978 1 4438 7637 7 Sample
978 1 4438 7637 7 Sample
978 1 4438 7637 7 Sample
The Balkans in Travel
Edited by
Marija Krivokapić
The Balkans in Travel Writing
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Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Marija Krivokapić
Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics ... 15
Dragana Mašović
Macedonian Women through the Prism of the British Travel Writers ...... 39
Tatjana Panova-Ignjatović
vi Table of Contents
This book revisits images of the Balkans in the travel writing of the
twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century from the
perspective of recent developments in travel writing critical theory and in
the humanities in general. The twentieth was a turbulent century for the
region. It witnessed two world wars and several civil and regional wars,
the creation and destruction of countries, emergence of new political
parties, rebellions and consensuses, but also peaceful decades productive
in all the spheres of human effort. All these moments have been recorded
in travel writing. We believe that pointing out how these changes of the
regional historical, political, social, and cultural contours are reflected in
travel writing from different periods, i.e. in the eyes of the foreign
travellers, would be beneficial for the development of travel writing
studies, as well as for the broader field of humanities and social sciences.
Although a lot of travel writing about the Balkans has been produced
after the “opening” of Eastern Europe, the collapse of the communist
system, the breakdown of Yugoslavia, and the beginning of the civil wars
in the 1990s, it has not been paid enough academic attention. This also
applies to the well-known authors, such as Paul Theroux, Robert D.
Kaplan, and Bill Bryson who travelled through the region in the 1990s and
wrote about the dramatic happenings trying to understand their logic.
Another reason for compiling this study, which makes it an even more
valuable contribution to the development of travel writing studies, is a
close analysis of the travelogues created by less known authors, such as
Elizabeth Gowing, Robert Nagle, or Emma Fick, who vividly recorded
certain moments in the lives of our peoples and the general social
Apart from this, the second decade of the twenty-first century, which is
facing a collapse of theory in general and, therefore, no longer provides a
comfortable trust in the critical tools of the past, is high time to re-address
this sensitive subject. It is especially so because the prevailing twentieth-
century criticism on similar matters was primarily made from the
perspective of postcolonial theory. When it comes to the region, the
2 Introduction
studies have been heavily drawn from Mary Louise Pratt’s Imperial Eyes
(1992), Maria Todorova’s Imagining the Balkans (1997), and Vesna
Goldsworthy’s Inventing Ruritania: The Imperialism of Imagination
(1998). As the postcolonial does not really apply to the subject of the
Balkans, which is also one of Todorova’s main arguments, we may still be
using some of its approaches and methods, such as its focus on the culture-
bound perspective of the traveller, for example. However, globalisation
and cultural hybridity have strongly affected the authenticities on which
the travel writing in the previous periods relied, so that a different kind of
traveller, one more cosmopolitan, can be met on the roads worldwide. The
same integrations have also caused the appearance of travel that leaves the
established routes and seeks the less known, unbeaten tracks of the world’s
geography. The Balkans still provides ample material for this kind of
traveller. Although criticism likes to ironize tendencies to “discover” the
hidden and the authentic, we find these recordings equally worthy of our
efforts to make the mosaic of how the Balkans has appeared to foreigners.
We have approached the subject through three major parts in the book.
The first part, analyzing the complex images of the Balkans developed,
mostly, in the course of the 20th century (but also with the examples from
previous eras), provides the basis for the development of the commentaries
that follow in the second part and also gives a chronological frame to the
book. The second part deals with the travel writing about the Balkans
produced since the 1990s. This is an important corpus that offers as
divergent and contradictory views on the region as was our recent past. It
ranges from moral and political criticism to a delight in the rich heritage
and the still “undiscovered” Balkan paths. Its narrative style also
comprises striking variations from the objective and well-researched
approaches to quick impressionist sketches. The largest part of this
material is authored by travellers from the West. Therefore, it provides a
vital basis for the research into the necessity and the variety of
possibilities, or obstacles, that are on the way of the region’s accession,
when its unique heritage will have to be reconciled with the European one.
