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• Antiseptic Solutions:
- Antiseptics: it is the process to kill pathogenic
org. in the environment of the pt.They are either
bactericidal or bacteriostatic.
- Disinfection: it is a process to kill pathogenic org.
for inanimate objects.e.g instruments.
- Antiseptic agent: it is a chemical which either
kills pathogenic org. or inhibits their growth so
long as there is contact between agent and
microbes. In general the term antiseptic is
reserved for agents applied to thhe body
- Asepsis: it is process by which env. Of the
patient is being kept away from contact
with infective org.
- Disinfectant: it is a germicidal chemical
substance used on inanimate objects to
kill pathogenic micro-org. but not
necessarily all others.
- Weak iodine
iodine tincture 66.2%, alcohol 45-48%
- Use:
Pre op. painting of the skin.
- Special remarks:
1.It should be wiped up with spirit after 2
minutes of painting.
2. Idiosyncrasy may occur in sensitive
3. It kills 90% of skin bacteria in one and half
- Savlon
Comp: chlor hexidine 7.5%, strong setrimite16%,
isopropyl alcohol 6.8%,
- Colour-yellow
- Properties And effects:Germicide and
- Uses
A. 1:100 aqueous solution:
- Cleaning and disinfection of the equipments near
the patient.
- Storage of prviously sterlized instruments.
- Cleaning of postop wounds
- Swabbing
- Burns
- Scrubbing
- Cleaning and disinfection of instruments
- Prolonged storage of clinical thermometer
b. 1:30 aqueous solution(35ml savlon made up to
1 litre with water.
- Cleaning and disinfection of dirty wounds
- Cleaning and disinfevtion of used catheters and
c. 1:30 in 70% alcohol solution
35 ml savlon with 200ml water made up in 1 litre with
-skin disinfection pre operayive and other invasive
-emergency dysinfeection of clean instruments and
-disinfection of clinical thermometer.
-sodium nitrate should be added to the solution to prevent
-change every week
-syringes and needles if put inside then use after proper
-rubber appliances not recommended.
• Hydrogen peroxide:
• Comp. -20 volume of hydrogen peroxide means
one volume solution releases 20 volume of
nasent oxygen.
• Properties and effects:cleaning agent
• Uses:
• -it cleans wounds contaminated with anaerobes
• It produces frothing and brings out debris from
the depth of the wound.
• It produces heat.thus stops cappilary oozing that
is haemostatic agent.
• Cleaning wounds,bleaching,boils,throat
spray,mouth wash.
• Optimum concentration-of 70%alchohol
-disinfection of skin before im. Iv. Injection.
-preparation of skin for removing iodine
-to clean stitched wound
-to clean the skin around ulcer.
• Properties and effects:
It is an affective and useful germicide
against number of viruses, bacteria,
protozoa, yeast, fungi. However its
frequent use is contraindicated because of
its insolubility, instability, staining and
irritating properties. But because of
combining polyvinyl pyrolidone(povidone)
a complex is formed which decreases its
toxic properties without loss of
bacterocidal activity
• Advantages
1. Broad spectrum of action
2. Non antibiotic ‘
3. Immediate action
4. Film forming
5. Extremely safe
- Uses
1. Mouth rinse and gargle
2. Local antiseptic
3. For irrigation of bladder, wound(subcutanes
cavity), pyothorax and intraperitonial.

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