UG Curriculum With Course Details Final 130716

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The CRC takes its guiding principles from the ethos and vision of the Institute. In particular its
belief in the following philosophies:

1. The curriculum is based on the choice based credit systems through electives (Open elective
across the disciplines and professional electives within the disciplines).

2. The CRC takes care of the project based learning beginning from Semester 1 to encourage
the students for new products and integrated solution methodology.

3. It is also taken care about the industrial experience of students through project in higher
semester that enhances the Industry relationship.

4. Inter-discipline courses have been proposed for broad knowledge of students in inter
discipline subjects (through core courses and core electives)

5. The committee has taken care of Design and manufacturing projects for hands on

6. The committee balance the load for different types of courses in the curriculum (About 50 %
from own discipline and 50 % from other disciplines).
Total Credit in BTech 160
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional core: 33
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional Ele: 34 -38
Professional courses (EC,CS,ME)
Project from all disciplines
Project: up to 04-08
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional Lab: 6
Engineering Science (ES): courses from different disciplines
30 (core+elective)
Courses from natural
Natural Science(NS): 21
Courses from English, Environmental
Core courses Humanities (HS): 12 Science and others
(ES+NS+DS+MN+HS) (core+elective)
Courses of Design in nature
Design (DS): 8
Courses of Manufacturing in nature
Manufacturing (MN):4
Management Science Courses of Management in nature
(MS):4 (core)
12 credit (against 3 prof. Electives) in 7 Sem. 8 credits to be earned
External PBI from other semester where atleast 4 credits should be before PBI.
Coordination of PBI will be done by Discipline.
A student can choose project starting from first semester and can
register at any time in a year after discussing with faculty mentor. The
project will be of two credits in a year. A student can earn maximum of
6 credits within 3 years and he/she may get relaxation of 6 credits in the
Optional Project
curriculum (Including PBI/Project) as per his/her choice. The evaluation
of this optional project will be in the summer by an approved committee
at the discipline level. The weightage of grading will be: Faculty
menter-70%, committee-30%. The faculty mentor will be convener of
the process of evaluation of his student.
Academic load and the Academic Load: AL = 3.0 x L + 1.0 x T + 1.5 x P + 0.0 x D+1.5 x PR
credit for a given (L: Lecture Hours, T: Tutorial Hours, P: Practice or Lab Hours, D:
course Discussion Hours and Pr =Project hour)
Academic Load AL Course Weightage or Units
≤ 06 2
> 06 - ≤ 08 / (06, 08] 3
Course Credits or
(08, 11] 4
(11, 13] 5
>13 6
A+ 10 C+ 6 F 2
A 9 C 5 S Satisfactory
B+ 8 D+ 4 X Unsatisfactory
B 7 D 3 CD Course Drop
UG Curriculum Structure

Sem1 Sem2 Sem3 Sem4

NS5 (Elect), (3L+1T , ES5 (3L, 4C)
4C) Core courses(Engg
NS1, (3L+1T, 4C) NS3,(3L+1T, 4C) Course of NS nature Discipline)
NS101: Mathematics-I NS103: Mathematics-II and can be floated by ES205:Fundamentals
any discipline of Robotics
MS1 (3L, 4C)
ES4, (3L, 4C)
NS4, (3L+1T+2P, 5C) Core course,
NS2, (2L+1T+2P, 4C) Core courses(Engg
NS104: Management
NS102: Engineering Discipline)
Electrodynamics and MS201: Management
Mechanics ES204: Digital
Optics Concepts and
Prof C3(3L+1T,4C)
EC203: Network
MN1, (2L+2P, 4C) Analysis and synthesis
HS1, (2L+1D, 2C) HS2, (2L+1GD, 2C)
MN201: ME203:
HS101: Effective HS102: Culture and
Manufacturing Thermodynamics
Communication Skills Human values
process CS203: Computer
Organization and
Prof C1, (3L+2P, 5C) Prof C4(3L,4C)
EC201: Electronics EC204: Signals and
ES1, (3L+2P, 5C)
DS1, (1L+3P, 3C) Devices and Circuits Systems
ES101: Fundamental of
DS101: Engineering ME201: Kinematics ME204:Solid
Electrical &
Graphics and Dynamics of Mechanics
Electronics Engg.
Machines CS204:Design &
CS201: DBMS Analysis of Algorithm
Prof C2, (2L, 2C) Prof C5 (2L,2C)
EC202: EC205:
Instrumentation and Microprocessor and
ES2, (2L+2P, 4C) ES3, (3L+2P, 5C)
Measurement interfacing
ES102: Fundamental of ES103: Data structure
ME202: IT Workshop ME205: Engg
Computing and Algorithm
(3P) Material
CS202: OOPs with CS205: Data
Java (1L+2P, 2C) Communication
Prof Lab1(3P,2C)
Thermodynamics +
Solid Mechanics
CS206L: Lab based
Project 1 (CSE)

PR101: Project (Optional), 2C PR201: Project (Optional), 2C

Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8
ES6 (3L, 4C)
DS2 (2L+4P, 5C) Core Elective from
Open elective3
DS302: Engineering HS3(3L,4C) an Enggineering
All streams
design Open elective2 from HS Discipline floated
(incl design & HS303a,b… for other
Fabrication project) disciplines
Prof C6(3L,4C)
EC307: Fundamental of
HS4(3L, 4C), (Core Prof El 4(3L,4C) Prof El 7(3L,4C)
Electromagnetic Theory
course) EC416a,b… EC419a,b…
HS304: Environmental ME416a,b… ME419a,b…
Science CS416a,b… CS419a,b…
Prof C9(3L,4C)
Prof C 7(3L+1T,4C)
EC312: Linear Integrated Prof El 5(3L,4C) Prof El 8(3L,4C)
EC308:Control Systems
Circuit Design EC417a,b… EC420a,b…
ME308:Fluid Mechanics
ME312: HMT ME417a,b… ME420a,b…
CS312: Software CS417a,b… CS420a,b…
Prof C 8(3L,4C)
EC309: Principle of Prof El 2(3L,4C) Prof El 6(3L,4C) Prof El 9(3L,4C)
Communication EC313a,b… EC418a,b… EC421a,b…
ME309:Design of ME313a,b… ME418a,b… ME421a,b…
Mechanical Components CS313a,b… CS418a,b… CS421a,b…
CS309:Language Theory
Project(4C) or Prof
El 10(3L,4C)
ProfEl 1(2L,2C) Prof El3(3L,4C) Project(4C) PR499,PR499,PR49
EC310a,b… EC314a,b… PR499 9
ME310a,b… ME314a,b… PR499 or
CS310a,b… CS314a,b… PR499 EC422a,b…
Prof Lab 2(3P,2C) Prof Lab 3(3P,2C)
EC311L: Control EC315L:DSP+Microwave
systems+Communication ME315L:Adv.
ME311L: FM&ST Manufacturing + NCCNC
CS311L:Lab based CS315L:Lab based
Project 2 Project 3

PR301: Project (Optional), 2C


Course Type Course Code Course Name Credits Semester

ES406a Communication Systems 3L, 4C
ES406b Electrical Drives and Control 3L, 4C
Engineering ES406c Sensors and Actuators 3L, 4C
Science(ES)-6 ES406d Geometric Modelling 3L, 4C
ES406e Computer Graphics 3L, 4C
ES406f Multimedia Processing 3L, 4C
Fundamentals of RF & Microwave
ES407a 3L, 4C
ES407b Internet of things 3L, 4C
Engineering ES407c Applied Photonics 3L, 4C
Science(ES)-7 ES407d Operations Research 3L, 4C
ES407e IoT 3L, 4C
ES407f Social network Analysis 3L, 4C
HS405a Culture and Technology 3L, 4C
Advanced Engineering 3L, 4C
NS205b Analytical Methods in Engineering 3L, 4C
NS205c Discrete Mathematics 3L, 4C
Natural NS205d Applied Probability and Statistics 3L, 4C
Science(NS)-5 NS205e Numerical Methods 3L, 4C
NS205f Optimization 3L, 4C
NS205g Modern Physics 3L, 4C
NS205h Material Science 3L, 4C
NS205i Culture and Science-a comparison 3L, 4C
Soft Skills and use of English
HS303a 3L, 4C
Literature in Social Cultural 3L, 4C
Humanity HS303b
Panorama VI
Indian Philosophy and Literature in
HS303c 3L, 4C
EC310a Computer Networks 2L, 2C
EC310b Digital System Design 2L, 2C
EC310c Intelligent Control 2L, 2C
ME310a Steam Turbine 2L, 2C
Prof Elective-1 ME310b Steam Generators 2L, 2C V
ME310c Gas Dynamics 2L, 2C
CS310a Soft Computing 2L, 2C
CS310b Parallel Computing 2L, 2C
CS310c Coding Theory 2L, 2C
EC313a Digital Communication 3L, 4C
EC313b Digital Signal Processing 3L, 4C
EC313c IC Fabrication 3L, 4C
ME313a Finite Element Methods 3L, 4C
CNC Machine Tools and 3L, 4C VI
Prof Elective-2 ME313b
ME313c Computer Aided Design 3L, 4C
CS313a S/W testing and Quality Assurance 3L, 4C
CS313b Network Security & Cryptography 3L, 4C
CS313c Artificial Intelligence 3L, 4C
EC314a Antenna Theory & Design 3L, 4C
EC314b Wavelet and Filter Bank 3L, 4C
EC314c Biomedical Instrumentation 3L, 4C
ME314a Vibration of Mechanical Systems 3L, 4C
ME314b Computer Aided Design 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-3 VI
ME314c Computational Fluid Dynamics 3L, 4C
CS314a Wireless and Mobile networks 3L, 4C
CS314b Machine Learning 3L, 4C
CS314c Human Computer Interactions 3L, 4C
CS314d Compiler Design 3L, 4C
EC416a Advanced Analog Circuits Design 3L, 4C
EC416b Detection and Estimation Theory 3L, 4C
EC416c Industrial Microwave and 3L, 4C
ME416a Energy Conversion Device 3L, 4C
ME416b Industrial Instrumentation & 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-4 VII
ME416c Rapid Product Development 3L, 4C
CS416a Pattern Recognition 3L, 4C
CS416b Internet Technology 3L, 4C
CS416c Cyber Security 3L, 4C
CS416d Computational Geometry 3L, 4C

EC417a Satellite Communication 3L, 4C

EC417b Mixed-Mode Circuit Design 3L, 4C
EC417c Power System Engineering 3L, 4C
ME417a Mechanical Vibration and 3L, 4C
Condition Monitoring
Prof Elective-5 ME417b Advance Manufacturing Processes 3L, 4C VII
ME417c Automobile Engineering 3L, 4C
CS417a Advanced Computer Architecture 3L, 4C
CS417b Cloud Computing 3L, 4C
CS417c Object Oriented Analysis and 3L, 4C
EC418a Time Frequency Analysis 3L, 4C
EC418b Radio Frequency Integrated 3L, 4C
Circuits Design
EC418c Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3L, 4C
ME418a Advance Solid Mechanics 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-6 ME418b Management of Production System 3L, 4C VII
ME418c Design of Mechanical Systems 3L, 4C
CS418a Complex Networks 3L, 4C
CS418b Data Mining and Data Warehousing 3L, 4C
CS418c Advanced Algorithms 3L, 4C
CS318d Mesh Free Computations 3L, 4C
EC419a RF and Microwave Engineering 3L, 4C
EC419b Power Electronics 3L, 4C
EC419c Advanced Filter Design 3L, 4C
ME419a Computer Integrated 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-7 ME419b Fracture and Fatigue 3L, 4C VIII
ME419c Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3L, 4C
CS419a Computer Vision 3L, 4C
CS419b Distributed Systems 3L, 4C
CS419c Quantitative Methods in Software 3L, 4C
EC420a Advanced Control Systems 3L, 4C
EC420b VLSI Test and Testability 3L, 4C
EC420c Information Theory and Coding 3L, 4C
ME420a Optimization Techniques 3L, 4C
ME420b Mechanics of Composite Materials 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-8 ME420c Metal Forming 3L, 4C VIII
CS420a Big Data Analytics 3L, 4C
CS420b Principles of Programming 3L, 4C
CS420c Approximation Algorithms 3L, 4C
CS420d Randomized Algorithms 3L, 4C
EC421a CMOS Memory Design 3L, 4C
EC421b/CS421b Image Processing 3L, 4C
EC421c Optical Communication 3L, 4C
ME421a IC Engine 3L, 4C
ME421b Gas Turbine and Propulsion 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-9 ME421c Quality, Reliability and 3L, 4C VIII
Maintenance Engineering
CS421a Image Reconstruction 3L, 4C
CS421b/EC421b Image Processing 3L, 4C
CS421c Statistical Methods in Computer 3L, 4C
EC422a Nanophotonics and Plasmonics 3L, 4C
EC422b Application of Signal and Image 3L, 4C
EC422c Renewal Energy System 3L, 4C
ME422a Smart Materials and Structures 3L, 4C
ME422b Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for 3L, 4C
Prof Elective-10 Engineering Systems VIII
ME422c Robot Kinematics and Dynamics 3L, 4C
CS422a Natural Language Processing 3L, 4C
CS422b Visual Cryptography & Data 3L, 4C
CS422c Model Thinking 3L, 4C
Course Details

Subject Code: NS101 Course Title Mathematics -I

Contact Hours L-3, T-1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Calculus of Functions of One Variable: Real Numbers, Functions, Sequences, Limit and Continuity,
Differentiation : Review, Successive differentiation, Chain rule and Libnitz Theorem, Rolle‟s and Mean
Value Theorems, Maxima/ Minima, Linear and Quadratic approximations, Error estimates, Taylor‟s
Theorem, The Riemann Integral, Approximate Integration, Natural Logarithm, Exponential function,
Relative growth rates, L‟Hospital‟s rule, Geometric applications of Integrals, Infinite series, Tests of
convergence, Absolute and Conditional convergence, Taylor and Maclaurin series.
[21 H]
Calculus of Functions of Several Variables: Scalar fields, Limit and Continuity, Partial derivatives, Chain
rules, Implicit differentiation, Web gradient, Directional derivatives, Total differential, Tangent planes
and Normals, Maxima, Minima and Saddle points, Constrained maxima and minima, Double Integrals,
Applications to areas and volumes, Change of variables. [14 H]
Vector Calculus: Vector fields, Divergence and Curl, Line Integrals, Green‟s Theorem, Surface Integrals,
Divergence Theorem, Stoke‟s Theorem and applications. Evaluvation Schedules.
[7 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas & Finney
2. Introduction to Real Analysis, Bartle R.G. & Sherbert D.R.

Subject Code: NS102 Course Title Engineering Mechanics

Contact Hours L-2, T-1, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%),Lab (20%) End term (40%)
Scalars and Vectors, Cartesian and curvilinear coordinate system, Newtons law: statics and dynamics,
centre of mass and variable mass problem, work and energy, stable and unstable equilibrium, collisions in
two dimension: Laboratory and COM frame [7 H]
Double and triple integrals, Line, surface & volume integrals, Gradient, Divergence & Curl (in Cartesian
and curvilinear coordinates), Line, surface, volume integrals, Guass’s and Stoke’s theorem (problems and
physical significance) [7 H]
Rotational motion, Torque, Angular momentum, Moments of Inertia, pure rotation and center of
percussion (example), combined translation and rotation & the role of centre of mass, Chasles' Theorem,
Moments of Inertia. [7 H]
Moment of inertia tensor, Principal Axes of Inertia, Finding the Principal Axes; Eigenvalue Equations,
Precession of a Top due to a Weak Torque & gyroscopic motion [7 H]
Lab experiments:
1. Introduction to error analysis
2. Spring oscillation apparatus
3. Simple pendulum
4. Moment of inertia of a flywheel
5. Determine g by Bar pendulum
6. Tortional pendulum
7. Sonometer
8. Stoke’s law
9. Newton’s law of cooling
Text/Reference books:
1. Introduction to mechanics: Daniel Kleppner , Robert J. Kolenkow
2. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences: Mary L. Boas
Subject Code: HS101 Course Title Effective
Communication Skills
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0, GD-1 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Why English? ,Effective Communication Skills-2l, Technical English-2l, Technical Reports -5 L, Tender
Notices-2l, Holding Meetings-3l, Good Presentation-3l, Group Discussion-2l, Curriculum Vitae (Cv), Or
Resume, Bio-Data, Job Application Letter-3l, Interview-2l, Phonetics.-2l, Grammar-1l
Text/Reference books:
1. Developing Communication Skills- Krishna Menon- Macmillan Publication House.
2. Remedial Grammar- F.T. Wood- Macmillan
3. Personality Development and Soft Skills- BarunMitra- Oxford Publication House.
4. The Ace of Soft Skills: Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for Success- Pearson Education

Subject Code: ES101 Course Title Fundamentals of Electrical and

Electronics Engineering
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 5
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-Term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End-Term (35%), Lab (20%)
D.C. Circuits
Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s laws, Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Superposition Theorem, Source
Transformations, Thevnin’s and Norton’s Theorems, star/delta transformation, maximum power transfer
theorem, Transients. [10H]
A.C. Fundamentals
Single phase EMF generation, average and effective values of sinusoids, Solution of series and Parallel
Circuits, power and power factor, Resonance in series and parallel circuits, steady state analysis for
sinusoidal excitation: Sinusoids, Three phase connections: star and delta. [10H]
Magnetic Circuit
MMF, Magnetising force, Magnetic flux and flux density, permeability, Reluctance and permeance, B-H
curve, Simple magnetic circuits, Hysteresis and eddy current loss. [2H]
Single-phase transformer Construction, principle of operation, EMF equation, phase diagram on no-load
and full-load, losses and efficiency, open and short circuit test, auto transformer. [5H]
D. C. Machines
Construction, EMF equation, various types and characteristics D. C. Generator Principle, torque and
speed formula, types and their characteristics, Speed control. [5H]
Semiconductor Devices
Semiconductor Diode and its V-I characteristics, Rectifier circuit, Various types of diodes, Zener diode,
PIN Diode, Light emitting diode, gun diode Semiconductor BJT, Working principle, Transistors in CC,
CE, and CB configurations, transistor biasing, V-I characteristics and load line concept with Quiescent
point, Transistor H parameter. [10H]
Laboratory Experiments [16H]
Introduction and familiarization to the lab equipments and common components:
a) Study of CRO
b) Study of Function genertaor
c) Study of Multimeter
d) Familirization with Breadboard, resistances, capacitances, diodes, transistors, etc.
Study of PN-Junction Diode Characteristics: To study and plot the forward and reverse bias
characteristics of a general purpose pn junction diode.
Study of half-wave rectifier circuit: To construct a half-wave rectifier circuit, and observe waveforms
and find average output.
Study of center-tapped full-wave rectifier circuit: To construct a full-wave rectifier circuit, and observe
waveforms and find average output.
Study of Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator: To study and analyze use of a zener diode as a voltage
Study of Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics in CE mode: To study the input and output
characteristics of a BJT in Common Emitter mode.
Study of Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics in CB mode: To study the input and output
characteristics of a BJT in Common Base mode.
Study of Common Emitter Transistor as an Amplifier: To design a common emitter transistor
amplifier circuit and observe the frequency response of the amplifier
Study of a Series Resonant Circuit: To study the behavior of a series LCR resonant circuit and to
estimate the resonant frequency and Q-factor.
Text/Reference books:
1. V. Del Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals,” 2e, Printice Hall of India 1994.
2. Millman Jacob and Christos C. Halkias, “Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and
Systems,” McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronics Device and Circuit Theory,” 9e, Pearson
Education India, 2005.

Subject Code: ES102 Course Title Fundamentals of

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-3 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (30%), lab (30%)
Introduction: Basics of operating system, Components of Computer, Memory hierarchy, Number System
Overview of C: Constants, Variables, and Data Types, Operators and Expressions [4H]
Input/ Output: Managing Input and Output Operations, Formatted Input / Output [2H]
Decision making & Iterations: Decision Making and Branching, Decision Making and Looping
Advanced topics: Arrays, Character Arrays and Strings, User-Defined Functions [4H]
Structures and Unions, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists [8H]
File Management in C, The Preprocessor directives and Header Files, Developing a C Program: Some
Guidelines. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2011
2. B. W. Kernighan and D. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1990
3. Y. Kanitkar, Let Us C, 8th Edition, Infinity Science Press, 2008
4. H. Schildt, The Complete reference C, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 1987

Subject Code: NS103 Course Title Mathematics-II

Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester II
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Ordinary Differential Equation [28 H]
Introduction to Differential equations, 1st order ODE, Geometrical interpretation, Variable separable
forms, Exact equations, Integrating factors, Linear ODE’s, Orthogonal Trajectories, Higher order linear
differential equations, general solution of ODEs, Method of using known solutions, Method of removal
first derivative, Existence & uniqueness, Wronskian, Series solution method & Special function , ODE’s
with constant & variable co-efficient, Laplace Transform,
Partial Differential Equation [14 H]
Classification of PDE, First and Second order PDE, Fourier series and Fourier Transform, Introduction to
parabolic( Heat Equation), elliptic( Laplace Equation) and hyperbolic equations(Wave Equation).
Text/Reference books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin O. Kreyszig,
2. An elementary Course in PDE by T. Amarnath.
3. E. A. Coddington and N. Levinson, Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations

Subject Code: NS104 Course Title Electrodynamics and Optics

Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-2 Credit 5
Programme B.Tech Semester II
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%),Lab (20%) End term (40%)
The Electric Field, Divergence and curl of electrostatic fields, potential and its relation with electrostatic
Field, The energy of a continuous charge distribution, conductors and induced charges, Laplace's
Equation, theorems regarding boundary conditions, Separation of Variables, The Method of Images. [6H]
Dielectrics, The field of a polarized object, bound charges, Gauss's Law in the Presence of Dielectrics,
Energy in Dielectric Systems [3 H]
The Lorentz Force Law, magnetostatics and The Biot-Savart Law, The Divergence and Curl of magnetic
field, The Vector Potential, Magnetization, Effect of a Magnetic Field on Atomic Orbits: diamagnetism,
Bound Currents, Ampere's law in Magnetized Materials, Brief idea of ferromagnetism [6H]
Electromotive Force, Motional emf, Electromagnetic Induction, energy in magnetic fields, Maxwell’s
modification of Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s equations, Boundary condition [6 H]
Poynting theorem, Electromagnetic Waves, Reflection and Transmission of a wave, Electromagnetic
Waves in Vacuum and dielectric, Energy and Momentum & intensity in Electromagnetic Waves,
Reflection and Transmission of light at Normal Incidence, Reflection and Transmission of light at oblique
Incidence and Snell’s law [9 H]
Superposition of light having same frequency, Coherent and random sources, Yong’s double slit
experiment: superposition by splitting of wavefront, parallel film and Newton’s ring: superposition by
splitting of amplitude, Michelsons and Febry perot interferrometre, spatial and temporal coherence [6H]
Fraunhoffer’s and Fresnel’s diffraction, diffraction from single slit, double slit and grating, resolution,
dispersive power and resolution of a grating, Basics of a Laser [6 H]
Lab Experiments:
1. Single slit diffraction of Laser light
2. Diffraction due to grating
3. Newton’s ring
4. Dispersive power of a grating using spectrometer
5. e/m by millikan oil drop experiment
6. e/m by Thomson method method
7. Balmer series
8. Charging and discharging of a capacitor
9. Frank hertz Experiment
Text/Reference books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: David J Griffiths
2. Introduction to optics: Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti, Leno S. Pedrotti
3. Principles of electromagnetic: Matthew N. O. Sadiku
4. Optics: Eugene Hecht

Subject Code: HS102 Course Title Culture and Human

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0, GD-1 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester II
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
A collection of Shlokas from Gita and Upanishads- [2H]
Pearls of Confucius- [2H]
Excerpts from the Arthashastra of Chanakya- [2H]
Poems from Tagore’s Gitanjali- [1H]
Speech of Swami Vivekananda- [2H]
Excerpt from the book of APJ Abdul Kalam, ‘Ignited Minds’.- [2H]
Speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ of JawaharLal Nehru- [1H]
Excerpts from Hamlet of William Shakespeare- [2H]
Excerpts from Bacon’s ‘Of Studies’.- [2H]
Excerpts from Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘ Simple Life’.- [1H]
The Gold Frame.- [2H]
Death is a Reality- [1H]
Company You Keep- [1H]
The Temptation of Possession- [1H]
Discretion is the Best Weapon- [1H]
Akbar and Tansen- [1H]
Gender Studies- Woman and Home- Rabindranath Tagore.- [2H]
Excerpts from Male Brain and Female brain of Dr.Brizendine.- [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. “Wisdom Through the Ages- A Reader” Edited and compiled by Prof. Adhikari, Part compilation on
Gender Studies by Dr.MamtaAnand.
2. Gitanjali- Rabindranath Tagore- Macmillian
3. Complete Works – William Shakespeare- Oxford Edition
4. Complete Works – Swami Vivekananda- Advaita Trust

Subject Code: DS101 Course Title Engineering Graphics

Contact Hours L-1, T-0, P-3 Credit 3
Programme B.Tech Semester II
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (5%), Midterm (30%), Quiz II (5%), Lab (20%) End term (40%)
Introduction [2 H]
Lines, Lettering, Sketching, Principle of Dimensioning, Basic geometrical constructions, Scales,
Engineering Curves.
Orthographic Projections [3 H]
Pictorial view, Multi-view, Multi-view Drawing, Terminology, First angle projection and its features,
Third angle projections and its features, Symbols, Section lines or hatching, Conversion of pictorial view
into orthographic view.
Projections of Points [2 H]
Location of a point, Conventional representations, Projections of a point located at different locations.
Projections of Lines [3 H]
Introduction, Orientation of a line, Projections of a line located at different locations, Projections of a line
in different angles.
Projections Planes [3 H]
Introduction, Orientation of a plane, Projections of a plane located at different locations, Trace of a plane,
Plane inclined to both the reference planes.
Projection of Solids [3 H]
Introduction, Classification of solids, Recommended method of labelling, Orientation of solids, Drawing
projections of a solid at different orientation of its axis, Identify visible and hidden lines.
Sections of Solids [2 H]
Introduction, Terminology, Types of section planes, Section by a plane perpendicular to VP, HP and both.
Development of Surfaces [2 H]
Introduction, Classification of surfaces, Methods of development, Development of prism, pyramid,
cylinders, cone, trays, Applications.
Intersection of Surfaces [4 H]
Introduction, Engineering Applications, Method of determining the curves of intersection, Types of
interpenetrating solids, Intersection by prism, cylinder, pyramid and cone by another solid.
Axonometric Projection [4 H]
Introduction, Principles of isometric projections, Terminology, Isometric scales, Four centre method to
draw ellipse, Dimensioning of isometric projection, Isometric view of right solids, solid containing non-
isometric lines, truncated solids, composite solids, Conversion of orthographic view into isometric views,
Oblique projections, Perspective projections.
Text/Reference books:
1. N D Bhatt Engineering Drawing, 49th edition Charoter, Publishing House, 2006.
2. B Agrawal and C M Agrawal, Engineering Drawing (2nd Ed), McGraw Hill, New Deli, 2014.
3. Dhananjay A Jolhe, Engineering drawing, TMH, 2008.
4. T E French, C J Vierck and R J Foster, Graphic Science and Design, 4th edition, McGraw Hill, 1984.
5. W J Luzadder and J M Duff, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, 11th edition, Prentice-Hall of
India, 1995.
6. K Venugpoal, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, 3rd edition, New Age International, 1998.
7. K. Venkata Reddy, Engineering Drawing, 2nd edition, BS Publications, 2008.

Subject Code: ES103 Course Title Data Structures and

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester II
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Notion of Algorithm, Space and Time Complexity, Analyzing algorithms
Static & Dynamic Memory Management, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists
Trees, Binary Trees, Tree Traversals, Applications of Binary Trees, Binary Search Tree, Balanced Tree,
AVL Tree
Graphs and their representations, Graph Traversal Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Paths
Searching Algorithms: Sequential Search, Binary Search
Sorting Algorithms: Quick sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Heap & Heap sort
Files, Indexing: Hashing, Tree Indexing: B-tree
Text/Reference books:
1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Anderson-Frees, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C,” 2nd edition,
Silicon Press, 2008.
2. T. H. Cormen, C Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms,” 3 rd edition, MIT
Press/McGraw-Hill, Cambridge, 2009.
3. S. Lipschutz, “Data Structures with C,” Schaum’s Outlines, TMH, 2011.
4. (Programming) B. W. Kernigham and D. M. Ritchie, “The C Programming language,” 2 nd edition,
Pearson, 1988 or any other book on C programming.

Subject Code: NS205a Course Title Advance Engineering

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Complex Analysis: Complex numbers, powers and roots of complex numbers. Complex variables:
Continuity, and Differentiability, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laplace equation,
Harmonic functions, Complex logarithmic function, Cauchy's integral theorem, Liouville’s Theorem,
Taylor series and Laurent series. Zeros, Singularities and its classifications, Residues, Residue theorem
and its applications to evaluating real integrals and improper integrals. Conformal mappings, , Schwarz-
Christoffel transformation. [10H]
Fourier series and transforms: Fourier Integral, Fourier series of periodic functions, Convergence of
Fourier series, Differentiation and Integration of Fourier series, Complex form of Fourier series. Fourier
Transforms and Properties, Convolution theorems, Inversion theorem, Application in engineering. [8H]
Ordinary Differential Equations: Classification of ODEs, Ordinary linear differential equations of first and
n-th orders and their solutions, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Operator method. Method
of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters. Power series methods for solutions of ordinary
differential equations. Legendre equation and Legendre polynomials, Bessel equations. [7H]
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction to PDEs, basic concepts, Linear and quasi-linear first order
PDE, Second order PDE and classification of second order semi-linear PDE, Canonical form.. Cauchy
problems. D’ Alemberts formula, Wave equations, Laplace and Poisson equations, Fourier method for
IBV problem for wave and heat equation, rectangular region. [10H]
Special Functions in Engineering: Introduction to Some Special Functions: Gamma function, Beta
function, Bessel function, Henkel Functions, Legendre and Hermite polynomial. Error function,
Heaviside’s function, Sinusoidal Pulse function, Rectangle function, Gate function, Dirac’s Delta function,
Signum function, Saw tooth wave function, Triangular wave function, Half wave rectified sinusoidal
function, Full rectified sine wave, Square wave function. Applications of special functions in engineering.
Text/Reference books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Edition), by E. Kreyszig, Wiley-India (2007).
2. Advance Engineering Mathematics, by R. K Jain and SRK Iyengar, Narosa Publication.
3. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th Edition), John Wiley (2005)
4. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Fourier series and boundary value problems (7th Edition),
McGraw-Hill (2006).
5. T.M.Apostol, Calculus , Volume-2 ( 2nd Edition ), Wiley Eastern , 1980

Subject Code: NS205b Course Title Analytical Method in

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Introduction [1 H]
Solution methods for ordinary differential equations (odes) [3 H]
First order differential equations, nth order differential equations
First order partial differential equations (pdes) [2 H]
Classification, Analytical Solutions for Linear and Semilinear equations
Second order pdes [2 H]
Classification, Transformations to Canonical forms for Hyperbolic, Elliptic and parabolic Equations
Concepts in approximate solutions of differential equations [4 H]
Space of Functions: Inner product, Orthogonal functions, Norm, Projection of a Function onto an
Orthogonal set, GramSchmidt Orthogonalization and Orthonormal set, Parseval's theorem
Fourier series [3 H]
Series of Trigonometric functions, Convergence of Fourier Series: Piecewise Continuous and Smooth
function, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients: Even and Odd functions, Even and odd extensions of a
function, Uniform Convergence of a Fourier Series, Parseval's theorem for Fourier Series, Application of
Parseval's theorem to estimate the Mean Square Error
Analytical Series Solutions of Pdes [20 H]
Separation of Variables, Extension of Separation of Variables methodology by Method of Superposition,
Rectangular coordinate system, Cylindrical coordinate system (Bessel function), Spherical coordinate
system (Legendre function), Hyperbolic Equations, Elliptic Equations, Parabolic Equations
Fourier transform and its applications [3 H]
Fourier Series to Fourier Integral, Properties of Fourier Transformation, Problems in Infinite and Semi-
infinite Media, Solution of PDEs in Infinite and Semiinfinite Media, Dirac Delta Function
Laplace transform and its applications [4 H]
Fourier Transform to Laplace Transform, Review of Laplace Transform, Laplace Inverse Transform by
Complex Number Residue theory, Solution of PDEs by Laplace Transform
Text/Reference books:
[1] J B Doshi, “Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,” Narosa Publishing House,
[2] Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics,” Wiley India, 1999.
[3] M K Jain, S R K Iyengar and R K Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation,” New Age International Publisher, 2007.