Moreover, because travel writing is never only an account of travel, but
also a story about the travelling subject, it is, therefore, as much about the
culture that produced it as it is about the visited region. Finally, in the third
part, we provide a reverse look and observe Balkan travellers’ writing
abroad and about foreign regions. We conclude by analyzing insights and
impressions of a Balkan author upon his return home from the West.
The first part of the book opens with a paper by Serbian scholar
Dragana Mašović, from the University of Niš, who focuses on the
geographical, political, social and cultural setting of Niš and south Serbia.
Marija Krivokapić 3
In her paper “Earliest Media Reports: Travel Writings and Other Accounts
of Southeast Serbia from the 4th Century onwards,” Mašović assumes that
contemporary Southeast Serbia is still a challenge for travellers and travel
writers in view of its great variety of landscapes and pluri-cultural and
multi-lingual population. The region of Niš, in particular, used to play a
prominent role in the history of the Balkans because of its geostrategic
location as crossroads on the former “imperial highway“ leading from
Venice via Dubrovnik and the region of Sandžak to Sofia and
Constantinople. This is how it happened that the main reporters travelling
this way were the earliest “media” men: envoys, agents, and spies—least
of all tourists or poets. Yet, it is the latter ones who are most often
mentioned because their reports were of a much wider scope and more
favourable to the country they described. The reason for this lies in their
focus on ethnography, i.e. on the people and their customs and mores
rather than facts, as well as in threats and dangers that the imperial agents
might have faced or had to report on for the sake of trade enterprises,
political interests or military campaigns. This paper deals with the travel
discourse of authors both anonymous and well known. Some of these
“media reports” are very short indeed, yet today they are understood as
reflective of these unknown and not sufficiently explored humans of the
past: peasants living in Southeast Serbia in the days when no one stopped
long enough to meet and get to know them, or assign to them any
important role in the making of their own history on the troublesome
Balkans or, for that matter, in the travel writing itself.
Olivera Popović, from the University of Montenegro, approaches the
image of Montenegro in the travel writing produced by Italians in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century. This is a period when Montenegrin
streets saw many an Italian depicting Montenegrin cultural, political, and
economic developments. Observing the alterity as a fundamental category
of social experience, but also as a fundamental category for social analysis
(cf. Todorova), Popović’s paper tries to pin down the referent concepts
which the Italian travellers used to describe and value Montenegrin
cultural space.
Tatjana Panova-Ignjatović, from the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”
University in Skopje, Macedonia, devotes her research to “Macedonian
Women Through the Prism of British Travel Writers.” This paper offers a
comparative cultural analysis on the travel writings by British authors,
such as G. F. Abbott (The Tale of a Tour in Macedonia, London 1903),
Henry Noel Brailsford (Macedonia: Its Races and Their Future, London
1906), Mary Edith Durham (The Burden of the Balkans, 1905) and Lucy
Mary Jane Garnett (Balkan Home Life, London 1917), focusing on the
4 Introduction
The second part of the book opens with the paper by Antonia Young,
from the University of Bradford, Yorkshire, UK, and Colgate University,
Hamilton, NY, USA, titled “Distortion and Reality in Travel Writing on
the Balkans.” In her paper Young claims that it might be reasonable to
expect a travel writer to focus on their particular fields of interest, and also
to gain and keep the readers’ attention through a certain amount of
embellishment and exaggeration. However, she asks, with those
reservations in mind, how much can a reader still believe? In any writing
about the Balkans, Young argues, the first step is to be clear what region
the author means by the term, as there is never consensus concerning the
exact boundaries of the geographical area known as The Balkans. Nor
have boundaries or content of the countries within that region remained
constant. These are societies deeply affected by the extremes of the
geography and overlaid by ever changing, strong ethnic, political, and
religious influences. Young is following the common notion that there
have been three phases in the evolution in Balkan travel writing. The first,
reflecting colonial attitudes, with a feeling of superiority of the writer’s
social background, led to a reactive acceleration of nationalism. In the
second phase, travel writers became optimistic in their observations of
these societies with a tendency to exoticize cultural aspects of Balkan
social life disproportionately. In the third phase, with which we are
especially concerned here, starting with the period of the Cold War, by the
l960s, this romanticization faded with the increase in volume of both
travellers and travel writing. These writers reflected and demonstrated a
return to feelings of superiority, and contempt for the perceived failure of
Communism, and the return of conflictive relationships across the region.
