Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/ Health Education (40F)

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The document discusses developing a physical activity plan and ensuring safety for activities. It also covers components of health-related fitness and requirements for a physical activity practicum.

Some physical activities discussed include curling, resistance training, basketball and various others listed in the activity chart. The document also references a Physical Activity Inventory.

The four components of health-related fitness discussed are cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

Grade 12

Active Healthy Lifestyles:

Physical Education/
Health Education (40F)
A Course for Independent Study
Grade 12 Active Healthy
Lifestyles: Physical
Education (40F)

A Course for Independent Study

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning Cataloguing in Publication Data

Grade 12 active healthy lifestyles : physical education/health education (40F) :

a course for independent study

Includes bibliographical references.

This resource is available in print and electronic formats.
ISBN: 978-0-7711-6241-1 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-7711-6242-8 (pdf)

1. Physical education and training—Study and teaching (Secondary).

2. Health education (Secondary).
3. Physical education and training—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Manitoba.
4. Health education (Secondary)—Manitoba.
5. Physical education and training—Programmed instruction.
6. Health education (Secondary)—Programmed instruction.
7. Distance education—Manitoba.
8. Correspondence schools and courses—Manitoba.
I. Manitoba. Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning.

Copyright © 2015, the Government of Manitoba, represented by the Minister of

Education and Advanced Learning.
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning
School Programs Division
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply
with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please
notify Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. Errors or omissions will
be corrected in a future edition. Sincere thanks to the authors, artists, and
publishers who allowed their original material to be used.

All images found in this document are copyright protected and should not be
extracted, accessed, or reproduced for any purpose other than for their intended
educational use in this document.

Any websites referenced in this document are subject to change without notice.

Disponible en français.

Available in alternate formats upon request.


Acknowledgements vii

Introduction ix
Overview ix
What Will You Learn in This Course? ix
How Is This Course Organized? x
What Resources Will You Need for This Course? xi
Who Can Help You with This Course? xiii
How Will You Know How Well You Are Learning? xiv
How Much Time Will You Need to Complete This Course? xviii
When and How Will You Submit Completed Assignments? xx
Who Takes Responsibility for Your Safety? xxi
What Are the Guide Graphics For? xxiv
Cover Sheets xxv

Module 1: Physical Activity Practicum 1

Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Your Physical Activity Practicum 5
Lesson 2: Staying Safe 15
Module 1 Assignments 21
Assignment 1.1: Creating a Risk-Management Plan 23
Assignment 1.2: Finalizing Your Physical Activity Plan 33
Assignment 1.3: Telephone Conversation with Your Tutor/Marker 55

Contents iii
Module 2: Fitness Management 1
Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Making and Continuing Change: A Personal Investment 5
Lesson 2: Health and Fitness Trends 13
Lesson 3: Exercise and Fitness Myths and Misconceptions 17
Lesson 4: Health and Fitness Advertising 21
Lesson 5: Becoming an Informed Fitness Consumer 25
Module 2 Learning Activity Answer Key 35
Module 2 Assignments 45
Assignment 2.1: Module 2 Physical Activity Log 47
Assignment 2.2: Fitness Trend Predictions and Analysis 55
Assignment 2.3: Evaluating Fitness Equipment or a Fitness Centre 57

Module 3: Nutrition 1
Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Energy Intake 5
Lesson 2: Energy Expenditure 13
Lesson 3: Energy Balance 25
Lesson 4: Food Safety 33
Lesson 5: Advertising and Marketing Strategy Influences
on Food Purchases 41
Lesson 6: Food and Nutrition Myths and Misconceptions
Related to Physical Activity and Sport Performance 45
Module 3 Learning Activity Answer Key 51
Module 3 Assignments 65
Assignment 3.1: Module 3 Physical Activity Log 67
Assignment 3.2: The Balancing Act 75
Assignment 3.3: What’s Bugging You? 78
Assignment 3.4: Food Safety Errors: Case Studies 79

iv Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Module 4: Personal and Social Development 1
Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Effective Teams 5
Lesson 2: Team Building 11
Lesson 3: Leadership Skills 15
Module 4 Learning Activity Answer Key 25
Module 4 Assignments 29
Assignment 4.1: Process Observation Report 31
Assignment 4.2: Characteristics of Effective Team Leaders 35

Module 5: Healthy Relationships 1

Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Understanding Healthy Relationships 5
Lesson 2: Rights and Responsibilities of Healthy Relationships 19
Lesson 3: Unhealthy and Abusive Relationships 25
Lesson 4: Community Supports and Services 31
Module 5 Learning Activity Answer Key 37
Module 5 Assignments 45
Assignment 5.1: Module 5 Physical Activity Log 47
Assignment 5.2: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships 57
Assignment 5.3: Relationship Problem Solving 60
Assignment 5.4: Community Supports and Services 64

Appendix 1
Physical Activity Inventory 3

Bibliography 1

Contents v

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning gratefully acknowledges the contributions of

the following individuals in the development of Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical
Education/Health Education (40F): A Course for Independent Study.
Some parts of this course were adapted or reproduced from Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles:
Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and A
Foundation for Implementation (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth).

