show his mouth
Peacock - poorly petty peacock bakes the pepper pie put it in the oven and
it blew sky high
Ibex - an Ibex is a big white goat showing off his shaggy coat
Inchy Worm - inchy the inchworm will climb up a hill, Opps a bird, Inchy
stay still.
Duck - down (3x) says the ducks quack(3x). Time to depend your
OKAPI - Odie Okapi lives all alone, God made you friend with a strange
Lizard- Leonardo the Lizard he lay in the sand you can’t catch me (2x)
Leonardo said on tree or land.
Kangaroo - a kangaroo down the zoo, pick up his shoes and play in zoo.
Cockaroo - Connie cockaroo found brush. Brush (3x). brusing her teeth up
and down.
Civet - a civit circle the cider tree just to see what he could see.
Jaguar - a jaguar (2x) jumping to a jeep he jump the horn beep beep beep
Walrus - wacky the walrus went walking one day along came a west wind
and blew him away.
Unicorn - Ulysses the unicorn plays the boggle daily while he play buggle he
Play ukulele
Umbrella - the umbrella bird ate a purple plum and would bubbles in his
bubble gum
Vole - victor the vole always look at his best wearing his vivid favorite
velvet vest
OX- X eddy ox, xmen x ray machine who went on the xray before
before she was seen
Yalk - yalk with the yoyo with the yarn yoyo from the top of the barn
Zebra - Z went to zebra thru the zebra went to the park look out thru
the dark.