Subject Code: NS205c Course Title Discrete Mathematics

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Preliminaries: Sets, relations, partial ordering, total orders, equivalence relations, functions and sequences.
Logic and proofs: propositional logic and equivalences, predicates, quantifiers, rules of inferences, proof
methods, mathematical induction. [7H]
Number Theory: Division algorithm, Euclid’s algorithm, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Chinese
remainder theorem. [7H]
Basics of Combinatorics: Counting principles, Permutations, combinations, generalized permutations and
combinations, recurrence relations and generating function. [7H]
Algebra: Groups and normal subgroups, homomorphism and isomorphism, rings, integral domains, fields,
lattices and Boolean Algebra. [7H]
Graphs: Graphs. Graph representations, special types of graphs, graph isomorphism, connectivity, Euler
and Hamiltonion paths, planar graphs, graph coloring. [7H]
Probability and Statistics: Basic probability, conditional probability, random variables, probability
distribution, variance, central limit theorem, confidence interval and hypothesis testing. [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. K. H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6th Edition / International Students
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.
3. L. Lovász, J. Pelikán, K. Vesztergombi, Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond
(Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), Springer, 2003.
4. S. M. Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier, 2014.
Subject Code: NS205d Course Title Applied Probability and
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Probability Module: Basic Set Operations, Algebra and Sigma algebra, Measurable Space, Measure,
Measurable Function, Probability Measure, [4 H]
Random Variable, Function of Random Variable, Probability Mass Function, Probability Density
Function, Cumulative Probability Distribution Function, Independent Event, Expectation, Variance,
Covariance, Correlation. [5 H]
Conditional Probability Measure, Law of Total Probability, Baye‟s Formula, Baye‟s Theorem, Function
of Several Variables, Joint and Marginal Distribution Function [4 H]
Moments, Moments Generating Function, Characteristic Function, Inversion Theorem, Uniqueness
Theorem, Important Statistical Inequalities [4 H]
Mode of Convergence, Convergence in Law, Convergence in Measure, Convergence in rth Mean, Almost
Sure Convergence, Weak Law of Large Numbers, Strong Law of Large Numbers, Center Limit Theorem.
[9 H]
Statistics Module: Estimation-Point Estimation, Properties of Estimation: Unbaisedness, Consistency,
Sufficiency, Efficiency. Method of Estimation: Method of moments, Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
[6 H]
Interval Estimation, Confidence Interval. Inference-Testing of Hypothesis: Different type of Hypothesis,
Acceptance Region, Critical Region, Test function, Type-I and Type-II Errors, Level of Significance,
Power of the Test, Uniformly Most Powerful Test ,Neyman-Person‟s Lemma. [6H]
Exact Sampling DistributionChi-Square Distribution, Chi-Square test for goodness of fit,Student‟s t−
Distribution, t−test for single mean, t−test for difference of means, Paired t−test for difference of means,
F-distribution, F−test for equality of population variance. [4 H]

Text/Reference books:
Int Introduction to Probability and Statistics, V.K.Rohatgi, A.M.E.Saleh

Subject Code: NS205e Course Title Numerical Method

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Approximation and round off errors( Truncation error, absolute error), Root finding method for non-linear
equation i.e. Bi-section method, Secant method, Newton raphson method (for higher dimensions also).
[7 H]
System of Linear Equation: [ 7 H]
Direct method i.e Gauss Elimination, Pivoting etc. LU Factorization, Cholesky method with order of
Convergence and error analysis
Iterative method: Gauss Jacobi Method, Gauss Siedel with order of Convergence and error analysis.
Interpolation Theory: Langrage Interpolation with Error Analysis, Newton Divided difference
interpolation, backward and forward interpolation, Central interpolation, errro estimate, Hermite
interpolation, Piecewise interpolation. [8 H]
Spline: Quadratic spline, Cubic spline with error analysis. [3 H]
Least Squares method, Weirstrass Theorme, Gram Schmit process, Lengendre and Chebyshev
Polynomials. [3 H]
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal method( for single and double integration), Simpson Method,
Gaussian Quadrature Method with error estimates. [7 H]
Numerical Method for ODE: Existence, Uniqueness, Euler, Modified Euler, Runge-Kutta and Predictor-
Corrector methods. Stability of numerical methods. [7 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering by Jain, Iyengar, Jain
2. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Atkinson.

Subject Code: NS205f Course Title Optimization

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Introduction to optimization, Minimization and maximization, Convex set, Convex function,
Differentiable convex functions, Sub differential of a convex function, Saddle point Conditions.
Fritz John and Karush-kuhn-Tucker Conditions, duality , Convex programming problems, Linear
programming problems, Simplex method. [12H]
Quadratic programming, Separable programming. Constrained Optimization: One dimensional search
methods, Multi-dimensional search methods. Unconstrained optimization: Conjugate gradient method,
Generalized reduced gradient methods, Method of feasible direction.
Text/Reference books:
1. Bazarra M.S., Sherali H.D. & Shetty C.M., Nonlinear Programming Theory and Algorithms, John
Wiley, New York, 1979.
2. Convex Analysis By R.T.Rockafellar, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.

Subject Code: NS205g Course Title Modern Physics

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Special theory of relativity, Length contraction, time dilation, dopper effect, velocity addition, relativistic
energy and momentum, concept of four vector [6 H]
Early development of quantum theory, Blackbody radiation, Photoelecctric effect, Compton scattering
[3 H]
Modern development, De Broglie’s hypothesis and Schrodinger’s equation, The Statistical Interpretation,
Normalization and expectation values, The Uncertainty Principle [4 H]
Stationary States, Particle in a box, The Harmonic Oscillator, The Free Particle, potential step and barrier
[6 H]
Series Solutions to Legendre’s Equation, Associated Legendre’s Equation, Bessel equation and Hermite
equations, Generating function and orthogonality, Laguerre Functions and associated Laguerre Functions
[14 H]
Schrodinger Equations in Spherical Coordinates, The Hydrogen Atom, Angular Momentum, addition of
angular momentum, Spin, identical particles and quantum statistics [9 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Introduction to quantum Mechanics: David J Griffiths
2. Concepts of Modern physics: Arthur Beiser
3. Introductory quantum mechanics: Richard L Liboff
4. Modern physics: Kenneth S. Krane
Subject Code: NS205h Course Title Material Science
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Overview of Materials and their applications. Bonding in materials. Crystal systems, packing fraction,
nearest neighbour, concept of Bravais Lattice and unit cell. Miller indices in crystalline materials. Defects
in crystalline materials, single crystals, poly-crystals and amorphous materials. [12 H]
Band theory of solids, conductors, semiconductors and insulators, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors,
electrical conduction, effect of temperature on conductivity. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Stress-strain diagram, elastic and plastic deformation, yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, modulus
of elasticity, ductile and brittle fracture. [10 H]
Diffusion in solids, Fick's laws and technological application of diffusion. Phase Diagrams of engineering
materials; Solidification; Diffusion assisted and diffusion less solid-state phase transformations,
Applications and Properties of Ceramic, Polymers and also of their Composite Materials. [10 Lectures]
Magnetic materials and their properties, magnetic hysterisis. Elements of superconductivity, Meissener's
effect, type-I, type-II semiconductors, BCS Theory. Introduction to nanotechnology, 0D, 1D and 2-D
materials, nanoribbons. Advance applications of nanomaterials including spintronics. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” Wiley.
2. Smith,William, “Foundations of Materials Science And Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill. 3. V.
Raghvan, “Materials Science and Engineering”.
3. Poole and Owens "Introduction to nanotechnology", Wiley.

Subject Code: NS205i Course Title Culture and Science-a

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0, GD-1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Science and Humanities. [11L]
Magnifying and Classifying in Science, Linear approach to thought in Science, Hierarchical and
Horizontal linkages to development through Science
Synthesis and Transformation in Cultural Progress, Concentric approach to thought in Humanities,
Concentric Context to development and Culture
Indian Intellectual Traditions [20 L]
Unity in Diversity- From Unity to Multiplicity, Upanishads and 21st Century- Vision and Pluralism,
Concept of holiness in a World of Conflict, The Spirit in Human Being, Progress in Science, Progress in
Text/Reference books:
1. Progress and Values in the Humanities- Volney Gay- Columbia University, New York.
2. A Cultural History of India- A.L.Basham
3. India’s Intellectual Traditions- World Association for Vedic Studies
Subject Code: ES204 Course Title Digital Electronics
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Module 1
Number Systems and Boolean Algebra, Simplification of functions using Karnaugh map and
QuineMcCluskey Method, Boolean Function Implementation, Minimization and Combinational Design,
Examples of Combinational Digital Circuits, Hazards in Combinational Circuits, Hazard free realization.
Introduction to Sequential circuits: Latches and Flip-Flops (RS, JK, D, T and Master Slave), Design of a
Clocked Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop conversion, Practical Clocking aspects concerning Flip-Flops. Counters:
Design of Single Mode and Multimode Counters, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Shift
Registers, Shift Register Counters and Random Sequence Generators. [12H]
Module 3
Design and Analysis of Sequential Circuits: General model of Sequential Networks, State Diagram,
Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits; Finite Sate Machine, State Reduction,
Minimization and Design of the Next State Decoder. Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Analysis and
Design, Race conditions and Cycles. Practical Design Aspects: Timing and Triggering considerations in
the Design of Synchronous Circuits, Set up time, Hold time, Clock skew. [10H]
Modul 4
Logic Families: Fundamentals of ECL, TTL, CMOS Logic family, Transfer Characteristics, Input and
Output Characteristics, Tristate Logic, Wired Logic and Bus Oriented structure, Practical Aspects, MOS
gates, MOS Inverter, CMOS inverter, Rise and fall time in MOS and CMOS gates, Speed Power Product,
Interfacing BJT and CMOS gates. [8H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Wakerly J. F., “Digital Design: Principles and Practices,” 2e, Prentice-Hall, 2002.
2. Mano M. M., “Digital Logic Design,” Prentice Hall, 1993.

Subject Code: MN201 Course Title Manufacturing process

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab (20%)
Introduction: Introduction to Manufacturing, Historical Perspective, Importance, etc Mechanical
Properties In Design & Manufacturing. [2H]
Casting: Fundamentals of casting process, features of casting, Casting Processes, Classification,
Significances. [3H]
Metal Forming: Hot & Cold Working, Bulk Deformation processes like Rolling, Forging, Extrusion and
Drawing, Sheet metal forming (Shearing & Drawing operation). [3H]
Machining: Machining, Mechanism of machining, Chip Formation, Temperature, Tool Wear, Tool Life,
Machining Processes, Brief introduction to Single point and multi-point cutting operations. Introduction to
Grinding & Finishing. [3H]
Metal Joining: Fundamentals of Welding, Classification of welding, processes, Introduction to Gas &Are
Welding, Ultrasonic Welding, Friction Welding, Resistance welding, Brazing, Soldering and Adhesive
bonding. [3H]
Polymers: Polymer products manufacturing, Extrusion, Injection molding, Blow molding ,
Thermoforming, Compression molding and Transfer Molding. [3H]
Modern Manufacturing Processes: Introduction to rapid prototyping, classification and various RP
processes. Introduction to various unconventional machining processes and their classification.
Introduction to automation, Flexible manufacturing systems and CNC. [6H]
Manufacturing of Electronic Device: Manufacturing of semiconductor devices and silicon wafers. Devices
fabrication Techniques, Surface Films Depositions, Lithography, Etching, Processes Integration and
Packaging. Printed circuit boards and Techniques for micro / nano fabrication. [5H]
Lab Experiments:
1. Practice on various Measuring instruments
2. To performed joining of two thick MS plates by V groove Butt Joint using arc welding (MMAW)
3. To performed joining of two thin MS plates by Lap Joint using oxy acetylene gas welding
4. To learn and practice turning, parting operation on lathe machine
5. To perform grooving, threading and knurling operations on lathe machine
6. To perform step and taper turning operation on lathe machine
7. To learn operations of Vertical Milling M/C and perform a practice job like T Slot Cutting.
8. To learn operations on horizontal milling machine and prepare a Spur Gear
9. To learn various fitting operations like Drilling, Taping, Radios, Square Cut in MS metal working.
10. To learn various sheet metal operations of GI Sheet and prepare a funnel cone by using GI Sheet.
11. Process demonstration of Ultrasonic Plastic & Metal Welding
12. Process demonstration of Tool Wear Measurement

Text/Reference books:
1. SeropeKalpakjian, Steven R Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Pearson
2. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Smith William. “Foundation of Materials Science and Engineering”, McGrwa Hill, 4th Edition.
4. V. Raghwan,”Materials Science and Engineering” 5th Edition.
5. Mikel P. Groover, “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons inc.
6. John A Schey, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill 3rd Edition.

Subject Code: EC201 Course Title Electronics Devices

and Circuits
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 5
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Review of theory of semiconductor, PN junction diode theory, contact potential and current
components, energy band diagram for PN Junction, Diode I-V Characteristics, breakdown voltage
and leakage current Diode applications rectifier half wave and full wave with filter design, clipping
and clamping circuit analysis and design, Special purpose diodes zener diode and its application for
regulator, varactor diode, PIN diode, tunnel diode, photodiode, Schottkey barrier diode and LED.
Junction field effect transistor (JFET), device structure and physical operation, IV characteristics, n-
channel and p-channel JFET, Biasing and small signal analysis and JEFT applications as voltage
amplifier. MOSFET basics, the inversion cannel formation, the derivation of the IV characterises,
triode region and saturation region operation, body effect and channel length modulation, Modeling
of the MOSFET, Basing, Common source, common drain, and common gate configurations.
MOSFET as an amplifier and as a Switch, Single stage MOS Amplifier, MOSFET small signal
model for analysis of single stage amplifier, high frequency MOSFET model and frequency
response, Current mirror, differential amplifier using MOSFET. [15H]
Operation of BJT, Current Components, currents gains α and β, BJT Biasing and Q point &
Regions of Operation, Bias Stability, Transistor in CB, CE, CC configuration, Transistor leakage
current ICBO and ICEO and breakdowns. Introduction to amplifiers, RC Coupled amplifiers,
frequency response, Transistor re Model, Transistor H parameter, BJT Small Signal Analysis, BJT
and FET High frequency modelling, Transistor as a switch and power dissipation in the transistor.
Feedback Amplifiers, Oscillators (Different types), Differential Amplifiers, power amplifier,
Operational Amplifiers and its Applications. Logic Families using BJT and MOSFET for Digital
Applications. [7H]
Laboratory Experiments

1. Introduction to laboratory equipment

2. Clipping and Clamping Circuits Design and analysis
3. Rectifier full wave with filter design
4. Zerner regulator design and analysis
5. JFET characteristics and Baising
6. BJT as switch performance and measurments and verification by simulations tools (pSpice)
7. RC coupled amplifier design and analysis small sigal and high frequency Lab and pSpice
8. MOSFET characterstics and various baising
9. Single stage MOS Amplifier CS, CD and CG and Cascode stages
10. Current mirror using BJT and MOSFET
Text/Reference books:
1. Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, Donald Neamen.
2. Microelectronics Circuits 5th Edition BySedra and Smith Oxford Publication
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits David A Bell. Oxford Publication
4. Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems, Millman Jacob and
Halkias, Christos C. ,McGraw Hill 2004
5. Electronics Device and Circuit TheoryBoylestad,Robert L. and NashelskyLouis,Ninth
Edition, Printice Hall of India 2005

Subject Code: ME201 Course Title Kinematics and

Dynamics of Machines
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
1. KINEMATICS: Plain motion, kinematic concepts of links; basic terminology and definitions;
inversion of kinematic chains, absolute and relative motion, kinematics and structure diagrams,
equivalent linkages, vector diagram, displacement, velocity and acceleration polygons, analysis,
instantaneous centres, special graphical methods for slider crank mechanism. [08 H]
2. KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF MECHANISMS: Introduction, Movability of four bar
linkage, Function Generation, path generation, motion generation, Errors in synthesis problems,
Chebyshev spacing of precision points. [6 H]
3. GEARS: Fundamental law of gearing, classification and basic terminology, involute tooth
profile and its kinematic considerations, type of gears, standards in tooth forms, gear trains, simple,
compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains. [8 H]
4. CAMS: Classification of Followers and Cams, Terms used in Radial Cams, Cam Mechanism
and its Uses, Displacement,Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams, When the Follower Moves With
Uniform Velocity, Simple Harmonic Motion, Uniform Acceleration and Retardation and Cycloid
Motion, Construction of Cam Profile for a Radial Cam, Operating a Knife Edge, Roller and Flat
Faced Follower. [5 H]
5. GOVERNORS: Functions, Difference between Governor and Flywheel, Various Terms Used,
Types of Governor-Watt, Porter,Proell&Hartnell; Inertia Governor, Sensitiveness and Stability of
Governor; Isochronous Governor, Hunting, Effort and Power ofa Porter Governor, Controlling
Force Diagrams For Porter and Spring Controlled Governor, Coefficient of Insensitiveness. [4 H]
6. TURNING MOMENT AND FLYWHEEL: Turning Moment Diagram for a Four Stroke Cycle
I.C. Engine and Multi Cylinder Engine, Fluctuation of Energy and Production of Energy and Co-
Efficient of Fluctuation of Energy, Co-Efficient of Fluctuation of Speed, Energy Stored in a
Flywheel, Dimensions of the Flywheel Rim, Fly Wheel in Punching Press. [5 H]
7. BALANCING OF MACHINERY: Necessity of Balancing, Static and Dynamic Balancing,
Balancing of Rotating Masses in one Plane, In Different Planes - Analytical and Graphical
Methods, Partial Unbalanced Primary Force in an Engine, Balancing of Reciprocating Masses,
Condition of Balance in Multi Cylinder in Line Engines. Balancing of V Engine. [6 H]
8. STAIC AND DYNAMIC FORCE ANALYSIS: 2 and 3 force members, torque addition, free
body diagram, Inertia forces, D’alembert’s Principle, offset inertia forces, equivalent force analysis
for various mechanisms, matrix method. [6H]
Experiment No. 1
1. To study inversions of 4-bar mechanisms, single and double slider crank mechanisms.
2. To study various types of gears and gear trains.
3. To study various types of steering mechanisms.
4. Study jump phenomenon in the cam-follower system.
5. Study of Gyroscopic effect and determination of gyroscopic couple on motorized gyroscope.
6. To perform the experiment for static balancing on static balancing machine.
7. To perform the experiment for dynamic balancing on dynamic balancing machine.
8. To understand the balancing of reciprocating masses.
9. Determine the moment of inertia of connecting rod by compound pendulum method and tri-
flair suspension pendulum.

10. To verify the relation 𝑇 = 2𝜋√ for a simple pendulum.
11. To determine whirling speed of the shaft and study effect of shaft diameter and end
conditions on the same.
12. To study the performance characteristics curves, stability and sensitivity of the Governors:
Porter, Proell and Hartnell.
13. To study various types of dynamometers.

Text/Reference books:
[1] Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines., TMH
[2] Thomas Bevan, .Theory of Machines., CBS
[3] Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
[4] John J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock and Joseph E. Sigley (2005), “Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms (3rd Ed),” Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
[5] K J Waldron and G L Kinzel (2004), “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery (2nd
Ed),” Wiley.

Subject Code: CS201 Course Title DBMS

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Introduction of DBMS: Evolution of Database Management Systems, Concept of data models,
database system architecture. [5H]
Data Models: ER Model: ER Schema, entity-sets, ER diagram, Specialization & generalization,
Aggregation; Relational Model: Relations, Keys, Constraints; ER Schema to Relational model;
Relational algebra; tuple and domain relational calculus. [10H]
Structured Query Language: SQL data types, Types of SQL commands, SQL operators, Tables,
views and indexes, Queries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, assertion, trigger, integrity &
SQL, security implementation with SQL, Embedded SQL. (Will be covered in the Lab hours. Lab
will also include exercises on development of a complete database based application) [10H]
Database Design: Functional Dependencies, decomposition, canonical cover, Normalization (1NF-
5NF), Dependency preservation, multivalued dependencies, Join dependencies. [7H]
Transaction Management: Transaction concept, ACID properties, Serializability, Concurrency
control techniques, Recovery concepts and techniques. [5H]
Storage Structure & File Organization: Indexing, ordered indices: B+ tree and B tree index files,
Introduction to Client Server and Distributed Databases [5H]
ext/Reference books:
1. R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe, D. V.L.N. Somayajulu, S. K. Gupta, “Fundamentals of Database
Systems,” 7th edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
2. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts,” 6th edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2010.
3. H. Garcia-Molina, J. D. Ullman, and J. Widom, “Database Systems: The Complete Book,” 2nd
edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
4. D. M. Kroenke, “Database Processing Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation,” 13th
edition, Pearson Education, 2014.
5. C. J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems,” 8 th edition,
Pearson Education, 2006.

Subject Code: EC202 Course Title Instrumentation and

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Basic terminologies (range, span, settling time dead zone, input impedance), Static and Dynamic
characteristics, first order and second order instruments with step, ramp and sinusoidal input, output
characteristics. [5H]
Strain gauge, derivation of gauge factor, strain gauge rosette, unbalanced wheatstone bridge, AC
bridges for capacitance, inductance, phase and frequency measurement. Ultrasonic and its
applications for measurement of flow, displacement and non-destructive testing. [5H]
LVDT, phase compensation, phase sensitive demodulation, thermistor and its linearization, RTD,
its construction, three wire and four wire method Muller bridge, Thermocouple, their relative
comparison, cold junction compensation using AD590, grounded thermocouple, potentiometer as
displacement sensor, Capacitance as displacement and level transducer, push pull arrangement,
Pressure transducer [Bourdon gauge, diaphragm gauge (metal and semiconductor) etc]. [8H]
Signal Conditioning Circuits, Quantization, Resolution, Sample and Hold Circuits, Analog
(Successive Approximation, Ramp, and Flash) and Digital (R-2R, Binary weighted) Converters.
Text/Reference books:
1. Measurement Systems Application and Design, Ernest O. Doebelin, McGraw-Hill
2. Principles of Industrial Instrumentation,2e. Front Cover. Patranabis. Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Clarence W de Silva, MECHATRONICS - An Integrated Approach, CRC Press
4. Alan S Morris, Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Butterworth-Heinemann

Subject Code: ME202 Course Title IT Workshop

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Programming [6 H]
Using C++/MATLAB
Geometric Modelling [6 H]
[1] Part Design - Pad / Pocket
[2] Part Design - Shaft / Groove
[3] Part Design - Rib / Slot
[4] Part Design - Multi-Sections Solids / Removed Multi-Sections Solids
[5] Assembly Design - 1
[6] Assembly Design - 2
Text/Reference books:
[1] Software Manuals
[2] Web sources
Subject Code: CS202 Course Title Oops With Java
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester III
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Introduction to Java, Program structure, Class Libraries, Using Java class libraries, data types,
control structures in Java, simple Java programs, [5H]
Java applications and Applets, Drawing graphical shapes, [5H]
Objects and Classes, Attributes, Methods, Visibility, Class Diagram
Class Relationships, Association, Aggregation, Composition [5H]
Inheritance and Polymorphism, Base class, Derived class, Redefined methods, Abstract methods
and classes [5H]
Java Interfaces [5H]
Exception Handling, try, catch, and finally blocks, Types of Exceptions, Creating exception classes
I/O streams, Character streams, Byte Streams, File Streams, Reading and writing to a file, Persistent
objects, Object streams, Reading and writing objects to a file [10H]
GUI Programming-1: Components, containers, events, listeners, dialog boxes, menu items
GUI Programming-2: Frames, Layouts, Swing components and Hierarchies [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Java How to Program, 7th Ed., Pearson Education, 2007
2. Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel’s Free e-book
3. K. Sierra and B. Bates, Head First Java, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2005.
4. H. Shield, Java: A beginner’s guide, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014

Subject Code: ES205 Course Title Fundamental of

Contact Hours L-2, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (30%), Lab (30%)
Module 1: Introduction [2 H]
1. Introduction and Classification of robots
2. Introduction to Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Elements of robots such as joints, links
Module 2: Robot Kinematics [11 H]
3. Robot as Mechanism
4. Joints and degrees of freedom
5. Position and orientation of a rigid body
6. Homogeneous transformations, Euler Angle
7. Direct kinematics of serial robots, Introduction to D-H parameters and its physical significance
8. Inverse kinematics of serial robots
9. Kinematics of mobile robot, Non-holonomic and holonomic robots
Module 3: Sensors and Actuators [5 H]
10. Sensors for robots: Introduction and their characteristics:
a. Position, Velocity and Acceleration sensors
b. Force, pressure and Torque sensors
c. Light, infrared, proximity and range finder sensors
11. Actuators for robots: Introduction to servo and stepper motors, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators
Module 4: Robot Motion and Control [8 H]
12. Brief introduction to trajectory planning for serial robots
13. Reactive navigation for mobile robot
14. Global navigation
15. Trajectory-following control – basics of feedback and motion control
Module 5: Intelligent robots [2H]
16. Intelligent robots: Programmable and autonomous

1. Demonstration of components of a robot
2. Practice on joints, links and degrees of freedom
3. Simulation of position and orientation of a robot
4. Simulation for forward kinematics of puma or similar robot
5. Simulation for kinematics of mobile robot
6. Inverse kinematics analysis of puma or similar robot
7. Practice on Sensors and actuators (2 labs)
8. Simulation and hardware implementation of Trajectory following robot (4 labs)
Text/Reference books:
1. Introduction to Robotics by Saeed B. Niku
2. Robot Motion and Planning by Choset
3. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by Craig
4. Robot Modeling and Control by M. Spong, S. Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar
Subject Code: MS1 Course Title Management Concepts
and Techniques
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (60%)
Introduction to Operations Management:
Functional Subsystems of Organization, Definition, Systems Concept of Production, Types of
Production Systems – Flow Shop, Job Shop, Batch Manufacturing, The Project, Productivity,
Strategic Management – Corporate Strategic, Generic competitive Strategies, Functional Strategies,
Gross Domestic Product and its impact, World Class Manufacturing. [6 H]
Product & Process Design and Analysis:
Product Design and Analysis is (Definition), new product development - its concepts, Steps of
Product Design, Process Planning and Design -Selection of Process, Process Selection Decision,
Process Planning Design, Responsibilities of Process Planning Engineer, Steps in Process Planning.
Process Design - Process Research, Pilot Development, Capacity Consideration, Commercial Plan
Transfer, Enhanced Capacity Using Optimization. Value Analysis/Value Engineering – History of
Value Analysis/Value Engineering, When to Apply Value Analyses is, Function, Aims, Value
Engineering Procedure, Advantages and Application Areas. Standardization: Standardization
Procedure, Advantages of Standardization, Application of Standardization. Ergonomic
Considerations in Product Design. [9 H]
Statistical quality control: Quality Improvement in the Modern Business Environment, the
DMAIC Process Methods and Philosophy of Statistical Process, Control Charts for Variables,
Control Charts for Attributes Process and Measurement System Capability Analysis [7 H]
Plant Location & Plant Layout:
Factors Influencing Plant Location, Break -even Analysis. Single Facility Location Problem, Multi-
facility Location Problems –Model for Multi -facility Location Problem, Method of
Transformation, Model to Determine X - Coordinates of New Facilities, Model to Determine Y -
Coordinate, Plant Layout - Plant layout introduction, Classification of Layout, Advantages and
limitations of Product Layout, Advantages and limitations of Group Technology Layout, Layout
Design Procedures. [6 H]
Introduction, Johnson’s Problem, Extension of Johnson’s rule. Job Shop Scheduling: Introduction,
Types of Schedules, Schedule Generation, heuristic Procedures, Priority Dispatching Rules. Two
Jobs and Machines Scheduling. [4 H]
Materials Management:
Integrated Materials Management, Components of Integrated Materials Management - Materials
Planning, Inventory Control, Purchase Management, Stores Management. Inventory Control -
Inventory Decisions, Costs Trade Off. Models of Inventory, Operation of Inventory Systems,
Quantity Discount, Implementation of Purchase Inventory Model, Purchasing Management, Stores
Management – Incoming Materials Control, Store Accounting, Obsolete Surplus and Scrap
Management, ABC Analysis, XYZ Analysis, VED Analysis is, FSN Analysis, SDE Analysis.
[8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Panneerselvam “ Production and Operations Management” PHI,2012
2. H.Kaushal, Production / Operations Management, Case Study Solutions, MacMillan, 2012.
3. Ajay K Garg, Production and Operations Management, TMH, 2012
4. B. Mahadevan, Operations Management: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Pearson, 2010.
5. Danny Samson “Operations Management: Integrated Approach” Cambridge, 2012.
6. Kenneth K. Boyer, Rohit Verma, Operations Management: Cengage Learning, 2011.
7. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Production and Operations Management, Universities Press,
8. Prof. L.C. Jhamb: Production Operations Management, 18th ed ition, Everest Publishing
9. J.K, Sharma: Operations Research, Macmillian, 2013.
Subject Code: EC203 Course Title Network Analysis and
Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-Term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End-Term (45%),
Assignment (10%)
Introduction: Formulation of network equation, KCL, KVL and Tellegens theorem. Network
representations and transform methods of network analysis (Transient study in RL, RC, and RLC
networks by Laplace transform method with DC and AC excitation. Response to step, impulse and
ramp inputs.). Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling,
dot convention. [10H]
Two-Port Networks: Characteristics of linear time-invariant networks, relationships among
different network parameters (short circuit admittance parameter, open circuit impedance
parameters, Transmission parameters, Image parameters and Hybrid parameters), interconnections
of networks (Tee and Pie circuit representation, Cascade and Parallel Connections). Two port
devices (Ideal two port devices, ideal transformer). [10H]
Graph theory: Introduction, Linear graph of a network, Tie-set and cut-set schedule, incidence
matrix, Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tie-set, Dual of a network. [5H]
Network Functions: Poles and zeros, restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving point
functions and transfer functions. [5H]
Network Synthesis: Positive real function physical realizabilty conditions, Hurwitz property,
positive realness, properties of positive real functions, Synthesis of R-L, R-C and L-C driving point
functions, Foster and Cauer forms. Introduction to two-port network synthesis. [10H]
Filters: Classification of filters, Characteristics of ideal filters. [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. M.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”
2. M.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Synthesiss”
3. Joseph A. Edminister, Mahmood Maqvi, “Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits,”
Schaum's Outline Series, TMH.

