MM - Bad Guys PDF
MM - Bad Guys PDF
MM - Bad Guys PDF
by James Thomson
Copyright 2004© James Thomson
Some artwork by Tony Perna, taken from Superhero Image Portfolios 1.3 and 1.5. copyright © Louis Porter, Jr. Design
Some artwork by Jason Watson, taken from Fantasy Image Portfolio 1.4 copyright © Louis Porter, Jr. Design
Some artwork copyright © Christopher Shy taken from World of Ronin Arts: Character Portfolio Three. Used with permission. Visit the artist’s website at and the publisher’s site at
Some artwork copyright © Samuel Araya taken from World of Ronin Arts: Character Portfolio Four. Used with permission. Visit the artist’s website at or and the publisher’s site at
Some artwork taken from Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes ©2003 Mongoose Publishing.
Special thanks to Paul and Johnny Davis, for all their invaluable assistance.
Requires the Mutants & Masterminds RPG by Green Ronin Publishing For Use. Villain Points are Product Identity of Green Ronin Publishing and are used with permission.
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo, and Green Ronin are also trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are also used with permission.
Table of Contents
Introduction---------------------------4 Vernichtung 5--------------------------------62 Executive Solution F--------------------------141
Using This Book-------------------------4 Der Totenkopf-----------------------------------65 Executive Solution Y--------------------------144
The Moebius Man-------------------------------67 Jim Flint, Agent 12----------------------------147
The Campaign World----------------4 Blitzenhammer----------------------------------69 Zelma Zimmer---------------------------------150
New Feats and Powers----------------5 Zyclon B------------------------------------------72 Mr Smith----------------------------------------151
Chapter 1: Minor Threats------6 Der Shreik----------------------------------------74 Jim Flint’s Bodyguards----------------------152
Sicko the Clown-----------------------------------6 Mother Moebius---------------------------------76 Appendix A: Villains by PL-----------------------153
Big John--------------------------------------------9 The Corpus Christi Good-Time Boys--78 Index-----------------------------------------------154
Doctor Shock-------------------------------------11 Johnny Black------------------------------------81
Mano del Muerte--------------------------------13 Cimarron Starr--------------------------------84
Chapter 2: Moderate Threats-15 Grease Monkey---------------------------------85
Broken Arrow-----------------------------------15 Doctor Destructor------------------------------ 88
U-Go-Grrrl---------------------------------------18 The Texas Twister------------------------------89
The Unicorn--------------------------------------19 Mr. Fist------------------------------------------- 91
Vampire Girl-------------------------------------21 The Lone Star Lady----------------------------93
Wolf-Dog------------------------------------------24 Jim Dandy----------------------------------------95
God-------------------------------------------------27 Boy Howdy-------------------------------------- 96
Helen Damnation--------------------------------30 The Four Deuces----------------------------97
Chapter 3: Major Threats-----33 Double Deuce---------------------------------- 101
Ace of Wounds---------------------------------104
The Snow Queen--------------------------------33
Lady Deuce-------------------------------------107
Black Thunder-----------------------------------36
Diamond Deuce--------------------------------111
The Death Angel--------------------------------40
The Steel Deuce--------------------------------113
Doctor Moloch, Phd----------------------------43
Azeraphel, the Screaming Angel-------------45
The Hammer of Doom-------------------------47 Executive Solutions----------------------121
Captain Valiant----------------------------------50 Executive Solution D--------------------------124
Executive Solution M-------------------------128
Chapter 4: Teams-------------------------53 Executive Solution Z--------------------------130
The Nowhere Men--------------------------53 Executive Solution X--------------------------132
Woodchuck Man--------------------------------56 Executive Solution R--------------------------135
The Ratcatcher----------------------------------58 Executive Solution Q-------------------------139
Grim Diddle--------------------------------------60
A compendium of every sort of crime and combat, and a brief sample adventure or two. of character descriptions don’t specify exactly how
wickedness, this book contains more than fifty of the A word on using heavy villains. When it comes much lethal force the NPC should use in combat. It
most gloriously evil (or tragically misunderstood) to Power Levels, M&M is more like the D20 system talks a lot about whether or not a given villain might
supervillains in history. From cackling arch-fiends to than it is like most of the point-based superhero take hostages, endanger innocents, use torture and so
sneering street thugs, if you want scum in capes— games you may be used to. In a lot of superhero forth, but tends not to say much about whether they
we’ve got ‘em! This volume holds enough goons, games, a group of medium level PCs can take down would kill an opponent in combat, because that
creeps, crooks, monsters, madmen and maniacs to a single high-level villain without all that much should be up to the GM. And it should depend on
trouble your players for months on end. A veritable difficulty. In these games, an NPC opponent usually the kind of game they want to run.
smorgasbord of crime, where the sneeze-guards of needs to be between twice and four times as If you are running a game that is relatively light
evil are always clean and the bacon bits of powerful as the heroes in order to really give them a in tone, then even characters with bloody pasts like
wickedness never run out! Includes more than one run for their money. M&M doesn’t work that way. Lady Deuce or the Hammer of Doom don’t have to
hundred separate adventure seeds that will let you Here the differences between Power Levels really try to kill the Player Characters. Being stone killers
start using these villains straight out of the box. matter. A PL 12 villain is significantly stronger than may be part of their back-story, but it doesn’t mean
Serving all your needs for crime at pennies on the a PL 10 hero, a PL 15 villain is a real challenge, and they have to kill somebody in this particular
dollar, no batteries are required (unless you’re a PL 20 villain really is a world-smashing menace. adventure. Lady Deuce is capable of throwing a
reading this on a laptop), and neither is any specific Throw a team of PL 10 Player Characters up against baby off the end of a pier, but that doesn’t mean she
campaign world—these super-scoundrels fit right in the boys from Executive Solutions en masse, and the has to spot a stroller down by the docks in every
anywhere! It’s time to don the bicycle helmet of opposition will decimate them. scenario. I want this material to be as useful to you
villainy and head-butt the smirking face of justice! To avoid getting chased down and pummeled by as possible, so I don’t want to restrict some NPCs to
your frustrated players, try and be aware of how “gritty” settings and others to “four-color”
tough campaigns. My own style is probably more
Using This Book the opposition is, and give the PCs tactical
advantages if you think they’ll need them. Your
influenced by Warren Ellis, Frank Miller and Grant
Morrison than it is by Kurt Busiek or Chris
The villains in this book are arranged by Power players are sure to appreciate it. There are few Claremont. I’m more of a pretentious oaf who
Level, rather than in alphabetic order. We start out gaming experiences more thrilling than spotting an thinks he’s Alan Moore than I am a pretentious oaf
with the least powerful villains and build our way up enemy that you know can beat the stuffing out of who thinks he’s Jack Kirby. But if you’re a four-
to the toughest ones. There’s an index in the back, in you, and then realizing that this time you have the color fanatic then I want you to be able to use this
case you need to look someone up alphabetically. drop on them. material too. If you think the Four Deuces are cool
After the individual villains, we have five A word about lethality might also be in order but you’re running a campaign modeled on the
supervillain teams for you, which are also organized here. A few of these villains (the Ratcatcher, the Powerpuff Girls, then keep their bloodiest deeds
in order of the level of challenge they provide, from Unicorn and Sicko the Clown, for example) try offstage.
the lowly Nowhere Men (intended for low-level scrupulously not to kill people. They won’t even use
teams and groups that like investigating mysteries) lethal force on the heroes who are trying to beat
up to the nation-toppling, hero-crushing mercenary them up. A few (like the poor insane Mano del
group called “Executive Solutions.” Each team Muerte) kill all the time—being homicidal is part of
comes with notes on how to get the most effective their character concept. But the remaining majority
use out of them, the kinds of tactics they use in
concerns superheroes). Make no mistake, I love that appetite for crime, whatever unsavory form it might
The Campaign archetype—I’ve seen all the same James Bond
movies you have and I loved them just as much. But
Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 14 (+1) “Hey kids, it’s yer old pal Sicko th’
Initiative: +2 Attack Bonus (Melee): Clown! With all kinds of kooky, zany,
+10 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +12 nutty, messed-up, painful, ghastly,
Defense: +23/+18 Speed: 35 horrid, wacky fun for all of you! Ha ha
Damage Save: +12 Fortitude Save: +4 heh heh hee hee ho hoo hoo ha!”
Reflexes Save: +2 Willpower Save: +1
A wretched, drunken, self-loathing, glue-sniffing
Skills: Craft (Weird Clown Gizmos) +5, Hide +5, misfit clown. He’s an alienated, unhappy deviate
Intimidate +5, Performance +5 who steals women’s underwear, wallowing in his
Feats: All-Out Attack, Dodge, Improved Trip, perversity with frantic glee. He commits weird,
Power Attack, Rapid Healing, Startle, Stunning kinky and outrageous crimes for the sheer twisted
Attack, Surprise Attack, Takedown Attack, hell of it, and to get attention. He loves attention,
Toughness especially the negative kind.
Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +8, Gadgets Sicko adores being a villain, a weirdo pervert
+8, Running +1 (Cost 2pts) freak, and plays it up at every opportunity. Yet he’s
much too self-conscious and theatrical to ever let his
Equipment: (Weapon, +8 Stunning Damage act get totally out of control. He won’t hit
Cost: 1pt), Dubious Clown Van (Vehicle; Size: superheroes with lethal force, and if he beats one he
Large; Movement: 6; Hardness: 6; Armor Bonus: 3; will always come up with an excuse to put them in
Features: Radio Reception), Revolting Pies (Energy some ridiculous, humiliating but easily escaped
Blast +8 Stunning Damage; Flaw: Device; Cost: death-trap rather than execute them on the spot.
1pt), Stanky Bombs, (Obscure +8; Flaw: Device; Even when drunk he would never willingly let an
Cost: 1pt) innocent come to harm. He is deeply ashamed of this
Weaknesses: Quirk: Loathsome drunken fact and tries hard to conceal it.
Real Name: Wendell "Butch" degenerate. For while he’s great at playing the role of a
Quirk: Crazed Clown Code (Can't knowingly do sinister perverted clown, under his makeup he’s kind
Blutarski anyone Lethal damage or allow an innocent to come of a fraud. He gets no kick from hurting people—he
PL: 8 to harm) just likes shocking them. The thrill he gets from
stealing panties is chiefly that it’s filthy and wrong. circumstances, as he feels that would be too scary for illegal transmitter from the back of his skanky clown
He gets hardly any joy out of wearing them, unless them. van. He shows vile cartoons and revolting puppet
of course someone catches him in the act. He’s not Unfortunately, Sicko’s drunkenness and drug shows and mocks everything good and decent.
even a real pedophile, despite sometimes making abuse make him dangerous to be around—not Just how obscene the leering clown gets on his
leering remarks to that effect (Note to the GM: try because he might lash out and do something savage, show is up to the GM. If your PCs would be
to keep this last affectation low-key enough so that it but because being wasted makes him sloppy and uncomfortable with a lot of swearing, then avoid it.
won’t get too disgusting for your players to handle. incompetent. He’s almost sure to kill an innocent Otherwise, feel free to make his show an utterly
Sicko shouldn’t hang around school playgrounds in a sooner or later through some drunken mistake. This outrageous torrent of filth.
raincoat—that would probably freak the PCs out too will no doubt drive him deeper into self-loathing It’s going to be tough to catch Sicko, since he
badly. But if he’s surrendering to a superhero he wretchedness, and make him even more prone to stays on the move while he’s broadcasting.
might say something like “I can never say no to misbehave. Unfortunately, one of the stations he’s interfering
anyone in a Boy Scout uniform!”) with has an owner with Mob connections, and he
If confronted with the fact that he isn’t nearly as Adventures With Sicko the Clown: doesn’t exactly dig the idea of some clown cutting in
evil as he pretends to be, Sicko will rave and protest on his action. The cops are also prone to overreact,
and make outrageous claims about what a revolting since a whole lot of them are also parents and have
degenerate he is (“No! No! I eat three kittens before 1) Another Triumph for Moral Decency caught their kids watching the show on the sly.
breakfast! I invented th’ Teletubbies! I had intimate Sicko the Clown attends a meeting of the Crusade Sicko may be in real danger soon.
carnal relations with Walt Disney’s pickled brain!”). for Moral Decency—after all, who could be more in To make matters worse, a supervillain from
need of moral decency than Sicko the Clown? He Texas named Cimarron Starr is in town, and she
will sneak backstage and put rude slides in the doesn’t like the way Sicko is interfering with her
Using Sicko the Clown in your speaker’s carousel, rewire the PA system to make soap operas. His unpatriotic tone also offends her,
campaign: As an opponent he is flashy and even ruder sounds and then finally, as the meeting as does the way he mocks televangelists. She is
distracting, constantly hurling sick jokes and comes close to dissolving in panicked chaos he’ll going to teach this clown to show more respect for
exploding pies full of panty hose and bondage attack whoever is speaking at the podium, pelting decent folks, and has no objection to killing him in
magazines, pausing to scribble rude graffiti on a wall them with sticky pies and foul insults until they run the process.
or to sniff some glue. But he’s a better tactician than for cover. He will then hold the audience hostage "Now sing along kids: 'Who's a twisted pervert
he pretends to be. He won’t interrupt a fight to do while he delivers a crazy, rambling, drunken lecture and who wears all your panties? S-I-C, K-Y-T, H-E-
something silly and vile unless he actually has a free on the topic of family values, mocking and C-L-O...' Ah th' heck with it, I gotta huff some more
moment. Otherwise he would get caught too fast and mutilating everything they hold dear, pausing only to glue..."
the show would end too soon. He’s always got an show more grody and ridiculous slides or to do more
escape plan or two, even though he doesn’t much drugs. Can no one stop this crazed clown of crime? 3) A Very Special Sicko the Clown Christmas
care whether he wins or loses the fight. He might Actually, the audience is going to do its best to Sicko the Clown is beginning to feel the
take a hostage, but if he does he’ll utter some try. After only a little of Sicko’s raving they are mad Christmas spirit upon him. He has taken to hanging
ridiculous threat like: “Stay back, or I’ll paint enough to rip him limb from limb, and by the time out at Santa Claus themed leather bars, with names
moustaches on the pictures of all this guy’s kids!” or the PCs arrive they may find that they have to save like “The North Pole” and “Kris Kringle’s Hidey
“Back off or I’ll tell Mrs. Happy Homemaker here Sicko from the Crusade for Moral Decency, rather Hole”—places where big dudes dressed like Santa
that Betty Crocker doesn’t really exist!” than the other way around. whip guys dressed up as reindeer and bellow “now
He may even attempt to take himself or his sock dash away, dash away, dash away all!” Joints
puppet hostage, just for laughs (“Back off or th’ where you can get a tattoo of a burning tannenbaum
clown gets it! No one will miss him, what’s one less 2) Hey Kids, It’s th’ Sicko the Clown Show! on your face at the bar, and the jukebox always
crummy clown in the world?”) Sicko the Clown gets his own Saturday morning seems to be playing “It’s a Holly Jolly Christmas.”
He’ll never take small children hostage under any TV show, by breaking into the carrier wave with an
But then one sodden Christmas Eve, a guy that On Adolph, on Pukeface, on Pervert and Witless!
everyone calls “Jolly Old Saint Nick” gets busted by On Vomit, on Rat-Fink! On Stanky and Twisted!
the fuzz for selling crank and doing indecent things Hey wait a minute—it’s July! What the %$#@*!??
to a clothing store mannequin, just as he was about
to deliver a whole load of toys to a program across
town that the Hell’s Angels run for the orphaned
kids of outlaw bikers.
Sicko is seized with a sudden surge of drunken X-
mas spirit, and decides to save Christmas. Alas, his
sleazy clown van doesn’t run at the moment and his
tires are all in hock. But there’s a marvy-looking
sleigh hanging from the bar’s ceiling which might
actually be functional, and after Sicko delivers a
rousing drug-crazed rant about what a bastard Santa
Claus must be (“Poor kids izz often naughty, in
Santa’s book, but rich kids izz always nice. Izz juss
like my old clown Mama always used to say ‘Sicko’
she’d say, ‘get me my @#$%&*! Marlboros ya little
creep!’, which always reminds me of th’ spirit a th’
seezun…”) there are plenty of “reindeer” ready to
pull the sleigh across town.
He asks the red-nosed little alcoholic who dresses
up like Hitler: “Adolph, wit yer nose so bright, won’t
you guide my sleigh tonight?” And off they go, with
Adolph the red-nosed Hitler in the lead!
Of course, Sicko is a wanted criminal, and any
superhero who sees him riding in a sleigh covered
with obscene X-mas related graffiti drawn by eight
half-naked weirdoes in leather harnesses with fake
antlers on their heads will surely assume that clown
is up to something dreadful. I mean, wouldn’t you?
His motives are actually noble, for once, but his
pathology will never let him admit it to the PCs.
To complicate matters, a bigger, meaner
supervillain who Sicko has annoyed may show up
and try to spoil Christmas for everyone. Said villain
will somehow know all about Sicko’s secret good
intentions and will mock him loudly for them. This
should let the PCs know what’s really going on, and
not a moment too soon! Is there still time to save
Str: 20 (+5) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 20 (+5) leaving a trail of blood and destruction behind him.
Big John Int: 10 Wis: 8 (-1) Cha: 14 (+2)
Bumbling around without purpose or point, he hopes
to do as much damage as possible to the people he
Initiative: +2 Attack Bonus (Melee): hates before being gunned down by the cops or the
+11 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +8 Army. Above all, he wants to draw attention to
himself and to his cause.
Defense: +16/+14 Speed: 30 He's a bully and a killer, aggressive and sadistic.
Damage Save: +4 Fortitude Save: +6 He loves to hit helpless people. He loves to
Reflexes Save: +2 Willpower Save: +2 browbeat and intimidate his victims before crushing
them. He constantly wears a cruel, knowing smirk.
Skills: Intimidate +9, Spot +6, Taunt +5 Big John truly believes that the world is run by a
Feats: Chokehold, Great Fortitude, Heroic Surge, secret cabal of Jews and Freemasons, and he thinks
Improved Grapple, Iron Will you know it too. He's willing to engage in long,
scary conversations with people about his ideas,
Powers: Growth +9 (Extras: Shockwave, toying with them, letting them think he might not kill
Thunderclap; Power Stunt: Lethal Damage; Flaw: them if they can say the right thing.
Permanent; Cost: 7pts) In combat, he’s a ruthless and surprisingly
Weaknesses: Quirk: Murderous Bigot (Big cunning opponent. He takes hostages as often as he
John is incapable of working with members of other can, and tries to put himself in positions where
ethnic backgrounds and will attack them in shooting at him will cause a lot of collateral damage.
preference to all other targets, even if doing so puts He likes to use school busses for cover, he likes to
him at a tactical disadvantage) place himself in front of oil storage tanks or strip
malls crowded with shoppers. Kids aren’t safe from
him, old people aren’t safe from him, even his fellow
“What do I want? I want a white white people aren’t safe from him. While he tries to
America. You give me that, right now, focus his anger on minorities, gay people and
and I’ll surrender. What’s that? You everyone else he hates, Big John can always seem to
find an excuse to kill just about anybody.
say you can’t? Well then I guess I’ve As you might expect, he doesn't really fear death
just got to crush another hostage. You or expect to live much longer--guys who go on
better watch carefully this time, or I’m cross-country killing sprees seldom live to a ripe old
age (particularly if they're thirty feet tall and can't
gonna make it hurt a lot worse… Now hide anywhere). Yet he does fear both pain and
look at that--you see what you made me humiliation, and can be threatened with either.
do to that poor girl? You’re John was always big. He weighed 14 pounds at
birth, and was five feet tall by the time he was four
Real Name: John Wayne Stimple responsible for it, you know. You did years old. He towered over his teachers in school
PL: 9 this to her. Now let’s take it from the and his mother at home, which made them afraid of
top. Ask me what I want again.” him. So they beat him and terrorized him as much as
they could.
A crazed white supremacist giant on a rampage, By the time he was twelve John was seven feet
tall and a lot stronger than an ox. His mother pulled covers a much wider swath of territory. Big John
him out of school, banished him to the cellar and has been smashing his way across the upper Midwest
told him to stay out of the sight of decent people. Using Big John in your campaign: Big (or some other part of the country, far distant from
Instead of staying out of sight, he started hanging John has no intention of being taken alive, and is where the PCs live) for about a month now. He
around by the Mini Mart. He could easily pass for an probably a one-shot villain, who appears, goes on a seems to be able to suddenly vanish when
adult, so nobody questioned why he was there in the rampage, and then dies. However, if the PCs superheroes get too close. A Player Character gets
middle of the day. manage to capture him, he can become a recurrent called out of town to visit a frail and elderly relative
He found out about nazism from the public menace. He’ll escape custody if he gets a chance (or better yet, the frail and elderly relative of their
library and TV, although his mom had already told and start his bloody rampage all over again. While love interest). They have stopped at a diner or a rest
him that black people were evil. Throughout his he is vengeful and vindictive, his resources aren’t area near some train tracks, and the Player Character
adolescence he hung out with other kids who were really great enough for him to effectively hunt most finds themselves momentarily alone, outside. A
into the same stuff. His incredible size, strength and superheroes down (anyway he’s much too busy freight train rumbles past, and Big John bursts out of
cruelty made him a natural leader. The group of trying to smash stuff and go out in a blaze of glory) one of the cars, landing on the far side of the tracks
them set dogs on fire and put the eyes out of but if he encounters them again he will be pleased from the PC. As the train rumbles between them, the
squirrels and wished they could get their hands on a and will single them out for special punishment. giant marauder sees the PC, smiles sadistically and
black kid. They were known troublemakers, despised gestures to indicate that they should keep silent.
by decent folks and constantly hassled by the sheriff. Adventures With Big John: 1) Zero Day Perhaps he makes a threatening gesture in the
It always tickled John to think that while every adult One Saturday morning a maniac named Wilbur direction of the diner, or the PC’s love interest.
he had ever met felt the same way he did about Munce runs amok and starts shooting people in the Then John lumbers off to cause havoc somewhere
blacks and Jews, the fact that he wore a swastika on parking lot of a synagogue. He has a lot of hostages close by. How does the PC go after Big John
his shirt made them hate and fear him. and the cops are desperate enough to call the PCs in without blowing their secret identity? What will
By the time he was fifteen, John was twelve feet to stop him. Overcoming Munce is easy for a team they do about their obligations? How can they get in
tall and could no longer pass for a normal human. of superheroes, but when the cops look at his touch with the rest of the team and what cover story
Most of his friends were in juvie by then anyway. apartment they find his connection to the Purifiers’ will they use? Can the team even get here in time to
He retreated to his Mom’s basement and spent a lot web site. It is painfully clear that this group of white keep Big John from doing something awful? And
of time watching TV and surfing the web. supremacist psychopaths has at least one actual will the huge thug really take some kind of twisted
When he was twenty, he began exchanging e- parahuman in its ranks, and that he is about to go on revenge against the PC’s loved ones?
mail with an online hate group called the Purifiers. a rampage. Can our heroes stop Big John in time?
They were a kind of suicide club, constantly egging And come to think of it, why does he call himself
one another on to run amok in public, kill a bunch of “Big John”?
minorities and get gunned down by the cops. John is The PCs will arrive in John’s home town just
the third one to actually do it. slightly too late—he has already caved in his house
At the GM’s discretion, the other Purifiers may and walked off into the night. Now the PCs will
be a shabby collection of lunatics and halfwits, or have to fight a running cross-country battle, tracking
they may actually be a group of paranoid white John by the incidents he creates, to stop him before
supremacist superhumans, ready to tip over like a he does something horrendous. There is a small and
chain of firecrackers and wreak havoc all across the predominantly African-American grade school
country. John killed his mother and collapsed their directly in his path, about forty miles away.
house before he set out on his rampage, but his
computer’s hard drive is still salvageable, and who 2) Fast Train to Nowhere
knows what evidence it might contain? This scenario assumes that Big John’s rampage
Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 14 (+2) watches his victims from a distance, then invades
Doctor Shock Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 6 (-2)
Initiative: +1 Attack Bonus (Melee):
their homes while they sleep, leaving threatening
mash notes for them.
He mostly bothers deaf girls and can't understand
+10 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +10 why they reject him. All deaf women must want
him--who else would have them? They're freaks,
Defense: +11/+9 Speed: 30 defectives, cruel accidents of nature, unlovable by
Damage Save: +5 Fortitude Save: +4 anyone. Surely they crave him and his hot electric
Reflexes Save: +4 Willpower Save: +3 love!
After spying on and harassing a victim for a
Skills: Balance +8, Craft (Electronics) +8, Hide while, he'll sneak into her room while she sleeps and
+9, Jump +6, Move Silently +10, Open lock, +8, shock her awake with his electric caresses. Then
Profession (to be determined) +5, Read Lips +8 he'll go away, and come back to do it again the next
Feats: All-Out Attack, Dodge, Improved night. Someitmes it's hard for his victims to get
Initiative, Surprise Attack, Toughness anyone to believe what is happening, which adds
greatly to his relish. It also makes them more likely
Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +3 (Extras: to turn to unconventional sources for help (the Player
Willpower, Reflexes: Cost: 3pts) Characters, for example).
Equipment: Armor +9 (Extra: Damage Field Doctor Shock has yet to kill or sexually assault
[electric], Paralysis [No Range]; Cost: 2pts), anyone (at least in the conventional sense) but who
Darkvision (Flaw: Device; Cost: 1pt), Detect knows what he might become capable of as he
Movement (Flaw: Device; Cost: 1pt), Immunity to explores his vice more deeply. He prefers not to get
Suffocation (Flaw: Device; Cost: 1pt) into direct confrontations with the authorities, but
Weaknesses: Disabled: Deaf (-4 Penalty to unlike the usual stereotype of a peeping Tom he is
Initiative, Cannot make Listen skill checks) no coward and although he has never fought a
superhero hand to hand he would find the prospect
Quirk: Depraved Complusive Deviate (can't stop thrilling. If the battle is going well, he may linger
harassing his victims even if it's obviously going to too long at the scene, unable to control his glee. He
get him into trouble). doesn't feel a lot of moral compunctions and
certainly wouldn't mind taking a hostage if it either
helps his chances of getting away or makes the
“All women crave the burning shock of situation more exciting.
my tender electric caresses. And soon Doctor Shock never speaks, but does leave copies
they’ll all know my touch.” of his "Electric Love Manifesto" lying around to
explain his motives. He is of course deaf himself.
Real Name: To be determined (see
A creepy little peeping Tom who complusively
description) harasses women. He likes electricity in deeply Using Doctor Shock in your
PL: 9 unhealthy ways and has built himself a "shock-suit" campaign: Dr. Shock probably won’t stand up to
to help satisfy his peculiar appetites. His Shock Suit an assault by a team of superheroes for long, so the
is designed to give out both massive jolts of key to using him right is to keep him offstage for as
electricity to others and exciting jolts to himself. He long as possible, letting the tension build and build
as the PCs match wits with him at a distance. He’s talk to the Player Character about this, but if they
really meant for creepy, atmospheric mysteries press her she tells them the whole story and shows
rather than for street brawls. We’ve left his identity them the evidence. And just in the nick of time! For
undetermined so that you can make this part of the Doctor Shock is about to move things up to the next
mystery—perhaps he turns out to be someone his stage.
victim (or the Player Characters) already knows, or
even someone who is helping them with the 2) School of Shock
investigation. Dr. Shock terrorizes the women’s dormitory in a
He could well be a one-shot villain who dies or large school for the deaf. He is already on his third
gets sent to prison forever after his rampage, but if victim by the time the Player Characters get called
he ever gets out again he’s going to build himself in.
another shock suit and go right back to doing what The first victim transferred out of the school
he loves. Or perhaps he’ll start stalking a PC’s loved when she found that no one would believe her stories
ones. about an electric marauder who abused her in the
dead of night, in her room, with her roommate asleep
Adventures With Doctor Shock: 1) on the next bed. When he started to harass a second
The Unfortunate Van Valkenburg Matter victim the school started treating it seriously, but
Doctor Shock torments a young deaf woman before they had a chance to involve the police the
named Miranda Van Valkenburg until she commits second girl feel down the stairs (perhaps by accident,
suicide. A friend of hers is the deaf cousin, sister, perhaps not) and wound up in the hospital,
girlfriend or other close female acquaintance of a unconscious. He has now transferred his affections
Player Character. She hadn’t seen Miranda in some to another student, although by the time the Player
time, and regrets it bitterly. While going through Characters learn about these events he hasn’t done
some of Miranda’s things, she finds her diary. There more than leave her threatening messages and a copy
are only a few entries from after Doctor Shock of his unsavory “Electric Love Manifesto.”
started terrorizing her—she was too upset to write It is possible that the Player Characters have been
very much. It seems clear from what little she did brought in as consultants, to resolve this matter
write that no one believed her, everyone thought she discreetly, but it’s almost more interesting if one of
was crazy or desperate for attention, so she decided them has instead been drawn in through their secret
to kill herself. identity—perhaps as a staff member, counselor,
In addition the diary, the PC’s friend finds a copy teacher or even a student at the school.
of the Electric Love Manifesto. She does not know We have left Doctor Shock’s identity unspecified
that Doctor Shock is watching her through the because that can be one of the most intriguing parts
window as she reads it, or that she is about to of the mystery. He is deaf, and he is somehow able
become his next victim. to open any locked door in the building. Is he the
The Doctor starts harassing her slowly and creepy janitor? A male student? A teacher? The
cruelly—letting her glimpse him outside her school psychologist? The headmaster? Some weird
window, leaving threatening notes. She doesn’t guy who lives across the street and has nothing to do
know what to do, no one will believe her, just like with the school? Do whatever would be most
they didn’t believe Miranda. She isn’t even sure that dramatic and scary.
she believes it herself. Initially she won’t want to
Blast +9 (Extras: Damage Field, Subtle; Power thinks that people are asking him to sacrifice them to
Mano del Muerte Stunts: Pentetrating Attack x4; Cost: 4pts), Obscure
+5 (Flaw: Partial; Cost 1pt), Protection +9 (Cost:
the God of Blood, so that America can stay strong,
immune to foreign influences. He will go to some
2pts), Running +1 (Cost: 2pts) random location and ask the people he finds there if
Weaknesses: Disturbing (looks like a they want to be sacrificed for the Blood God's
mutilated ruin of a man, makes all Diplomacy and greater glory, that America might shine pure. They
Bluff checks at a -5) always answer yes, to his continual surprise (or at
Quirk: Paranoid schizophrenic (the Mano del least that's what he thinks they're saying) and
Muerte is dangerously out of touch with reality, although he hates to kill people, what choice does he
which leads him to make grave errors and do terrible have? Just think what would happen if he didn't kill
things) them! America overrun by foreigners, corrupted and
made to serve as a festering breeding pool for their
foreign influences, contaminating the rest of the
"America! Cruel goddess! I raise world with their foreingness! Before he kills them,
monuments of blood to slake your he asks the sacrifices where he should go next and
they always give him another address (or at least he
appetites, though it wounds my mind thinks they do).
and damns my soul." Mano del Muerte is sentimental about children
and cute things and cries a lot over his victims, both
A crazy, murderous, rampaging lunatic with before and after he kills them. He would never, ever
superhuman powers. He has somehow been cursed hurt a child or an animal and could be dissuaded
with the ability to kill with a touch or a glance, from taking a sacrifice if he thought a child might
Real Name: Ramon Ochoa rupturing blood vessels, melting flesh, causing see him do it. He has five kids of his own, back
PL: 9 spasms and convulsions. home in Bolivia, and he misses them terribly.
We don't know much about how he gained his Sometimes he gets one of them confused with some
Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 18 (+4) powers or went mad. He served in the US Army, in child here in the states and will leave gifts for them
Int: 9 (-1) Wis: 6 (-2) Cha: 2 (–4) hopes of distinguishing himself enough to gain outside their window, or follow them down the street
citizenship, and may have been considered for some at night to make sure they're safe. Sometimes he
Initiative: +3 Attack Bonus (Melee): sort of superhuman combat unit. Some of his misunderstands a stranger's intentions toward "his"
+11 (+9L Damage Field) Attack Bonus records are classified, but it at least seems clear that child and kills them.
(Ranged): +12 Defense: +23/+19 Speed: he was discharged for psychological instability and
35 that he had some kind of trouble with his resident Using Mano del Muerte in your
alien status after that. Did he volunteer for some kind
Damage Save: +4/+6 (Evasion) Fortitude of dangerous experimental treatment, in hopes of campaign: Adventures with the Mano del
Save: +3 Reflexes Save: +3 Willpower becoming a citizen? Did it give him psychic powers? Muerte should always take place at night and the
Did it exacerbate his mental instability? Did they atmosphere should always be as creepy as possible.
Save: +-2 While he does have some unexpected tricks up his
sense that he might be dangerous and try to have him
Skills: Hide +9, Listen +9, Move Silently +9 kicked out of the country? We will probably never sleeve, he won’t provide much challenge in a knock-
Feats: Darkvision, Dodge, Durability, Evasion know. His own ideas on the topic are uselessly down, drag-out fight. Therefore the PCs should only
deranged. get solid chance to come to grips with him right at
Powers: Super-Wisdom +9 (Flaw: only counts the end of the scenario. Most of the adventure will
toward resisting mental attacks; Cost: 1pt), Energy Completely insane, hopelessly delusional, he
usually involve trying to figure out his motives and
then intercepting him wherever he is about to strike crimes and hear testimony from eyewitnesses, the he had sworn to do them both grievous harm There
next, before any more innocent people die. nature of his motivations slowly starts to emerge. It was already a restraining order out against him, but
He’s as pitiable as he is scary, but he’s also becomes clear that he’s actually choosing addresses she knew it wouldn’t do any good and fully excepted
exactly the kind of villain who tempts the PCs to use at random, but because he thinks that each victim is that he would kill them sooner or later.
lethal force. If he survives his first encounter with telling him where to go to find the next one, it might In fact Ingnacio Ruiz accosted his stepson on the
the Player Characters, they could dedicate be possible to figure out his next destination from steps and while the two of them struggled, Mano del
themselves to trying to cure his condition or they something a witness overhears him saying to a Muerte happened by the scene. He mistook little
could just have him locked away forever. He’s not a victim. After they have explained this to their Hector for one of his own sons, and swiftly moved to
competent escape artist, but if you feel that the PCs contact, they get a lucky break. The very next time protect him, killing Ruiz dead on the spot. He slunk
would enjoy fighting him again then he could get they are out on patrol, tracking down another back into the shadows to watch over “his” boy from
loose in some kind of accident or mass prison break. potential sighting, their contact gets in touch. A new a distance, but some of the neighbors had heard the
However you decide to use him, he should not eyewitness has just come forward, and she heard altercation and called the police. A squad car
become the kind of villain who shows up every Mano del Murte say something that clearly indicates happened to be right in the vicinity, and when the
week, since that would make him less frightening. the major city landmark right next to where he will police officer inside got out to talk to Hector, Mano
take his next victim. Actually it’s a little ambiguous del Muerte misunderstood his intentions and killed
Adventures With Mano del Muerte: (just enough to put a little doubt into your players’ him too.
minds) but it certainly seems to indicate where he’s Hector wandered off in shock, but there are
going. witnesses who have seen him, and seen the weird
1) Hand of Death, Clutch of Fear A squad of police officers moves in to confront and horrible figure that follows him. Various people
The city is gripped with fear as the mad killer the killer, but the PCs are closer and they get there attempt to talk to or help Hector, and Mano del
called the Mano del Muerte stalks its streets by first. A terrible downpour opens up over the city just Muerte kills them. And just as the PCs start to catch
night. No one has yet been able to catch the fiend in as the PCs arrive at the scene. Somewhere out there up, the boy and his shadowy protector wander into a
the act of his grisly crimes and no one knows where in the dark and rain lurks the Mano del Muerte, carnival.
he might strike next. poised to strike.
The state and municipal authorities have formed a
joint task force to apprehend Mano del Muerte and
one member of the task force asks the Player 2) Carnival of Sorrows
Characters to informally participate. The contact Mano del Muerte stalks the city by night,
should ideally be someone the PCs think of as honest spreading carnage and woe. The Player Characters
but whom they don’t know very well on a personal are hunting him on their own, without any support
level. Of course you should use your own best from the authorities. By talking to witnesses and
judgment here. If some other character would work studying the pattern of his crimes they are just
best for your PC group, use them instead. starting to get a sense of why he’s killing people and
It is unclear whether or not City Hall has tacitly how to figure out where he intends to strike next,
approved the PCs involvement. The city authorities when a stage incident is brought to their attention. A
seem unusually willing to cooperate with or at least criminal named Ignacio Ruiz is found murdered on
turn a blind eye to the PCs’ activities, but tat the his ex-wife’s doorstep. A policeman lies dead
same time their contact really does seem to be beside him. Both men were killed by the Mano del
making an effort to keep at least some members of Muerte. Ruiz’ ex-wife tearfully notes that her little
the task force from knowing that the PCs are boy, Hector, is missing.
involved. Ignacio was stalking his ex-wife and stepson and
As the PCs read reports on Mano del Muerte’s
Chapter 2: Moderate Threats
Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 14 (+2) was never all that bright.”
Broken Arrow Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 14 (+2)
Initiative: +8 Attack Bonus (Melee): A bitter, misunderstood Native American
vigilante from the Ogalala Sioux reservation. He's
+11 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +13 generally thought of as a crazy Indian separatist who
Defense: +20/+12 Speed: 30 uses terror and violence to intimidate anyone who
Damage Save: +2/+9 (Evasion) Fortitude disagrees with his lunatic ideology. The truth is far
different. Broken Arrow fights corruption,
Save: +2 Reflexes Save: +10 Willpower organized crime and the shadowy power of the
Save: +4 mining interests on reservation land (all of which are
deeply intertwined).
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Balance +6, Diplomacy +5, His stepfather was a tribal policeman, who tried
Gather Information +5, Hide +5, Knowledge (Indian his best to help people, but wasn’t able to
Reservations) +5, Listen +9, Move Silently +10, accomplish very much. The grind of police work
Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +9, Survival +5 wore him down, made him drink, made him beat his
Feats: Attack Focus (Bow), Connected, Dodge, wife and kids. He was so busy trying to be a good
Evasion, Expertise, Far Shot (Bow), Infamy, Instant man at work that he became a monster at home. To
Stand, Lightning Reflexes, Point-Blank Shot, Precise avoid his stepfather’s erratic wrath, John took to
Shot, Tracking spending as much of his time as possible outdoors.
He hunted, fished, taught himself to navigate by the
stars and sometimes didn’t come home for days.
Powers: Super-Dexterity +4 (Extra: Super- His grandmother understood him, and he spent a
Senses; Cost 4pts) lot of time at her place, too. Although she didn’t
Equipment: Bow (+5 Lethal; Extra: Explosive have much education, she was an activist and an
Effect [Exploding Arrow], Power Stunts: Obscure outspoken woman, and she taught him a lot about his
[Smoke-Screen Arrow]; Cost: 2pts), Armor +4 people’s tragic history.
(Cost: 1pt) John left the reservation at age 18, and joined the
Weaknesses: Disabled: Missing one arm below Army. They noticed his skills as a marksman pretty
the elbow, can't use his prosthetic hand to do quickly, and signed him up for sniper training.
anything but hold objects Before long he was reassigned to the Rangers, then
Real Name: John Wolf to the Delta Force, and then to a super-secret elite
unit called “Team Seven.” An extremely competent
PL: 10 “All any man can ask the world to give sniper, and an all around superb soldier, he was
him is justice--but most guys are too nearly the equal of the team’s legendary squad leader
smart to ask. So I guess you can see I Silvio Strozzi (who later became the supervillain
known as the Ace of Wounds).
John lost his right arm below the elbow on a It was around the time his Grandma died that he well.
mission during the first Gulf War, so he took his went a little insane, took his bow, put on a mask and Broken Arrow is a controversial figure even on
pension and went home. That missing arm has saved started to fight back. For the past ten years he’s the reservation. He does have connections with the
his life many times since—everyone assumes that he battled corruption and organized crime, first on the most extreme wing of the native separatist
couldn’t possibly be Broken Arrow when he has no Ogalala reservation and then as his reputation grew, underground, but he doesn’t believe in their credo.
right hand (in fact he just uses his prosthetic hand to on other reservations across the West. These days He regards overthrowing the US government as an
hold the bow, and aims with his left). he often feels it took him much too long to take up unrealistic goal. However, they hate the existing
It was the first time he had been home in years, his knife. power structure as much as he does, so they make
and it was a troubled period on the reservation. An unhappy man, he tells lots of bitter jokes and good part-time allies. He’s out to make things better
There was unrest and repression. A lot of people drinks too much. He has lost a great deal and seen for the ordinary reservation Indian, and the
were fed up with the tribal government and the many terrible things, both on Team Seven and seperatists are useful tools to help him achieve that
amount of influence the big mining companies had afterwards. When asked about the subject of goal.
over it. There were underground groups who revenge, he always replies with some version of the While his grandmother taught him a few of the
resisted the status quo with bombs and there were following rant: “Now here’s a funny thing about old tribal religious rituals, he practices them more to
vicious reprisals against them. revenge. There’s no such thing. The scale never honor her memory than anything else. Personally,
John was a quiet, cautious guy by nature, but he balances. Why? Because there’s no scale. I take he believes in no gods at all—but he does believe in
couldn’t stay clear of the struggle for long. His three guys, I knock one eye out of each of ‘em, and his grandma. English is his first language and he
grandma was still alive and still an activist, his little what are you gonna to do to me? I only got two actually can’t speak Sioux as well as he would like.
brother Fred was involved in the underground—if eyes, and anyway losing both your eyes is more than He really doesn’t have a secret identity anymore, and
nothing else, John he had to get involved to protect twice as bad as losing one of them. If my life is spends nearly all his time underground, in costume.
them. worthless (which it is) and I kill a guy whose life was Sometimes he sleeps in his body armor. It amuses
During this same period he got back together with valuable, how you gonna make the scales balance? him in a twisted way that he is called a terrorist and a
his old high-school girlfriend, a gorgeous young Forget it. There’s no scale. So don’t trick yourself supervillain, but it doesn't surprise him.
woman named Eudora Leaps-Tall, who was trying about why we do what we do.”
her best to get enough money together to go to It is hard to say whether or not he would resort to Using Broken Arrow in your
Wyoming State University and become a nurse. She killing an enemy. The matter hasn't yet come up, but
wasn’t political, but after hanging out with John for a it's bound to eventually. He most certainly would campaign: Instead of dragging the PCs out to
while she began to take an interest herself. They got not take hostages, but he might terrorize or threaten the wilderness, it’s almost better to have Broken
married almost on impulse. an enemy to get information out of them, and in an Arrow come menace them on their home ground.
Alas, these were bad days to start taking an emergency might resort to actually torturing them See the adventure seeds below for some examples of
interest in politics. People who spoke out against the (although he would feel terrible about doing it). how to do this. He isn’t tough enough to take on a
mining consortiums and the shady deals that certain He is a canny, cagey opponent who knows how to whole gang of PL 10 heroes by himself, but then
parties on the tribal council had cut with them had a use the ground to his advantage. In combat with again he usually isn’t the real villain of the scenario,
way of dying sudden violent deaths. First Fred other superbeings, he will always try to hit them either. Typically he’ll appear, hunting some other
turned up decapitated in a ditch, then Eudora from a distance and to take them by surprise. He villain or criminal, the PCs will misinterpret his
vanished on her way home from her night job (she wears a lot of body armor but he knows that his motives, attack him, defeat him, and only then find
was never found, although John has his suspicions defenses won’t hold up against guys who can put out that they have misunderstood things and that
about where her body may be buried) and then holes in the sides of tanks. A straightforward sniper something bad is about to happen if they don’t team
someone marched Grandma out into the woods and without a lot of money to spend on an arsenal, he up with Broken Arrow to stop it. Of course this
shot her in the head. John couldn’t protect a single uses a minimal range of special “trick” arrows and approach only works once with any given PC group,
one of them, and he was losing other friends, too. mostly just concentrates on hitting the target really so after their first encounter he can become a helpful
but seldom-seen ally, or a source of adventure leads.
Broken Arrow operates in a completely different 2) A Standing Dog and a Lying Hound
part of the country from the Mafia supervillain A prominent Native American leader named Ron
known as the Ace of Wounds, so the odds of them Washi has come to town to drum up investors for a
running into each other is low. If they did, they new Indian casino. He’s going to throw a big party
would both immediately recognize each other from at a hotel and schmooze the business community for
Team Seven. It would no doubt occur to each of some cash. However, the word is out that radical
them the other one knows their secret identity, but Native American separatists may attempt to disrupt
they’re both reasonable men and they would the party, or even kill Ron Washi. They say that
probably be able to work something out that doesn’t Broken Arrow himself may be coming.
involve killing each other. And indeed Broken Arrow is on his way—but not
to kill Ron. In fact a ruthless business rival named
Adventures With Broken Arrow: Norville Standing Dog wants to build his own
casino, with the backing of organized crime, and
1) Tiny Lester’s Great Big Problem Ron Washi’s proposal is getting in the way.
A terrified biker named “Tiny” Lester Scruggs Standing Dog has arranged to have Mr. Washi killed
comes to the Player Characters and tells them that he at his party.
knows Broken Arrow’s secret identity. They’ve got Ron is something of a crusader—he wants to
to hide him, to get him into federal witness build a casino that will bring money to the
protection or something—the guy is crazy and he’s reservation. Norville Standing Dog wants a casino
coming to kill Tiny Lester. that will funnel most of its revenue into the coffers
All of this is a lie, except for the part about of the mob.
Broken Arrow coming for him. In fact Broken Broken Arrow favors Mr. Washi’s proposal.
Arrow is after Lester Scruggs because he supplied Furthermore, a public execution like this will make it
crank to a gang on the Navajo reservation, shot that much harder for indian casinos to find investors
people with casual abandon whenever it suited him, who aren’t tied in to organized crime. Even though
and may have sparked a major gang war between the he regards Ron as a sellout and a greedy fat cat,
Insane Young Vipers and the Navajo chapter of the Broken Arrow is here to protect the man.
Crips. If the GM wants to complicate things, perhaps
Broken Arrow intends to turn him over to one of Norville Standing Dog has hired a supervillain to
the rival gang factions as a peace offering, in hopes carry out the hit—someone too big for Broken
of ending the war. But the Insane Young Vipers Arrow to handle by himself, like the Snow Queen or
have already sent a hit squad after Lester, which may the Diamond Deuce. Either way, it’s going to be one
arrive at any moment. The PCs may be surprised to hell of a party!
see that despite being reservation kids they dress in
hip-hop clothes and speak the same gangsta dialect
as an inner city gang, with a few Navajo words
mixed in.
Meanwhile Lester has been trying to get some of
his outlaw biker friends to join the party, just to
make things really interesting.
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 18 (+4) fidgets at superhuman speed. She has no attention
U-Go-Grrrl Initiative: +14 Attack Bonus (Melee): span and gets bored in a flash. When she gets bored,
she breaks things, and is forever trashing hotel
+7 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +9 rooms and causing trouble in public. Violent, nuts,
Defense: +30/+16 Speed: 80 (Super-Speed) leering and inappropriate, she flirts broadly, badly
and often. She also has a way of developing
Damage Save: +1/+14 (Evasion) Fortitude unhealthy obsessive crushes on male player
Save: +1 Reflexes Save: +14 Willpower characters. She's much too crazy and socially
Save: +-1 maladroit to express her feelings in any kind of
reasonable way, and will try to get their attention by
Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +5, Diplomacy+5, playing dangerous high-speed pranks on them. The
Intimidate +8, Taunt +10 more the player ignores or rejects her, the more she
Feats: Connected, Dodge, Fame, Evasion, Legal will escalate her tactics, getting wilder and more
Immunity (New Feat, grants a +3 to any rolls made outrageous. This is going to get somebody killed if
to escape legal prosecution), Minions (business it isn't stopped.
managers and enterouge, 15 PL 1 characters and 1 Unfortunately, stopping it is going to be tough.
PL 2), Move-By Attack, Rapid Strike Her powers make her hard to catch and her status as
Powers: Super-Speed +10 (Power Stunts: Wall a celebrity shields her to a large degree from arrest.
Some very powerful people have made a lot of
Run, Water Run; Cost: 6pts)
money from the public's interest in U-Go-Grrrl and
Weaknesses: Quirk: Develops obsessive, they aren't about to let her go to prison if they can
irrational, self-destructive crushes and does all kinds help it. She also has a kind of limited immunity
of stupid and dangerous things to get the attention of from prosecution, a holdover from her days as a
her prospective paramour. superhero. Whether this would hold up in court now
that she isn't fighting crime or saving the world is
“Now there’s a rack of abs that even debatable, but her lawyers and business managers
makes my heart beat faster! Wooo- will try to use it anyway.
hooo!Heyyougottagirlfriendmisterhuhu Using U-Go-Grrrl in your campaign:
huhuh?” U-Go-Grrrl can be played as a comic annoyance or a
serious, scary menace, depending on how the GM
Perhaps the fastest woman alive, able to run at twice wants to present her. She should meet one of the
the speed of sound. She's a bit of a media darling, male PCs in some kind of public social setting, act
mostly because of her loud, brassy personality and obnoxious (perhaps get abusive with a waiter or
her controversial behavior. Until recently part of a some hapless service person) appall them and leave.
large and celebrated superhero group, U-Go-Grrrl Make sure that she doesn’t actually do anything
caused so much havoc on the team that they expelled illegal, but that she’s so awful that the PC would
Real Name: Courtney Amber Lopez her. She's still a celebrity despite her expulsion and never even consider getting involved with her. Only
PL: 10 makes a lot of public appearances. People love U- later, perhaps between some other adventures, will
Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 19 (+4) Con: 12 (+1) Go-Grrrl, or love to hate her. she start playing pranks on them and trying to get
In person she is twitchy, manic and constantly their attention. It all goes downhill from there.
Reflexes Save: +8 Willpower Save: +6 Unicorn will do it on crowded city streets at rush
hour, tying up traffic and bringing out the SWAT
The Unicorn Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal
+10, Intimidate +12, Innuendo +10
She has a very vivid inner fantasy life and is a
Feats: Detect Negative Thoughts, Psychic spectacular telepathic combatant, projecting huge
Awareness, See Invisibility, Startle, Trance, True halos, coronas and streams of butterflies everywhere
Seeing around her, making her voice seem to thunder from
Powers: Amazing Reflexes Save +7 (Extra: Also the clouds. She will avoid causing anyone physical
pain, and will rely on the strength of her telepathy to
Applies to Willpower Saves; Cost: 2pts), Obscure
force them into submission. Her powers are strong
+10 (Flaw: Partial, Cost: 1pt), Telepathy +10
enough to affect lots of people at once and so battles
(Extras: Illusions [Creatures Only], Mind Control,
that involve the Unicorn usually have large numbers
Cost 4pts)
of innocent bystanders clogging up the field and
Weaknesses: Quirk: Irrational fear and hatred getting in the way.
of "Bad Thoughts." Compulsively tries to stamp It may also give some heroes pause to beat the
them out with Mind Control, regardless of the living daylights out of a fragile, wide-eyed young
consaquences to herself or others. woman who genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone.
Then again, if they don't drag her off to jail a police
“Please, you have to stop hating one tactical unit is likely to put a bullet in her poor
another before I do something awful!” addled brain.
Her background is unremarkable. Both her
parents are moderately successful real estate brokers.
A tormented psychic who has great difficulty They are both charming and weak, easily influenced
shutting out the thoughts of others. Negative by other people and painfully afraid of disapproval.
thoughts cause her terrible pain and unhappiness and Her father has an unconscious, low-level psychic
this has made her irrationally obsessed with ability to make people buy houses, but it’s nothing
stamping them out. The Unicorn wants everyone to on the same scale as the Unicorn. She grew up
be nice, to treat one another decently, to be happy skinny and lonely, an only child, and has been
and above all to think no bad thoughts. She's a reading people’s thoughts for as long as she can
powerful enough telepath to force them if they remember. Always desperate to please but achingly
refuse. Not blessed with any sense of restraint or shy, she was an unpopular kid until high school,
Real Name: April Pfeffner practicality, she causes havoc in public, projecting when her fragile, waif-like beauty became apparent.
PL: 10 images of butterflies, winged horses and dolphins She could read minds better and better as her brain
flying through space into the minds of everyone matured, and she didn’t like what she saw there.
Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 14 (+2) Int: around her, screaming that the new age of joy and Nonetheless, it was a good way to help get along.
14 (+2) Wis: 8 (-1) Cha: 20 (+5) splendor is at hand. She doesn't want to hurt Now she’s in her first year of college, and a bad
Initiative: +1 Attack Bonus (Melee): +4 anybody, just to make them hold hands, sing songs LSD experience has magnified her powers
about love and rainbows and forsake the cruel world enormously. She can control minds as well as read
Attack Bonus (Ranged): +6/+9 (Mental that oppresses them. If she wanted to do this in them, and she can’t shut out the torrent of negative
Attacks) Defense: +18/+17 Speed: 30 private, or on a commune off somewhere in the feelings that people radiate. The world is in agony,
Damage Save: +2 Fortitude Save: +2 woods, it would be merely unwholesome, but the and it must stop hurting before it drives her insane.
Using the Unicorn in your campaign: her for their own nefarious ends. Perhaps the best narration. The only sound on the tape is the noise of
The PCs will first encounter the Unicorn shortly solution to the Unicorn’s problems is to find her a the helicopter’s whirling blades.
after her psychic breakthrough. She is disoriented powerful psychic teacher who can help her use and When the PCs arrive at the landmark, the Unicorn
and afraid, trying desperately to make the voices in control her gifts, in which case she may turn into a is holding a giant crowd rapt as she begs them to
her head stop screaming and she has no idea how to different kind of character altogether—perhaps even stop hating one another and to believe in the power
do this, apart from grabbing every mind within her a superheroine. A Buddhist monastery might also of rainbows and butterflies. Huge illusory images
reach and forcing it to think nice thoughts. provide her with a safe haven, particularly if it’s seem to blaze above her in the sky. Swarms of
Depending on how the encounter goes, she could be geographically isolated. Getting them to accept a butterflies and winged unicorns flying under
a one-shot tragic villain who appears, wreaks havoc woman as a monk may prove difficult, however rainbows and dolphins swimming through the void
and dies before the PCs can save her, or a recurring (depending on the tradition they follow) and it may of outer space and even sillier things. Some people
threat who comes back a little different each time even start to cause the kind of psychic disruptions in are still yelling at her to let them get home to their
she faces our heroes. their community that could trigger another one of her families and their dinner, and she is trying her best to
If they can convince her to just leave and find mental collapses. answer them. She looks frightened and
somewhere less populated to live, she will try to do overwhelmed. Then she senses the PCs’ presence
it, but after a few months in the wilderness she will and looks right at them.
Adventures With the Unicorn: How to deal with this situation? The SWAT
find to her horror that she can still faintly hear the Be Happy or Else
cities crying out to her in pain, and that their voices teams are on their way and the national guard is
An utterly mysterious disaster has gripped the next. As the PCs try to reason with the Unicorn, one
are getting louder all the time. She will return to downtown area. Just as the evening rush hour
heal their pain the only way she knows how—by of them gets a text message (or some other such
began, some kind of traffic disturbance appeared in thing) from the Mayor’s office. It says “Keep her
forcing them. front of a major local landmark (use whatever
If the PCs convince her to get therapy and take distracted while we get the sharpshooters into
landmarks would be appropriate to your campaign position.”
some kind of medication that will suppress her city), traffic is now gridlocked for miles in all
superhuman abilities, she will try to comply with the directions, and yet no one seems to know exactly
program, but then find to her shock that she feels what is causing it. In fact they’re not exactly sure
dead inside without her powers. To someone who where the source of the problem is—it can be tough
has been able to read thoughts and feelings all her to tell with traffic patterns and the landmark is really
life, this is like being struck deaf or blind. She will just where things are clogged up worst. The police
lapse into a deep depression, stop taking her drugs who went to the scene twenty minutes ago haven’t
and go publicly berserk once again. come back or checked in, and the authorities are
If she is confined to an institution, she gets starting to get seriously worried.
abused there and eventually escapes. Now she’s A traffic helicopter arrived about five minutes
angry and will no longer trust the PCs or any other later and then suddenly dropped out of contact.
authority figures. They told her she would be safe They’re still going through the tape of the broadcast
and people would take care of her in the hospital. when the PCs are summoned to look into the matter.
Instead they hurt her! If the Player Characters stick around to see what the
Once the Unicorn has resurfaced a couple of last part of the tape shows, it doesn’t reveal much. A
times, she develops a disorganized cult-like lot of cars aren’t moving, a lot of people have left
following who will try to protect her and get in the their vehicles and are standing on the street, it’s hard
PCs’ way. Unscrupulous psychic villains (like the to be sure, but most of them seem to be looking at
man who calls himself “God”—see his description something off-camera. Oddly, no one in the news
on page --) may find out about her and try to exploit chopper is providing any kind of voice-over
things) +5, Move Silently +8 without a care in the world or a plan beyond the
Vampire Girl Feats: Darkvision, Durability, Immunity (Aging,
Disease, Poison, Suffocation)
present moment. Vampire Girl's motives are simple.
She likes to dance in clubs, lurk in darkness, get
attention and suck the life force out of good-looking
Powers: Drain +10 (Flaw: Only Drains young men and women. A constant and compulsive
Constitution; Cost 1pt), Incorporeal +9 (Extra: Float; liar, she feels no shame about it—or about anything
Flaw: Only Works at Night; Cost: 2pts), else for that matter. Mercy and honor are equally
Regeneration +8 (Flaw: Only Works at Night, Cost: foreign to her, but then again so are malice and
1pt), Telepathy +10 (Extra: Mental Protection; Cost revenge.
3pts), Teleport +7 (Flaw: Only Works at Night; She cares nothing for danger and is totally
Cost: 1pt) indiscreet about feeding. Only her penchant for
Weaknesses: Quirk: Compulsive Liar, must playing it mysterious has kept from making some
make a Willpower Save vs. DC 20 to tell anyone the kind of grievous error and drawing the authorities
truth about anything. down on her. She has yet to actually kill anyone by
Quirk: Delusion (Thinks she is Susceptible to draining off too much of their life force, but it's not
sunlight) because she's being careful--she just feeds often
enough that she isn't all that hungry. If she were in
desperate need of sustenance, who knows what she
“Life is a ghastly nightmare carnival of might do?
shadows. That’s what I like about it.”
Using Vampire Girl in your
She only appears at night, she can float in midair,
vanish into nothing and she drains the lifeforce of campaign: The GM can play Vampire Girl any
the living. Is she the thing the vampire legends of a number of different ways. She can be a source
speak of? That is difficult to say. In fact nobody of (unreliable) information about the occult
knows who or what she is at all, which suits her fine. underworld, a shadowy foe for the players to pursue,
She loves to tell outrageous, contradictory stories or even a potential love-interest. She may work best
Real Name: Unknown (isn't sure about herself. She loves to suddenly appear, make if the Player Characters are amused or enthralled by
strange pronouncements and then vanish into the her at first, and slowly come to realize how
herself) irresponsible and dangerous she is as they see more
shadows. One night she'll make up imaginary cabals
PL: 10 of vampire lords who rule the world in secret, the of her.
Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 20 (+5) next night she will claim that Judas Iscariot was a Not particularly bloodthirsty, she has no taste for
woman, and was punished for loving Christ by physical combat and if the PCs attempt to hunt her
Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 18 (+4) down she will try to avoid coming to grips with
wandering the world as a vampire queen. Perhaps
Initiative: +3 Attack Bonus (Melee): +6 the next night she'll tell you that the Department of them, using hit and run tactics to pick them off one
Attack Bonus (Ranged): +8 Defense: Defense used psychedelic drugs to create a test at a time as the opportunity presents itself. She is no
group of psi-vampires in the fifties at Area 51. None strategist, however, and may very well attack a
+13/+10 Speed: 30/35 (Teleport)/45 (Float) superior force or try to hold her ground against
of her stories are consistent, none of them are true
Damage Save: +5 Fortitude Save: +5 (or are they?) impossible odds, just on a whim.
Reflexes Save: +3 Willpower Save: +0 While she enjoys acting mysterious, ancient and Who and what she really is we leave up to GM,
wise she is in fact silly, fun-loving and irresponsible, although perhaps it is best if the PCs never learn the
Skills: Bluff +10, Hide +8, Knowledge (weird answer at all.
it, they’ve seen Vampire Girl a bunch of times for themselves.
Adventures With Vampire Girl: before—she was dancing next to them for a good Then she tells them where, and it turns out to be
chunk of the night. Or was she? the exact location of the villain they are looking for.
Vampire Girl seems amused, the girl with her The rest of her story is complete and utter rubbish,
1) Vampire Girl and the Case of the Discount sighs happily and a very odd conversation begins. and the villain they are chasing knows nothing about
Waterbed She will tell them that she knew they were coming, shadow dimensions or Vampire Girl.
Rumors reach the PCs of a creature who calls herself that the forces that rule this city sent them, whether The next time some major occult peril menaces
Vampire Girl. She haunts some new underground they know it or not. This is the night Count Zoltan the city, Vampire Girl appears to the Player
club, so hip the PCs didn’t even yet know it existed. rises from his grave to taste the blood of the world Characters on a lonely church rooftop after midnight
The place is too cool to have a name, and instead is and see if the vintage has yet matured. If the PCs and tells them exactly what is going on. She uses the
usually called “Discount Waterbed”—the sign in the want to stop him, they must go to the city’s oldest same loopy, pretentious style as before, but this time
window across the street from its unmarked graveyard and find the mausoleum whose name has she is telling the absolute, honest truth.
entrance. Club kids from Discount Waterbed pretend been eroded away. They must go quickly, for the Then, some weeks later, a club kid turns up in the
not to be impressed by her vampire shtick, but from Nine Blood Lords are already on their way to pay hospital, drained of life so badly that he’s near death.
the way they talk about her anyone can tell that she Count Zoltan their dark homage. Vampire Girl, if confronted, swears that it wasn’t
haunts their dreams. And a lot of them are turning No matter what the PCs say to Vampire Girl, she her, that some other peril walks the night, stealing all
up with bite marks. replies with more of her strange monologue. If the prettiest kids for itself and leaving her with the
PCs who choose to investigate will have two attacked, she vanishes into thin air. She disappears dregs from the rave scene. Is she telling the truth
problems. First, how to infiltrate a place this at the end of her speech in any case. this time? That we leave in the hands of the GM.
exclusive, without accidentally saying or wearing Wanda Nyzinski, her victim, doesn’t really know
something that gives them away (hint: the key is to much about Vampire Girl, who she only sees at the 2) Vampire Girl and the Case of the Runaway
look cool, but at the same time not like you’re not club or out back in the alley. There is no Count Robot
consciously creating some kind of a “look”). Zoltan, there is no mausoleum, there are no Blood The PCs have either bored or annoyed Vampire
Second, how to tell which of the pale young Lords ready to pay anyone attendance. Girl, who decides to make their lives more
goddesses writhing away on the dance floor is The PCs don’t see Vampire Girl at Discount interesting. The next time they see her, she tells
Vampire Girl. Waterbed again. But one night while they’re on an them that she’s leaving—that this city isn’t safe for
The PCs first trip to Discount Waterbed is unrelated case (preferably while looking for the lair the dead any more. The shades desert their haunts,
frustrating and reveals nothing (if they even get in). of some other villain) she suddenly appears in an as something darker moves in the darkness. It’s
The second time, they meet a mysterious young alley behind them and tries to tell them that there are coming closer, she can feel it—it’s already at (she
woman dressed in a tight black leather dress with a weak places in the world where the Vulgroids push names the intersection of two streets) and now it’s
1920s bobbed haircut who acts really enigmatic through, sucking all the light down with them into moving fast! She vanishes.
when asked about Vampire Girl. She’s too cool to the Seven Shadow Dimensions. That’s the only If the PCs go to the location she mentioned, they
ever actually dance, whoever she is. The moment reason the real world exists—they built it to provide will indeed find something there, but it’s not some
the PCs try to press her on the subject of Vampire them with sustenance and entertainment. The whole eldritch monstrosity that preys on the dead. In fact
Girl, she disappears, melting into the crowd. world is only about five hundred years old. And she it’s a giant killer robot from Texas, who calls himself
If they try to find her they glimpse her just once, should know, for a thousand years ago she was a “Doctor Destructor.” See his individual description
near the back door. The alley outside is deserted, princess in Samorkand, and was drawn into the on page 88.
although they can hear the club’s dance beat seventh shadow-realm to be a handmaiden to its He seems delighted to see the heroes and says
throbbing through the walls. And all of a sudden terrible Vulgroid queen. There is a big confluence of that “she” said they could tell him about his origins,
they spot the young woman with the 1920s hair, the forces tonight at one weak point, and who knows that they know who built him and what the dreams
lying slumped in a doorway, smiling blissfully. what might happen there. They should go and see he’s been having mean. When they protest that this
Standing over her is Vampire Girl. Come to think of
isn’t true his mood darkens and he points out that
“She said you’d say that, if you were the False
Dionyn. Then I suppose that we had better fight, if
that is in fact the only way to make a False Dionyn
speak the truth.”
Doctor Destructor is an implacable combatant,
and will chase them all across town. He’s convinced
that the physical form the PCs wear isn’t real, and
that it conceals the three-headed Dionyn Dogs from
the Other-Realm called the Hounding, who are
impervious to mere physical harm. Or some such
gibberish. He will be unfailingly polite while he
pounds the crap out of the PCs, but he doesn’t think
their injuries are real and can't be persuaded to stop
hitting them. “What is my real name?” he keeps
The next time the PCs see Vampire Girl, they
may want to ask her why she did that to them. For
the very first time she gives them a straight answer:
“I wanted to see what would happen. I’m terrible
that way.”
They will probably try to attack her, but just at
that moment, the troubled young supervillain called
Wolf-Dog suddenly appears, and demands that they
tell him the way home. She said they knew the way
home, but that they wouldn’t tell him out of
meanness. Well he will have an answer from them—
show him the way home! Vampire Girl slips away,
leaving them to deal with this situation.
Skills: Balance +9, Hide +9, Jump +5, Move To support himself and his quest he steals, and
Wolf-Dog Silently +9, Survival +9 this will soon get him into worse trouble. He loves
beer and pot and is constantly tempted to waste his
Feats: Dodge, Durability, Great Fortitude, money on them instead of saving it up for a bus
Identity Change, Improved Initiative, Lightning ticket, so he has to go steal more. He hasn’t killed
Reflexes, Power Attack, Rapid Healing, Scent, anyone yet, but he could at any time.
Takedown Attack, Tracking, Ultra-Hearing Wolf-Dog is wild and enthusiastic, outrageous
Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +3, Super- and manic. An incorrigible delinquent, he commits
Strength +6 (Extras: Leaping, Super-Constitution, acts of vandalism and property destruction for no
Super-Senses; Cost: 7pts), Regeneration +9 (Cost: reason, sometimes in the middle of committing other
2pts), Running +1 (Cost: 2pts) crimes. He loves fighting, and brags and howls and
Weaknesses: Disturbing (looks like a shows off in combat. His soliloquies often make no
werewolf, -5 penalty to all Bluff and Diplomacy sense, but they’re usually fun to listen to even
checks) though his constant boasting and habit of referring to
Quirk: Foolishly loyal, even when it's severely himself in the third person (“dey call him Wolf-
contrary to his advantage. Dog!”) gets on some people’s nerves. Although he
Vulnerable (to Dazzle attacks). wants people to think he’s hip, Wolf-Dog knows
little about city life and it shows.
He acts like a dog even when he’s in human form,
“Wolf-Dog he the dog-dog! He steams and has all kinds of odd/gross doglike mannerisms.
you like iron! He hang you like Like any dog he’s distractible and loves attention.
laundry! He conquer the world and He’s quick to challenge a potential foe, but when he
loses he doesn’t hold a grudge. If a superhero beats
ask for more jam! ‘Cause dey call him him up but doesn’t injure him too badly, he’ll
Wolf-Dog!” become fawningly eager to impress them, like a wolf
who has been humbled by another member of the
A crazy little werewolf with a bad haircut, Wolf- pack.
Dog is a bit of a redneck, a bit of a stoner and a bit of If however they use excessive force on him, break
a punk. He’s from somewhere in far northern his bones, put him in the hospital, or savagely
Quebec or maybe Labrador (he says it's Quebec but humiliate him with fear attacks or mind-control, he
Real Name: Lionel Fenric his native language is English, which makes that may turn vicious and start killing people casually. If
PL: 10 seem unlikely). Wherever he’s from, it’s somewhere this happens he won’t bother hunting the hero who
cold, distant and isolated, where people still think his wounded him, but he will react with brutal lethality
Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 18 (+4) hairdo looks tough instead of stupid. if he happens to encounter that hero again.
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 8 (-1) Somehow he’s been stranded in Texas, a place he How he came to find himself in Texas remains a
Initiative: +7 Attack Bonus (Melee): doesn’t like or understand at all, and he’s desperate mystery. He isn’t very articulate, but if questioned
to go home to his hairy werewolf family in the patiently he can explain that he was running in the
+11 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +12 frozen North. Alas, he’s too ignorant to find Texas woods, that someone shot him with a tranquilizer
Defense: +23/+19 Speed: 35 or Labrador on a map, and he doesn’t have the skills dart, that he woke up once on what he thinks was a
Damage Save: +13 Fortitude Save: +12 to earn the money for a trip home, even if he knew plane and again in the back of a truck. He smashed
where home was. his way out of the truck and found himself stumbling
Reflexes Save: +5 Willpower Save: +0
down a freeway in the middle of Houston. away, he’ll follow them at a distance and try to yet capable of understanding that they could actually
prove his good intentions. The next time they get in betray him. They’re his pack, after all.
Using Wolf-Dog in your campaign: a fight with a supervillain and things start to go If the PCs take him in, they’ll find that he’s a
What kind of villain Wolf-Dog evolves into badly for them, Wolf-Dog pops up out of nowhere, good deal meaner but still just as playful as when
depends largely on how the PCs treat him. He could springs to their rescue, beats their opponent at the they first encountered him. He’s become prone to
stay a happy-go-lucky loudmouth or become a last second but gets gravely wounded himself. using excessive force and is much easier to provoke
homicidal menace. Whenever they break down and decide to help into a fight.
It’s easy to recruit Wolf-Dog for a team. Just him, the PCs find that Wolf-Dog’s description of his If they turn him in again, he breaks out while
beat him in combat and give him some positive home isn’t really all that helpful. He has no sense of being transported for trial. This time he’s even
attention, and he’ll react with slavish doglike loyalty geography and he’s way too hung up on little details meaner (he's PL 11 now), and he fully understands
(until he sees you get beaten in a fight or he finds a like where the general store is located and where his that the PCs betrayed him (10 points went to buying
way home). He trusts easily and naively and if he is grandma’s cabin can be found. Yet there are off his "Foolishly Loyal" weakness).
betrayed he will react with bewilderment rather than tantalizing hints. He’s from the northernmost part of He’s pretty upset with them, for betrayal is the
rage—at least the first time it happens. North America, probably somewhere in northern worst crime he can conceive of. This might be a
The PCs don’t have to encounter Wolf-Dog in Canada, rather than Alaska. He speaks English, good time to stock up on silver bullets.
Texas, his quest to go home could lead him in any rather than French, but he knows some obscene
direction and he could get tangled up in just about French-Canadian slang. 2) Bad Dog!
anything along the way. After he has helped them out with more than one Wolf-Dog falls in with the wrong crowd. He is
fight and the PCs are really starting to accept him, robbing a waffle hut in Corpus Christi when he
the state police show up and demand that the PCs encounters a local supervillain called the Lone Star
Adventures With Wolf-Dog: turn Wolf-Dog over. He’s wanted for sticking up a Lady. He hits it off pretty well with this morose and
pancake house in another city, not long before he murderous parahuman, who introduces him to her
1) Wolf on th’ Lam appeared in the PC’s town. They also suspect that team—the Corpus Christi Good-Time Boys. See the
Wolf-Dog gets off a bus in the PC’s home town. he may have broken into a fast food restaurant and entry on them later on in this book to get a sense of
It doesn’t take long for him to hear about the Player eaten some of their beef patties. what a dysfunctional mess poor naïve Wolf-Dog is
Characters, and that they help people, for free. He Wolf-Dog really did these things, and he looks getting himself into.
finds them as fast as he can, and if they don’t attack ashamed if the PCs confront him, but he’s too Before long, the Lone Star Lady has an affair
him on sight, he explains the nature of his problem— embarrassed to confess. with Wolf-Dog, mostly to get the attention of her
he wants to get home, but he doesn’t know quite If the PCs convince him to turn himself in, things former boyfriend, Johnny Black (who is presently
where it is. Also, he doesn’t have enough money. go really badly for him. He tests positive for involved with the team’s leader, the atomic
If the PCs take pity on him and try to help him marijuana use in lockup, which in the PCs state superwoman who calls herself Cimarron Starr).
out, he will follow them around, singing their means he can’t be released into their custody or let This works entirely too well—Johnny becomes
praises, full of snuffling wolflike devotion. He may out on bail. Awaiting his arraignment in jail, he is insanely jealous. This annoys Cimarron Starr, who
try to provoke a playful fight with one of the PCs, savagely assaulted by a gang and hurts one of them determines to teach the Lone Star Lady a lesson and
but that’s just so that they can beat him and establish really badly. Now he’s going down for a felony, and has a fling with Wolf-Dog herself.
his place in their pack. He is loud, goofy and a little may not breathe free air for a long time. And then Johnny is beside himself with rage, the Lone Star
annoying, but he’ll fight as hard as he can on their he escapes. Lady is furious, her own manic-depressive
behalf. Perhaps a little too hard, in fact. He’s eager He runs to the Player Characters for protection, boyfriend, the Texas Twister, is close to throwing
to prove himself to his new friends and is apt to hurl certain that they’ll help him. He’ll do this even if one of his homicidal tantrums, and Wolf-Dog
himself into the teeth of danger at a moment’s they turned him over to the law, because while he himself does nothing to make the situation easier.
notice. feels hurt and confused by their behavior, he’s not He mistakenly assumes that because both ladies
If on the other hand the PCs drive Wolf-Dog
were willing to be his mate, he must therefore be the
pack’s leader, and he begins strutting around,
boastfully giving orders.
Then all four of them try to kill him, and he flees
in bewilderment and terror. Now he’s holed up in
the PCs’ town, waiting for the Corpus Christi Good
Time Boys to find him. On a sudden impulse, he
goes to the PCs for help. People say they help folks-
-why not Wolf-Dog?
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 14 (+2) loneliness, no more regrets. I am the
God Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 20 (+5) Cha: 14 (+2) all-merciful, the all-forgiving and the
Initiative: +1 Attack Bonus (Melee): +5 font of pure sweet light. Now go over
Attack Bonus (Ranged): +6/+9 Defense: there, my lamb, and shoot that
+18/+17 Speed: 30 gentleman in the head—and then
Damage Save: +2/+8 (Evasion) Fortitude yourself.”
Save: +2 Reflexes Save: +6 Willpower They call him God. He’s the lord of hosts, the
Save: +11 living incarnation of the universe’s ultimate power—
Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +10, Listen +10, or so say his followers.
Sense Motive +11, Spot +10 In fact he is a potent psychic, with the ability to
dominate and control the minds of those around him.
Feats: Evasion, Headquarters (a fortified He is worshipped by a small but fanatical cult who
compound in the woods upstate, equipped with a call themselves the Circle of the Seventh Throne.
Garage, a landing strip with small Hanger adjacent, There is a group of ten or so of his worshippers
improvised Holding Cells, an Independent Power crammed into an apartment in the PCs home city,
System [A gasoline-powered generator], Living and some enclaves of similar size in other major
Space for God and all his Minions, a Reinforced urban areas. He also has a large, isolated farm
Structure, Staff [15 of whom are PL 1, with one PL upstate where about sixty of his acolytes, wives and
2 Staff Member], six Vehicles [three vans, a children reside. God has ten wives and is always
battered-up old 4-wheel drive SUV, a tractor and a looking for more.
bulldozer] and a Workshop), Inspire, Leadership, Rumor has it that he’s stalked the Earth for a
Minions (Loyalty Level 20 [PL 12+Charisma century, but the truth is that his powers are inherited,
Bonus+Displays Special and his father and grandfather exploited them in
Powers+Headquarters+Inspire+Leadership]) exactly the same way that he has.
Powers: Amazing Reflexes Save +6 (Extra: Also He grew up in the Circle, was groomed to be its
Applies to Willpower Saves; Cost: 2pts), ESP +10 new Deity, but by the age of 15 he couldn’t stand to
(Cost: 2 pts), Telepathy (Extras: Illusions, Memory wait to be God any longer and slew his father in a
Alteration, Mental Blast, Mind Control; Cost: 6pts) psychic duel that killed more than half of their flock.
Equipment: Really cool sunglasses. It has taken him ten years to build the Circle back up
to its present strength.
Weaknesses: Quirk: Has no self-control, is The actual tenets of the Circle are a kind of
tempted to indulge himself and do foolhardy things militant fundamentalist Christianity, with a lot of
to gain momentary gratification, will not hold his colorful occult craziness ladled on top. His vision of
ground in combat once he has taken any Lethal the universe is vivid, if shallow, full of burning
damage unless he spends a Villain Point crowns and three-eyed angels with wings of bronze
and secret words of power. A lot of it resembles
Real Name: Jesus Pilgrim Josephson “Hush my child, still your tears, for heavy metal album cover art.
PL: 12 you are finally home. No more If the PCs somehow manage to speak to him in a
neutral setting, they’ll find that God is eager for their (even his wives and kids) at anyone who attacks him. no one in the van).
approval, and desperate to show them that he’s a God desperately wants to think of himself as a good They smiling men won’t take no for an answer.
cynical man of the world like them—that he doesn’t man, but as he gets more desperate and hemmed in, They remain calm, and try to persuade the PC while
really take being God so seriously as all that. He is his basically chickenhearted nature will get the better they are struggling to get the woman into the van
not, however, willing to ever come out and directly of him, and he’ll discover that he’s actually capable that she’s better off back at the community
admit that he isn’t really God. Characters who try to of doing just about anything, no matter how low, surrounded by friends who can look after her than
press him on this point make him Wrathful. vicious and despicable, if it saves his sacred hide. she is on a psycho-ward. Has the PC ever seen what
If the PCs manage to break up his cult, but he the conditions are like in a mental hospital, they ask?
Using God in your campaign: Not all gets away in the confusion, he will become If the PC wants, they can come visit the
that much of a megalomaniac, at least for somebody incredibly vengeful, as much for what the PCs taught community and see how they live for themselves. In
who calls himself “God”, Reverend Josephson only him about himself as for destroying the sect he spent fact the three men are eager to give the PC their
half believes his rhetoric. He has no plans to take so much of his life to build. He’ll even become address. The community is always looking to make
over the world, destroy the world, expand the Circle capable of striking at their loved ones and family new friends.
into a huge national organization, or indeed do much members to get back at them, although he’ll be If the PC manages to keep the woman with them,
of anything else except to dominate his flock and sickened by his own cruelty. she is grateful, but insane and difficult to look after.
acquire more wives. Yet he could easily be tempted Her memories are a tangle, but do seem to include
into getting into more serious trouble. For someone Adventures With God: 1) God Steps Out being one of God’s many wives, living on a farm
who dominates other minds so easily, he doesn’t to Radio Shack and then in a cramped apartment here in the city.
have much command of his own. Under his A young woman runs up to one of the PCs in One night she runs away while the PC looking after
dignified, saintly facade he’s foolhardy and weak, their secret identity, screaming and sobbing. She her is asleep or out.
completely unable to resist his impulses. It would be pleads for help, saying that God is chasing her, that If the PC refused to take the community’s
very easy for an unscrupulous fellow supervillain to God put something in her brain that makes her crazy, address, it’s easy enough to find. Any Player
lead him into participating in a serious crime. This that He watches, He’s everywhere and He sees all— Character who is looking for the community
is in fact the way the PCs are likeliest to encounter they have to help her! A quick scan of her mind will suddenly spots one of the three men who took the
him. reveal that she is psychotic, but that she believes woman away. He’s handing out religious pamphlets
Unfortunately, he’s an undependable ally and an herself to be telling the truth. She has memories of in a public park and he’s happy to tell anyone who
inexperienced criminal, and is likely to make some meeting God, memories that seem oddly vivid and asks him how to find the community.
kind of serious mistake. If he finds himself in a specific for hallucinations. The community is a large but cramped garden
desperate position, he’ll retreat to his farm, announce Before the PC has time to react, three large, apartment well outside the city, in a suburban
that the end of the world is at hand and get ready for concerned-looking gentlemen in identical black subdivision without any sidewalks, out where it
a Waco-style siege. This situation can rapidly turn polyester suits and ties emerge from a van and try to would be really difficult to get to anything without a
into a hideous mess, with local police, the FBI, the take the woman away. They explain if asked that car. About ten of God’s followers live here, seven of
press, demented cultists and perhaps even an enraged she’s a member of their “community” and that she’s them women. All of the women are pretty—He
supervillain or two whom God has let down all been having psychological problems. She’ll be seems to have a thing for skinny blondes.
mixing it up together. Preventing a tragedy is going better off with her friends back at the farm—they God is absent when the PCs arrive. The woman
to be tough. There is plenty of evidence of the know how to take care of her. who ran up to them on the street (her name is
bloodbath from ten years ago buried on the farm, and They gently try to coax the woman into the van, Margaret Ford) is present, calm and exhausted.
this fact will make God even more desperate not to but she gets very agitated and starts screaming that Margaret seems sane, and tells the PCs that she’s
give his refuge up. God is in the van, that he’s everywhere but right now feeling much better now. She thanks them for their
Something of a coward when it comes to physical he’s in the van and she won’t go in there so God can help and explains that her mind is once more whole
combat, God won’t hesitate throw his followers make her crazy again. ( if the PC has a look, there is now that she is a bride of God again. If the PCs ask
where God is, one of the women says “Radio Shack” of your game. Ideally, it should be someone the The two of them could rip the buyer off really easily,
but the others assure the PC that God is present—in Players already know is dirty. Whoever he is in using God’s power over the minds of men.
fact He’s everywhere. If the PCs insist on waiting your game, he’s up for re-election and things don’t It’s just about the perfect crime—neither nor the
for God, He doesn’t show up. After a little while, look good for him. His opponent is a real fire- buyer nor the seller can go to the police and they’re
the members of the community tell the PC to come breathing reformer with a groundswell of populist just a bunch of hippies selling to a bunch of college
back some other time. support behind him. Things look so bad that the students—they’re not wired into organized crime or
Meanwhile, God has sensed that a powerful incumbent is desperate enough to turn to the likes of anything like that. Maybe God could even get into
parahuman (or whatever the PC is) has invaded his God. He will pay God an enormous amount of the buyers’ brains and make them get off drugs.
sanctum and is talking to his wives. This agitates money to cripple his opponent’s campaign. The plan That would be like doing them a favor, almost. They
Him (He’s a jealous god) and brings Him into is simple. God will appear at a public event where could keep the grass themselves or sell it though the
conflict with the PCs. If they won’t leave his the incumbent’s foe is speaking, take over his mind, Six Dollar Man’s contacts, whatever God wills.
apartment, he hits them with a long-range psychic and force him to say ridiculous, outrageous things The Six Dollar Man is lying on at least two
attack, warning them off. Otherwise, he just that will cost him the election. crucial points. That’s why he communicates with
instructs his followers not to talk to the PCs. If the But things do not go as planned. The stress of God only by phone—he doesn’t want Him reading
PC doesn’t want to leave, and the GM doesn’t want having his mind taken over sends the victim into a his mind.
the conflict to heat up just yet, an unrelated super- psychotic break and he goes into a crazed, foaming But even before the Six Dollar Man’s treachery
crisis suddenly comes up and they have to go solve religious rapture right there at the podium. This comes out, things start to go awry. For the Six
it. Then, some time later, the sister, girlfriend or attracts way too much of the wrong kind of media Dollar Man’s long-suffering girlfriend Dottie has
other close female contact of a Player Character attention. Worse, at least a dozen witnesses saw God finally decided to rat him out. She doesn’t dare run
suddenly joins God’s community and becomes one at the scene, and two of them took pictures. God to the cops. Her boyfriend is actually planning to
of his brides. tries to track them all down and selectively erase sell the stolen drugs to some crooked police
Once He figures out how close his new bride is to their memories, but this causes too many of them to detectives, so talking to the cops might very well get
a local superhero, God panics, pulls out of the city go insane and have religious meltdowns of their her killed. Instead she goes to the PCs and tells them
and retreats to his farm. He may or may not send a own. At least one of them develops psychic powers everything she knows. She has never seen God in
brainwashed assassin or two after the PCs. You can and goes on a brief rampage. person and she doesn’t know his name, but she does
also have him play cat and mouse with the PCs for a Soon the crooked politico who hired God starts know that the Six Dollar Man has invited another
while before fleeing, if that would be more fun. He playing on his paranoia, and talks him into making supervillain in on the deal, and that he’s planning to
will always try to hit them at a distance and always the rest of the witnesses kill themselves and/or one screw him over.
avoid letting them see him directly, in the flesh. another. The PCs are confronted with a baffling web Which brings us to the things he has lied about to
Once he has fled, it will be very easy to interest in of madness, death and bad religion. A little God. It’s not pot that’s up for sale, it’s crack. And
the authorities in God’s activities and not at all hard investigation shows that all the victims’ paths the parties involved are not harmless hippies and
to track him down. This will however precipitate the crossed at the political rally where the first victim clueless college students, they’re bikers and Mafiosi.
standoff described above in the notes on Campaign went crazy on TV. What did they witness there? Are And then the Player Characters burst onto the
Use. there other potential victims whom the PCs could scene. When God sees everything go nuts, he panics
2) Vote God still save? Does one of them have photos of God? badly and starts making people kill one another.
A crooked politician gets in touch with God. Then He tries to get back to His lair upstate, where
We’ll leave his name, party and position blank, so 3) God Falls in With the Wrong Crowd he may or may not decide that the end of the world
that you can work him into your campaign more The Six Dollar Man somehow finds God’s phone has come and start preparing for a siege by the feds,
easily. This could be anyone from a County number and gives Him a call. He tempts God with depending on whether or not the PCs follow him.
Commissioner or a City Alderman up to a Senator or news of a major marijuana buy that he knows will Even if they don’t there are a lot of angry gangsters
possibly even the President, depending on the needs take place out at a junkyard on the edge of the city. who now have a bone to pick with God.
Damage Save: +6 Fortitude Save: +6 across the violent plains of the Old West, her real
Helen Damnation Reflexes Save: +10 Willpower Save: +5
name and her origins are unknown. She claimed to
have given birth to herself on a bed of barbed wire
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +10, Bluff +10, and broken whisky bottles.
Diplomacy +11, Drive +13, Handle Animal +6, Hide A lot of people felt that her skills with a rifle
+10, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Yakuza) +5, were too good to be natural and that she must have
Listen +8, Move Silently +10, Repair +5, Search sold her sold to Lucifer to get them. She
+10, Spot +8, Taunt +10 enthusiastically agreed, but said the Devil didn't
Feats: Accurate Attack, Assessment, Attack want her soul once he got a look at its condition, so
she had to beat his secrets out of him instead.
Finesse, Chokehold, Dodge, Evasion, Far Shot,
The truth lies somewhere in between. She didn't
Great Fortitude, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack,
mention, for example, that she also bargained with
Precise Shot, Quck-Draw, Talented (Listen and
the forces of darkness for eternal life. Eternal life,
Spot), Toughness
eternal youth, eternal violence and chaos as well as a
Powers: Powers: Reincarnate +10, Super- limitless capacity for vice. There was a catch, but
Dexterity +5 (Extras: Super-Senses, Super-Strength, she thought little of it. As the embodiment of the
Super-Wisdom; Flaw: Super-Strength only applies West's reckless, savage spirit, she could only survive
toward skill checks; Cost: 6pts) where the open plains spread lawless and untamed.
Equipment: Wrist-Mounted Pistol (+5 Lethal), For decades she sang and drank and killed and
Sword (+5 Lethal), Vehicle (Psycho--Cycle; Move: spread glorious havoc hither and yon. Then the
8, Hardness: 8, Armor Bonus: 0; Cost: 9pts) West began to evaporate beneath her. Barbed wire
and the railroad strangled the world she loved,
driving her deeper and deeper into the Northwest.
Weaknesses: Berzerker Actual uninhabited wilderness would not do, for she
Quirk: Crazy, irrational and unpredictably violent. found it intolerably dull-she liked the fringes of
Does foolhardy things, has no impulse control. civilization where there were bets to win and whisky
Quirk: Enraged by any display of physical affection. to drink and people to kill. Those fringes had worn
Will immediately attack anyone kissing, holding very thin by the 1890s.
hands, cuddling, etc., even if doing so puts her at a By the turn of the 20th century she had taken up
tactical disadvantage. residence in Alaska, her legend and powers fading as
civilization relentlessly marched North. In 1910 she
"The Devil plumb throwed me outta went down to the city of Chicago, hoping to die
Real Name: Seiko "Psycho" Suzuki when she set foot on its streets. Instead she
PL: 12 Hell on account of I raised so much accidentally discovered that there were whole huge
Str: 16 (+4) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: 18 (+4) ruckus down there. So now I reckon I’m areas of the urban landscape where she was as strong
yore problem, scout." as she had ever been, for they knew no law but the
Int: 13 (+1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 12 (+1) gun.
Initiative: +10 Attack Bonus (Melee): And then the legend of the West began to grow,
Queen of the pistol, the knife and the lariat, exerting more and more power over the minds of
+11 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +11 sharpshooter extraordinaire, hell-raiser deluxe, Helen Mankind. As it grew, so did the strength of her own
Defense: +22/+12 Speed: 30 Damnation was Perdition's own daughter. A legend legend and so did her power. Killers passed her
secret tales to one another and made strange person, or even such a folktale. Yet here she is. her doing, and Yokoyama is willing to believe him
offerings to her on makeshift altars in tenement If asked about Morris Hipplewaite Helen just (or anything else that will allow him to watch old
basements and deserted rail yards. shrugs, giggles and says "He daid." samurai movies and play dominoes undisturbed).
Yet as the cities grew better organized (largely After she has killed enough of their soldiers, both
due to organized crime, at first) her territory once Using Helen Damnation in your Oyabuns finally have no choice but to declare war—
more began to shrink. A disastrous trip to Peoria in on Helen Damnation!
1935 extinguished her corporeal form entirely, and campaign: If the Player Characters kill Seiko, In the course of chasing her around Little Tokyo,
since then she has had to manifest herself in the Helen may or may not be back. If she does reappear it becomes clear that she’s more than they can
bodies of others. Every ten or twenty years some in someone else's body, she'll remember them but handle, so they call in the Player Characters. Both
luckless killer conjures up the soul of Helen unless the PCs gave her a really exciting fight she Oyabuns would like to make a deal. If the PCs can
Damnation and is consumed by her. She burns up won't go out of her way to mix it up with them. stop Helen Damnation from slaughtering any more
bodies like fuel, causing so much trouble and chaos While she doesn't give a damn for honor or of their nephews and grandsons, they will both turn
that despite the blessing of eternal youth her host fairness, she also doesn't hold grudges and won't themselves in to the authorities. Clever players may
soon gets killed. She generally dies laughing. particularly resent an opponent who beats her. suspect a trick, but in fact both men are completely
Helen will only inhabit the bodies of women, and Indeed, she doesn't seem to much care whether she sincere. Yokoyama was looking for a way to retire
only if they are to her tastes. She presently walks in wins or loses a fight-she just finds the noise and anyway and Hojo figures he can still run things from
the form of Seiko "Psycho" Suzuki, a part-time drug motion stimulating. behind bars.
dealer and full time lunatic assassin for one of the Unfortunately, neither one wants to risk losing
lesser-known Yakuza families in Honolulu. Seiko Adventures With Helen Damnation: more men, so the PCs will have to face Helen
was wild, crazy and dangerous enough before Helen 1) A Fistfull of Damnation Damnation on their own. She shouldn’t be hard to
Damnation came a-calling. The Osamu Yakuza and the Matsumoto Yakuza find. Just go down to Little Tokyo and follow the
In person Helen is quite a handful. She doesn't are at war. Their invisible empires stretch all around trail of carnage.
completely subsume the host personality, so there's the world, and their soldiers clash in secret from
still a lot of Psycho Suzuki left in her. She talks fast Sydney to Osaka to Berlin. But their distant branches 2) An Evening with Helen Damnation
and often incoherently, in a kind of childish 19th in the Player Characters’ home city have no desire to Helen Damnation is on the loose and on the town.
century slang that seems to be partly derived from fight each other. Boss Hojo is too reasonable and Over the next hours she will raise random havoc
pulp adventure novels. Constantly loud, constantly Boss Yokoyama is too old (and in any case far too until she is stopped.
breaking things out of spite, largely driven by cowardly). The two clans have made only the most Just after midnight she turns up at an illegal dice
impulse, she has a savage mean streak and her crazy tentative jabs at each other, and that purely for the game in a parking garage. She bets with a lot of
antics always culminate in violence. It's not a good sake of form. bravado, but she loses. This makes her mad, so she
evening if no one gets killed. She is oddly asexual, Enter Psycho Suzuki, AKA Helen Damnation. shoots the place up, wounding three people.
and doesn't hold with what she calls "mush stuff." She’s determined to provoke a conflict and will kill Then she drives her motorcycle the wrong way
Any display of physical affection is enough to set as many people on both sides as are required to through traffic and shows up at a karaoke bar at
her off and provoke a potentially fatal reaction. provoke a war. about 1:30. She doesn’t like the music, hassles
One odd final note. In 1965 a historian named She hits Yokoyama’s nephew at a karaoke bar, whoever is at the microphone, and when they throw
Morris Hipplewaite proved conclusively that Helen she hits Hojo’s wife’s brother while he’s getting a her out of the bar she shoots out all the windows.
Damnation never existed and that she was in fact the massage, but unfortunately both men were hated and She’s driving the wrong way down another busy
creation of two different pulp authors, Hubert Stickle feared by their bosses, who are actually relieved to street when she shoots the spotlight off a police car
and Leonard Creech, who both independently have them dead. She kills more people, but the more at 2:00 and leads them on a brief chase.
thought the character up in 1868, apparently without havoc she wreaks the more the two men resist doing At 2:30 she crashes her bike into a video arcade
any knowledge of eachother. There never was such a what she wants. It’s obvious to Hojo that this is all and continues on foot.
At 2:50 she spies a young Asian couple holding
hands in a park and is infuriated by this display of
“mush stuff.” She chases them down and beats them
both savagely, putting the boy in the hospital when
she finds that he won’t kiss dog excrement even with
a gun to his head.
At 3:10 she steals a bike from a Japanese cycle
gang and leads them on a chase through traffic the
wrong way. By 3:40 she has lost them, but the cops
spot her and she leads them on a second, longer
At 4:15 she enters an illegal motorcycle race that
a different gang is sponsoring out on the freeway by
the edge of town. She wins the race, by cheating
viciously. When she gets disqualified she steals the
prize, and roars off into the night, pursued by the
cycle gang, then the cops as well, and then the other
gang she stole the bike from.
By 5:00 in the morning she’s leading a huge
chase through town as the sun starts to peek over the
horizon. If the Player Characters haven’t caught up
to her already, they should encounter her here.
While the PCs can stumble across Helen
Damnation at any point in her rampage, the scenario
often works better if they hear reports of her bad
behavior at the dice game or the karaoke bar and
pursue her across town, trying to catch up as she
spreads more chaos.
Chapter 3: Major Threats But while she may just be going through the
Fortitude Save: +6 Reflexes Save: +8
The Snow Queen, Willpower Save: +7
motions, she still does it awfully well. The Snow
Queen deals coke, primarily, but she can be hired on
aka Cold Marla, aka the Skills: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Sense Motive +8,
Spot +7, Taunt +8
a short-term basis for just about any criminal
enterprise, from assassination to bank robbery.
White Lady Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (Energy Highly sought after, she has a reputation as a
complete pro—steady under fire, fearless and
Blast), Connected, Dodge, Expertise, Immune to
responsible. She takes orders without complaint, she
Cold, Infamy, Iron Will, Minions (Up to 35 PL1
always shows up on time and she never shows up
thugs, 3 PL2 thugs, 1 PL3 thug and 1 PL4 thug)
Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Power Immunity,
Marla keeps moving when she isn’t in prison.
Precise Shot
She’ll blow into town with a big pile of coke, cut
Powers: Amazing Save (Fortitude) +4 (Extras: some unpopular local dealer out of his action, leave
Reflexes, Willpower; Cost: 2pts), Energy Control his frozen, shattered corpse as a reminder for his
(Cold) +15 (Extras: Energy Field, Energy Shapes, friends and relations not to trifle with her, make
Force Field; Power Stunts: Energy Blast; Cost 5pts), enough money to buy more coke, and move on the
Slick +5 (Cost: 2pts), Teleport +10 (Extras: moment things start to get too hot.
Extended Teleport; Flaws: Can Only Teleport By She likes warm weather. Despite her powers, she
stepping into a mass of snow or ice, and can only despises cold climates—not because it causes her
Teleport out of another mass of snow or ice on the discomfort, but because it reminds her of her
far end; Cost 2pts) childhood in Duluth. She hates the sight of people
staggering through snowy streets, wrapped up in
“I have 56 flavors of agony on special heavy coats with their noses leaking snot into their
today. Which one would you like? mufflers.
Although the Snow Queen likes sultry
Oooh, a triple-decker! That’s a temperatures, she knows that her immunity to cold
Real Name: Marla Frost popular order.” puts her at an advantage, so her lair will usually be
PL: 15 inside a refrigerator truck, industrial meat locker or
She’s cold. Marla Frost hasn’t felt anything some other big refrigerated place. Her henchmen
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 14 (+2) about anything for a long, long time. By now she’s and other criminal associates will stand there
Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 16 (+3) been a criminal for so long, seen and done so many shivering and passing out from the cold, while she
awful things that it all blurs together, all feels like it calmly discusses business, clearly unconcerned with
Initiative: +2 Attack Bonus (Melee): +6 their discomfort. This helps inspire fear.
happened to somebody else. She can’t remember
Attack Bonus (Ranged): +8 Defense: everyone she’s killed, maimed or ruined. Long past Sometimes she uses paid henchmen and
+18/15 Speed: 30 guilt, long past going into emotional shock, long past sometimes she doesn’t, depending on the nature of
being surprised at what she’s capable of doing. the job. If she does hire thugs then she tries to keep
Damage Save: +2/+15 (Force-Field) them afraid of her, but unlike some supervillains she
Even her cruelty feels muffled to her.
doesn’t kill or cripple them for making trivial the hospital, much too far away for his kids to reach secret, only using them when her back was to the
mistakes. It’s too much effort to hire new people, him on foot. The family had been fighting eviction wall. This was a sound policy. She was actually
particularly if you give yourself a reputation for for a month, and with both parents out of action, thrown in prison and used her powers to escape
butchering the help. there was nothing to prevent it now. Marla and her twice without anyone finding out that she was a
Superbly gifted at the art of intimidation, she little brother wound up living in the woods at the end parahuman. She was able to lie low for long enough
makes threats and talks trash with the best of them. of the block. to take a lot of community college courses, study
She also knows that fear is a better intimidation tool Their Dad went into a coma and their nearest elocution and nearly get a Master’s Degree in
than actual violence. You can’t kill someone twice, relatives were in Ohio—and hated their branch of the Psychology.
dead men don’t pay their debts and people with family in any case. It was a bleak November for the Once the cat was out of the bag she used her
nothing left to lose make bad enemies. She will Frost kids. status as a supervillain to her advantage, playing the
certainly threaten a prospective enemy’s loved ones And then a cold snap hit, sudden and savage as role as well as she could, making people fear her and
(if she knows who they are), she may kidnap one and lightning. One night it was forty degrees, the next landing big jobs with organized crime when she
leave another one dead and frozen on their doorstep night it was fifteen and Marla and her brother were wasn’t in school or prison.
as a warning, but she’ll try hard not to take away in immanent danger of death. By the time they She supposes her parents are probably both still
everything a mark has—unless of course that’s the realized that they weren’t going to survive the night alive out there, somewhere, but she's never bothered
assignment. outside, both kids were already suffering from to check.
Her fighting style varies according to the kind of hypothermia.
combat she finds herself involved in. If she’s up Little Tom was overcome first, so his sister Using the Snow Queen in your
against a powerful opponent, or if she’s here to kill a carried him. When she could carry him no further,
particular person and get away clean then she’ll hit she left him in the snow and wandered on alone. She campaign: A versatile adversary, the Snow
and run as fast as possible, using the element of collapsed herself a few hundred yards away. Queen can be used as a kind of low-level master
surprise if she can. If on the other hand she’s there It was Thanksgiving, she suddenly remembered. villain, complete with henchmen, a secret base and a
to beat somebody up and terrorize them, she’s What a strange time to die. minor Master Plan (usually something like: steal a
showy, dramatic and cruel, fond of taunting the And as the snow covered her up, the spirits of the big diamond, trade it for lots of coke, sell the blow at
victim and of tricks like freezing and shattering their cold North Wind came to her. They were intrigued, a massive profit, kill everyone who knows about her
fingers, ears, or lips. they explained, by the way she had left her little and get out of town). Or she can be a mercenary
In person she seems distant, distracted, forbidding brother to die, just to have a few more minutes of life villain, a temporary member of a team or even a
and sadistic. She often looks as though her mind is herself. They respected that kind of thinking, and personal arch-nemesis. She’s done it all. And none
somewhere else, but she still has a wicked sense of they were prepared to offer her a deal. She could of it really satisfied.
humor. Only seldom does she bother to raise her have her life and have their power, if she agreed to
voice. walk away and never tell anyone that little Tommy Adventures With The Snow Queen:
While she speaks standard English, and has only was dying there in the snow. This sounded
the very faintest trace of a Minnesota accent, her reasonable to her. 1) Death, With Sprinkles on Top
background is a white-trash chamber of horrors. Her A few days later, she managed to hook up with a A drug dealer named Jimmy Mack Alcazar comes
family lived in a run-down trailer somewhere outside coke dealer that mom knew, who liked girls Marla's to the Player Characters for help. He swore to look
of Duluth. She had one little brother, now deceased. age. She moved in with him for just long enough to after his brother’s kids while he’s in prison, and now
Her parents screamed at each other and wasted their learn his whole client list, then froze him to death one of them is dead and one of them is missing and
money on crank, while her schoolmates taunted her with her new powers and took his stash. he’s so upset he can’t think straight and he doesn’t
for her ragged Salvation Army clothes. She liquidated as much product as she could and know what to do.
When Marla was 12 her Mom stabbed her Dad headed south, looking for somewhere warm. It’s the Snow Queen. She rolled into town just a
and got taken away by the cops. Dad wound up in For a long time Marla tried to keep her powers few days ago, somehow figured out that he knew
about a major coke deal that will be taking place know and trust one another, and neither one is that backed them, if she has time. They will all die.
tomorrow, left his 16 year old nephew frozen and bringing a lot of bodyguards. And then the tinkling Horribly.
shattered on his doorstep and took his 8 year old sound of ice cream trucks is heard in the distance… She’s saving the chief surgeon for last, for she
niece away. wants him to know that she is coming. She hasn’t
Then she called Jimmy Mack on his cell phone 2) A Dish Served Cold decided whether or not to kill herself afterwards, for
and told him that she would appreciate his assistance The Snow Queen always assumed that her useless selling the coke that eventually found its way up his
with her plan to rip off the coke. She didn’t let him parents were still alive out there somewhere. In fact nose and into his brain, shorting out his judgment
speak to his niece or anything, he doesn’t know if her mom died years ago in a prison brawl, and her and killing her Dad.
the little girl is alive or dead, but he gave it all up father, who never fully recovered from his injuries,
anyway, told her everything he knew. She never died from a botched surgery just last spring.
gave his niece back and anyway everyone is going to Due to an administrative foul-up they actually
know that Jimmy Mack tipped off the Snow Queen performed the wrong surgical procedure on her
so he’s dead anyway and they’ll probably kill his father. Ordinarily, the doctors performing the
niece too. The PCs have just gotta help him, he says. surgery would have noticed that something was
He’ll do anything. wrong, but the chief surgeon was blasted out of his
And the strange thing is, he’s telling the truth. mind on coke (ironically enough) and none of the
The Snow Queen is up to her usual tricks. She other staff wanted to question his judgment.
appeared in town last week, scoped out the drug The Snow Queen was shocked by how badly the
scene, froze some fingers and ears off people until news of her parents’ death has affected her. She
she found someone who could tell her something thought she was long past caring about anything like
useful, and is now getting ready to steal a big this, and yet it has made her a weeping wreck.
shipment of cocaine. At first she considered pursuing litigation against
To help out with the heist and with distributing the people responsible for her father’s death, but the
the blow afterwards, she has recruited a gang of state where her father lived in the last years of his
thugs, dressed them up in ice cream man uniforms life has a law that limits medical malpractice suits to
and christened them the “Waffle Cone Gang.” With a ridiculous pittance. After talking some more with
their scars, tattoos and gold teeth they don’t really lawyers and doing a little independent research of
look like the kind of guys you’d want to buy ice her own, she has noticed that there was a startling
cream from, but they do look like the right kind of rise in the number of malpractice-related deaths in
guys to sell you coke. They drive around in ice that state, once the law went into effect.
cream trucks and they turn the music on when She takes a certain grim satisfaction in the
they’re about to do a drive-by shooting. knowledge that a lot of other people are suffering the
The Snow Queen’s current lair is a meat locker in way she is. Nevertheless, it’s not enough. Everyone
a warehouse out by the airport. She doesn’t keep must die. The assisting doctors who should have
Jimmy Mack’s niece there. In fact the little girl rides corrected the chief surgeon, the filing clerk who
around in the back of one of the ice cream trucks and made the error, the hospital administrators who
has been having a pretty good time eating ice cream overworked the staff until they started making lethal
all day and playing with the thugs. mistakes, the lobbyists who got the law passed, the
The coke deal is going to take place in the legislators who voted for it, the governor who signed
parking lot of a used tire depot, under a huge it, the head of the medical association that pushed for
grinning fiberglass statue of a gorilla. Both parties it, and maybe the board of the insurance company
Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +6 (Cost: 1pt), indicate that he’s still out there somewhere, plotting
Black Thunder Deflection +6 (Cost: 2pts), Running +2 (Cost: 2pts),
Strike +10 (Cost: 2pts), Super-Strength +5 (Extras:
the downfall of America.
Capturing Black Thunder has been a high priority
Amazing Save [Damage], Protection; Cost: 6pts) for the American Intelligence community for the
past three decades, but despite a few close brushes
Weaknesses: Quirk: Won't harm innocent they haven’t caught up with him yet. If the Player
bystanders or allow them to come to harm. Characters ever manage it, perhaps they’ll find out
the truth. He’s eager to talk about what really
“Stop trying to kill me for a minute and happened, and he’ll gladly tell anyone who listens.
As you may have guessed, most of the official
I’ll tell you what really happened at story on Black Thunder is a lie, but some of it is just
Muy Trahn.” an oversimplification.
He made a lot of mistakes, he freely admits.
One of the most wanted criminals in American Powers Cage was a happy-go-lucky, carefree
history, he’s been running from the law for thirty teenager from Georgia. He’s older and wiser now,
years and hasn’t been caught yet. He’s a traitor, a but in 1968 he was a wild and thoughtless kid. The
killer, a selfish monster and one of America’s most restrictions black folks had to endure in rural
dedicated enemies. Georgia didn’t sit well with him and his family was
Real Name: Powers Cage A front-line superhero in Vietnam, he was always sure that he would mouth off in front of the wrong
PL: 16 dangerously unstable, prone to anti-American tirades people and get lynched, sooner or later. They
Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 20 (+5) and disobeying orders. The Army put up with his encouraged him to join the Army, and he did.
bad attitude and Communist leanings perhaps more Somehow he didn’t grasp that this would mean
Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 14 (+2) than it should have, since he was tremendously getting sent to Vietnam.
Initiative: +7 Attack Bonus (Melee): effective on the battlefield—but then again no one The Army detected his latent superhuman powers
+17 Attack Bonus (Ranged): +18 could have known what he was eventually going to in Basic Training, and had him sent to a special six-
do. week program at Fort Dix. After a course of
Defense: +19/+15 Speed: 40 During the defense of Muy Tranh Village he stimulant injections and Rage Therapy, his abilities
Damage Save: +16 Fortitude Save: +5 fought bravely against impossible odds, almost manifested and he was ready to be transferred to Fort
Reflexes Save: +3 Willpower Save: +4 single-handedly fending off a massive Viet Cong Meade in Maryland for advanced parahuman
assault. He felt he deserved the Medal of Honor for training. It never happened. Superhumans were
Skills: Hide +10, Knowledge (Southeast Asian that, and when he received a Silver Star instead, he desperately needed on the front lines, so they
Criminal Underworld) +5, Languages (Chinese, deserted and joined the other side. shipped him off to Da Nang without anything more
Indonesian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese), Listen +9, At first no one wanted to admit that this could than the most basic instruction in how to use his
Medical +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +8, Survival have happened, that any American serviceman could powers. He was issued a costume and assigned to an
+9 be selfish enough to drag shame down on his infantry platoon as a combat specialist. He hadn’t
Feats: All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Dodge, country, fighting his own comrades and staining the had time to go to Officer Training School, so they
Durability, Expertise, Improved Critical (“Strike” honor of the Armed Forces. Yet it was so. For the made him a Private, First Class.
attack), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, next twenty years he turned up all across the Far His unit was deep in the back country of Da Nang
Improved Trip, Infamy, Power Attack, Rapid East, fighting America’s allies, getting entangled in Province, a heavily contested zone. They had
Takedown, Surprise Strike, Stunning Attack, the international drug trade. After that he seemed to encounters with the enemy every week out there.
Takedown Attack, Track slow down, perhaps feeling his age, but all the signs It didn’t take him long to realize how useless his
superhuman powers were in jungle warfare. He was four years earlier. A lot of black servicemen felt loyal to the wrong side, and they were here to teach
really strong, and he could project energy out of his conflicted about the war. it a lesson.
fists, drastically enhancing the power of his blows. The enemy knew this, and would periodically The four American soldiers returned fire, which
If he concentrated really hard he could throw a bolt distribute leaflets aimed at undermining their will to surprised and alarmed the attacking VC, who
of energy out of his hands, and fry a man in his boots fight. Crudely made and badly translated into suddenly weren’t sure how heavily defended the
up to a few yards away. None of which made any English, they were a hoot to read and sometimes a village might be. Darkness fell, the four Americans
difference at all, except in close combat, which never group of black soldiers would gather around to were effectively pinned down, and the fighting
seemed to happen. chuckle over a particularly silly one. Black Thunder dissolved into confusion as a heavy evening
His energy blasts didn’t have the range of a rifle, got caught doing this (by the same officer who thunderstorm settled over the village.
and they made a lot more noise. He could actually caught him doing the Dap), and this time he was Some time around nine o clock the VC decided to
form a kind of energy shield that would block nearly sent up on charges for reading commie take the hamlet, and moved in among the huts
incoming bullets, but only if he knew what direction literature. despite the pouring rain and the terrible visibility.
they were coming from—something you never knew All of these things weighed heavily on him, but This was the moment Black Thunder and his abilities
out in the bush. What did it matter that he could lift he was too busy trying to stay alive to let it get him had been made for.
a jeep over his head? When was that ever going to down. And stay alive he did, one way or another, He crept between the houses, keeping low and
come up in a war like this one? until he was finally getting close to the midway point killing any VC he found, the sound of the storm
Worse, his costume made him a walking target of his term, and his first extended leave. masking the sound of his powers in action. He’s not
for snipers. They always killed the guy with powers He had his heart set on going to Bangkok, where sure now, but he must have killed between fifteen
first. The other grunts in his platoon didn’t even the other guys said that the food was cheap, the and twenty men that night. The rest panicked, the
want to stand near him on patrol. After he figured women were extremely friendly, and nobody cared VC pulled out, unsure of the enemy’s strength, and
this out he tried to wear his super-duds as little as that you were black. Black Thunder began to wonder if they would give
possible, even though the officers got on his case Then along came the incident that would make him the Silver Star instead of a Court Martial. It was
about it. him into first a hero and then a fugitive. not to be.
Like a lot of guys, he took drugs to dull the There were two ways of handling a patrol. You Wounded in the fighting, he was sent to a field
constant stress and tension. This got him written up could go from point Alpha, to Point Bravo, to Point hospital, where he spent the rest of his time before
on suspicion a couple of times, which he Charlie, to Point Delta, like you were supposed to. they put him on the plane to Bangkok. To his
compounded by getting involved in the “Dap” Or if you knew the guys in your patrol, you didn’t amazement, nobody back at headquarters seemed to
controversy. like getting shot at and you all agreed not to snitch, know or care that his patrol hadn’t been where they
The “Dap” was a special, super-complicated you could just go off somewhere else and make sure should have been on the night in question. They
handshake that black servicemen gave eachother to to turn up at point Delta on time. were eager to have superhuman heroes, and bent
show their solidarity with one another. It could go As his hours in the bush grew short, Black over backwards to give him his Silver Star.
on for minutes, if you let it. In 1969 the Armed Thunder grew jealous of his life and started ditching But they take a soldier’s entire service record into
Forces cracked down on the Dap, on the grounds that his patrols more and more. He liked to spend time in account when deciding what decorations to award,
it was a symbol of “Black Power” subversion. the nearby village when he could. A country boy and they denied the other three men their medals, on
Nobody told Black Thunder this until he was caught himself, it always interested him to see how the the grounds that all three of them had at one point or
doing the Dap by a new lieutenant (who was himself farmers lived, how different their lives were from his another been seen giving the “Dap” handshake and
black) and disciplined for it. own. reading commie pamphlets. This galled Black
It was tough being a black man in the Army, One evening, he and the guys had ditched their Thunder badly.
fighting for a country that oppressed you at home. patrol, and were wandering through the village of On the transport plane, headed for Bangkok, he
Lynching was still a fact of life in the South, black Muy Tranh, when they unexpectedly came under could hear anti-aircraft fire and he began to wonder
people had only gained the universal right to vote fire. The Viet Cong had marked this hamlet as being if he was going to be one of those unlucky souls who
got blown up on their way to take leave. Everything to settle down for a while in Bali, a place he has be more focused on getting away than on taking
he hated about the Army seemed to come crashing in come to dearly love. He lives quietly there and keeps them down—although he might teach a cocky young
on him at once. a very low profile. hero a brutal lesson to keep them off his trail.
When they arrived, he found Bangkok to be as The CIA hasn’t come close to him in years. In If you’d rather bring Black Thunder to your
great as everybody said it was. It was a fascinating fact they may not be trying very hard any more. Player Characters, rather then send them halfway
city, the people were nice, and for the first time in However, Jim Flint of the mercenary super-team around the world to chase him, there are only two
his life, no one seemed to care that he was black. Executive Solutions hates Black Thunder in a way things that might tempt him back onto American
Soon he hooked up with a young lady who was far that isn’t entirely sane, and continues to hunt for him soil. The possibility of amnesty, or a threat to his
too pretty to have ever gone out with him back in a low-key kind of way. Whenever the PCs get a surviving family members. Whenever he surfaces or
home, and he began to seriously consider deserting. lead on Black Thunder’s whereabouts, Flint will too, wherever the PCs hunt him down, rest assured that
A lot of guys went AWOL in Bangkok. The MPs and he’ll send an assassination squad. the boys from Executive Solutions are just one jump
always found them after they burned through their Black Thunder has regularly tried to send cash behind him.
money and their girlfriends kicked them out the home to his family, but they regard him as a
door. But it seemed to him that there had to be a lot shameful disgrace and will have nothing to do with Adventures With Black Thunder:
of places like this all across Southeast Asia, and that the money he sends. He can’t blame them. They
if he went far enough, they wouldn’t catch him. endured a lot of grief from the FBI on his behalf.
He’s been running ever since. In person, he is thoughtful, calm and reasonably 1) Echoes of Distant Thunder
Black Thunder had no idea that his powers would articulate. He’s grown up a lot since his days as a The Player Characters suddenly get the first fresh
make him such a target. In fact his desertion made young hothead and he no longer has anything to lead in years on one of America’s most wanted
headlines nationwide. It was a grave prove. It’s difficult but not impossible to get him criminals—Black Thunder himself. We’ll
embarrassment to the Nixon Administration, and riled. While he has a lot of regrets, he is basically tentatively say he’s in Indonesia, but that’s really
their inability to catch him made it worse. The cheerful by nature and tries not to burden other just one way to run the scenario. In fact you could
armed forces and the intelligence community have a people with them. Aware that he hasn’t had a have the PCs find Black Thunder anywhere in the
serious grudge against the man, more for what he chance to get much education, he is interested in the Far East but Japan.
symbolized than for what he actually did, and many world around him and always enjoys learning new Perhaps the right thing to do would be to notify
within their ranks still hate him with an irrational things. the federal authorities of his whereabouts, but few
fury. He has had to kill more people than he likes, and PC groups will ever take that route. Most Player
Life on the run was not as easy as he had hoped. tries hard not to do it if he doesn’t have to, but he is Characters will instead want to personally confront
He tried hiding in Laos, then Malaysia, then still capable of murder if he’s pushed too far or his him.
Indonesia, then the Philippines. back is to the wall. The sad truth is, he enjoys killing But someone else has also found the lead, and
He was able to rent his powers out to various a lot more than he cares to admit to himself. sent the lads from Executive Solutions after the same
armed factions in Laos and to the occasional bandit target. Executive Solution M (the former superhero
gang. He never felt good about doing this, but he once known as Major Maximum) hates Black
Using Black Thunder in your Thunder with a mad passion, despite having never
had to eat. He liked bodyguard work best, because it
was easy and he usually didn’t have to hurt anybody. campaign: This is the guy your Players will all met the man, and will jump at the chance to kill him.
More than one secret CIA strike force came after want to fight eventually—the legendary supervillain The PCs catch up with Black Thunder first, and
him, and a couple of superhero teams got close. He who no one ever caught. The PCs should hear about find that he’s willing to talk to them, either before or
always tried to do them as little damage as he could Black Thunder long before they ever get even the after they capture him. The old fugitive has just
while making his escape, but some guys got killed faintest lead on where to find him. finished telling his story when the goons from
anyway. He is a tough combatant, not so much because of Executive Solutions break down the door. Even if
By the early 1980s he had saved enough money his raw power as because of his experience and the PCs have already captured and bound the man
skill. However, if the PCs fight him he’ll probably they will attack, clearly intent on killing him. If the
PCs look tough and already have Black Thunder
prisoner, the team from Executive Solutions will
demand that the PCs hand him over for an “on-site
field execution.”
How the PCs deal with this situation and whether
or not they’re willing to fight beside one of
America’s most hated enemies is up to them.
Base of Operations: The team has no single Organization: Cimarron Starr is the team’s Tactics: The Corpus Christi Good Time Boys
base or headquarters. They stay on the move most leader, partly because she’s the longest standing specialize in robbing banks, jewelry stores, armored
of the time, stealing cars and vans as need be. member, partly because of her forceful personality, cars and so forth. Their tactics (such as they are)
Sometimes, when they’re plush on funds, they’ll get and mostly because she’s stronger than any of the work better for stealing stuff than they do in big
a suite in a big hotel for a few weeks, spending others. She’s a bad leader, selfish and given to super-brawls. The Grease Monkey provides them
lavish amounts of money on room service and lording her position over the team’s weaker with the technical assistance they will need to bypass
partying wildly. They have public storage units members. Johnny Black feels that his status as her alarms, open vaults and so forth. Doctor Destructor
scattered around east Texas, with spare equipment present boyfriend gives him authority, and picks on subdues resistance or creates a distraction, the Lone
and supplies if they need it in an emergency. the Texas Twister and the Lone Star Lady whenever Star Lady and Johnny Black pick off any particularly
In the event of a really dire emergency, the team he can. Yet the team pulls itself together when Mr. powerful targets at a distance and Mr. Fist does his
owns a house in a brand-new suburban subdivision Fist and the Grease Monkey show up. They all want best to fend off armed guards while Cimarron Starr
way outside of Houston, where they can lay low for to look like professionals around a famous and the Texas Twister concentrate on making off
a while. Last year they bought a pretty good-sized supervillain like Mr. Fist and they like the Grease with the loot.
chunk of the housing development as an investment, Monkey for her calm, self-effacing personality. In a flat out combat situation with another
and they kept this one unit vacant, just in case they Even though the two of them are really just hired supergroup they will send Doctor Destructor in first,
ever needed it. The house is completely empty and help, they bring out the best in the group’s troubled using his giant body for cover as they advance and
unfurnished, but there’s a hidden room in the core members. come to grips with the enemy. Then each of them
basement that’s big enough for four people to sleep Cimarron Starr and Johnny Black have contacts will pick an opponent their powers seem to be suited
in. in the Mexican Mafia who can help the team to fighting and try to face them one on one, with no
coordination or broader strategy. They don’t even the PCs didn’t fight fair, and her team will keep the
trust one another enough to lay down covering fire— Adventures With The Corpus Christi name.
it’s pretty much every man and woman for
themselves. Good-Time Boys: 1) Corpus Christi 78411 2) Nice Day for a White Wedding
Johnny Black and Cimarron Starr are both Johnny Black calls the PCs from a pay phone in
convinced that the PCs intend to steal the name "The Las Vegas. If he has no way of getting their phone
Using The Corpus Christi Good- Corpus Christi Good Time Boys" for their own. number then he sends them a letter, or has a contact
Time Boys in your campaign: The Nothing will convince them that this isn’t true (this meet them in person and hand them a cell phone. He
Corpus Christi Good Time Boys are a good recurrent works particularly well if one of the PCs has wants a three day truce.
nemesis for low to mid level teams of player previously made some ironic, sneering comment Johnny sounds excited and happy, bursting to tell
characters. Their lack of coordination and woeful about their name—something like “Gee, great name, them something, and even if the PCs don’t ask him
group dynamics make them less effective than an wish I’d thought of that.”) why he wants a truce, he blurts it out. He is going to
equally powerful but better organized PC group. The Corpus Christi Good Time Boys issue a marry Cimarron Starr. They decided to get married
They can be hired to perform almost any kind of challenge to the Player Characters. The PCs should on impulse, just yesterday. They’re not in Vegas to
crime, and for enough money or a personal grudge come face them in abandoned industrial park on the raise hell or steal anything, they just want to spend
they would be more than willing to leave Texas and Texas gulf coast, to battle for who gets to use the three days at a “classy” hotel, get married and go
come face the PCs on their home ground. They hate name. Even though the Player Characters know that home. PCs who are familiar with Johnny Black may
to leave their home state, but they’re not completely this is a misunderstanding, it does also represent a note that it’s just like him to be so paranoid and self-
helpless in a setting like New York City—they just chance to capture one of Texas’ most wanted absorbed that he thinks they have nothing better to
complain about it a lot. supervillain groups. Anyway what superhero team do than to track his movements and speculate about
The GM can make good use of the team’s tangled could resist a challenge like that? why he's in Las Vegas.
internal politics, having team members show up late The other Good Time Boys are skeptical of Johnny adds that he fears some of his teammates
or shout at one another as they fight. After the PCs Johnny Black and Cimarron Starr’s claims. If the may have caught wind of his upcoming nuptials, and
have encountered the Corpus Christi Good Time PCs show up for the confrontation and vociferously that he wants no violence to mar his wedding day.
Boys more than once, the GM can draw the PCs into protest that they have no designs on the team’s Can the PCs come to Vegas and run interference for
their crazy soap opera of a back story--perhaps name, the others will remonstrate with Cimarron him? He wants them to stop the Texas Twister or
Cimarron Starr or the Lone Star Lady comes rushing Starr. When she can see that even Mr. Fist has taken the Lone Star Lady if they show up in town and do
into an attractive male PCs arms, just to make their the other side, she’ll concede that maybe the PCs something crazy. He’d even be willing to testify
current boyfriend even more jealous. don’t want to steal their name after all, maybe against them if the PCs catch them getting up to
Perhaps Johnny Black gets an irrational Johnny was wrong about that, but they’re here for a anything, despite the fact that it would violate his
conviction that one of the PCs is seeing Cimarron fight now and the honor of Texas must be answered moral code to rat out a fellow crook.
Starr, and tries to goad her into attacking the Player once she has been called forth. This makes sense to If the PCs take Johnny up on his offer, neither the
Characters to prove it isn’t so. the others, who will reluctantly agree that they have Texas Twister nor the Lone Star Lady shows up. In
Perhaps the Lone Star Lady lets the PCs capture to fight now. fact neither one has even guessed what might be
her, to prove that Johnny Black still loves her and Industrial park fights can be a lot of fun, with afoot. However, as the hour of her wedding
make him come running to her rescue. Perhaps he broken down forklifts and rusty old barrels full of approaches, the bride develops cold feet, gets drunk
does, but not because he loves her—he wants to toxic waste to throw at one another, I-beams and and runs amok on the Strip in her wedding dress,
make sure that she doesn’t give up any of his secrets. sections of chainlink fence to beat on one another smashing anything she can lay her hands on. If the
Perhaps Cimarron Starr finds out where Johnny with and no innocent bystanders who might hurt. PCs try to stop her, they will be breaking the truce,
Black has gone and goes off in a jealous rage to stop Maybe there’s even a catwalk or two to for the and Johnny will swear revenge.
him. Perhaps the Texas Twister follows her, eager combatants to chase one another across, or dangle
to prove that he still loves Cimarron Starr, etc., etc. from. If the PCs win, Cimarron Starr will insist that
Skills: Drive +5, Intimidate +8, Knowledge so she did. While some amateur historians contend
Johnny Black (Texas Criminal Underworld) +2, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: All-Out Attack, Dodge, Evasion,
that anyone from Wyatt Earp to Buckskin Frank
Leslie murdered Johnny Ringo, the fact remains that
he shot himself.
Equipment: Enchanted Pistol (Energy Blast +9: Not a lot of people saw the gun outside its holster
Extras: Amazing Save [Damage, Reflexes and and lived to talk about it. Those who did said that it
Willpower], Deflection; Power Stunts: All-Around superficially appeared to be a .45 caliber revolver,
Sight, Blind-Fight, Darkvision, Far Shot, Multishot, but was in fact is something much stranger. Neither
Penetrating Attack x2, Penetration Vision, Point- the caliber nor the make were at all standard—
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Ricochet Johnny Ringo must have had his bullets custom-
Attack, Quick-Draw, See Invisibility; Cost: 5pts) made. The Cylinder was said to hold five oddly-
Weaknesses: Quirk: Paranoid speedfreak, does shaped chambers, while the firing mechanism
stupid irrational things that screw up both himself operated according to what one Arizona gunsmith
and his comrades. called “a simple, ingenious but wholly unfamiliar
principle.” The gunmetal was rumored to be some
unfamiliar alloy, with a peculiar greenish tint,
“I’m gone show you who you’re trifling covered with a complex design that smacked
with, son. You like pain much? ‘Cause distinctly of the occult.
this here would be a great time to After a decade of searching, Tom Tanner stole the
weapon from a private collection in Laredo. This
start.” weird enchanted gun has made him the fastest
gunfighter alive, given him the ability to shoot
A career criminal long before he gained his through walls and around corners, (and incidentally
superpowers, Thomas Tanner has always been let him give up his unsuccessful career as an adult
obsessed with the legendary gunfighters of the old entertainer) but it hasn't improved his disposition.
west, and particularly with the infamous Johnny He's a paranoid, manic, overbearing bully,
Ringo. convinced that the people around him are planning to
A cruel, erudite man with a taste for Plato, cheat him and that he can intimidate them into
Thucydides and meaningless slaughter, John Ringo admitting it. A trial to be around, he constantly
remains one of the most enigmatic and frightening questions, threatens and browbeats anyone in reach.
Real Name: Thomas Tanner figures of the 1870s. Always ready to confound He has been known to kill people preemptively,
PL: 9 listeners with his carefully reasoned arguments about before they can do him wrong, or to betray them
the hopelessness and futility of the Universe, and before they can betray him. If he suspects anyone of
Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 14 (+2) twice as ready to kill them dead, he was as adept having more education than he does (or worse yet,
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 14 (+2) with a pistol as he was with a classical allusion. catches them actually reading a book) then he singles
Initiative: + Attack Bonus (Melee): +10 His contemporaries knew that there was them out for special punishment. For some reason
something very wrong with the gun he carried, he doesn’t apply this rule to women, the Grease
Attack Bonus (Ranged): +13 Defense: though they spoke of it only in whispers. We don’t Monkey is relieved to note.
+19/+14 Speed: 30 know how many human lives this weapon took. He Johnny Black never seems to sleep, both because
Damage Save: +11 Fortitude Save: + 2 used to refer to it as a living thing, which hungered of his paranoid, hypomanic personality and because
for the blood of men. She would come for him he takes far too much speed. He has also been
Reflexes Save: +13 Willpower Save: +9 someday, he said, when she had drunk her fill. And
known to crash and collapse for days on end, going eight totally pointless robberies, sticking up stores powerful enough to shake the mountains, so perhaps
to ground in some crummy motel room until he can and stealing whatever random objects happen to he’s strong enough to help Johnny Black.
get himself together. catch the fancy of his drug addled brain. At each And Johnny finds him, and he does in fact have
Despite his bad behavior, he can't be kicked out crime scene, he leaves the PC’s name spray-painted the power to help Johnny, so the gun kills him.
of the Good-Time Boys. He's Cimarron Starr's on the wall, along with the words “I Know What The old man’s body has come to light and Johnny
current boyfriend and what she says goes. Although You Done.” is now hunted through the swamps by both the law
she could easily fry him in his snakeskin boots, he When the PC finally manages to track him down and Burning Wind’s vengeful relations. And as his
often yells at her for no reason and accuses her of and confront him, Johnny is holding the Korean gun changes, it begins to erode reality, and rabid
unfaithfulness. Amazingly, he gets away with this. couple who run a minimart hostage, pointing his gun extradimensional abominations start to appear in its
His background is depressingly familiar. His at them and talking irrational nonsense. The speed is wake.
father was a small time hood, who taught young starting to wear off, and he’s crashing really badly The PCs can get involved in this mess when news
Tom how to steal and fight and kill without remorse. (he’s been up for five days straight). Johnny won’t reaches them of Burning Wind’s death, or when
Tom grew up in the back of a Winnebago with a be able to put up a fight and if the PC makes any slobbering obscenities from outside time and space
bunch of half-brothers and whichever unfortunate effort to negotiate with or talk to him he will actually start turning up in East Texas. Or perhaps the Lone
woman Pa was dating at the time. lie down on the floor and lapse into a deep dark Star Lady runs weeping to a Player Character for
Pa got into a drunken knife fight with Tom on his sleep. assistance, and offers to be their girlfriend for a
sixteenth birthday, cut him bad and drove him off. However, Cimarron Starr has been tracking while if he helps Johnny.
After Johnny Black gained his powers, but before Johnny Black, convinced that he’s sneaking off to Once the PCs catch up with Johnny, it is possible
he hooked up with the Corpus Christi Good-Time see another woman. When she sees that he has been to trick his gun into thinking that the time is not yet
Boys, he roved the Texas gulf coast with his whining captured, she will attempt to rescue him from the right for it to assume its true form. Any PC with the
codependent girlfriend, the Lone Star Lady. One PCs. If she isn’t tough enough to do it by herself, ability to cast spells can do this with a roll vs. DC
look at Cimarron Starr and he knew it was time to then the Lone Star Lady has also been chasing 20.
trade up. He pushed out her crazy loser boyfriend, Johnny, convinced that Cimarron Starr intends him If the team has no spellcaster, then Burning Wind
the Texas Twister, and was shocked and enraged harm. Perhaps the Texas Twister is pursuing the left some notes on a yellow legal pad that explain
when the Twister then took up with the Lone Star Lone Star Lady, convinced that she’s running off to which symbols to draw on the ground and what
Lady. He seriously thought about murdering the a secret tryst with Johnny Black… words to intone. It requires a Will roll vs. DC 25 for
Twister, until he realized that Cimarron Starr would a non-spellcaster to successfully perform the ritual.
probably kill him for it. Nonetheless, things have 2) The Unwelcome Apotheosis of Johnny Black However, the gun will try to shoot anyone who
been rather strained of late. Johnny Black’s gun is shifting and unfolding attempts to fix the problem, and the ritual takes at
itself into something else—something bigger and least 3 rounds of total concentration on the part of
Adventures With Johnny Black: stranger. He can’t seem to put it down anymore and whoever is performing it.
he’s getting really scared. If the PCs manage to save him, Johnny Black will
1) I Know What You Done His teammates have deserted him, except for the show no gratitude. It seems to him that the PCs took
Johnny Black gets it into his speed-crazed head Lone Star Lady, who he drove away. He’s in a lot of an awfully long time to fix things, like maybe they
that one of the PCs has been having an affair with physical pain, and tormented by visions in which enjoyed watching him suffer. And they seem to
Cimarron Starr, and the thought torments him well everyone the gun has ever killed comes up and stares know an awful lot about what went wrong with his
nigh unto madness. He will seek the PC out and at him. gun. If they was able to fix it so damn easy, how is
challenge him to a duel. In agony and terror, Johnny Black runs out into he to know they didn’t cause it in the first place?
When he can’t find the PC, he decides that the the depths of the East Texas swamps, looking for a
best way to get in touch with him would be to legendary Native American shaman called Burning
commit a crime. Over the next 24 hours he commits Wind. Everyone says Burning Wind, if he exists, is
Defense: +16/+15 Speed: 30 feet, (fly 60) Cimarron Starr? Woman of mystery, with a heart as
Cimarron Starr Damage Save: +5 Fortitude Save: +4
wide as the Texas sky and as warm as the prairie
wind..." etc.
Reflexes Save: +1 Willpower Save: +7 Cimarron Starr is a Christian, as she will smugly
Skills: Innuendo +4, Taunt +4 tell anyone who cares to listen, although this doesn't
stop her from getting drunk, stealing someone's
Feats: Aerial Combat boyfriend or robbing banks. She can be manipulated
Powers: Amazing Save (Will) +8 (Source: through her beliefs, although you won't ever be able
Mutation, cost 1pt), Energy Control (Radiation) +12 to convince her that she is wrong or that anything is
(Extras: Flight, Force Field; Power Stunts: Drain her fault. It would, for example, be easy to convince
Energy; Source: Mutation; Cost: 4pts), Super- her that she shouldn't steal from a bank owned by a
Strength +10 (Extras: Immunity, Protection; Source: televangelist, or that she shouldn't trust someone
Mutation; Cost 6pts) because they haven't been "saved."
Saved or not, her life is dysfunctional mess.
"Yes, I’ve robbed, I’ve killed and Whenever the Player Characters encounter her, she
is screaming at some former friend on her cell
maimed. I’ve taken drugs, betrayed phone, even if she is walking into combat.
friends and had improper thoughts just Unfortunately, she's radioactive and her powers
like everybody does. But I don’t let it interfere with cell phones when she gets mad. This
does not improve her mood.
define who I am. My tender womanly Although she is easily the most powerful member
heart, my unwavering faith in Jesus, of the group, Cimarron Starr is so used to being
these things are more important than mistreated by the men in her life that she'll put up
with an amazing amount of emotional abuse from
who I slay or cripple or what I steal her boyfriend, Johnny Black, without doing anything
from them.” worse than screaming back at him.
She claims to always fight fair, and that she
A walking H-Bomb with a temperament to would never harm a child or an animal, but she
match. She's the team's de facto leader, largely mostly says this to annoy the Lone Star Lady. While
because she could kill any of the others without taking hostages and hitting people who are trying to
much difficulty. surrender isn’t normally her style, once the tide of
She once used the alias "Winter Steel" but too battle turns against her she will promptly forget her
many people started calling her "Nuclear Winter", so principles and become capable of anything.
Real Name: Tammy-Rae Mulford she changed it. She'll probably change it again once She claims that her powers are a gift from God
enough people point out how much her current name (although it’s not clear why He would want her to
PL: 12 sounds like a racehorse (or a stripper). Perhaps she'll rob banks with them) which most people assume
Str: 18 (+4) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 20 (+5) be "Angel Blayze" next. means that she’s a mutant. She writes startlingly bad
Self-absorbed and melodramatic, her hair is large, poetry, and sometimes she recites it, too.
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 15 (+2)
her makeup is overdone, she wears boots with six-
Initiative: +1 Attack Bonus (Melee): inch heels in the middle of combat. She likes to talk
+10 (Attack Bonus (Ranged): +7 about herself in the third person, as in: "Who is
Adventures With Cimarron Starr: time Cimarron Starr has had it, and decides to rob
1) This is Not a Stick-Up the place after all. She only wants the money from
Cimarron Starr walks into a bank. She’s not there her account. Plus twelve dollars.
to rob the place, she’s there to complain about some The PCs get called in again, and find that she’s
extra fees that she feels shouldn’t have shown up on desperate to explain things to them. Whether she
her statement. She claims that there’s a special wins or loses this fight isn’t that important to her.
exception to the rules that should keep her from What she’s really afraid of is turning up on that
having to pay the extra fees—the whole thing is reality show about America’s stupidest criminals, for
complicated and she’s not very good at explaining it. trying to rob the same bank twice in one week. Can
Amazingly enough, she’s right. Her bank has they explain things to the TV people? She doesn’t
actually cheated her out of about $12 in total. mind jail so much, but she couldn’t bear it if she
However, the branch manager doesn’t like her tone turned up on that show.
and recognizes her as Cimarron Starr. So he trips
the silent alarm and claims that she’s robbing the
Exasperated and indignant, she insists that this is
not a stick-up, she’s just here for her money—but the
cops won’t listen. A standoff develops, and the
Player Characters get called in to resolve the crisis.
She will attempt to explain things to them while
she’s fighting them, but even if they do take her
complaint seriously, how can they help her now?
She’s already taken hostages and injured police
officers. And now she’s attacking them.
After the PC’s defeat Cimarron Starr (or get
defeated by her and watch her fly angrily away) the
smirking bank manager points out that she really was
right, but it was cheaper to call the cops than to pay
her the twelve bucks.