Course Writers Alison Burnett Independent Consultant

(2010 version)

Dean Hardern Shevchenko School

(2015 version) Border Land School Division

Erin Sheldon Westwood Collegiate

(2015 version) St. James-Assiniboia School Division

Manitoba Education Louise Boissonneault Document Production Services Unit

and Advanced Learning Coordinator Educational Resources Branch
School Programs
Division and Marianne Fenn Distance Learning Unit
Bureau de l’Éducation
Consultant Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
Division Staff
Brian Hatherly Development Unit
Project Leader Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
(from September 2009
to June 2010)

Myrna Klassen Distance Learning Unit

Acting Manager Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
(from July 2015)

Adam Kowalski Development Unit

Instructional Design Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Gilles Landry Development Unit

Project Manager Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Susan Lee Distance Learning Unit

Coordinator Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
(until June 2015)

Susan Letkemann Document Production Services Unit

Publications Editor Educational Resources Branch

Jessica Lister Development Unit

Instructional Design Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Acknowledgements vii
Grant McManes Development Unit
Project Leader Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
(until June 2009)

Paul Paquin Curriculum Development and Implementation Branch

Project Leader
(from September 2013)

Cyril Parent Document Production Services Unit

Desktop Publisher Educational Resources Branch

Keith Paterson Development Unit

Project Leader Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
(from September 2010)

viii Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education



Welcome to Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health

Education: A Course for Independent Study. This course focuses on
physically active and healthy lifestyle concepts and practices.
As a student enrolled in a distance learning course, you have taken on a dual
role—that of a student and a teacher. As a student, you are responsible for
mastering the lessons and completing the learning activities and assignments.
As a teacher, you are responsible to check your work carefully, noting areas
in which you need to improve and motivating yourself to succeed.

What Will You Learn in This Course?

In this course, you will learn about goal setting, physical fitness, nutrition,
team leadership, and strategies for building healthy interpersonal
relationships. The course will give you the opportunity to learn more about
yourself and enable you to make more informed decisions about healthy,
active living, which will benefit you throughout your life.

Course Expectations
To complete this course, you will need to do the following:
n Read this Introduction very carefully so that you know what is expected of
you and where you can find any information you require.
n Study each lesson in each of the five modules.
n Complete all learning activities and compare your responses to those
provided in the Learning Activity Answer Keys found at the end of the
applicable modules.
n Complete the assignments in each module, and submit them to your tutor/
marker for assessment after finishing Modules 1, 2, 4, and 5.
n Be physically active. In this course, you will spend at least 80 hours being
physically active. Part of your assignments will involve planning and
logging your physical activities.
n Write your final examination when you have completed Module 5.

Introduction ix
How Is This Course Organized?

The Grade 12 Healthy Active Lifestyles course consists of the following

five modules:
n Module 1: Physical Activity Practicum
n Module 2: Fitness Management
n Module 3: Nutrition
n Module 4: Personal and Social Development
n Module 5: Healthy Relationships

Each module in this course is made up of several lessons, which are
organized as follows:
n Introduction: Each lesson begins with an explanation of what you will be
learning in that lesson.
n Lesson: The main body of the lesson is made up of the content that you
need to learn.
n Learning Activities: Many lessons include one or more learning activities
that will help you learn about the lesson topics and prepare you for the
assignments and the final examination. Some learning activities have
answer keys, which are found at the end of the applicable modules.
However, many questions in the learning activities ask for opinions or
reflections for which responses will vary. They do not have answer keys. Do
not send your completed learning activities to your tutor/marker.
n Assignments: Some lessons also contain one or more assignments. You will
submit your completed assignments to your tutor/marker for assessment.
n Summary: Each lesson ends with a brief review of what you just learned.
n Module Review Questions: These questions are found at the end of
Modules 2 to 5. Do not send your answers to your tutor/marker.
This course also includes the following sections:
n Appendix: At the end of the course, you will find an appendix, which
contains the Physical Activity Inventory.
n Bibliography: The resources referred to in the course are listed in the

x Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

What Resources Will You Need for This Course?

You do not need a textbook for this course. All the content is provided
directly within the course. You will, however, need access to a variety of
resources, including those identified below.
You will require access to an email account if you plan to
n communicate with your tutor/marker by email
n use Blackboard Learn to submit your completed assignments
A valid email account is required for your Blackboard Learn profile. The
website address for Blackboard Learn is <>.

Electronic Resources
For this course, you will need the following electronic resources. If you do
not have access to the Internet, or if you need a copy of the resources, contact
the Independent Study Option (ISO) office at 1-800-465-9915.
n Out-of-Class Safety Handbook: A Resource for Grades 9 to 12 Physical
Education/Health Education (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth)
needs to be consulted for your Physical Activity Plan. It is available on
Blackboard Learn at <>. If you are unable to
view this document on the Internet, phone the ISO office at 1-800-465-9915,
and a copy will be mailed to you.
n Physical Activity Plan. To complete this course, you will need to complete
one Physical Activity Plan, either on paper or online. If you choose to
complete your Plan on paper, you will find it in the course itself. If you
choose to complete your Plan online, you will find it on Blackboard Learn at
n Physical Activity Logs. To complete this course, you will need to complete
several Physical Activity Logs, either on paper or online. If you choose
to complete the Logs on paper, you will find them in the course itself. If
you choose to complete the Logs online, you need to choose one of the
n The Physical Activity Log: Generic Calendar can be found on
Blackboard Learn at <>. This log is used
by many teachers and schools in Manitoba. If you attend school, you
may prefer this version, because the teachers in your school may be
familiar with it.
n The Physical Activity Log: Independent Study can be found on
Blackboard Learn at <>. This log was
developed specifically for students studying Active Healthy Lifestyles
(either Grade 11 or Grade 12) through ISO.

Introduction xi
n Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide (Health Canada) needs to be consulted
in Module 3. The guide is available online at <
food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php>. If you are unable to view this guide
on the Internet, you can request a copy by contacting the ISO office at
1-800 465-9915.

Outside Resources
If you wish, you can perform many of your physical activities for this course
while playing sports or taking part in organized activities in facilities such as
school gymnasiums or playing fields, swimming pools, or fitness centres.
Please note that Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning will not cover
costs for obtaining memberships at fitness centres, for joining sports teams,
or for purchasing sports equipment.

Optional Resources
It would be helpful if you had access to the following resources:
n Photocopier/scanner: With access to a photocopier/scanner, you could
make a copy of your assignments before submitting them so that if your
tutor/marker wants to discuss an assignment with you over the phone,
each of you will have a copy. It would also allow you to continue studying
or to complete further lessons while your original work is with the tutor/
marker. Photocopying or scanning your assignments will also ensure that
you keep a copy in case the originals are lost.
n Resource people: Access to local resource people, such as teachers, school
counsellors, and librarians, would help you complete the course.
n A computer with word processing and presentation software: Access to
word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word) would help you complete
some assignments.
n A computer with spreadsheet software: Access to spreadsheet software
(e.g., Microsoft Excel) would help you to present and analyze data
n A computer with Internet access: Some lessons suggest website links as
sources of information or for supplementary reference and reading. If you
do not have Internet access, you will still be able to complete the course, but
you will need to find different ways of accessing information.

xii Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Internet Safety
If you choose to use the Internet to do research, be safe. The Internet is
a valuable source of information and should be used responsibly. Talk to
your parents/guardians about Internet safety, and use the following
guidelines when going online:
n Choose a user name that does not reveal your name, gender, age, or other
personal details.
n Never give anyone private information.
n Do not answer emails from strangers.
n If someone asks you to keep your relationship with him or her a secret, stop
talking to the person and immediately tell your parent/guardian.
n Do not email or post pictures or files.
The above is not a complete list because no list can possibly cover all dangerous
situations. Use your common sense and be careful.

Who Can Help You with This Course?

Taking an independent study course is different from taking a course in a

classroom. Instead of relying on the teacher to tell you to complete a learning
activity or an assignment, you must tell yourself to be responsible for your
learning and for meeting deadlines. There are, however, two people who can
help you be successful in this course: your tutor/marker and your learning

Your Tutor/Marker
Tutor/markers are experienced educators who tutor ISO students and
mark assignments and examinations. When you are having difficulty with
something in this course, contact your tutor/marker, who is there to help
you. Your tutor/marker’s name and contact information were sent to you
with this course. You can also obtain this information in the Who Is My
Tutor/Marker? section of the distance learning website at

Your Learning Partner

A learning partner is someone you choose who will help you learn. It may
be someone who knows something about physical education and health
education, but it doesn’t have to be. A learning partner could be someone else
who is taking this course, a teacher, a parent or guardian, a sibling, a friend,
or anybody else who can help you. Most importantly, a learning partner
should be someone with whom you feel comfortable and who will support
you as you work through this course.

Introduction xiii
Your learning partner can help you keep on schedule with your coursework,
read the course with you, check your work, look at and respond to your
learning activities, or help you make sense of assignments. You may even
study for your examination with your learning partner. If you and your
learning partner are taking the same course, however, your assignment work
should not be identical.

Plagiarism IS a big deal with serious consequences, so it’s important that you
understand what it is and how to avoid it.

What is plagiarism?

In brief, plagiarism is taking someone’s ideas or words and presenting them as if

they are your own.

How can you avoid plagiarism?

n Begin early. Research takes time. Allow enough time to search for, evaluate,
and read sources, and to get help if you need it. Always document your sources
n Present your research by quoting and paraphrasing.
n When you use a quote, you use the exact same words with quotation marks,
and you indicate exactly where it came from.
n When you paraphrase, you rewrite an author’s idea using your own words
and you do not use quotation marks (but you also make sure to state clearly
whose idea it is).
n Learn how to use different citation styles.
n Give credit where credit is due. Never pretend someone else’s idea is your own.

How Will You Know How Well You Are Learning?

Please note that you will not receive a final mark for this course. Instead, at
the end of this course, you will receive either a Complete or an Incomplete
To earn a credit for this course, you will need to earn a Complete designation.
These are the things you will need to do to obtain a Complete designation:
1. Complete at least 80 hours of physical activity, including at least 55 hours
in the moderate to vigorous intensity range.
2. Record your 80 hours of physical activity in your Physical Activity Logs.
You will learn more about this in Lesson 1 of Module 1.

xiv Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

3. Complete all the assignments in this course in such a way that they meet
the established criteria. The criteria are identified in each assignment.
4. Earn at least 40 percent on your final examination.

Learning Activities
The learning activities in this course will help you to review and practise
what you have learned in the lessons. You will not submit the completed
learning activities to your tutor/marker. Instead, you will complete the
learning activities and compare your responses to those provided in the
Learning Activity Answer Key found at the end of each applicable module.
Note that some learning activities include questions that ask for opinions or
reflections for which responses will vary. They do not have answer keys.
Make sure you complete the learning activities. Doing so will not only help
you to practise what you have learned, but will also prepare you to complete
your assignments and the examination successfully. Many of the questions
on the examination will be similar to the questions in the learning activities.
Remember that you will not submit learning activities to your tutor/marker.

Each module in this course contains assignments, which you will complete
and submit to your tutor/marker for assessment. When you have completed
an assignment, compare your work to the criteria for that assignment. If your
assignments do not meet the identified criteria, your tutor/marker will have
to return them to you so that you can redo and resubmit them. To receive a
Complete designation for this course, you must meet the criteria specified for
each assignment.
Because this course involves physical activities, some assignments
need special preparation and additional resources or research. Detailed
information is provided in the assignments themselves.

Introduction xv
Physical Activity Practicum
The Physical Activity Practicum is an assignment that requires you to
take part in physical activities of your choice and to keep a record of
your participation. To complete this course, you will take part in at least
80 hours of physical activity that contributes to your health-related fitness
This assignment consists of two parts: a Physical Activity Plan (in which you
plan your activities) and Physical Activity Logs (in which you keep track of
your activities).
n Physical Activity Plan
This is the written schedule of all the physical activities you will take
part in during the course. The assignments in Module 1 will help you
to create your Physical Activity Plan (your Plan). Before you begin your
physical activities, you will submit your Plan to your tutor/marker, who
will review it for safety considerations. If your tutor/marker has concerns
about any of the activities, he or she will contact you and/or your parent/
guardian to discuss them. The Plan may be revised in further assignments.
You will then take part in physical activities and record them in your
Physical Activity Logs, accumulating at least 80 hours of physical activity
participation time. This averages to at least one hour per day, five days per
You must complete the Telephone Conversation with Your Tutor/Marker
(Assignment 1.3) before submitting any Module 1 assignments.
n Physical Activity Logs
Every time you participate in one of your planned physical activities, you
will record the time spent doing the activities in a Physical Activity Log
(your Log). There is a Physical Activity Log in Modules 2, 3, and 5. To
meet your required minimum of 80 hours of physical activity participation,
each Log must have at least 27 hours of activity time. You will use the
information from your Logs to set personal goals related to the type,
frequency, intensity, and duration (time) of your activity. By keeping track
of the data, you will be able to observe your own progress and achievement.

xvi Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Final Examination
At the end of this course, you will write a final examination under
supervision. The examination contains material from all five modules of this
course, including the learning activities and assignments. You must earn a
mark of at least 40 percent on your final examination in order to complete the
To do well on the final examination, you should review all the work you
have completed from the modules, including all learning activities, review
questions, and assignments.

Requesting Your Examination

You are responsible for making arrangements to have the examination sent to
your proctor from the ISO office. You should begin arranging for your final
examination before you finish Module 5.
To write your examination, you need to make the following arrangements:
n If you are attending school, your examination will be sent to your school
as soon as all the applicable assignments have been submitted. You should
make arrangements with your school’s ISO school facilitator to determine
a date, time, and location to write the examination. For more information
on examination procedures, please contact your ISO school facilitator or
visit the Grading and Evaluation section of the distance learning website at
n If you are not attending school, check the Examination Request Form
for options available to you. The form was mailed to you with this course.
Three weeks before you are ready to write the examination, fill in the
Examination Request Form and mail, fax, or email it to
ISO Office
555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4
Fax: 204-325-1719
Toll-Free Telephone: 1-800-465-9915

Introduction xvii
How Much Time Will You Need to Complete This Course?

From the date of your registration, you have a maximum of 12 months to

complete this course, but the pace at which you proceed is up to you.
You will spend a minimum of 110 hours on this course. Of this time, you will
spend at least 80 hours being physically active, with 55 hours in the moderate
to vigorous intensity range, which ends up being about one hour per day,
five days per week. Please note that you should strive to meet the guidelines
identified in Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines (Canadian Society for
Exercise Physiology), which would mean accumulating at least 60 minutes of
moderate to vigorous physical activity each day.
It is impossible to take this course in less than four months because you
have to plan and log your physical activities, in addition to completing other
coursework. There are a total of three Physical Activity Logs (in Modules
2, 3, and 5), in each of which you will record about 27 hours of physical
activity. Besides completing the Logs, you need to study and complete your
assignments, some of which involve research.
You probably won’t want to spend much longer than four months on this
course. Often, when students take much longer than that, they get tired of the
course and struggle to keep motivated. It is best to stay focused on the course
and not let it drag on.
Read the following suggestions on how to pace yourself.

Chart A: Semester 1
If you want to start the course in September and complete it in January, you
can follow the timeline suggested below.

Module Completion Date

Module 1 Middle of September
Assignments 1.1 to 1.3
Module 2 Middle of October
Assignments 2.1 to 2.3
Modules 3 and 4 Middle of December
Assignments 3.1 to 3.4
Assignments 4.1 and 4.2
Module 5 Middle of January
Assignments 5.1 to 5.4
Final Examination End of January

xviii Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Chart B: Semester 2
If you want to start the course in January and complete it in June, you can
follow the timeline suggested below.

Module Completion Date

Module 1 Middle of January
Assignments 1.1 to 1.3
Module 2 Middle of February
Assignments 2.1 to 2.3
Modules 3 and 4 Middle of April
Assignments 3.1 to 3.4
Assignments 4.1 and 4.2
Module 5 Middle of May
Assignments 5.1 to 5.4
Final Examination End of May

Chart C: Full School Year (Not Semestered)

If you want to start the course in September and complete it in June, you can
follow the timeline suggested below.

Module Completion Date

Module 1 End of September
Assignments 1.1 to 1.3
Module 2 Beginning of November
Assignments 2.1 to 2.3
Modules 3 and 4 Middle of March
Assignments 3.1 to 3.4
Assignments 4.1 and 4.2
Module 5 Middle of May
Assignments 5.1 to 5.4
Final Examination End of May

Do not wait until the last minute to complete your work, since your tutor/
marker may not be available to mark it immediately. It may take a few weeks
for your tutor/marker to assess your work and return it to you or your
If you need this course to graduate this school year, remember to schedule
and complete your final examination by May 31.

Introduction xix
When and How Will You Submit Completed Assignments?

When to Submit Assignments

While working on this course, you will submit completed assignments to
your tutor/marker four times. The following chart shows exactly what
assignments you will be submitting at the end of the applicable modules.

Submission of Assignments*
Submission Assignments You Will Submit
1 Module 1 Cover Sheet
Assignment 1.1: Creating a Risk-Management Plan
Assignment 1.2: Finalizing Your Physical Activity Plan
Assignment 1.3: Telephone Conversation with Your Tutor/Marker
(You do not need to submit Assignment 1.3, but you must complete it
before you submit your Module 1 assignments.)
2 Module 2 Cover Sheet
Assignment 2.1: Module 2 Physical Activity Log
Assignment 2.2: Fitness Trend Predictions and Analysis
Assignment 2.3: Evaluating Fitness Equipment or a Fitness Centre
3 Modules 3 and 4 Cover Sheet
Assignment 3.1: Module 3 Physical Activity Log
Assignment 3.2: The Balancing Act
Assignment 3.3: What’s Bugging You?
Assignment 3.4: Food Safety Errors: Case Studies
Assignment 4.1: Process Observation Report
Assignment 4.2: Characteristics of Effective Team Leaders
4 Module 5 Cover Sheet
Assignment 5.1: Module 5 Physical Activity Log
Assignment 5.2: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Assignment 5.3: Relationship Problem Solving
Assignment 5.4: Community Supports and Services

* Note: Before you submit your completed assignments, make sure that you and your parent/guardian have signed
all the applicable forms included in these assignments.

