UG Curriculum With Course Details Final 130716
UG Curriculum With Course Details Final 130716
UG Curriculum With Course Details Final 130716
The CRC takes its guiding principles from the ethos and vision of the Institute. In particular its
belief in the following philosophies:
1. The curriculum is based on the choice based credit systems through electives (Open elective
across the disciplines and professional electives within the disciplines).
2. The CRC takes care of the project based learning beginning from Semester 1 to encourage
the students for new products and integrated solution methodology.
3. It is also taken care about the industrial experience of students through project in higher
semester that enhances the Industry relationship.
4. Inter-discipline courses have been proposed for broad knowledge of students in inter
discipline subjects (through core courses and core electives)
5. The committee has taken care of Design and manufacturing projects for hands on
6. The committee balance the load for different types of courses in the curriculum (About 50 %
from own discipline and 50 % from other disciplines).
Total Credit in BTech 160
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional core: 33
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional Ele: 34 -38
Professional courses (EC,CS,ME)
Project from all disciplines
Project: up to 04-08
courses from Engineering disciplines
Professional Lab: 6
Engineering Science (ES): courses from different disciplines
30 (core+elective)
Courses from natural
Natural Science(NS): 21
Courses from English, Environmental
Core courses Humanities (HS): 12 Science and others
(ES+NS+DS+MN+HS) (core+elective)
Courses of Design in nature
Design (DS): 8
Courses of Manufacturing in nature
Manufacturing (MN):4
Management Science Courses of Management in nature
(MS):4 (core)
12 credit (against 3 prof. Electives) in 7 Sem. 8 credits to be earned
External PBI from other semester where atleast 4 credits should be before PBI.
Coordination of PBI will be done by Discipline.
A student can choose project starting from first semester and can
register at any time in a year after discussing with faculty mentor. The
project will be of two credits in a year. A student can earn maximum of
6 credits within 3 years and he/she may get relaxation of 6 credits in the
Optional Project
curriculum (Including PBI/Project) as per his/her choice. The evaluation
of this optional project will be in the summer by an approved committee
at the discipline level. The weightage of grading will be: Faculty
menter-70%, committee-30%. The faculty mentor will be convener of
the process of evaluation of his student.
Academic load and the Academic Load: AL = 3.0 x L + 1.0 x T + 1.5 x P + 0.0 x D+1.5 x PR
credit for a given (L: Lecture Hours, T: Tutorial Hours, P: Practice or Lab Hours, D:
course Discussion Hours and Pr =Project hour)
Academic Load AL Course Weightage or Units
≤ 06 2
> 06 - ≤ 08 / (06, 08] 3
Course Credits or
(08, 11] 4
(11, 13] 5
>13 6
A+ 10 C+ 6 F 2
A 9 C 5 S Satisfactory
B+ 8 D+ 4 X Unsatisfactory
B 7 D 3 CD Course Drop
UG Curriculum Structure
Text/Reference books:
Int Introduction to Probability and Statistics, V.K.Rohatgi, A.M.E.Saleh
Text/Reference books:
1. Wakerly J. F., “Digital Design: Principles and Practices,” 2e, Prentice-Hall, 2002.
2. Mano M. M., “Digital Logic Design,” Prentice Hall, 1993.
Text/Reference books:
1. SeropeKalpakjian, Steven R Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Pearson
2. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Smith William. “Foundation of Materials Science and Engineering”, McGrwa Hill, 4th Edition.
4. V. Raghwan,”Materials Science and Engineering” 5th Edition.
5. Mikel P. Groover, “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons inc.
6. John A Schey, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill 3rd Edition.
10. To verify the relation 𝑇 = 2𝜋√ for a simple pendulum.
11. To determine whirling speed of the shaft and study effect of shaft diameter and end
conditions on the same.
12. To study the performance characteristics curves, stability and sensitivity of the Governors:
Porter, Proell and Hartnell.
13. To study various types of dynamometers.
Text/Reference books:
[1] Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines., TMH
[2] Thomas Bevan, .Theory of Machines., CBS
[3] Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
[4] John J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock and Joseph E. Sigley (2005), “Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms (3rd Ed),” Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
[5] K J Waldron and G L Kinzel (2004), “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery (2nd
Ed),” Wiley.
1. Demonstration of components of a robot
2. Practice on joints, links and degrees of freedom
3. Simulation of position and orientation of a robot
4. Simulation for forward kinematics of puma or similar robot
5. Simulation for kinematics of mobile robot
6. Inverse kinematics analysis of puma or similar robot
7. Practice on Sensors and actuators (2 labs)
8. Simulation and hardware implementation of Trajectory following robot (4 labs)
Text/Reference books:
1. Introduction to Robotics by Saeed B. Niku
2. Robot Motion and Planning by Choset
3. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by Craig
4. Robot Modeling and Control by M. Spong, S. Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar
Subject Code: MS1 Course Title Management Concepts
and Techniques
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (60%)
Introduction to Operations Management:
Functional Subsystems of Organization, Definition, Systems Concept of Production, Types of
Production Systems – Flow Shop, Job Shop, Batch Manufacturing, The Project, Productivity,
Strategic Management – Corporate Strategic, Generic competitive Strategies, Functional Strategies,
Gross Domestic Product and its impact, World Class Manufacturing. [6 H]
Product & Process Design and Analysis:
Product Design and Analysis is (Definition), new product development - its concepts, Steps of
Product Design, Process Planning and Design -Selection of Process, Process Selection Decision,
Process Planning Design, Responsibilities of Process Planning Engineer, Steps in Process Planning.
Process Design - Process Research, Pilot Development, Capacity Consideration, Commercial Plan
Transfer, Enhanced Capacity Using Optimization. Value Analysis/Value Engineering – History of
Value Analysis/Value Engineering, When to Apply Value Analyses is, Function, Aims, Value
Engineering Procedure, Advantages and Application Areas. Standardization: Standardization
Procedure, Advantages of Standardization, Application of Standardization. Ergonomic
Considerations in Product Design. [9 H]
Statistical quality control: Quality Improvement in the Modern Business Environment, the
DMAIC Process Methods and Philosophy of Statistical Process, Control Charts for Variables,
Control Charts for Attributes Process and Measurement System Capability Analysis [7 H]
Plant Location & Plant Layout:
Factors Influencing Plant Location, Break -even Analysis. Single Facility Location Problem, Multi-
facility Location Problems –Model for Multi -facility Location Problem, Method of
Transformation, Model to Determine X - Coordinates of New Facilities, Model to Determine Y -
Coordinate, Plant Layout - Plant layout introduction, Classification of Layout, Advantages and
limitations of Product Layout, Advantages and limitations of Group Technology Layout, Layout
Design Procedures. [6 H]
Introduction, Johnson’s Problem, Extension of Johnson’s rule. Job Shop Scheduling: Introduction,
Types of Schedules, Schedule Generation, heuristic Procedures, Priority Dispatching Rules. Two
Jobs and Machines Scheduling. [4 H]
Materials Management:
Integrated Materials Management, Components of Integrated Materials Management - Materials
Planning, Inventory Control, Purchase Management, Stores Management. Inventory Control -
Inventory Decisions, Costs Trade Off. Models of Inventory, Operation of Inventory Systems,
Quantity Discount, Implementation of Purchase Inventory Model, Purchasing Management, Stores
Management – Incoming Materials Control, Store Accounting, Obsolete Surplus and Scrap
Management, ABC Analysis, XYZ Analysis, VED Analysis is, FSN Analysis, SDE Analysis.
