Preface For BG

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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Srimad Bhagavad
Gita – As It Is
By His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Srila
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Preface
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Preface
About Krishna Consciousness Movement
Genuine, Transcendental
Historically based on
Authorized Teachings of
Movement Bhagavad Gita

Gradually become Original Father of

this movement is
very popular
Lord Krsna
himself, message
Younger coming down in
Generation disciplic succession

Credit goes to Spiritual Master

Personal Credit
Message of Srimad
Bhagavad Gita As
It Is, is presented
without any

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Preface

About Lord Sri Krishna

Krishna is absolute This absolute position of

He is Supreme Krishna & His ie. He is not Krishna is difficult to
Personality of inner spirit is different then his understand if someone is
non-different Names, Forms, not a Devotee in
Qualities, Pastimes Parampara (Disciplic
etc. Succession)
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Preface
Scholars, Politicians, Philosophers and Swami’s writing commentary on Srimad Bhagavad
Gita, without perfect knowledge of Krsna, try to banish or kill Krsna, such unauthorized
commentary is known as Mayavada-bhasya

Lord Caitanya has warned us about these

unauthorized commentaries
CC Mad 6.169
Mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva nasa

“Srila Vyasadeva presented the Vedanta

philosophy for the deliverance of
conditioned souls, but if one hears the
commentary of Sankaracarya, everything
is spoiled.”
Why? Certainly bewildered on the path
of spiritual guidance and will not be able
to go back to home, Back to Godhead.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Preface
Purpose of Srimad Bhagavad Gita As It Is

Guide Conditioned Soul to the KC movement is very essential for human

same purpose for which Krsna society as it defeats the mundane
speculators and make them understand
descends to this planet once in
Krsna’s position and their factual position
day of Brahma (8,600,000,000
as eternal servant of Lord and revive their
Years) eternal relationship. Hence every living
being should hear for their own interest.
This purpose is stated in
Bhagavad Gita & we have to In Kaliyuga people in general think
accept it as it is, otherwise no advancement in material comforts
point in understanding Gita & (sense gratification) will make them
its speaker Krsna happy, they are unaware of the
stringent laws of the material nature
To interpret Bhagavad Gita which is binding them.
without any reference to the
will of Krsna is greatest Instead of satisfying their own material
offence b/c it defeats the whole sense, one has to satisfy the senses of the
purpose. Lord, That is the highest perfection of life.
Lord Krsna wants this & He demands it.
In order save oneself one This is central point of BG and KCM
must understand Sri Krsna as teaches this Theme, on should take help
was directly understood by from KCM & derive the greatest benefit
Arjuna, Krsna’s first disciple of studying Bhagavad Gita As It Is and
& fulfill mission of life become pure devotee of Lord
Compiled by Amritananda das email :
End - Preface

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