Maja Muhić, from South East European University, Macedonia,
contributes with a paper “Reconstructing Empire or Striking Against it?
Contemporary Travelogues of the Balkans” as another attempt to look at
contemporary travel writing through a double perspective. She also
perceives different tendencies in the travelogues she deals with. While in
the past writing, the most obvious was the travelogues’ dominant colonial
legacy, the contemporary travelogues are trying to dismantle that legacy
and bring in a fresh air of cosmopolitanism, through a perspective that
does not resemble the notorious “epistemological dictator” approach.
Several contemporary travelogues are scrutinized in this paper, including
the works of Chris Deliso. Unlike certain very ideological travel writings
of the Balkans produced in the past two decades (R. D. Kaplan’s Balkan
Ghosts, for instance), Deliso’s travelogues of Macedonia bring in a new
tension between the colonial legacy of travel writing and the attempt to
engage with local stories and histories. To a certain extent then, his work
6 Introduction
All these critically theoretical deductions are discussed through the works
of Slavko Janevski, Tome Momirovski, Slave Nikolovski-Katin, and
Trajan Petrovski. Denkova especially focuses on the travelogues by Tome
Momirovski, about his visit to Australia, and Trajan Petrovski’s
impressions from the United States of America.
The book closes with a co-authored paper by the Croatian scholar,
Nina Sirković, from the University of Split, and the Serbian scholar
Aleksandra V. Jovanović, from the University of Belgrade, titled “Josip
Novakovich’s Reminiscences from the Balkans.” In his travel essays,
writing about other countries, Novakovich also deals with his homeland
Croatia, recalling memories and emotions from the past when he used to
live there. The times have changed as well as the country, but history has
strongly intruded in the present. The authors observe three of
Novakovich’s essays and impressions about encounters with different
places in Croatia and new perceptions about them. “Vukovar” and “Two
Croatias” are essays dealing with the post-war period. In “Vukovar” the
author expresses personal moments visiting the city after the massacre and
asks himself if there are lessons to be learned from the atrocities. “Two
Croatias” is an essay about other people’s completely different perceptions
of a country which has gone through war and is now in recovery.
Travelling on a train from Zagreb to Sofia, which used to be called the
“Balkan Express,” Novakovich recalls events, scents and tastes from the
past, concluding that a whole era has passed, the trains in the Balkans are
almost dead and one cannot only blame the war. The author’s associations
and reflections inspired by the visit to his former homeland remind the
reader of the past times which are gone forever.
stronger than ever,”1 because “[i]t throws light on how we define ourselves
and how we identify others.” 2 This “we” becomes the most interesting
subject when it travels with an intentional mind, recollects and narrates the
experience with an intention, but especially when it reveals a pronounced
discomfort with the prevailing metonymy—“the Balkans.” Therefore, as it
has always done, travel writing may enforce mutual understanding of
peoples and cultures. More importantly, as we argue in this book, its
generic potentials prove to tend to overcome both the discourse of power
and the discourse of apology.
Tim Youngs, The Cambridge Introduction to Travel Writing (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2013): 189.
Ibid., 1.
1. Introduction
1.1 “I left Europe. I was in the East”
The protagonist of Henry James’s Travelling Companions, Mr.
Brooke, on his Italian travel, finds himself in the Venice Church of St.