[8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Panneerselvam “ Production and Operations Management” PHI,2012
2. H.Kaushal, Production / Operations Management, Case Study Solutions, MacMillan, 2012.
3. Ajay K Garg, Production and Operations Management, TMH, 2012
4. B. Mahadevan, Operations Management: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Pearson, 2010.
5. Danny Samson “Operations Management: Integrated Approach” Cambridge, 2012.
6. Kenneth K. Boyer, Rohit Verma, Operations Management: Cengage Learning, 2011.
7. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Production and Operations Management, Universities Press,
8. Prof. L.C. Jhamb: Production Operations Management, 18th ed ition, Everest Publishing
9. J.K, Sharma: Operations Research, Macmillian, 2013.
Subject Code: EC203 Course Title Network Analysis and
Contact Hours L-3, T-1, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid-Term (25%), Quiz II (10%), End-Term (45%),
Assignment (10%)
Introduction: Formulation of network equation, KCL, KVL and Tellegens theorem. Network
representations and transform methods of network analysis (Transient study in RL, RC, and RLC
networks by Laplace transform method with DC and AC excitation. Response to step, impulse and
ramp inputs.). Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling,
dot convention. [10H]
Two-Port Networks: Characteristics of linear time-invariant networks, relationships among
different network parameters (short circuit admittance parameter, open circuit impedance
parameters, Transmission parameters, Image parameters and Hybrid parameters), interconnections
of networks (Tee and Pie circuit representation, Cascade and Parallel Connections). Two port
devices (Ideal two port devices, ideal transformer). [10H]
Graph theory: Introduction, Linear graph of a network, Tie-set and cut-set schedule, incidence
matrix, Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tie-set, Dual of a network. [5H]
Network Functions: Poles and zeros, restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving point
functions and transfer functions. [5H]
Network Synthesis: Positive real function physical realizabilty conditions, Hurwitz property,
positive realness, properties of positive real functions, Synthesis of R-L, R-C and L-C driving point
functions, Foster and Cauer forms. Introduction to two-port network synthesis. [10H]
Filters: Classification of filters, Characteristics of ideal filters. [2H]
Text/Reference books:
1. M.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”
2. M.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Synthesiss”
3. Joseph A. Edminister, Mahmood Maqvi, “Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits,”
Schaum's Outline Series, TMH.
Text/Reference books:
1. Signals and Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan V. Willsky, S.Hamid Nawab, Prentice Hall
2. Linear Systems and Signals by B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press
3. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach by S. K. Mitra Tata McGraw Hill,
Subject Code: ME204 Course Title Solid Mechanics
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Midterm (25%), Quiz II (15%), Assignment (10%), End
term (40%)
Stress & strain:
Tension, compression, shearing stress & strain; Poisson’s ratio: stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s
law; elastic constants and their relations, stress-strain curves, anisotropy & orthotropy, thermal
stresses, composite bars. [8 H]
Members subjected to flexural loads:
Theory of simple bending, bending moment and shear force diagrams, relationship between
bending moment, shear force and load, flexural relation, bending stresses, section modulus and
transverse shear stress distribution. [8 H]
Deflection of Beams:
Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve, Deflections by Integration of the Bending-Moment
Equation, Deflections by Integration of the Shear-Force and Load Equations, Method of
Superposition, Moment-Area Method, Discontinuity Functions, Use of Discontinuity Functions in
Determining Beam Deflections. [8 H]
Principal Stress and Strain:
Principal planes, stresses & strains, maximum normal &shear stresses, Mohr's circle of stress &
strain. [5 H]
Torsional shear stress in solid, hollow and stepped circular shafts, angulardeflection and power
transmission capacity. [5 H]
Theories of Elastic Failures:
The necessity for a theory, different theories,significance and comparison. [4 H]
Buckling and Stability, Columns with Pinned Ends, Columns with Other Support Conditions. [4 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Beer and Johnston , “Mechanics of Materials”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. James M. Gere, “Mechanics of Materials”, 6thEdition, Thomson Learning Inc.
3. Shames and Pitarresi, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, PHI
B. Electronics [24H]
1. Study of Normal and Zener Diode Characteristics
2. Study of Rectifier Circuits with and without Filters
3. Setting up a Power Supply using a Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator
4. Study of LCR Resonant Circuit
5. Rc Circuit as Filtering and Phase Shifting Network
6. Bipolar Junction Transistor Static Characteristics.
7. Study of Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier circuit
8. Two Stage RC Coupled Transistor Amplifier
Text/Reference books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar,
Penram International
2. Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits
3. Robert L. Boylestad Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Subject Code: ME206L Course Title Thermodynamics+Solid
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester IV
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Lab Work (40%), Midterm (20%), End term (40%)
1. To perform compression, shear and bending test on steel bar and determine compressive strength,
shear strength and bending strength of the bar.
2. To determine the Brinell Hardness/ Rockwell Hardness number for the given specimen.
3. To determine the energy absorbed by the given specimen by Izod Impact Test and Charpy Impact
4. To determine the bending stress and strain in a cantilever beam, using resistance strain gauges.
5. The fundamental objectives of this study are: (a) Calculate and experimentally observe the angular
velocity ratios of gear trains, and (b) Compute the efficiency of gear train.
6. To verify the relation T=I.W.Wp. for gyroscope and stability of vehicles.
7. Compare the measured natural frequency to that obtained theoretically for Whirling of shaft.
8. To find out the corrected performances parameters (compression ratio, valve timing, etc) on petrol
engine and to plot the heat balance sheet.
9. To study the effect of cantilever loading on standard rotating bending specimen, also study the
characteristics of S-N curve for ferrous materials.
10. To study dynamometer & conduct load test on diesel engine.
11. To perform torsion test on a wire.
Text/Reference books:
1. Beer and Johnston , “Mechanics of Materials”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Second Edition by Thomas H. Courtney
3. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
4. Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines.
5. Norman E. Dowling " Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for
Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue"
6. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley & Sons Inc
Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Logic Design – Charles H. Roth, 5th Ed., Cengage Learning.
2. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design – Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer and Arthur D.
Friedman- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Logic Design Theory – N. N. Biswas, PHI
4. Switching and Finite Automata Theory – Z. Kohavi , 2nd Ed., 2001, TMH
5. Digital Design – Morris Mano, M.D.Ciletti, 4th Edition, PHI
6. Digital Circuits and Logic Design – Samuel C. Lee, PHI
Subject Code: EC310c Course Title Intelligent Control
Contact Hours L-2, T-0, P-0 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester V
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Biological foundations to intelligent systems I: Artificial neural networks, Back-propagation networks,
Radial basis function networks, and recurrent networks. [6H]
Biological foundations to intelligent systems II: Fuzzy logic, knowledge representation and inference
mechanism, genetic algorithm, and fuzzy neural networks. [6H]
Fuzzy and expert control (standard, Takagi-Sugeno, mathematical characterizations, design example),
Parametric optimization of fuzzy logic controller using genetic algorithm. [6H]
System identification using neural and fuzzy neural networks. [5H]
Stability analysis: Lyapunov stability theory and Passivity Theory. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Stanislaw H. Zak, Systems and Control, Oxford University Press, 2003
2. A.S. Poznyak, E. N. Sanchez and Wen Yu, Differential Neural Networks for Robust Nonlinear
Control, World Scientific, 2001.
3. Kevin M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovich, Fuzzy Control, Addison Wesley Longman, Menlo Park,
CA, 1998
Text/Reference books:
1. Rattan S.S., .Theory of Machines., TMH
2. Thomas Bevan, .Theory of Machines., CBS
3. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by Ghosh & Mallick, EWP
4. John J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock and Joseph E. Sigley (2005), “Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms (3rd Ed),” Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
5. K J Waldron and G L Kinzel (2004), “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery (2 nd Ed),”
Text/Reference books:
- Personality Development and Soft Skills - Barun K. Mitra
-Communication Skills and Personality Development - Dr. Seema Biji, Margaret Singh Punj
-Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development- B.N. Ghosh
-The Laws of Success- Napoleon Hill.