Subject Code: ME203 Course Title Thermodynamics

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Quiz II (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz III (10%),
Assignment (10%), End term (40%)
Introduction to Thermodynamics, Systems, Properties, State of a system. Thermodynamic
Equilibrium, Processes; Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Ideal Gas, Work and Heat Transfer,
Principles of Energy Conversion, Energy Interactions, First Law, Energy Transport Mechanisms,
Point and Path Function, Internal Energy. [12 H]
First Law applied to various Processes; Constant Volume, Constant Pressure, Isothermal,
Reversible- adiabatic, etc.; Applications of First Law to Flow and Non-flow Processes. [12 H]
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements; Carnot theorem;
Available Energy, Entropy, Heat Engine, Heat Pump. [12 H]
Applications: Gas Power Cycles, Otto, Diesel and Brayton; Vapour Power Cycles, Rankine Cycle,
Power Plant Operation; Refrigeration Cycles. [12 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Sonntag (Wiley)
2. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran and Shapiro (Wiley)
3. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel and Boles (TMH)
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by P K Nag (TMH)
Subject Code: CS203 Course Title Computer Organization
and Architecture
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
Introduction: Functional components and operational concepts of a computer, Performance of a
computer. [4H]
Memory Subsystem: Semiconductor memories: SRAM and DRAM cells, Internal organization
of a memory chip, Organization of a memory unit, Error correction, Read-Only Memories,
Interleaved Memories, Cache Memories: Concept, Mapping methods, Caches in commercial
processors, Memory management unit: Concept of virtual memory, Address translation,
Hardware support for memory management, Secondary storage: Hard Disks, RAID, Optical
Disks, Magnetic Tape Systems. [10H]
Input/Output Subsystem: Access of I/O devices, I/O ports, I/O control mechanisms: Program
controlled I/O, Interrupt controlled I/O, and DMA controlled I/O, I/O Interfaces: Serial port,
Parallel port, PCI bus, SCSI bus, USB bus, FireWire and InfiniBand. [10H]
Representation of Instructions: Computer Arithmetic, Machine Instructions, Operands,
Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes, Instruction Formats, Instruction set architectures: CISC
and RISC architectures. [5H]
Processing Unit: Organization of a processor: Registers, ALU and Control Unit, Data path in a
CPU, Instruction cycle, Instruction Pipelining, Organization of a control unit: Control Unit
Operations, Hardwired control unit, Microprogrammed control unit. [10H]
Introduction to Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing. [3H]
Text/Reference books:
1. C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, “Computer Organization”, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill,
2. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
3. W. Stallings , “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance”,
Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2015.
4. D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy, “Computer Organization and Design – The
Hardware/Software Interface”, Fifth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
5. J. P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Subject Code: EC204 Course Title Signals and Systems
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Module1: Classification of Signals & Systems
Continuous and discrete time signals: Classification of Signals: Periodic aperiodic, even / odd,
energy and power signals, Deterministic and random signals, complex exponential and sinusoidal
signals, periodicity: properties of discrete time complex exponential unit impulse - unit step impulse
functions, Transformation in independent variable of signals: time scaling, time shifting. Systems:
Definition, Classification: linear and nonlinear, time variant and invariant, causal and non-causal,
static and dynamic, stable and unstable, invertible. [9H]
Module2: Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Time-Domain representation & Characterization of LTI systems, Impulse response representation,
Convolution integral & Convolution sum, properties of LTI systems, Stability criteria for LTI
systems, Elements of Continuous time & Discrete-time LTI systems.Classification of LTI system:
FIR and IIR, Recursive & nonrecursive system, LTI-DT systems -Characterization using difference
equation, modelling of difference equation: AR System, MA system & ARMA system,
implementation of LTI system: Direct form-I, Correlation, properties and classification of
correlation, input/output relation of LTI system in term correlation. [9H]
Module3: Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems
Fourier representation of Signals, Continuous -time Fourier series and their properties, Application
of Fourier series to LTI systems, Fourier Transform & its properties, Applications of Fourier
Transform to LTI systems, Discrete-time Fourier Transform & its properties. Circular Convolution,
Relationship to other transforms. [9H]
Module 4: Laplace Transform
Introduction & Definition, Region-of- convergence, Properties of Laplace transform, Inverse
Laplace Transform, Applications of Laplace Transform in analysis of LTI systems, Unilateral
Laplace Transform & its applications to solve differential equations, Analysis of Electric circuits.
Module 5: Z-Transform
The Z-Transform, Region-of-convergence, properties of Z-Transform, Inverse Z-Transform,
Transform Analysis of Discrete-time LTI systems, Unilateral Z-Transform & its applications to LTI
systems described by difference equations. [8H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Signals and Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan V. Willsky, S.Hamid Nawab, Prentice Hall
2. Linear Systems and Signals by B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press
3. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach by S. K. Mitra Tata McGraw Hill,
Subject Code: ME204 Course Title Solid Mechanics
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (25%), Quiz II (15%), Assignment (10%), End
term (40%)
Stress & strain:
Tension, compression, shearing stress & strain; Poisson’s ratio: stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s
law; elastic constants and their relations, stress-strain curves, anisotropy & orthotropy, thermal
stresses, composite bars. [8 H]
Members subjected to flexural loads:
Theory of simple bending, bending moment and shear force diagrams, relationship between
bending moment, shear force and load, flexural relation, bending stresses, section modulus and
transverse shear stress distribution. [8 H]
Deflection of Beams:
Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve, Deflections by Integration of the Bending-Moment
Equation, Deflections by Integration of the Shear-Force and Load Equations, Method of
Superposition, Moment-Area Method, Discontinuity Functions, Use of Discontinuity Functions in
Determining Beam Deflections. [8 H]
Principal Stress and Strain:
Principal planes, stresses & strains, maximum normal &shear stresses, Mohr's circle of stress &
strain. [5 H]
Torsional shear stress in solid, hollow and stepped circular shafts, angulardeflection and power
transmission capacity. [5 H]
Theories of Elastic Failures:
The necessity for a theory, different theories,significance and comparison. [4 H]
Buckling and Stability, Columns with Pinned Ends, Columns with Other Support Conditions. [4 H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Beer and Johnston , “Mechanics of Materials”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. James M. Gere, “Mechanics of Materials”, 6thEdition, Thomson Learning Inc.
3. Shames and Pitarresi, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, PHI

Subject Code: CS204 Course Title Design & Analysis of

Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz/Assignment/Project (25%), Midterm (30%), End term (45%)
Models of Computation: space and time complexity measures, lower and upper bounds; Search
Trees: TRIE; B+ Trees, Binomial Trees; [10H]
Design techniques: the greedy method, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking,
branch and bound; examples [10H]
Lower bound for sorting; Selection; [2H]
Graph Algorithms: connectivity, strong connectivity, bi-connectivity, topological sort, shortest
paths, minimum spanning trees, The disjoint set union problem; [10H]
String matching; [2H]
NP-completeness; Introduction to approximate algorithms and Randomized algorithms. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. T. H. Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press.
2. J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison Wesley
3. A. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms,
4. S. Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, McGraw-Hill.
5. M. T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet
Examples, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Subject Code: EC205 Course Title Microprocessor and

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to Microprocessor: Microprocessor based design, design constraints, microprocessor
selection, hardware implementation, software implementation, hardware debugging, software
debugging. [6H]
8085: Introduction to 4044, 8085, 8086 and other latest chips of Intel, Motorola microprocessors.
8085 internal architecture, register structure, bus architecture, cycle timings to execute instruction,
Introduction to Assembly language, basic instruction set, STACK and Memory Architecture,
Implementation of Subroutines with CALL, Interrupt handling with ISR (Interrupt Subroutines)[8]
Interfacing of 8085: Handling of I/O ports and port programming using IN/OUT instruction,
STACK handling and Signed Number Arithmetic, Interfacing instructions and control word
strcuture for various pins like 8255, 8155, 8279,8259, etc. [8H]
8086: Differences between 8085 and 8086, 8086 internal architecture, introduction to
programmable parallel ports and hand shake, input – output, DMA transfer interfacing and
refreshing dynamic RAM, interfacing the 8086 with keyboard, alphanumeric displays, etc. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar,
Penram International.
2. 8086 Programming and Advanced Processor Architecture, M. T. Savaliya, Wiley.
3. Microprocessor 8085 by Dr. Anil Swarnakar, PHI

Subject Code: ME205 Course Title Engineering Materials

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (60%)
Overview of Mechanical Behavior [4 H]
Introduction / Elastic Deformation / Permanent Deformation / Fracture / Summary
Elastic Behavior [6 H]
Introduction / Range of Elastic Moduli / Additional Elastic Properties / Basis for Linear Elasticity /
Anisotropic Linear Elasticity / Rubber Elasticity / Polymer Elasticity and Viscoelasticity /
Mechanical Damping / Summary
Strengthening of Crystalline Materials [6 H]
Introduction / General Description of Strengthening / Work Hardening / Boundary Strengthening /
Solid-Solution Strengthening / Particle Hardening / Strain-Gradient Hardening / Deformation of
Two-Phase Aggregates / Strength, Microstructure, and Processing: Case Studies / Summary
High-Temperature Deformation of Crystalline Materials [6 H]
Introduction / Phenomenological Description of Creep / Creep Mechanisms / Deformation
Mechanism Maps / Materials Aspects of Creep Design / Engineering Estimates of Creep Behavior /
Superplasticity / Hot Working of Metals / Summary
Deformation of Noncrystalline Materials [3 H]
Introduction/Crystalline versus Noncrystalline Structures / Viscosity / Deformation Behavior of
Inorganic Glasses/Deformation of Metallic Glasses/Deformation of Polymeric Materials / Summary
Cellular Solids [3 H]
Introduction / The Geometries and Densities of Cellular Solids / Compressive Behavior of Cellular
Solids / Energy Absorption in Cellular Solids / Sandwich Panels / Summary
Text/Reference books:
1. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Second Edition by Thomas H. Courtney
2. Norman E. Dowling " Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for
Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue"
3. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Subject Code: CS205 Course Title Data Communication

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-3 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (30%), lab (30%)
Introduction History and Development of Computer Networks, Networks Topologies.
Physical Layer: Theoretical Basis, Transmission Media, Wireless Transmission, Digital Transmission,
Data link layer: Error Control, Flow Control, Sliding Window Protocols, HDLC, PPP
Text/Reference books:
1. Andrew S Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks” Pearson Education
2. Ajit Pal, “Data Communications and Computer Networks ” PHI

Subject Code: EC206L Course Title Microprocessor+Electronics

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
A. Microprocessor [18H]
1. Experiments based on general register content transfer instructions
2. Experiments based on some advanced instructions set
3. Experiments based on 1’s and 2’s complements, Masking, Left and Right shift of the binary
numbers in Registers, Look up table, square of a number
4. Largest and smallest numbers in an array, BCD addition and subtraction, Subroutines, programs
based on subroutine implementation.
5. Stack implementation and creation, analysis of prefix, postfix and infix expressions in 8085.
6. Interrupt handling, Priority of interrupts, RST 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, etc.

B. Electronics [24H]
1. Study of Normal and Zener Diode Characteristics
2. Study of Rectifier Circuits with and without Filters
3. Setting up a Power Supply using a Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator
4. Study of LCR Resonant Circuit
5. Rc Circuit as Filtering and Phase Shifting Network
6. Bipolar Junction Transistor Static Characteristics.
7. Study of Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier circuit
8. Two Stage RC Coupled Transistor Amplifier
Text/Reference books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar,
Penram International
2. Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits
3. Robert L. Boylestad Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Subject Code: ME206L Course Title Thermodynamics+Solid
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Lab Work (40%), Midterm (20%), End term (40%)
1. To perform compression, shear and bending test on steel bar and determine compressive strength,
shear strength and bending strength of the bar.
2. To determine the Brinell Hardness/ Rockwell Hardness number for the given specimen.
3. To determine the energy absorbed by the given specimen by Izod Impact Test and Charpy Impact
4. To determine the bending stress and strain in a cantilever beam, using resistance strain gauges.
5. The fundamental objectives of this study are: (a) Calculate and experimentally observe the angular
velocity ratios of gear trains, and (b) Compute the efficiency of gear train.
6. To verify the relation T=I.W.Wp. for gyroscope and stability of vehicles.
7. Compare the measured natural frequency to that obtained theoretically for Whirling of shaft.
8. To find out the corrected performances parameters (compression ratio, valve timing, etc) on petrol
engine and to plot the heat balance sheet.
9. To study the effect of cantilever loading on standard rotating bending specimen, also study the
characteristics of S-N curve for ferrous materials.
10. To study dynamometer & conduct load test on diesel engine.
11. To perform torsion test on a wire.

Text/Reference books:
1. Beer and Johnston , “Mechanics of Materials”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Second Edition by Thomas H. Courtney
3. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
4. Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines.
5. Norman E. Dowling " Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for
Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue"
6. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley & Sons Inc

Subject Code: CS206L Course Title Lab based Project 1

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), lab
Lab based Project 1
Semester V

Subject Code: DS302 Course Title Engineering design

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-4 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (15%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Introduction to Engineering Design: [6 H]
Importance of Design, Design Philosophy, History of Design,Design Paradigm, the Design Process, Good
Design, Engineering Analysis, Design phases, Productand Process Cycle.
Need Identification and Problem Definition: [6 H]
Identifying customer needs, Benchmarking,QualityFunction Deployment, Engineering Design Specification
Concept Design: [6 H]
Creativity and Problem Solving, Functional requirements, Product ComponentDecomposition, Product
Function Decomposition, Conceptual Decomposition, Generating DesignConcepts, Product Form and
Geometry, Product Aesthetics, Evaluating alternative Concepts, Theoryof Inventive Problem Solving,
Axiomatic Design, Concept Evaluation Methods, Decision Making.
Embodiment Design: [6 H]
Introduction, Product Architecture, Configuration Design, Parametric Design,Best Practices, Industrial
Design, Human Factors Design, Design For X (DFX) - Function, Assembly,Manufacture, Environment,
Robustness, Reliability, Recyclability, etc.
Materials Selection: [8 H]
Performance Characteristics of Materials, the Material Selection Process,Economics of Materials, Material
Selection Methods.
Selection of Manufacturing Processes: [4 H]
Manufacturing Processes, Costs of Manufacturing, ProcessSelection.
Building and Testing Prototypes: [3 H]
Building Traditional Prototypes, Building Rapid Prototypes, Testing Prototypes, Testing Product Usability.
Design for Failure, Safety and Tolerance: [3 H]
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Design for Safety,Tolerance Design.
Text/Reference books:
[1] Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill
[2] Dennis M. Buede, The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, John Wiley & Sons inc.

Subject Code: EC307 Course Title Fundamental of

Electromagnetic Theory
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
EMWAVES: Review of vector and coordinate systems, review Electrostatic and Magneto-statics,
Maxwell’s equations for static and time varying fields, Boundary conditions, Propagation of uniform plane
waves in perfect dielectric and lossy medium, Wave velocity and impedance, Reflection and refraction.
Transmission Lines: Introduction of Transmission lines, Transmission line parameters and equations,
Solution for lossless lines, Reflection and Transmission coefficients at junctions, VSWR, Introduction to
Smith Chart. [10H]
Waveguides: Introduction of Waveguides, Waveguides Modes, Solution of Wave Equations in Rectangular
and Cylindrical waveguides for TM and TE, Wave propagation in Waveguide, Power Transmission and
losses. [12H]
Antenna and Radiation: Radiation fundamentals, the half-wave dipole antenna. Antenna performance
parameters, two element array, linear arrays, multiplication of patterns, antennas for various applications,
Propagation of radio waves (introduction). [10H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, E.C.Jordan and K.G.Balmain, PHI.
[2] Elements of Electromagnetics, Mathew N.O.Sadiku, Oxford University Press.
[3] Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics by J.A. Administer
Subject Code: ME307 Course Title Manufacturing
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (15%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Machining and Mechanics of Metal Cutting: [14 H]
Introduction to orthogonal & oblique cutting; Chip information mechanism; heat generation and cutting tool
temperature, tool geometry – ASA, ORS, NRS and relationships, selection of tool angles. Cutting tool
material; tool wear; tool life and machinability; surface finish; cutting fluids. Merchant’s circle diagram,
coefficient of friction, stress, strain and strain rate, shear angle. Leee and Shaffer’s Relationship: Friction in
Metal cutting-sticking & sliding.
Material Removal Processes: [8 H]
Basic operations of turning, shaping, slotting and planning, drilling and boring, milling.Introduction multi-
point cutting tools; twist drill, helical milling cutter. Practical machining operations with machining
parameters, force magnituds, power consumption, material removal rate, time per pass.
Cutting Force Measurement: [2 H]
Basic methods of measurement, axially loaded members, cantilever beam, rings and octagon, dynamometer
requirements machine tool dynamometers.
Economics of Machining: [4 H]
Cutting parameters for minimum production cost criteria; maximum production and profit rate criterion.
Restrictions on cutting conditions (power, speed, force and vibration, surface finish).
Metal Forming: [10 H]
Plasticity: Introduction to stress, strain, stress-strain relationships, Mechanics of Forming Processes:
Rolling, Forging, Drawing, Deep Drawing Extrusion, Punching and Blanking.
Casting: [4 H]
Design of riser, runner and gating system, mechanism and analysis of solidification.
Text/Reference books:
1. M.C. Shaw, Metal Cutting Principles, 2nd Edition Oxford University Press, England 2005.
2. A. Ghosh and A.K. Malik, Manufacturing Science. Affilated East West press 1985.
3. Mikel P. Groover, “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons inc.

Subject Code: CS307 Course Title Computer Network

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%).
 Introduction: History and Development of Computer Networks, Review of Data communication
concepts and techniques, Networks Topologies, Network model components, layered network models
(OSI reference model, TCP/IP networking architecture) [10H]
 Data Link and MAC sublayer:
• Preliminaries of Error Control, Flow Control and Sliding Window Protocols.
• Aloha Protocols, CSMA Protocols, Collision Free Protocols, Local Area Networks -- Ethernet,
Wireless LAN, Broadband Wireless. [10H]
 Network Layer: Routing Algorithms, Subnets, Congestion Control Algorithms, Internetworking --
Bridges and Routers. [10H]
 Transport Layer: Connection Establishment, and release, TCP, UDP, Flow Control and Congestion
Control, Quality of Services. [10H]
Application Layer Potocols and Introduction to Network Security. [2H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall , Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Pearson Publications,
[2] W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 10th Edition, Pearson Publication, 2013.
[3] B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publication, 2012.
[4] B. S. Davie and L. L. Peterson, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5th Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann Publication, 2011.
Subject Code: EC308 Course Title Control Systems
Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Terminology and basic structure, feedback control theory, multivariable systems, [1 H]
Modelling of physical systems, state- variable models; block diagram, signal flow graph and Masons gain
formula. [6 H]
Time and frequency response of first and second order systems. [4 H]
Control system characteristics: stability, sensitivity, disturbance rejection and steady-state accuracy;
stability analysis: Routh-Hurwitz test, relative stability. [4 H]
Root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots. [6 H]
Concepts of state variables and state model - state models for linear continuous-time systems, solution of
state equations, concepts of controllability and observability, Pole placement by State Feedback. [10 H]
The z-transform and Inverse z-transform, Pulse Transfer Function, z- and s-domain Relationship, Stability.
[10 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall India, 2006.
[2] I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control System Engineering, New age International, 5th edition, 2008.
[3] B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Prentice-hall of India, 7th edition, 2000.

Subject Code: ME308 Course Title Fluid Mechanics

Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (15%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
1.Fundamental concepts: Continuum models, characteristics of fluids. [1 H]
2.Fluid Statics: Hydrostatic pressure, forces on submerged surfaces, pressure measurement. [6 H]
3.Integral Analysis: Fundamental laws, systems and control volumes, Reynold’s Transport Theorem,
conservation of mass, momentum and energy equation, Applications to various fluidic systems. [12 H]
4. Differential Analysis of fluid flow: Flow Kinematics, Types of flow, Flow field, velocity, acceleration,
stream function, vorticity. Incompressible- inviscid flow, Euler's and Bernoulli's equation. [10 H]
5. Dimensional analysis and similitude, dimensionless numbers, kinematic and dynamic similarity. [3 H]
6.Flow in conduits and pipes – Incompressible viscous flow, fully developed flow in pipes, velocity
distribution, laminar and turbulent flow, head loss, major and minor losses, Flow measurement, pipeline
networks, bends, fittings, series and parallel pipes. [8 H]
7. Boundary layers and flow over objects, separation, lift and drag, applications for flat plate like objects.
[5 H]
8. Introduction to Compressible Flow - speed of sound, stagnation properties. Steady state-one-
dimensional compressible flow - basic equations for isentropic flow, adiabatic flow with friction. [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White (MGH)
[2] Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox and McDonald (Wiley)
Subject Code: CS308 Course Title Operating System
Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Operating systems for mainframe and desktops: A Historical Overview, Batch OS, Multiprogramming OS,
Time sharing OS, Multiprocessor and Distributed systems, Clustered systems, Real Time Systems. [2H]
Operating system structure: OS services, system calls, System programs, System structure, Virtual
machines. [4H]
Process Management: Process concept, Process scheduling, Operations on processes,
Threads. [3H]
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Multiprocessor scheduling, Real time
scheduling, Thread scheduling. [4H]
Inter process communication: Cooperating processes, The Critical Section problem, Two tasks solutions,
Semaphores, Classical synchronization. [4H]
Deadlocks: Characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks, Prevention, avoidance and detection,
Recovery. [3H]
Memory management: Background, swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging and segmentation,
Virtual memory, Demand paging, Page replacement, thrashing. [10H]
File system management: File concept, Access method, Directory structure, File System mounting, File
sharing, Allocation methods, Protection. [4H]
Mass storage structure and management: Disk structure, Disk scheduling and Management, Swap space
management, RAID structure. [4H]
Protection and Security: Goals, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Capability based systems, Security
problems, User authentication, Program threats and system threats [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. A. Silberschatz, B. P. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004
2. W. Stalling, Operating System, 6th edition, Pearson Education, 2009
Subject Code: EC309 Course Title Principle of
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to Communication Systems:
Communication network and channel, Difference between Analog and Digital type of signal and
Communication, Classification of Signals and systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform and its Properties
and examples, Impulse Response, and Transfer Function. [5H]
Amplitude modulation (Linear modulation):
Modulation, Amplitude Modulation, and Double Sideband Modulation. Single-Sideband and Vestigial-
Sideband Modulations. Implementation of AM Modulators and demodulators. [8H]
Angle Modulation:
Basic definition, Phase modulation, frequency modulation, relationship between frequency and phase
modulation, bandwidth of FM signal, Narrowband and wideband frequency modulation, Transmission
bandwidth of FM signal, Generation and detection of angle modulation. [8H]
Effect of Noise on Amplitude Modulation System:
Effect of noise on linear modulation systems (Base-band systems, DSB-SC AM, SSB AM,
Conventional AM). [7H]
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation System:
Noise in frequency modulation systems, threshold effect in FM system performance, threshold
improvement in FM Discriminators, Noise in phase-modulated system, comparison of analog modulation
system. [7H]
Pulse Modulation:
Sampling of band-limited signals and band pass signals, quantization, PCM system, Analog pulse
modulation. [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Communication System, Haykin, S., Fourth Edition, Wiley and Sons, 2005.
2. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, Lathi, B.P., Oxford University Press.
3. Communication System Engineering, John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Prentice Hall,2006.

Subject Code: ME309 Course Title Design of

Mechanical Components
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Engineering Design, Basic requirements for machine elements and machines, Properties of materials.
Design of Cotter and Knuckle Joint:
Design of Cotter Joint with consideration of tensile failure of rod, spigot and socket; shear failure; crushing
Design of Knuckle Joint considering failure of rod, pin, eye, fork end. [4H]
Design of Thick and Thin cylinders:
Cylinders, Cylinders subjected to internal pressure, Vessels subjected to external pressure, Pipes and Tubes.
Design of Shafts, Keys and Coupling:
Causes of Failures in shafts, Shaft subjected to pure torsional load and combined load, Design of Keys and
Coupling. [4H]
Design of Bolted and Welded Joints:
Thread forms, Terminology, and Standards, Joint subjected to external load, Bolt tightening and initial
tension,Joint-Fastener Stiffness.
Welded joints subjected to static axial and direct shearloading, Welded joints subjected to static torsional
and bendingloading. [8H]
Design of Springs:
Terminology, Stress in the spring, Curvature effect, Deflection of helical springs.
Selection of Bearings:
Bearingtypes and applications, Bearing designation, Selection of bearing type.
Design and Selection of Gears and Belts:
Classification of Gears, Terminology, Tooth systems, Force analysis of Spur Gear, Lewis Bending
equation, Velocity consideration in Lewis equation, Dynamic Tooth Load, Static Tooth Load, Wear Tooth
Load, Design Procedure for Spur Gears.
Types of Belt Drives, Selection of a Belt Drive, Velocity ratio and length of a Belt Drive.
Design of Clutches and Brakes:
Functions of Clutch, Single and Multi plate clutches, Distinction between brake and clutch, shoe brake,
band brakes. [2H]
Design for variable loading:
Stress Concentration, Fatigue, Fatigue-Life Methods, Endurance limit, Endurance limit modifying factors,
Fatigue Failure Criteria for Fluctuating Stress. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Shigley, J., Mechanical Engineering Design, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Bhandari, V., Design of Machine Elements, Second Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2007.
3. Design Data Book, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
4. Juvinall, R. C. and Marshek, K.M., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Wiley, 2005.

Subject Code: CS309 Course Title Language Theory

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz /Assignments (25%), Midterm (30%), End term (45%)
Introduction of Automata, Computability, and Complexity; Mathematical notations and terminology;
Finding proofs and types of proofs. [4H]
Finite Automata and regular languages: Formal definitions, Designing finite automata, Deterministic
finite automata, Non-deterministic finite automata, Equivalence of NFAs and DFAs, finite automata
with epsilon-transition; regular expressions and languages, Properties of Regular languages, conversion
of RE to FA and vice versa. Pumping Lemma. [10H]
Push down Automata and Context free languages: Context free grammars, Designing context free
grammar, Ambiguity in CFG and its removal, Chomsky normal form. Push down Automata: formal
definition, graphical notations, Languages accepted by PDA, Equivalence of PDA and CFG, Non-
context free languages, Pumping Lemma for CFGs. [10H]
Turing Machines and Computability: Formal definition of Turing machines with examples, Variants of
Turing machines, [6H]
Decidability, un-decidability and reducibility: Decidable languages; Decidable problems concerning
regular languages and context free languages, The halting problem, Post correspondence problems,
Undecidable problems. [8H]
Computational Complexity & NP-Completeness: The class P, The class NP, Reductions, The class NP-
Complete, Dealing with NP-Completeness. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. J. H. Hopcroft, R, Motwani, J. D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and
Computation, Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi
2. M. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Third Edition, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
Subject Code: EC310a Course Title Computer Networks
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%).
 Introduction: History and Development of Computer Networks, Review of Data communication
concepts and techniques, Networks Topologies, Network model components, layered network models
(OSI reference model, TCP/IP networking architecture) [10H]
 Data Link and MAC sublayer: [10H]
• Preliminaries of Error Control, Flow Control and Sliding Window Protocols.
• Aloha Protocols, CSMA Protocols, Collision Free Protocols, Local Area Networks -- Ethernet,
Wireless LAN, Broadband Wireless.
 Network Layer: Routing Algorithms, Subnets, Congestion Control Algorithms, Internetworking --
Bridges and Routers. [10H]
 Transport Layer: Connection Establishment, and release, TCP, UDP, Flow Control and Congestion
Control, Quality of Services. [10H]
Application Layer Potocols and Introduction to Network Security. [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall , Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Pearson Publications,
2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 10th Edition, Pearson Publication, 2013.
3. B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publication, 2012.
4. B. S. Davie and L. L. Peterson, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5th Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann Publication, 2011.

Subject Code: EC310b Course Title Digital System Design

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to Digital Design and Digital Logic: What is Digital? Specification and Implementation of
digital design, Structured and Trial-Error methods in design, Digital Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools.
Binary Number System, Octal, Hexa-decimal and BCD Codes, Number System Conversion, Use of
different number systems in digital design, Logic gates – AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR etc., NAND and
NOR implementation of real life digital circuits, Digital Circuit Characterization – Fan-in/Fan-out,
Switching functions, Switching times, Noise margin etc. [6H]
Boolean Algebra: AND, OR and other relations, DeMorgan’s law, Karnaugh Maps, Minimization of Sum
of Products and Product of Sums, Design of minimal two-level gate networks, Design of multiple output
two level gate networks. [5H]
Combinational Circuit Design: Design Procedure, Design of Multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, Comparator,
Design of Seven-segment display, Parity generator, Design of large circuits using the above modules. [5H]
Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design: Design of sequential modules – SR, D, T and J-K Flip-flops,
Flip-flop applications – Clock generation, Counters, Registers, Basic State machine concepts. [6H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Logic Design – Charles H. Roth, 5th Ed., Cengage Learning.
2. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design – Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer and Arthur D.
Friedman- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Logic Design Theory – N. N. Biswas, PHI
4. Switching and Finite Automata Theory – Z. Kohavi , 2nd Ed., 2001, TMH
5. Digital Design – Morris Mano, M.D.Ciletti, 4th Edition, PHI
6. Digital Circuits and Logic Design – Samuel C. Lee, PHI
Subject Code: EC310c Course Title Intelligent Control
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Biological foundations to intelligent systems I: Artificial neural networks, Back-propagation networks,
Radial basis function networks, and recurrent networks. [6H]
Biological foundations to intelligent systems II: Fuzzy logic, knowledge representation and inference
mechanism, genetic algorithm, and fuzzy neural networks. [6H]
Fuzzy and expert control (standard, Takagi-Sugeno, mathematical characterizations, design example),
Parametric optimization of fuzzy logic controller using genetic algorithm. [6H]
System identification using neural and fuzzy neural networks. [5H]
Stability analysis: Lyapunov stability theory and Passivity Theory. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Stanislaw H. Zak, Systems and Control, Oxford University Press, 2003
2. A.S. Poznyak, E. N. Sanchez and Wen Yu, Differential Neural Networks for Robust Nonlinear
Control, World Scientific, 2001.
3. Kevin M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovich, Fuzzy Control, Addison Wesley Longman, Menlo Park,
CA, 1998

Subject Code: ME310a Course Title Steam Turbine

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Flow through nozzles:
Flow in Steam Nozzles, Nozzle types, Flow area of nozzle, Nozzles operating in the off design condition,
super saturated flow. [3H]
Steam Turbine:
Classification of Turbines, Metallurgical Consideration, Working Principles, Description of main
components i.e. Turbine Casing, Rotor, Blades, Steam admission Valves, Couplings, Bearing, Barring Gear,
Turbine Velocity Diagrams, Diagram work and diagram efficiency. [7H]
Cooling Water System & Cooling Towers: CW Open and Closed System, CW pumps, Cooling Towers,
CT Fans, Calculation. [6H]
Regenerative Feed Heating System: Description and Layout system, Working Principles and
constructional details of L P Heaters, HP Heaters, Deaerator, GSC, Ejector. Drip drain system,
Regenerative Rankine Cyle with calculations. [8H]
Turbine House Pumps & Compressor: Constructional details and working principles of condensate
extraction pump, Boiler feed pump, clarified water pump, HP & LP Dozing pump, PA & IA Compressors
with drier. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Rajmohan Gupta, “Steam Turbine”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
2. P. K. Nag, “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
3. R. Yadav, “Steam Turbine”, Khanna Publishers.
4. “Modern Power Station Practice” Volume C, British Electricity International Ltd., Central Electricity
Generating Board, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991.
5. “Steam Turbine and its Auxiliaries”, Manufacturer’s Power Plant Manual.
6. Power Plant Familiarisation – Vol. III, NPTI Publication.
7. M. M. Vakil, “ Power Plant Technology”
Subject Code: ME310b Course Title Steam Generators
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Description of Main Boiler:
Classification and Types of Steam Generators, Fundamentals of Boilers design. Constructional details
including steam water circuit of high pressure and high capacity water tube boilers, Economizers, Super-
heaters, De-Superheater, Re-heaters. [8H]
Boiler Circulation Theory:
Boiler Drum & its Internals, Boiler Mountings, Feed water treatment. [4H]
Air Pre-heater:
Types and functions, Constructional details, SCAPH, Soot Blower. [4H]
Draft System:
Theory of Natural, Induced, Forced and Balance Draft, Constructional details /Lubricating Oil System for
PA Fan, FD Fan, ID Fan, Layout etc. [4H]
Electrostatic Precipitator:
Basic working principle and constructional details of Electrostatic Precipitator, Corona effect, Rapping
Mechanism. [4H]
Ash handling system:
Bottom ash, Fly ash, System Layout, equipment description, Ash disposal and utilization. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. P. K. Nag, “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
2. ‘Modern Power Station Practice”, Volume B, British Electricity International Ltd., Central Electricity
Generating Board, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991.
3. “Steam Generator and its Auxiliaries”, Manufacturer’s Power Plant Manual.
4. Power Plant Familiarisation – Vol. II, NPTI Publication

Subject Code: ME310c Course Title Gas Dynamics

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester I
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Governing equations of compressible flow. [2H]
1 D Flow:
Introduction - Normal Shock Relations - Hugoniot Equations. [4H]
Oblique Shocks:
Supersonic flow over wedges and cones - Interaction of shocks of opposite families - Intersection of shocks
of same family. [6H]
3D Shock Waves:
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion waves - Shock expansion theory - Crocco's Theorem. [6H]
Linearized Flow:
Linearized velocity potential equation - Linearized pressure coefficient - Linearized Subsonic flow -
Improved compressibility corrections - Linearized supersonic flow - Critical Mach Number. [4H]
Unsteady wave motion:
Moving normal shock wave - Reflected shock waves - Incident and reflected expansion waves - Shock tube
relations - Finite compression waves. [6H]
Text/Reference books:
1. H. W. Liepmann and A. Roshko, Elements of Gas Dynamics
2. John D. Anderson, Jr., Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective, Third Edition,
Subject Code: CS310a Course Title Soft Computing
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Introduction to Computing: Evolution of Computing, Basics of Soft Computing. Conventional AI and
Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning Basics. [8H]
Neural Networks: Introduction to neural networks, Neural network architecture, Learning methods,
Architecture of a back propagation network, Applications. [8H]
Fuzzy Logic: Crisp and Fuzzy sets, membership functions, Basic operations on fuzzy sets, Properties of
fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations, Propositional and predicate logic, fuzzy mapping rules and implications,
Applications. [8H]
Nature Inspired Algorithms: Introduction, Genetic algorithms, Differential evolution, Particle swarm
optimization, Cuckoo search. [12H]
Hybrid Systems: Integration of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms. [6H]
Text/Reference books:
1. N.P. Padhy and S.P. Simon, Soft Computing: With Matlab Programming, Oxford University Press,
2. K.H.Lee, First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
3. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning , Addison
Wesley, 1989.
4. S. Rajasekaran and G.A.Vijaylakshmi Pai, Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms,
Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
5. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun and E. Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, Prentice Hall of India,

Subject Code: CS310b Course Title Parallel Computing

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Paradigm of Parallel Computing: Flynn’s taxonomy, Pipelining, SIMD, MIMD, Classification of parallel
computers [05 H]
Programming Parallel Computers: Parallel Programming, Parallel Languages, Cognitive Training
[04 H]
Connectivity: Synchronizing Communications, role of Memory, Network design, System Interconnections
[04 H]
Data Flow Computer: dataflow graphs, elements of dataflow computers [04 H]
Software Issues in Parallel Computing: ideal Situation, using existing serial programs [[04 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Elements of Parallel Computing, V Rajaraman, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Parallel Computing: Principles and Practice, T. J. Fountain, Cambridge University press, 2006

Subject Code: CS310c Course Title Coding Theory

Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Review of basic concepts: probability including Bayesian analysis, Introduction to entropy and information
content [6L]
Basics of coding theory: Finite fields, linear codes, generator and parity check matrices [6L]
General theory of data compressions: Overview of specific data compression techniques
Channel capacity theory, Shannon’s Noisy Channel Coding Theorem [10L]
Some Interesting Codes: Repetition Codes, Hamming Codes, Hadamard Codes Cyclic Codes, BCH Codes,
Reed-Solomon Codes, The Golay Codes [10L]
Bounds on Codes: Krawtchouk Polynomials and the Linear Programming Bound, Asymptotic Bounds,
Evaluation of different coding techniques in specific situations [10L]
Text/Reference books:
1. van Lint, J. H. Introduction to coding theory, Third edition. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
2. Huffman, W. C. and Pless, V. Fundamentals of error-correcting codes. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2003.
3. D. R. Hankerson, D. G. Hoffman, D. A. Leonard, C. C. Lindner, K. T. Phelps, C. A. Rodger , J. R. Wall,
Coding theory and cryptography: The essentials, 2nd edition, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1991.

