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Creators of Seabin (9 Members)

A Research Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
Science, Technology and Society I

Columban College – Barretto 1 Mt Apo, Olongapo, Zambales

October 2018

Project: Seabin

Researcher: Andrew Miguel De Jesus

Rowell James Lacson

Joshua Jan Romero

Bianca Gayle Galinato

Shannen Juacalla

Julius Gonzalvo

Allyssa Caballes

Jan Uriel Gelacio

Jessmmyn Concepcion

Science, Technology and Society Teacher: Mrs.Christine May A. Torres-Reyman

Year and Course: BSCE 1

Date Completed: April 2019


This research paper contains the certain objectives, how our product works, its

mechanisms, its capacity on holding a certain amount of waste in our research and how our

research can help at some places. The sea bins are automated marina rubbish bin that collects

floating rubbish, debris and oil from the water. The major purpose of our research about sea

bins is that sea bins in particular are important when it comes to nature. The main objective of

this product is to solve and prevent ocean pollution problems. It was designed to clean marinas,
ports and yacht clubs, which are perfect place to start cleaning oceans because there is no ocean

swells or storms, and the bin works in a controlled environment. The water pump creates a flow

of water into the bin bringing it all floating rubbish and debris. The debris or rubbish is caught

in a natural fiber catch bag and the water is then sucked out the bottom of the bin and up to the

water pump where it is then pumped back into the marina. The sea bin catches an estimated 1.5

Kgs of floating debris per day including micro plastics up to 2 mm small, the catch bag has a

capacity of 20kg. The sea bin range in glassy conditions is a 50 meter radius; in windy or tidal

conditions expect the range covered to be reduced. The sea bin is located in the water and is

fixed to a floating dock. It runs on power coming from a shore-based water pump, which creates

a flow of water into the bin. The bins are usually placed in the polluted part of the marina, so

there is floating rubbish and debris coming into the bin as well. The debris is caught in a natural

fiber catch bag, while the water is sucked up to the water pump, and then pumped back into the

marina. Worth noting is that fish are safe from being sucked into a sea bin. Sea bin Project

develops innovative upstream solutions for cleaner and more sustainable marinas, ports, rivers,

public waterways and ultimately, oceans. Sea bin technologies have the potential to intercept

mismanaged waste such as macro and micro-plastic debris, and micro fibers before they have

the chance to reach the ocean. Sea bin Project does much more than concentrate on technology.

We acknowledge that using Science, Technology, Education and Community activation is a step

towards a whole solution.


Plastics are a synthetic organic polymer that has been around only for just over a century.

Its characteristics of lightness, durability, strength, relatively low cost of production, and

versatility of use have contributed to its entering all aspects of everyday life. Dumping sewage in

the ocean has always been considered the cheapest and the easiest way of disposing of wastes.

The billions of tons of litter end up in the ocean each year reportedly bring 250 million tons of

trash into the sea every year. However, reports also suggest that littering makes the aquatic life in

the oceans and seas worse in these days.

Seabin is an automated rubbish bin that catches floating rubbish, oil, fuel and detergents.

It designed for floating docks in the water of marinas, ponds, waterways, residential lakes,

harbors, and ports. The Seabin is situated at the water’s surface and is plumbed into a shore

based water pump on the dock. The water gets sucked into the Seabin bringing all floating debris

and floating liquids into the Seabin. It catches all the floating debris inside the Seabin and the

water then flows out through the bottom of the bin and up into the pump on the dock. The water

then flows through the pump where we have the option of installing an oil/water separator and

clean water then flows back into the ocean. This process is constant, operating 24 hours a day, 7

days a week, 365 days a year or can be used occasionally as and when required. There are

advantages of seabin in sea nature. (1) It minimizes the human efforts made to collect the rubbish

from the water bodies around us. (2) Doesn’t need any kind of attention or additional worker

while it works. (3) Minimum energy usage. (4) Keeps the water bodies free of garbage and other

floating and suspended debris. (5) Totally environment friendly and reusable even the catch bag

can be reused till it wears out.

II. Statement of the Problem

This research is guided by the following problems:

1. What are the major purposes and objectives of Seabins in nature?

2. How does the Seabin works and its mechanism?

3. What is the capacity of the Seabin to hold up wastes and its materials to catch up daily by

the Seabin?

4. How does the Seabin project innovative upstream solution to be develop from major

hotspots to help the sustainability of the ocean?

III. Significance of the Study

The research findings of this study will help to contribute about the sustainability issues

of oceans and environment. Seabin Project for ports and marinas usually engage with the mission

to help solve the global problem of ocean plastic pollution and ocean conversation. Due to the

Seabin project, it develops innovative upstream solutions resulting for clearer and more

sustainable marinas, ports, rivers, waterways and the oceans. Seabin Project does much more

than concentrates on technology. This research acknowledges that using Science, Technology,

Education and Community activation is a step towards a whole solution. The study of Seabin

mechanism and its technology can be a learning paradigm in the Engineering and College level

to enhance the student’s knowledge and mechanical skills as well. All contributory factors may

help the students to acquire knowledge about the work of Seabin in the future and also able to

enhance their understanding about how things work inside the Seabin. It may also conduct to a

student’s perspective on how Seabin manages to help sea life.

This research will serve as a helpful tool for the future researchers as it is for the

knowledge and awareness to the threats of waste in oceans. After all, the Seabin project will

become more effective and efficient if the knowledge and understanding are applied in all state.