3. Wordsworth [3H]
- Daffodils
4. C. Rajagopalchari [4H]
- Ramayan (2 chapters)
Literature edifice of Society and Culture
1. Rabindranath Tagore [5H]
- The Wife’s Letter
2. Sri Aurobindo- On Rebirth of India [5H]
(Some excerpts)
3. Jawahar Lal Nehru [5H]
- Gandhi Comes. (Discovery of India)
4. Premchand [5H]
- The Aim of Literature.
Text/Reference books:
Abrams, M.H. Wordsworth: A Collection of Critical Essays. 1992
Bradley, John. An Introduction to Ruskin. 1971
Cook, E.T. The Works of John Ruskin. 1996
Nehru, Jawaharlal. The Discovery of India. 1994
Rajagopalchari, C. The Story of Ramayan. 2007
The Oxford India Premchand
(New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004
Scott, David. Shakespeare and the Shapes of Time. 1982
Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare a Life in Drama. 1995
Wordsworth, Jonathan. William Wordsworth: The Borders of Vision. 1982
The Oxford Tagore.
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Marine pollution
e. Noise pollution
f. Thermal pollution
g. Nuclear hazards
• Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
• Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
• Pollution case studies.
• Diaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
(8 H)
Unit 6 : Social Issues and the Environment
• From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
• Urban problems related to energy
• Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
• Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies
• Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents
and holocaust. Case Studies.
• Wasteland reclamation.
• Consumerism and waste products.
• Environment Protection Act.
• Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
• Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
• Wildlife Protection Act
• Forest Conservation Act
• Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
• Public awareness.
(7 H)
Unit 7 : Human Population and the Environment
• Population growth, variation among nations.
• Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme.
• Environment and human health.
• Human Rights.
• Value Education.
• Women and Child Welfare.
• Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
• Case Studies.
(6 H)
Unit 8 : Field work
• Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-
• Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural
• Study of common plants, insects, birds.
• Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc. (Field work Equal to 5 lecture
Unit 9: Hazard of Fireworks and ways of reducing them: (5 H)
Text/Reference books:
1. Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental Biology, Nidi Publ. Ltd. Bikaner.
2. Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad – 380 013,
India, (R)
3. Brunner R.C., 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. 480p
4. Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB)
5. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumabai, 1196p
6. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (R)
8. Gleick, H.P. 1993. Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev.,Environment & Security.
Stockholm Env. Institute Oxford Univ. Press. 473p
9. Hawkins R.E., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay NaturalHistory Society,
Bombay (R)
10. Heywood, V.H & Waston, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment.Cambridge Univ. Press
11. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws.Himalaya Pub. House,
Delhi 284 p.
12. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M. 1996. Environmental Science systems &Solutions, Web
enhanced edition. 639p.
13. Mhaskar A.K., Matter Hazardous, Techno-Science Publication (TB)
14. Miller T.G. Jr. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. (TB)
15. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA, 574p
16. Rao M N. & Datta, A.K. 1987. Waste Water treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ.Co. Pvt. Ltd. 345p.
17. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut
18. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M)
19. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science (TB)
Subject Code: EC312 Course Title Linear Integrated
Circuit Design
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Basic Information of Op-Amp: Ideal Op-Amp Characteristics of OP-Amp, Practical Op-Amp,
offset voltages and bias current, Internal structure and its analysis using BJT/MOSFET, Input stage,
level shifter, and power stage Op-Amp data sheet and various parameters specifications of OpAmp,
the error budget of Op-Amp circuits using temperature sensitive drift parameters. concept of virtual
ground, Slew rate, CMRR, PSRR, Temperature drift of offset voltage and bias current.
Application of Op-Amp: Voltage series shunt feedback to use Op-Amp as an Amplifier, Inverting
and non-Inverting, Summing amplifiers, Integrator and differentiator Differential Circuit using Op-
Amp, Common Mode and differential mode signal analysis, V/I and I/V convertors,
Instrumentation Amplifiers, applications as weight measurement, temperature measurement etc.
Frequency compensation, slew rate and methods of improving slew rate. Application of Operational
Amplifiers, Analysis of four quadrant and variable trans conductance multipliers, Voltage
controlled Oscillator. Active filter design, high pass, low pass Butterworth and Chebyshev filter
designs, higher order filter design Closed loop analysis of PLL, AM, PM and FSK modulators and
demodulator. [12H]
Non Linear Application: Comparators, Schmitt trigger with hysteresis and various application,
Multi vibrators using Op-Amps, Waveform generators, clipper and clamper circuits, peak detector,
sample and hold circuits, D/A convertors R-2R ladder and weighted resistor type, A/D convertors:
dual slope, successive approximation and flash type. [10H]
Special purpose ICs: 555 timer IC, functional block diagram and various applications of 555 IC,
566 Volatge controlled Oscillator circuit, 565 PLL, Analog Multiplier circuits, LM317 and 732 IC
regulators circuit design, Switching regulator, MA 7840, LM380 Power Amplifier, Isolation
Amplifier, Opto-couplers and optoelectronic ICs ICL 8038 Function generator. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated CircuitsRamGayakwadPrentice Hall, Fourth edition.
2. Linear Integrated Circuit Roy D. Choudhury (1992-06), John Wiley & Sons.
3. Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated CircuitsThomas L. Floyd
Buchla(1998),Prentice Hall.
4. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit,WillamD.Stanley ,Merrill,Third edition
5. Linear Integrated Circuits, JackWinzerSaunders College Publishing, First Edition
6. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, Robert F. Coughlin, Prentice Hall, Sixth
Subject Code: ME312 Course Title Heat and Mass
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
1. Introduction to heat transfer [06H]
2. Conduction: Fourier's Law, One dimensional heat transfer, with and without heat generation,
Transient conduction, Through Composite walls. [10 H]
3. Extended Surfaces: Heat transfer from finned surfaces, Fin Efficiency, Effectiveness. [08 H]
4. Convection: Free and forced convection, Flow and thermal boundary layer equations, laminar
flow through circular pipe, constant heat flux and constant wall temperature conditions, Overall
heat transfer coefficient. Heat exchangers. [10 H]
5. Thermal Radiation: Radiation properties, Plank's Law, Kirchoff's law, Heat exchange between
two surfaces. [08 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, F. P. Incropera and D.P. Dewitt (Wiley)..
2. Heat and Mass Transfer, JP Holman
Optimum Receivers for the AWGN channel, Signal Design for bandlimited channels. [10H]
Digital Pass Band Transmission and Reception: Introduction to Pass band Transmission model:
Generation, Detection, Signal space diagram, Error performance - Coherent and Non-coherent
detection systems, bit error probability and Power spectra of BPSK, QPSK, FSK and MSK
schemes, Differential phase shift keying, Comparison of Digital modulation systems using a single
carrier - Carrier and symbol synchronization. [12H]
Information theory and error control coding: Communication channel, Channel matrix, Channel
capacity, Discrete memory less channels, Linear block codes - Cyclic codes - Convolutional codes -
Maximum likelihood decoding of convolution codes-Viterbi Algorithm, Trellis coded Modulation.
Text/Reference books:
1. John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems” Pearson, 2005.
2. H. P. Hsu, “Analog and Digital Communications,” Schaum’s Series, Tata McGrawHill, 2e,
3. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2001
4. H. Taub, D. Schilling, and G. Saha, “Principles of Communication Systems, ” McGraw-Hill”
5. B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Oxford
Univ. Press, January 2009, 4/e.
6. S. Haykin and M. Moher, “An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,” Wiley,
January 2006, 2/e.
Subject Code: EC313b Course Title Digital Signal
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Module 1
Frequency Analysis of LTI Systems Frequency domain Characteristics of LTI Systems, Correlation
functions and spectra at output of LTI systems, LTI Systems as frequency selective filters: ideal
filters, all pass filters, comb filters, inverse system, classification based on phase response:
minimum phase, maximum phase, and mixed phase system, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters:
Linear phase FIR filters- Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters - Location of the zeros of
linear phase FIR filters. [10H]
Module 2
Discrete Fourier Transform and Computation DFT and its properties, Relation between DTFT and
DFT, Linear filtering methods using DFT: Linear filtering as DFT, Filtering of long sequences:
Overlap-add and save methods Frequency analysis of signals using DFT, FFT computations using
Decimation in time and Decimation in frequency algorithms, radix 2-Butterfly structure,
implementation of DFT as linear filtering: Goertzel algorithm, and Chirp algorithm.
Module 3
Design of Digital Filters FIR design: Windowing Techniques -Need and choice of windows -Linear
phase characteristics. IIR design: Analog filter design -Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations;
digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation Warping, prewarping - Frequency
transformation. [10H]
Module 4
Realization of Digital Filters & IIR filter realization: Direct form-I, direct form-II, and Parallel &
cascade forms. Finite word length effects in FIR and IIR digital filters: Quantization, round off
errors and overflow errors, Overview of DSP processors. [7H]
Module 5
Application of signal processing Applications of digital signal processing: Speech Processing:
speech analysis, speech coding, subband coding, ECG processing. [5H]
Text/Reference books:
1. John G.Proakis, Dimitris G. Manobakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms
and Applications, Third edition, (2000) PHI
2. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
3. P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate systems and filter banks, Prentice Hall, 1993.
4. A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Sehafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall,
5. Emmanuel C Ifeachor, Barrie W Jrevis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education.
Subject Code: EC313c Course Title IC Fabrication
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
The Science of Miniaturization: Moore’s Laws (1,2,&3) and technology’ Roadmap–clean rooms
Processing Methods: - Cleaning, oxidation, lithography, etching, CVD, diffusion, ion implantation,
metallization, state of the art CMOS architectures photolithography overview ,critical dimension,
overall resolution, line-width, lithographic sensitivity and intrinsic resist sensitivity (photochemical
quantum efficiency), resist profiles, contrast and experimental determination of lithographic
sensitivity, resolution in photolithography, photolithography resolution enhancement technology.
Nanostructuring by Physical Techniques: Next-generation technologies: state-of-the-art
(including principles, capabilities, limits, applications) EUV lithography, phase-shifting
photolithography, x-ray lithography, electron beam direct writing system, focused ion beam (FIB)
lithography, neutral atomic beam lithography, plasma-aided nanofabrication, soft lithography,
nanosphere lithography, nanoimprint, dip-pen nanolithography, key consequences of adopted
techniques. [12H]
Nanomanipulation and Processing: Conventional techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy
(STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM),
advanced techniques: embossing and surface passivation, dimensional subtraction and addition,
multistep Processing, of microcontact printing, Molding, implications and applications of the
conventional and advanced techniques. [10H]
Nanometer Devices: Material Wave Nanotechnology: Nanofabrication using a de broglie wave-
electron beam holography, atomic beam holography, nanometer lithography using organic
positive/negative resists – sub-10 nm lithography using inorganic resist – 40 nm-gate-length metal-
oxide-semiconductor field-emitter-transistors-14 nm gate-length electrically variable shallow
junction MOSFETs-operation of aluminum-based single-electron transistors at 100 kelvins- room
temperature operation of a silicon single-electron transistor. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. VLSI Technology,S. M. Sze, McGraw Hill, II , 1988
2. VLSI fabrication principles, S. K. Gandhi,,"John Wiley, New York",1983
3. ULSI Technology,C. Y. Chang. S. M. Sze,McGraw Hill companies,1996
4. Silicon VLSI Technology Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling James
D. Plummer Michael, D. Deal Peter B. Griffin Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford
5. Guozhong Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials Synthesis, Properties G; Z: Applications,
World Scientific Publishing Private, Ltd., Singapore (2004).
6. W.R.Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics – Materials, Devices, Measurement
Techniques, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Germany (2006).
1. Seshu P. Text Book of Finite Element Analysis, PHI, 1st Edition, 2003.
2. Cook, Malkus and Plesha, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley
and Sons
Text/Reference books:
1. Rao P N.,”CAD/CAM Principles and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Robert Quesada, T. Jeyapoovan, “Computer Numerical Control : Machining Center and
Turning Centers” , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. S K SINHA,”CNC Programming”, Galgotia Pubs.
4. CNC Machine Manuals
5. Chang, Wysk and Wang, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. 3rd
6. Kochan D., CAM: Developments in Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Springer
7. Chang, T.C., An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems, Prentice Hall
8. Kundra, Rao and Tiwari, Numerical Control and CAM, TMH.
9. Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, TMH.
10. Kochan D., Integration of CAD/CAM, North Holland.
Radiation from Wires and Loops: Infinitesimal dipole, finite-length dipole, linear elements near
conductors, dipoles for mobile communication small circular loop. [10H]
Antenna Arrays: Analysis of uniformly spaced Two-element and N-element linear arrays with
uniform and non-uniform amplitudes excitation, extension to planar arrays, synthesis of antenna
arrays. [10H]
Aperture Antennas: Field equivalence/ Huygens’, Principle, radiation from rectangular and
circular apertures, design considerations, Babinet's principle. [8H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Constantine A. Balanis, Wiley, Indian Edition, 2005.
2. Antenna and Wave propagation, J D Kraus, TMH.
3. Antenna and Wave propagation, A. R. Harish and M. Sachidananda, Oxford University
Press, 2007.
4. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, Prentice
Hall of India, 2005.
Subject Code: EC314b Course Title Wavelet and Filter
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Fundamentals of Multirate Theory: Decimation and Interpolation, multirate identities, Polyphase
representation, Digital Filter Banks, Maximally decimated filter banks, Errors in the QMF bank,
Perfect reconstruction (PR) QMF Bank, Design of an alias free QMF Bank. [14H]
M-channel perfect reconstruction filter banks: Uniform band and no uniform filter bank, tree
structured filter bank, Cosine Modulated filter banks: Cosine Modulated pseudo QMF Bank, Alias
cancellation, Phase distortion, closed form expression, Polyphase structure, PR Systems. [10H]
Fourier analysis: Fourier Transforms, Short Time Fourier Transform and the Uncertainty Principle;
Continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transform: Basic Properties of Wavelet Transforms,
Orthonormal Wavelets, Wavelet Series, and Multiresolution Analysis, Scaling Functions and
Orthonormal Wavelet Bases, Constructions of Orthonormal Wavelets, Compactly Supported
Wavelets. [10H]
Text/Reference books:
1. P.P. Vaidyanathan. Multirate systems and filter banks. Prentice Hall. PTR. 1993.
2. K. Chui, An Introduction to Wavelets, Academic Press USA.
3. I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, SIAM, 1990.
4. Lokenath Debnath, Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications, Birkhauser 2002.
5. S. Mallat, A wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic Press USA 2009.
6. N.J. Fliege. Multirate digital signal processing. John Wiley 1994
Subject Code: EC314c Course Title Biomedical
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Physiology and Transducer: Cell and its structure – Action and resting – Potential propagation of
action potential – Sodium pump – Nervous system – CNS – PNS – Nerve cell – Synapse – Cardio
pulmonary system – Physiology of heart and lungs – Circulation and respiration – Transducers –
Different types – Piezo-electric, ultrasonic, resistive, capacitive, inductive transducers – Selection
criteria. [9H]
Medical Imaging And PMS: X-ray machine - Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques –
Computer tomography – MRI – Ultrasonography – Endoscopy – Thermography – Different types
of biotelemetry systems and patient monitoring – Electrical safety. [7H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J.Weibell, Erich A.Pfeiffer, ‘Bio-Medical Instrumentation and
Measurements’, II Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 / PHI.