Subject Code: EC311L Course Title Control

systems + Communication
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
A. Control System [18H]
1. Relay Control System
2. AC/DC Motor Driver
3. Process Control Simulator
4. Lead/Lag Network
5. AC/DC servo Control
6. Frequency Response Analysis
B. Communication [15H]
1. Study of AM, SSB-SC and DSB-SC modulation techniques.
2. Study of frequency modulation techniques and observe the spectrum in spectrum analyser.
3. Study the time division multiplexing techniques and observe time domain signal on CRO.
4. Study of frequency division multiplexing techniques and observe the frequency spectrum in
spectrum analyser.
5. Study of PAM, PPM, and PWM techniques.
Text/Reference books:
1. Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M Gopal, McGraw-Hill, 2003
2. Control Systems Engineering by I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New age International, 2007
3. Lab Manuel: Communication lab
4. Communication System, Haykin, S., Fourth Edition, Wiley and Sons, 2005.
5. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, Lathi, B.P., Oxford University Press, 2006.

Subject Code: ME311L Course Title FM&ST

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
[1] To determine Coriolli's Component of Acceleration at various speeds of rotation.
[2] To calculate the Coefficient of Discharge Cd, Coefficient of Velocity Cv, and Coefficient of
Contraction Cc for various heads over orifice fitted in the side of a tank. And to draw a relationship
between these coefficients and the size of the orifice
[3] To compute Piezo-metric head and draw Hydraulic Gradient Line for the given flow passage
[4] To determine friction factor for the given pipes and also plot friction factor vs Reynold’s number
for all the pipes and compare it with the Moody’s chart.
[5] To calculate the coefficient of discharge for the given Venturimeter and Orificemeter.
[6] To study journal bearing test rig system. Perform the pressure profile of lubricating oil at various
conditions of load and speed and the frictional torque & power transmitted.
[7] To study the heat transfer phenomena in Parallel/ Counter flow arrangements.
[8] To the obtain performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump.
[9] To determine head loss coefficient for the given bend in pipes and To determine Bernoullis
[10] To the obtain performance characteristics of a Francis turbine and determine its specific speed.
[11] To conduct load test on diesel engine. (a). Determine the Willien's line by graphical and regression
method.; (b) To find out brake power, brake and indicated thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency,
bsfc, isfc, IMEP. BMEP, Air fuel ratio, specific brake output, mean piston speed, clearance volume
and (c) Plot-Load v/s above parameter
[12] To determine COP for a given refrigeration system.

Text/Reference books:
1. Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines., TMH
2. Thomas Bevan, .Theory of Machines., CBS
3. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
4. John J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock and Joseph E. Sigley (2005), “Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms (3rd Ed),” Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
5. K J Waldron and G L Kinzel (2004), “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery (2 nd Ed),”

Subject Code: CS311L Course Title Lab based Project 2

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
Lab based Project 2

Subject Code: HS303a Course Title Soft Skills and use of

English Language
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2,GD-1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Personality Development and Soft Skills
1. Personality Development and Career Growth. [3H]
- Why EQ matters more than IQ
2. Soft Skills – A Dire Need [5L]
- Development of Qualities
3. Body Language [5L]
- A learning or Training?
4. Master Mind Technique [7L]
- Definite chief Aim
- First- checking Self
- Art of Co-operation
- Walking an extra mile
- Limitations – a dead end

Use of English and Soft Skills

1. Communication Skills [5L]
- Matter
- Phonetics (English LAB)
- Structure (Grammar)
2. Functional Dynamics of Language [6L]
- Improving Presentations (Presentation Assignments)
3. Proper Writing Skills [5L]
- Systematic Errors (Writing Assignments)
4. The Remedial Language [4L]
- Removing errors Specific to Indians (Writing Assignments)

Text/Reference books:
- Personality Development and Soft Skills - Barun K. Mitra
-Communication Skills and Personality Development - Dr. Seema Biji, Margaret Singh Punj
-Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development- B.N. Ghosh
-The Laws of Success- Napoleon Hill.

Subject Code: HS303b Course Title Literature in Social

Cultural Panorama
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0, GD -1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Values in Literature and Human Personality.
1. Shakespeare [8H]
- Merchant of Venice
- Hamlet
2. John Ruskin [5H]
- King’s Treasuries
- Queen’s Garden

3. Wordsworth [3H]
- Daffodils
4. C. Rajagopalchari [4H]
- Ramayan (2 chapters)
Literature edifice of Society and Culture
1. Rabindranath Tagore [5H]
- The Wife’s Letter
2. Sri Aurobindo- On Rebirth of India [5H]
(Some excerpts)
3. Jawahar Lal Nehru [5H]
- Gandhi Comes. (Discovery of India)
4. Premchand [5H]
- The Aim of Literature.
Text/Reference books:
Abrams, M.H. Wordsworth: A Collection of Critical Essays. 1992
Bradley, John. An Introduction to Ruskin. 1971
Cook, E.T. The Works of John Ruskin. 1996
Nehru, Jawaharlal. The Discovery of India. 1994
Rajagopalchari, C. The Story of Ramayan. 2007
The Oxford India Premchand
(New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004
Scott, David. Shakespeare and the Shapes of Time. 1982
Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare a Life in Drama. 1995
Wordsworth, Jonathan. William Wordsworth: The Borders of Vision. 1982
The Oxford Tagore.

Subject Code: HS303c Course Title Indian Philosophy and

Literature in Engilish
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2, GD-1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Indian Writing in English
1. Rabindranath Tagore [3H]
- Gitanjali (song no. 1-7, 13, 18, 57)
2. Dr. S.Radhakrishnan- [7H]
- The Hindu View of Life. (1 chapter)
- An Idealist View of Life. (selected readings- 1 chapter)
3. Mahatma Gandhi- [3H]
- The story of my Experiments with truth. (selected readings- 2 chapters)
4. Swami Vivekananda- [5H]
- Microcosm
- Macrocosm
5. Kabir – [4H]
- Some songs
American Literature
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson- [8H]
- The America Scholar
- Self Reliance
2. Henry David Thoreau- [8H]
- Christianity and Hinduism compared
- Resistance to Civil Government
3. Some Poems- [2H]
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
i. Brahma
ii. Hamatreya
4. Henry David Thoreau [2H]
- Walden (book –some readings)
Text/Reference books:
1. Basham, A.L. The Wonder that was India, New Delhi: Rupa and Co., 1997
2. Buell, Lawrence, The American Transcendentalists Essential Writings, New York: Random
House, 2006.
3. Gopal, Sarvepalli, Radhakrishnan: A Biography, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003.
4. Iyengar, Srinivas K.R., Indian Writing in English, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 2002.
5. Mcdermott, Robert A., Basic Writings of S. Radhakrishnan, Mumbai:Jaico Publishing House,
6. Mumukshananda, Swami, The Complete works of Swami Vivekananada, Calcutta: Swami
Mumukshananda, 1994.
7. Narayan, Shriman, The Selected works of Mahatma Gandhi, Ahmedabad: Navjivan Trust, 1997.
8. Radhakrishnan, S., An Idealist View of Life, New Delhi: Indus Publishers, 1994.
9. Radhakrishnan, S., The Hindu View of Life, Mumbai: Blackie and Son Publishers, 1983.
10. Tagore, Rabindranath, Gitanjali, New Delhi: Macmillan India Limited, 1997.

Subject Code: HS304 Course Title Environmental Science

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Midterm (25%), Quiz II (15%), End term (45%)
Unit 1 : Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies [2H]
Definition, scope and importance
Need for public awareness.
Unit 2 : Natural Resources :
Renewable and non-renewable resources :
Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.
b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies.
d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing,
effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.
f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced
landslides, soil erosion and desertification.
• Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
• Equitable use of resoureces for sustainable lifestyles.
[8 H]
Unit 3 : Ecosystems
Concept of an ecosystem.
• Structure and function of an ecosystem.
• Producers, consumers and decomposers.
• Energy flow in the ecosystem.
• Ecological succession.
• Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
a. Forest ecosystem
b. Grassland ecosystem
c. Desert ecosystem
d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
(6 H)
Unit 4 : Biodiversity and its conservation
• Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
• Biogeographical classification of India
• Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and
option values
• Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.
Inida as a mega-diversity nation.
• Hot-sports of biodiversity.
• Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts.
• Endangered and endemic species of India
• Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
(8 H)
Unit 5 : Environmental Pollution
• Cause, effects and control measures of :-

a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Marine pollution
e. Noise pollution
f. Thermal pollution
g. Nuclear hazards

• Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
• Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
• Pollution case studies.
• Diaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
(8 H)
Unit 6 : Social Issues and the Environment
• From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
• Urban problems related to energy
• Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
• Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies
• Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents
and holocaust. Case Studies.
• Wasteland reclamation.
• Consumerism and waste products.
• Environment Protection Act.
• Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
• Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
• Wildlife Protection Act
• Forest Conservation Act
• Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
• Public awareness.
(7 H)
Unit 7 : Human Population and the Environment
• Population growth, variation among nations.
• Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme.
• Environment and human health.
• Human Rights.
• Value Education.
• Women and Child Welfare.
• Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
• Case Studies.
(6 H)
Unit 8 : Field work
• Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-
• Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
• Study of common plants, insects, birds.
• Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc. (Field work Equal to 5 lecture
Unit 9: Hazard of Fireworks and ways of reducing them: (5 H)
Text/Reference books:
1. Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental Biology, Nidi Publ. Ltd. Bikaner.
2. Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad – 380 013,
India, (R)
3. Brunner R.C., 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. 480p
4. Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB)
5. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumabai, 1196p
6. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (R)
8. Gleick, H.P. 1993. Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev.,Environment & Security.
Stockholm Env. Institute Oxford Univ. Press. 473p
9. Hawkins R.E., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay NaturalHistory Society,
Bombay (R)
10. Heywood, V.H & Waston, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment.Cambridge Univ. Press
11. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws.Himalaya Pub. House,
Delhi 284 p.
12. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M. 1996. Environmental Science systems &Solutions, Web
enhanced edition. 639p.
13. Mhaskar A.K., Matter Hazardous, Techno-Science Publication (TB)
14. Miller T.G. Jr. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. (TB)
15. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA, 574p
16. Rao M N. & Datta, A.K. 1987. Waste Water treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ.Co. Pvt. Ltd. 345p.
17. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut
18. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M)
19. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science (TB)
Subject Code: EC312 Course Title Linear Integrated
Circuit Design
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Basic Information of Op-Amp: Ideal Op-Amp Characteristics of OP-Amp, Practical Op-Amp,
offset voltages and bias current, Internal structure and its analysis using BJT/MOSFET, Input stage,
level shifter, and power stage Op-Amp data sheet and various parameters specifications of OpAmp,
the error budget of Op-Amp circuits using temperature sensitive drift parameters. concept of virtual
ground, Slew rate, CMRR, PSRR, Temperature drift of offset voltage and bias current.
Application of Op-Amp: Voltage series shunt feedback to use Op-Amp as an Amplifier, Inverting
and non-Inverting, Summing amplifiers, Integrator and differentiator Differential Circuit using Op-
Amp, Common Mode and differential mode signal analysis, V/I and I/V convertors,
Instrumentation Amplifiers, applications as weight measurement, temperature measurement etc.
Frequency compensation, slew rate and methods of improving slew rate. Application of Operational
Amplifiers, Analysis of four quadrant and variable trans conductance multipliers, Voltage
controlled Oscillator. Active filter design, high pass, low pass Butterworth and Chebyshev filter
designs, higher order filter design Closed loop analysis of PLL, AM, PM and FSK modulators and
demodulator. [12H]

Non Linear Application: Comparators, Schmitt trigger with hysteresis and various application,
Multi vibrators using Op-Amps, Waveform generators, clipper and clamper circuits, peak detector,
sample and hold circuits, D/A convertors R-2R ladder and weighted resistor type, A/D convertors:
dual slope, successive approximation and flash type. [10H]

Special purpose ICs: 555 timer IC, functional block diagram and various applications of 555 IC,
566 Volatge controlled Oscillator circuit, 565 PLL, Analog Multiplier circuits, LM317 and 732 IC
regulators circuit design, Switching regulator, MA 7840, LM380 Power Amplifier, Isolation
Amplifier, Opto-couplers and optoelectronic ICs ICL 8038 Function generator. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated CircuitsRamGayakwadPrentice Hall, Fourth edition.
2. Linear Integrated Circuit Roy D. Choudhury (1992-06), John Wiley & Sons.
3. Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated CircuitsThomas L. Floyd
Buchla(1998),Prentice Hall.
4. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit,WillamD.Stanley ,Merrill,Third edition
5. Linear Integrated Circuits, JackWinzerSaunders College Publishing, First Edition
6. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, Robert F. Coughlin, Prentice Hall, Sixth
Subject Code: ME312 Course Title Heat and Mass
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
1. Introduction to heat transfer [06H]
2. Conduction: Fourier's Law, One dimensional heat transfer, with and without heat generation,
Transient conduction, Through Composite walls. [10 H]
3. Extended Surfaces: Heat transfer from finned surfaces, Fin Efficiency, Effectiveness. [08 H]
4. Convection: Free and forced convection, Flow and thermal boundary layer equations, laminar
flow through circular pipe, constant heat flux and constant wall temperature conditions, Overall
heat transfer coefficient. Heat exchangers. [10 H]
5. Thermal Radiation: Radiation properties, Plank's Law, Kirchoff's law, Heat exchange between
two surfaces. [08 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, F. P. Incropera and D.P. Dewitt (Wiley)..
2. Heat and Mass Transfer, JP Holman

Subject Code: CS312 Course Title Software Engineering

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), course
project (20%)
The Software Problem: Software Process, SDLC, 3Ps of Software problem, Software
characteristics, Software Life Cycle Models, CMM, SPI [5H]
Requirement Engineering: , Software Requirements – FRs and NFRs, Use case modelling,
Software Requirement Specification, Object-Oriented Domain Modelling, Identifying domain
objects, Domain models [10H]
Software Design System and Sub-System Design, Architectural Styles, Object Design, Interface
Design, Design Principles, Design Patterns, Refactoring [10H]
Software Testing, Testing Levels, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, User
acceptance testing, specialized testing for NFRs, Testing Techniques: Black-box, White-box, Model
based testing [10H]
Software Project Planning and Estimation, Efforts and Time Estimation, Scheduling and Tracking,
Software Configuration Management and Software Quality Assurance, Software re-engineering,
reverse engineering, Model based Software Development. [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Pankaj Jalote. "An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering", 3rd Edition, Narosa,
2. B. Bruegge, A. Dutoit: “Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns,
and Java”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. E. Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, "Head First Design Pattern"
O'Reilly Media, 2004
4. M. R. Blaha and J. Rumbaugh. "Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling using UML,
2nd Edition, TMH, 2005.
Subject Code: EC313a Course Title Digital Communication
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Review of Random Variables and Random Processes. [3H]

Optimum Receivers for the AWGN channel, Signal Design for bandlimited channels. [10H]

Digital Pass Band Transmission and Reception: Introduction to Pass band Transmission model:
Generation, Detection, Signal space diagram, Error performance - Coherent and Non-coherent
detection systems, bit error probability and Power spectra of BPSK, QPSK, FSK and MSK
schemes, Differential phase shift keying, Comparison of Digital modulation systems using a single
carrier - Carrier and symbol synchronization. [12H]

Information theory and error control coding: Communication channel, Channel matrix, Channel
capacity, Discrete memory less channels, Linear block codes - Cyclic codes - Convolutional codes -
Maximum likelihood decoding of convolution codes-Viterbi Algorithm, Trellis coded Modulation.

Overview of spread spectrum: Pseudo-noise sequences: a notion of spread spectrum: Direct

sequence spread spectrum, Frequency hop spread spectrum, Maximum length and Gold codes.

Text/Reference books:
1. John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems” Pearson, 2005.
2. H. P. Hsu, “Analog and Digital Communications,” Schaum’s Series, Tata McGrawHill, 2e,
3. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2001
4. H. Taub, D. Schilling, and G. Saha, “Principles of Communication Systems, ” McGraw-Hill”
5. B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Oxford
Univ. Press, January 2009, 4/e.
6. S. Haykin and M. Moher, “An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,” Wiley,
January 2006, 2/e.
Subject Code: EC313b Course Title Digital Signal
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Module 1
Frequency Analysis of LTI Systems Frequency domain Characteristics of LTI Systems, Correlation
functions and spectra at output of LTI systems, LTI Systems as frequency selective filters: ideal
filters, all pass filters, comb filters, inverse system, classification based on phase response:
minimum phase, maximum phase, and mixed phase system, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters:
Linear phase FIR filters- Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters - Location of the zeros of
linear phase FIR filters. [10H]
Module 2
Discrete Fourier Transform and Computation DFT and its properties, Relation between DTFT and
DFT, Linear filtering methods using DFT: Linear filtering as DFT, Filtering of long sequences:
Overlap-add and save methods Frequency analysis of signals using DFT, FFT computations using
Decimation in time and Decimation in frequency algorithms, radix 2-Butterfly structure,
implementation of DFT as linear filtering: Goertzel algorithm, and Chirp algorithm.
Module 3
Design of Digital Filters FIR design: Windowing Techniques -Need and choice of windows -Linear
phase characteristics. IIR design: Analog filter design -Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations;
digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation Warping, prewarping - Frequency
transformation. [10H]
Module 4
Realization of Digital Filters & IIR filter realization: Direct form-I, direct form-II, and Parallel &
cascade forms. Finite word length effects in FIR and IIR digital filters: Quantization, round off
errors and overflow errors, Overview of DSP processors. [7H]
Module 5
Application of signal processing Applications of digital signal processing: Speech Processing:
speech analysis, speech coding, subband coding, ECG processing. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. John G.Proakis, Dimitris G. Manobakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms
and Applications, Third edition, (2000) PHI
2. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
3. P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate systems and filter banks, Prentice Hall, 1993.
4. A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Sehafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall,
5. Emmanuel C Ifeachor, Barrie W Jrevis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education.
Subject Code: EC313c Course Title IC Fabrication
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
The Science of Miniaturization: Moore’s Laws (1,2,&3) and technology’ Roadmap–clean rooms
Processing Methods: - Cleaning, oxidation, lithography, etching, CVD, diffusion, ion implantation,
metallization, state of the art CMOS architectures photolithography overview ,critical dimension,
overall resolution, line-width, lithographic sensitivity and intrinsic resist sensitivity (photochemical
quantum efficiency), resist profiles, contrast and experimental determination of lithographic
sensitivity, resolution in photolithography, photolithography resolution enhancement technology.
Nanostructuring by Physical Techniques: Next-generation technologies: state-of-the-art
(including principles, capabilities, limits, applications) EUV lithography, phase-shifting
photolithography, x-ray lithography, electron beam direct writing system, focused ion beam (FIB)
lithography, neutral atomic beam lithography, plasma-aided nanofabrication, soft lithography,
nanosphere lithography, nanoimprint, dip-pen nanolithography, key consequences of adopted
techniques. [12H]
Nanomanipulation and Processing: Conventional techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy
(STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM),
advanced techniques: embossing and surface passivation, dimensional subtraction and addition,
multistep Processing, of microcontact printing, Molding, implications and applications of the
conventional and advanced techniques. [10H]
Nanometer Devices: Material Wave Nanotechnology: Nanofabrication using a de broglie wave-
electron beam holography, atomic beam holography, nanometer lithography using organic
positive/negative resists – sub-10 nm lithography using inorganic resist – 40 nm-gate-length metal-
oxide-semiconductor field-emitter-transistors-14 nm gate-length electrically variable shallow
junction MOSFETs-operation of aluminum-based single-electron transistors at 100 kelvins- room
temperature operation of a silicon single-electron transistor. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. VLSI Technology,S. M. Sze, McGraw Hill, II , 1988
2. VLSI fabrication principles, S. K. Gandhi,,"John Wiley, New York",1983
3. ULSI Technology,C. Y. Chang. S. M. Sze,McGraw Hill companies,1996
4. Silicon VLSI Technology Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling James
D. Plummer Michael, D. Deal Peter B. Griffin Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford
5. Guozhong Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials Synthesis, Properties G; Z: Applications,
World Scientific Publishing Private, Ltd., Singapore (2004).
6. W.R.Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics – Materials, Devices, Measurement
Techniques, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Germany (2006).

Subject Code: ME313a Course Title Finite Element

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Assignments (10%), Quiz (15%), Project (20%) Mid-sem(15%) and End-
1. Objective of the Course, Basic Steps in FEM Formulation, General Applicability of the
method. [4 H]
2. 1-D Elements, Basis Functions and Shape Functions. [4 H]
3. Convergence Criteria, assembly, imposition of boundary conditions. [4 H]
4. Variational Functional, Ritz Method. [7 H]
5. Natural Coordinates, Numerical Integration, Solvers. [3 H]
6. Alternate Formulation: Weighted residual Method, Galerkin Method. [4 H]
7. Problems with CI continuity: Beam Bending, Connectivity and Assembly of CI Continuity
Elements. [4 H]
8. 2-D elements (Triangles and Quadrilaterals) and Shape Functions. [4 H]
9. Sub-parametric, Iso-parametric and Super-parametric Elements. [4 H]
10. Free Vibration Problems, Formulation and solution of Eigen Value Problem. [4 H]
Text/Reference books:

1. Seshu P. Text Book of Finite Element Analysis, PHI, 1st Edition, 2003.
2. Cook, Malkus and Plesha, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley
and Sons

Subject Code: ME313b Course Title CNC Machine Tools

and Programming
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Mid Sem Exam (25%), End Sem Exam (40%), Quizzes/Programming
Assignment (15%) and Programming/Automation Project (20%)
Types of automation, Programmed Automation, History of Numerical Control, Components of NC:
Punched Tape, MCU, Processing Unit, Axis Designation, NC Motion Control: PTP, Straight cut,
Contouring NC Coding System: EIA & ISO format, ApplicationNumerical Control, Advantages, &
Disadvantages, Adoptive Control System [5H]
Computer Numerical Control
Block Diagram of CNC operations, Positioning System: Open loop and Closed loop System,
Precision in NC Positioning: Control resolution, Accuracy, Repeatability [8H]
Part Programming
Procedures Associated with part programming, Cutting process parameter selection, Process
planning issues and path planning, Part programming formats, G & M Codes, Interpolations,
Canned Cycles and Subprograms,Tool Compensations [12H]
CNC Hardware Basics
Machines Structure, Guidways: Requirements, types and design features, Actuation systems: Ball
Screws, Introduction of Servo and Stepper Motors, Feedback devices: Encoder, Optical grating,
Resolvers, Inductosyn [5H]
Modern CNC Systems
Indexable carbide tools,Modular Tooling & Tool Presetting, Machining Centers, Automatic tool
changers [2H]
Computer Aided Part Programming
APT Programming, Part Program Generation through ProE/DelCAM, Post Processors [5H]
Computations for part programming
Segmentations of free form curves, Consideration for INTOL and OUTTOL, Part programming for
Bezier and B-spline Curves, Generating part program from CAD drawings [5H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Rao P N.,”CAD/CAM Principles and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Robert Quesada, T. Jeyapoovan, “Computer Numerical Control : Machining Center and
Turning Centers” , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. S K SINHA,”CNC Programming”, Galgotia Pubs.
4. CNC Machine Manuals
5. Chang, Wysk and Wang, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. 3rd
6. Kochan D., CAM: Developments in Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Springer
7. Chang, T.C., An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems, Prentice Hall
8. Kundra, Rao and Tiwari, Numerical Control and CAM, TMH.
9. Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, TMH.
10. Kochan D., Integration of CAD/CAM, North Holland.

Subject Code: ME313c Course Title Computer Aided Design

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (20%) Programming Project (20%) and End-
sem (40%)
Objective, scope, overview, CAD software, mathematical background, applications [4H]
Rotation, translation, scaling, reflection, shear and combined transformations in 2D and 3D,
computer-aided assembly [6H]
Orthographic, axonometric, oblique and perspective projections [4H]
Parametric representation of analytic curves, representation of synthetic curves- Hermite/ Ferguson,
Bezier, B-spline, rational curves, NURBS/NUBS, curve manipulations, Analytical properties
Surface representation, parametric representation of analytic surfaces- plane, ruled, surface of
revolution etc., representation of synthetic surfaces- Hermite, Bezier, B-spline, coons, sculptured
etc., surface manipulations, curves on surfaces, surface with irregular boundaries, analytic
properties, application in reverse engineering, design of turbine blades etc. [8H]
Introduction, representation of solids, fundamentals of solid modeling, solid representation schemas
(B-rep, CSG, Sweep, ASM etc), solid manipulations, solid modeling-based applications in
manufacturing and assembly (CNC machining, Rapid prototyping). [8H]
Advanced Topics:
Geometric modeling using point clouds, CAD/CAM data exchange [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Zeid, Ibraheim, CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice, Revised First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Rogers, D.F and Adams, J.A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2002.
3. Mortenson, Michael E., Geometric Modeling, Third Edition, Industrial Press Inc., 2006.
4. Saxena and Sahay, Computer Aided Engineering Design, Anamaya Publications
5. Faux, I. D. and Pratt, M. J., Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
(Ellis Horwood Ltd.), 1983.
6. Choi, B. K., Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, Elsevier.
7. Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design – A Practical Guide,
Academic Press Inc.1991.
8. Lee, Kunwoo, Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems, Addison Wesley, 1999.
9. Yamaguchi, Curves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Springer, 1988.
10. Ryan, D. L., Computer-Aided Graphics and Design, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1994.
Subject Code: CS313a Course Title S/W testing and
Quality Assurance
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Term
Project (20%)
Introduction to quality assurance, [5 H]
Software Testing, Testing levels, unit testing, unit testing frameworks like JUnit, integration testing,
system testing, user acceptance testing, alpha and beta testing [5 H]
Testing techniques, black box techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis,
White box techniques like, structural testing, control flow based - block, branch, predicate, MCDC,
path testing, data flow based- p-use, d-use, all-use, and others, mutation testing, coverage criteria
and code coverage, examples and case studies [12 H]
Code reviews and inspections, Static code analysis, SCA tools like Findbugs, and others [5 H]
Other specialized Testing like performance testing, load testing, security testing, GUI testing [5 H]
Regression testing, Comparing testing techniques, evaluations, [5 H]
Testing process, testing artifacts, defect classification, other dynamic analysis [5 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Paul C. Jorgensen. Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach, Third Edition, Auerbach
Publication, 2008.
2. Cem Kaner, Jack Falk. Testing Computer Software, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 1999.

Subject Code: CS313b Course Title Network Security &

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Course Introduction and terminology, Conventional Cryptography: Definitions, Classical
encryption techniques, Finite fields, Perfect Secrecy DES, AES and other symmetric
cryptography. [12H]
Asymmetric Cryptography: Number Theory, public key cryptography: RSA, ElGamal, and Elliptic
Curve Cryptography, Key management. [10H]
Authentication: Message authentications and hash functions, hash algorithms, Digital Signatures
and Authentication Protocols. [10H]
Network and System Security: a. Vulnerability, Monitoring/Sniffing, Spoofing
b. Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, c. PGP, Kerberos, d. IPSec, SSL [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. W Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 5/e”, Prentice
2. C Kaufman, R Perlman, M Speciner, Network Security, 2/e” , Pearson Education, 2006.
3. B A Forouzan, “Cryptograpgy and Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
4. Aviel D Rubin, “White Hat Security Arsenal: Tackling the Threats”, Addison-Wesley,
5. P. Garrett. “Making and Breaking Codes- An Introduction to Cryptology”, Prentice-Hall,
6. Nigel Smart, “Cryptography: An Introduction”, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
7. B. Schneier. “Applied Cryptography”. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.
8. A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone. “Handbook of Applied Cryptography”, CRC
press, 1997.
Subject Code: CS313c Course Title Artificial Intelligence
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Overview: foundations, scope, problems, and approaches of AI. [2H]
Intelligent agents: reactive, deliberative, goal-driven, utility-driven, and learning agents ,Artificial
Intelligence programming techniques
[3 H]
Problem-solving through Search: forward and backward, state-space, blind, heuristic, problem-
reduction, A, A*, AO*, minimax, constraint propagation, neural, stochastic, and evolutionary
search algorithms, sample applications.
[5 H]
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: ontologies, foundations of knowledge representation
and reasoning, representing and reasoning about objects, relations, events, actions, time, and space;
predicate logic, situation calculus, description logics, reasoning with defaults, reasoning about
knowledge, sample applications. [6 H]
Planning: planning as search, partial order planning, construction and use of planning graphs
[4 H]
Representing and Reasoning with Uncertain Knowledge: probability, connection to logic,
independence, Bayes rule, bayesian networks, probabilistic inference, sample applications.
[5 H]
Decision-Making: basics of utility theory, decision theory, sequential decision problems,
elementary game theory, sample applications.
[9 H]
Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition: learning from memorization, examples,
explanation, and exploration. learning nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, and decision tree classifiers,
Q-learning for learning action policies, applications.
[8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Nilsson, N. J. Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Synthesis. Palo Alto: Morgan Kaufmann.
2. Nilsson, N. J., Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Palo Alto, CA: Tioga (1981).
3. Rich, E., & Knight, K., Artificial Intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill (1991).
Subject Code: CS314a Course Title Antenna Theory & Design
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Fundamental Concepts: Radiation mechanism, Radiation pattern, near-and far-field regions,
reciprocity, directivity and gain, bandwidth, quality factor, effective aperture, polarization, input
impedance, efficiency, Friis transmission equation, reciprocity theorem, vector potentials for
electric and magnetic current sources. [6H]

Radiation from Wires and Loops: Infinitesimal dipole, finite-length dipole, linear elements near
conductors, dipoles for mobile communication small circular loop. [10H]

Antenna Arrays: Analysis of uniformly spaced Two-element and N-element linear arrays with
uniform and non-uniform amplitudes excitation, extension to planar arrays, synthesis of antenna
arrays. [10H]

Aperture Antennas: Field equivalence/ Huygens’, Principle, radiation from rectangular and
circular apertures, design considerations, Babinet's principle. [8H]

Microstrip Antennas: Basic characteristics of microstrip antennas, feeding techniques, methods of

analysis, design of rectangular and circular patch antennas, microstrip antenna arrays and feed
networks, basics of active antennas. [6H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Constantine A. Balanis, Wiley, Indian Edition, 2005.
2. Antenna and Wave propagation, J D Kraus, TMH.
3. Antenna and Wave propagation, A. R. Harish and M. Sachidananda, Oxford University
Press, 2007.
4. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, Prentice
Hall of India, 2005.
Subject Code: EC314b Course Title Wavelet and Filter
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Fundamentals of Multirate Theory: Decimation and Interpolation, multirate identities, Polyphase
representation, Digital Filter Banks, Maximally decimated filter banks, Errors in the QMF bank,
Perfect reconstruction (PR) QMF Bank, Design of an alias free QMF Bank. [14H]

M-channel perfect reconstruction filter banks: Uniform band and no uniform filter bank, tree
structured filter bank, Cosine Modulated filter banks: Cosine Modulated pseudo QMF Bank, Alias
cancellation, Phase distortion, closed form expression, Polyphase structure, PR Systems. [10H]

Fourier analysis: Fourier Transforms, Short Time Fourier Transform and the Uncertainty Principle;
Continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transform: Basic Properties of Wavelet Transforms,
Orthonormal Wavelets, Wavelet Series, and Multiresolution Analysis, Scaling Functions and
Orthonormal Wavelet Bases, Constructions of Orthonormal Wavelets, Compactly Supported
Wavelets. [10H]

Application of wavlet & filter bank: speech/biomedical signal compression, enhacment,

communication system. [8H]