Mark’s, and while studying and commenting on its atmosphere of “the age
of a simpler and more awful faith,” he concludes that he had “left Europe;
I was in the East.”1 This remark draws a neat dividing line between the
West and the East, the latter comprising some of the “drawn and indexed”2
elements of the usual representations of the East, especially the Balkans:
evocations of the past, the exotic, the pre-civilized, the untamed and—why
not—“a simpler and more awful faith.” These and many similar views
have been objects of contemporary studies, i.e. of the deconstruction of the
representations of the Balkans as the Other, namely, the preconceptions
often implied in the kind of writing known as travel literature. Moreover,
this intricate and many-faceted form of writing in itself has been an object
of study for literary (and other) analysts who have tried to define it in
terms of a (literary) genre3—a highly demanding task since many of the
respective texts tend to be composites of numerous genres, writing styles,
Henry James, Travelling Companions, 1919: 11. Retrieved from
Cf. Chris Rojek, “Indexing, Dragging and the Social Construction of Tourist
Sights,” in Rojek, C. and Urry, J., eds., Touring Cultures. Transformations of
Travel and Theory (London: Routledge, 2003).
For instance, Vasilisa Aleksandrovna Šačkova, „Putopis kao žanr umetničke
književnosti: Pitanja Teorije,“ Putopis. Časopis za putopisnu književnost, Year 1,
No. 1-2, 2012: 195-202.
16 Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics
2. Analysis
2.1 Travel Writing Is Itself in Motion
Travel writing is by far a much wider concept than a literary structured
travelogue; that is why it is used here as more suitable if we want to
embrace all sorts of texts produced in the last centuries. It comprises, as
said above, a variety that ranges from non-fiction (faction) or factual
reports to fiction or fictional accounts,5 that is, to more or less fabulated
genres.6 In-between are many mixed forms, either leaning towards more
And, likewise, between “personal memoir and ethnography, science and
romance,” Bendixen, A. and Hamera, J. The Cambridge Companion to American
Travel Writing (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009): 2.
It does not, of course, end here. In many analyses of the contemporary forms, the
“fiction“ as situated on the pole of a diverse and rich facto-fictional writing is
approached from avant-garde, modernist and postmodernist traditions. In these
Dragana Mašović 17
context, the traditional form is subverted for the sake of its opening up to self-
conscious and metafictional elements which, in addition to introducing other
innovative (post)modernist elements, turn it into a mode of introspection,
reflection, meditation, philosophical/metaphysical exposition. See, for instance, an
essay on the Serbian avant-garde travelogue (Jaćimović, 2012: 7-15). That is how
the journey has become more inner than “outer,” the soul-searching I-travel
overreaching the (f)actual sights to the point of being locked up in another
solipsistic self, this time a metaphysical outcast of the “real” world.
A. Bendixen and J. Hamera, op. cit., 2.
18 Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics
colouring on the part of the authors, as well as similar readings on the part
of the audience, then and now.
Vidosav Petrović, ed., Niš u delima putopisaca od IV do XX veka (Niš: Punta,
2000), and Vidosav Petrović, ed., Niš in the Travel Writings from the Fourth to the
Twentieth Centuries, translated by D. R. Mašović (Niš: Vidosav Petrović, 2002). In
many ways, in much of its history Niš has been regarded as a “gateway to the
Orient.” This geo-strategic position has made it such an important place for many
people, most of all military strategists, in the well-known turbulent history of the
Though some of them are anonymous or known only from the secondary
sources, the majority of authors, either Serbian (or from former Yugoslav
countries) or foreign, are varied in the professional sense (traders, agents,
politicians, diplomats, adventurers, and the like). A small but ever increasing
number of them includes poets, writers, and intellectuals. A taxonomy would
categorize them as a “military strategist,” or “a spy,” or “a bureaucrat” whose
assignments were to prepare a report on the Balkan regions in terms of their
resources or simply as spoils, or military goals, etc., for interested parties
According to some sources, the name is just a pseudonym because Evliya means
“government official” and Çelebi means “gentleman” (Genealogy).
Dragana Mašović 19
Maria Todorova, Imagining the Balkans (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2009): 80.
The things pointed out here refer only to the part of his travel book describing
Referring to local Serbs as Bulgarians, for instance.
In view of the importance of water in Islam and communities, the water
fountains also enjoy their share of literal and symbolic significance.
Maria Todorova, op. cit., 80.