2. R.S.Khandpur, ‘Handbook of Bio-Medical instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co Ltd., 2003
3. M.Arumugam, ‘Bio-Medical Instrumentation’, Anuradha Agencies, 2003.
4. L.A. Geddes and L.E.Baker, ‘Principles of Applied Bio-Medical Instrumentation’, John
Wiley & Sons, 1975.
5. J.Webster, ‘Medical Instrumentation’, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
6. C.Rajarao and S.K. Guha, ‘Principles of Medical Electronics and Bio-medical
Instrumentation’, Universities press (India) Ltd, Orient Longman ltd, 2000.
Subject Code: ME314a Course Title Vibration of
Mechanical Systems
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quizes (20%); Mid-sem (35%) and End-sem (45%)
Introduction to vibration and un-damped free vibrations:
Types of vibrations.Single degree of freedom systems and Simple problems.Formulation- Newton’s
second law, Energy method and Principle of virtual work. Introduction, undamped free vibration
– natural frequencyof free vibration, stiffness of spring elements, effect of mass of spring.
Damped free vibrations:
Single degree freedom systems, different types of damping, concept of critical damping and its
importance, study of response of viscous damped systems for cases of under damping, critical and
over damping, Logarithmic decrement. [6H]
Forced Vibration:
Single degree freedom systems, steady state solution with viscousdamping due to harmonic force,
solution by complex algebra.Concept of response, Reciprocating and rotating unbalance, vibration
isolation – transmissibility ratio. Energy dissipated by damping, sharpness of resonance, base
excitation. [8H]
1. Zeid, Ibraheim, CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice, Revised First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Rogers, D.F and Adams, J.A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2002.
3. Mortenson, Michael E., Geometric Modeling, Third Edition, Industrial Press Inc., 2006.
4. Saxena and Sahay, Computer Aided Engineering Design, Anamaya Publications
5. Faux, I. D. and Pratt, M. J., Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
(Ellis Horwood Ltd.), 1983.
6. Choi, B. K., Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, Elsevier.
7. Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design – A Practical Guide,
Academic Press Inc.1991.
8. Lee, Kunwoo, Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems, Addison Wesley, 1999.
9. Yamaguchi, Curves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Springer, 1988.
10. Ryan, D. L., Computer-Aided Graphics and Design, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1994.
Subject Code: ME314c Course Title Computational Fluid
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Assignment (10%), Quizzes (20%), Projects (20%), Mid-sem (15%) and
End-sem (35%)
Review of equations governing fluid flow and heat transfer, common boundary conditions. [3 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Eds K. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan, Narosa,
2. Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer, P.S. Ghoshdastidar, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Tannehill, Anderson &Pletcher, Taylor & Francis
4. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Ferziger & Peric, Springer
Subject Code: CS314a Course Title Wireless and Mobile
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (30%), Quiz II (10%), End term (50%)
An Overview of Wireless Systems: Wireless History, taxonomy of wireless networks, Cellular
Generations (from1G to 4G), Current & Future Wireless Technologies, and Trends. [2 H]
Radio Propagation and Interference: Radio wave propagation, Multi-path characteristic of radio
wave, Short/long term fading, Indoor and Outdoor propagation models. [8 H]
Digital Modulation in Modern Wireless Systems: QPSK, DQPSK, p/4 DQPSK, n-QAM, OFDM.
[6 H]
Multiple Access Techniques: Contention-Based (Random-based) Protocols: ALOHA, CSMA,
Reservation based Protocols: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Fundamental of SC-FDMA and OFDMA,
Cellular concept: Basic principles of cellular systems, e.g., Cell layout, Planning, Interference.
[7 H]
Traffic Channel Allocation & Mobility: Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA), Dynamic Channel
Allocation (DCA), Hybrid Channel Allocation (HCA), Mobile IP. [2 H]
Wireless LAN: Operation of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN, incl. CSMA/CA, RTS/CTS, power
management, 802.11a/b/g/n, 802.11e [3H]
Wireless PAN: Overview of operation of low-power wireless systems based on IEEE 802.15.1
(Bluetooth) and IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee). [4 H]
Introduction to WiMAX and LTE. [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Dharma P. Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng, Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, 3rd
Edition, CL-Engineering, ISBN-13: 978-1439062050
2. Kaveh Pahlavan, Principles of Wireless Networks: A Unified Approach, 2nd Revised
edition ISBN-13: 978-0470697085.
3. Garg, Wireless Communications and Networks, Morgan Kaufmann 2007, ISBN 978-0-12-
4. Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath and Jury, Wireless Networking, Morgan Kaufmann 2008,
ISBN 978-0-12-374254-4.
5. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications - Principles and Practice,” 2nd edition Pearson
2002, ISBN13: 9780130422323, ISBN10:0-13-042232-0
6. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications” 2nd edition Pearson 2003 ISBN-10:
0321123816, ISBN-13: 9780321123817
7. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-10:
0521837162 | ISBN-13: 978-0521837163
8. William Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”, Second Edition, Pearson
2005, ISBN: 0-13-191835-4
Supervise Learning: Linear and Logistic regression, Decision Tree Learning, Instance-Based
Learning, kNN and CBR, Bayesian Learning, Naive Bayes Classifier, Artificial Neural Network
(ANN), SVM [20 H]
Unsupervised Learning: Mixture Models and EM, Clustering, K-Means, DBSCAN, Hierarchical
clustering, Association Rule Mining, Dimensionality Reduction [10 H]
Performance Evaluation, Confusion Metrics, Evaluating Hypotheses, Confidence Interval,
Hypothesis Testing [5 H]
Ensemble Learning Bagging and Boosting Formulating [2 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Tom Mitchell. Machine Learning, Mc Graw Hill, 1997.
2. Chris Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2007
User-centered design and prototyping: assumptions, participatory design, methods for involving the
user, prototyping, low fidelity prototypes, medium fidelity [10]
Methods for evaluation of interfaces with users: goals of evaluation, approaches, ethics,
introspection, extracting the conceptual model, direct observation, constructive interaction,
interviews and questionnaires, continuous evaluation via user feedback and field studies, choosing
an evaluation method [10]
Graphical screen design: graphical design concepts, components of visible language, graphical
design by grids. Design principles and usability heuristics: design principles, principles to support
usability, golden rules and heuristics, HCI patterns, HCI design standards: process-oriented
standards, product-oriented standards, strengths and limitations of HCI Standards [12]
Text/Reference books:
1. Dix A. et al., Human-Computer Interaction. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall, 2004
2. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer
Interaction, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2011
Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Finite automata, non-deterministic and deterministic
finite automata, Acceptance of strings by NDFA and DFA, Transforming NDFA to DFA,
minimization/Optimization of a DFA, related algorithm, Regular sets and regular expression,
Obtaining regular expression from finite automata, lexical analyzer design. [10L]
Context-Free Grammar and Syntax Analysis: Syntax analysis, CFG, derivation of a parse tree,
reduction of grammar, useless grammar symbols, Elimination of null and unit productions,
elimination of left recursion Regular grammar, Right linear and left linear grammar. Parsing, Top-
Down and Bottom-up parsing, general parsing strategies, Brute-force approach, recursive descent
parser and algorithms, simple LL(1) grammar, LL(1) with null and without null rules grammars,
Bottom-up parsing- Handle of a right sentential form, LR(1) parsers, Shift-reduce parsers, operator
precedence parsing. [10L]
Code Optimization: Definition, Loop optimization, Elimination of local and global common sub
Expressions, Loop Unrolling, Loop Jamming. [5L]
Code Generation: Definition, machine model, code generation methods, peephole optimization.
