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Some Aspects on Technological Design of a

Cam Type Workpiece Using CATIA Software

Article · September 2013


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4 authors:

Calin-Octavian Miclosina Zoltan Korka

Eftimie Murgu University of Resita Eftimie Murgu University of Resita


Vasile Cojocaru Catalin Lorinti

Eftimie Murgu University of Resita 2 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS


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ANUL XX, NR.2, 2013, ISSN 1453 - 7397

Calin-Octavian Miclosina, Zoltan-Iosif Korka, Vasile Cojocaru,

Catalin Lorinti

Some Aspects on Technological Design of a Cam

Type Workpiece Using CATIA Software

The paper presents the geometrical models of cam and of semi-finished

piece, obtained with CATIA software. Two cam technological routes are
shown and the optimal route is chosen. From the technological route,
rough milling operation is simulated with CATIA software. By using dif-
ferent milling parameters, various machining time values are obtained.

Keywords: technological design, rough milling, CATIA.

1. Introduction

In order to machining a workpiece on a numerical control machine tool, a

manufacturing program has to be established. This manufacturing program can be
done manually by the NC machine tool operator or can be achieved as a result of
computer aided technological design, using a specialized software.
In the latter case, the geometrical models of semi-finished piece and of final
piece have to be created [1], [2], [4]. Then, a software module for simulating the
different machining processes and for generating the NC manufacturing code is
used [3].
The machining time could vary, depending on different factors (type of proc-
ess, workpiece material, tool material).

2. Geometrical Models of Semi-Finished Piece and of Final


In order to obtain the geometrical models and to assembling them, CATIA

software is used [5].
The cam profile is obtained with Spline command; the profile curve contains
360 control points, defined on radius, covering 360° with a step of 1°.

The geometrical models of semi-finished piece and of final piece are accom-
plished using Extrude option from Part Design module. The assembly of these
models (fig. 1) is obtained using Assembly Design module.


Final piece

Figure 1. Assembly of semi-finished piece and of final piece.

3. Technological Route

Two variants of technological route are proposed, as shown in table 1.

Table 1. Two variants of technological route

Variant 1 Variant 2
010 – Face rough milling – clamp 1 010 – Face rough milling – clamp 1
020 – Face finish milling – clamp 1 020 – Face finish milling – clamp 1
030 – Face rough milling – clamp 2 030 – Face rough milling – clamp 2
040 – Face finish milling – clamp 2 040 – Face finish milling – clamp 2
050 – Curve following rough milling 050 – Drilling Ø77
060 – Curve following finish milling 060 – Drilling Ø11
070 – Drilling Ø77 070 – Curve following rough milling
080 – Drilling Ø11 080 – Curve following finish milling
090 – Chamfer milling – clamp 1 090 – Chamfer milling – clamp 1
100 – Chamfer milling – clamp 2 100 – Chamfer milling – clamp 2
110 – Final checking 110 – Final checking

By comparing the 2 variants of technological route, it can be observed that in
the former variant, the profile milling with internal clamping is accomplished, then
the drilling is done. By milling the profile first, is difficult to center the cam after-
wards, in order to obtain the Ø77 reaming and the Ø11 holes.
In the latter variant, the Ø77 drilling with clamping on external cylindrical sur-
face is accomplished, maintaining the centering of semi-finished piece. The profile
milling with internal clamping in Ø77 reaming is accomplished afterwards.
Taking into account these centering aspects, the latter variant of technological
route is chosen.

3. Simulation of Rough Milling Operation

From the technological route, curve following rough milling operation is ana-
lyzed (table 1, variant 2, operation 070).
Fig. 2. shows the dimensions of milling tool with 4 teeth.

Figure 2. Dimensions of the end mill tool.

The curve followed by the end mill (fig. 3) is defined in the same way as the
cam profile. On the same radius, the difference between the curve followed by the
end mill and the cam is equal to the tool radius.
The milling time is difficult to be computed for complex profiles; it is provided
automatically by CATIA Machining module as a result of simulation process.

Curve followed
by the end mill
Figure 3. Simulation of rough milling operation.