20 Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics
women. Or, that “men are generous givers and devoted to pleasure”
probably comes from the same tradition. Definitely, his report is written by
someone who considered himself as a norm (and this tendency is to
become more prominent in later times), embodied in a posture of an
imperial gentleman-official. Well-informed and cultivated, he is an
administrator whose intentions, that is, tasks, are controlling his experience
and understanding of the Balkans, the objects and people he is describing
and listing. His sentences are short, compact, and factual. They are to
provide for the audience of his time and later, a much needed view of the
then society. Among other things, enough data is stored about the early
cultural markers, such as the bridge, the fortress, and, in general, people’s
cultural habits. Disregarding “occasional flashes,” this is the most
appreciated aspect of his travel book.
What can be, yet, concluded about the early travel literature using the
Çelebi text is that the distance between him (“us”) and “them” is
considerable, which classifies him as a precursor of what contemporary
theory calls a “stroller” or observer with no close contact or involvement
with the objects of his gaze.17 They remain as Others in his side remarks
and only once (as far as Niš is concerned) do they come closer, in a single
sentence, when referred to as scary haiduks18 (which might be one of rare
references to the enslaved Christians), but no other groups or parts of the
population are mentioned apart from the general “men” and “women” with
no defined ethnic or religious affiliation. Yet, since this was at a time an
Ottoman town, presumably its different layers are subsumed under the
Muslim one or pushed to the (negligible) social margins.
In his analysis of the “stroller,” Bauman compares him to a theatre goer who is
separated by the “fourth wall” from the scene of action: “for a stroll as one goes to
a theatre […] (in the crowd but not of the crowd), taking in those strangers as
‘surfaces’—so that ‘what one sees’ exhausts ‘what they are,’ and above all seeing
and knowing of them episodically […] rehearsing human reality as a series of
episodes, that is events without past and with no consequences […] the fleeting
fragments of other persons.” In its later form, as a paparazzo, the stroller spins off
the fragments into stories at will. However, not only a modern paparazo but old
travel writers also do the same, turning the strangers they see “into actors in the
plays he scripted, without them knowing that they are actors, let alone the plot of
the drama they play” (Eeva Jokinen and Soile Veijola, “The Disoriented Tourist.
The Figuration of the Tourist in Contemporary Cultural Critique,” in Jugoistočna
Srbija, Skull Tower, eds. C. Rojek J. and Urry (2003): 80. Retrieved from
The name is of Hungarian origin, here referring to a member of the medieval
(Serbian) brigand gangs, robbers as well as fighters against the Ottomans.
Dragana Mašović 21
Serbia became independent in 1878. By that time it had already negotiated and
somewhat modified its status within the Ottoman Empire.
The reason for this might be “his persistent taste for wearing many hats: as poet
and politician, philosopher and teacher, landowner and business inventor.” C. W.
Thompson, French Romantic Travel Writing: Chateaubriand to Nerval (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2012): 120.
Obviously, such a decision was a curiosity at that time; it is noted that he was
“the only Romantic writer who chose to return overland from Constantinople to
Vienna.” Ibid.
Cf. Serbia.com. How Serbia Stunned Alfonse de Lamartine.
22 Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics
C.W. Thompson, op. cit., 121.
In this way we can read, for instance, the title of the respective chapter in
Petrović’s book, “The Tower of Skulls: The Foundation of Serbian Independence.”
Obviously, it owes a lot to Lamartine and so do many other similar titles and texts.