Error Handling: Error recovery, recovery from various phases and parsing. [5L]
Text/Reference books:
1. Aho Alfred, Lam Monica, Sethi, Ravi, Ullman Jeffery, Compilers Principles, Techniques
and Tools.
2. Tremblay, Jean Paul; Sorenson, Paul G.; The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing,
3. Holub, Allen I., Complier Design in C, 1990.
4. Bates, Barrett; Gustafson, Couch, Compiler Construction Theory and Practice,1988.
5. John Levine, Tony Manson & Doug Brown, Lex & Yaac.
Subject Code: EC315L Course Title DSP+Microwave
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
1. Performance of liner artmetic operation on signal (linear convolution).
2. Genration of discrete time signal and visulization of computer
3. Genration of Transfer function from Poles and Zeros supplied by the user.
4. Output of the system for the given difference equation..
5. Plotting of Magnitude and Phase response of the system.
6. Implementation of DIT FFT algorithm for evalution of DFT and IDFT.
7. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
8. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
9. Fourier transform of various windowing functions.
10. Introdution to the Xilinx and DSP-development board for the realization.
11. Difference equation implementtation using TMS320C6713 and Xilinx
12. Linear convolution using TMS320C6713 and Xilinx
B. Microwave
1. Study of Microwave Bench & Its Components
2. Operation of Microwave Bench as Transmission Line & reading frequency from Frequency
3. Verification of Frequency Measurement with slotted section.
4. Low & High VSWR Measurement using double minima method
5. Calculating Impedance of an SS Tuner using Microwave Bench.
6. Determination of Standing Wave Ratio and Reflection Coefficient.
7. Microwave Measurements using Gun Oscillator
a) Study of I-V Characteristics of Gun Diode
b) Frequency and Wavelength Measurement
8. Microwave Measurements using Horn Antenna.
a) Measurement of the gain and Polar Pattern of the Horn Antenna.
b) Measurement of Phase shift and Dielectric Constant.
9. Study of E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee and Magic Tee.
10. Study of Directional Coupler, Isolator & Attenuator.
Text/Reference books:
1. Practical digital signal processing by Edmund Lai, Elesevier.
2. Practical digital signal processing using microcontroller by Dogan Ibrahim, elector.
3. Linear Systems and Signals by B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press
4. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach by S. K. Mitra Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
Subject Code: ME315L Course Title Adv.
Contact Hours L-0, T-0, P-3 Credit 2
Programme B.Tech Semester VI
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme
1. Milling Process Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
2. Drilling Process Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
3. Turning Force Measurement and Analysis, effect of process parameters
4. Sheet Metal Punching Punching/Shearing using AMADA machine
5. Sheet Metal Bending Bending using AMADA machine
6. Meteorology Quality Control: Measurement & Inspection of components
7. EDM Functioning and experimentation on Electric Discharge Machine
8. AWJM M/c operation, Job preparation on Abrasive Water Jet Machine
9. Injection Molding Learning the functions of Cincinnati Injection Molding Machine
10. Turning Using G&M codes, making program and component on EMCO Turning
11. Milling Using G&M codes, making program and component on EMCO Turning
12. Rapid Prototyping Knowledge of machine operation and insight software for product fabrication
Text/Reference books:
1. Rao P N.,”CAD/CAM Principles and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Robert Quesada, T. Jeyapoovan, “Computer Numerical Control : Machining Center and
Turning Centers” , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. S K SINHA,”CNC Programming”, Galgotia Pubs.
4. CNC Machine Manuals
5. Chang, Wysk and Wang, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. 3rd
6. Web Resources
Text/Reference books:
1. M. H. Rashid, "Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications", P.H.I Private Ltd. New
Delhi, Second Edition, 1994.
2. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, "Power Electronics", 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. Bose B.K., "Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives", 1st edition, PHI, 2002.
4. P. C. Sen., “Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Subject Code: ES406c Course Title Sensros and Actuators
Contact Hours L-2, P-2 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech/ M.Tech. Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Quiz II (10%), End term (30%) Lab (30%)
1. Introduction : Classification of sensors and actuators, sensing and actuating strategies, general
requirements for interfacing and actuation, sensing, transduction, actuation. [2 H]
2. Performance Characteristics of Sensors and Actuators: Input/output characteristics, accuracy, errors,
repeatability, sensitivity analysis, hysteresis, Nonlinearity, saturation, frequency response, dynamic
characteristics, calibration, resolution, excitation, impedance, applications. [3 H]
3. Temperature Sensors and Thermal Actuators: Thermoresistive sensors: Thermistors, Resistance
temperature sensors, Silicon resistive sensors, Thermoelectric sensors, PN junction temperature sensors,
Optical and acoustic temperature sensor. [3H]
4. Optical sensors: Photodiodes, phototransistors and photoresistors based sensors, Photomultipliers, light-
to-light detectors, infrared sensors (thermal, PIR, AFIR, thermopiles), CCD sensors and detectors. [3H]
5. Electric and Magnetic Sensors and Actuators: Motors as actuators (linear, rotational, stepping motors),
magnetic valves, inductive sensors (eddy current, LVDT, RVDT, Proximity), Hall Effect sensors,
Magnetoresistive sensors, Magnetostrictive sensors and actuators, Magnetometers (fluxgate, search-coil,
Squid), Voice coil actuators (speakers and speaker-like actuators), Bolometers (microwaves). [4 H]
6. Mechanical Sensors and Actuators: Accelerometers (capacitive, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, thermal),
Force sensors (strain gauges, tactile sensors), Pressure sensors (semiconductor, piezoresistive, capacitive,
VRP), Gyroscopes (mechanical, optical, fiber-optics). [5 H]
7. Acoustic Sensors and Actuators: Ultrasonic sensors (piezoelectric, electromagnetic), Piezoelectric
actuators, Piezoelectric Resonators, Microphones, hydrophones, speakers, buzzers. [3 H]
8. MEMs and Smart Sensors: Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMs) Sensors and Actuators, Smart sensors,
ASIC based sensors, Wireless Sensors and Issues Associated with Wireless Sensors, Sensor Arrays). [3H]
11. Interfacing Methods and Circuits: Amplifiers: operational amplifiers, power amplifiers, A/D and D/A
converters, bridge circuits, interfacing to microprocessors, data transmission, excitation methods and
circuits, Power requirements, signal translation, isolation, noise, interference, compensation (Temperature,
drift, etc.). [2H]
Lab work
1] Experiment on Strain Gauge.
2] Experiment on LVDT.
3] Digital-to-Analog converter using R-2R & Binary.
4] Experiment on Optical Transducer.
5] Study of H-Bridge & design using Transistors.
6] Study of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) & its use to control the speed of a DC Motor.
7] Study of Stepper Motor & its control circuit.
8] Study of Servo Motor & its control circuit.
9] Assembly of Speaker (Study of Voice Coil Actuator).
10] Experiment on Basic Op-Amp Circuit & its use as comparator.