IV. Scope and Delimitation

The research covers the major purposes and objectives of the Seabin Project in

sustainability of the oceans. The total works and mechanism of the Seabin are also included with

the reason of how it really helps in making the sea clearer. The study also consists of the capacity
of the Seabin to hold up wastes and its materials to catch up daily. It also covers the mechanical

and constructional contents of the Seabin to be able to determine its work and function.

Furthermore, the delimitation of this finding was restricted to the studying other potential

mismanaged waste such as macro and micro-fibers. Marine life and other organisms in the sea

are excluded in study.

V. Materials and Methodology

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data regarding to the

gathered data from the observation of this research. It consists of the tabular form of data that is

connected to the research topic. The method used in gathering the data is through observation. In

this part, data are expressed through quantifying the problem by way of generating numerical

data that can be transformed into usable statistics or simply quantitative approach. The questions

are based on the concepts and to the statement of the problem of the research.

The first question wants to know the major purposes and objectives of Seabins in nature.

The Sea bin is a floating garbage bin which attracts as a trash skimmer and debris interceptor. Its

main purpose is to solve and prevent ocean pollution problems. This device is to clean up dirt,

rubbish and debris that is located in the water. It is developed to maintain the cleanliness of some

parts in the bodies of water.

Trash and

Cleaner ports Sustainability

and marinas of the ocean
The second question wants to know about how Seabin works and its mechanism. The

seabin has very simple structure containing a bin of suitable material, an input port under the bin

through which the water from the water body is sent to the pump. This water inlet is connected to

connecting pipes which connect the inlet to the motor where required processes can be done.

Inside the bin is organic catch bags like a semi permeable membrane which catches all the debris

from the water body and lets only the water pass through it. The water pump creates a flow of

water into the bin bringing with it all floating rubbish and debris. The rubbish/debris is caught in

a natural fibre catch bag and the water is then sucked out the bottom of the bin and up to the

water pump where it is then pumped back into the marina. The motor can be equipped with an

oil-water separator along with other filters as per requirement. The Seabin itself, it uses less

energy than a flat screen TV. It’s only 500 watts, the energy consumption is about 90 cents per

day and you can definitely run it from solar.

The third question wants to know about the capacity of the Seabin to hold up wastes and

its materials to catch up daily. Marine litter enters the ocean mainly from land sources and

arrives either directly or indirectly through human action. While marine litter is one of the most

widespread pollution problems facing the world’s ocean, it is also one for which individual

citizens including students and children can become an immediate part of the solution. A single

seabin can hold up to 20 kilograms of debris and it is advised to be checked twice a day and must

be emptied if needed. The estimated average catch is 1.5 kilograms per day depending on

weather and debris volumes. This equals over half ton of debris per year. The seabin needs to be

cleaned once per month and to be checked regularly. The Seabin catches everything floating in

the water from plastic bottles to paper, oil, fuel and detergent, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,

365 days a year.

The fourth question wants to know about how does the Seabin project innovative

upstream solution to be developing from major hotspots to help the sustainability of the ocean.

Seabin technologies have the potential to intercept mismanaged waste such as plastic debris and

trash before they have the chance to reach the ocean. The marinas and ports are the perfect place

to start helping clean our oceans. The wind and currents are constantly moving the floating

debris around in our oceans and in every ports and marinas there is always some pollution heavy

areas based on the predominant wind and current directions. Therefore it is the perfect place to

start with cleaning. The ports and marinas locations are semi controlled environments with no

major ocean storms and with services and maintenance available regularly. With a

rising production and consumption of plastic, 322 Million Tons in 2015, marinas and ports are

major hotspots where mismanaged litter may enter from land to water.

Ocean Effects

Positive Ports and
Effects Debris

Seabin Others


Based on the findings of the study, the following results and conclusions are drawn:

1. The result from the question regarding major purposes and objectives of Seabin in nature

indicates to solve and prevent ocean pollution problems. It is developed to maintain the

cleanliness of some parts in the bodies of water. Within the help of seabin, it gives a lot of

positive impacts not only in ports and marinas but also in sustainability of the ocean.

2. The water flows into the bin with rubbish goes in with the water. This process is

separating the water and the waste materials. Seabin is catching up rubbish materials while water

goes out from the bottom of the bin and it goes up into the pump. The water from the pump also

includes the process of separating the oil from the water and catching it up; the water suddenly

flows out of the pump and going back to the water. Seabin really helps in cleaning the ports and

marinas because it is less consume of money.

3. The Seabin really helps a lot in cleaning the sea surface. One project seabin can hold up

to 20 kilograms of debris and waste materials. Therefore, if many seabins have installed in every

ports and to marinas; it will become easier, faster, and helpful way to clean the water areas.

4. The marinas and ports are the perfect place to start helping clean our oceans. The wind

and currents are constantly moving the floating debris around in our oceans and in every ports

and marinas there is always some pollution heavy areas based on the predominant wind and

current directions. Therefore it is the perfect place to start with cleaning.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations are


1. The used scheduling and setting up date plans through conducting and finding results will

have a greater effect and well organized gathering condition.

2. The testing or simulating of the project or product to its specific working area to

determine its proficiency will help the research more cumulative with results and findings.

• Ghosh, Sourav. (2017). “SEABIN - An Automated Garbage Collecting Equipment Usable In

Water Bodies.” Retrieved on May 15, 2017 from

• Leonard, Giorgio. (2018). :”Seabin Project’s “Whole Solution” Proposal for Ocean
Conservation and Sustainability” Seabin Project. Retrieved on February 14, 2018 from

• “The Seabin Project.” Inc. 2016 <


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