Text/Reference books:
1. P.P. Vaidyanathan. Multirate systems and filter banks. Prentice Hall. PTR. 1993.
2. K. Chui, An Introduction to Wavelets, Academic Press USA.
3. I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, SIAM, 1990.
4. Lokenath Debnath, Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications, Birkhauser 2002.
5. S. Mallat, A wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic Press USA 2009.
6. N.J. Fliege. Multirate digital signal processing. John Wiley 1994
Subject Code: EC314c Course Title Biomedical
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Physiology and Transducer: Cell and its structure – Action and resting – Potential propagation of
action potential – Sodium pump – Nervous system – CNS – PNS – Nerve cell – Synapse – Cardio
pulmonary system – Physiology of heart and lungs – Circulation and respiration – Transducers –
Different types – Piezo-electric, ultrasonic, resistive, capacitive, inductive transducers – Selection
criteria. [9H]

Electro – Physiological Measurements: Basic components of a biomedical system – Electrodes –

Micro, needle and surface electrodes – Amplifiers – Preamplifiers, differential amplifiers, chopper
amplifiers – Isolation amplifier. ECG – EEG – EMG – ERG – Lead systems and recording methods
– Typical waveforms. [9H]

Non-Electrical Parameter Measurements: Measurement of blood pressure – Cardiac output –

Cardiac rate – Heart sound – Respiratory rate – Gas volume – Flow rate of Co2, o2 in exhaust air -
PH of blood, ESR, GSR measurements – Plethysmography. [9H]

Medical Imaging And PMS: X-ray machine - Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques –
Computer tomography – MRI – Ultrasonography – Endoscopy – Thermography – Different types
of biotelemetry systems and patient monitoring – Electrical safety. [7H]

Assisting And Therapeutic Equipments: Pacemakers – Defibrillators – Ventilators – Nerve and

muscle stimulators – Diathermy – Heart – Lung machine – Audio meters – Dializers. [7H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J.Weibell, Erich A.Pfeiffer, ‘Bio-Medical Instrumentation and
Measurements’, II Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 / PHI.
2. R.S.Khandpur, ‘Handbook of Bio-Medical instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co Ltd., 2003
3. M.Arumugam, ‘Bio-Medical Instrumentation’, Anuradha Agencies, 2003.
4. L.A. Geddes and L.E.Baker, ‘Principles of Applied Bio-Medical Instrumentation’, John
Wiley & Sons, 1975.
5. J.Webster, ‘Medical Instrumentation’, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
6. C.Rajarao and S.K. Guha, ‘Principles of Medical Electronics and Bio-medical
Instrumentation’, Universities press (India) Ltd, Orient Longman ltd, 2000.
Subject Code: ME314a Course Title Vibration of
Mechanical Systems
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Introduction to vibration and un-damped free vibrations:
Types of vibrations.Single degree of freedom systems and Simple problems.Formulation- Newton’s
second law, Energy method and Principle of virtual work. Introduction, undamped free vibration
– natural frequencyof free vibration, stiffness of spring elements, effect of mass of spring.
Damped free vibrations:
Single degree freedom systems, different types of damping, concept of critical damping and its
importance, study of response of viscous damped systems for cases of under damping, critical and
over damping, Logarithmic decrement. [6H]

Forced Vibration:
Single degree freedom systems, steady state solution with viscousdamping due to harmonic force,
solution by complex algebra.Concept of response, Reciprocating and rotating unbalance, vibration
isolation – transmissibility ratio. Energy dissipated by damping, sharpness of resonance, base
excitation. [8H]

Systems with two degrees of freedom:

Introduction, principal modes and normal modes of vibration, co-ordinate coupling, generalized and
principal co-ordinates, free vibration in terms of initial conditions. Geared systems.Forced
Oscillations – Harmonic excitation. Applications: (a) Vehicle suspension (b) Dynamic vibration
absorber (c) Dynamics of Reciprocating Engines. [9H]

Numerical methods for Multi degree Freedom Systems:

Orthogonality of principal modes, Holzer’s method, Rayleigh’s method. [4H]

Vibration monitoring and analysis:

Introduction, Accelerometer and vibrometers.Machinery signatures, Selection of Transducers and
signal conditioning.Analysis Techniques, Machine failure modes, Measurement location, Vibration
severity criteria, vibration frequency analysis.Case studies. [5H]
Text/Reference books:

1. Thomson, W.T., Theory of vibration with applications, Third Edition, 1997.

2. Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibrations, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2004.
3. Caollacott, R. A.; Chapman, Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring,
Chapman and hall, 1977.
4. Rao, J. S., Advanced Theory of Vibration, Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, 1992.
5. Jones, R. J. and Wykes, C., Holographic and Speckle Interferometry, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1983.
Subject Code: ME314b Course Title Computer Aided
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%); Mid-sem (20%) Programming Project (20%) and End-
sem (40%)
Objective, scope, overview, CAD software, mathematical background, applications [4H]
Rotation, translation, scaling, reflection, shear and combined transformations in 2D and 3D,
computer-aided assembly [6H]
Orthographic, axonometric, oblique and perspective projections [4H]
Parametric representation of analytic curves, representation of synthetic curves- Hermite/ Ferguson,
Bezier, B-spline, rational curves, NURBS/NUBS, curve manipulations, Analytical properties
Surface representation, parametric representation of analytic surfaces- plane, ruled, surface of
revolution etc., representation of synthetic surfaces- Hermite, Bezier, B-spline, coons, sculptured
etc., surface manipulations, curves on surfaces, surface with irregular boundaries, analytic
properties, application in reverse engineering, design of turbine blades etc. [8H]
Introduction, representation of solids, fundamentals of solid modeling, solid representation schemas
(B-rep, CSG, Sweep, ASM etc), solid manipulations, solid modeling-based applications in
manufacturing and assembly (CNC machining, Rapid prototyping). [8H]
Advanced Topics:
Geometric modeling using point clouds, CAD/CAM data exchange [2H]
Text/Reference books:

1. Zeid, Ibraheim, CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice, Revised First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Rogers, D.F and Adams, J.A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2002.
3. Mortenson, Michael E., Geometric Modeling, Third Edition, Industrial Press Inc., 2006.
4. Saxena and Sahay, Computer Aided Engineering Design, Anamaya Publications
5. Faux, I. D. and Pratt, M. J., Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
(Ellis Horwood Ltd.), 1983.
6. Choi, B. K., Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, Elsevier.
7. Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design – A Practical Guide,
Academic Press Inc.1991.
8. Lee, Kunwoo, Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems, Addison Wesley, 1999.
9. Yamaguchi, Curves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Springer, 1988.
10. Ryan, D. L., Computer-Aided Graphics and Design, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1994.
Subject Code: ME314c Course Title Computational Fluid
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Assignment (10%), Quizzes (20%), Projects (20%), Mid-sem (15%) and
End-sem (35%)
Review of equations governing fluid flow and heat transfer, common boundary conditions. [3 H]

2. Review of Matrix inversion techniques. [3 H]

3. Finite-difference method, discretisation and numerical solutions. [4 H]

4. 1-D steady-state conduction problem, tridiagonal matrix solution. [3 H]

5. 2-D steady-state conduction problem, Line-by-line method. [3 H]

6. Time-stepping, explicit and implicit schemes. [3 H]

7. 2-D unsteady conduction problems, explicit scheme. [4 H]

8. Implicit scheme, Gauss-Seidel algorithm, ADI. [3 H]

9. Wave-equation discretisation, Upwind and other convective schemes. [2 H]

10. Dispersion and dissipation errors, stability and consistency. [3 H]

11. Vorticity-streamfunction formulations [3 H]

12. Navier-Stokes Equations- SMAC schemes. [3 H]

13. Finite Volume Method [3 H]

14. Operator-Splitting Algorithm [3 H]

Text/Reference books:

1. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Eds K. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan, Narosa,
2. Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer, P.S. Ghoshdastidar, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Tannehill, Anderson &Pletcher, Taylor & Francis
4. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Ferziger & Peric, Springer
Subject Code: CS314a Course Title Wireless and Mobile
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
An Overview of Wireless Systems: Wireless History, taxonomy of wireless networks, Cellular
Generations (from1G to 4G), Current & Future Wireless Technologies, and Trends. [2 H]
Radio Propagation and Interference: Radio wave propagation, Multi-path characteristic of radio
wave, Short/long term fading, Indoor and Outdoor propagation models. [8 H]
Digital Modulation in Modern Wireless Systems: QPSK, DQPSK, p/4 DQPSK, n-QAM, OFDM.
[6 H]
Multiple Access Techniques: Contention-Based (Random-based) Protocols: ALOHA, CSMA,
Reservation based Protocols: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Fundamental of SC-FDMA and OFDMA,
Cellular concept: Basic principles of cellular systems, e.g., Cell layout, Planning, Interference.
[7 H]
Traffic Channel Allocation & Mobility: Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA), Dynamic Channel
Allocation (DCA), Hybrid Channel Allocation (HCA), Mobile IP. [2 H]
Wireless LAN: Operation of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN, incl. CSMA/CA, RTS/CTS, power
management, 802.11a/b/g/n, 802.11e [3H]
Wireless PAN: Overview of operation of low-power wireless systems based on IEEE 802.15.1
(Bluetooth) and IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee). [4 H]
Introduction to WiMAX and LTE. [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Dharma P. Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng, Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, 3rd
Edition, CL-Engineering, ISBN-13: 978-1439062050
2. Kaveh Pahlavan, Principles of Wireless Networks: A Unified Approach, 2nd Revised
edition ISBN-13: 978-0470697085.
3. Garg, Wireless Communications and Networks, Morgan Kaufmann 2007, ISBN 978-0-12-
4. Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath and Jury, Wireless Networking, Morgan Kaufmann 2008,
ISBN 978-0-12-374254-4.
5. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications - Principles and Practice,” 2nd edition Pearson
2002, ISBN13: 9780130422323, ISBN10:0-13-042232-0
6. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications” 2nd edition Pearson 2003 ISBN-10:
0321123816, ISBN-13: 9780321123817
7. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-10:
0521837162 | ISBN-13: 978-0521837163
8. William Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”, Second Edition, Pearson
2005, ISBN: 0-13-191835-4

Subject Code: CS314b Course Title Machine Learning

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Learning Problem, Designing a Learning System, Types of Learning [2 H]

Supervise Learning: Linear and Logistic regression, Decision Tree Learning, Instance-Based
Learning, kNN and CBR, Bayesian Learning, Naive Bayes Classifier, Artificial Neural Network
(ANN), SVM [20 H]

Unsupervised Learning: Mixture Models and EM, Clustering, K-Means, DBSCAN, Hierarchical
clustering, Association Rule Mining, Dimensionality Reduction [10 H]
Performance Evaluation, Confusion Metrics, Evaluating Hypotheses, Confidence Interval,
Hypothesis Testing [5 H]
Ensemble Learning Bagging and Boosting Formulating [2 H]

Computational Learning Theory, Issues and practical advice in Machine Learning [3 H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Tom Mitchell. Machine Learning, Mc Graw Hill, 1997.
2. Chris Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2007

Subject Code: CS314c Course Title Human Computer

Contact Hours L-4, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction. Task-centered system design: task-centered process,
development of task examples, evaluation of designs through a task-centered walk-through [5]

User-centered design and prototyping: assumptions, participatory design, methods for involving the
user, prototyping, low fidelity prototypes, medium fidelity [10]

Methods for evaluation of interfaces with users: goals of evaluation, approaches, ethics,
introspection, extracting the conceptual model, direct observation, constructive interaction,
interviews and questionnaires, continuous evaluation via user feedback and field studies, choosing
an evaluation method [10]

Beyond screen design: characteristics of good representations, information visualization, Tufte’s

guidelines, visual variables, metaphors, direct manipulation [5]

Graphical screen design: graphical design concepts, components of visible language, graphical
design by grids. Design principles and usability heuristics: design principles, principles to support
usability, golden rules and heuristics, HCI patterns, HCI design standards: process-oriented
standards, product-oriented standards, strengths and limitations of HCI Standards [12]

Text/Reference books:
1. Dix A. et al., Human-Computer Interaction. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall, 2004
2. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer
Interaction, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2011

Subject Code: CS314d Course Title Compiler Design

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Introduction: Model of a compiler, translators, interpreters, assemblers, languages, types of
compilers. [2L]

Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Finite automata, non-deterministic and deterministic
finite automata, Acceptance of strings by NDFA and DFA, Transforming NDFA to DFA,
minimization/Optimization of a DFA, related algorithm, Regular sets and regular expression,
Obtaining regular expression from finite automata, lexical analyzer design. [10L]
Context-Free Grammar and Syntax Analysis: Syntax analysis, CFG, derivation of a parse tree,
reduction of grammar, useless grammar symbols, Elimination of null and unit productions,
elimination of left recursion Regular grammar, Right linear and left linear grammar. Parsing, Top-
Down and Bottom-up parsing, general parsing strategies, Brute-force approach, recursive descent
parser and algorithms, simple LL(1) grammar, LL(1) with null and without null rules grammars,
Bottom-up parsing- Handle of a right sentential form, LR(1) parsers, Shift-reduce parsers, operator
precedence parsing. [10L]

Syntax-Directed Definitions and Translations: Specification of translations, implementation of

translation specified by syntax-directed definition, L-attributed definitions, and syntax-directed
translation schemes, intermediates code generation, representing three-address statement,
translation schemes for programming language constructs. [10L]

Code Optimization: Definition, Loop optimization, Elimination of local and global common sub
Expressions, Loop Unrolling, Loop Jamming. [5L]
Code Generation: Definition, machine model, code generation methods, peephole optimization.
Error Handling: Error recovery, recovery from various phases and parsing. [5L]
Text/Reference books:
1. Aho Alfred, Lam Monica, Sethi, Ravi, Ullman Jeffery, Compilers Principles, Techniques
and Tools.
2. Tremblay, Jean Paul; Sorenson, Paul G.; The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing,
3. Holub, Allen I., Complier Design in C, 1990.
4. Bates, Barrett; Gustafson, Couch, Compiler Construction Theory and Practice,1988.
5. John Levine, Tony Manson & Doug Brown, Lex & Yaac.
Subject Code: EC315L Course Title DSP+Microwave
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
1. Performance of liner artmetic operation on signal (linear convolution).
2. Genration of discrete time signal and visulization of computer
3. Genration of Transfer function from Poles and Zeros supplied by the user.
4. Output of the system for the given difference equation..
5. Plotting of Magnitude and Phase response of the system.
6. Implementation of DIT FFT algorithm for evalution of DFT and IDFT.
7. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
8. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
9. Fourier transform of various windowing functions.
10. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
11. Difference equation implementtation using TMS320C6713 and Xilinx
12. Linear convolution using TMS320C6713 and Xilinx
B. Microwave
1. Study of Microwave Bench & Its Components
2. Operation of Microwave Bench as Transmission Line & reading frequency from Frequency
3. Verification of Frequency Measurement with slotted section.
4. Low & High VSWR Measurement using double minima method
5. Calculating Impedance of an SS Tuner using Microwave Bench.
6. Determination of Standing Wave Ratio and Reflection Coefficient.
7. Microwave Measurements using Gun Oscillator
a) Study of I-V Characteristics of Gun Diode
b) Frequency and Wavelength Measurement
8. Microwave Measurements using Horn Antenna.
a) Measurement of the gain and Polar Pattern of the Horn Antenna.
b) Measurement of Phase shift and Dielectric Constant.
9. Study of E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee and Magic Tee.
10. Study of Directional Coupler, Isolator & Attenuator.

Text/Reference books:
1. Practical digital signal processing by Edmund Lai, Elesevier.
2. Practical digital signal processing using microcontroller by Dogan Ibrahim, elector.
3. Linear Systems and Signals by B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press
4. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach by S. K. Mitra Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
Subject Code: ME315L Course Title Adv.
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
1. Milling Process Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
2. Drilling Process Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
3. Turning Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
4. Sheet Metal Punching Punching/Shearing using AMADA machine
5. Sheet Metal Bending Bending using AMADA machine
6. Meteorology Quality Control: Measurement & Inspection of components
7. EDM Functioning and experimentation on Electric Discharge Machine
8. AWJM M/c operation, Job preparation on Abrasive Water Jet Machine
9. Injection Molding Learning the functions of Cincinnati Injection Molding Machine
10. Turning Using G&M codes, making program and component on EMCO Turning
11. Milling Using G&M codes, making program and component on EMCO Turning
12. Rapid Prototyping Knowledge of machine operation and insight software for product fabrication
Text/Reference books:
1. Rao P N.,”CAD/CAM Principles and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Robert Quesada, T. Jeyapoovan, “Computer Numerical Control : Machining Center and
Turning Centers” , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. S K SINHA,”CNC Programming”, Galgotia Pubs.
4. CNC Machine Manuals
5. Chang, Wysk and Wang, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. 3rd
6. Web Resources

Subject Code: CS315L Course Title Lab based Project 3

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
Lab based Project 3
Semester VII

Subject Code: ES406a Course Title Communication Systems

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to communication systems, need for modulation, brief review of signals & systems, Fourier
series and Fourier transform. [3H]
Analog signal Transmission: Amplitude Modulation, Single Side Band, Suppressed Side Band & VSB
Modulation, Superhetrodyne Receivers, Angle Modulations, Frequency Modulation Generation and
Detection, Demodulation of Modulated Signals, FM Receivers. [12H]
Pulse and Digital communications: Pulse width modulation, pulse position modulation, sampling theorem,
pulse amplitude modulation, Pulse code modulation, Introduction to digital modulation techniques,
Modems, Broadband communication systems. [12H]
Elements of long-distance telephony, Radar Systems, TV communication, and introduction to fibre
communication technology. [10H]
Introduction to information theory and error control coding. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. G. Kennedy, B. Davis, “Electronic Communication Systems”, 4e, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Communication System, Haykin, S., Fourth Edition, Wiley and Sons, 2005.
3. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, Lathi, B.P., Oxford University Press.
Subject Code: ES406b Course Title Electrical Drives and
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction: Classification of Electric Drives, Requirements of Electric Drives, Some Applications. [6H]
Converters and control: Phase controlled converters, Four quadrant operation, Choppers, AC to DC
converters. [8H]
DC motor drives: Speed-torque characteristics DC shunt, PMDC and series motors, Dynamic model,
Speed and position control methods. [10H]
Inverters and PWM: Voltage source inverters, current source inverters, PWM techniques, sine triangle
comparison, harmonic elimination, hysteresis current controllers, space vector pwm. [8H]
AC motor drives: d-q model of induction motor, constant flux speed control structure, vector control
model, vector control structure. [10H]

Text/Reference books:
1. M. H. Rashid, "Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications", P.H.I Private Ltd. New
Delhi, Second Edition, 1994.
2. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, "Power Electronics", 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. Bose B.K., "Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives", 1st edition, PHI, 2002.
4. P. C. Sen., “Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Subject Code: ES406c Course Title Sensros and Actuators
Contact Hours L-2, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech/ M.Tech. Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (30%) Lab (30%)
1. Introduction : Classification of sensors and actuators, sensing and actuating strategies, general
requirements for interfacing and actuation, sensing, transduction, actuation. [2 H]
2. Performance Characteristics of Sensors and Actuators: Input/output characteristics, accuracy, errors,
repeatability, sensitivity analysis, hysteresis, Nonlinearity, saturation, frequency response, dynamic
characteristics, calibration, resolution, excitation, impedance, applications. [3 H]
3. Temperature Sensors and Thermal Actuators: Thermoresistive sensors: Thermistors, Resistance
temperature sensors, Silicon resistive sensors, Thermoelectric sensors, PN junction temperature sensors,
Optical and acoustic temperature sensor. [3H]
4. Optical sensors: Photodiodes, phototransistors and photoresistors based sensors, Photomultipliers, light-
to-light detectors, infrared sensors (thermal, PIR, AFIR, thermopiles), CCD sensors and detectors. [3H]
5. Electric and Magnetic Sensors and Actuators: Motors as actuators (linear, rotational, stepping motors),
magnetic valves, inductive sensors (eddy current, LVDT, RVDT, Proximity), Hall Effect sensors,
Magnetoresistive sensors, Magnetostrictive sensors and actuators, Magnetometers (fluxgate, search-coil,
Squid), Voice coil actuators (speakers and speaker-like actuators), Bolometers (microwaves). [4 H]
6. Mechanical Sensors and Actuators: Accelerometers (capacitive, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, thermal),
Force sensors (strain gauges, tactile sensors), Pressure sensors (semiconductor, piezoresistive, capacitive,
VRP), Gyroscopes (mechanical, optical, fiber-optics). [5 H]
7. Acoustic Sensors and Actuators: Ultrasonic sensors (piezoelectric, electromagnetic), Piezoelectric
actuators, Piezoelectric Resonators, Microphones, hydrophones, speakers, buzzers. [3 H]
8. MEMs and Smart Sensors: Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMs) Sensors and Actuators, Smart sensors,
ASIC based sensors, Wireless Sensors and Issues Associated with Wireless Sensors, Sensor Arrays). [3H]
11. Interfacing Methods and Circuits: Amplifiers: operational amplifiers, power amplifiers, A/D and D/A
converters, bridge circuits, interfacing to microprocessors, data transmission, excitation methods and
circuits, Power requirements, signal translation, isolation, noise, interference, compensation (Temperature,
drift, etc.). [2H]
Lab work
1] Experiment on Strain Gauge.
2] Experiment on LVDT.
3] Digital-to-Analog converter using R-2R & Binary.
4] Experiment on Optical Transducer.
5] Study of H-Bridge & design using Transistors.
6] Study of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) & its use to control the speed of a DC Motor.
7] Study of Stepper Motor & its control circuit.
8] Study of Servo Motor & its control circuit.
9] Assembly of Speaker (Study of Voice Coil Actuator).
10] Experiment on Basic Op-Amp Circuit & its use as comparator.
11] Demonstration of Piezoelectric Actuation.
12] Construction of Project.

Text/Reference books:
1. Ida, N., Sensors, Actuators, and their Interfaces; Scitech Publishing
2. deSilva, Sensors and Actuators: Control System Instrumentation, CRC Press
Subject Code: ES406d Course Title Geometric Modeling
Contact Hours L-3 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Assignments (10%), Quiz II (10%), Term
Project (15%), End term (35%)
1. Introduction: What is Geometric Modeling, History, Background Mathematics, Parametric
representations [2 H]
2. Curves: Conic Curves, Points on a Curve, Hermite Curves, Bézier Curves, B-Spline Curves [10
3. Surfaces: Quadric Surfaces, Points on a Surface, Bicubic Hermite Suafaces, Bézier Surfaces, B-Spline
Surfaces [10 H]
4. Solids: Topology of Models, Graph-Based Models, Boolean Models, Constructive Solid Geometry,
Boundary Models, Sweep Solids, Controlled Deformation Solids [10 H]
5. Geometric Properties: Local properties of a Curve, Global properties of a Curve, Local properties of a
Surface, Global properties of a Surface, Global properties of a Complex Solids, Relational Properties,
Intersections [10 H]

Text/Reference books:
Text Books

1. Michael E. Mortenson, Geometric Modeling, Industrial Press Inc. Edition: 3rd

Reference Books

1. I.D. Faux and M.J. Pratt, Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
(Ellis Horwood Ltd.).
2. Choi, B.K, Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, Elsevier.
3. Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design – A Practical
Guide, Academic Press Inc.

Subject Code: ES406e Course Title Computer Graphics

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid Sem (25%), Quiz II (10%), Project (20%) End Sem (35%)
Conceptual Framework of an Interactive Graphical Simulation System, Graphics Architectures, The
fundamentals of input, display, and hardcopy devices, Graphical User Interfaces, Interactive input
Scan conversion of basic geometric primitives, Filled area primitives, Character generation, Attributes of
output primitives, Antialiasing techniques, Introduction to OpenGL, Basic object representation and
rendering functions.
2D and 3D Geometrical Transformations, Viewing Transformation, Window-to-Viewport
transformation, 2D line and polygon clipping.
Three dimensional display methods and object representation, Basic modelling concepts through curves
and surfaces.
Visual realism, Illumination models, Shading models, Color models, Texture generation and object
rendering, Visible Surface Determination.
Text/Reference books:
Text Book:
D. Hearn, and M. P. Baker, Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4th Edition, PHI, 2006.

Reference Books:
1. F.S. Hill Jr., Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, Second Edition, PHI, 2005.
2. J. Foley, A. Van Dam, S.K. Feiner, J.F. Hughes, Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, Pearson
Education, 2002.
3. R.S.Wright and M. Sweet, OpenGL Super Bible, Pearson Education, 2016.
4. E. Angel, OpenGL: A Primer, Third Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2008.

Subject Code: ES406f Course Title Multimedia Processing

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid Sem (25%), Quiz II (10%), Project (15%), End Sem (40%).
Introduction to Multimedia Systems and Processing, Computer Representation of Audio, Image, and Video,
Image compression and decompression systems, Redundancies and their Classification, Entropy and
Information Theory, Lossless and lossy image compression, Quality measures of reconstructed images.
Lossless Compression (Run Length Encoding, Variable Length Coding, and Dictionary-Based Coding
techniques): Huffman coding, Shannon’s Coding Theorem for noiseless channels, Arithmetic and
LempelZiv coding. [6H]
Lossy Compression: Uniform and non-uniform quantization, Rate-distortion function and Source Coding
Theorem, Delta modulation and DPCM, Transform coding and discrete cosine transform, JPEG.[6H]
Multiresolution Analysis: Introduction to wavelets, scaling functions and ladder of subspaces, Subband
coding, Conditions for perfect reconstruction, Subband decomposition of images, Discrete wavelet
transform. Embedded wavelet coding, JPEG-2000. [6H]
Video Coding and Motion Estimation: Basic building blocks and temporal redundancy, Motion estimation
algorithms, Video coding standards –MPEG-4 and H.264. [4H]
Audio Coding: Basic of Audio Coding, transform and filter banks, Format and encoding, Psychoacoustic
models. [4H]
Multimedia Synchronization: Basic definitions and requirements, Time stamping and pack architecture,
References model and specification, Packet architectures and audio-video interleaving, Playback continuity.
Video Indexing and Retrieval: Content based image retrieval, Video content representation, Video sequence
query processing. [4H]
Text/Reference books:
1. P. Havaldar and G. Medioni, Multimedia Systems – Algorithms, Standards and Industry Practices,
Cengage Learning, 2009.
2. R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstedt, Multimedia Fundamentals: Media Coding and Content Processing,
Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. NPTEL Course on Multimedia Processing by IIT Kharagpur.
4. Coursera – Course on Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing

Subject Code: EC416a Course Title Advanced Analog

Circuits Design
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (12.5%), Mid term (25%), Quiz II (12.5%), End term (50%)
Review of Basic Single-Transistor Amplifier Stages, MOS and BJT. Biasing. Limitations MOS device
models, Single-stage amplifiers, Single-stage amplifier frequenscy response. [4 H]

Current sources and mirrors; active loads, Differential amplifiers, source-coupled pairs. [6 H]

Design of an Op-Amp internal stages, Differntial input balnced output/unbalance out differnce amplifer
stage, level shiftter, power amplifier stage analysis and design. Design to achive high CMRR. [10 H]

Linear voltage regulators, Switching voltage regulators, Interference and grounding, Continous and
switched capacitor filter, Timers, Active filter, Phase-locked loop. [6 H]
Digital / Analog converters: - Characterization, lineality (DNL, INL), dynamic characteristics. - Parallel
architectures. - Enhanced resolution techniques. - Serial architectures. - Analog / Digital converters: -
Sample & hold. - Caracterization, lineality (DNL, INL), dynamic characteristics. - Serial architectures. -
Parallel architectures. Pipeline. - Advanced techniques (folding, interpolation, interleaved). [10 H]

Noise in circuits Oscillators and comparators, Feedback op-amps and stability, Differential amplifiers.
[6 H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth edition, Oxford University
2. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, 1st Edition, Behzad Razavi, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
3. Field-Effect Devices and Advanced MOS Devices, (volumes IV and VII of the Modular Series on
Solid State Devices), Addison-Wesley.
4. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Gray, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer, 4th Ed., Wiley,

Subject Code: EC416b Course Title Detection and Estimation

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Background: Review of Gaussian variables and processes; problem formulation and objective of signal
detection and signal parameter estimation in discrete-time domain. [2 H]

Statistical Decision Theory: Bayesian, minimax, and Neyman-Pearson decision rules, likelihood ratio,
receiver operating characteristics, composite hypothesis testing, locally optimum tests, detector comparison
techniques, asymptotic relative efficiency. [8 H]

Detection of Deterministic Signals: Matched filter detector and its performance; generalized matched
filter; detection of sinusoid with unknown amplitude, phase, frequency and arrival time, linear model. [6 H]

Detection of Random Signals: Estimator-correlator, linear model, general Gaussian detection, detection of
Gaussian random signal with unknown parameters, weak signal detection. [6 H]

Nonparametric Detection: Detection in the absence of complete statistical description of observations,

sign detector, Wilcoxon detector, detectors based on quantized observations, robustness of detectors. [6 H]

Estimation of Signal Parameters: Minimum variance unbiased estimation, Fisher information matrix,
Cramer-Rao bound, sufficient statistics, minimum statistics, complete statistics; linear models; best linear
unbiased estimation; maximum likelihood estimation, invariance principle; estimation efficiency; Bayesian
estimation: philosophy, nuisance parameters, risk functions, minimum mean square error estimation,
maximum a posteriori estimation. [8 H]

Signal Estimation in Discrete-Time: Linear Bayesian estimation, Weiner filtering, dynamical signal
model, discrete Kalman filtering. [6 H]
Text/Reference books:

1. H.L.VanTrees,"Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory: Part I, II, and III", John Wiley, NY,
2. H. V. Poor, "An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation", Springer, 2/e, 1998.
3. S.M.Kay,"Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory", ", Prentice Hall PTR,
4. S.M.Kay,"Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory", Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Subject Code: EC416c Course Title Industrial Microwave and
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Waveguide Components:
Overview of Attenuators, Phase Shifters, Matched Loads, Detector Mounts, slotted sections, E and H Plane
Tees, etc. Signal Generators: Fixed Frequency, Sweep frequency and synthesized frequency oscillators,
PLL for high frequency generation [10 H]
Industrial Microwave:
Noise Sources and Noise meters used in microwave measurements, frequency meters and VSWR meters,
Measurement of frequency, attenuation, VSWR and impedance, cavity measurements: Q factor, bandwidth;
Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials: Cavity and waveguide methods, Measurement of Power:
Calorimetric and Microwave bridges; principles of Time and frequency domain reflectometry, Spectrum
Analyser and Network Analyser, Measurement of Scattering parameters of passive and active devices.
[10 H]
Processes in Industrial Microwave:
Microwave in process control instrumentation, Microwave waste disposal, Microwave in agriculture and
medicine, hyperthermia, etc. Microwave Heating, Microwave absorbers, EMC and EMI.
[10 H]
Microwave Communication:
Microwave Radio and its components, Free space propagation model, ground reflection, Earth and its effect
on propagation, Clutter theory, Fresnel Zones: First and Second order Fresnel Zones, Signature width of
radio, tolerance limits, Practical Link Budget calculations, Atmospheric Attenuation
Text/Reference books:
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits, Samuel Y Liao, Pearson
2. Microwave Engineering, David M Pozar, Wiley
3. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications,” Pearson Education, 2003.

Subject Code: ME416a Course Title Energy Conversion

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (20%), Mid-sem (20%) and End-sem (60%)
Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear power and Hydro -their utilization pattern in the past, present and future
projections of consumption pattern – Sector - wise energy consumption – environmental impact of fossil
fuels – Energy scenario in India – Growth of energy sector and its planning in India.


Solar radiation at the earth’s surface – solar radiation measurements – estimation of average solar
Radiation - solar thermal flat plate collectors - concentrating collectors, Solar radiation - beam and diffuse
radiation, solar constant, earth sun angles, attenuation and measurement of solar radiation Local solar time,
derived solar angles, sunrise, sunset and day length. flat plate collectors, concentrating collectors Solar air
heaters - types, solar driers, storage of solar energy - thermal storage, solar pond Solar water heaters, solar
distillation, solar still, solar cooker, solar heating & cooling of buildings, photo voltaic - solar cells & its

Nature of the wind –power in the wind – factors influencing wind – wind data and energy estimation - wind
speed monitoring -wind resource assessment - Betz limit - site selection - wind energy conversion devices -
classification, characteristics, applications – offs hore wind energy-
Hybrid systems - safety and environmental aspects – wind energy potential and installation in India -
Repowering concept.

Biomass resources and their classification - Biomass conversion processes - Thermo chemical conversion -
direct combustion – biomass gasification - pyrolysis and liquefaction - biochemical
Conversion - anaerobic digestion - types of biogas Plants – applications - alcohol production from biomass
– bio diesel production – Urban waste to energy conversion - Biomass energy program me in India.


Introduction, turbines, different types turbines, pelton wheel (or turbine), velocity triangles, radial flow
reaction turbine, Francis turbines, Axial flow reaction turbines, reciprocating pumps - variations of velocity
and acceleration in the suction and delivery pipes due to acceleration of the piston, centrifugal pumps –
work done by the centrifugal pump on water, minimum speed for starting a centrifugal pump, multistage
centrifugal pumps for high head and high discharge.


Ocean energy resources - principle of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) - ocean thermal power
plants - ocean wave energy conversion - tidal energy conversion – small hydro – geothermal energy -
geothermal power plants – hydrogen production and storage - Fuel cell – principle of working - various
types - construction and applications.