11] Demonstration of Piezoelectric Actuation.
12] Construction of Project.
Text/Reference books:
1. Ida, N., Sensors, Actuators, and their Interfaces; Scitech Publishing
2. deSilva, Sensors and Actuators: Control System Instrumentation, CRC Press
Subject Code: ES406d Course Title Geometric Modeling
Contact Hours L-3 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (10%), Mid term (20%), Assignments (10%), Quiz II (10%), Term
Project (15%), End term (35%)
1. Introduction: What is Geometric Modeling, History, Background Mathematics, Parametric
representations [2 H]
2. Curves: Conic Curves, Points on a Curve, Hermite Curves, Bézier Curves, B-Spline Curves [10
3. Surfaces: Quadric Surfaces, Points on a Surface, Bicubic Hermite Suafaces, Bézier Surfaces, B-Spline
Surfaces [10 H]
4. Solids: Topology of Models, Graph-Based Models, Boolean Models, Constructive Solid Geometry,
Boundary Models, Sweep Solids, Controlled Deformation Solids [10 H]
5. Geometric Properties: Local properties of a Curve, Global properties of a Curve, Local properties of a
Surface, Global properties of a Surface, Global properties of a Complex Solids, Relational Properties,
Intersections [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
Text Books
Reference Books
1. I.D. Faux and M.J. Pratt, Computation Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
(Ellis Horwood Ltd.).
2. Choi, B.K, Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, Elsevier.
3. Farin, Gerald, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design – A Practical
Guide, Academic Press Inc.
Reference Books:
1. F.S. Hill Jr., Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, Second Edition, PHI, 2005.
2. J. Foley, A. Van Dam, S.K. Feiner, J.F. Hughes, Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, Pearson
Education, 2002.
3. R.S.Wright and M. Sweet, OpenGL Super Bible, Pearson Education, 2016.
4. E. Angel, OpenGL: A Primer, Third Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2008.
Current sources and mirrors; active loads, Differential amplifiers, source-coupled pairs. [6 H]
Design of an Op-Amp internal stages, Differntial input balnced output/unbalance out differnce amplifer
stage, level shiftter, power amplifier stage analysis and design. Design to achive high CMRR. [10 H]
Linear voltage regulators, Switching voltage regulators, Interference and grounding, Continous and
switched capacitor filter, Timers, Active filter, Phase-locked loop. [6 H]
Digital / Analog converters: - Characterization, lineality (DNL, INL), dynamic characteristics. - Parallel
architectures. - Enhanced resolution techniques. - Serial architectures. - Analog / Digital converters: -
Sample & hold. - Caracterization, lineality (DNL, INL), dynamic characteristics. - Serial architectures. -
Parallel architectures. Pipeline. - Advanced techniques (folding, interpolation, interleaved). [10 H]
Noise in circuits Oscillators and comparators, Feedback op-amps and stability, Differential amplifiers.
[6 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth edition, Oxford University
2. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, 1st Edition, Behzad Razavi, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
3. Field-Effect Devices and Advanced MOS Devices, (volumes IV and VII of the Modular Series on
Solid State Devices), Addison-Wesley.
4. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Gray, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer, 4th Ed., Wiley,
Statistical Decision Theory: Bayesian, minimax, and Neyman-Pearson decision rules, likelihood ratio,
receiver operating characteristics, composite hypothesis testing, locally optimum tests, detector comparison
techniques, asymptotic relative efficiency. [8 H]
Detection of Deterministic Signals: Matched filter detector and its performance; generalized matched
filter; detection of sinusoid with unknown amplitude, phase, frequency and arrival time, linear model. [6 H]
Detection of Random Signals: Estimator-correlator, linear model, general Gaussian detection, detection of
Gaussian random signal with unknown parameters, weak signal detection. [6 H]
Estimation of Signal Parameters: Minimum variance unbiased estimation, Fisher information matrix,
Cramer-Rao bound, sufficient statistics, minimum statistics, complete statistics; linear models; best linear
unbiased estimation; maximum likelihood estimation, invariance principle; estimation efficiency; Bayesian
estimation: philosophy, nuisance parameters, risk functions, minimum mean square error estimation,
maximum a posteriori estimation. [8 H]
Signal Estimation in Discrete-Time: Linear Bayesian estimation, Weiner filtering, dynamical signal
model, discrete Kalman filtering. [6 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. H.L.VanTrees,"Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory: Part I, II, and III", John Wiley, NY,
2. H. V. Poor, "An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation", Springer, 2/e, 1998.
3. S.M.Kay,"Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory", ", Prentice Hall PTR,
4. S.M.Kay,"Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory", Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Subject Code: EC416c Course Title Industrial Microwave and
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Waveguide Components:
Overview of Attenuators, Phase Shifters, Matched Loads, Detector Mounts, slotted sections, E and H Plane
Tees, etc. Signal Generators: Fixed Frequency, Sweep frequency and synthesized frequency oscillators,
PLL for high frequency generation [10 H]
Industrial Microwave:
Noise Sources and Noise meters used in microwave measurements, frequency meters and VSWR meters,
Measurement of frequency, attenuation, VSWR and impedance, cavity measurements: Q factor, bandwidth;
Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials: Cavity and waveguide methods, Measurement of Power:
Calorimetric and Microwave bridges; principles of Time and frequency domain reflectometry, Spectrum
Analyser and Network Analyser, Measurement of Scattering parameters of passive and active devices.
[10 H]
Processes in Industrial Microwave:
Microwave in process control instrumentation, Microwave waste disposal, Microwave in agriculture and
medicine, hyperthermia, etc. Microwave Heating, Microwave absorbers, EMC and EMI.
[10 H]
Microwave Communication:
Microwave Radio and its components, Free space propagation model, ground reflection, Earth and its effect
on propagation, Clutter theory, Fresnel Zones: First and Second order Fresnel Zones, Signature width of
radio, tolerance limits, Practical Link Budget calculations, Atmospheric Attenuation
Text/Reference books:
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits, Samuel Y Liao, Pearson
2. Microwave Engineering, David M Pozar, Wiley
3. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications,” Pearson Education, 2003.
Nature of the wind –power in the wind – factors influencing wind – wind data and energy estimation - wind
speed monitoring -wind resource assessment - Betz limit - site selection - wind energy conversion devices -
classification, characteristics, applications – offs hore wind energy-
Hybrid systems - safety and environmental aspects – wind energy potential and installation in India -
Repowering concept.
Biomass resources and their classification - Biomass conversion processes - Thermo chemical conversion -
direct combustion – biomass gasification - pyrolysis and liquefaction - biochemical
Conversion - anaerobic digestion - types of biogas Plants – applications - alcohol production from biomass
– bio diesel production – Urban waste to energy conversion - Biomass energy program me in India.
Text/Reference books:
1. Non - conventional energy by B H Khan, Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi.
2. Fundamental of turbo machinery – B.K. Venkanna, PHI, New Delhi 2009
3. An introduction to Energy Conversion: Turbo machinery, volume 3 (Second Edition) Manohar
Prasad, V. Kadambi.
4. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Dr. R. K. Bansal laxmi publications.
