Cotton Marketing News
Cotton Marketing News
Cotton Marketing News
US Crop Reports suggest that there is growing uncertainty about the China,
The 2019 US cotton crop is currently estimated at 22 million India, and Pakistan crops. This too will factor in to the demand for
bales—3.6 million bales or 20% higher than last season. Will the US cotton. Forward export sales of the 2019 crop already total 4.5
first producer-based projections be higher or lower than 22 million bales or 26% of the USDA estimate. Of this total, sales to
million bales? China total 1.53 million bales thus far.
The 2019 crop got off to a rough start but current conditions are Price (and LDP) Situation
generally very good and most observers seem to think the crop December futures have reached as low as 62 cents but have
will lean higher rather than lower. But there are still many recovered on news of renewed US-China trade talks and an
unknowns—actual acres planted due to delay, remaining crop optimistic outlook. It is uncertain if this will hold. The USDA
conditions, and final acres harvested and yield. August producer survey based numbers will also be important.
As of July 21, the crop is 10% poor to very poor compared to 15%
the week before. The crop is 60% good to excellent. Texas is at
58% and Georgia 60%. The least favorable conditions are reported
for Kansas, Missouri, and North Carolina.
If the US crop gets larger, that’s not altogether a bad thing (it’s a
good thing from a farm level production standpoint)—but it would
place more emphasis on strong demand and strong exports.
USDA currently projects 17 million bales in exports for the 2019
crop marketing year. Under present circumstances, this seems a
high and optimistic estimate. SOURCE: DTN, July 24, 2019.
With a larger crop expected and the US being the World’s largest
exporter, higher exports are sometimes assumed just because Cotton Economist- Retired
higher export supply will be available. But that assumes no Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics
changes or barriers in the way of market access and competition
and also assumes continuing good demand.