Text/Reference books:
1. Non - conventional energy by B H Khan, Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi.
2. Fundamental of turbo machinery – B.K. Venkanna, PHI, New Delhi 2009
3. An introduction to Energy Conversion: Turbo machinery, volume 3 (Second Edition) Manohar
Prasad, V. Kadambi.
4. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Dr. R. K. Bansal laxmi publications.

Subject Code: ME416b Course Title Industrial Instrumentation

& Metrology
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Industrial Instrumentation: Theory and Experimentation in Engineering problem solving approaches, types
of engineering experiments, computer simulation and physical experimentation: Generalized measuring
system, types of inputs analog and digital signals, standards, calibration and uncertainly. [08 H]

Measurement system; performance characteristic, static performance characteristics-static calibration

linearity static sensitivity, repeatability, hysteresis threshold-resolution, readability and span: Analysis of
experimental data; Causes and types of experimental error, un-certainly analysis statistical analysis of data ,
probability distributions and curve fitting: Dynamic performance characteristics: Input types Instrument
types zero order instrument, first order instrument second order instrument. [09 H]

Experiment plans, Model building, Measurement Methods and Application Measurement of force and
torque; Measurement of strain and stress; Measurements ofpressure; Flow measurement and flow
visualization, measurement of temperature, optical methods of measurements; [09 H]

Data Acquisition and Processing : Types and configurations of DAS, Signal conditioning, A/D, D/A
conversion: Design, Planning, Execution and Analysis of experimental projects. [06 H]

Metrology: Measurement of length, measurement of angle, measurement of geometric forms, straightness,

flatness, roundness etc. Mechanical and optical methods. Measurement of screw threads and
gears.Measurement of surface roughness and texture, introduction to CMM in-process gages, Inspection
and quality monitoring. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Mechanical Measurements by S.P. Venketeshan, IIT Madras Anne Book Pvt. Ltd. 4821
ParwanaBhawan, 1st floor 24 Ansari Road, Darya ganj, New Delhi-110 002.
2. Engineering Metrology by R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, and New Delhi 1997.
3. E.O. Deobelin, Measurement systems, Applications and Design 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 1990.
4. T.G. Beckwith, R.D. Marangoni and J.H. Tenhard Mechanical Measurements 5th ed. Addison
Wesley 1993.
5. Holman, Experimental Methods for Engineers McGraw Hill 1994.

Subject Code: ME416c Course Title Rapid Product

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Mid Sem Exam (20%), End Sem Exam (40%), Quizzes/Programming
Assignment (20%) and Programming/Automation Project (20%)
Overview of Rapid Product Development:
Product Developing Cycle, Components of RPD, Classification of manufacturing processes. Preprocessing:
Solid Modeling, Data exchange formats, STL file format, RP Preprocessing. [4 H]
Rapid Prototyping (RP):
Introduction to RP, Need of RP; Basic Principles of RP, Steps in RP, Process chain in RP in integrated
CAD-CAM environment, Advantages of RP, Classifications of different RP techniques, Selection of RP
processes, Issues in RP, Emerging trends. [8 H]
RP Techniques:
Solid RP, liquid RP techniques and Powder RP Techniques - Process Technology and Comparative study of
Selective laser sintering, Selective powder binding, etc. [10 H]
Rapid Tooling (RT):
Introduction to RT, Indirect RT processes – silicon rubber molding, epoxy tooling, spray metal tooling and
investment casting. Direct RT processes – laminated tooling, powder metallurgy based technologies,
welding based technologies, direct pattern making, emerging trends in RT. [5 H]
Reverse Engineering:
Geometric data acquisition, 3D reconstruction. [5 H]
Applications and case studies:
Engineering applications, Medical applications [5 H]
Special Topic on RP:
Programming in RP, Modelling, Slicing, Internal Hatching, Surface Skin Fills, Support Structure. Overview
of the algorithms for RP&T and Reverse Engineering. [5 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Chua, C.K., Leong, K.F., Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing, John
Wiley and Sons Inc., 2000.
2. Pham, D.T., Demov, S.S., Rapid Manufacturing: The Technologies and Applications of Rapid
Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2001.
3. Hopkinson, N., Hague, R.J.M. and Dickens, P.M., Rapid Manufacturing and Industrial Revolution
for the Digital Age, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2005.
4. Noorani, R., Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey,
5. Zeid, I., Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
6. Gebhardt, A., Rapid Prototyping, Hanser Gardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati, 2003.
7. Gibson, I., Software Solutions for Rapid Prototyping, Professional Engineering Publication Ltd.,
8. Patri, K. V., and Weiyin, Ma, Rapid Prototyping - Laser-based and Other Technologies, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, U.S.A., 2003.
9. Rapid Prototyping Journal
10. Journal of Virtual and Physical Prototyping
11. Selected papers from International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, International Journal
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Design and
applications, etc.
12. Mortenson, M.E., Geometric Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1997
13. Saxena, A., Sahay, B., Computer Aided Engineering Design, Anamaya Publishers, New Dehi, 2005
14. Rogers, D.F and Adams, J.A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill,
15. Zeid, I., CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice, Revised First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
16. Faux, I. D. and Pratt, M. J., Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley (Ellis
Horwood Ltd.), 1983.
17. Venuvinod, P.K. and Ma, W., Rapid prototyping: Laser based and other technologies, Kluwer
Academic Publishers,2004.
18. Gibson, I., Advanced Manufacturing Technology For Medical Application, John Wiley &
19. Kamrani, A.K. and Nasr, E.A., Rapid Prototyping Theory And Practice , Springer,USA ,2006.
20. Hilton, P.D. and Jacobs, P.F., Rapid Tolling: Technologies and Industrial Applications, Dekker,New
York ,2005.
21. Bidanda, B. and Bartolo, P., Virtual Prototyping & Bio Manufacturing In Medical Applications,
Springer,USA ,2008.

Subject Code: CS416a Course Title Pattern Recognition

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project (20%)
Introduction: Feature extraction and Pattern Representation, Concept of Supervised and Unsupervised
Classification, Introduction to Application Areas
[2 H]
Statistical Pattern Recognition: Bayes Decision Theory, Minimum Error and Minimum Risk Classifiers,
Discriminant Function and Decision Boundary, Normal Density, Discriminant Function for Discrete,
Features, Parameter Estimation, Maximum Likelihood Estimation
[9 H]
Dimensionality Problem: Dimension and accuracy, Computational Complexity, Dimensionality
Reduction, Fisher Linear Discriminant, Multiple Discriminant Analysis
[4 H]
Nonparametric Pattern Classification: Density Estimation, Nearest Neighbour Rule, Fuzzy Classification
[3 H]
Linear Discriminant Functions: Separability, Two Category and Multi Category Classification, Linear
Discriminators , Perceptron Criterion, Relaxation Procedure, Minimum Square Error Criterion,
Widrow-Hoff Procedure, Ho-Kashyap Procedure, Kesler’s Construction
[6 H]
Neural Network Classifier: Single and Multilayer Perceptron, Back Propagation Learning, Hopfield
Network, Fuzzy Neural Network
[7 H]
Time Varying Pattern Recognition: First Order Hidden Markov Model, Evaluation Decoding, Learning
[5 H]
Unsupervised Classification: Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Graph Based Method, Sum of Squared
Error Technique, Iterative Optimization
[5 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Pattern Classification by Richard o. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Strok, Wiley.
2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M. Bishop, Springer.
3. Machine Learning by Tom M. Mitchell, Mcgraw Hill Education.
4. Pattern Recognition by Theodoridis, Academic Pr.

Subject Code: CS416b Course Title Internet Technology

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Assignments
Evolution of Internet, TCP/IP: addressing and routing. [5]

Internet applications: FTP, Telnet, Email, Chat. [5]

World Wide Web: HTTP protocol. [5]

Designing web pages: HTML, forms, JavaScript, JAVA servlets, Perl. PHP, DHTML, XML. [10]

E-Commerce and security issues including symmetric and asymmetric key, encryption and digital signature,
authentication. [10]

Emerging trends, Internet telephony, virtual reality over the web, etc. Intranet and extranet, firewall design
issues. [7]
Text/Reference books:
1. Douglas E.Comer, Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications (Third Edition),
Prentice Hall, 2001
2. H M Deitel, Internet and WWW- How to Program, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2014.
3. Jeffrey C. Jackson, Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective, Pearson Education, 2006.

Subject Code: CS416c Course Title Cyber Security

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quizes (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Security Concepts and Mechanisms: Overview of Networking Concepts, Information Security Concepts,
Security Threats and Vulnerabilities, Cryptography [10H]
Security Management: Security Management Practices, Security Laws and Standards [11H]
Information and Network Security: Access Control and Intrusion Detection, Server Management and
Firewalls, Security for VPN and Next Generation Technologies [11H]
System and Application Security: Security Architectures and Models, System Security, OS Security [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Mike Shema, Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Mc Graw Hill, 4th edition, 2014.
2. Nina Godbole and Sunit Belpure, Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and
Legal Perspectives, Wiley, 2011
3. Dieter Gollmann , Computer Security, Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2011
4. Ross Anderson , Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Wiley, 2nd
Edition, 2008
Subject Code: CS416d Course Title Computational Geometry
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Basic Geometric Concepts: points, lines, polygons; subdivisions; arrangements; polytopes; cell complexes.
Geometric Searching: fractional cascading; segment tree; interval tree, range tree; priority search tree. [5H]
Point Location: slab method; trapezoid method; chain method; bridged chain method. [5H]
Plane-Sweep Algorithms: intersection of segments; intersection of rectangles; trapezoidation. [6H]
Convex Hulls: 2-dimensional convex hull; dynamic convex hull; 3-dimensional convex hull. [6H]
Proximity: closest pair; furthest pair; Voronoi diagrams; triangulations. [7H]
Graph Drawing: planar drawings; straight-line drawings; orthogonal drawings; polyline drawings; upward
drawings; hierarchical drawings; visibility representations. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Mark de Berg, Mar van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried S hwarzkopf, Computational Geometry:
Algorithms and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 2000
2. H. Edelsbrunner, Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 1987
3. H. Edelsbrunner , Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001
4. K. Mulmuley, Computational Geometry: An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms.,Prenti e-
Hall, 1994
5. . F. Preparata and M. Shamos, Computational Geometry: An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, 1985
6. T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd ed, MIT Press
and M Graw-Hill, 2001.

Subject Code: EC417a Course Title Satellite Communication

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
SATELLITE ORBITS:Introduction Kepler’s Laws, orbital parameters, orbital perturbations, station
keeping, and geo stationary and non-Geo-stationary orbits – Look Angle Determination- Limits of visibility
–eclipse-Sub satellite point –Sun transit outage. [8 H]
SATELLITE LINK DESIGN: Satellite uplink and downlink Analysis and Design, link budget, E/N
calculation- performance impairments-system noise, inter modulation and interference, Propagation
Characteristics and Frequency considerations- System reliability and design lifetime. [10 H]

SATELLITE ACCESS: Modulation and Multiplexing: Voice, Data, Video, Analog – digital transmission
system,Digital video Brocast, multiple access: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Assignment Methods,Spread
Spectrum communication, compression – encryption. [6 H]

EARTH SEGMENT:Earth Station Technology-- Terrestrial Interface, Transmitter and Receiver, Antenna
Systems TVRO, MATV, CATV, Test Equipment Measurements on G/T, C/No, EIRP, Antenna Gain.
[8 H]
INMARSAT, LEO, MEO, Satellite Navigational System. Direct Broadcast satellites (DBS)- Direct to home
Broadcast (DTH), Digital audio broadcast (DAB)- Worldspace services, Business TV(BTV), GRAMSAT.
[8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Dennis Roddy, ‘Satellite Communication’, McGraw Hill International, 4th Edition, 2006.
2. Timothy Pratt – Charles Bostian & Jeremy Allmuti, Satellite Communications, John Willy & Sons
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition 2004
3. Bruce R. Elbert, ‘The Satellite Communication Applications’ Hand Book, Artech House Bostan
London, 1997.
Subject Code: EC417b Course Title Mixed-Mode Circuit
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Basic CMOS Circuit Techniques, Continuous Time And Low voltage Signal Processing: Mixed-Signal
VLSI Chips-Basic CMOS Circuits-Basic Gain Stage-Gain Boosting Techniques-Super MOS Transistor-
Primitive Analog Cells-Linear VoltageCurrent Converters-MOS Multipliers and Resistors-CMOS, Bipolar
and Low-Voltage BiCMOS Op-Amp Design-Instrumentation Amplifier Design-Low Voltage Filters.
[10 H]
Basic BiCMOS Circuit Techniques, Current -Mode Signal Processing: Continuous Time Signal
Processing-Sampled-Data Signal Processing-Switched-Current Data Converters. [5 H]
Sampled-Data Analog Filters, Over Sampled A/D Converters And Analog Integrated Sensors: First-
order and Second SC Circuits-Bilinear Transformation - Cascade Design-Switched-Capacitor Ladder Filter-
Synthesis of Switched-Current FilterNyquist rate A/D Converters-Modulators for Over sampled A/D
Conversion-First and Second Order and Multibit Sigma-Delta Modulators-Interpolative Modulators –
Cascaded Architecture-Decimation Filters-mechanical, Thermal, Humidity and Magnetic Sensors-Sensor
Interfaces. [10 H]
Analog VLSI Interconnects: Physics of Interconnects in VLSI-Scaling of Interconnects-A Model for
Estimating Wiring Density-A Configurable Architecture for Prototyping analog Circuits. [7 H]
Statistical Modeling and Simulation, Analog/ Mixed Computer-Aided Design: Review of Statistical
Concepts - Statistical Device Modeling- Statistical Circuit Simulation-Automation Analog Circuit Design-
automatic Analog Layout-CMOS Transistor Layout-Resistor Layout-Capacitor Layout-Analog Cell
Layout-Mixed Analog -Digital Layout. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Paul R. Gray and Robert G.Meyer, “ Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Fiez, " Analog VLSI signal and Information Processing ", 1994, McGraw-
Hill International Editons.
3. Behzad Razavi, “ Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
4. Y. Tsividis, “ Mixed Analog-Digital Devices and Technology”, Mc-Graw Hill.
5. Alan B. Gnebene, “ Bipolar and MOS analog integrated circuit design“,John Wiley & Sons.
6. Mohammed I. Elmasy,” Digital Bipolar circuits “, John Wiley & Sons.
7. Greogorian and Tames, “ Analog Integrated Circuit For Switched Capacitor Circuit

Subject Code: EC417c Course Title Power System Engineering

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (45%)
Introduction: Power generation from conventional sources; thermal, hydro, nuclear and gas power plants -
their functions and control; types of prime movers, generators and excitation systems. [10 H]
Transmission lines: Equivalent circuit of a transmission lines, line parameters, corona, interference of
power lines with communication circuits, line insulators. Cables, per unit system, symmetrical components,
fault analysis, switching surges. [14 H]
Integrated operation and mathematical modeling of power systems, basic concepts of load flow, protection.
[12 H]
Load management and tariffs. [3 H]
Deregulated power system and introduction to smart grid. [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. J.J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson Jr., Power System Analysis, Mc Graw Hill International, 1994.
2. B.M. Weedy and B.J. Cory, Electric Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co., 1994.
4. C.L Wadhwa, “Electrical Power System”, New age International (p) Limited Publisher, Reprint,
Subject Code: ME417a Course Title Mechanical Vibration and
Condition Monitoring
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizes (20%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Review of Free and forced vibrations of single degree of freedom system. Vibration isolation and
transmissibility, Vibration measuring instruments. [6 H]
Multi Degrees of freedom systems, Introduction, Influence co-efficient, Maxwell reciprocal
theorem,Automobile vehicle suspension, coupling, Vibration absorbers, Various numerical methods for
solution of multi degree of freedom systems. [8 H]
Whirling of shafts with and without air damping. Discussion of speeds above and below critical speeds.
[6 H]
Vibration of Continuous Systems: Introduction, vibration of string, longitudinal vibration of rods,torsional
vibration of rods, Euler’s equation for beams, simple problems. [8 H]
Non-linear vibration, PhasePlane, Conservative systems, Stability of equilibrium. The Duffing Oscillator.
[4 H]
Introduction to condition monitoring of machinery, Condition monitoring methods, Types and Benefits of
Vibration Analysis. Vibration Signals from Rotatingand Reciprocating Machines. Signal Classification,
Stationary and Cyclostationary signals. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Thomson, W.T., Theory of vibration with applications, Third Edition,1997.
2. Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibrations, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2004
3. Randall. R.B., Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring: Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive
Applications, Wiley, United Kingdom, 2011.
4. Caollacott, R. A.; Chapman, Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring, Chapman
and hall, 1977.
5. Rao, J. S., Advanced Theory of Vibration, Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, 1992

Subject Code: ME417b Course Title Advance Manufacturing

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Conventional Machining Processes
Electron Beam Machining (EBM), Plasma Arc Machining (PAM) Laser Beam Machining (LBM), Abrasive
Jet Machining (AJM), Water Jet Cutting (WJM), Ultrasonic Machining (USM), Electro-Chemical
Machining (ECM), Electric Discharge Machining (EDM), Wire EDM. [20H]
Jigs and fixtures, principles of location and clamping, synthesis of simple jigs and fixtures. Principles of
assembly, engineering theory of dimensional chains, fully interchangeable and selective assembly. [6H]
Limits, fits and tolerance; automated inspection and CMM. Selection of Manufacturing processes for a
given product. [4H]
High Speed Machining ;
Introduction and concepts of HSM. Issues related to HSM. Comparison with conventional manufacturing
processes. [2H]
Finishing Processes:
Introduction to finishing process, grinding, Lapping, Honing, Super Finishing. [4H]
Precision Manufacturing Processes:
Introduction to micro fabrication processes and M4 processes: concepts of accuracy, errors, influences of
dimensional wear on accurancy. [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. V.K. Jain Advanced Machining processes, Allied Publishers New Delhi 2002.
2. Boothroyd G and Knight, W.A. Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools, 3rd ed. Saint Luice Pr.
3. Black S.C. Chiles, V.Lissaman, A.J. Martin, S.J. Principles of Engineering Manufactures Arnold Edn.
4. Kalpakjian, S. and Schimd S.R. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Prentice Hall 4th edition
5. G.F. Benedict, Nontraditional Manufacturing processes, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York 1987.
6. A.Ghosh and A.K. Malik Manufacturing Science Affiliated East West press Ltd. New Delhi 1985.
7. P.C. Pandey, and H.S. Shan Modern Machining Processes, TMH Publishing Co.Ltd. New Delhi 1980.
8. J.A. McGeough, Advanced Methods of Machining, Chapman and Hall, London 1988.

Subject Code: ME417c Course Title Automobile Engineering

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Chassis: [4 H]
Importance of chassis and its components, Vehicle performance
Clutch: [6 H]
Driving system and Plate clutch (uniform pressure and uniform wear),Cone clutch (uniform pressure and
uniform wear), Energy lost by plate clutch during engagement, Centrifugal clutch.
Gear box: [6 H]
Torque and tooth load in epicyclic gear trains, Sliding mesh and constant mesh gears, Epicyclic gears and
hydra-matic transmission,Numerical problems on the above topics
Propeller shaft: [3 H]
Types of driving shafts, Mechanics of Hotchkiss and torque tube drives
Universal joint: [1 H]
Slip joint, Hook’s joint.
Differential and rear axle: [4 H]
Differential, Rear axle, Axle shaft, Axle housing.
Brakes: [6 H]
Theory of band brake, blocks brake, and band and block brake, Internal expansion, Hydraulic brakes, Hand
or parking brakes, Braking of vehicle moving in a curved path,Numerical problems on the above topics.
Steering systems: [4 H]
Ackerman steering gear,Devis steering gear, Turning circle radii, Standard steering gears, Power steering.
Brake wheel: [3 H]
Braking of vehicle, Heat generated due to braking operation, Types of wheels, Design consideration of
wheels, Wheel alignment.
Supercharging and Turbocharging: [4 H]
Supercharger, Supercharging methods for SI and CI engines, Turbocharging, Supercharge Engine
Text/Reference books:
1. Joseph Heitner, Automotive Mechanics – Principles and Practice, - Affiliated East West Press, 2nd
edition, 1980.
2. J.A. McGeough, Advanced Methods of Machining, Chapman and Hall, London 1988. 1.N. K. Giri,
Automotive Mechanics, Khanna Publishers, 1996
3. Kripal Singh, Automobile Engineering, - Vol. I & II, Standard Publishers & distributors
Subject Code: CS417a Course Title Advanced Computer
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Introduction: Microprocessor Advances, Number of transistors, Chip size, Power dissipation [1 H]
Pipeline execution and Hazard avoidance: Simplified Computer structure, Clock synchronous design,
Instruction fetch, decode, Operand read, ALU operation, LSU operation, Result write back; Pipeline
Execution, Eliminating structural hazard, Resource scheduling, Data hazard, Pipeline control, Branch
instruction execution, Pipeline processor performance, Number of pipeline stages. [5H]
Review of Cache and its Performance Effect: Performance effect of memory access, Performance effect
of cache, Cache structure, Direct map, Full associative, Set associative, Cache management, LRU, Multi-
level cache, I/D split cache, How cache works. [2H]
Review of Arithmetic Units: Binary number representation, 1bit full adder, Ripple carry adder, Generate
and Propagate signals, Parallel prefix Adder, Kogge-Stone adder, Han-Carlson adder; Multiplier, Binary
multiplier, Booth’s algorithm, Radix-4 modified Booth algorithm, Wallace tree, Pipelined Multiplier;
Division, Restoring division, Non restoring division, SRT division; Floating point numbers, IEEE754,
Floating point adder, Floating point multiplier, Iterative floating point division, Newton-Raphson method,
Goldschmidt method. [5 H]
Memory management and Protection Mechanism: Segment based memory management, Page based
memory management, Page table, Memory protection, Supervisor/User mode, Translation look-aside buffer
(TLB), Multi level page table, Large page, Virtually indexed-physically tagged cache, TLB for multi-
processing, Virtual storage, Virtual machine. [4H]
Architectures for Higher Performance: Superscalar execution, Out-of-Order execution, Anti-dependency
hazard, Register renaming, Reorder buffer, Pipelined non-blocking cache, Load store unit, Memory dis-
ambiguation, Commit mechanism, Control hazard reduction, Branch prediction, Single level 2bit predictor,
Tow level predictor, Branch target buffer, Return stack. [6H]
Multi-processor System: Shared Memory system, Cache coherency, MSI protocol, snoop invalidate,
snoop writeback, MESI, MOSI, MOESI, MESIF protocol, False sharing; Multiprocessor memory access,
Mutual exclusion, Atomic memory access; Shared memory system, Distributed memory system; Static and
dynamic networks, Static network topologies, Bisection band width, network diameter, dynamic network
topology, Fat tree; Shared memory multiprocessor OS, Shared memory system programming, fork exec,
pthread, OpenMP, Multiprocessing with distributed memory system, Programming with MPI Library. [7 H]
Basic ARM Architecture: Memory and addressing, Registers, Program counter, Condition codes, The
instruction set, Group1: data manipulation (arithmetic operation and logical operation), Group2: load and
store, Group3: multiple load and store, Group4: branch, Group5: software interrupt. [6H]
ARMv7-Architecture:32-bit-addressing,Application Program Status Register(APSR),SIMD, Thumb.[3H]
ARMv8-A Architecture: 64-bit addressing and 64-bit architecture, Virtual addressing, Registers,
Instruction format, Advanced SIMD. [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, “Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The
Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
2. Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Prgrammability, McGraw-
Hill Inc.,US, 1993.
3. Betty Prince, High Performance Memories: New Architecture DRAMs and SRAMs — Evolution
and Function, 1st Edition, Wiley, 1996.
4. ARM® Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition.
5. ARM® Architecture Reference Manual ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile Errata markup.
Subject Code: CS417b Course Title Cloud Computing
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Overview of Distributed Computing: Trends of computing, Introduction to distributed computing, Next big
thing: cloud computing [4H]
Introduction to Cloud Computing: What’s cloud computing, Properties & Characteristics, Service models,
Deployment models, Public cloud, private cloud and hybrid clouds [8H]
Cloud Computing Models including Infrastructure/Platform/Software – as-a-service: Resource
Virtualization, Cloud platform & Management, Web services [15H]
Cloud issues and challenges: Cloud OS, Cloud Architectures including Federated Clouds, Scalability,
Performance, QoS , Security and Privacy issues in the Cloud [15H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Kai Hwang Geoffrey C. Fox Jack J. Dongarra, Distributed and Cloud Computing, 1st edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011.
2. Ray J Rafaels, Cloud Computing: From Beginning to End, Create Space Independent Publishing
Platform, 2015
 3. Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology &
 Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2013

Subject Code: CS417c Course Title Object Oriented Analysis

and Design
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project (20%)
Introduction to Object-Orientation, Objects and Classes, Attributes, Methods, Object Relationships like
Association, Aggregation and Composition, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding
Interfaces, Programming constructs for various OO concepts, Components of UML class diagrams, and
Sequence diagrams [12 H]
Requirement analysis, SRS, Use case modeling, Identification of domain objects and interactions modeling,
domain modeling, UML Component diagram/package diagram, Subsystem design, goals, Architectural
patterns, Component of UML Activity diagrams, and Statechart, Object design (solution domain) [12 H]
Methodologies for object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), Design patterns, Common design patterns.
Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns [12 H]
Refactoring, Code smells, Reverse Engineering Design from Code, Design Evaluations [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Bernd Bruegge, Allen Dutoit: “Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and
Java”, Addison Wesley.
2. Blaha and Rumbaugh “Object-oriented modeling & Design with UML, 2nd Ed, PHI

Subject Code: EC418a Course Title Time Frequency Analysis

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (12.5%), Mid-Term (25%), Quiz II (12.5%), End-Term (50%)
Theory: Basics of Fourier Analysis, Spectral Theory, Fundamentals of Time Frequency Analysis,
Instantaneous Frequency and the Complex Signal, Uncertainty Principle, The Need for Time-Frequency
Analysis, Gabor Transform, The Short-Time Fourier Transform/Spectrogram, Time-Frequency
Localization, Continuous Wavelet Transform/Scalogram, Multiresolution Analysis, Quadratic Time
Frequency Transform, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Signal Processing Applications. [20H]
Basic of MATLAB, Implementation of discrete signal, DSP mathematical problem solving by using
MATLAB, Frequency domain analysis, Time frequency algorithm implementation, basic filter designing.
Text/Reference books:
1. “A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing (3rd edition), S. Mallat, Academic Press, 2008, ISBN: 978-
2. “Time-Frequency Analysis, Prentice Hall”; Leon Cohen, 1994, ISBN: 978-0135945322.
3. , “Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing: A Comprehensive Reference”,B. Boashash
Elsevier Science, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-0080443355.
4. “Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to Theory& Applications”, R. M. Rao and A. S. Bopardikar,
Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN-13: 978-020163463.
5. “IEEE International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis”, IEEE Press, NY,
1992. (Publ. TH4788 or ISBN 0-7803-0805-0)
Subject Code: EC418b Course Title Radio Frequency
Integrated Circuits
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Basic concepts and definitions: Definition of RF and FCC Regulations Wireless Standards, Transceiver
Architectures, Noise, Linearity, Dynamic Range, matching networks/impedance transformers.
[8 H]
Passive components/Devices: Inductors, Capacitors, Resistors, Transmission lines, Transformers, Variable
and Constant capacitors [5 H]
Amplifiers: Low noise amplifiers (LNAs): LNA topologies, LNA Design, Noise Sources, Nonlinearity,
Gain and Band switching; Power amplifiers (Pas): General Classification and parameters, Cascode ouput
stages, large signal analysis and impedance matching [10 H]
Mixers: Performance parameters, Passive and Active mixers, Downconvesrion and Upconversion mixers,
Mixers Topologies [5 H]
Oscillators and Frequency synthesizers: Basic principle and performance parameters, tank and other
topologies based oscillators, Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs), Frequency multipliers, Integer-and
fractional-N synthesizers [12 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. RFMicroelectronics, Behzad Razavi, 2nd Ed, Pearson
2. Ulrich L. Rohde, Matthias Rudolph, RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications, 2nd
Edition, 2012.

Subject Code: EC418c Course Title Physics of Semiconductor

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Principle of Quantum Mechanics, Schrodinger's wave equation,
Application of Schrodinger's wave equation, extension of wave theory to atoms. Introduction to the
Quantum Theory of Solids. [5 H]
Electrical conductions in solids, Drift current, Density of states function, Statistical mechanics. The
Semiconductor in Equilibrium, Charge carriers in semiconductor, Dopant atoms and energy levels,
Extrinsic semiconductor, Statistics of donors and acceptors, charge neutrality, position of Fermi level. [5H]
Carrier Transport Phenomena, Carrier drift, carrier diffusion, Hall effect, graded impurity distribution. Non
equilibrium excess carriers, Carrier generation and recombination, Characteristics of excess carriers,
Ambipolar transport, Quasi-Fermi energy level. [10 H]
The p-n Junction: Basic structures of the PN junction, Zero bias condition, forward bias, reverse bias
condition. The p-n Junction Diode current components I/V Characteristics, small signal model of p-n
junction, generation- recombination current, junction breakdown, charge storage and diode transient.[10H]
The metal-semiconductor and semiconductor hetero-junctions, Schottky Barrier diode, Ohmic and
rectifying contacts, Hetreo junction materials, energy band diagram, two dimension electron gas,
equilibrium electrostatics and I/V characteristics. Junction field effect transistor, basic concept, device
characteristics MESFET, Non ideal effects, high electron mobility transistor quantum well structures.[6H]
Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor: Two terminal MOS structure,
basic MOSFET operation, non ideal effects, MOSFET scaling, threshold voltage modification, radiation
and hot electron effects. [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. S.M. Sze Physics of Semiconductor Devices Wiley-Interscience
2. ‘Semiconductor physics and devices’ 5th edition Neaman Donald A. Mc Graw Hill
3. Physics of Semiconductor Devices Michael Shur, (Prentice Hall, 1990)
4. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Massimo Rudan Springer Publication
Subject Code: ME418a Course Title Advance Solid Mechanics
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%), Mid Term (20%), End term (40%), Course Project (20%)
Analysis of Stresses and Strains in rectangular and polar coordinates: Cauchy’s formula, Principal stresses
and principal strains, 3D Mohr’s Circle, Octahedral Stresses, Hydrostatic and deviatoric stress, Differential
equations of equilibrium, Plane stress and plane strain, compatibility conditions. Introduction to curvilinear
coordinates. [10 H]
Generalized Hooke’s law and theories of failure. Energy Methods. [5 H]
Bending of symmetric and unsymmetric straight beams, effect of shear stresses, Curved beams, Shear
center and shear flow, shear stresses in thin walled sections, thick curved bars. [8 H]
Torsion of prismatic solid sections, thin walled sections, circular, rectangular and elliptical bars, membrane
analogy. [5 H]
Thick and thin walled cylinders, Composite tubes, Rotating disks and cylinders. [5 H]
Euler’s buckling load, Beam Column equations. [4 H]
Strain measurement techniques using strain gages, characteristics, instrumentations, principles of photo-
elasticity. [4 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] L. S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, 2nd Edition, TMH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
[2] R. G. Budynas, Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill
Publishing Co, 1999.
[3] A. P. Boresi, R. J. Schmidt, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, 5th Edition, John Willey and Sons
Inc, 1993.

Subject Code: ME418b Course Title Management of

Production System
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizes (15%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
1. Overview and introduction of production and operations management (P/OM) [3 H]
2. P/OM’s key role in productivity attainment [3 H]
3. P/OM strategies: forecasting life cycle stages [3 H]
4. Quality management: strategic issues [3 H]
5. Methods for quality control (QC) [5 H]
6. Facilities planning [3 H]
7. Capacity management [4 H]
8. Materials management (MM) [3 H]
9. Aggregate planning (AP) [3 H]
10. Inventory management [3 H]
11. Material requirements planning (MRP) [3 H]
12. Production scheduling [2 H]
13. Cycle-time management [2 H]
14. Project management [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] L.N. Aggarwal and Parag Diwan, Management of Production System,
[2] Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Bery, D. Clay Whybark, Manufacturing Planning and Control
Systems Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd
[3] Production & Operations Management by Adam & Ebert
[4] Production and operations management by Martin K. Starr
Subject Code: ME418c Course Title Design of Mechanical
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Design for strength, rigidity, stiffness, reliability and manufacturing:
Theory of failures – Special consideration while designing for rigidity.Effect ofhollow section on rigidity,
methods for improving rigidity.Reliability considerations in design. [6 H]
Design for Manufacturing:
General design principles for manufacturability - strength and mechanical factors, design
consideration for casting, machining and assembly. [4 H]
Limits, fits, and tolerances:
Types of tolerances and fits, design considerations for interference fits, Geometric tolerances - Assembly
limits -Datum features - Tolerance stacks, interchangeability and selective assembly. [4 H]
Fatigue consideration in design:
Variable load - basic concept; load or stress variations- different patterns Cyclic stressing/straining -
materials response and the origin of fatigue failure. Stress life relations; S-N curve-fatigue strength and
endurance limit. Factors influencing fatigue and endurance strength modification factors, Effect of stress
concentration and fatigue stress concentration definition.Effect of mean stress - Goodman and Soderberg's
relations. Design approach to fatigue - design for infinite life and finite life Design of members under
combined (steady and variable) loading conditions. [10 H]
Design of IC Engine Parts:
Piston, Piston Ring, Cylinder and cylinder lining, Connecting rod, Crankshaft. [6 H]
Design of Transmission Devices:
Design of speed gear box – Aims of speed regulation, stepped and stepless drive, intermediate
spindle speeds, speed diagram, structural (Ray) diagram, speeds in G.P., kinematic arrangement of
gears, calculation of number of teeth, deviation diagram, selection of module, check for dynamic
load and wear. Shaft design. Selection of bearing and seals. Design of housing. [12 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Mehta, N. K., Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control, Tata McGraw Hill.
[2] Norton, Robert L., Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, Third Edition, Pearson
Education, 2005.