How to Submit Assignments

In this course, you have the choice of submitting your assignments either by
mail or electronically.
n Mail: Each time you mail something, you must include the print version of
the applicable Cover Sheet (found at the end of this Introduction).
n Electronic submission: Each time you submit something electronically,
you must include the applicable Cover Sheet. You can use the Cover Sheets
available on Blackboard Learn (<>), or you
can scan the Cover Sheets located at the end of this Introduction.
Complete the information at the top of each Cover Sheet before submitting it
along with your assignments.

xx Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Submitting Your Assignments by Mail
If you choose to mail your completed assignments, please photocopy/scan
all the materials first so that you will have a copy of your work in case your
package goes missing. You will need to place the applicable module Cover
Sheet and assignment(s) in an envelope, and address it to
ISO Tutor/Marker
555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4
Your tutor/marker will mark your work and return it to you by mail.

Submitting Your Assignments Electronically

Assignment submission options vary by course. Sometimes assignments
can be submitted electronically and sometimes they must be submitted by
mail. Specific instructions on how to submit assignments were sent to you
with this course. You can also obtain this information in the Grading and
Evaluation section of the distance learning website at <
If you are submitting assignments electronically, make sure you have saved
copies of them before you send them. That way, you can refer to your
assignments when you discuss them with your tutor/marker. Also, if the
original hand-in assignments are lost, you are able to resubmit them.
Your tutor/marker will mark your work and return it to you electronically.
The Independent Study Option office does not provide technical support for
hardware-related issues. If troubleshooting is required, consult a professional
computer technician.

Who Takes Responsibility for Your Safety?

Safety Considerations
Safety is vital when participating in any physical activity. The nature and risk
level of the physical activity (e.g., walking, swimming, playing hockey) will
determine how much attention you and your parent/guardian/supervising
adult will need to pay to the type of supervision required.

Introduction xxi
Taking responsibility for your safety is a very important part of this course.
Always think safety first. Before you participate in any physical activity, you
and your parent/guardian should use the following safety checklist. You
must be responsible for your own safety.

Safety Checklist for Physical Activity

The following are some questions that you must ask yourself before becoming
physically active:
n Do you understand the safety rules related to the physical activity?
n Is the activity suitable for your age, ability, and physical condition?
n Is the activity suitable for any medical condition that you might have?
n Do you understand the correct form or technique of the exercises or skills you
need to practise?
n Do you understand the risks associated with the physical activity and ways to
avoid the dangers?
n Is the equipment suitable and in good condition?
n Is appropriate supervision provided in light of the danger or risk associated with
the physical activity?
n Have you discussed your choice of activity with your tutor/marker and your
n Has your parent/guardian signed your Physical Activity Plan? This signature will
help ensure that you and your parent/guardian are informed about the safety
and risk-management measures for your choice of physical activities and sports
in this course.

Consent Forms
Students 18 or Older: What Consent Form Do You Sign?
If you are 18 years of age or older, you are required to complete the Grade 12
Active Healthy Lifestyles Student Consent Form (Students 18 or Older)
before you register for this course. The form can be downloaded from the
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning website at

Students Younger Than 18: What Consent Form Do Your Parents/Guardians

To complete this course, students who are under 18 years of age will need
to have their parents/guardians sign several documents. (In this course,
the term parents refers to both parents and guardians, and is used with the
recognition that in some cases only one parent may be involved in the child’s

xxii Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Parents need to provide their signature for the following parts of this course:
n Parents must sign the Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles Parental Consent
Form (Students Under 18) before a student younger than 18 can register for
this course. The form can be downloaded from the Manitoba Education and
Advanced Learning website at <>.
n You and your parents must sign the Physical Activity Plan
(Assignment 1.2). These signatures indicate that you and your parents are
informed about the safety and risk-management measures for the physical
activities/sports you have chosen to participate in for this course.
n You and your parents must sign the three Physical Activity Logs
(Assignments 2.1, 3.1, and 5.1). These signatures indicate that you and your
parents confirm that you have taken part in the activities indicated in your

Student Accident Insurance

Parents are encouraged to ensure that their sons/daughters have adequate
accident insurance. One way to do so is to purchase the Manitoba Association
of School Trustees’ Student Accident Insurance. It provides comprehensive
24-hour insurance coverage for Manitoba students. More information is
available from
Western Financial Group Insurance Solutions
777 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3G 0N3
Telephone: 204-943-0331
Toll-Free: 1-800-665-8990
Fax: 204-975-1624
Toll-Free Fax: 1-888-990-4301
Website: <>

Note to Parents/Guardians
Your child will be working with a learning partner to complete this course.
Please ensure that this learning partner is a safe and respectful person. This
person should not have a criminal record or have his or her name on the
Child Abuse Registry.

Introduction xxiii
What Are the Guide Graphics For?

Guide graphics are used throughout this course to identify and guide you in
specific tasks. Each graphic has a specific purpose, as described below.

Assignment: Complete an assignment. You will submit your

completed assignments to your tutor/marker for assessment at the
end of Modules 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Assignment File: File your completed assignments until you have

finished the next module of this course.

Examination: Write your final examination at this time.

Internet: Use the Internet, if you have access to it, to obtain more
information. Internet access is optional for this course.

