Antiseptic Solutions

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Antiseptic Solutions

 Nikhil Patidar
• Asepsis: It is the practice to reduce or eliminate infection-causing
organisms from entering the environment of the patient.

• Antisepsis: It is the process of removal or destruc- tion of disease-

causing microorganisms from skin or body surface of a patient to
prevent infection. The process may be either bactericidal (killing
bacteria) or bacteriostatic (limiting bacterial growth)

Oxidation of bacterial protoplasm

Denaturation (coagulation) of bacterial proteins and disruption of cell
Detergent-like action: It increases the permeability of bacterial cell
Properties of antiseptic and
• It should possess microbicidal activity andbroad-spectrum
effectiveness again
• broad-spectrum effectiveness against all patho gens and
• It should be active and stable in both diluted and concentrated
forms and should not cause any damage or odour.
• It should be economical and environment friendly
• It should not corrode instruments
• It should be safe for humans and animals. i.e. should be
• It should be rapid-acting and also active in pres ence of pus,
Classification :
• Phenol derivatives : cresol , chlorohexylenol { Dettol}
• Halogens
• Alcohols
• Surface-active agents:
• (a) quaternary ammonium salts
• (b) biguanides - chlorhexidine
• (c) soap of sodium and potassium
• Metallic salts
• Acids: acetic acid and boric acid
• Gases: ethylene oxide
• Oxidizing agents: hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl perox ide and potassium
• Derivative of phenol, and it is less damag ing to tissues than phenol.

• Action: it damages the cell wall after piercing it and precipitates the
cell proteins, causing inactivation of essential enzymes and leakage of
essential metabolites from the cell..

• Dilution and use: 1:100 in water. It is used for sterilization of sharp

instruments (e.g. needles, knives and scissors).
Special Remark

• Lysol is an irritant chemical that causes burns when it comes in

contact with the skin.
• Instruments should be cleansed with sterile water before use
• Composition:
• lodine tincture IP: 5.0%
• Alcohol: 65%-48% (v/v)

• Action: piercing in cell wall quickly, disrupts protein and nucleic acid
structure and synthesis.
Special Remark
• 1. Iodine should be wiped up with spirit after 2 minutes of painting.
• 2. Idiosyncrasy may occur in sensitive patients.
• 3. Alcohol increases the permeability of the iodine.
• 4. Savlon decreases iodine's efficiency because of its detergent action.
• 5. lodine-spirit is the best preparation for painting.
• 6. It kills 90% of skin bacteria in about 90 seconds
• Composition:
• Chlorhexidine gluconate:7.5%
• Strong cetrimide:16%
• Isopropyl alcohol:6.8%