Subject Code: CS418a Course Title Complex Networks

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project (20%)
Graph, Introduction to Complex Networks, Complex Network Examples, Fundamentals of Network
Theory, Mathematics of Networks, Types of Graphs, Hypergraphs, weighted and directed graphs, trees,
degree, paths components Centrality, Spectral analysis of Network, Bipartite Networks [10 H]
ER Model, Generalized Random Graphs, Diameter and Clustering Coefficient, Degree Distribution,
Milgram Small World Experiment, Small World Network properties, Watts and Strogatz Model, An
algorithmic perspective of small world phenomenon, Configuration model [10 H]
Power Laws, Preferential Attachment and Rich get Richer process, Barabasi Albert Model [10 H]
Generating functions, Component sizes, Phase Transition, Giant Component, Number of Neighbors and
average path length.[7]
Random Failure and Targeted attack [5]
Text/Reference books:
1. Mark Newman, Networks: An Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
2. David Easley and Jon Kleinberg Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected
World, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Subject Code: CS418b Course Title Data Mining and Data
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
Introduction to Data Mining: What is data mining? , Related technologies - Machine Learning, DBMS,
OLAP, Statistics, Data Mining Goals, Stages of the Data Mining Process, Data Mining Techniques,
Knowledge Representation Methods. [2 H]
Data Warehouse and OLAP: Data Warehouse and DBMS, Multidimensional data model, OLAP
operations. [6 H]
Data preprocessing: Data cleaning, Data transformation, Data reduction, Discretization and generating
concept hierarchies, Experiments with Weka 3 Data Mining System-filters, discretization. [4 H]
Data mining knowledge representation: Task relevant data, Background knowledge, Interestingness
measures, Representing input data and output knowledge, Visualization techniques. [3 H]
Attribute-oriented analysis: Attribute generalization, Attribute relevance, Class comparison, Statistical
measures. [3 H]
Association rules Mining: Motivation and terminology, Example: mining weather data, Basic idea: item
sets, Generating item sets and rules efficiently, Correlation analysis. [5 H]
Classification Algorithms: Basic learning/mining tasks, Inferring rudimentary rules: 1R algorithm,
Decision trees, Covering rules. [4 H]
Prediction mining algorithms: The prediction task, Statistical (Bayesian) classification, Bayesian
networks, Instance-based methods (nearest neighbor), Linear models. [4 H]
Evaluating what's been learned: Basic issues, Training and testing, Estimating classifier accuracy
(holdout, cross-validation, leave-one-out), Combining multiple models (bagging, boosting, stacking),
Minimum Description Length Principle (MLD). [2 H]
Clustering Algorithms: Basic issues in clustering, First conceptual clustering system: Cluster/2
Partitioning methods: k-means, expectation maximization (EM), Hierarchical methods: distance-based
agglomerative and divisible clustering, Conceptual clustering: Cobweb. [5 H]
Text mining: extracting attributes (keywords), structural approaches (parsing, soft parsing), Bayesian
approach to classifying text. [2 H]
Web mining: classifying web pages, extracting knowledge from the web Data Mining software and
applications. [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-088407-0.
2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3rd ed., Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, July 2011. ISBN 978-0123814791.
3. Margaret H Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory And Advanced Topics, Pearson Education India, 01-
4. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining, Pearson; US ed
edition, May 2005.
5. Mehmed Kantardzic, Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2011.
Subject Code: CS418c Course Title Advanced Algorithms
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Performance of algorithms: space and time complexity; [2H]
Data Structures: Priority Queues: lists, heaps, binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps; Search Trees: binary search
trees, red-black trees, AVL trees, splay trees, B/B+-trees; [10H]

Design Paradigms: greedy method, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming [10H]

Graph Algorithms: Shortest path, Spanning trees, Network flow; [5H]
Computational intractability and Approximation algorithms [10H]
A selection of advanced topics: Parallel algorithm, External Memory algorithm [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. T. H. Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.
2. J .Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison Wesley, 2005.
3. A. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison-
Wesley, 1974.
4. S Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
5. M. T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples,
John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Subject Code: CS318d Course Title Mesh Free Computations

Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Overview: Why Mesh Free, Definition of Mesh Free, Solution Procedure for Mesh Free methods
Categories of Mesh Free methods [07 H]

Mesh Free Shape Function Construction [07 H]

Mesh Free methods based on global weak forms [07 H]

Mesh Free methods based on local weak forms [07 H]

Mesh Free Collocation Methods [10 H]

Mesh Free methods based on local weak forms and Collocation [04 H]

Text/Reference books:
1. G R Lui, Y T Gu “An Introduction to mesh free methods and their programming”, Springer, 2005
2. W Chen, Z J Fu, C S Chen, “Recent advances in radial basis function collocation methods”,
Springer, 2014

Subject Code: PR499 Course Title: Project

Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme End-Term (100%)
Semester VIII

Subject Code: ES407a Course Title Fundamentals of RF

& Microwave
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Mathematical foundation in understanding of signals, circuits and devices:basic properties of
Transforms, transmission line theory, T and 𝜋 equivalent circuit, behaviour of transmission line at
radio & microwave frequency. [10 H]
DC and Low Frequency Circuit Concepts: BJT Biasing, mode of operation small signal AC
analysis. FET circuits at DC, AC analysis, first and second order AC models of FETs, high
frequency models of BJT and FETs, single pole approximation, differential amplifiers, and
frequency response. [10 H]
Circuit Representation of Two Port RF/ Microwave Networks: Impedance, Admittance,
Hybrid, Transmission Matrix, Generalized S parameters, Reciprocal Networks, Loss less Networks,
Signal Flow graphs and its Applications. [10 H]
Impedance Matching and network selection:power gain concept, mismatch factor, return loss,
input/output VSWR, maximum gain, constant gain design, figure of merit, matching network
design using lumped and distributed elements, stability consideration in active networks. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. T.C. Edwards,Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design 1stEdition, Wiley Interscience.
2. Ulrich L. Rohde, Matthias Rudolph,RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications,
2nd Edition, 2012.

Subject Code: ES407b Course Title Internet of Things

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
IoT definitions: overview, applications, potential & challenges, and architecture. [6 H]
Internet in general and Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Web of Things, and Making
Things Smart. [5 H]
IoT communication protocols, packets, services, performance parameters of a packet network as
well as applications such as web, Peer-to-peer, sensor networks, and multimedia. [6 H]
Business Issues, Aspects and Models of the Internet of Things. Making and Getting Things onto the
Internet. [5 H]
Local Area Networks, MAC level, link protocols such as: point-to-point protocols, Ethernet, WiFi
802.11, cellular internet access, and Machine-to-machine. [6 H]
Mobile Networking: roaming and handoffs, mobile IP, and ad hoc and infrastructure less networks.
[6 H]
IoT examples: Case studies, e.g. sensor body-area-network and control of a smart home. [6 H]

Text/Reference books:
Kurose, James F.; Ross, Keith W. Computer networking: a top-down approach, 5th ed.,
international ed.: Boston, Mass.: Pearson, cop. 2010
Subject Code: ES407c Course Title Applied Photonics

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction: Review of basic optics, wave propagation, polarization, diffraction, Gaussian
Beams, Electrooptic effect, electro-optic modulators and their design considerations, Acousto-optic
effect, Raman Scattering and Bragg diffraction, acousto-optic modulators and deflectors. [10H]
Fibres: Principles of optical communication systems, optical sources and detectors, Optical fibres:
mode of an optical fibre, multimode fibres, single mode fibres and their propagation characteristics,
Dispersion management in optical fibres and link design considerations.[10H]
Integrated optics: Planar and channel waveguides, coupled and dielectric waveguides, dielectric
backed waveguides, directional couplers, optical switch, electro-optic and acousto-optic waveguide
devices. Display devices, holography and optical information processing. [10H]
Photonics: Introduction to Photonic crystals, Lithium Niobate Crystal, its lattice structure,
polarization and anisotropy in the crystal, Photonic Band Gap effect, guided wave structure and
components on Photonic Crystals, diffraction limit and constraints on physical dimensions. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light, John D. Joannopoulos, Princeton University
2. Optical Fibre Communications, Gerd Keiser, TMH, 2008.
3. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal.

Subject Code: ES407d Course Title Operations Research

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Modeling with Linear Programming - Two-Variable LP Model, Graphical LP Solution, Solution
of a Maximization Model, Solution of a Minimization Model, Selected LP Applications; [6 H]
The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis - LP Model in Equation Form, Transition from
Graphical to Algebraic Solution, The Simplex Method, Artificial Starting Solution, Special Cases in
the Simplex Method, Sensitivity Analysis - Graphical and Algebraic Sensitivity Analysis; [6 H]
Duality and Post-Optimal Analysis - Definition of the Dual Problem, Primal-Dual Relationships,
Economic Interpretation of Duality, Post-Optimal Analysis; [6 H]
Transportation Model and Its Variants - Definition of the Transportation Model, The
Transportation Algorithm, The Assignment Model; [6 H]
Network Models - Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm, Shortest-Route Problem, LP Formulation of
the Shortest-Route Problem, Maximal flow model, LP Formulation of Maximal Flow Model,
Critical Path (CPM) Computations, Construction of the Time Schedule, LP Formulation of CPM;.
[7 H]
Integer Linear Programming - Integer Programming Algorithms, Branch-and-Bound (B&B)
Algorithm, Cutting-Plane Algorithm, Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), Heuristic Algorithms,
B&B Solution Algorithm, Cutting-Plane Algorithm; [7 H]
Deterministic Dynamic Programming - Recursive Nature of Computations in DP, Forward and
Backward Recursion, Selected DP Applications. [8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Hamdy A. Taha Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson.
2. Frederick S. Hiller, Gerald J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw Hill.
3. Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, Wiley India.
4. Hillier and Liberman, Introduction to Operations Research: Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill.
Subject Code: ES407e Course Title Internet of Things
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
IoT definitions: overview, applications, potential & challenges, and architecture. [6 H]
Internet in general and Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Web of Things, and Making
Things Smart. [5 H]
IoT communication protocols, packets, services, performance parameters of a packet network as
well as applications such as web, Peer-to-peer, sensor networks, and multimedia. [6 H]
Business Issues, Aspects and Models of the Internet of Things. Making and Getting Things onto the
Internet. [5 H]
Local Area Networks, MAC level, link protocols such as: point-to-point protocols, Ethernet, WiFi
802.11, cellular internet access, and Machine-to-machine. [6 H]
Mobile Networking: roaming and handoffs, mobile IP, and ad hoc and infrastructure less networks.
[6 H]
IoT examples: Case studies, e.g. sensor body-area-network and control of a smart home. [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
Kurose, James F.; Ross, Keith W. Computer networking: a top-down approach, 5th ed.,
international ed.: Boston, Mass.: Pearson, cop. 2010

Subject Code: ES407f Course Title Social network

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
Modeling with Linear Programming - Two-Variable LP Model, Graphical LP Solution, Solution
of a Maximization Model, Solution of a Minimization Model, Selected LP Applications; [06 hr]
The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis - LP Model in Equation Form, Transition from
Graphical to Algebraic Solution, The Simplex Method, Artificial Starting Solution, Special Cases in
the Simplex Method, Sensitivity Analysis - Graphical and Algebraic Sensitivity Analysis; [06 hr]
Duality and Post-Optimal Analysis - Definition of the Dual Problem, Primal-Dual Relationships,
Economic Interpretation of Duality, Post-Optimal Analysis; [06 hr]
Transportation Model and Its Variants - Definition of the Transportation Model, The
Transportation Algorithm, The Assignment Model; [06 hr]
Network Models - Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm, Shortest-Route Problem, LP Formulation of
the Shortest-Route Problem, Maximal flow model, LP Formulation of Maximal Flow Model,
Critical Path (CPM) Computations, Construction of the Time Schedule, LP Formulation of CPM;
[07 hr]
Integer Linear Programming - Integer Programming Algorithms, Branch-and-Bound (B&B)
Algorithm, Cutting-Plane Algorithm, Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), Heuristic Algorithms,
B&B Solution Algorithm, Cutting-Plane Algorithm; [07 hr]
Deterministic Dynamic Programming - Recursive Nature of Computations in DP, Forward and
Backward Recursion, Selected DP Applications. [08 hr]
Text/Reference books:
1. Hamdy A. Taha Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson.
2. Frederick S. Hiller, Gerald J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw Hill.
3. Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, Wiley India.
4. Hillier and Liberman, Introduction to Operations Research: Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill.
Subject Code: HS405a Course Title Culture and
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 GD-1 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End-Term (50%)
Culture, Technology and Innovation – [8L]
Culture a Technique- Remaking of the human Being, Technological advancement Vs. Culture, Four
Cradles and Fertile Crescent, Science and Technology- an instrument of culture- invention of wheel
and fire, Philosophy -an advancement in thought and Intuitions, Art and architecture, Inventions
and discoveries- from hunting and food gathering to Mass scale manufacturing.
Age of Enlightenment [5L]
Advancement in Science and Technology- Pros and cons,Accomplishment of Science and
Technology and status of Human society.
Age of Revolution [5L]
Industrialization and mutual dependency,Urbanization and Nuclear families, Growth of Classes
Age of Internationalization [8L]
Growth of Liberalism, Growth of Nationalism and migration of Technology from source to,
destinations miles apart,Nations at competition- Arms Race, Imperialism- Need identification and
weathering of Culture
Age of World Civilization- [10L]
Limitations of Science and Technology,Limitations of Art and Civilization,Outbreak of hostilities-
Two World Wars- contribution of Technology and loosening of cultural moorings.
Search for Stabilization- [6L]
Globalization and Proliferation of Science and Technology, Stereotype population and world- wide
technology, Modernization, Commitment and Consciousness, New Power Relationship- Need for
Culture driven Technology.
Text/Reference books:
1. World Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture VOL. A,B,C.
2. A Cultural History of India- A.L.Basham
3. The Heroes of History- Will Durant
4. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman
5. Culture and Technology Paperback – January 15, 2003by Andrew Murphie (Author), John
6. Culture and Technology: A Primer by Jennifer Daryl Slack (Author),
7. The Cultural Studies Reader Paperback – Import, 9 Mar 2007by Simon During (Editor)

Subject Code: EC419a Course Title RF and Microwave

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Waveguides and Resonators: Review of EM Theory: Wave propagation through waveguides -
rectangular, circular, elliptical-cutoff frequency, modes, group and phase velocities. Power
Transmission and losses in Waveguides. Excitation of various modes in Waveguides, Microwave
cavities – Rectangular and Circular Cavity Resonators. Semi-circular Cavity Resonators, Q factor
of a Cavity Resonators. [12 H]
Microwave Components: Microwave Hybrid Circuits –Waveguide Tees and Scattering Matrices.
Magic Tee and Hybrid Rings (Rat-race circuits) and their Scattering matrices. Waveguide Corners,
Bends and Twists, irises, windows, Directional couplers. Two-hole Directional Couplers, S-matrix
of a Directional Coupler. Circulators and Isolators. [12 H]
Microwave Devices and Measurements: Microwave Transistor; Tunnel Diode; Varacter Diode;
Schottky Diode; Gunn diode, IMPATT diodes. Klystron, Magnetron, Traveling Wave
Tubes.Measurement of power, frequency and wavelength, Measurement of impedance, SWR,
attenuation, Q of cavity and noise factor. [10 H]
Microwave Integrated circuits: MMIC, strip and microstrip lines, slot and coplanar lines, planar
circuits, Passive elements, components and devices, Analytical methods associated with MIC
theory, MMIC Fabrication Techniques, Printed Antennas, Future trend in MICs.
[6 H]
1. EM Wave and Radiating System by Jordan and Balmain
2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering by Robert E Collin
3. Microwave Devices and Circuits by Samuel Y Liao
4. Practical MMIC Design by Steve Marsh

Subject Code: EC419b Course Title Power Electronics

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I & II (15%), Midterm (25%), Assignments/Class Performance
(10%), End term (50%) (Tentative, decided at the beginning of the
semester in consultation with the students)
Introductions: Power semi semiconductor devices, Types of power electronic circuits and design
of P Power electronics equipment, Applications of Power electronics. [7 H]
Semiconductor Diodes and Circuits: Diode Characteristics, Power Diode Types, Series and
Parallel connected diodes, Diodes with different types of loads(R, RC, RL, LC, RLC Loads),
Freewheeling diodes. [7 H]
Diode Rectifiers: Single phase half wave rectifier, Single phase full wave rectifier, Single phase
full wave rectifier with RL Load, Three phase Bridge rectifier, Three phase Bridge rectifier with RL
Load DC-DC Converters: Principles of stepdown chopper and operation, Principle of stepup
chopper and operation, classification of choppers.
[7 H]
Thyristors: Thyristor Characteristics, Thyristor Turn on and Turn off, Two-transistor model of
Thyristor, Thyristor types, Series and Parallel operation of Thyristor Controlled Rectifiers:
Principle of phase controlled converter operation, Single phase full-converters, Single phase semi-
converter, Principle of three phase half wave Converters, Three phase full converters, Three phase
Semi-converter. [7 H]
Inverters: Single phase series resonant inverter, Single phase bridge inverters, Three phase bridge
inverters, Voltage control of inverters. [5 H]
AC Voltage Controllers:Principle of On-Off and phase controls, Single phase ac voltage controller
with resistive load, Single phase ac voltage controller with inductive load, Three phase ac voltage
controllers , Single phase Cyclo Converters, Three phase Cyclo Converters Some Applications.
[9 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices & Applications”; Prentice Hall (I) Pvt
2. Singh M.D., Khanchandani K.B. "Power Electronics", 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3. Sen P.C., “Power Electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
4. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, “Power Electronics”, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
5. Bose B.K., “Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives”, 1st edition, PHI, 2002.
Subject Code: EC419b Course Title Advance Filter
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Module I: Introduction of DSP [8 H]
Discrete-time signals, sequence operations, sampling, Digital Signal Processing and its applications,
filter and its applications, Discrete Fourier and Z-transforms, system function for linear shift-
invariant systems, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), fast convolution by FFT using the overlap-save or
overlap-add methods, FFT algorithms in linear filtering and correlation.
Module II: Introduction of Digital Filter [10 H]
Design of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) digital filters by transformation from analog filters:
Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transformation, Matched Z-transforms, Design of LP, HP, BP, SP IIR
Design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters by Windowing, Frequency Sampling,
Design of optimum equi-ripple linear phase FIR filters, Design of LP, HP, BP, SP IIR Filters.
Module III: Advance methods of Filter Design [10 H]
Optimization Methods for IIR and FIR filter Design: Deczky’s method for IIR filter design in the
frequency domain, Pade approximation method, Least- squares design method in time domain,
Implementation aspects: Quantization of parameters, Finite word-length, and Filter Structures.
Module IV: Computer Aproaches of Filter Design [10 H]
Computer Aided Design of FIR and IIR digital filters, Design of Digital filters by Criterion
Minimization, Computer Added Design of equireple FIR Filters, Digital IIR and FIR Filter Design
Module V: Application of Digital Filters [4 H]
Application of Digital Filters in Signal and Image processing, Biomedical signal processing, Speech
Processing etc.
Text/Reference books:
1. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach. Tata McGraw Hill.
McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. John G.Proakis, Dimitris G.Manobakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Third edition, (2000) PHI
3. Digital Signal Processing Emmanuel C Ifeachor, Barrie W Jrevis, Pearson Education.

Subject Code: ME419a Course Title Computer Integrated

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Introduction: Production Systems; Automation in Production Systems; Manual Labor in
Production Systems; Automation Principles and Strategies [3 H]
Manufacturing Operations: Manufacturing Industries and Products; Manufacturing Operations;
Production Facilities; Product/Production Relationships; Lean Production [3 H]
Manufacturing Models and Metrics: Mathematical Models of Production Performance;
Manufacturing Costs [3 H]
Material Transport Systems: Introduction to Material Handling Equipment; Material Transport
Equipment; Analysis of Material Transport Systems [3 H]
Storage Systems: Storage System Performance and Location Strategies; Conventional Storage
Methods and Equipment; Automated Storage Systems; Engineering Analysis of Storage Systems.
[3 H]
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems: Components of a Manufacturing System; Classification of
Manufacturing Systems; Overview of the Classification Scheme [3 H]
Single-Station Manufacturing Cells: Single Station Manned Workstations; Single Station
Automated Cells; Applications of Single Station Cells; Analysis of Single Station Cells [3 H]
Manual Assembly Lines: Fundamentals of Manual Assembly Lines; Analysis of Single Model
Assembly Lines; Line Balancing Algorithms; Mixed Model Assembly Lines; [3 H]
Workstation Considerations; Other Considerations in Assembly Line Design; Alternative Assembly
Systems [3 H]
Automated Production Lines: Fundamentals of Automated Production Lines; Applications of
Automated Production Lines; Analysis of Transfer Lines. [2 H]
Automated Assembly Systems: Fundamentals of Automated Assembly Systems; Quantitative
Analysis of Assembly Systems. [2 H]
Cellular Manufacturing: Part Families; Parts Classification and Coding; Production Flow Analysis;
Cellular Manufacturing; Applications of Group Technology; Quantitative Analysis in Cellular
Manufacturing. [3 H]
Flexible Manufacturing Systems: What is a Flexible Manufacturing Systems; FMS Components;
FMS Applications and Benefits; FMS Planning and Implementation Issues; Quantitative Analysis
of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. [3 H]
Quality Programs for Manufacturing: Quality in Design and Manufacturing; Traditional and
Modern Quality Control; Process Variability and Process Capability; Statistical Process Control;
Six Sigma; The Six Sigma DMAIC Procedure; Taguchi Methods in Quality Engineering; ISO
[3 H]
Inspection Principles and Practices: Inspection Fundamentals; Sampling vs. 100% Inspection;
Automated Inspection; When and Where to Inspect; Quantitative Analysis of Inspection [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Computer Integrated Manufacturing by by James A. Rehg (Author), Henry W. Kraebber

Subject Code: ME419b Course Title Fracture and Fatigue

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
History and overview of Fracture Mechanics; Structural failure and design philosophies; Ductile
and brittle fracture of materials; The fracture mechanics approach to design; Griffith’s theory of
brittle failures; Irwin’s stress intensity factors. [8 H]

LEFM; Stress concentration, Energy balance criteria, stress intensity factor, crack tip plastic zone,
crack resistance, KIc, the critical value, Relation of G&K, KIc measurement. EPFM: Fracture
beyond yield, CTOD, experimental determination of CTOD, use J integrals and measurement of JIc
and JR. Fracture Toughness measurement: Standards and its application in design. [12 H]

Fatigue crack propagation: Fatigue crack growth theories, crack closure, Microscopic theories of
fatigue crack growth; Application of theories of fracture mechanics in design and materials
development. [12 H]
Introduction / Characteristics of Fatigue Fracture / Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance / Fatigue-Crack
Growth Rates / Design against Failure / Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior / Creep-Fatigue Interactions /
Polymeric Fatigue / Fatigue of Composites / Summary [10 H]
Text/Reference books:

1. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition

2. Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Second Edition. Thomas H. Courtney
3. Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and
Fatigue by Norman E. Dowling
Subject Code: ME419c Course Title Refrigeration and Air
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Refrigeration Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle, [2 H]
Vapour Compression System [2 H]
Refrigerants [1 H]
Multipressure Systems [2 H]
Refrigerant Compressors [2 H]
Condensers [1 H]
Expansion Devices [1 H]
Evaporators [1 H]
Complete Vapour Compression System [2 H]
Gas Cycle Refrigeration [2 H]
Vapour-Absorption System [3 H]
Ejector-Compression System [3 H]
Properties of Moist Air [2 H]
Psychrometry of Air-Conditioning Processes [2 H]
Design Conditions [2 H]
Solar Radiation [2 H]
Heat Transfer through Building Structures [3 H]
Load Calculation and Applied Psychometrics [3 H]
Design of Air-Conditioning Apparatus [3 H]
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Control [2 H]
Application in Food Refrigeration processing and Chapter Industrial Air Conditioning [2 H]

Text/Reference books:
[1] Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (English) 3rd Edition by CP Arora.
[2] Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran and Shapiro (Wiley).
[3] Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel and Boles (TMH)
[1] Engineering Thermodynamics by P K Nag (TMH)

Subject Code: CS419a Course Title Computer Vision

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Introduction: Introduction to Computer Vision, Image Formation and Representation,
Transformation: Orthogonal, Euclidean, Affine, Projective, etc.[3H]
Low-level processing: Image analysis, preprocessing, Fourier Transform, Convolution and
Filtering, Image Enhancement, Restoration, Histogram Processing [5H]
Feature Extraction: Edges - Canny, LOG, DOG; Line detectors (Hough Transform), Corners -
Harris and Hessian Affine, Orientation Histogram, SIFT, SURF, HOG, GLOH, Scale-Space
Analysis- Image Pyramids and Gaussian derivative filters, Gabor Filters and DWT [7H]
Image Segmentation: Region Growing, Edge Based approaches to segmentation, Graph-Cut,
Mean-Shift, MRFs, Texture Segmentation; Object detection[7H]
Object Recognition: Structural Approaches, Model-based Approaches, Appearance and Shape-
based Approaches, Probabilistic Paradigms. [4H]
Pattern Analysis: Clustering: K-Means, K-Medoids, Mixture of Gaussians, Classification:
Discriminant Function, Supervised, Un-supervised, Semi-supervised; Classifiers: Bayes, KNN,
ANN models; Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, LDA, ICA; Non-parametric methods [7H]
Motion Analysis: Background Subtraction and Modeling, Optical Flow, KLT, Spatio-Temporal
Analysis, Dynamic Stereo; Motion parameter estimation [4H]
Applications and Performance Evaluation Measures: CBIR, CBVR, Security and Surveillance
(Activity Recognition, Biometrics etc.), Medical imaging, Document processing, image fusion,
Super-resolution, Augmented Reality, Performance Evaluation Measures. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Richard Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Springer-Verlag London
Limited 2011.
2. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, D. A. Forsyth, J. Ponce, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision,
Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, March 2004.
4. K. Fukunaga; Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, Second Edition, Academic
Press, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
5. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison- Wesley, 1992.

Subject Code: CS419b Course Title Distributed Systems

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Introduction, Architectures, Processes, Communication. [10 H]
Naming, Synchronization, Consistency and Replication [10 H]
Fault Tolerance, Security, Distributed Object-based Systems [10 H]
Distributed File Systems, Distributed Web-based Systems [07 H]
Distributed Coordination-based Systems [05 H]
Text/Reference books:
A S Tanenbaum, “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”, PHI, 2007

Subject Code: CS419c Course Title Quantitative

Methods in Software
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Term
Project (20%)
Assessment in Software Engineering, Software Measurement and Metrics, Research Method in SE -
Controlled Experiment, Case studies, Surveys, and others [12 H]
Controlled Experiments, Design of Experiments, Simulation Methods, Examples and Case Studies
for Controlled Experimentations, Data Collection and Analysis, Validity and Interpretation [12 H]
Case Studies and Surveys, Design and Execution, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Statistical Data
Analysis, Validity and Interpretation [12 H]
Planning, Designing, Conducting Empirical Studies, Replication, Documentation, Review,
Examples [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation, Natalia Juristo and Ana M. Moreno,
Kluwer, 2001.
2. Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering, Forest Shull, Janice Singer, and Dag
I.K. Sjøberg, Springer 2008
Subject Code: EC420a Course Title Advanced Control Systems
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introductions: Introduction and applications of Control Theory in different fields. [1 H]
State Variable Analysis and Design: State Variable Representation, Conversion between State
Variable Models to Transfer function and Vice-versa, Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors,
Diagonalization, Solution of State Equations, Controllability and Observability, Pole placement by
State feedback, Design of State Observer: Full order and Reduced order state observer,
Compensator Design by Separation Principle Servo Design: Introduction of the Reference input by
Feed-forward Control, State Feedback with integral Control [8 H]
Digital Control System, The z-transform, Inverse z-transform, Pulse Transfer Function, z- and s-
plane relationship, z-transform analysis of Sampled-data Control System, Stability analysis of
Sampled-data Control System, [8 H]
Design of Feedback Control System: Preliminary consideration of Classical Design, Realization
and Design of Basic Compensator, Design of PID controller [8 H]
Design of Digital Control System: Z-plane Specifications of Control System Design, Digital
Compensator Design using Frequency Response Plots, Digital Compensator design using Root
locus plots, Design of Digital PID controller [8 H]
Optimal Control Systems: Parameter Optimization, Optimal Control Problem: Transfer Function
Approach, Optimal Control Problem: State Variable Approach [5 H]
Introduction to Adaptive Control(Model Reference Adaptive Control), [4 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M Gopal, McGraw-Hill, 2003
Control Systems Engineering by I J Nagrath and M Gopal, New age International, 2007

Subject Code: EC420b Course Title VLSI Test and Testability

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Fundamental of VLSI Testing Basic of VLSI testing, Scope of testing and verification in VLSI
design process, Issues in test and verification of complex chips, embedded cores and SOCs.
[12 H]
Fault Modeling and Testing Fault models, fault detection and redundancy, fault equivalence and
fault location, fault dominance, automatic test pattern generation, Design for testability, Scan
design, Test interface and boundary scan. System testing and test for SOCs. Delay fault testing.
[12 H]
Test automation and Design verification BIST for testing of logic and memories, Test
automation, Design verification techniques based on simulation, analytical and formal approaches.
[10 H]
Module 4 Functional and Timing verification
Functional verification, Timing verification, Formal verification, Basics of equivalence checking
and model checking, Hardware emulation. [8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Digital System Testing and Testable Design,
Jaico Publishing House, 1990.
2. T. Kropf, Introduction to Formal Hardware Verification, Springer Verlag, 2000.
3. Neil H. E. Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison Wesley,
Second Edition, 1993.
4. Neil H. E. Weste and David Harris, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison Wesley, Third
Edition, 2004.
5. M. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and
Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Parag K. Lala, Digital Circuit Testing and Testability, Academic Press, 1997
Subject Code: EC420c Course Title Information Theory
and Coding
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Review of probability theory, Entropy: marginal entropy, joint entropy, conditional entropy and the
chain rule for entropy. Mutual information between ensembles of random variables. [6 H]
Source Coding theorems: prefix, variable and fixed length codes. Channel models and channel
capacity. Channel Coding theorem. [9 H]
Linear Block Codes: Generator and parity check matrices, Minimum Distance, Syndrome
decoding, Bounds on minimum distance. [9 H]
Cyclic Code: Finite Fields, binary BCH codes, RS Codes. [9 H]
Convolutional Codes: Encoders, Trellis, Viterbi decoding. [9 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Thomas M. Grover and Joy A. Thomas, “Elements of Information Theory,” Wiley.
2. John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, “Digital Communications,” 5th edition, McGraw

Subject Code: ME420a Course Title Optimization

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
Classical Optimization method
Single variable optimization; Multi variable optimization with no constraints (semidefinite case,
saddle point), with equality constraints (solution by direct substitution, method of constrained
variation, method of Lagrange multipliers), with inequality constraints (Kuhn-Tucker conditions,
constraint qualification); Convex programming problem, NLP: One dimensional minimization
methods [8 H]
Elimination methods: Interval halving method; Fibonacci method; Golden section method [5 H]
Interpolation method: Direct root methods (Newton method, quasi-Newton method, secant
method), NLP: Unconstrained optimization techniques [4 H]
Direct search methods: Random search; Grid search; Univariate; Pattern directions; Hooke and
Jeeves’ method; Powell (conjugate directions, algorithms); Rosenbrocks; Simplex (Reflection,
Expansion, Contraction) [5 H]
Indirect search methods: Gradient of a function; Steepest descent (Cauchy); Conjugate gradient
(Fletcher-Reeves); Newton’s; Marquardt; Quasi-Newton (Variable metric); Davidon-Fletcher-
Powell; Broydon-Fletcher-Goldforb-Shanno; NLP: Constrained optimization techniques [5 H]
Direct methods: Random search method; Sequential linear programming; Feasible directions
(basic approach); Feasible directions (Zoutendijk’s method); Rosen’s gradient projection;
Generalized reduced gradient; Sequential quadratic programming [4 H]
Indirect methods: Transformation techniques; Penalty function method (basic approach); Interior
penalty function method; Convex programming; Exterior penalty function; Interior penalty function
method (Extrapolation technique); Penalty function method (Mixed equality and inequality
constraints); Penalty function method (Parametric constraints); Augmented Lagrange multiplier
method; Checking convergence; Integer programming (IP) [6 H]
Integer linear programming: Graphical representation; Gomory’s cutting plane; Bala’s algorithm
for 0-1 programming [2 H]
Integer nonlinear programming: Integer polynomial programming; Branch and bound method;
Sequential linear discrete programming; Generalized penalty function method [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice by SS Rao.
Subject Code: ME420b Course Title Mechanics of
Composite Materials
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme (20%), Mid-sem(25%), Project (15%) and End-sem(40%)
Basic concepts and mechanical behaviour of laminated fiber-reinforced composite materials,
applications to engineering structures, different types of fibers and matrices. [8 H]
Prediction of elastic constants and strengths, mechanics of load transfer from matrix to fiber. [8 H]
Theory of elasticity for anisotropic materials, constitutive law for laminae, transformation of
stresses, strains and material properties. Constitutive law for laminates and significance of [A], [B]
and [D] stiffness matrices, stress and strain analyses of laminates, failure criteria, hygrothermal
stresses, bending of plane anisotropic beams, classical and first order theories of laminated
composite plates, analysis of Sandwich Plates, buckling analysis of laminate composite plates, first
order shear deformation theory, inter-laminar stresses and delamination. [20 H]
Several Aspects of Design
Composite tailoring and design issues, statics and elastic stability of initially curved and twisted
composite beams, plates and sandwich structures. [5 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] R M Jones (1999), “Mechanics of Composite Materials (2nd Ed),” Taylor and Francis, India.
[2] B D Agarwal, L J Broutman and K Chandrashekhara (2006), “Analysis and Performance of
Fiber Composites (3rd Ed),” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Delhi, India.
[3] Autar K Kaw (2006), “Mechanics of Composite Materials (2nd Ed),” Taylor and Francis,
[4] Reddy, J.N., Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells – Theory and Analysis,
CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2004.

Subject Code: ME420c Course Title Metal Forming

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Assignment (5%), Quizzes (20%), Midsem (25%), Endsem (40%) and
Term paper seminar (10%)
1. Forming: Review of stress and strain behavior of materials; plastic stress-strain relations
(isotropic and anisotropic), plastic and tangent modulus, yield criteria, flow rule, plastic
potential, strain hardening; plastic instability; empirical stress-strain equations; effect of
pressure, strain-rate and temperature; stress equilibrium and virtual work; deformation and
recrystallization; cold and hot working; heat effect during forming. [10H]
2. Plasticity: Yield criteria, isotropic and anisotropic hardening, rules of plastic flow, Levy-
Mises and Prandtl-Reuss equations, Isotropic and anisotropic yield theories: von Mises’,
Tresca, Hill’s 1948 and 1979 yield criteria. [8H]
3. Analysis: Mechanics of deformation in forming processes, determination of loads, pressures,
torques and powers required in metal forming processes; analysis of stress tensor, eigen
values, deviatoric and hydrostatic stress, components, octahedral stresses, analysis of strain
and strain-rates; spring back; theory and applications of slab method, limit analysis – upper
and lower bound technique, slip-line filed method. [10H]
4. Forming Processes: Drawing and sheet metal work, Stamping, FLD concept, FLC
prediction, Forging, Extrusion; Rolling; Bending, Deep drawing, Wire and Tube drawing;
High Velocity Forming. [12H]
5. Factors affecting deformation mechanisms in different metal forming processes. [2H]
Text/Reference books:

1. Metal Forming: Processes and Analysis, B. Avitzur, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
2. Theory of Plasticity, J. Chakrabarty, McGraw Hill, 1998.
3. Metal forming Mechanics and Metallurgy, W. F. Hosford, R. M. Caddell, Printice-Hall,
4. Fundamentals of Metal Forming, R. H. Wagoner, J. L. Chenot, John Wiley, 1997
5. Basic engineering plasticity, DWA Rees, Elsevier, 2006
6. Modeling of metal Forming and Machining Processes, P. M. Dixit, U. S. Dixit, Springer-
Verlag, 2008
7. Engineering plasticity, W. Johnson, P. B. Mellor, Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972
8. Plasticity theory and its application in metal forming, V. Gopinathan, Wiley Eastern

Subject Code: CS420a Course Title Big Data Analytics

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Introduction: Introduction: Big Data Challenges [6L]
Big Data Collection: Data Cleaning and Integration, Hosted Data Platforms and the Cloud[6L]
Big Data Storage Modern Databases, Distributed Computing Platforms, NoSQL, NewSQL [10L]
Big Data Systems: Characteristics of Big Data and Dimensions of Scalability, Multicore
Scalability, Security, User Interfaces for Data[10L]
Big Data Analytics: Getting Value out of Big Data, Machine Learning Tools, Fast Algorithms, Data
Compression, Information Summarization [10L]
Text/Reference books:
1. EMC education services, “Data Science and Big data analytics”, Willey India, 2015

2. Technical papers from major journals and major conferences on computing, networking, cloud

Subject Code: CS420b Course Title Principles of

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Term
Assignments (20%)
Introduction, Programming Languages, Syntax, Grammar, Ambiguity, Syntax and Semantics, Data
Types (Primitive/Ordinal/Composite data types, Enumeration and sub-range types, Arrays and
slices, Records, Unions, Pointers and pointer problems) [10 H]
Expressions, Type conversion, Implicit/Explicit conversion, type systems, expression evaluation,
Control Structures [5 H]
Binding and Types of Binding, Lifetime, Referencing Environment (Visibility,
Local/Nonlocal/Global variables) , Scope (Scope rules, Referencing operations, Static/Dynamic
scoping) [5 H]
Subprograms, signature, Types of Parameters, Formal/Actual parameters, Subprogram overloading,
Parameter Passing Mechanisms, Aliasing, Eager/Normal-order/Lazy evaluation) , Subprogram
Implementation (Activation record, Static/Dynamic chain, Static chain method, Display method,
Deap/Shallow access, Subprograms as parameters, Labels as parameters, Generic subprograms,
Separate/Independent compilation) [12 H]
Logic Programming, Predicate calculus, Clausal form, Resolution, PROLOG programming
language, Facts and rules, Backtracking, Lists, Limitations of PROLOG) , Functional Programming
(Lambda notation, Referential transparency, Functional forms, LISP and SCHEME programming
languages, S-expression, Define and Eval functions) [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Allen B. Tucker, Robert Noonan, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms,
McGraw-Hill, 2006
2. Bruce J. MacLennan, Principles of Programming Languages: Design, Evaluation, and
Implementation, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 1999.
3. T.W.Pratt, M.V.Zelkowitz, Programming Languages, Design and Implementation, Prentice
Hall, 4th Edition, 2001

Subject Code: CS420c Course Title Approximation

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Introduction and Methodology: P vs NP, NP Optimization problems, Approximation Ratio,
Additive vs Multiplicative, Pros and Cons [5H]
Techniques: Greedy and combinatorial methods, Local search, Dynamic programming and
approximation schemes, Linear programming rounding methods (randomized, primal-dual, dual-
fitting, iterated rounding), Semi-definite program based rounding, Metric methods [15H]
Problems: Tour problems: Metric-TSP, Asymmetric TSP, TSP Path, Orienteering,
Number Problems: knapsack, bin packing; Scheduling: multiprocessor scheduling, precedence
constraints, generalized assignment; Connectivity and network design: Steiner trees, Steiner forests,
Buy at bulk network design, Survivable Network Design; Covering problems: vertex cover, set
cover and generalizations; Packing problems: maximum independent set, packing integer programs;
Constraint satisfaction: max k-Sat; Clustering: k-center, k-median, facility location; Cut problems:
max cut, multiway cut, k-cut, multicut, sparsest cut, bisection; Routing problems: congestion
minimization, maximum disjoint paths, unsplittable flow [15H]
Hardness of approximation: simple proofs, approximation preserving reductions, some known
results [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Vijay Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms, Springer, 2001.
2. Dorit S. Hochbaum, Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard Problems, PWS Publishing, 1997.
3. Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan, Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
4. Jon Kleinber and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Subject Code: CS420d Course Title Randomized
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Project/Quiz I (30%), Mid term (30%), End term (40%)
Tools and Techniques: Basic probability theory; randomized complexity theory; game-theoretic
techniques; Markov, Chebyshev, and moment inequalities; limited independence; coupon collection
and occupancy problems; tail inequalities and Chernoff bounds; conditional expectation and
martingales; Markov chains and random walks; stable distributions; probability amplification and
derandomization. [20L]
Applications: sorting and searching; data structures; combinatorial optimization and graph
algorithms; geometric algorithms and linear programming; approximation and counting problems ;
metric embedding; online and streaming algorithms; nearest neighbors, and clustering; number-
theoretic algorithms. [22L]
Text/Reference books:
1. Motwani and Raghavan. Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
2. Mitzenmacher and Upfal. Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and
Probabilistic Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
3. William Feller. An introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Volumes I and II,
John Wiley, New York, 1968.
4. Patrick Billingsley. Probability and Measure, John Wiley and Sons, 1986.

Subject Code: EC421a Course Title CMOS Memory

System Design
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Introduction to SRAM memory [10H]
Overview, volatile memory, non-volatile memory, on-chip memory, on-chip memory types.
Review of CMOS circuit design, sensing circuitry basics, write circuitry and other peripheral
circuities, refresh, kickback, SRAM (Read and Write operation, 6T, 8T cell implementation etc.).
DRAM Memories [10H]
Introduction to DRAM, High speed DRAM architectures, open and folded arrays organizations,
bandwidth, latency, and cycle time, power, timing circuits. DRAM Cells read and write operations,
issues and challenges related to destructive read operations. Peripheral circuitries, row and column
FLSAH Memories [10H]
Operation of FLASH memories (FLASH array sensing and programming), Charge Pump, PROM,
EPROM, EEROM, NAND and NOR flash memories.
Emerging Memories [10H]
Emerging devices for memories such as Memristor, and other memories (RRAM, PCRAM,
STRAM etc)
Text/Reference books:
1. Semiconductor Memories: A Handbook of Design, Manufacture and Application, Betty
Prince, Wiley, 2nd Edison, 1996.
2. DRAM Circuit Design: Fundamental and High-Speed Topics, Keeth, Baker, Johnson, and
Lin, Wiley, IEEE 2007.
3. CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, Jacob Baker, Wiley-IEEE, Third Edition,
4. Semiconductor Memories: Technology, Testing, and Reliability, Ashok K. Sharma, Wiley-
IEEE, 2013.
Subject Code: EC421b/CS421b Course Title Image Processing

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Digital Image Fundamentals; [10H]
Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain: Gray Level Transformation, Histogram Processing, Spatial
Filters; Image Transforms: Fourier Transform and their properties, Fast Fourier Transform, Other
Transforms; Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain; [17H]
Color Image Processing; Image Restoration; Image Compression; [5H]
Morphological operators; Image Segmentation: edge detection, Hough transform, region based
segmentation; Representation and Description. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Digital Image Processing R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Third Edition, Pearson, 2012.
2. Image Processing,Analysis, and Machine Vision, M Sonka, V Hlavac, and R Boyle, Third
Edition, Thomson Engineering, 2007
3. Digital Image processing W. K. Pratt, third Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.
4. Fundamentals of Digital Image ProcessingAnil K. Jain, Pearson Education, 2006.

Subject Code: EC421c Course Title Optical

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Optical Fibres:
Introduction to Modern Communication Trends, Optical Fibres: Ray and mode theories, V
number, types of fibres, single mode, multimode, step and graded index fibres, attenuation and
dispersion issues, fibre fabrication methods [12H]
Optical Sources:
Parameters of Optical sources for OFC, LED: direct and indirect band gap semiconductors,
materials used for fabrication, fabrication techniques, Surface and edge emitting LEDs, Internal and
External Quantum Efficiency, Laser Diodes: Fabry Perot cavities, modes in LDs, fabrication
process, VCSELs, Lasing equations [10H]
Optical Detectors:
Photodetectors, PIN diodes, APDs, Phototransistors, Fibre Optic Receivers: Receiver noise,
Receiver Configurations, Sensitivity Issues, etc. [10H]
Design Considerations of an Optical Fibre Transmission
System, Link Budget Equations, Digital Link Design, modulation techniques, EDFA, Advanced FO
systems: POF systems, Long haul and very high data rate systems, WDM, DWDM [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Optical Fibre Communications, Gerd Keiser, TMH, 2008.
2. Optical Fibre Communications: Principles and Practice, John M Senior, Pearson education,
3. Introduction to Fibre Optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thaygarajan, Cambridge university Press
Subject Code: ME421a Course Title IC Engine
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
1. Basic definitions:
2. Brief history of the engine:
3. Definitions of various terms used in engines
4. Classification of engines - different types of engines:
1. Air Standard Cycles
2. Variable Specific Heat Calculations
3. The Air Standard Engine
4. Fuel Air cycles
5. Real Cycles:
6. Computer Simulation
C. FUELS: [3 H]
1. Properties of fuels and their measurement
2. Requirements of fuels for the petrol engine
3. Requirements of fuels for the diesel engine
4. Conventional fuels for the petrol and diesel engines
5. Alternative fuels for the petrol and diesel engines necessity for alternative fuels,
requirements for alternative fuels.
1. Intake and exhaust processes in a four-stroke cycle engine:
2. Volumetric efficiency
1. Mixture requirements in an si engine
2. Principle of carburetion
3. Fuel injection in a spark ignition (petrol) engine, mpfi
1. Basic combustion process
2. Analysis of cylinder pressure data
3. Ignition
4. Abnormal combustion
5. In cylinder motion
1. Basic combustion process
2. Analysis of cylinder pressure data
3. Fuel injection
4. Incylinder motion
H. Misc: Hybrid powertrain architecture, Features like engine auto start/stop, ECU: [2 H]
1. Nature and sources of engine emissions.
2. Mechanism of pollutant formation in engines.
3. Emission control strategies.
4. Instruments for measuring exhaust emissions.
5. Emission system: muffuler and catelytic converter.
6. Introduction to Bharat stage emission standards, co2 emission and carbon credit
1. Measurement techniques.
2. Performance factors and ratings.
3. Types of performance tests.
4. Performance characteristics of si engines
5. Performance characteristics of ci engines.
6. Heat balance
Need. Variation of gas temperature.Piston temperature distribution.Theory of engine heattransfer
and correlation. Parameters affecting engine heat transfer. Air-cooled systems.Types ofwater-
cooling systems.Radiators.Fans. Correlation for the power required for engine cooling.
Causes of engine friction. Function of lubrication. Mechanism of lubrication.Journal
bearinglubrication.Types of lubrication systems.Lubrication of engine components.
Supercharger, Supercharging methods for SI engines, Turbocharging In CI
engines,Supercharged Engine performance evaluation.

Text/Reference books:
[1] Ganesan, V. Internal Combustion Engines, Second Edition, Tata McGrawHill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi.
[2] Mathur, R.P. And Sharma, M.L. A Course In Internal Combustionengines, 8thedition,
Dhanpatrai and Sons, New Delhi.
[3] Fundamentals Of I.C. Engines - P.W. Gill, J.H. Smith And EJ. Ziurys.

Subject Code: ME421b Course Title Gas Turbine and

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
1. Introduction: Propulsion, Air breathing engines, Rocket engines. [2 H]
2. Basic Principles and Fundamentals Equations: Reaction principle, Conservation of
momentum, angular momentum and energy, Jet propulsion principle. [10 H]
3. Rocket propulsion: Specific impulse, effective exhaust velocity, thrust, momentum
equation, single stage, multi stage, payload, nozzle area ratio. [7 H]
4. Aircraft gas turbine engine: Thrust, propulsive efficiency, engine components, Brayton
cycle, components design. [5 H]
5. Parametric cycle analysis of ideal and real engines: Ideal and real ramjet, turbojet and
turbofan, optimum bypass and pressure ratios. [5 H]
6. Component performance: Inlet and diffuser pressure recovery, compressor and turbine
efficiencies, burner efficiency and pressure loss, exhaust nozzle loss and mechanical
efficiency of power shaft, performance analysis with variable specific heat. [6 H]
7. Engine performance analysis. [1 H]
8. Turbomachinery: Euler’s equation, axial and centrifugal compressors and axial and
centrifugal turbines. [3 H]
9. Inlet, nozzle and combustor: Subsonic and supersonic inlets, exhaust nozzle and
introduction to combustion systems, main and after burners. [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Mattingly, J. D., "Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets".
[2] Zucrow, M. J., “Principles of Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbines”, John Wiley& Sons.
Subject Code: ME421c Course Title Quality, Reliability
and Maintenance
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (15%), Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (50%)
QUALITY: Quality conception, quality of design, quality of conformance, cost of quality and
value of quality, quality objectives, role of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) for fulfilment of
quality objectives; organisation for quality factors influencing quality. In control process and out of
control process, causes of deviations, chance causes and assignable causes. [8 H]
CONTROL CHARTS: General theory, charts for variables and standard deviation, fraction
defectives and number of defects per unit. Process capability studies, Non-conventional control
charts. [09 hr]
ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING: Elementary concepts, sampling by attributes, single and double
sampling plans, use of Dodge Roming and Military standard sampling tables, construction and use
of O.C. curves, introduction to sampling by variates, continuous sampling plans. [8 H]
RELIABILITY: Introduction, failure rate curve, life testing, relationship between constant failure
rate, mean life and other failure rates. O.C. curve for stipulated life; Producer and consumer risk in
life testing, sampling plans, MIL-STD procedures for failure sequential life testing plans.
Reliability study analysis, synthesis of system reliability, design for reliability, measurement of
reliability. [9 H]
MAINTENACE ENGINEERING: Machine health monitoring, preventive and predictive
maintenance; condition based maintenance; maintenance planning and scheduling; Application of
latest techniques like fibre optics, signature analysis, thermography in maintenance engineering;
failure analysis of vital components like bearings; seals; gears etc; Maintenance strategies and
computer aided maintenance. [8 H]

Text/Reference books:
1. Reliability and Maintenance Engineering by RC Mishra
2. J. M. Juran& Frank M. Gryna : Quality Planning and Analysis Tata McGraw-Hill

Subject Code: CS421a Course Title Image

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
One-dimensional signal processing, Fourier analysis, Line integrals and projections, Fourier slice
theorem [08 H]
Reconstruction algorithms for parallel projections [07 H]
Reconstruction algorithms for fan beam projections [07 H]
Reconstruction algorithms for Cone beam projections geometries [10 H]
Algebraic reconstruction algorithms [05 H]
Optimization based reconstruction algorithms [07 H]
Text/Reference books:
G T Herman, “Image reconstruction from projections”, Springer-verlag, 2009
Subject Code: CS421c Course Title Statistical Methods in
Computer Science
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme BTech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Assignments
Introduction to the probabilistic and statistical techniques used in modern computer systems. Basics of
probability and statistical estimation. [10 H]
Graphical models, Mixture models and the EM algorithm, HMM, Kalman Filters, Bayesian Networks
and Markov Networks, Variable elimination, junction trees and belief propagation [10 H]
Sampling-based inference, Probabilistic inference, statistical learning, learning Bayesian network,
learning Markov models. [10 H]
Decision theory, Markov decision processes. Applications of probabilistic and statistical techniques to
algorithms, speech/image processing, robotics[12H]
1. D. Koller & N. Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques, MIT
2. Mari, Jean-François and Schott, René, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Computer
Science Springer, 2001

Subject Code: EC422a Course Title Nanophotonics and

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Midterm (30%), Quiz II (15%), End term (40%)
Introduction to Photonics: Electromagnetic waves; light; Maxwell equations; Wave equation;
Modes, laser sources, semiconductor quantum wells, photo detectors, quantum dots, nanowires,
Dielectric optical waveguides, directional coupler, Machzehnder interferometer, Optical
microresonators etc. [6 H]
Photonic Crystals: Photonic bandgap (PGB). PBG structures, wave propagation, Construction
methods, Applications: wave guides and photonic crystals fibres, optical microcavities, Photonic
VLSI. [8 H]
Nanophotonics in metals: Electromagnetics of Metals, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation,
Dielectric function and dispersion, Surface Plasmon polaritons, Single and multilayer systems,
Exaction of surface Plasmon, plasmonic waveguides and resonators, localized surface plasmons,
Nanoantennas. Metamaterials and Negative Index at Optical Frequencies,
Transmission through apertures and films: Theory of Diffraction by Sub-Wavelength Aperture,
Extraordinary Transmission, Directional Emission via Exit Surface Patterning, Localized Surface
Plasmons and Light Transmission Through Single Apertures, Emerging Applications of
Extraordinary Transmission, Transmission of Light Through a Film Without Apertures. [10 H]
Simulation and Design: Optical microresonators, guiding bending and splitting of light through
photonic crystals, microcavity based MUX and DEMUX, photonic crystal fiber, plasmonic
waveguides and resonators, Nanoantennas, Extraordinary transmission, Bull’s eye structures,
Metamaterials. [12 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals and Applications by Stefen A. Maer
2. Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmon by Vladimir M. Salaev
3. Photonic crystals:Molding the flow of light by J.D. Joannopoulos
4. Integrated Photonics: fundamentals by G. Lifante
Subject Code: EC422b Course Title Application of Signal
and Image
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (12.5%), Mid term (25%), Quiz II (12.5%), End term (50%)
ECG: Cardiac electrophysiology, relation of electrocardiogram (ECG) components to cardiac
events, clinical applications. [6 H]
Speech Signals: The source-filter model of speech production,spectrographic analysis of speech.
[6 H]
Speech Coding: Analysis-synthesis systems, channel vocoders, linear prediction of speech, linear
prediction vocoders. [5 H]
Imaging Modalities: Survey of major modalities for medical imaging: ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI,
PET, and SPECT. [5 H]
MRI: Physics and signal processing for magnetic resonance imaging. [5 H]
Surgical Applications: A survey of surgical applications of medical image processing. Image
Segmentation: statistical classification, morphological operators, connected components. [5 H]
Application of Signal and Image Processing in power and control systems and mobile robot using
physiological signals. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Oppenheim, A. V., and R. W. Schafer, with J. R. Buck. Discrete-Time Signal Processing.
2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999. ISBN: 9780137549207.
2. Karu, Z. Z. Signals and Systems Made Ridiculously Simple. Huntsville, AL: ZiZi Press,
1995. ISBN: 9780964375215.
3. Duda, R., and P. Hart. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis. New York, NY: John
Wiley & Sons, 1973. ISBN: 9780471223610.
4. Clifford, G., F. Azuajae, and P. McSharry. Advanced Methods and Tools for ECG Data
Analysis. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2006. ISBN: 9871580539661.
5. Rabiner, L. R., and R. W. Schafer. Digital Processing of Speech Signals. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978. ISBN: 9780132136037.
6. Lim, J. S. Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780139353222.
7. Gonzalez, R., and R. E. Woods. Digital Image Processing. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 2002. ISBN: 9780201180756.

Subject Code: EC422c Course Title Renewal Energy System

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-Term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End-Term (45%),
Introduction: Interrelationship between energy, ecology and environment, Overview of World/India
Energy Scenario – Dis-aggregation by end-use, by supply; Fossil Fuel Reserves - Estimates, Duration.
Solar Energy: Solar Radiation, availability, measurement and estimation, Solar Thermal Conversion Devices and Stora
Wind energy: Principles of wind energy conversion – Site selection considerations – Wind power plant
design – Types of wind power conversion systems – Operation, maintenance and economics. [10H]
Mini / micro hydro power: classification of hydropower schemes, classification of water turbine, Turbine
theory. [10H]
Biomass: generation, characterization, use as energy source, Introduction to the principles and operation
of fuel cells, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. [6H]
Energy audit concepts. [1H]
Text/Reference books:
1. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, second edition, John
Wiley, New York, 1991.
2. J. Twidell and T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, E & F N Spon Ltd, London, 1986.
3. N. Kothari, Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, PHI, Eastern Economy
Edition, 2012
4. Boyle, Godfrey, Renewable Energy (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, 2004.

Subject Code: ME422a Course Title Smart Materials and

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz (20%), Mid-sem (20%), Project (20%) and End-sem(50%)
Introduction to smart materials and their applications; Piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, and
electrostrictive materials. Shape memory alloys, electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids.
[10 H]
Piezoelectric Material Systems: Fundamentals of Piezoelectricity, Piezoelectric Actuators and
Sensors: Principle, working and modeling; Piezoelectric Beams and Plates: Modeling and analysis.
[8 H]
Shape Memory Alloys: Fundamentals of SMA Behavior; Constitutive Modeling, Actuation
Models of Shape Memory Alloys; [8 H]
Electroactive Polymer Materials: Classification of Electroactive Polymers; Actuator and Sensor
Equations of Ionomeric Polymer Transducers. [8 H]
Applications of Smart Materials such as Energy Harvesting, MEMS and NEMS, Active vibration
Control [8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Vijay K. Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Material Systems and MEMS:
Design and Development Methodologies, Wiley, 2006
2. Donald J. Leo, Engineering analysis of smart material systems, John Wiley Sons, Inc.,
3. A V Srinivasan and D Michael McFarland, “Smart Structures – Analysis and Design,”
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
4. Inderjit Chopra and Jayant Sirohi, Smart Structures Theory, Cambridge University
Press, 2014.

Subject Code: ME422b Course Title Fault Diagnosis and

Prognosis for
Engineering Systems
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%), Mid-sem (20%), Seminar/Project (20%) and End-
Historical Perspective, Diagnostic and Prognostic System Requirements, Designing in Fault
Diagnostic and Prognostic Systems, Diagnostic and Prognostic Functional Layers. [4 H]
Systems approach to condition based maintenance/ prognostics health management
Introduction, Trade Studies, Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA), System
CBM Test-Plan Design, Performance Assessment, CBM/PHM Impact on Maintenance and
Operations, Sensors, Sensor Placement. [8 H]
Signal processing and database management systems
Signal Processing in CBM/PHM, Signal Preprocessing, Signal Processing, Vibration Monitoring
and Data Analysis, Real-Time Image Feature Extraction and Defect/Fault Classification, The
Virtual Sensor, Fusion or Integration Technologies, Usage-Pattern Tracking.
[8 H]
Fault diagnosis
The Diagnostic Framework, Historical Data Diagnostic Methods, Data-Driven Fault Classification
and Decision Making, Dynamic Systems Modeling, Physical Model–Based Methods, Model-Based
Reasoning, Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), Other Methods for Fault Diagnosis, A Diagnostic
Framework for Electrical/Electronic Systems, Vibration-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for
Bearings. [8 H]
Fault prognosis
Model-Based Prognosis Techniques, Probability-Based Prognosis Techniques, Data-Driven
Prediction Techniques. [8 H]
Fault diagnosis and prognosis performance metrics
Introduction, CBM/PHM Requirements Definition, Feature-Evaluation Metrics, Fault Diagnosis
Performance Metrics, Prognosis Performance Metrics, Diagnosis and Prognosis Effectiveness
Metrics, Complexity/Cost-Benefit Analysis of CBM/PHM Systems. [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
[1] Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for Engineering Systems, George Vachtsevanos, Frank L.
Lewis, Michael Roemer, Andrew Hess, Biqing Wu, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

[2] Randall. R.B., Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring: Industrial, Aerospace and

Automotive Applications, Wiley, United Kingdom, 2011.
[3] Bo-Suk Yang, Introduction of Intelligent Machine Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis, Nova
Science Pub Inc.
[4] Mobley, R. Keith, An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance, Butterworth-Heinemann.
[5] Rolf Isermann, Fault-Diagnosis Applications: Model-Based Condition Monitoring:
Actuators, Drives, Machinery, Plants, Sensors, and Fault-tolerant Systems, Springer-Verlag
Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KInderjit Chopra and Jayant Sirohi, Smart Structures
Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Subject Code: ME422c Course Title Robot Kinematics

and Dynamics
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizzes (20%), Mid-sem (20%), Programming Assignment (20%), End-
1. Introduction to Robotics [2 H]
Introduction to robotics, history of robotics, current research in robotics around the world,
classification of Robotics
2. Coordinate Frames, Mapping and Transforms [4 H ]
Coordinate frames, description of objects in space, transformation of vectors, fundamental
rotation matrices, composition of rotations, the axis-angle representation, homogeneous
3. Direct Kinematic Model [4 H]
Forward kinematics, Denavit-Hartenberg Notation, examples of forward kinematics.
4. The Inverse Kinematics [4 H]
Inverse kinematics, workspace, solvability, closed form solutions, algebraic vs. geometric solution,
solution by a systematic approach.
5. Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics [4 H ]
Linear and angular velocity of a rigid body, relationship between transformation matrix and
angular velocity, manipulator Jacobian, Jacobian inverse, Jacobian singularities, redundancy
6. Dynamic Modeling [4 H]
Largrangian mechanics, two degree of freedom manipulator, dynamic model, Lagrange- Euler
formulation, Newton-Euler formulation, inverse dynamics.
Text/Reference books:
[1] Saha S.K., “Introduction to Robotics”, McGraw Hill Book Publishing Ltd. Third Edition,
[2] Craig J.J., “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control”, Pearson Education India,
First Edition, 2010
[3] Fu K.S., Gonzalez R.C., and Lee C.S.G., “Robotics control, sensing, vision, and
intelligence”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1987.
[4] Klafter R.D., Chmielewski T.A. and Negin M., “Robot Engineering an Integrated
approach”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
[5] Deb S.R., “Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co., Ltd., 1994.
[6] Schilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control”, Pearson Education India
[7] Mark W. Spong, M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Dynamics and Control”, John Wiley
[8] Richard P. Paul, “Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming and Control”, MIT

Subject Code: CS422a Course Title Natural Language

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Basic Text Processing, Regular expression, sentence segmentation, word stemming. [2]
Language modeling problem, Hidden Markov models, N-gram models, parameter estimation,
model evaluation, perplexity, smoothing. [5]
Text classification, Naïve Bayes and multinomial Naïve Bayes, Evaluation, Sentiment Analysis [5]
POS Tagging problems, Viterbi Algorithm for HMM, NER. [5]
The parsing problem, CFG and Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFG), CKY Parsing
algorithm, weaknesses of PCFGs, Lexicalized PCFG, [5]
Information Retrieval, Term-Document Incidence Matrices, The Inverted Index, Introducing
Ranked Retrieval, Term Frequency Weighting, Inverse Document Frequency Weighting (10:16) ,
TF-IDF Weighting. [8]
Log-linear models, and their application to NLP problems like tagging, parsing [10]
Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning in NLP. [2]
Text/Reference books:
1. Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
2. Chris Manning and Hinrich Schütze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, MIT Press. Cambridge, MA: May 1999.

Subject Code: CS422b Course Title Visual Cryptography

& Data Hiding
Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%), Project
Introduction, Visual Secret Sharing (VSS), Definition and construction. Naor and Shamir’s (k,n)
VSS, Proof of correctness, Contrast and pixel expansion. Contrast bounds. [10 H]
Visual Cryptography for multiple secrets, XOR based Visual Cryptography, Chaotic map based
techniques, Colour image VSS. [10 H]
Data hiding schemes, Characteristics of data hiding schemes: Security, Payload, Imperceptibility,
Reversible data hiding schemes, Random grid based methods. [12 H]
Data Hiding Applications: Watermarking, Basic of watermarking schemes, Watermarking in
images, audios and videos. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. M. T. Raggo and C. Hosmer, Data Hiding: Exposing Concealed Data in
Multimedia, Operating Systems, Mobile Devices and Network Protocols, Elsevier,
2. S. Clemato and C.-Y. Yang, Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing, CRC
Press, 2012
3. Cox, M. Miller, J.Bloom, J. Fridrich, and T. Kalker, Digital Watermarking and Steganography,
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multimedia Information and Systems, 2nd Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2007.

Subject Code: CS422c Course Title Model Thinking

Contact Hours L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit 4

Programme B.Tech Semester VIII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (40%),
Assignment (20%)
Why Model & Segregation/Peer Effects, Aggregation & Decision Models, Thinking Electrons:
Modeling People & Categorical and Linear Models [10 H]
Tipping Points & Economic Growth, Diversity and Innovation & Markov Processes, Lyapunov
Functions & Coordination and Culture [10 H]
Path Dependence & Networks, Randomness and Random Walks & Colonel Blotto, Prisoners'
Dilemma and Collective Action & Mechanism Design [12 H]
Learning Models: Replicator Dynamics & Prediction and the Many Model Thinker [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler, Jenny Piening, Philip Earnhart, The Decision Book -
50 Models for Strategic Thinking, W. W. Norton & Company, 2012
2. Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation: A Handbook for
Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, Wiley, 2010.
3. Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler, The Change Book: Fifty models to explain how
things happen, Profile Books Ltd, Jan 2013

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