Learning Activity: Complete a learning activity. This will help you

to review or practise what you have learned and to prepare for an
assignment or the final examination. You will not submit learning
activities to your tutor/marker. Instead, you will compare your
responses to those provided in the Learning Activity Answer Key found
at the end of the applicable modules.

Learning Partner: Ask your learning partner to help you with this

Mail or Electronic Submission: Mail or electronically submit your

completed assignments to your tutor/marker for assessment at this

Note: Take note of and remember this important information or


Phone Your Tutor/Marker: Telephone your tutor/marker.

Safety: Check for any risks and pay attention to any safety
considerations related to this activity.

Remember: If you have questions or need help at any point during this
course, contact your tutor/marker or ask your learning partner for help.
Good luck with the course!

xxiv Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

G rade 12 A ctive H ealthy L ifestyles (40F)
Module 1 Cover Sheet
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
Legal Name:____________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________
Attending School: q No q Yes
School Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.

For Student Use For Office Use Only

Module 1 Assignments Attempt 1 Attempt 2

Which of the following are completed and enclosed?

Please check (3) all applicable boxes below.
Date Received Date Received
q Assignment 1.1: Creating a Risk-Management Plan q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 1.2: Finalizing Your Physical Activity Plan q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q I am submitting my Physical Activity Plan.
q I understand my Physical Activity Logs may reflect
only those activities that were included as part of my
approved Plan.
q Assigment 1.3: Telephone Conversation with Your q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q I have discussed my Physical Activity Plan, including
my safety and risk-management measures, with my
For Tutor/Marker Use
q This student’s Physical Activity Plan was approved on__________________(insert date).
G rade 12 A ctive H ealthy L ifestyles (40F)
Module 2 Cover Sheet
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
Legal Name:____________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________
Attending School: q No q Yes
School Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.

For Student Use For Office Use Only

Module 2 Assignments Attempt 1 Attempt 2

Which of the following are completed and enclosed?

Please check (3) all applicable boxes below.
Date Received Date Received
q Assignment 2.1: Module 2 Physical Activity Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q I have submitted my Physical Activity Plan (Assignment 1.2)
and discussed it with my tutor/marker (Assignment 1.3).
q My Plan was approved on (insert date).
q I understand my Physical Activity Logs may reflect
only those activities that were included as part of my
approved Plan.
q Part A: Recording Your Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part B: Wellness Journal q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 2.2: Fitness Trend Predictions and Analysis
q Part A: Chart Your Plan q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part B: Safety and Risk-Management Measures q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 2.3: Evaluating Fitness Equipment or a Fitness q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
For Tutor/Marker Use
G rade 12 A ctive H ealthy L ifestyles (40F)
Modules 3 and 4 Cover Sheet
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
Legal Name:____________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________
Attending School: q No q Yes
School Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.

For Student Use For Office Use Only

Modules 3 and 4 Assignments Attempt 1 Attempt 2

Which of the following are completed and enclosed?

Please check (3) all applicable boxes below.
Date Received Date Received
q Assignment 3.1: Module 3 Physical Activity Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q I have submitted my Physical Activity Plan (Assignment 1.2)
and discussed it with my tutor/marker (Assignment 1.3).
q My Plan was approved on (insert date).
q I understand my Physical Activity Logs may reflect
only those activities that were included as part of my
approved Plan.
q Part A: Recording Your Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part B: Wellness Journal q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 3.2: The Balancing Act
q Part A: Energy Imbalance q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part B: Fixing Energy Imbalance q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part C: Review and Final Tally q CO / q INC q CO / q INC

G rade 12 A ctive H ealthy L ifestyles (40F)
Modules 3 and 4 Cover Sheet (continued)
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
Legal Name:____________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________
Attending School: q No q Yes
School Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.

For Student Use For Office Use Only

Modules 3 and 4 Assignments (continued) Attempt 1 Attempt 2

Which of the following are completed and enclosed?

Please check (3) all applicable boxes below.
Date Received Date Received
q Assignment 3.3: What’s Bugging You? q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 3.4: Food Safety Errors: Case Studies q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 4.1: Process Observation Report q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 4.2: Characteristics of Effective Team Leaders q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
For Tutor/Marker Use
G rade 12 A ctive H ealthy L ifestyles (40F)
Module 5 Cover Sheet
Please complete this sheet and place it on top of your assignments to assist in
proper recording of your work. Submit the package to:
Drop-off/Courier Address Mailing Address
Distance Learning Unit Distance Learning Unit
555 Main Street 500–555 Main Street
Winkler MB R6W 1C4 PO Box 2020
Winkler MB R6W 4B8
Contact Information
Legal Name:____________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________
Attending School: q No q Yes
School Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Has your contact information changed since you registered for this course? q No q Yes
Note: Please keep a copy of your assignments so that you can refer to them when you discuss them with your tutor/marker.

For Student Use For Office Use Only

Module 5 Assignments Attempt 1 Attempt 2

Which of the following are completed and enclosed?

Please check (3) all applicable boxes below.
Date Received Date Received
q Assignment 5.1: Module 5 Physical Activity Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q I have submitted my Physical Activity Plan (Assignment 1.2)
and discussed it with my tutor/marker (Assignment 1.3).
q My Plan was approved on (insert date).
q I understand my Physical Activity Logs may reflect
only those activities that were included as part of my
approved Plan.
q Part A: Recording Your Log q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Part B: Wellness Journal q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 5.2: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 5.3: Relationship Problem Solving q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
q Assignment 5.4: Community Supports and Services q CO / q INC q CO / q INC
For Tutor/Marker Use
Gr ade 12 Ac t i ve He alt h y
L if es t y l es: Ph ysic a l
Educ at ion/He alt h
E d u c a t i o n (4 0 F )

Module 1

Physical Activity Practicum

This module contains the following:

n Introduction
n Lesson 1: Your Physical Activity Practicum
n Lesson 2: Staying Safe
n Module 1 Assignments
n Assignment 1.1: Creating a Risk-Management Plan
n Assignment 1.2: Finalizing Your Physical Activity Plan
n Assignment 1.3: Telephone Conversation with Your
M o d u l e 1: P h y s i c a l A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c u m


The purpose of Module 1 is to help you take control of your own physical
activity by having you start your physical activity practicum. This practicum
will help you to understand your current level of physical activity and to plan
your physical activity for the time that you spend in this course.
You will then keep track of (or log) your actual physical activity for that time
(which will add up to at least 80 hours), using your Physical Activity Logs.
You will also learn how to stay safe while you are active. This information
will help you to know yourself better and to understand what you need to
do to reach your health-related fitness goals. In later modules, you will learn
about setting goals and changing your behaviour so that you can meet the
goals you have set for yourself.

