Bermad: AMD With Adjustable Regulator For Fusible Plug Loops Model AMD-76

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BERMAD Fire Protection

Air Maintenance Device

AMD with Adjustable Regulator

for Fusible Plug Loops
Model AMD-76
The Bermad AMD-76 Air Maintenance Device is a pressure control
unit that automatically regulates a continuous pressurized air
(or nitrogen) supply to a constant preset value.
The BERMAD AMD-76 is designed for use with dry pilot line deluge
systems using a dry fusible plug loop.
The standard configuration includes a field adjustable pressure
regulator, a Y strainer and two spring loaded check valves.
Additional options include Pressure Gauges, Pressure Switches/
Transmitters, Air Tank and Pressure Safety Valve (PSV).
The AMD unit is provided preassembled, tested and calibrated prior
to shipment.
(for illustration only)

Principal of Operation
The air or nitrogen supply enters the AMD-76 via the pressure supply ball [6]

valve [1] that must be kept open at all times that the AMD is in the [7]
automatic operation mode.
For added safety and convenience and as a guard against incorrect
operation the AMD is equipped with a spring loaded Normally Closed (N.C) [3]
Bypass valve, ensuring an essential default closed position, on completion
of system pressurization. [4]
To quickly fill the system for initial pressurization the spring loaded (N.C)
Bypass Valve [5] should be opened. Once the required system pressure outlet

has been reached, release the N.C Bypass valve handle, which will
[2] [2]
automatically return it to the closed position, allowing only a restricted [1]

airflow to the system through the fixed restriction orifice[4]. inlet

Twin check valves [2] retain the outlet pressure supply in the event that
the air supply is interrupted. In such a case the AMD will maintain air Components
pressure in the system for a limited period of time only.
The Pressure Regulator [3] automatically maintains system pressure at the (1) Pressure Supply Ball Valve
pre-set value. (2) Spring Loaded Check Valves
The Fixed Restriction Orifice limits the air flow into the fusible plug system (3) Pressure Regulator (PCV) Model 2PB
to a value that is significantly lower than will be exhausted when a fusible
(4) Fixed Restriction Orifice
release device is activated. Thus ensuring a sufficient drop in pressure to
activate low pressure triggered equipment such as deluge valves and (5) Spring loaded N.C. Bypass Ball Valve
alarm devices.
Specifications: (6) Pressure switch/transmitter
nnMaximum Inlet Supply Pressure: 12 barg / 175 psig (7) Pressure gauges
nnFactory Outlet Pressure Setting: 2.5 barg / 36.26 psig
(8) Back-Plate Panel (not shown)
nnField-Adjustable Outlet Range: 1.0 to 7.0 barg / 15 to 100 psig

Construction Materials: Optional:

nnBrass nnAllStainless steel 316 (suffix code N)
nnNickel Plated Brass accessories nnStainless steel back plate panel (suffix code BP)
nnStainless steel 316 Tubing and fittings nnStainless steel Instrument cabinet
nnBrackets for direct mounting on BERMAD deluge valves
nnAdditional Instrumentation, see “Code Designations” on the next page
BERMAD Fire Protection
AMD-76 Air Maintenance Device

Installation and maintained by qualified Inspection personnel.

The Bermad AMD-76 must be installed in accordance Inspection and Testing
with the following instructions:
The Model AMD-76 must be inspected at least quarterly
1. The air or nitrogen supply provided to the AMD-76 in accordance with the following instructions:
device must be continuous, clean, dry, and oil free.
1. Verify that the Bypass Valve is closed..
2. Before the AMD is installed, flush the pipeline to
2. Verify that the Air Supply Isolating Valve is Open and
remove any dirt, debris, etc.
verify that any control valve in the air supply trim to
3. Unions should be installed upstream and downstream the system being pressurized is open.
of the AMD to allow easy removal for servicing.
3. Verify that the fusible plugs system pressure
4. Connect the air supply to the AMD inlet port and downstream of the AMD is as per the system
connect the AMD outlet port to piping with a requirement. If adjustment is necessary refer to the
minimum diameter of 1/2” (DN15). “Adjustment” paragraph.
5. Provide wiring to the instrumentation in accordance 4. Drain accumulated moisture from the system piping
to the manufacturer’s instructions. and/or Air Tank (if mounted) by slowly opening a
Placing in Service & Resetting Procedure draining valve.
The Air Maintenance Device is now ready for service.
The Model AMD-76 system shall be placed in service /
reset in accordance with the following instructions: Notes:
1. Open the Supply Isolating valve and introduce air 1. Prior to any maintenance work on the fire protection
pressure to the inlet of the AMD. system that the AMD is part of, permission to shut
down the affected fire protection system/s must first
2. Verify that the inlet pressure gauge indicates a high
be obtained from the proper authorities and all
and stable pressure.
personnel who may be affected by this decision must
3. Open the Bypass valve enough to slowly pressurize be notified.
the complete system.
2. After placing a fire protection system in service,
4. After the system pressure has stabilized to the notify the proper authorities and advise those
required pressure, as shown by the outlet pressure responsible for monitoring proprietary and/or central
gauge, release the Bypass valve handle which will station alarms.
automatically return it to the closed position. The AMD
3. It is also recommended that accumulated moisture be
is now ready for standby service.
removed from air supply moisture filtration
Adjustment equipment, at least quarterly. More frequent
inspections may be necessary in humid
While observing the outlet pressure gauge, slowly turn
the regulator adjusting screw clockwise to increase
pressure or counter- clockwise to decrease pressure.
Code Designations
If the system is over-pressurized during fill and/or
adjustment, the excess pressure must released.
AMD 76 NQ6n
After the pressure regulator has been set to the
desired pressure, lock the adjusting screw with the
locking nut. Factory Fitted Options Code
S.S 316 Trim Accessories N
The AMD will then automatically maintain the pre-set Solenoid Valve (to be specified) 55
system pressure. Pressure Transmitter Q
Pressure Switch, General Purpose P
Any installed instrumentation shall be calibrated
Block & Bleed Valve / Two Valve Manifold B
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ex Proof Pressure Switch P7

Maintenance Ex d ATEX Pressure Switch

Pressure Gauge 2.5" Brass Socket Glycerin
The following inspection procedure shall be performed, Pressure Gauge 4" S.S Socket and Glycerin 6n
in addition to any specific requirements of authorities Pressure Gauge 4" Monel Socket 6m
having jurisdiction. The AMD should be checked for Air Pressure Tank/Reservoir and PSV AT
Stainless Steel Back Plate Panel BP
correct pressure regulation after installation or
servicing. If adjustment is necessary, refer to the
“Adjustment” section above. Any malfunction must be
immediately corrected.
It is recommended that the AMD-76 be inspected, tested • w w
© Copyright 2007-2012 Bermad CS Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
BERMAD shall not be liable for any errors contained herein. Rev.1 January 2017

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