The relations for milling parameters are as follows [6]:

fn = z ⋅ f z , (1)
vf = n⋅ z ⋅ fz , (2)
π ⋅ Dc ⋅ n
vc = , (3)
where: fn - feed per revolution [mm/rev]; fz - feed per tooth [mm]; z – number of
tool teeth; vf – cutter feed [mm/min]; vc – cutting speed [m/min]; Dc – tool diame-
ter [mm].
The milling parameters are shown in tables 2, 3 and 4, for spindle speed
n = 140, 150 and 160 [rev/min] and for cutting speed vc = 13,19; 14,13 and 15,07
[m/min] respectively.

Table 2. Milling parameters for spindle speed n = 140 [rev/min]

Crt. Feed per tooth Feed per revolution Cutter feed Milling time
no. fz [mm] fn [mm/rev] vf [mm/min] ∆t [s]
1. 0,21 0,84 117,6 329,57
2. 0,23 0,92 128,8 300,91
3. 0,25 1 140 276,84
4. 0,27 1,08 151,2 256,33
5. 0,29 1,16 162,4 238,66

Table 3. Milling parameters for spindle speed n = 150 [rev/min]

Crt. Feed per tooth Feed per revolution Cutter feed Milling time
no. fz [mm] fn [mm/rev] vf [mm/min] ∆t [s]
1. 0,21 0,84 126 307,60
2. 0,23 0,92 138 280,85
3. 0,25 1 150 258,38
4. 0,27 1,08 162 239,24
5. 0,29 1,16 174 222,75
Table 4. Milling parameters for spindle speed n = 160 [rev/min]
Crt. Feed per tooth Feed per revolution Cutter feed Milling time
no. fz [mm] fn [mm/rev] vf [mm/min] ∆t [s]
1. 0,21 0,84 134,4 288,38
2. 0,23 0,92 147,2 263,30
3. 0,25 1 160 242,24
4. 0,27 1,08 172,8 224,29
5. 0,29 1,16 185,6 208,82

The graphical variations of cutter feed and of milling time, depending on feed
per tooth, are presented in fig. 4 and 5.

Figure 4. Cutter feed depending on feed per tooth.

Figure 5. Milling time depending on feed per tooth.

4. Conclusions

The simulation of rough milling operation allows the determination of machi-

ning time of complex profile workpieces.
The increase of feed per tooth with 38,1% (from 0,21 to 0,29 mm/tooth, in
relation to 0,21 mm/tooth) determines the decrease of milling time with 27,6% (in
relation to the value of milling time corresponding to 0,21 mm/tooth) for all values
of spindle speed.
By increasing the feed per tooth, i.e. cutter feed, the productivity increases
but the tool wears significantly.
In order to reach a milling time with an acceptable tool wear, a feed per tooth
of 0,25 [mm/tooth] and a spindle speed of 150 [rev/min] are proposed for this
As further research, a statistical method (e.g. Taguchi method) could be ap-
plied for analyzing machining operations.


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[2] Cojocaru V., Nedelcu D., Micloşină C.-O., The Parametrical Design of
the Parts from the Same Technological Family. Analele UniversităŃii
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[3] Ghionea I.G., CATIA V5. AplicaŃii în inginerie mecanică (CATIA V5. Ap-
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[4] Nedelcu D., Cojocaru V., Micloşină C.-O. The Geometry Optimisation of
a Triple Branch Pipe Using Finite Element Method. Analele UniversităŃii
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[5] Plantenberg K., Introduction to CATIA V5. SDC Publications, 2009.
[6] Popovici Gh., Tehnologia construcŃiilor de maşini (Technology of Ma-
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• Lect. Dr. Eng. Călin-Octavian Micloşină, “Eftimie Murgu” University of

ReşiŃa, Traian Vuia Square, No. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa,
• Lect. Dr. Eng. Zoltan-Iosif Korka, “Eftimie Murgu” University of ReşiŃa,
Traian Vuia Square, No. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa,
• Assist. Dr. Eng. Vasile Cojocaru, “Eftimie Murgu” University of ReşiŃa,
Traian Vuia Square, No. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa,
• Eng. Cătălin LorinŃi, “Eftimie Murgu” University of ReşiŃa, Traian Vuia
Square, No. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa,

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