You will be assessed on your completion of the Module 1 assignments found
at the end of this module. When you have completed this module, submit
your completed assignments to your tutor/marker. You will not be able to
proceed with your Logs until your Physical Activity Plan is approved, so be
sure to send in your Module 1 assignments as soon as possible. You should
spend no more than two weeks on this module.

Assessment Checklist

o Lesson 1: There is no assignment in Lesson 1.

o Lesson 2: Assignment 1.1: Creating a Risk-Management Plan
Assignment 1.2: Finalizing Your Physical Activity Plan
Assignment 1.3: Telephone Conversation with Your

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 3

4 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

L e s s o n 1 : Y o u r P h y s i c a l A c t i v i t y


In this lesson, you will reflect on your understanding of an active healthy

lifestyle. A practicum is a process of planning, implementing, and recording
your active healthy lifestyle. The practicum is made up of your Physical
Activity Plan and your Physical Activity Logs. You will reflect on your own
physical activity situation and how you can meet the requirements for the
physical activity practicum.
After completing this lesson, you will show an understanding of
n how to develop a personal Physical Activity Plan for your practicum
You will also be able to
n develop and put into effect a safe and ethical personal Physical Activity Plan
that contributes to health-related fitness goals
n demonstrate critical thinking, planning, and decision-making skills

The Physical Activity Practicum

An active, healthy lifestyle doesn’t come about by accident. You need to work
for it. Your physical activity practicum gives you the chance to do that by
putting you in charge of your physical activity. In your practicum, you will
plan and record the physical activities in which you will participate during
this course.
You’ve probably noticed that many people of all ages can benefit from being
more active. For example, many people lack energy or physical strength, or
have a hard time controlling their weight. An essential part of dealing with
these issues is simply to be more active. But how do you know how active you
should be? And exactly which activities should you take part in?
According to Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines (Canadian Society for
Exercise Physiology), youth should accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity
at the moderate to vigorous level every day to stay healthy or to improve
health. This activity does not have to come from one bout of exercise, but can
be accumulated from brief intervals throughout the day (e.g., climbing stairs,
walking to and from school).

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 5
So, your practicum can help you to stay healthy or (if you’re not healthy now)
to become healthy by helping you plan those 60 minutes of physical activity
per day. You will be encouraged to take part in activities that you enjoy, and
then keep track of them, to make sure you are being active enough to reach
the goals you have set for yourself.
The physical activity practicum is made up of two parts:
n The Physical Activity Plan
You will be completing one Plan in this course. In it, you will write down
the physical activities that you plan on doing over the next several months
as you complete this course. So, you will be able to plan whether to keep up
your current level of physical activity or to become more active. Remember
that becoming more active and embracing a healthier lifestyle will not
only help you to become healthier, but will also help you to have higher
self‑esteem. The form you will use to complete your Plan is available in the
Assignments section at the end of Module 1, as well as on Blackboard Learn
at <>.
n The Physical Activity Logs
You will be completing four Logs in this course. The first one is a short
practice Log found in Module 1. The others are found in Modules 2, 3, and
5. In these Logs, you will record the physical activities that you actually take
part in. Once you have completed the Module 2 Physical Activity Log, you
will submit it to your tutor/marker, and begin recording your activities in
the Module 3 Physical Activity Log, and so on. Additional copies of the Logs
are available on Blackboard Learn at <>.
If you are younger than 18 years of age, your Logs must be signed by your
parent/guardian. The Physical Activity Plan Parent/Guardian Consent
Form is located in the Assignments section at the end of Module 1. The form
is also available on Blackboard Learn at <>.

Criteria for the Physical Activity Practicum

1. You must participate in a minimum of 80 hours of physical activity. At least
55 hours need to be at the moderate to vigorous intensity level. Here is an
explanation of the terms light, moderate, and vigorous activities:
a. During light activities, you begin to notice your breathing, but talking
is fairly easy.
Examples: walking on a level surface (at 3 to 5 km/hour), bowling,
golfing, light housework and yardwork
b. During moderate activities, your heart rate and breathing increase and
you can hear yourself breathe, but you can still talk.
Examples: brisk walking, bicycling (less than 15 km/hour),
skateboarding, curling

6 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

c. During vigorous activities, your heart rate and breathing increase to a
level where it is difficult to talk.
Examples: jogging, swimming, jumping jacks, sports that involve
running, shovelling snow, climbing, cross-country skiing
2. The physical activities that you select must be safe, ethical, and appropriate
for your age and experience level. Your activities may include school-based
and non-school-based physical activities:
a. School-based physical activities (if you are attending school) include
physical education classes, intramural programs, and sport teams.
b. Non-school-based physical activities include community sport
programs (e.g., hockey teams, fitness clubs, aerobic classes, weight
training), special-interest clubs (e.g., karate), and home-based exercise
(e.g., jogging, video exercise programs).
3. You must address risk-management measures for all your physical
activities. You will learn about this in Assignments 1.1 and 1.2.

