Antiseptic Solutions
Antiseptic Solutions
Antiseptic Solutions
Nikhil Patidar
• Asepsis: It is the practice to reduce or eliminate infection-causing
organisms from entering the environment of the patient.
• Action: it damages the cell wall after piercing it and precipitates the
cell proteins, causing inactivation of essential enzymes and leakage of
essential metabolites from the cell..
• Action: piercing in cell wall quickly, disrupts protein and nucleic acid
structure and synthesis.
Special Remark
• 1. Iodine should be wiped up with spirit after 2 minutes of painting.
• 2. Idiosyncrasy may occur in sensitive patients.
• 3. Alcohol increases the permeability of the iodine.
• 4. Savlon decreases iodine's efficiency because of its detergent action.
• 5. lodine-spirit is the best preparation for painting.
• 6. It kills 90% of skin bacteria in about 90 seconds
• Composition:
• Chlorhexidine gluconate:7.5%
• Strong cetrimide:16%
• Isopropyl alcohol:6.8%