• Properties and effects: germicide and detergent

• Dilutions and uses:
• 1:100 (aqueous) solution(10 mL of Savlon is made up to 1 L with water.)
• (a) Cleaning and disinfecting the equipment in the vicinity of the patient
• (b) Storing previously sterilized instrument.
• (c) Cleaning and disinfecting the postoperative wounds.
• (d) Swabbing in obstetrics, gynecology and urology
• (e) Aseptic management of burns.
• (f) Scrubbing
• (g) Cleaning and disinfecting the instrument (immerse for 30 minutes).
• (h) Prolonged storage of clinical thermometer.
• 1:30 (aqueous) solution(35 ml. of Savlon is made up to 1 L with
• (a) Cleaning and disinfecting physically dirty wounds where extra
detergent is required.
• (b) Cleaning and disinfecting used catheters and appliances.
• 1:30 in 70% alcohol solution(35 ml. of Savlon is mixed with 200 ml
water and made up to 1 L with 95% alcohol.)
• (a) Skin disinfection (preoperative and other invasive procedures)
• (b) Emergency disinfection of clean instruments and equipment
(immerse for 2 minutes)
• (c) Disinfection of clinical thermometers
• Special remarks:
• 1. Sodium nitrite (0.4% or four 1 g tablets per litre) should be added to
the solution to prevent rusting.
• 2. The solution should be changed weekly
• 3 . Syringes and needles that have been immersed in the Savlon solution
should be rinsed very care- fully with sterile water before use
• 4. Instruments containing mirrors or other cemented glass components
should not be immersed in Savlon solution.
• 5. Prolonged immersion of rubber appliances in Savlon is not
• Composition: 0.5%-1% carbolic acid,
• Properties and effects: It is dark pink in colour, and it is a strong
irritant. Pure form may cause skin burns.It has the smell of 'Lifebuoy'
• Mechanism of action: denaturizing bacterial proteins.
• Uses:
• 1. Disinfection of sharp instruments. In 100%solution, the instruments
should be immersed for 2-3 hours, and in 20% solution for 24 hours.
• 2. Disinfection during cholera epidemic for disposal of esucreta
• 3. Chemical sympathetic block (phenol in almond oil is ned)
• 4. Diluted solution is used for disinfection of dog bite wounds
• 5. Carbonization of appendicular stump
• 6. Phenol has antipruritic potential, so it is used in certain skin lotions
• 7. Thenol in almond oil is used as an injection treatment for the first degree
of internal piles.
• Composition: 20-volume hydrogen peroxide (1 volume of 20-volume
hydrogen peroxide solution releases 20 volumes of nascent oxygen)
• Actions. It produces destructive hydroxyl free radicals that can attack
membrane lipids, DNA and other essential cell components.
Properties and effects: It is not an antiseptic but a cleansing agent.
• Mechanism and uses
• 1. It destroys anaerobic organisms, and therefore, used for cleaning the
wounds infected or contaminated with anaerobes.
• 2. It produces frothing and brings out debris from the depth of the wound.
• 3. It produces heat when it comes in contact with the tissues. Thus, it prevents
capillary oozing. and hence, it is used as hemostatic solution whenever there is
capillary oozing (eg. after incision and drainage).
• 4. It is used in cleaning wounds, bleaching, boils, and as a throat spray and
mouthwash. Very di luted form is used in ear syringing to remove wax and
foreign body.
• 5. It is used to remove blood stains from clothes
• Composition: glutaraldehyde, 2% aqueous solution. Actions:
bactericidal activity by altering RNA, DNA and protein synthesis.
• Properties: It kills all pathogens. It is bactericidal tuberculocidal,
pseudomonacidal, viricidal, and fungicidal.
• Time: complete disinfection in 10 minutes, sporicidal within 4 hours.
• Uses:1. Tray system of sterilization with Cidex for large instruments,
fibreoptic scopes and endoscopes with lenses.
• 2. Sterilization of small and sharp instruments, catheters and
• 3. Sterilization of equipment of anesthesia and inhalation therapy.
• Special remarks:
• 1. Best disinfectant with rapid action.
• 2. Cidex is effective even in the presence of protein material.
• 3. Recommended time is 10 hours to take care of the deep crevices in
the instruments.
• Composition: mixture of magnesium sulphate (MgSO) crystals and glycerine
(sterile), the solution is boiled for a few minutes and then cooled.
• Properties and uses: magnesium sulphate is hygro-scopic, so it is used to
reduce oedema in:
• 1. Prolapsed thrombosed piles
• 2. Cellulitis
• 3. Paraphimosis Local applications
• 4. This solution is used to give magnesium sulphate enema to reduce
intracranial pressure
• Concentration: solutions with dilutions ranging from 1:100 to
1:10,000 are available Special remarks: impregnated cotton sticks are
kept indark container because, on exposure to light, silver nitrate gets
• Uses:1. Chemical cauterization of warts and hypergranulation tissue
2. Used for dressing burns3. Useful in bladder irrigation in cases of
haematuria, because of its cauterizing effect
• Generic name: povidone-iodine.
• Products available: povidone-iodine (5% and 10%) topical solutions,
surgical scrub (7.5%, w/v), mouthwash (gargle), povidone-iodine
ointment, povidone-iodine vaginal pessaries.
• Properties and effects: lodine is recognized as an effective and useful
germicide. It is very effective against a variety of microorganisms, e.g.
viruses bacteria, protozoa, yeast and fungi. However, its frequent use
is contraindicated because of its in- solubility, instability, and its
staining and irritating properties.
• Many of these undesirable qualities of iodine could be eliminated by
combining it with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (povidone). This organic
polymer is water soluble. When it is combined with iodine, a complex
is formed in which iodine's toxic properties are lost with- out its
bactericidal activity being affected. This com- plex, povidone-iodine
(polyvinyl pyrrolidone iodine. abbreviated as PVP-1), has been used
effectively as a surface disinfectant.
• Povidone is an effective germicide. High dilutions are active in
destroying organisms within 15 seconds. Color loss is accompanied by
the weakening germi-cidal activity.
• Advantages:
• 1. Broad spectrum of action
• 2. Antibiotic action, antiseptic action
• 3. Immediate action – nonselective
• 4. Film forming
• Extremely safe Uses:
1. Used as mouth rinse and gargle for dryness of mouth and minor
irritation and infections
2. Used as a local antiseptic and for wound dressing
• Phenol derivatives Compositions: chloroxylenol 4.8% w/v, terpineol 9.0% v/v,
absolute alcohol 13.1% v/v
• Uses: Provides protection from infections caused by cuts and scratches and
remove germs from skin Used as a household disinfectant on home surface and
laundry Recommended dilution to protect family from germs:
• First aids : 15-250 ml of water (1 in 20)
• Bath: 5 mL to a bucket of waters
• Shaving: 10 ml. to a mug of shaving water
• Nappy wash: 15-500 ml of water
• To treat linen; floors and for spraying rooms

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