Time Requirements
You may think that 80 hours of physical activity is a lot of time, but consider
how it would break down over a four-month period:
n 80 hours over 1 semester = approximately 20 hours per month
n 20 hours per month = approximately 5 hours per week
n 5 hours per week = 1 hour per day, 5 days per week
So, to meet the course requirements, you must participate in physical activity
for one hour per day, five days per week. Every day, you should spend
40 minutes doing moderate or vigorous activities to get the 55 hours required
for this course.

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 7
Learning Activity 1.1: A Practice Physical Activity Log

You will now complete your first learning activity. The purpose of this
learning activity is to give you some practice and background in logging
your physical activities. This is important because you will complete
three regular Logs in this course, and send them to your tutor/marker for

Complete this learning activity as follows:

1. Find the Physical Activity Inventory in the Appendix at the end of

this course. Or, if you would rather use an Excel version, you can find
one on Blackboard Learn at <>.
2. Review the Practice Physical Activity Log Sample on the next
page. It will inspire you to complete the blank practice Log on the
following page. It contains various activities to give you an idea of the
range of activities that you can do. If you can, explore a new activity,
preferably something that you might take part in for years to come.
3. Think back to all of the physical activities you participated in over the
past week. It does not matter how active you have been, since the
purpose of this learning activity is simply to have you practise logging
your activities.
4. In the Practice Physical Activity Log that follows the sample, write
the date on which you engaged in physical activities.
5. Write the names of the physical activities in which you participated.
Use the same names as those found in the Physical Activity
6. Write the amount of time you spent participating in activities of
various intensity (light, moderate, or vigorous). Write your times in
hours and fractions of hours. Round them off to the nearest half hour
(0.5) so that it will be easy to add them up at the end.
7. Add up all of your estimated times at the bottom of each column.
8. Answer the two questions that follow the practice Log.

Remember that you will not submit your learning activities to your tutor/
marker to be assessed; only your assignments will be assessed.


8 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Practice Physical Activity Log Sample (Grade 12)

Name: Jo O’Murrie
Date Activity Description Intensity Level and
Duration (Hours)
Light Moderate Vigorous
Feb. 28, n basketball 1.0 0.5
2015 n resistance training—back and arms 0.5 0.5

Mar. 2, n yardwork 1.0 0.5

2015 n resistance training—shoulders and chest 1.0

Mar. 3, n Pilates 1.0

2015 n resistance training—back and arms 1.0

Mar. 5, n dancing—ballroom 1.5


Mar. 6, n walking 1.0

2015 n resistance training—back and arms 1.0

Total Time at Each Intensity Level 2.0 hours 5.5 hours 3.0 hours
Total Time at All Levels 10.5 hours
(add the times for Light, Moderate, and Vigorous)

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 9
Practice Physical Activity Log (Grade 12)
Name ______________________________
Date Activity Description Intensity Level and
Duration (Hours)
Light Moderate Vigorous







Total Time at Each Intensity Level

Total Time at All Levels Hours
(add the times for Light, Moderate, and Vigorous)

1. Are the above activities a part of your regular weekly routine?

2. Are there any other activities you would like to add to your routine?

10 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Planning Your Physical Activity Practicum

To complete an effective Physical Activity Plan, you should identify physical

activities that you enjoy, or believe you might enjoy. It is much easier to
stick to a plan when it involves activities in which you like to participate.
The purpose of the following learning activity is to help you choose your
preferred activities.
Remember that your Plan must include activities of moderate to vigorous
intensity, which contribute to the development of cardiorespiratory (heart and
lung) endurance.

Learning Activity 1.2: Brainstorming Your Activities

It is time to begin selecting activities to include in your practicum.

1. Ask your learning partner to help you brainstorm a list of physical

activities that you are currently involved in or would like to participate
in, given the opportunity. List those activities in the chart on the
following page. Some activities may fit under more than one heading.
A few examples
are provided to help you get started.
2. If you cannot think of many physical activities immediately, look over
the Physical Activity Inventory (see Appendix). The Inventory
lists physical activities and their associated health-related fitness
components. If you would rather use an Excel version of the Inventory,
you can find one on Blackboard Learn at <https://bblearn.merlin.>.
3. Using the Physical Activity Inventory,
Physical activity is defined
check off which of the four health-related as “all forms of large muscle
fitness components is associated with your movement, including sports,
activities: dance, games, walking,
and exercises for fitness
n cardiorespiratory endurance and physical well being. It
may also include physical
n muscular strength therapy or mobility training
n muscular endurance for students with special
needs” (Manitoba Education,
n flexibility Citizenship and Youth,
Implementation of Grades 11
Depending on your plans for the practicum, and 12 Physical Education/
Health Education 5).
you may want to select activities that exercise
only a single group, or all four groups.

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 11
Learning Activity 1.2: Brainstorming Your Activities (continued)
Your Preferred Physical Activities
I enjoy participating in, or would consider participating in, the following
physical activities on my own and/or with the identified group(s).

Physical Activities I (Would) Enjoy

Category of Activity Health-Related Fitness Component
By Myself With Friends With Family Cardio- Muscular Muscular Flexibility
Members respiratory Strength Endurance
curling √ √

resistance √ √ √

basketball √ √ √ √










12 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

Note that many learning activities have answer keys at the end of the
respective modules, which you can check after you have answered the
questions. The learning activities in Module 1 do not have answer keys
because the answers can’t be classified as right or wrong. In its place,
some sample answers are provided in the previous chart.


In this lesson, you reflected on how you can meet the requirements for
the physical activity practicum and analyzed the health-related fitness
components of selected activities, using a Physical Activity Inventory. In
developing a strategy, you addressed any shortfalls in your current physical
activity situation. In the next lesson, you will ensure that you are prepared
for any safety risks of the physical activities you are considering for your

M o dul e 1: P hys i c al A c t i v i t y P r a c t i c um 13

14 Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Physical Education/Health Education

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