Dragana Mašović 23
engraved his name in the Serbian history book, i.e., his literary statement
became part of the history of Southeast Serbia. This time the author is a
lady of sharp wit and sharp tongue who, in her travelling (writer’s) life,
later changed her attitude towards the Serbs blaming them for the onset of
the Great War.25
But, before expressing an open disgust for the raw and primitive people
of the Balkans, most notably the Serbs, she described her visit to Niš in a
less dark-coloured manner. Just in the case of Lamartine, whose unusual
decision to travel overland through the Balkan “wilderness” caused so
much surprise among his contemporaries, the appearance of an English
lady, on her own (hence her narrator’s profile could be “a lonely, brave
and cultivated English lady”), caused a real surprise among the people of
Niš, including the hoteliers. Even more so, since—and this is a moment
also noted by Todorova—it is the first travel report that mentions how well
the native people were acquainted with the prejudice against them in the
Without going into details about the rest of her Serbian (and later
Albanian) adventure (books), in this particular fragment referring to Niš a
new trait appears in the early twentieth century: a dialogue between the
lady and the local people (though more for its anecdotal value). The
distance is shortened and encounters/contacts suggest possibilities of
interaction and communication. Only this time, with the whole stage
dramatized, preconceptions and prejudices are not in flashes but in
The construction of Niš is a matter of careful selection: through
Durham’s eyes, we see a culture in three close-ups: of a fair, a cattle
market, and a cemetery. Highlighted is the cattle, unexpectedly tame (most
surely “brought up together with the family,” as Durham remarks 27 ),
unlike untamed people who, in the heat of the day, eat hot sausages and,
hot-tempered as they are, dance a rather hot dance: kolo. To crown it all,
there is a report on the local people mourning their dead and performing a
memorial service, as Durham remarks, more pagan than Christian, at the
local cemetery.
All in all, the picture of the Niš population, as given by Durham, is that
of the “nation struggling to become the West and to become modern.” But
this is only one side of it, claims Durham, the side it turns to the rest of the
Cf. Maria Todorova, op. cit.
Vidosav Petrović, Niš in the Travel Writings from the Fourth to the Twentieth
Centuries, 235.
A detail often found in the British travel writings about Ireland. The implication
is that people and cattle share the same premises.
24 Earliest Travel Writings about Southeast Serbia and their Characteristics
world from which “it had been cut off for so long.” The other side, says
Durham, can be revealed only after considerable efforts are made to come
upon “something typically Serbian and for this I was not to wait so
long”—for the Serbian religious practice. 28 Obviously, regardless of the
factuality of her account, what comes first is her intention to discover the
“other side” of Serbia for which she knew, a priori, that it was there. In
this case, as well, intention precedes experience, or, in other words,
intention dictates the nature of her experience and understanding of the
local ethos.
This leads to an assumption about travel literature, even in the days
when it was useful and informative: that its authors did not travel without
“luggage.” The main thing they carried from “home” was a sense of
difference, established a priori. It does not arise from perceived varieties
of history, culture, language, etc., but from a preconceived notion about
the countries they are setting out to visit: they had to be different if not
opposite or inferior to their “home” ones. As for the “travelled country,”
apart from the possibilities of being understood as “a rural idyll” or “exotic
and wild East,” there is also another one: that it is understood less as a
specific country with its own ways but more like a deviation from the
norm—the (superior) West.
This attitude can be seen in many other features picked up by Durham
and other travellers. For instance, many descriptions (strangely enough)
start with remarks about women: the ways women in the East dress or
A more sympathetic traveller would try to devote some time to think about the
Orthodox Christian Church and its “more awful traits” in religious worship as,
among other things, signs of devotion to the endangered tradition. Yet, Durham
acts as a norm, judging the rites only on the basis of what she sees thus confirming
the hegemony of the visual in the early travel writings. Thus, her visual experience
and her intention (to prove the other side of the Serbian “pro-European” face)
control her understanding. Namely, she underlines that from the Ottoman invasion
till the 19th century a great majority of these peoples (Macedonians included) were
cut off from the rest of the world and thus deviated from the norm (otherwise, their
worship would have been similar to her “home” ways). That is why their church is
anachronistic, paralyzed in time, much more similar to the church of the 4th or 5th
century than the contemporary one (Catholic or Anglican). She describes how the
Serbs read a funeral service in the cemetery (just as Macedonians slaughtered a
sacrificial lamb on the altar)—both of these acts being equal in terms of their
deviation from the norm. Moreover, she spots beggars in front of the cemetery
gate—just like in England in the 14th century, or five centuries ago. Finally, the
most deviating practice refers to the women loud in their weeping for the dead and
offering not symbolic but literal heaps of food laid out on the graves, as noticed by