Experiment plans, Model building, Measurement Methods and Application Measurement of force and
torque; Measurement of strain and stress; Measurements ofpressure; Flow measurement and flow
visualization, measurement of temperature, optical methods of measurements; [09 H]
Data Acquisition and Processing : Types and configurations of DAS, Signal conditioning, A/D, D/A
conversion: Design, Planning, Execution and Analysis of experimental projects. [06 H]
Designing web pages: HTML, forms, JavaScript, JAVA servlets, Perl. PHP, DHTML, XML. [10]
E-Commerce and security issues including symmetric and asymmetric key, encryption and digital signature,
authentication. [10]
Emerging trends, Internet telephony, virtual reality over the web, etc. Intranet and extranet, firewall design
issues. [7]
Text/Reference books:
1. Douglas E.Comer, Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications (Third Edition),
Prentice Hall, 2001
2. H M Deitel, Internet and WWW- How to Program, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2014.
3. Jeffrey C. Jackson, Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective, Pearson Education, 2006.
SATELLITE ACCESS: Modulation and Multiplexing: Voice, Data, Video, Analog – digital transmission
system,Digital video Brocast, multiple access: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Assignment Methods,Spread
Spectrum communication, compression – encryption. [6 H]
EARTH SEGMENT:Earth Station Technology-- Terrestrial Interface, Transmitter and Receiver, Antenna
Systems TVRO, MATV, CATV, Test Equipment Measurements on G/T, C/No, EIRP, Antenna Gain.
[8 H]
INMARSAT, LEO, MEO, Satellite Navigational System. Direct Broadcast satellites (DBS)- Direct to home
Broadcast (DTH), Digital audio broadcast (DAB)- Worldspace services, Business TV(BTV), GRAMSAT.
[8 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Dennis Roddy, ‘Satellite Communication’, McGraw Hill International, 4th Edition, 2006.
2. Timothy Pratt – Charles Bostian & Jeremy Allmuti, Satellite Communications, John Willy & Sons
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition 2004
3. Bruce R. Elbert, ‘The Satellite Communication Applications’ Hand Book, Artech House Bostan
London, 1997.
Subject Code: EC417b Course Title Mixed-Mode Circuit
Contact Hours L-3, T-0, P-0 Credit 4
Programme B.Tech Semester VII
Pre-requisites NIL
Evaluation scheme Quiz I (15%), Mid-Term (30%), Quiz II (15%), End-Term (40%)
Basic CMOS Circuit Techniques, Continuous Time And Low voltage Signal Processing: Mixed-Signal
VLSI Chips-Basic CMOS Circuits-Basic Gain Stage-Gain Boosting Techniques-Super MOS Transistor-
Primitive Analog Cells-Linear VoltageCurrent Converters-MOS Multipliers and Resistors-CMOS, Bipolar
and Low-Voltage BiCMOS Op-Amp Design-Instrumentation Amplifier Design-Low Voltage Filters.
[10 H]
Basic BiCMOS Circuit Techniques, Current -Mode Signal Processing: Continuous Time Signal
Processing-Sampled-Data Signal Processing-Switched-Current Data Converters. [5 H]
Sampled-Data Analog Filters, Over Sampled A/D Converters And Analog Integrated Sensors: First-
order and Second SC Circuits-Bilinear Transformation - Cascade Design-Switched-Capacitor Ladder Filter-
Synthesis of Switched-Current FilterNyquist rate A/D Converters-Modulators for Over sampled A/D
Conversion-First and Second Order and Multibit Sigma-Delta Modulators-Interpolative Modulators –
Cascaded Architecture-Decimation Filters-mechanical, Thermal, Humidity and Magnetic Sensors-Sensor
Interfaces. [10 H]
Analog VLSI Interconnects: Physics of Interconnects in VLSI-Scaling of Interconnects-A Model for
Estimating Wiring Density-A Configurable Architecture for Prototyping analog Circuits. [7 H]
Statistical Modeling and Simulation, Analog/ Mixed Computer-Aided Design: Review of Statistical
Concepts - Statistical Device Modeling- Statistical Circuit Simulation-Automation Analog Circuit Design-
automatic Analog Layout-CMOS Transistor Layout-Resistor Layout-Capacitor Layout-Analog Cell
Layout-Mixed Analog -Digital Layout. [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. Paul R. Gray and Robert G.Meyer, “ Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Fiez, " Analog VLSI signal and Information Processing ", 1994, McGraw-
Hill International Editons.
3. Behzad Razavi, “ Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
4. Y. Tsividis, “ Mixed Analog-Digital Devices and Technology”, Mc-Graw Hill.
5. Alan B. Gnebene, “ Bipolar and MOS analog integrated circuit design“,John Wiley & Sons.
6. Mohammed I. Elmasy,” Digital Bipolar circuits “, John Wiley & Sons.
7. Greogorian and Tames, “ Analog Integrated Circuit For Switched Capacitor Circuit
Text/Reference books:
1. Kai Hwang Geoffrey C. Fox Jack J. Dongarra, Distributed and Cloud Computing, 1st edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011.
2. Ray J Rafaels, Cloud Computing: From Beginning to End, Create Space Independent Publishing
Platform, 2015
3. Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology &
Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2013
Mesh Free methods based on local weak forms and Collocation [04 H]
Text/Reference books:
1. G R Lui, Y T Gu “An Introduction to mesh free methods and their programming”, Springer, 2005
2. W Chen, Z J Fu, C S Chen, “Recent advances in radial basis function collocation methods”,
Springer, 2014
Text/Reference books:
Kurose, James F.; Ross, Keith W. Computer networking: a top-down approach, 5th ed.,
international ed.: Boston, Mass.: Pearson, cop. 2010
Subject Code: ES407c Course Title Applied Photonics
LEFM; Stress concentration, Energy balance criteria, stress intensity factor, crack tip plastic zone,
crack resistance, KIc, the critical value, Relation of G&K, KIc measurement. EPFM: Fracture
beyond yield, CTOD, experimental determination of CTOD, use J integrals and measurement of JIc
and JR. Fracture Toughness measurement: Standards and its application in design. [12 H]
Fatigue crack propagation: Fatigue crack growth theories, crack closure, Microscopic theories of
fatigue crack growth; Application of theories of fracture mechanics in design and materials
development. [12 H]
Introduction / Characteristics of Fatigue Fracture / Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance / Fatigue-Crack
Growth Rates / Design against Failure / Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior / Creep-Fatigue Interactions /
Polymeric Fatigue / Fatigue of Composites / Summary [10 H]
Text/Reference books:
Text/Reference books:
[1] Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (English) 3rd Edition by CP Arora.
[2] Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran and Shapiro (Wiley).
[3] Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel and Boles (TMH)
[1] Engineering Thermodynamics by P K Nag (TMH)
1. Metal Forming: Processes and Analysis, B. Avitzur, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
2. Theory of Plasticity, J. Chakrabarty, McGraw Hill, 1998.
3. Metal forming Mechanics and Metallurgy, W. F. Hosford, R. M. Caddell, Printice-Hall,
4. Fundamentals of Metal Forming, R. H. Wagoner, J. L. Chenot, John Wiley, 1997
5. Basic engineering plasticity, DWA Rees, Elsevier, 2006
6. Modeling of metal Forming and Machining Processes, P. M. Dixit, U. S. Dixit, Springer-
Verlag, 2008
7. Engineering plasticity, W. Johnson, P. B. Mellor, Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972
8. Plasticity theory and its application in metal forming, V. Gopinathan, Wiley Eastern
2. Technical papers from major journals and major conferences on computing, networking, cloud
Text/Reference books:
[1] Ganesan, V. Internal Combustion Engines, Second Edition, Tata McGrawHill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi.
[2] Mathur, R.P. And Sharma, M.L. A Course In Internal Combustionengines, 8thedition,
Dhanpatrai and Sons, New Delhi.
[3] Fundamentals Of I.C. Engines - P.W. Gill, J.H. Smith And EJ. Ziurys.
Text/Reference books:
1. Reliability and Maintenance Engineering by RC Mishra
2. J. M. Juran& Frank M. Gryna : Quality Planning and Analysis Tata McGraw-Hill