Plot Armor
Plot Armor
Plot Armor
truth, and fate. and future, and solidify your character archetype. If, during
the game, you run out of motivations or ideas on how to
To play you’ll need 1d6 (one six sided die), continue, come back to these pieces for inspiration.
and a journal.
Your character is chronicling the episode after it
Your character is the of a 32-episode happened, so use the past tense. This is the case for every
mecha anime. During these 32 episodes, your episode .
will slowly come to realize that reality is
not what it seems. They have plot armor, which is the Once you feel that you’ve covered the episode fully, roll
ability to survive any and all situations they may face due 1d6. Take the result, and add that number to your current
to being the main character of the story. episode number. If you rolled a 4 and you were on
episode 1, you are now on episode 5. If you’re on episode
However, your will, unknowingly, die at 5 and you roll a 6, you are now on episode 11.
the end of episode 32.
Once you know what episode your next journal entry is
about, roll your 1d6 once for each of the following
sections to decide what impossible happening your
went through.
You can choose any setting for your 32-episodes as long
as they contain the following: